How much weight can a gymnastic ball jb 65 withstand? How to choose the right fitball - important points

The word fitball came to us from the merger of two English words: fit - figure and ball - ball. That is, this is a ball for the figure, more precisely, for fitness. But for last years its use has rapidly spread in many directions, and it has especially succeeded in medicine and sports. We will talk about all this in detail today to learn how to choose the right fitball.

1. Where is fitball used?

This miracle ball, as mentioned above, is used in many directions and everywhere it is famous for its great efficiency. So, firstly, it is widely used for fitness and sports in general. And not only by women, but also by men. Many exercises with a fitball have already been invented and the effect of its use is definitely present. It is truly magical, because even just sitting on it, for example, watching your favorite TV series, or just working at the computer, it works. After all, it is unstable and the muscles are constantly looking for the center of gravity, which leads to their training. Secondly, fitball is often used during pregnancy. Thanks to its properties, it is possible to reduce the load on the back muscles, which is especially important when carrying a child. Also, this is an excellent attribute for preparing for childbirth. Moreover, the ball is actively used during the postpartum period for rehabilitation. It is immediately worth noting its third advantage as a massager for infants, and many mothers praise the fitball for these properties. It works simply, the baby is placed on a ball and rocked on it, which is the panacea for colic in the tummy. Fourthly, fitball is an excellent assistant for the treatment of scoliosis, problems with the musculoskeletal system, rehabilitation after spinal injuries, for the recovery of patients with cerebral palsy, etc. By the way, it was for physical rehabilitation that it was invented by Swiss doctors; this happened back in back in 1960. Fifthly, this is an excellent tool for developing posture in children, training the vestibular system, and developing movement coordination. And this is not only one of the most popular tools for achieving healthy mind V healthy body, but also a way to make classes interesting and fun. Just think about these positive aspects: fitball accompanies a person even before birth and continues to do so until old age. After all, this ball is suitable for people of any age. Therefore, every person should buy a fitball.

Fitball is a unique sports ball for women and men.

2. How to choose a fitball according to your height?

The main and first criterion for choosing a fitball is to base it on your height. Fitballs come in diameters from 45 to 95 cm, with size increments of 10 cm (there are exceptions for some brands). Balls of 45 or 55 cm are suitable for children; there is a special range of sizes for adults. For heights up to 157 cm - 45 cm, 158-167 cm - 55 cm, 168-178 cm - 65 cm, 179-189 cm - 75 cm, above 190 cm - 85 cm or more. This size chart is convenient when choosing a fitness ball through online stores. But if you buy it in a regular sports department, where you can touch each ball and sit on it, then there is also The best way assessments. Sitting on a correctly selected ball, the angle between the torso and the thigh, the thigh and the lower leg, as well as the lower leg and the foot should be a right angle - 90 degrees. If so, you are sitting on your stability ball size. But this method of assessment is only suitable for people with a height of 150 cm and above and, for example, children, they simply buy balls of a minimum size of 45 cm. Anything smaller is no longer a fitball.

Fitball is a miracle ball for pregnant women.

Fitball is a universal ball for infants.

3. ABS and BRQ.

The next selection criterion is the presence of ABS (Anti-Burst System) or BRQ (Burst Resistant Quality). This is the so-called anti-burst ball system. Fitballs with ABS will not burst instantly if accidentally punctured or an extreme increase in load, but will release air gradually. The presence of such systems is very important when buying a fitball; they protect against injuries when the ball breaks. But even if you buy a ball without an ABS or BRQ system, you don’t have to worry too much, such explosions are very rare even for the cheapest copies. In any case, it’s worth looking at the characteristics; the instructions should clearly indicate which Weight Limit A fitball is calculated for a person, and sometimes they even write the maximum load. For example, a ball for a person with a maximum weight of 200 kg may have a threshold of 800 kg, or the maximum weight may be 130 kg, and the threshold may be up to 300 kg. And the higher the maximum load limit, the better, especially with its active use in sports and physical education, and this is most important for overweight people.

4. Other points when choosing a fitness ball.

We have indicated the most important thing to understand when choosing a fitball, but there are still some minor nuances. For example, why do some fitness balls have two arms or handles? This is convenient for beginner girls who practice with fitball. With them, a person feels more comfortable, since we can hold on to these handles. And it is recommended to buy such balls mainly for pregnant women, children or just beginners.

Next, it’s worth talking about balls with pimples. These are so-called massage fitballs, where the entire ball is covered with dense tubercles. Why it is clear that at the same time as fitness, you can receive a body massage and each customer herself understands how useful and relevant it is for her.

The next point is the choice of color. Here we choose what we like best or seek help in chromotherapy - color treatment. In this case, you can heal not only the body, but also the soul.

The last thing worth paying attention to is the presence of a pump. If you don’t have one in your house, it’s better to buy a fitball right away with it so you don’t have to look for it. If the pump is included in the kit, you can save on this. Your pump will definitely fit, and if suddenly it doesn’t, you can always purchase an inexpensive adapter that will instantly solve the compatibility problem.

The fitball works even when you just sit on it.

5. How to properly inflate a fitball ball.

When you buy a fitball, try to inflate it in two steps. At first, not completely, but the next day - the entire size. This will help to acquire the correct shape, otherwise the ball may develop a defect, although this is rare. Inflating a fitball to the required size is also not difficult; just remember the formula for the circumference of a circle S=p*d, where d is the diameter of the ball, and p is the number “pi” (equal to 3.14). For example, for a 65 cm ball, the circumference should be 204 cm. Now take a meter, grab the inflated fitball and see if it is full enough. If the circumference is smaller, we pump it up.

6. Storing fitball.

It is best to store the fitness ball in an inflated state. But remember, when high temperature the air expands. Therefore, you cannot leave it in the open sun, near a fireplace, heater, radiator or any other heating objects - it may burst. And like any other rubber product, it is afraid of acids and fire.

Fitball is sport and health!

Now you understand how to choose a fitball and what it is. This is truly a magic ball and worth a try. And given affordable price, every self-respecting person can buy it.

Fitball or “fitness ball” is one of the most popular and affordable exercise equipment that is used both at home and in gyms. The ball allows athletes with any level of training to conduct training, regardless of experience, age and other conditions.

What is a fitball and what is it for?

A gymnastic ball is the simplest type of universal exercise equipment. It is suitable for many exercises and can be used as a main element or as a simulator that complicates the movement. Made from durable rubber material that can withstand enormous loads. The fitball is inflated with ordinary air, which, with the exception of incredible strength, makes it similar to balloons.

The main directions in training with fitball:

  • Strength training (only with your own body weight, no weights).
  • Gymnastic movements.
  • Yoga exercises and static positions.
  • Recovery and rehabilitation.

Such a wide range of capabilities makes a great fitness ball completely universal trainer, which is suitable for any training purpose.

The benefits and harms of exercising on a fitball

In terms of benefits and contraindications gymnastic ball this is the best trainer. It has virtually no flaws.

Main advantages:

  • The ability to vary the load from incredibly simple to complex (complication of ordinary strength and gymnastic movements).
  • Development of flexibility, coordination of movements and balance.
  • Effective burning of calories and fat burning.
  • Natural development of aesthetic muscles.
  • Working out all the muscles of the body (including the deep layers).

Thanks to such advantages, a fitness ball is called one of the safest and most useful exercise equipment. It can be found in most rehabilitation centers. Also, a fitness ball is the best exercise machine during pregnancy. However, the only limitation is the first trimester. When any load is contraindicated. In other periods, such training (under the supervision of a specialist) will be useful.

Types of fitballs

There are several types of simulators. Therefore, before choosing a fitball, you need to understand the characteristics of each type. Initially, all simulators are divided into categories of diameter, stiffness and type of construction.

By type they distinguish:

  • With spikes or gymnastic massage ball.

  • With horns (handles) - for additional balance. Basically, such models are considered for children.

  • Smooth is a universal type, the most popular in sports.

  • "Peanut" - suitable for strength sports and for recovery from injuries.

In most cases, a smooth ball is suitable as it is the most versatile. A gymnastic massage ball is better during rehabilitation (it creates an additional massage effect during work) and also when fighting cellulite, when you need to tighten the skin and break down fat deposits.

How to choose a fitball

Once you have decided on the type, you need to choose the size of the fitness ball. For this, a universal table of the relationship between height and diameter of the simulator is used (weight is usually not taken into account, since almost all fitballs can withstand a load of up to 300 kg). The arm length ratio can also be used, although this calculation does not take into account individual characteristics (for example, long arms with short stature).

How to choose a fitball based on height and weight

Standard mesh:

Height (cm) Diameter
150-160 55
160-170 65
170-180 75
180-190 (and above) 85

There is also a way determining size by arm length. It is less correct and is used as an additional method. To calculate, take the length of the arm from the shoulder to the nails.

  • For example, with a length of 66-75 cm, a 65 cm fitball is suitable.
  • If the arm length is higher than this value, the gymnastic ball is 75 cm.

What else to pay attention to

In general, there is a huge selection of different balls on the market, both from expensive and well-known brands, as well as budget models from unknown manufacturers. There is no particular difference between the balls, if you do not take into account different technologies (for example, the design of massage-type spikes).

Most an important condition when choosing a model is presence of a pump. It is necessary to pump up the fitball. If it is not included in the kit, then you need to buy the pump separately. Without it, you won’t be able to pump up a fitness ball.

Top brands

  • Starfit GB-102– has anti-explosion technology, does not slip, a pump is included in the initial package.
  • Togu MyBall Soft- a simple and durable ball. Thanks to anti-explosion technology, it is protected from sudden deflation even if damaged.
  • Bradex SF 0171– “peanut” class model. It is used both in strength sports and for recovery from injuries. Designed for heavy people, it can withstand up to 150 kg of direct load.
  • Indigo IN004– a popular model with a mustache for children. The surface does not slip, and the elastic material allows it to withstand loads of up to 150 kg.

How to pump up a fitball

You can inflate a fitball at home; all you need is a pump. Many manufacturers add it to the kit, otherwise you will have to purchase the pump separately.

After connecting the pump to the special hole on the ball, inflate it to a volume of 80-85%. Never inflate the ball completely.

  1. Firstly, this increases the risk of damage when intensive work.
  2. Secondly, it will reduce softness and increase the shock-absorbing load on the muscles during use.

How to inflate a fitball without a pump

How to deflate a fitness ball

Can a fitball burst?

Repeated testing has shown that the balls are incredibly durable and require conscious effort (such as placing them at a certain angle and high pressure). During normal work with the simulator, damage to it is possible only if the ratio of the athlete’s weight and the class of the ball is incorrect (for example, a children’s simulator for a man weighing 120 kg or more).

Also, almost all fitballs are equipped with anti-explosion technology, which eliminates the risk of the ball bursting. Even if the integrity of the chamber is compromised, the fitball will deflate gradually. This allows you to avoid getting injured and not jumping off a burst machine during the exercise.

A fitball is a large elastic ball that is used in sports and recreational training. It will be especially useful when doing exercises for the abs, back and buttocks. Its advantage is that it allows you to diversify home exercises, removing unnecessary stress from the spine. Having gained an idea of ​​how to choose a fitball, you will greatly increase the effectiveness of your exercises. After all, it will be tailored to your individual wishes, taking into account factors such as weight and height.

Tear resistance and ball types

The first thing to consider when choosing a home exercise machine is its safety. A high-quality fitball should have a built-in anti-burst system. If damaged, such a ball will not burst, but will gradually begin to deflate. This system is designated ABS, anti-explosion or BRQ (technologies for the manufacture of projectiles with increased safety).

Beginners should pay attention to the presence of holders - horns, handles and brackets. They are also relevant for children and pregnant women, as they simplify the training process and reduce the risk of injury. There are also fitballs with a stand in the form of legs. They help maintain balance.

The fitball can have a smooth or massage surface.

  • The smooth ball is suitable for sports and fitness training, fitness for pregnant women and exercise for babies.
  • A massage ball dotted with special tubercles is intended for relaxation and exercise therapy. If you choose and use it correctly, it will be an ideal way to relax after a working day and will serve as a preventive measure for various spinal diseases. Keep in mind that it is not suitable for fitness, as it is difficult to move across the floor.

Suitable size

Now it’s time to decide on the main parameters of the fitball and choose the size that suits you. The diameter of a standard fitball ranges from 45 to 90 cm and is selected according to height. It is important that the angle between the shins and thighs of the person sitting on the ball is 90°. This way the body weight is distributed correctly and the joints are not overloaded.

  1. For a child 5–10 years old, a diameter of 55 cm is recommended.
  2. For adults with a height of 150–170 cm, the diameter should be 65 cm.
  3. With a height of 170–190 cm – 75 cm.
  4. For more tall people It is correct to purchase a larger size – 85 cm.

There is another technique that allows you to choose the correct diameter of a football. It is based on the size of the hand, starting from the shoulder joint to the tips of the outstretched fingers.

    1. If the arm length is less than 55 cm, a diameter of 45 cm is required.
    2. If the measurement falls in the range of 56–65 cm, buy a fitball with a diameter of 55 cm.
    3. At 66–75 cm, a 65 cm ball is suitable.
    4. When the length is more than 75 cm, a larger size fitball is selected (from 75 to 90 cm).

Does a person's weight influence the choice of fitball?

The ball can withstand a load of 300 kg, so the maximum permissible weight of the trainee, taking into account his active movements, is 130 kg. If your weight exceeds this mark, training with the ball on your own may not be safe. In this case, it is correct to use the services of a trainer. Ball holding up more weight, can be ordered online or found in a large store. Its diameter is also selected according to the rules described above.

If you have any doubts when choosing a piece of equipment, contact a consultant and try out the fitball you like. Pay attention to whether you can sit on it with a straight back. Beginners should choose a smaller size, as it is easier to perform exercises on.

Selecting the color

If you plan to store the ball inflated, be sure to pay attention to its color. The exercise machine can either fit into the color scheme of your interior or act as a bright accent.

If a fitball is purchased for relaxation and yoga, choose the color according to your emotional state:

  • red increases energy levels and strengthens the immune system;
  • orange eliminates internal discomfort and charges with positivity;
  • blue gives a feeling of calm;
  • brown helps to find harmony.

Quality control

How to make sure that the selected fitball is of high quality?

  1. The seams of the ball are invisible when inflated and do not cause discomfort when in contact with the exercise machine.
  2. The ball inflates evenly and when finished corresponds to the stated size.
  3. The material contains an antistatic agent and dust does not stick to its surface.
  4. Good material is warm to the touch.
  5. The nipple covering the inflation hole is completely pressed into the surface and cannot be felt.

How much does a fitball cost? The price is affected by its diameter, configuration and color. A ball for home training can be purchased for an average of 600–1200 rubles.

How to inflate and store

Before first use, the fitball must be inflated. To do this, you can use a regular hand pump, which is included in the kit. Keep in mind that the inflation process will be quite long.

If necessary, the fitball can be inflated with your mouth like a balloon or an inflatable toy, but it is better to use a bicycle pump. With it you will inflate the fitball in a few minutes. This method has another advantage - it greatly simplifies the storage of the simulator. You can simply deflate it after class and put it away in the box.

For those who prefer to store the ball inflated, it is recommended to put it in a closet or on a rack away from radiators and direct sunlight. It is also not recommended to store the fitball on a darkened balcony. A sharp drop in temperature at night can affect the condition of the tires.

If the ball is still damaged, use rubber glue. If possible, it is better to purchase special glue produced by the manufacturer of your fitball. After repair and pumping, you can use it again for sports activities.

Use the ball on a smooth surface. If you are not sure that the floor will not be damaged by the projectile, use a yoga mat. Fitball is designed not only for training and massage. You can replace your chair with it and use it when watching TV or working at the computer.

In winter, transport the ball in the passenger compartment of the car, not in the trunk. Otherwise, it may freeze and subsequently be damaged.

The right fitball will make your workouts effective and increase the number of exercises available. When purchasing, you need to take into account a number of factors, but the main thing is to choose the right ball according to your height.

An inflatable springy ball for sports training and health promotion is called a fitball (exercise ball, swiss ball). It relieves excessive stress from your back and allows you to diversify your workouts at home and in the gym. The effectiveness of the exercises depends on the quality of the miracle simulator and its size. In order not to harm your health, you need to know how to choose a fitball taking into account individual parameters. Let's analyze how the various properties of a ball affect its service life, find out how to choose a fitball based on height and weight, learn how to inflate a fitball and store it correctly at home.

People of all ages, pregnant women, and even small children are allowed to train with a fitball. In evening workouts, it relieves nervous and muscle tension, and in the morning you can do exercises with it to wake up quickly, increase metabolism and improve brain activity. A fitball will help you pump up your abs, restore tone to your arm muscles, and make your legs and buttocks toned. Of course, you can train without a fitball, but this inexpensive and lightweight ball will bring novelty to training and will allow those people who are contraindicated to engage in sports to engage in heavy exercise. physical exercise.

Fitballs may differ in shape:

  • Round: Classic fitballs are suitable for most workouts, improve flexibility and develop the vestibular system.
  • Oval: they are characterized by increased stability, help to concentrate on the technique of performing exercises and not be distracted by maintaining balance.
  • "Peanut": an elongated roller with a small depression in the middle is more used in physical therapy and rehabilitation programs.
  • Donut ball: the ball is stable, used during activities and games with children, it can be installed flat or sideways to perform complex exercises from Pilates, yoga, and fitness.

There are two types of surface:

  1. smooth: fitballs are intended for fitness and therapeutic and preventive training.
  2. with spikes: balls are more stable than smooth ones, but they roll worse and are not suitable for fitness, but are ideal for exercise therapy and evening relaxation.

Handles and horns help to rationally distribute the load and reduce the risk of falling. Such models are preferable for beginners and children. Some products have legs at the bottom for better stability.

How to choose the fitball size?

They work out on an inflatable exercise machine in fitness centers with professional instructors and on their own at home using a video. A ball made of dense rubber allows you to train your muscles without putting stress on your joints. It is recommended for older and overweight people suffering from osteochondrosis and varicose veins, people with ankle or ankle injuries. knee joints. To appreciate all the advantages of the ball, choose the optimal size.

Using the table, let's look at how to choose the right size fitball according to your height:

Height, cm Ball diameter, cm
130-150 45
151-165 55-65
166-185 65-75
>185 75

Selecting the size according to arm length (you need to measure the distance from the shoulder to the tip of the middle finger with a centimeter):

Important: when you sit on the ball, your thighs must be parallel to the floor (the angle at the knee is straight), otherwise the joints will receive a large load and the sport will cause harm. Before such a check, make sure that the ball is not deflated or overinflated.

When purchasing, you must also take into account the weight of the athlete. For dynamic jumps and intensive training with barbells, dumbbells and other weights, you need to choose balls with a load capacity of at least 600 kg.

Which fitball is better and of higher quality?

Cheap gymnastic balls from unknown brands are slippery, flimsy and too soft. When choosing a simulator, remember that the price is affected not only by brand awareness, but also by size, design features, components. Trying to save money, you can spend three times more: a high-quality ball is harmless, but a bad fitball is very dangerous.

Signs of a quality inflatable fitness ball:

  • Durable material: good fitballs are made of elastic plastic (different quality latex 6 mm thick).
  • Anti-burst systems: thanks to the ABS and BRQ systems, if the integrity of the ball is broken, the ball does not explode - air is slowly released through the puncture.
  • Antistatic properties: harmless additives prevent dust from sticking to the surface of the projectile.
  • Environmental friendliness: absence of harmful impurities (confirmed by a certificate) and unpleasant odor.
  • Seams and valve closing the air hole should not be felt during training.
  • The trainer inflates evenly, and the circumference corresponds to the size declared by the manufacturer.
  • Equipment: best models equipped with a good hand pump and special pads that can be used to seal holes.
  • Good material warm to the touch.

It’s bad when the shell of the ball is too flexible, but strong resistance is also unacceptable. When pressed, the deflection should be up to three centimeters, and the surface should easily spring back and recover. A bad simulator is revealed by small folds that form when you try to pinch it. If an inelastic projectile is deflated and re-inflated, it will develop cracks and fine wrinkles.

Balls made from the best materials in compliance with all technological requirements are produced by the brands Reebok, LedraPlastic, Bradex, Indigo, Togu. They do not contain harmful substances and are very durable, which is important for pregnant women and parents who are looking for a fitness ball for their child.

How to choose a fitball for pregnant women and infants?

During pregnancy, the joints and spine receive enormous stress. Exercises on an elastic fitball will relieve this tension and help a woman prepare for childbirth. But to the expectant mother Not every ball will fit. Particular attention should be paid to load capacity, anti-explosion system and texture. Smooth balls with handles are best.

Even children from one month old can do exercises and stretching on a fitball. Little athletes also need balls without tubercles with a diameter of 65–75 cm. Handles will not be superfluous, which will add stability and help coordinate movements. Using inflatable equipment, you can train the vestibular apparatus and relieve increased muscle tone.

The right ball will strengthen the child’s musculoskeletal system, calm the nerves, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent colic.

Rules of use: how to inflate and store a fitball

The ball must be protected from any mechanical damage. It is not so easy to pierce it, but if the floor is uneven or there is something sharp on the surface that can pierce the product, place a mat under the fitball. The damaged trainer is repaired as a bicycle inner tube. Sometimes a special glue and repair instructions are supplied with the product. You can also buy a whole repair kit with patches separately.

You can pump up a fitball with a regular hand pump, bicycle pump, or car pump. The main thing is that the needle fits or there is a special adapter. You can inflate it without additional funds, like a simple inflatable ball. But you need to be prepared for the fact that this process is quite lengthy.

Adjust the degree of inflation to suit yourself: the projectile should not be half-deflated or over-inflated. Focus on the angle of your knee when sitting on the ball (it should be straight). You can determine whether the fitball is sufficiently inflated by simply pressing with your palm: the surface should be dented by 2–3 cm.

It is not recommended to deflate it after each workout - it is better to store it inflated. Keep it in a dark place away from heaters and hot sunlight. Do not leave it on the balcony overnight, as temperature changes have a negative effect on the material. For the same reason, during the cold season, the ball is transported in the passenger compartment of the car, and not in the trunk.

You can not only train on the gymnastics apparatus, but also sit in front of the TV or at the computer. This way the spine will receive less load, and maintaining balance will have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the whole body. Choose the right ball and don't forget to practice regularly. This great machine will improve your flexibility and increase muscle strength!

I'll start with detailed description the culprit of the review and below I will describe what you should pay attention to when buying a fitball.


Many people complain that most gymnastic balls have too strong a smell. I was ready for this, but when I received the parcel I was surprised - the ball itself had practically no smell of a “Chinese product”. Even when I brought it closer to my nose I DIDN'T FEEL ANY STRONG SMELL.

Another plus for me is that the kit comes with a pump with two nozzles. I always use only a nozzle with a wide spout (the wider the spout, the more and faster the air enters the ball). It takes 8-9 minutes to inflate the ball.

The diameter of my ball is 65 cm. I’ll also touch on this topic later =)

Maximum weight - 100 kg. My mom and I use this ball every day. Over time, under various loads, the ball deflates by 5-8% and periodically you have to take out the pump and “pump up” the ball.

Another disadvantage I discovered is brand name, or logo that the Chinese forgot to stick on. There was room left for the logo, but there wasn't enough money for a sticker or paint.

Not a big problem!!! For me this is not such an important point.

I just thought for a long time, to be honest, why there are stripes all over the circle, and a rectangle in the center of the ball: DD The Chinese are giving me a reason to have fun.

The material is really thick to the touch. At first, my mother (weight 60-63 kg) was afraid that as soon as she sat down, the ball would burst.

But I still persuaded her to do a couple of exercises (bridge, sitting on the ball, moving her hips smoothly) and she liked the effect so much that in her free time the ball is always occupied either by me or my mother.

The price in this IM is 659 rubles, with delivery by Russian Post it was 965 rubles with prepayment. The ball took 6 days from the moment of ordering. On the 6th day the parcel reached the point of delivery and I received my order.

This is my first gymnastic ball. And I can say one thing - the ball is definitely worth the money!!! If you are looking closely budget options- this fitball will not let you down.

Let me note once again that We use the ball EVERY DAY.

Since my job is mostly sedentary, and my mother has osteochondrosis - fitball helps to relax muscles, disperse blood in the pelvis so that there is no stagnation, strengthen the muscles of the back, abs... Overall, we are more than happy with the purchase!!!

_________________________________♛BooByMavliya ​__________________________________________

General points (nuances of choosing and purchasing a FITBALL)

1 - Decide on the size of the ball:

up to 155 cm - fitball diameter 45-55 cm

from 155 to 169 cm - fitball diameter 55 cm

from 170 to 185 cm - fitball diameter 65 cm

from 186 cm - fitball with a diameter of 75 cm

My height and my mother’s are different - 160 cm, and my mother’s is 152 cm. In principle, for the two of us we should have purchased at least a ball with a diameter of 55 cm (if we rely on these standards described above).

Personally, I wanted a fitball with a diameter of 75 cm. But, as you know, the larger the diameter of the ball, the more the buyer pays. At that time, I was not ready for such expenses because of the ball.

And the 45-55 cm fitball seemed too small and childish to me. As a result, we chose a golden mean.

2 - The smaller the ball, the MORE LOAD.

I have something to compare with and it really is! Relatives have a fitball with a diameter of 85 cm. When making a bridge, my hands can barely reach it. The bridge turns out to be “flattened”.

On a 65 cm fitball, the bridge turns out to be more “elongated”, that is, the spine receives more load than in a ball with a larger diameter.

But in general ideal option It will happen if you buy 2 balls with different diameters so that there is a different load.

Just don’t think that one fitball N cm has an effect, the muscles relax, but a fitball NN cm has zero effect.

In any case, you will receive a certain load. In both cases, your muscles will make themselves felt.

3 - The material from which the ball is made is also IMPORTANT.

The main materials used in the manufacture of fitballs are PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and silicone.

When I was looking for a gymnastic ball, I periodically came across balls made of silicone. Silicone is not a dense material. I was afraid that at the slightest load the ball would explode.

After all, not all balls have the ABS (anti-burst system) function. Silicone also collects all the dust. This material is electrostatic. Our PVC ball does not collect any dust.

Therefore, there are much fewer problems with a PVC ball than with a silicone one.

4 - ABS - balls with anti-burst function, or in other words anti-explosion.

Balls with a similar function are, of course, a little more expensive. This option suitable for families with small children.

If suddenly the ball decides to explode, he will not dare to do so, since balls explode.

You won't hear the dreaded bang. The ball will simply begin to deflate.

In general, balls with the ABS function can withstand more than 100 kg.

_________________________________♛BooByMavliya ​__________________________________________
