Orthopedist – what does he treat? When should you see a doctor? Children and adults. What does he do? Instructions for visiting

Conducts preventive examinations of children within prescribed periods, has extensive experience in diagnosing and successful conservative treatment of hip dysplasia, clubfoot, congenital muscular torticollis, scoliosis and posture disorders, Perthes disease, Schlatter disease and osteochondropathy of other localizations. Carries out clinical examination of preschoolers and schoolchildren with the aim of timely detection of orthopedic pathology.
Doctor of the highest qualification category.
Education: graduate school (2001), residency, Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (2001); Ivanovo State medical Academy, specialty – pediatrics (1994).
Certificates: traumatology and orthopedics, RMAPO (2014).
Event participant:participated in organizing and conducting congresses and congresses of pediatricians in Russia (2001-2010).
Publications: abstracts in collections of materials from conferences and congresses of pediatricians in Russia; co-author of the article Historical excursion into the problems of child nutrition (2014).
Medical experience- 20 years.


Our child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and we needed a good orthopedic doctor. Having contacted the company "", and on their recommendation, we made an appointment with Dr. Zelenkin. We were late for the appointed time, the girls at the reception warned us that the doctor might not see him, but Ilya

Viktorovich came out to us, calmed us down and told us to wait a little and he would see us. The doctor made a very good impression, he was friendly, polite and a very competent specialist. I had many questions for him, but he answered them very patiently and explained them in detail. The doctor gave us maximum attention and time. During our appointment with Dr. Zelenkin, another doctor, a neurologist, came into the office. I asked him several questions, which he also answered and tried to help. We were more than satisfied with the visit; we have never received such attention in any clinic before. Thank you everyone for your help.

A good orthopedist is a salvation for your spine and joints. But before proceeding directly to therapy, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis. This is easy and simple to do by visiting an orthopedist at the Free Movement Medical Center.

Why is a preliminary consultation necessary?

The list of diseases of the human musculoskeletal system is extremely extensive. But the clinical manifestations of various pathologies can be largely similar. And naturally, effective treatment only possible if the diagnosis is accurately established. Then the specialist fully understands the picture of the disease and develops a clear treatment regimen.

The Free Movement Medical Center offers its patients a free consultation with an orthopedist. This is necessary in order to identify the cause of the symptoms that bother you and decide on further treatment tactics.

In addition, the course and manifestations of the disease vary from patient to patient. This means that the treatment plan must be individual. During a preliminary examination in our clinic, the orthopedic doctor will establish a diagnosis and also prescribe the additional tests you need.

In the case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, self-diagnosis and self-medication are simply unacceptable! Indeed, in case of even the slightest mistake, you will not only not improve your health, but, on the contrary, you can seriously harm your body. This is explained by the fact that different orthopedic diseases, despite the external similarity of symptoms, may have different contraindications to therapy.

The main symptoms indicating that you need to consult an orthopedist:

  • stiffness of movement and difficulty lifting weights, especially in the morning,
  • periodic occurrence of pain in the back, neck or limbs,
  • swelling in the legs by the end of the day, heaviness and pain in the lower limbs,
  • crunching and pain when turning the body or moving the joints,
  • posture disorders,
  • change in joint size, swelling and redness
  • suspicion of developing flat feet.

A free consultation with an orthopedist at the Free Movement medical center is an excellent opportunity to undergo a full examination of your osteoarticular system. A visit to our specialists will allow you to establish a preliminary diagnosis and select the most effective treatment regimen for your case.

Orthopedics is a very broad field of medicine. And if an ophthalmologist deals with vision, a rheumatologist deals with sore joints, and a cardiologist deals with the heart, then an orthopedist is a specialist who deals with problems of the entire musculoskeletal system. Among the organs and systems that are within the competence of this doctor:

Consultation with an orthopedist is required as in childhood in the presence of congenital defects, and in adults, when tissue deformation occurs under the influence of various factors, for example, injuries and various diseases. Most often, this specialist is consulted in the presence of flat feet and clubfoot, curvatures of the foot and spine, dislocations and fractures, arthrosis, arthritis, inflammatory and infectious diseases, tumors and neoplasms. You can find a good doctor if you need a face-to-face consultation with an orthopedist in Moscow.

Ask a question to an orthopedic doctor

Sometimes it is not possible to immediately seek help from a doctor when disturbing symptoms appear. Online consultation will be a real salvation. You can ask an orthopedist about the problems that interest you through our website. Only highly qualified specialists with extensive experience work here, constantly updating their knowledge and skills, and interested in the latest medical innovations in the field of orthopedics.

Here you can ask a question to an adult and pediatric orthopedist, traumatologist, as well as other specialists. And you can do this in just a few mouse clicks. And the answers from orthopedic doctors are prompt and reveal the essence of the problem as fully as possible and offer possible ways to solve them.

The European Diagnostic MRI Center provides the opportunity to undergo consultation and appointment with specialists free of charge in the field of orthopedics based on the results of an MRI examination at the Medical Medical Center.

Galimov Shamil Kamilevich

Orthopedic traumatologist, surgeon, regular participant in international and Russian conferences and congresses. He is a certified doctor in Orthokine therapy, as well as in the field of diagnosing foot deformities with orthotics using the Formthotics system. Galimov Sh.K. graduated from the courses of the Association of Osteosynthesis JSC Trauma Foundation, trained in Italy on courses on the use of hyaluronic acid in orthopedics, participated in the educational seminar “Surgical treatment of fractures of the distal metaepiphysis of the radius”. Galimov Shamil Kamilevich specializes in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteosynthesis.

Slonimsky Alexey Alexandrovich

Chiropractor, traumatologist, orthopedist. Practices different kinds manual therapy and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Conducts the selection of individual treatment and anti-aging programs and rehabilitation in the postoperative period. He is a certified physician in the field of diagnosing foot deformities and orthotics using the Formthotics system. Specializes in kinesio taping techniques.

Skarlygin Oleg Vladimirovich

Traumatologist-orthopedist. Specializes in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system using intra-articular injections of autoplasma and hyaluronic acid preparations. Certified doctor in the field of Orthokine therapy, as well as orthotics using the Formthotics system.

Moroz Kirill Sergeevich

Traumatologist-orthopedist, sports medicine and exercise therapy doctor. Certified Specialist in Sports Medicine and physical culture, orthotics using the Formthotics system. Holder of a KTI kinesiotaping certificate from the school of the creator of the method, Kenzo Kose. Creates an individual exercise therapy program for the fitness room based on the results of DIERS diagnostics.

Ulyanova Daria Gennadievna

Chiropractor. Certified specialist in manual therapy. The sphere of scientific interests of Daria Gennadievna Ulyanova is related to apitherapy and homeopathy.

Orthopedic consultations with German orthopedists

The European Diagnostic Center provides patients with the opportunity to receive advice from renowned German specialists in the field of orthopedics and orthosurgery at a special price

Professor Roland Becker

Professor, Doctor of Medicine. Dr. Roland Becker is a German orthopedic surgeon, specialist in the field of traumatology, arthroscopy and endoprosthetics of the knee and hip joints, as well as sports injuries. He heads the orthopedic clinic in Brandenburg and performs operations at the German Sansouci Clinic (Potsdam). Prof. Becker performs the operations himself high level complications on the cruciate ligament and meniscus. The professor is one of the few doctors specializing in personalized endoprosthetics knee joint. Repeatedly noted by the prestigious German medical magazine Focus among the best doctors in the field of orthopedics. Professor Becker is the chief physician of the European Center for Orthopedics and Pain Therapy.

Professor Walter Strobl

Professor, Doctor of Medicine. Dr. Walter Michael Strobl is an orthosurgeon and pediatric orthopedist, the largest European specialist in the field of pediatric orthopedic disorders and neurological and orthopedic diseases. Professor Strobl carries out diagnostics, surgical and conservative treatment of diseases such as Perthes disease, developmental disorders of the hip joint, limb defects and gait disorders (clubfoot, flatfoot, etc.), scoliosis, kyphosis, spondylolisthesis. Professor V.M. Strobl heads the Clinic for Pediatric and Adolescent Neuroorthopedics in Germany, which treats cerebral palsy and muscle diseases, including congenital neuropathies and arthrogryposis. Professor Strobl has more than ten thousand successfully performed operations.

Professor Mark Tauber

Professor, Doctor of Medicine. Sciences Mark Tauber - orthopedic traumatologist. Professor Mark Tauber specializes in arthroscopy and endoprosthetics of the shoulder and elbow joints. Mark Tauber is the Leading Physician of the Shoulder Center at the ATOS Clinic, Munich, Germany.

Professor Christian Kinest

Doctor med. Sciences Christian Kinest - orthopedic traumatologist. Christian Kinest specializes in foot and ankle surgery. Leading physician at the Foot and Ankle Center (Orthopädie Zentrum Arabellapark), Munich, Germany.

Traumatologist– a surgical doctor who diagnoses and treats fresh injuries and some consequences of traumatic injuries to the musculoskeletal system. Many traumatologists are also qualified as orthopedists; in addition to treating injuries and their consequences, they perform diagnostic and therapeutic measures for diseases of the musculoskeletal system of non-traumatic origin. Some doctors additionally specialize in arthroscopy. Reception of sick children and adolescence carried out by pediatric traumatologists. There are also specialized specialists working in the field of combustiology (burn treatment).

When should you contact a traumatologist?

Consultation with a traumatologist can be primary or repeated. The most common reason for initial admission is a fresh closed traumatic injury (fracture, sprain, hematoma, etc.), in which one or more of the following symptoms are observed: pain, swelling of soft tissues, bruising or bluish discoloration of the skin, deformation and dysfunction of the affected segment. The second place in prevalence is occupied by open injuries: punctures, cuts, lacerations and bruises, less often - gunshot wounds, burns and frostbite.

In all cases of fresh injuries, it is important to consult a traumatologist as early as possible. Early treatment allows you to shorten the period of suffering of the patient, in some cases it makes it possible to prevent complications, including further displacement of fragments, damage to blood vessels, nerves or skin by bone fragments, disturbances of local circulation due to increasing edema, wound infection, etc. Especially An early visit to a traumatologist is important in the presence of an open lesion, since suturing the wound can be done within the first 24 hours (optimally - 12 hours), suturing the tendon - within the first 6 hours. For fresh injuries, consultations with a traumatologist are provided around the clock; no prior appointment or referral to another specialist is required.

For patients with consequences of injuries, an initial consultation with a traumatologist is indicated for pain, limitation of movements, pathological mobility in the area of ​​an old fracture, deformation, shortening or impaired function of the limb, rough scars, non-healing wounds, formation of fistulas in the area of ​​damage and other symptoms. Reception in such cases is usually carried out as planned. The exception is cases when an old injury is complicated by an acute pathological condition(for example, joint blockade for old meniscus damage). Repeated consultations of all patients are carried out on a pre-arranged day and time.

What does a traumatologist treat?

The competence of traumatologists includes injuries of bones and soft tissues, which differ significantly in the location and severity of the damage. If the musculoskeletal system suffers simultaneously with the abdominal organs, traumatologists work together with abdominal surgeons. In case of simultaneous damage to the organs of the thoracic cavity, thoracic surgeons participate in the treatment, along with traumatologists; in case of damage to the brain and spinal cord, nerve trunks - neurosurgeons; in case of violations of the integrity of large vessels - vascular surgeons. You can select the following groups pathologies that require consultation with a traumatologist:

  • Fractures. Injuries involving violation of the integrity of the bones of the limbs, pelvis, spine, ribs, sternum, and shoulder girdle. They can be closed, primary or secondary open, with displacement, without displacement, linear, helical, splintered, etc.
  • Closed injuries of soft tissue structures. Sprains, tears and ruptures of ligaments (usually the knee and ankle joints), muscle ruptures (usually the hip or shoulder), bruises and hematomas.
  • Open wounds. They can be bruised, torn, punctured, cut or gunshot (bullets, shot, fragments), accompanied or not accompanied by the penetration of foreign bodies, violation of the integrity of muscles, tendons, blood vessels, nerves, joint capsules.
  • Local thermal lesions. Frostbite and burns of varying severity from local and superficial with preservation of the viability of the underlying tissues to deep and extensive, complicated by the formation of necrosis.
  • Compression syndromes. Positional compression syndrome, which occurs when a part of the body is compressed for a long time by a foreign object or another part of the body, and myofascial compartment syndrome, which develops when the pressure in the fascial sheath increases.
  • Consequences of injuries. False joints, contractures, stiffness, various types of deformations, post-traumatic osteomyelitis, functional disorders (limitation or impossibility of support and walking, hand grip functions, etc.) due to the reasons listed above, violation of the integrity of the tendon or nerve.

In addition, traumatologists, independently or in collaboration with doctors of other specialties, provide assistance with general hypothermia or overheating, compression sickness and some other conditions caused by external causes. Fractures of the skull bones are not included in the scope of activity of traumatologists - they are treated by neurosurgeons and maxillofacial surgeons. In case of damage chest The decision on management by one or another specialist is made taking into account the severity of the injury. Treatment of closed rib fractures complicated by lung rupture with pneumo- or hemothorax is carried out by traumatologists. If there are penetrating wounds or areas of crushing of the lung tissue that require surgical intervention on the OGK, the patient is referred to thoracic surgeons.

How to prepare for your appointment?

Patients with recent injuries do not require special preparation for consultation. If circumstances permit, you should take a shower. It is recommended to choose loose clothing that can be easily removed without additional trauma to the affected segment. If there are signs of severe damage (excessive bleeding, crunching and pathological bone mobility, disturbances in consciousness and general condition), the best option would be to deliver the patient to a medical facility directly from the scene of the incident. To consult a traumatologist about the consequences of an injury, it is necessary to prepare all available medical documentation (radiographs with descriptions, printouts of CT and MRI results, extracts from medical records, doctor’s reports).

How is an appointment with a traumatologist?

A consultation with a specialist begins with a conversation with the patient. Then the doctor conducts an external examination, issues a referral for diagnostic procedures, gets acquainted with the results of the studies, and carries out various therapeutic measures. In general, consultation with a traumatologist can be divided into the following stages:

  • Survey. The doctor investigates the complaints. The nature of the damage is largely determined by the mechanism of injury, so the specialist clarifies the circumstances (road accident, fall from a height, twisted leg, fall with emphasis on the arm, etc.). Another important factor is the duration of the injury, since the specific clinical picture and the list of possible treatment measures depend on the time since the incident.
  • Inspection. To identify significant blood loss, early stages of traumatic shock, alcohol or drug intoxication, the traumatologist evaluates appearance the patient, paying attention to the color of the skin, breathing, ability to make productive contact, state of consciousness. Then the doctor proceeds to a local examination, during which he identifies a forced posture, changes in the color and configuration of the damaged area, limitation or impossibility of active and passive movements, and support on the limb. For closed injuries, the specialist performs palpation and performs special tests according to indications. If open, examines the wound.
  • Purpose of diagnostic procedures. The basic study in traumatology is radiography, which is performed for most closed injuries, as well as for open injuries with suspected foreign body or violation of the integrity of bone structures. Typically, images are taken immediately after the consultation, and then the patient returns to the doctor's office. Ultrasound, CT, MRI and other diagnostic procedures, as a rule, are prescribed when radiography is insufficiently informative, carried out as planned, after which the patient comes for a second appointment.
  • Carrying out therapeutic measures. The treatment algorithm depends on the type of injury established through a survey, examination and additional research data, and may include closed and open procedures: fracture reposition, reduction of dislocation, application of a plaster cast, joint puncture, wound suturing, opening of a hematoma, removal foreign body. The duration of a consultation with a traumatologist varies greatly and depends on the scope of treatment procedures.

If the severity of the injury does not allow treatment on an outpatient basis, the patient is sent to a hospital. For fresh injuries, hospitalization is carried out as an emergency, for consequences of injuries - as planned. In accordance with clinical protocols, treatment of superficial wounds, sprains and tears of ligaments, uncomplicated dislocations (except for hip dislocation), fractures of the distal extremities (hand, foot, radius in a typical place, ankles) without displacement or with easily reversible displacement is carried out on an outpatient basis consultations. For extensive and deep wounds with damage to muscles, nerves, tendons and joint capsules, all fractures of the proximal parts of the extremities, complicated dislocations, difficult to reduce fractures of the peripheral parts and chronic injuries, hospitalization is required.
