A fungus that can spoil absolutely any dish: a characteristic of the gall fungus. Gall fungus (gorchak) poisonous or not? What mushrooms taste bitter

Gorchak, or bile fungus, (lat. Tylopilus felleus), the family of cone mushrooms (lat. Strobilomycetaceae). - an inedible type of mushroom. It is not forbidden to eat it, it is not poisonous, but its taste is very bitter. That is why they call him bitter. Moreover, if you cook normal mushrooms and add gall fungus to them, it will spoil the taste of the whole dish, which can no longer be eaten.

General description of gall fungus

Most of all, bitter is similar to boletus, porcini mushroom. But There are also significant differences from the mentioned varieties:

  • the tubular layer has a pink tint;
  • mesh on a brown leg;
  • on the cut, the flesh is pinkish.

Most often, mustard grows in coniferous forests on sandy soil. You can meet him growing singly and in groups. The beginning of the fruiting of mycelium is determined as July-September.

The color of the bitter cap can be from yellowish to brownish. Sometimes she gets chestnut or gray shade. Its diameter is up to 15 centimeters.

Young mushrooms have a hemispherical cap. Then she becomes pillow-shaped. The pulp of the mustard is soft, the leg is up to 3 cm thick. The length of the leg can reach 7 cm, its shape is swollen.

How to distinguish bitterness from white fungus (video)

How to distinguish bitterness, and where it occurs most often

The main twins of the mustard are boletus, boletus. If you don't understand how to tell a mustard mushroom from other mushrooms, look at its scales and stalks. In comparison with boletus mushrooms, it does not have small scales on the skin, and boletus mushrooms have a lighter mesh located on the leg.

Gorchak grows from June to October. It is usually found in Asia, Europe. At the same time, it prefers acidic soils in coniferous, deciduous forests. It can also be found on rotten wood.

Medicinal characteristics

For example, it is tilopilan, which is a P-glucan and an immune response stimulant. It is able to increase the concentration of phagocytosis - a process that enables granulocytes and macrophages to find and fight microorganisms that are foreign to the human body. In 1994, experiments were carried out that made it possible to prove that the gall fungus shows anti-cancer activity. He is also able to cope with a bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes.

Among other things, the fungus also contains N-y-glutamyl-boletin, which has antibacterial activity. In 2004, studies were carried out that showed the high ability of mustard to inhibit the liver lipase enzyme.

Interestingly, earlier in the Volga region bitter was used as a ritual dish. This is symbolic, as its boiled caps are actually very bitter. They symbolize the bitterness of loss from the loss of a loved one. In medicine, bitter gourd is used as a choleretic agent.

Gorchaka features (video)

Is gall mushroom edible?

It is believed that they can destroy the liver. That is why bitter poisoning is not always immediately noticeable. Sometimes its symptoms appear only after a few weeks. This is due to the fact that for the most part, as soon as a person tastes a bitter taste, he spits out the mushroom. But if the bitter was pickled along with porcini mushrooms, you can get poisoned, since in this case both vinegar and seasonings are present in the rolls.

When bitterness, prepared without seasonings, hits the tongue, a characteristic burning sensation occurs. So you can determine that it is he who is in front of you. Another one salient feature which also makes it recognizable is that it is never damaged by pests. Therefore, it looks attractive, but it is still not worth collecting it.

How poisoning manifests itself

As mentioned above, a number of scientists classify bitter bitter as inedible, but not poisonous mushroom. You should not eat it because of the unpleasant bright taste.

Foreign scientists say that you can get a toxic effect from the fungus even through direct contact with it. When taken internally, the substances contained in it penetrate into the liver tissue. In the end, they destroy it.

On the very first day after you have tried the mushroom, you can feel dizzy and some weakness. Then the symptoms may disappear. Then they reappear after a couple of weeks.

After the fungus, there may be problems with the separation of bile, which is why it is called bile. When used in large quantities possible development of cirrhosis of the liver.

Where bitterness grows (video)

So, you can not take the gall fungus in food. It is inedible for humans. Since worms feast on them, and pests bypass it, it is worth considering that it is not suitable for human food. Therefore, it is important to correctly distinguish the fungus from other species so as not to be poisoned by them.

The gall fungus (Latin name tylopilus felleus) is not poisonous and belongs to inedible mushrooms. It is mistakenly mistaken for an edible species. It has a bitter and nasty taste, which is not removed even by heat treatment.

During the period of mushroom picking, you can meet the so-called twins, which can easily confuse an inexperienced mushroom picker. Therefore, when going to the forest with a basket, you must first familiarize yourself with the information on how to distinguish a false mushroom from a real one. Twins have their distinctive features. Knowing them, you can save yourself from possible troubles.

Description and distribution area

The gall fungus is called false white or false boletus. Young individuals have a hemispherical hat of brown or brown color. Over time, it becomes pillow-shaped, acquires a yellow or gray tint. Spores are small, pale pink. The leg has the color of the cap, only lighter, has a dark mesh pattern. At the base is expanded, similar to a tuber.

The flesh is fleshy, white, elastic, without a characteristic mushroom smell, always turns pink on the cut. The taste is bitter, the aftertaste is burning. This explains another name - bitter.

To feel the bitterness of bitterness, it is enough to lightly lick the hat from below.

It grows in coniferous and deciduous forests on sandy soil, but can choose a rotten stump or trunk base. It grows both in groups and alone. Occurs from July to October.

Photo of gall fungus

External differences

Not everyone knows how to distinguish a false white mushroom from a real one, although in fact it is not so difficult to do this. The boletus has a darker cap, its bottom is white, yellow or greenish (the mustard has a pink tubular layer), the mesh pattern of the leg is light (it is dark in the mustard), and the flesh does not change its color. Differences from white are more obvious, the main thing is to be careful when collecting forest mushrooms.

Another vernacular name- false boletus. You can confuse it with a boletus by the color of the cap and the scaly leg. Common boletus has a mushroom smell and does not turn pink when cut.

False white is always very beautiful in appearance, because of its bitterness animals, worms and insects do not eat it.

A certain care will allow you to distinguish false white and false boletus from real ones.

Kira Stoletova

False white fungus, gall fungus or bitter fungus, as it was nicknamed for its very specific taste, looks like an edible white mushroom. They can only be distinguished by taste. Need to know the features false fungus not to be confused with other species.

Characteristic features

The gall fungus has its own bright signs. It lives on acidic soils of coniferous and deciduous forests or on rotten wood.

It grows in many regions of Russia: Samara, Volgograd, Ryazan, on the Crimean Peninsula.

The lower part of the cap of the fruiting body has a pinkish tint, while in a real boletus it is white or yellowish, gradually turning green. A brown mesh on the stem will help to distinguish a false white mushroom. There is a mesh on the leg of the boletus (mesh and bronze), but it is not so dense. But a real porcini mushroom does not have such a mesh.

In porcini mushrooms, the cap is slightly moist, while in the gall fungus, its skin is always dry. The double almost always has a light brown hat, so it is almost indistinguishable from the birch boletus, for which it is also an inedible double.

If the false white fungus looks like a representative edible type, then you can lick the pulp on the cut. Bitterness on the tongue will indicate which species the fruiting body belongs to.

The gall fungus is rarely wormy. Insects and animals bypass it. The fleshy and clean false white fungus has a good smell. Fruit bodies are soaked for a long time, salted, boiled, that is, they do everything possible to improve taste qualities but it takes a lot of time and effort to do so.

Medicinal properties

Conditionally edible species, which include false white mushrooms, contain many useful trace elements in the pulp. They are widely used for the manufacture of medicines and medical cosmetics. Gorchak is used:

  1. As a rich source of protein.
  2. in the diet of diabetic patients.
  3. With symptoms of viral, infectious, tumor and other diseases.

IN folk medicine false white fungus is used as a choleretic agent. Any clinical research confirming this has not been done.

The fruiting body contains a powerful anti-cancer substance that acts on a par with antibiotics used in anticancer therapy. Our ancestors treated malignant neoplasms with a powder made from the bitter pulp of the fungus. Take a pinch of it several times throughout the day.

The recipe for a healing tincture has reached our times. Take crushed bitter pulp and fill it with vodka in a ratio of 1:10. They insist and, if symptoms of the disease appear, drink 30 drops 4 times a day. At the same time, it is mandatory to drink a drink obtained from chaga. Dishes are also prepared from bitter gourd. To neutralize the pungent taste, it is soaked in chilled milk for up to 3 days before cooking.

Gorchak in cooking

The gall mushroom belongs to inedible mushrooms, but they cannot be called poisonous. The strong bitterness contained in the pulp and capable of causing poisoning made them so. But there is a technology that makes inedible porcini mushrooms tasty and safe for health. The pulp must be dried, pre-chopped into small pieces. After that, soup or other dishes are cooked.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

During heat treatment, the inherent bitterness of the false porcini mushroom increases several times. This is what makes the extremely low percentage food poisoning caused by gall fungus. However, if the mustard was accidentally mistaken for white when harvested and ended up in conservation, then poisoning is possible. This can happen due to the presence of vinegar and spices, which smooth out the bitter taste of the mushroom. Once in the body, toxic compounds begin to destroy the liver almost immediately. Poisoning is also very dangerous because the first signs may not appear immediately, but after a few weeks or even a month.

Signs of bitter poisoning:

  1. General weakness: after about a day, dizziness and weakness appear, which soon disappears.
  2. Liver disorders: will begin a few weeks after eating bittersweet and the normal separation of bile will stop. Against this background, cirrhosis of the liver may develop.

Before using mustard for food, you should think carefully - after all, we still do not know a lot about the effects of its toxins on the human body. Therefore, in the forest you need to: carefully study appearance collected mushroom and, in case of doubt, leave it where it was found. And you yourself will be healthier and help nature, because any mushroom, no matter what it is - edible or poisonous - is an integral part of the cycle of substances in nature.


Poisoning with a gall fungus does not carry deadly threat, but the consequences can still be quite unpleasant. Firstly, even prolonged boiling does not eliminate the specific taste. Secondly, the pulp contains toxins that lead to a malfunction of the digestive tract, destroy the tissues of the liver and kidneys. There are cases when the mustard caused mild poisoning and severe digestive disorders - diarrhea and so on.

For cooking and medicinal (cosmetic) preparations, it is desirable to collect young specimens. Firstly, their taste is not so caustic, and secondly, useful substances more. In addition, more toxins accumulate in the "long-livers", the processes of aging and decomposition begin.

It is important to remember that the use of mustard is contraindicated for people prone to diseases of the digestive tract. It is better for such patients to refuse dishes from bitter pulp and eat artificially grown fruiting bodies. They have fewer saturated elements that irritate the digestive organs, cause allergic reactions And so on.

It is undesirable for children to give dishes from mushrooms up to 10-14 years. They contain substances that are difficult to digest, such as chitin, etc. It can not be eaten by all adults, not to mention children. People with chronic diseases are better off switching to safer foods.

Gall fungus (gorchak). false porcini mushroom

Gorchak - inedible double White.

False porcini mushroom (Gorchak, Bile mushroom - Tylopilus felleus)


Gall mushroom - a twin of the edible porcini mushroom grows throughout Russia, it is not poisonous and is eaten only after high-quality processing (note - after high-quality). Otherwise, symptoms of poisoning occur, which does not pose a mortal threat, but causes considerable harm to health.

gall mushroom ( Tylopilus felleus) - This false porcini mushroom, popularly known as mustard, got its nickname due to the bitterness that cannot be removed by any culinary treatments. This inedible fungus belongs to the department of Basidiomycetes, the class Agaricomycetes, the order Boletaceae, the Boletaceae family, the genus Tilopils.

Gall fungus (false white mushroom) - description and photos. What does gall fungus look like?

The diameter of the cap of an inedible gall mushroom varies from 4 to 15 centimeters, in young mushrooms it is hemispherical in shape, and in mature representatives it becomes more rounded and prostrate. The color of the bitter cap has shades from brown-yellow to light brown, more often light colors predominate, reminiscent of the color of porcini mushrooms. The spongy substance of a young fungus has White color but acquires a pinkish tint with age.

The pulp of the gall fungus is fibrous, practically odorless or with characteristic mushroom notes. In shape, the stem of the gall fungus is most often cylindrical, swollen at the base. The height of the legs is from 3 to 13 centimeters, the width is 2-3 centimeters. In the process of ripening, the leg of the false porcini fungus is covered with a dense mesh of small fibers of gray or brown color. The pores of an inedible fungus have a rounded, less often angular shape. The spore powder is pink or pinkish brown in color.

The most main feature- this is that the freshly picked gall fungus at the fracture site immediately begins to darken, acquiring a brown color. It is also worth noting that mustards are very rarely wormy.

How to distinguish a gall mushroom (false white) from an edible white mushroom and from a boletus? Main features

  • The main difference between the false porcini mushroom from the edible porcini and from the boletus is the bitter taste of the mustard. Try to lick a gall mushroom - and you will immediately understand everything. Neither the edible porcini mushroom nor the boletus have even a hint of bitterness.
  • The pulp of the gall fungus darkens when cut and acquires a pinkish-brown color. The pulp of the edible porcini mushroom and boletus does not darken when cut, except for the turning pink boletus, the flesh of which turns pink when broken.

  • Another difference between the false porcini mushroom: its leg has a pattern in the form of a brown mesh. There is no such mesh on the leg of an edible porcini mushroom. The leg of the boletus has white or dark scales, which makes it look like a birch trunk.

The netted and bronze boletus also have a mesh on the stem, but it is not as dense and looks different compared to the inedible gall mushroom.

  • In the false porcini fungus, the tubular layer has a white (in a young fungus) or more often pinkish and dirty pinkish color (in an adult fungus). The tubular layer of this white fungus is white, yellowish or grayish in color.

The tubular substance of the boletus is whitish-grayish, in old mushrooms it can become brown.

Where does gall fungus (false white fungus) grow?

The gall fungus grows in coniferous and deciduous forests in Russia, Europe and America. Forms mycorrhiza with birch, oak, coniferous trees. It begins to appear in early summer and bears fruit until October. False white mushrooms grow mainly on rotten stumps, in tree roots, in groups of 5-15 mushrooms, sometimes singly. In medicine, bile fungus (false white fungus) is used to create drugs with a choleretic effect.

Poisoning with gall fungus (false porcini fungus)

The gall mushroom belongs to inedible mushrooms, but is not poisonous. The pulp of the mustard contains toxic substances, the presence of which explains its name. This bitterness during heat treatment increases several times, so that it is extremely rare for a person to eat a large amount of this mushroom at a time. That is why cases of food poisoning with gall fungus are rare. Most often this happens when the mushrooms were collected by mistake, mistaken for a white mushroom or a boletus and used for conservation. Thanks to the vinegar and various spices used in the recipes, the bitterness is partially masked. Toxic substances contained in the pulp of bile fungi begin to destroy the liver when it enters the human body. Symptoms of bile fungus poisoning do not appear immediately, but only a few weeks or even a month after the use of bitterness.

Symptoms of poisoning with a gall fungus (bitter)

  • On the first day after eating the mushroom, weakness and dizziness appear, which quickly pass.
  • After a few weeks, the toxic substances of bitter gourd affect the liver, disrupting bile secretion. When you receive a large number false white fungus can develop cirrhosis of the liver.

  • Due to the bitterness and toxicity of the gall fungus, neither animals, nor worms, nor insects eat this fungus, so bitter must rarely be wormy.
  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Boletales (Boletales)
  • Family: Boletaceae (Boletaceae)
  • Genus: Tylopilus (Tilopil)
  • View: Tylopilus felleus (Gorchak)
    Other names for mushroom:

Other names:

  • false porcini mushroom

(lat. Tylopilus felleus) - inedible tubular fungus of the genus Tilopil (lat. Tylopilus) of the Bolet family (lat. Boletaceae) due to the bitter taste.


Hat up to 10 cm in ∅, convex, to old age plano-convex, smooth, dry, brownish or brownish.

pulp white, thick, soft, turning pink on the cut, odorless, tastes very bitter. The tubular layer is white at first,
then dirty pink.

Spore powder pink. Spores fusiform, smooth.

Leg up to 7 cm long, from 1 to 3 cm ∅, swollen, creamy-buff, with a dark brown mesh pattern.


Gorchak grows in coniferous forests, mainly on sandy soil, rarely and not abundantly from July to October.


Gorchak is inedible because of the bitter taste. Outwardly similar to . When cooking, the bitterness of this mushroom does not disappear, but rather increases. Some mushroom pickers soak Gorchak in salt water to get rid of bitterness, then cook it.

Scientists agree that eating gall fungus is impossible only because of its unpleasant taste.

Foreign colleagues refute this theory. In the pulp of the gall fungus, toxic substances are released that are quickly absorbed into the human blood during any, even tactile, contacts. These substances penetrate into the liver cells, where they show their destructive effect.

On the first day after the "test on the tongue" during the collection of this mushroom, a person may feel slight dizziness and weakness. In the future, all symptoms disappear. The first signs appear after a few weeks.

Problems begin with the separation of bile. The functioning of the liver is impaired. At high concentrations of toxins, cirrhosis of the liver may develop.

Thus, you yourself can draw the correct conclusion about whether Gorchak can be eaten and whether it is edible for humans. One has only to think about the fact that even forest animals, insects and worms do not try to feast on the attractive pulp of this representative of the mushroom kingdom.

Similar species

Young Gorchak with still unpainted pores can be confused with other mushrooms (,), sometimes he is confused with boletus. It differs from boletus mushrooms by the absence of scales on the stem, from mushrooms by a dark mesh (in mushrooms, the mesh is lighter than the main color of the stem).
