Works. When was Tatyana Larina born? When was Eugene Onegin born?

Nanny and family of Tatyana Larina. Quote characteristic
a brief description of
Tatyana Larina's family plays an important role in Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin".
Eugene Onegin arrives at his uncle's village. Here Onegin meets his neighbors on the estate - Vladimir Lensky and the Larin family.
The family members of Tatyana Larina are the following heroes: the late father Dmitry Larin, mother Polina (Praskovya) Larina, sister Olga Larina, nanny Filipyevna.
Tatyana Larina's father is Dmitry Larin. Tatyana's father probably died a few years ago (before the Larins met Onegin). It is known that Mr. Larin died when he was an elderly man: "... And so they both grew old. / And finally opened / Before the spouse the door of the coffin ..."
Dmitry Larin was kind person and a good gentleman for his serfs: "...Her father was a kind fellow, / Belated in the past century..." "...He was a simple and kind gentleman... A humble sinner, Dmitry Larin..."
According to the author, Dmitry Larin was reasonable person: "... A reasonable husband left soon / To his village ..."
Mr. Larin was once a foreman (military rank of the 5th class): "... the Lord's servant and foreman ..."
Dmitry Larin loved his wife very much and believed her in everything: "... But her husband loved her heartily, / He did not enter into her undertakings, / He believed her carelessly in everything ..."
Tatyana Larina's mother is Polina (Praskovya) Larina. Her name is Pachette (Pashenka), that is, Polina, or Praskovya: "..."Princess, mon ange!" - "Pachette!" - "-Alina"!..."
In her youth, Tatyana's mother was in love with a sergeant. But she was given in marriage to Dmitry Larin, Tatiana's future father: "... But, without asking her advice, / They took the girl to the crown ..." Mrs. Larina at first did not love her husband (Dmitry Larin) and even wanted to divorce him: "... I was torn and cried at first, / I almost divorced my husband ..." However, over time, their life improved.
Mrs. Larina learned to manage her good husband and lived happily: "... I discovered the secret of how to manage / Autocratically manage, / And then everything went to become ..."
Onegin meets the Larins when Tatyana's mother is no longer a young woman, an "old woman": "... Larina is simple, / But a very sweet old woman ..."
Tatyana Larina's sister is Olga Larina. Unlike Tatyana, Olga is always cheerful: "... Always as cheerful as morning ..."
Nanny of Tatyana Larina - Filipievna. This is a kind of old peasant woman: "... Filipyevna is already gray-haired / Brings tea on a tray ..." "... With a gray-haired scarf on her head, / An old woman in a long jacket ..."
Nanny Filipyevna got married as a girl - at the age of 13 (she tells Tanya about this in one of her conversations): "... My Vanya / Was younger than me, my light, / And I was thirteen years old ..." She did not marry for love, like many peasant women who were forced to marry: "... In these years / We have not heard about love ..."
Princess Alina and Moscow relatives. Princess Alina is the cousin (cousin) of old Larina, that is, Tatyana Larina's cousin. It is with this aunt that the Larinas stop in Moscow when they come to the "brides' fair": "... To the old aunt, / For the fourth year sick in consumption, / They have arrived now ..."
Arriving in Moscow. Tatyana and her mother visit their numerous relatives in Moscow. Relatives remember Tatyana as a child: "... And at family dinners / They deliver Tanya every day / Introduce to grandparents ..." "... Relatives, who arrived from afar, / Everywhere an affectionate meeting..." her mother)
Vladimir Lensky. One of the members of the Larin family can be considered Vladimir Lensky. Vladimir has known the Larins since childhood. As a child, he played with little Olga and sat on the lap of the Larins' father: "... He held me in his arms. How often in childhood I played / His Ochakov medal!..." (about the Larins' father)

Drawing in his novel the image of a simple Russian girl, not very beautiful, with a common name, the poet does not at all embellish or idealize her both in characterizing her mental disposition and in depicting her behavior. Tatyana grows up in a family as a lonely girl who does not like to play with her friends, for the most part she is immersed in herself, in her experiences:

She is in her family
Seemed like a stranger girl.
About people, about life, she used to judge by the novels she read:
She liked novels early on;
They replaced everything.
In them, she was looking for correspondences to her experiences and therefore:
She fell in love with deceptions
Both Richardson and Rousseau.
Tatyana thus created in her imagination the image of her beloved, unlike the others, mysterious. This is exactly what Onegin appeared in her eyes.
Tatyana is close to Russian nature:
She loved on the balcony
Warn dawn dawn
When in the pale sky
Stars disappears round dance.

The attitude to nature helps to reveal the character of the heroine more deeply. By nature, she is gifted:
rebellious imagination,
Mind and will alive,
And wayward head
And with a fiery and tender heart.

This makes her stand out among the landowners and secular society. Tatyana dreamed of a man who would bring meaning and high content to her life, but love brought Tatyana only disappointment and suffering. Being a "legislator of halls" in St. Petersburg, she retained her spontaneity and sincerity. So, she declares to Onegin:

Now I'm happy to give
All this rags of masquerade
All this brilliance, and noise, and fumes
For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,
For our poor home.

Tatyana's spiritual qualities are revealed even deeper in the scene of the last meeting with Onegin: fidelity to duty prevails over her feelings:

I got married. You must,
I ask you to leave me;
I know that there is in your heart
And pride, and direct honor.
I love you (why lie?),
But I am given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever.

The images of Olga and mother Tatyana Larina are also typical. The author's attitude towards them is ambivalent. On the one hand, the Larin family, where leading role mother played, hospitable, simple, hospitable, hospitable, on the other - mother Larina - a serf, "who discovered the secret of how to rule her husband autocratically", and Olga quickly forgets the murdered Lensky, having married a passing lancer.

Tatyana's mother went through the typical path of a girl of her time: from a secular girl to the wife of a village landowner. She was given in marriage "without asking her advice." She was “torn and cried at first”, then “took up the household”, got used to it and “became satisfied”:
Habit soothed grief.
She led the life of a typical Russian lady:

Shaved foreheads,
I went to the bathhouse on Saturdays
The maids beat angry -
All this without asking the husband.

But at the same time, she is the keeper of the "habits of dear old times", so dear to the author:
They have oily Shrovetide
There were Russian pancakes;
They ate twice a year.

Also, with a certain degree of irony, the image of Olga is inscribed. Pushkin paints a portrait of a beauty:
Always as cheerful as the morning
How simple is the life of a poet,
Like a kiss of love is sweet;
Eyes like the sky, blue
Smile, linen curls,
Movement, voice, light camp,
All in Olga...

But at the same time, the author emphasizes the typicality of her image and expresses her attitude towards it in this way:
...but any novel
Take it and find it, right
Her portrait: he is very nice;
I used to love him myself
But he bored me to no end.

“I didn’t cry for a long time” Olga after the death of Lensky. The author condemns this inconstancy of Olga:

Alas! bride young
Unfaithful to your sorrow.
Another caught her attention...
Ulan knew how to capture her.

The novel also contains images of other representatives of the fair sex: the daughters of provincial landowners, who "were read for a half-Russian neighbor." The Moscow "fair fair of brides" is also satirically depicted. Of particular note is the image of the nanny Filipyevna, who played a big role in shaping Tatyana's spiritual world.
Female images play a large role in the novel. They help to reveal more deeply the images of Onegin and Lensky, the author, who is also a full-fledged hero of the novel. In addition, female images have a completely independent meaning. They complete "the picture of Russian society, taken at one of the most interesting moments of its development."

Tatyana is not the only one female character in the novel, but thanks to the strength and depth of her nature, this image comes to the fore in the work and the whole system is built around it female images. In contrasting and comparing Tatyana with her mother, sister, Moscow Princess Alina and the nanny, two main themes and antitheses of the novel are revealed: "National and European", "City and Village". For the formation of such a character as Tatyana Larina, the influence of the family is not enough. To do this, the basis of a person must be distinguished by exceptional, individual qualities. And this is emphasized by the author, introducing another female image - Tatyana's sister Olga.

Always humble, always obedient,
Always as cheerful as the morning
How simple is the life of a poet,
Like a kiss of love sweet ... -

such is the easy nature of sister Tatyana. Olga is natural and “frisky”, but on the whole she is too ordinary and superficial: she favorably accepts Lensky’s courtship, but at the same time, without hesitation, she flirts with Onegin, which subsequently leads to the death of her fiancé, whom she mourns for a very short time:

Another caught her attention
Another managed her suffering
To lull with love flattery,
Ulan knew how to capture her
Ulan loved her with his soul...

And even when she "loves", all her love is expressed in a smile. “Encouraged by Olga's smile,” is the only thing that allows Lensky to feel Olga's reciprocal love. Her commonness and mediocrity is emphasized by the portrait:

Eyes as blue as the sky;
Smile, linen curls,
Movement, voice, light step ...

Tatyana is completely opposed to Olga, by comparing the two sisters in the novel, the poet emphasizes the depth of Tatyana's character, her eccentricity and seriousness. Comparing her with the nanny and analyzing their relationship shows their spiritual closeness, the closeness of a noblewoman and a peasant woman, but at the same time points to their differences.
Tatyana tries to talk to the nanny as with the person closest to her about her love, about feelings, but the nanny simply does not understand her. On the one hand, this is evidence of Tatyana's excessive passion for romantic dreams. But on the other hand, their dialogue demonstrates the difference between the nobility and the peasantry in general.

As researcher Yu.M. Lotman in the comments to the novel, Tatyana and the nanny put a fundamentally different meaning into the word "love": for Tatyana this is a high romantic feeling, and for a simple peasant woman it is a sinful love for a man.
The juxtaposition of female images plays an important role not only in describing the characters of the characters, but also in revealing the important themes of the novel: "City and Village", "National and European". This goal is achieved through explicit and hidden oppositions of characters. This is how Tatyana and Olga are compared. Tatyana is undoubtedly a national heroine. She is “Russian in soul”, as Pushkin puts it; loves the nature of Russia, its traditions and folklore. Olga has nothing to do with national theme in the novel. Although indirectly, the author emphasizes her “foreignness”: she has a “county young lady’s album” in the French manner, her fiancé is a young man cut off from reality, who studied in Germany and was considered a “half-Russian neighbor” in the village. She is indifferent to nature, and not a word is said about her attitude to the common people, although it is obvious that she was also brought up by a nanny.

The mother of the Larin sisters is also opposed to herself, only to a young, Moscow young lady, and clearly not in favor of the latter. To judge the author's position on the question of what is better: national or European, one can judge by the poet's assessment of individual characters. Tatyana is his "sweet ideal", and her mother is much happier being a Russian landowner than if she had remained in the village as a "Moscow young lady".
The image of Tatyana's mother also works to reveal the theme "City and Village". In the village of Praskovya, Larina has a family, takes care of the household, and her Moscow cousin Alina, who has not changed a bit (when they meet, the latter almost immediately begins to talk about a mutual friend long forgotten by Larina), apparently has no family and, moreover, his business, which clearly does not speak in favor of a city dweller.

The same idea is confirmed when comparing Tatiana and Moscow young ladies, Tatiana and St. Petersburg beauties. Tatyana, with her reading of books, love of nature and seriousness of character, seems to be an order of magnitude higher than the inhabitants of the capital, even as brilliant as Nina Voronskaya's Cleopatra of the Neva. What to say about Moscow girls who are only busy with what

believe in a singsong voice
Secrets of the heart, secrets of virgins,
Aliens and their own victories,
Hopes, pranks, dreams.

But still, it is impossible to categorically judge what is better or worse for Pushkin, since the system of female images is only one of the tools for expressing the author's thought, and "Eugene Onegin" is a multifaceted, complex and ambiguous work.

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin placed a strong female image in the center, concentrating on it the solution of the main moral and philosophical tasks, and endowed his heroine with national, Russian features. The poet's innovation had a huge impact on the literature of the entire 19th century and laid the foundation for the tradition of realism in Russia, determined the features of the creation of female images and their specific role in the works of subsequent Russian writers. And of course, one can only agree with the words of Belinsky, who said: “Almost the entire feat of the poet is that he was the first to poetically reproduce a Russian woman in the face of Tatyana.”

Sometimes the school curriculum in Russian literature surprises. In the 9th grade, they study "Eugene Onegin"! Or, most likely, they pass to forget and never return. Indeed, what could be further from the interests of modern schoolchildren than life young man, a nobleman of the early 19th century?

True, Pushkin's hero was only 25 years old, but to a 9th grade student, he seems like a rather adult guy. In any case, the life and problems of this inhabitant of the 19th century are of little interest to a fifteen-year-old ninth grader living his life in the 21st century. Two hundred years later!

Of course, beautiful, sonorous verses can charm. Written so freely that it doesn't even feel like poetry. Written mostly about women. About breasts, about legs, about cheeks. These lanites can excite some ardent children to such an extent that they are not too lazy to go on the Internet and ask the omniscient Google what it is. Google will answer: nothing special, just cheeks. And yes, the indecent-sounding word "barrel" is also only a multi-pipe flute (also called "Pan's flute").

However, if a young man of our century knows how to use the Internet, he will find in "Eugene Onegin" a lot of mysteries that will surely baffle the teacher. What a thrill! And by the way, if this ninth grader is a little more adept at logical reasoning, he can easily find answers to his questions. And if at the same time he does not enjoy too much his superiority over the teacher (note, imaginary, because the teacher can ask questions to the great Google, but he still knows more), then the five for penetrating into the material of Pushkin's novel in verse will be a boy or the girl is provided.

Note that in order to answer such questions, it is necessary to know the text of "Eugene Onegin" well. Therefore, just a quarter of a century ago, only an experienced Pushkinist could give the correct answer to them. Now, even a schoolboy armed with such a powerful weapon as a search site can do it. At the same time, the student does not even assume the full power of the weapon he uses. So answering the questions below will be useful even for a ninth grader.

Well, let's move on to the questions, shall we?

1. What is the middle name of Tatyana Larina?

This question is one of those, for the answer to which one should carefully read the text of Pushkin's novel. The answer is found in chapter two, in verse XXXVI, where Pushkin describes the grave of Tatyana's father.

He was a simple and kind gentleman,
And where his ashes lie,
The headstone reads:
Humble sinner, Dmitry Larin,
Lord's servant and foreman,
Sim eats the world under the stone.

So the main character of the novel is Tatyana Dmitrievna Larina. By the way, her father left the army not in small ranks. Brigadiers were in the army Russian Empire during the reign of Catherine II. This rank was between major and colonel. That is, speaking in our language, Tatyana's father was a lieutenant colonel. Those who wish can refer to any article on the "Table of Ranks" to find out at what age an officer could usually receive such a rank and thereby determine the age at which Dmitry Larin retired and married Tatyana's mother. He, of course, was older than the girl in love with her peer.

This Grandison was a glorious dandy,
Player and Guard Sgt.

Why a peer? You can consider this an additional question for the smart and curious. A little hint: you should find out at what age a young man could be a guard sergeant. An additional bonus is given to those who still remember that the first chapter of The Captain's Daughter is called "Sergeant of the Guard", and her hero, young Petrusha Grinev, was just in this rank.

2. What was the name of Tatyana Larina's mother?

The answer is also found in only one place in the novel, in chapter seven, in verse XLI. Mother brought Tatyana to Moscow, "to the fair of brides" (note, not "to the fair"), and decided to stay with her cousin. And here is the meeting, exclamations, delights and gossip:

- Princess, mon ange! - "Pachette!" - Alina!

Alina is the name of the mother's cousin, Tatyana's aunt. "Pachette!" can be translated from French as "Pashenka". And "Pasha" is an affectionate derivative of three Russians female names, Polina, Praskovya or Pelageya. One of these names is the name of Tatyana's mother.

3. When was Tatyana Dmitrievna Larina born?

One of the important episodes of the novel is Tatyana's name day. St. Tatiana's Day ("Tatiana's Day") is January 12 in the old style or January 24 in the new one.

The novel is set in the 1820s. Is it possible to find out exactly what year? Yes, you can with the help of a small literary-calendar study. Here it is quite possible to rely on the text of the novel, for Pushkin claimed that its action is calculated according to the calendar. In the fourth chapter, in verse XLIX, Lensky says to Onegin:

- Yes, Tatyana's name day
On Saturday.

In the 1820s, St. Tatiana's day fell on a Saturday only in 1824. How old is Tatyana this year? Pushkin writes to Vyazemsky on November 29, 1824 about the key episode of his novel: "... a letter from a woman, moreover, 17 years old, moreover, in love!" Tatyana wrote a letter in the summer of 1823 the previous year. When explaining to Onegin about this letter, a song of girls picking berries plays in the background. This episode is also voiced in the opera.

So, in 1823, Tatyana Larina was already 17 years old. Consequently, on January 12, 1824, her 18th birthday was celebrated. Simple arithmetic leads to the exact conclusion: Tatyana Larina was born on January 12 (24), 1806. On January 24 this year, she turned 260 years old!

4. When was Eugene Onegin born?

Well, everything is already easier here. Eugene Onegin killed Vladimir Lensky in the winter of 1824 at the age of 26.

Killing a friend in a duel
Having lived without a goal, without labor
Until the age of twenty-six
(Chapter 8, verse XIII)

So, Onegin was born in 1798. That is, he is a year older than Pushkin. They could well be friends, which is written in the first chapter. Actually, the action of the novel, Onegin's entry into the world, begins when he was 17 years old, that is, in 1815.

Isn't it true that quite a lot of information can be gleaned from the Encyclopedia of Russian Life? Who called the novel in verse A.S. Pushkin? With this question - welcome to Google. He will say.

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The name of Zinaida Ilyinichna Levina is little known and does not mean anything to the modern layman. But in many respects thanks to this amazing woman, two bright stars domestic cinema. The whole country admired the husband of Zinaida Ilyinichna - the actor Yevgeny Samoilov. The whole world applauded her daughter - Tatyana Samoilova.

Zinochka Levina

Zina Levina was born into an intelligent St. Petersburg family of Polish Jews in 1914. She grew up in an atmosphere of love, parental support and high ideals. Zina received an excellent upbringing and education. In 1934, the girl graduated from the Leningrad Electromechanical Institute and received the profession of engineer. Zinochka Levina was a charming, cheerful and talented girl. She played the piano beautifully and subtly felt the art.

Probably, the meeting with Yevgeny Samoilov was predetermined by fate itself. She was only eighteen years old when, on vacation in a sanatorium, Zina saw a young handsome actor who read poetry. The young man, in turn, immediately noticed in a crowded hall beautiful girl, and further performance was devoted only to her. romantic story dating ended with a quick wedding. From that moment on, the biography and personal life of Zinaida Ilyinichna Levina became part of the success of the great Russian actor Samoilov. Zinaida and Eugene got married in a very young age and lived together all their lives.

Owner of a cozy house

After working as an engineer for a short time, Zinaida Ilyinichna Levina left her job and devoted herself to her husband and children. For some time the family lived in Leningrad, then moved to Moscow.

It was the Moscow house of the Samoilov-Levins that became a favorite meeting place for famous artists. The most famous and famous actors, poets, writers have been here. And the owner of the house was always on top. In a few photos, Zinaida Ilyinichna Levina looks like a real beauty. She was an excellent pianist and versed in art. The amazing needlewoman Zinaida Ilyinichna knew how to lay amazing tables, which the guests later remembered for a long time. At the same time, the atmosphere of warmth, friendliness and joy was always present in the house. Having endured the hardships of war and blockade, Zinaida Ilyinichna Levina retained an incredible love for life and people.

Husband is a star

Evgeny Valerianovich Samoilov in his youth was fond of painting and seriously thought about becoming an artist. But fate decreed otherwise. Agreeing to go with a friend for company to audition for a theater studio, he was among the students. Samoilov's acting career has developed very happily. He worked with such great masters as L. Vivien, V. Meyerhold. It was because of Samoilov's transition to the actor's family that she moved to Moscow. Vsevolod Meyerhold became Evgeny Samoilov's teacher, director, mentor and friend.

Evgeny Valerianovich played many brilliant roles in the theater. No less loved the handsome actor and cinema. He has appeared in over fifty films. In the cinema, Samoilov was remembered by the viewer, first of all, as a romantic and noble hero. Evgeny Samoilov - People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Stalin Prize, winner of many state awards and prizes. Evgeny Valerianovich entered the golden fund of Russian cinema.

In a happy career as an actor, his wife Zinaida Ilyinichna played a huge role. As the artist himself said, without her there would be nothing at all. He called his wife his talisman.

Zinaida Ilyinichna Levina: children

Married to Yevgeny Samoilov, Zinaida Ilyinichna gave birth to two children. Daughter Tatiana was born in 1934, in 1945 son Alexei was born. Zinaida Levina was a very caring and loving mother. Alexei recalled that when adolescence he was stabbed in a street fight, his mother immediately called to ask if he was all right. The mother's heart felt trouble in the distance. At the same time, she was an amazingly wise and tactful woman. A funny case is known concerning Tatyana Samoilova.

Tatyana was going to become the wife of the famous journalist Solomon Shulman. But in the artistic environment, no one really knew anything. There were rumors that Samoilov was marrying director Kalatozov, who was twice as old as the actress. When the rumors reached Zinaida Ilyinichna, she sent a telegram to her daughter with the following content: "It's okay that he is much older, but he is a good person." Tatyana Samoilova herself was strongly attached to her mother and loved her very much.


Zinaida Ilyinichna Levina is the mother of Tatyana Samoilova, whose photo in Soviet time adorned all newspapers and magazines. She was very proud of her daughter. Actress Samoilova was incredibly beautiful and unusually talented. Like her father, Tatyana was gifted all-round. As a child, she seriously studied ballet, and Maya Plisetskaya herself suggested that she continue her career as a ballerina.

But Tatyana chose the acting profession. She grew up in a bohemian environment and entered the world of art easily and naturally. She was waiting for world fame and complete oblivion, great roles and personal tragedies. World fame Tatyana Samoilova brought the painting "The Cranes Are Flying". Her Veronica captivated the audience with her piercing, sincerity and passion. The film received the "Palme d'Or" and Samoilova was awarded a diploma for the best female role. She was invited to Hollywood. The most eminent directors, actors, artists and politicians were looking for a meeting with her. Samoilova was indeed a world-famous actress. But life decreed differently, much more prosaic and tragic.


Born in 1945. Eleven years younger than his sister, he adored her as a child. She also loved her younger brother. And how could it be otherwise in such a loving and friendly family. Alexey also became an actor. At first he served in Sovremennik, then he devoted thirty years to the Maly Theater.

He devoted his whole life to the theater, but he did not achieve such fame as his father and star sister had. Perhaps this left an imprint on the relationship with Tatyana. They cooled off noticeably. In frequent interviews, Alexei's favorite topic was his sister's nervous illness. Tatyana Evgenievna did not remain in debt. In one of the interviews, she said that she generally regrets that she has a brother, and is sure that Alexey envied her all her life. Although after the death of the great actress, Alexey said that he always considered his sister a very close person.

The tragedy of a great actress

Tatyana Samoilova lived a long life. In her youth, she was destined to experience great fame, great love of the audience and world recognition. She was exceptionally talented. According to many viewers and art professionals, the famous Samoylov image of Anna Karenina has become a classic; after her, not a single actress has managed to play Anna like that until now. Unfortunately, the Soviet system broke, trampled on the star's career.

When Samoilova, after the film "The Cranes Are Flying," began to be invited to shoot in Hollywood, the Soviet government decided that it could not allow the national heritage to cooperate with enemies. But in home country there was no place in the cinema for the property either. Years of inactivity, oblivion had a detrimental effect on the health of the actress. Only at the end of her life they remembered Tatyana Samoilova, they started talking again, she even starred in several roles. But it was too late, life had passed.

The personal life of the great actress was also not uncloudedly happy. Four marriages, abortions, the departure of the only beloved son to America. Only loneliness, poverty and memories remained. A striking resemblance can be seen in recent photos Samoilova with Zinaida Ilinichnaya Levina, her beloved mother. Tatyana Evgenievna passed away at the same age as her mother. At eighty years old.

Memories of friends

Although Zinaida Ilyinichna Levina (Samoilova) was never public person, in the numerous surviving memoirs of family friends of the older and younger generations, a lot of warm words about her have been preserved. Solomon Shulman recalled that Zinaida Ilyinichna was always very hospitable and fed them with Tatyana and all her many actor friends.

With her first husband, Vasily Lanov, Tatyana lived in her parents' house, and her mother gladly took care of them and took care of them. Friends recall that the whole house rested precisely on Zinaida Ilyinichna. Tatyana Evgenievna recalled that her mother knew how to create such a cozy atmosphere in the house that her father always hurried home with pleasure.

Life long love

Zinaida Ilyinichna Levina and Valerievich lived in marriage for sixty-two years in love and trust. Tatyana Samoilova believed that they were incredibly lucky. They met each other in early adolescence and were able to keep and carry through long life my love.

Vyazemsky Yu.P. From Pushkin to Chekhov. Russian literature in questions and answers / Yuri Vyazemsky. - Moscow.: AST, 2013

A.S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin".

Question 1

But my god what a bore

With the sick to sit day and night,

Not leaving a single step away!

How many days did Onegin sit with his dying uncle?


But, having arrived in the uncle's village,

I found it on the table

As a tribute ready to the earth.

Question 2

Did Eugene Onegin have his own carriage?


No, he used a "pit carriage" (Chapter 1, stanza XXVII).

Question 3

Pushkin's brother, Lev Sergeevich, wrote that in Mikhailovsky the way of life of Alexander Sergeevich was very similar to the village life of Onegin. What exactly?


“In winter, when he woke up, he also sat in an ice bath, and in summer he went to the river running under the mountain, also played two balls on billiards, and dined late and rather whimsically,” wrote Lev Pushkin.

Question 4

How did Pushkin name his main character in the original version of the novel? And why did he change her name?


In the original version of the novel, Pushkin called his heroine Natasha. But then he replaced her name with Tatyana, noting that for the first time he introduces into the novel one of the "sweet-sounding Greek names, which ... are used among us only among commoners."

Question 5

What season did Tatiana Larina love?


Tatyana (Russian soul),

Without knowing why

With her cold beauty

I loved Russian winter.

Question 6

How did Tatyana guess at Epiphany? In this divination, by the way, her fate was accurately predicted to her.


From a people full of water

Rings come out in succession;

And she took out a ring

To the song of the old days:

“The men there are all rich,

They row silver with a shovel;

To whom we sing, that's good

And glory ... ".

Question 7

What was the name of Tatyana's favorite doll?


But dolls even in these years

Tatyana did not take in her hands ...

Question 8

Tatyana Larina. What about her last name?



Question 9

What was the name of Tatyana Larina's mother?


French: pachette.

Question 10

What awards did Tatyana Larina's father have?


Ochakov medal

Question 11

From whom did Pushkin write Olga Larina? What does he himself say in the novel about this?


… but any novel

Take it and find it right

Her portrait: he is very sweet,

I used to love him myself

But he bored me to no end.

Question 12

Olga and Lensky sometimes played chess.

They are over the chessboard

Leaning on the table, sometimes

Sitting deep in thought

And Lensky...

What move did Lensky make?


And Lensky on foot with a rook

He takes his scattering.

Question 13

Which of the Larins' neighbors was captured by the French after falling off his horse while drunk?



Question 14

Tatyana wrote her famous letter to Onegin in French. Pushkin writes:

Whenever you were with me

I would become an indiscreet request

To disturb you, my dear:

To magical tunes

You shifted the passionate maiden

Foreign words...

To which poet are these lines addressed? Who did Pushkin want to invite as translators?


Evgeny Baratynsky

Question 15

Who handed Tatyana Onegin's letter?


Tatyana - to the nanny: "Send your grandson."

Question 16

Who was the first to invite Olga on Tatiana's name day, and who invited Tatiana?


Suitable for Olga Petushkov,

To Tatyana Lensky.

Question 17

What date and what month did Lensky shoot with Onegin?


Question 18

From what distance did Onegin and Lensky begin to duel? From what distance did Onegin shoot Lensky?


They began to converge from a distance of thirty-two steps. Onegin fired from fourteen paces.

Question 19

Who is Lepage?


Lepage is the name of a gunsmith. With a pistol of his work, Onegin killed Lensky.

Question 20

Which wrist watch were in a special fashion in Pushkin era? How did they call?


While the wakeful breguet

Lunch will not ring for him.

Wonderful watch by the Parisian master Breguet. The famous breget! Breguet was equipped with a mechanism that, if pressed on a special spring, "called back" the time. That is, the time could be known without opening the lid. In addition, Breguet never made two identical watches.

Question 21

In St. Petersburg, Onegin could meet another Pushkin hero on the street, could pay attention to his bright appearance. They said about this man that he had the profile of Napoleon, and the soul of Mephistopheles. Who is this?


Hermann from The Queen of Spades

Question 22

What did Eugene Onegin see on a champagne cork and Pierre Bezukhov on Prechistensky Boulevard?


Comet of 1812

Question 23

Tsimlyanskoye is already being carried;

Behind him is a line of glasses, narrow, long,

Like your waist...

Whose waist?


In "Onegin" - Zizi, in the life of Pushkin - Evpraksia Wulf.

Question 24

Many Pushkin's poetic lines became popular expressions. But when we take artwork one or two lines and make some axioms out of it, are we not distorting the overall picture? For example: "What less woman we love those…”. Right! “The easier it is for her to like us.” And many now say: Pushkin said so. But these lines begin the stanza, but how does it end?


But this old fun

Worthy of old monkeys

Vaunted grandfather's times ...

Question 25

I knew inaccessible beauties,

Cold, pure as winter

Relentless, incorruptible,

Incomprehensible to the mind ...

And now let's remember: what inscription did Pushkin read on the face of these coldest beauties, above their eyebrows?


And, I think, I read with horror

Above their eyebrows is the inscription of hell:

Abandon hope forever.

Question 26

Whom to love? Whom to believe?

How does Pushkin answer these questions?


Love thyself, my venerable reader!

Question 27

When poor Tatyana Larina arrived in Moscow, these young diplomats looked at her stiffly and spoke unfavorably about her among themselves. Who are they?


"Archival youths", employees of the archives of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. Among them could be Venevitinov, Odoevsky, Ivan and Peter Kireevsky.

Question 28

In which Moscow building did Tatyana Larina first see her future husband, the general? Remember Pushkin?

There is tightness, excitement, heat,

The roar of music, the sparkle of candles,

Flashing, whirlwind of fast couples,

Beauties light dresses ...

What is the building?


House of the Noble Assembly. Then the House of the Unions, the Hall of Columns.

Question 29

What psychological explanation does Pushkin give when describing Onegin's sudden infatuation with Tatyana, who was once rejected by him? Let me remind you of the beginning: “O people! everyone looks like you…”


O people! everyone looks like you

On the progenitor Eva;

What is given to you does not attract,

The serpent is constantly calling you

To yourself, to the mysterious tree;

Give you forbidden fruit

And without it, you won't have paradise.

Question 30

In four rhymes, try to reproduce Onegin's words:

… measured

… my

… sure

… I.


I know: my age is already measured;

But for my life to last

I have to be sure in the morning

That I will see you in the afternoon.

Question 31

And now, using six rhymes, try to restore Tatyana Onegin's answer:

… mutilated

... yard

… a shame

… seen

… bring

… honor?


That the husband is mutilated in battles,

What is it that the yard caresses us for?

Is it because my shame

Now everyone would be noticed

And could bring in society

You seductive honor?

Question 32

Tatyana loves Eugene, and he “suddenly saw a woman in a new, brilliant, inaccessible environment - but in this environment, perhaps, the whole point of the matter ... After all, this girl ... now worships the light ... that's why he rushes to her blinded." Who made such a diagnosis to Onegin?



Question 33

According to one of the testimonies, Onegin's fate was decided by some kind of wedding that took place in January 1828 in St. Petersburg. Pushkin, after this wedding, said to the one who was getting married: “You ruined my Onegin for me: he had to take Tatyana away, and now ... he won’t do it.” What was the name of the woman who "spoiled" Onegin?


Olga Pushkina, the poet's sister, who married Pavlishchev.

Question 34

In the summer of 1825, Pushkin gave one person a printed copy of the 2nd chapter of Onegin, and in it there were handwritten poems on stationery paper. What verses?


"I remember a wonderful moment..."

Question 35

Winter! The peasant, triumphant, renews the path on the firewood ...

These poems may have perished. What danger threatened them?


Pushkin almost lost the 5th chapter of "Eugene Onegin" in cards.

Question 36

Pushkin was offended by one of his beloved and decided to ridicule her in "Eugene Onegin":

Here ... his daughter was,

So cute, so small

So messy, so squeaky

What involuntarily every guest

He assumed intelligence and anger in her.

But then Pushkin changed his mind and did not include poetry in the work. What was the girl's name?


Anna Olenina

Question 37

Having finished work on "Boris Godunov", Pushkin clapped his hands and exclaimed: "Ah yes Pushkin, ah yes son of a bitch!". And on the day when Pushkin finished the novel "Eugene Onegin", he wrote the poem "Labor". What was said there?


The longed-for moment has come: my long-term work is over.

Why is an incomprehensible sadness secretly disturbing me?
