How to choose a gymnastic ball with a textured surface. Fitball - benefits, harm and exercise options Exercises on a fitball against a saggy belly

In today's review, we will introduce you to such a wonderful and healthy sports tool as fitball.

Fitball (“fit” – health improvement, “ball” – ball) - a large elastic ball from 55 to 75 cm in diameter, used for sports. Fitballs are made from polyvinyl chloride, and recently deodorizing fragrances have begun to be added to them.

The history of the origin of fitball

Gymnastics on a large ball, which spread throughout the earth and was called fitball, was developed by Swiss physiotherapist Susan Kleinvogelbach in the 50s of the last century as rehabilitation gymnastics for patients with cerebral palsy. The healing effect of fitball was so obvious that it soon began to be recommended for recovery from musculoskeletal injuries. The results surprised the doctors in a good sense, because in patients performing exercises on balls, tissue regeneration processes occurred more intensely, muscles and tissues became more elastic, blood and lymph circulation improved, as well as metabolism in the intervertebral discs. In the 80s, fitball already began to be taught in fitness clubs. And in Scandinavian countries, many children's institutions use balls instead of chairs.

Types of fitball

Fitballs differ in:

  • diameter;
  • rigidity.

1. The balls can withstand up to 300 kg of weight and vary from 45 to 85 cm in diameter - the size is selected depending on the height of the player.

The ratio of human height to the diameter of the fitball:

less than 152 cm – ball diameter 45 cm;
152-165 cm – ball diameter 55 cm;
165-185 cm – ball diameter 65 cm;
185-202 cm – ball diameter 75 cm;
202 cm and above – ball diameter 85 cm.

2. There are massage and regular fitballs. Regular ones have a smooth surface, while massage types of fitness balls are covered with pimples that provide a massage effect. There is no fundamental difference in effectiveness between types.

What are the benefits of exercising on a fitball?

The effect of fitball is similar to hypotherapy - horse riding treatment. A person sitting on a horse or on a ball must constantly maintain balance, and many muscles are involved in this process. The oscillations of the ball stimulate the work of the stomach, liver, adrenal cortex, kidneys, enhance intestinal motility, the functions of the stomach, liver, and the function of the adrenal cortex. Also, the brain also receives impulses, as a result of which the development of new conditioned reflex connections, especially necessary for the mental and intellectual development of children, is accelerated. Fitball is also very useful for the spine and posture, and serves as an excellent prevention of varicose veins, osteochondrosis and arthritis.

The result of regular exercise on a fitball:

- good mood;
- weight loss;
— figure correction;
- improved coordination of movements;
— normalization blood pressure;
- strengthening the back muscles;
— strengthening the abdominal muscles;
- formation of posture;
— development and reduction of joint pain;
- improved digestion;
- stress relief.

How to choose a fitball?

Choose a ball according to your height (the article above describes the ratio of the diameter of the ball to your height). According to the rules, when you sit on the ball, your hips should be at the same level as your knees or slightly higher.

Buy a fitball in sports stores, this will reduce the risk of injury.

When you press lightly on the ball, your palm should spring back, easily bouncing off it, and not encounter excessive resistance and not sink in easily. If you feel that the material of the ball is too thin, try to pinch the ball - the formation of numerous small folds indicates the low quality of the product.

The fitball must have high plasticity and, when inflated again, restore its shape without folds, wrinkles or cracks.

There are balls with an anti-explosion system (ABS), which is especially important when working with children. If such a ball breaks during training, it will not fly into pieces, but will slowly deflate.

On a high-quality ball, the seams are almost invisible and imperceptible, which cannot be said about balls of unknown origin, which have burrs, scars and fibrous structures.

The nipple on branded balls is perfectly sealed inside, does not cling to carpeting or clothing and cannot injure the skin. In a fake fitball, the nipple protrudes noticeably outward, sometimes it is simply glued, which disrupts the natural shape of the ball.

Also, high-quality fitballs have antistatic properties, making it easier to process their surface, are made of hypoallergenic environmentally friendly material and do not contain impurities hazardous to health. Modern technologies, which are used in the production of balls High Quality, prevent small debris and dust from sticking to the ball.

A branded ball is warm to the touch, a fake ball is distinguished by its coldness.

Cheap balls are often sticky and slippery to the touch. Doing exercises on such a ball will be extremely difficult for a child.

Balls are available in a wide variety of colors - natural dark and light, metallic, transparent, with pictures, etc. Among the fakes, phosphorus-poisonous or bright rainbow colors predominate.

The undisputed leading companies in the production of gymnastic balls today are TOGU (Germany), LEDRAPLASTIC (Italy) and REEBOK.

Absolutely everyone is welcome to practice on fitball, regardless of physical ability. Most women, when doing fitball, want to get in shape, older people want to support their joints, and pregnant women want to go through the birth process more harmoniously.

Exercises should be performed at least 2 times a week.


We walk in place or take alternate steps to the sides - 15 on each side. We take the fitball in our hands and turn our torso left and right, while not raising the ball above shoulder level. We lower the ball and do a short run in place. We complete the warm-up by taking the ball in our hands and performing 20 squats, holding the fitball directly in front of us.

This article describes some exercises that anyone can master, regardless of gender or physical fitness.

Fitball exercises for beautiful arms, chest, back and shoulders

With your hands on the floor (palms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart), place your feet on the ball (shins). The back is straight and in line with the legs. Push up by bending your elbows, slowly lowering yourself as low as possible. Then straighten your arms just as slowly. Feel it extreme point muscle tension and stay at this point for a couple of seconds.

Try not to arch your back. If your arms or hands are not strong enough, try either spreading your fingers wide or doing push-ups with your fists.

Also, if it is difficult for you to maintain balance on the ball, lean on it not with your shins, but with your hips, gradually moving the ball closer to your ankles.

Exercises on a fitball against a saggy belly

Upper part of the press. Sit on the fitball and, stepping with your feet, roll the ball under your back and buttocks. Hands are on the back of the head, but the hands are not clasped together. Legs bent at the knees, feet slightly wider than shoulders. Raise your upper body up, lifting your head, neck and shoulders. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.

The lower you lower your body to the starting position, the more effectively you will feel the muscle stretch. And, I advise you, do not maintain constant abdominal tension throughout the entire exercise.

Lower abs. Lie on the floor with your feet and calves on the ball, your thighs and buttocks in contact with it, and your knees bent. The arms are located along the body. Keeping your abs tight and your lower back pressed into the surface, pull your knees toward your chest, lifting your pelvis and holding the ball with your feet.

There is no need to maintain constant abdominal tension throughout the entire exercise, and also do not help yourself with your hands.

You need to lie on the floor, bend your knees and throw them over the ball. Raise one leg above the ball by 20-30 cm and rotate it clockwise, and then in the opposite direction.

Oblique abdominal muscles. Sit on a fitball, place your feet flat on the floor, bend your knees. Stepping your feet forward, lie with your back on the ball, hold left hand on the back of the head. Tightening the muscles of your buttocks, lift your pelvis up, pull in your stomach and lift your upper body. Then rotate your left shoulder to the right and slowly return to the starting position. Afterwards, change hands.

This exercise should be performed smoothly and slowly. Keep your abs tense all the time.

Fitball exercises for toned buttocks and slender legs

Lying on the floor, move your arms to the sides and press your palms to the floor. Legs are straight and positioned on the ball, rest on the fitball with your heels and calves, and pull your feet towards you. Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift your buttocks up. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

Do not maintain constant abdominal tension throughout the entire exercise, make sure that the body forms a straight line.

Stand so that the ball is one step behind you. Take your bent right leg back and place it on the ball (from the foot to the knee). Lunge on your supporting leg (which is on the floor) while squatting until a right angle is formed between your shin and thigh.

It will also be very useful to replace yours with a fitball. work chair and sit on it instead of a chair. By constantly controlling yourself so as not to fall off the ball, you will learn to keep your back straight, and the load on your spine will be much reduced.

Inflating the ball

The more the ball is inflated, the more difficult it is to maintain balance on it.

For effective training It is necessary to inflate the ball correctly - not to overinflate and not to overinflate. It's easy to check if the pumping is correct. Sit on the ball; if you roll, you over-inflated, and if you fall, you under-inflated. Inflates with a conventional pump or an electric pump with a suitable nipple.

Video about fitball

This section will introduce you to all the clubs where fitball classes are held in Moscow. These workouts are aerobic, all exercises are performed using a large inflatable ball. This specialized equipment can easily withstand the weight of an adult, which is why a huge number of programs are prescribed for fitball. They are held both in specialized aerobic institutions and in general sports centers - fitness clubs, sports complexes, as well as in institutions of another profile as an additional discipline - dance schools, studios of oriental practices. There are separate fitball training programs designed for pregnant women and children. Fitball is one of the few sports that can afford future mom, exercises help prepare for childbirth and alleviate a woman’s condition. Children love to attend fitball classes in Moscow; for them, they are held in the form of an exciting game.

A gymnastic ball or “” is a sports equipment familiar to everyone who has been to the fitness room. Experts advise using it for everyone involved in fitness and aerobics, not only in the gym, but also at home. Fitball increases the effectiveness of training. It helps improve coordination, allows you to evenly distribute the load on the muscles, helps get rid of fat in problem areas, makes your stomach flat and your body slim.

To experience all the benefits of this sports equipment, you need to know how to choose and use the fitball correctly and for what purposes it is best suited.

This sports equipment, also called Swiss, is a large, elastic, durable rubber ball designed for fitness and aerobics. It is great for both home training and use in the gym. The effectiveness of the exercises performed directly depends on the correctness of its choice. The fitball must correspond to the height, weight, and goals of the athlete.

The use of a large sports ball has a multifaceted effect on a person:

  • develops dexterity, flexibility, coordination;
  • uses almost every muscle group;
  • corrects and corrects posture;
  • prevents the development and treats the initial stages of degenerative and dystrophic changes in the joints and spine,
  • gives a slim silhouette without the use of complex exercise equipment;
  • promotes rapid burning of calories.

The spherical shape helps perform exercises with a large degree of amplitude, and the instability of the fitball helps maintain muscle tone. This projectile has no age restrictions and is affordable. Its purchase, unlike a treadmill, exercise bike, stepper, does not require large expenses. The large ball perfectly strengthens the pelvic muscles, which has made it popular among pregnant women involved in aerobics and fitness.

The absence of excessive stress on the leg muscles allows the apparatus to be used by both elderly people and those who suffer from joint problems, varicose veins, overweight. The latter need to be especially careful when choosing a ball, which must be elastic and strong enough to withstand the pressure exerted on it.

Exercising with a Swiss ball strengthens the abdominal muscles, gets rid of fat in the abdomen and other problematic parts of the body, reduces the appearance of cellulite on the buttocks and thighs, and allows you to engage muscle groups that usually remain unused. Thanks to these advantages, fitball is considered one of the safest, most versatile, affordable sports equipment.

The history of fitball

The “Swiss” ball owes its second name to the fact that Susan Klein-Vogelbach, a physiotherapist from Switzerland, was the first to use it in her work. Back in 1960, this simulator became part of the rehabilitation program for patients with spinal injuries. Later it was used in the treatment of patients with cerebral palsy.

Medical observations of patients led experts to the conclusion that a ball with a large diameter can serve not only therapeutic, but also preventive purposes. Exercising with him on a regular basis strengthened the muscular-ligamentous system and stabilized the weight. This did not go unnoticed. Already in the nineties of the last century, fitball gained wide popularity as a simulator that promotes figure correction and weight loss, and aerobics with a Swiss ball has become a popular trend in fitness.

Types of gymnastic ball

Each type of fitball has its own characteristics. This simulator is available in the following versions:

They are equipped with special handles that allow you to maintain balance and jump on a sword. This model is especially loved by young children and is perfect for beginners.

The products not only have all the advantages of a large gymnastic ball, but are also an excellent massager that helps in the fight against cellulite.

Can be used by everyone without restrictions, but are most suitable for pregnant women. They are used to perform both relaxing and intensive training.

They have a reduced diameter and corresponding bright decor.

They are distinguished by a unique shape that resembles a donut.

The cost of the projectile is determined by the size, design, configuration, brand and varies from 500 to 2500 rubles.

Criterias of choice

You can purchase a gymnastics machine for aerobics and fitness at a sporting goods store or order it through a similar online portal with delivery. A competent consultant will help you determine the optimal size and give useful recommendations. To prevent the purchase from being spontaneous and ill-considered, the parameters of the ball should be considered in advance. It is better to independently study the basic characteristics of the projectile and how they affect subsequent training.

This parameter depends on the physical characteristics of the athlete. You can select the dimensions of the projectile both by height and arm length:

All data is given in centimeters, and arm length is measured from the shoulder to the tips of the outstretched fingers.

A small test allows you to finally verify the correctness of your choice. If the torso with the thigh, lower leg and foot while sitting on the apparatus astride form an almost right angle, the ball is selected correctly.

Beginners who have not trained with similar simulators before are recommended to purchase a projectile with a diameter smaller than the norm. This minimizes the risk of serious injury if you fall.

Qualitative indicators

A good fitball should be:

  • elastic and spring back when pressing on it with the palm of your hand;
  • durable with perfectly executed and invisible seams;
  • with high antistatic properties;
  • with a perfectly pressed nipple.

To eliminate the risk of serious injury when a projectile punctures or cuts, manufacturers of most modern models equip balls with an anti-burst system, the presence of which is indicated by the ABS mark in the technical parameters. It protects the fitball from exploding, that is, the projectile simply deflates slowly.

The maximum permissible weight exerted upon a vertical load on the ball, as a rule, is also specified in the characteristics. It depends on the specific model, but if it is a really good simulator, then it can withstand about 200-300 kilograms.

Terms of use

To protect the ball from mechanical damage, you need to work with it on a smooth surface. A punctured projectile must be repaired. Quite often it comes with glue, which allows the damaged area to be resistant to tearing. The fitball should be stored inflated, away from direct sunlight and heating devices. In winter, it must be transported not in the trunk, but in the cabin of the vehicle.

As you know, sport prolongs life, so currently there are a huge number of its varieties. In addition, a large number of various additional paraphernalia are used in various modern sports areas. Thus, fitball is one of the most popular gymnastic objects that helps millions of people around the world maintain the necessary shape.

It's no secret that playing sports in modern times is not only useful, but also quite fashionable. Today, in many places and on every corner there are special clubs and various bright posters that attract people to practice fitness, shaping, aerobics, yoga, oriental dances and fitball. All that remains is to find free time for such leisure and choose, among the many different directions, exactly what is most suitable.

Fitball - what is it?

Currently, there are many exercises that require the use of special gymnastic equipment. In general, this activity is a real science, which first became known in the fifties of the last century. Then, or as they are called today, fitballs, became very popular not only in different gyms, but also at home.

First of all, they can be characterized as durable balls with a large diameter. Usually they are designed to perform various tasks to form correct posture, correct the figure, and also train the vestibular apparatus. The uniqueness of this item lies in the fact that when using it there is no shock load on the legs.

The benefits of exercising on a fitball

Exercises on a fitball help with weight loss, which makes them very popular among overweight people. In addition, this sports attribute is also popular among those people who have damaged ankle and knee joints and have varicose veins. Even today, fitball is very popular among pregnant women, as it perfectly helps relieve the back and spine, sacrum, and joints, which withstand enormous loads during this period.

Fitball, reviews of which are quite extensive today and are extremely positive, greatly helps people with joint diseases, obesity, and problems with the spine. Thanks to such a ball, it is quite possible to strengthen the heart muscle, increase muscle tone in general and increase the elasticity and flexibility of the figure. What can I say, you can just lift your spirits.

Also, fitball is very often used for infants. After all, this subject perfectly trains, provides all possible assistance with gas, develops different muscle groups, and also plays a particularly important role in psychological and emotional development child. At the same time, exercise on a fitball with a baby can be started as early as two weeks of age.

Choosing a fitball

One of the main factors for successful exercise with fitball is the correct and competent choice of ball. As a rule, its diameter ranges from forty-five to ninety-five centimeters. This value depends on the height of the person. For example, for children five to ten years old, a ball with a diameter of fifty-five centimeters is optimal, for adults with a height of 1.6 m - 60 cm, from 1.6 m to 1.9 m - 75 cm, and larger than this value , - 85 cm. In the process of choosing a size, it is also necessary to take into account that the angle located between the thigh and lower leg of a sitting person should be equal to 95-100 degrees.

A fitness ball must be equipped with a special anti-burst safety system. This is necessary in order to ensure slow deflation in the event of an accidental rupture or cut, but not an immediate sharp explosion.

To achieve optimal, decent results, you need to choose the right ball and fitball exercises. After all, the quality of the result depends on this. The ball should not be too small or too big. In the selection process, you need to pay special attention to features such as a person’s weight and height. Also quite a lot depends on the quality of the material that is used. A high-quality and good fitball for fitness can withstand quite large overloads, but shock loads are unacceptable for it.

The effectiveness of exercises on the ball

Jumping on a fitball is very effective for losing weight. In order to perform this exercise, you need to sit on top of the ball and start jumping on it quite energetically. In this case, you need to try not to lift your buttocks from it, and your feet from the floor. This exercise is excellent for strengthening and enlarging the leg muscles.

Then, sitting on the fitball, you can work on the waist area. Here you just need to spread your legs to the sides, without lifting your feet off the floor. Also, while sitting, you should perform a couple of body turns in one direction, and then in the other. You should try to make these turns as deep as possible.

In addition, the fitball helps to give beauty and elasticity to the gluteal muscles. To do this, you need to lie on your back on the floor, bend your legs at the knees, and then put them on gymnastic ball. Then you should raise and lower your pelvic part, periodically straining your buttocks. It is very important here to ensure that the fitball does not slip out.

You can strengthen your abs and eliminate all the extra pounds in the abdominal area with the help of crunches. You need to lie on the floor, then bend your knees and place them on the ball. The body should lift off the floor so that you can reach the opposite knee with your elbow, and then slowly return to its original state. Then you should repeat the exercise with the second hand and knee.

Ease of use

Quite often used as a complement to various other exercises. Abdominal press on a fitball is usually widespread. After all, it is an ordinary and convenient exercise machine, which, when deflated, can be taken with you to any place.

Today all people are divided into two main groups. The former are well aware of the benefits of sports and various sports exercises, and also regularly do gymnastics, callanetics and remember such a concept as fitball aerobics. The second group of people simply find it rather difficult to perceive the very idea of ​​sports or do not have the opportunity to visit different fitness clubs.

Despite this, fitball is a very common and popular projectile nowadays. Exercising with him not only improves well-being and strengthens muscle mass, but also significantly improve your mood.

Popularity of colorful balls

Why is fitball so popular today? What kind of equipment is this and how to play sports with it? This gymnastic ball has gained great popularity because exercises with its use relate not only to a special fitness program, but also to the main complex that is used in this type of gymnastics.

Today there are few adults who have never complained of pain in the lower back or spine. In such cases, pressing on a fitball is very helpful, since such exercises have a special effect on the spinal skeleton and back muscles, and in addition, strengthen the tone of the whole body and cardiovascular system. In other words, exercising with a fitball helps you quickly achieve your goal and lose weight.

An interesting fact is that different colors affect human body miraculously. According to scientists, the human organ system is very sensitive to certain shades. Therefore, when choosing a ball, it is important to purchase exactly the kind of fitball that best suits a particular person. this moment. Eg, green color has a unique ability to relieve fatigue, blue calms the psyche, orange has a great effect on the functionality of the kidneys, the red tint improves immunity, yellow is suitable for preventing and combating depression.

Help of fitball in healing the body

In addition to the fact that such gymnastic balls bring a feeling of strength, a fitball becomes very effective after childbirth. More this type sport allows a person to be proud that he has overcome another step in the process of achieving harmony and has become better and even more beautiful.

Today, many people spare neither money nor time for fitball. Reviews about this unique sport are numerous. After all, it really helps with many pressing problems. It would seem that this is just a huge ball, but it significantly strengthens muscles, eliminates a stooped back and trains coordination. But the main advantage of using it is that you can perform all the necessary exercises not only in the gym, but also at home.

The word “fitball” itself consists of two components - health improvement (“fit”) and ball (“bol”). This gymnastic ball serves as a simple and effective exercise machine that can perfectly solve all health problems for a particular family. This Swiss invention is distributed throughout the world today. It is used with great success in correcting the figure, shaping posture, and at the same time it perfectly lifts the mood. It’s rare that a fitness club doesn’t have this type of exercise on its schedule, and it’s also not uncommon to practice exercise balls with babies.

A little history

The concept of “fitball” was created in the fifties of the twentieth century by the doctor Susan Klein-Vogelbach. Initially, this device was used for exercises with people with cerebral palsy. The resulting effect from such activities was amazing. Therefore, these gymnastic balls began to be recommended as equipment for restorative therapy for people who also have musculoskeletal systems.

For the very first time, as mentioned above, fitball began to be used for medicinal and preventive purposes in Switzerland. It is made of a special plastic material that bends under body weight. Moreover, when exercises were performed on such balls, people who had some problems with the spine or any injuries were not only able to regain their long-awaited ability to move, but also regained their former flexibility and mobility in the joints.

Over time, exercises on a fitball have gained particular popularity; now it is used in rehabilitation and fitness complexes. It's interesting that classes like this interesting view sports have absolutely no contraindications, and can also be suitable for all people, even pregnant women.

Aerobics using fitballs of various sizes is also very exciting. Large, lightweight balls not only help maintain health, but also create a fun atmosphere when a person bounces and bounces on the ball, throws it and catches it. Therefore, the lessons are emotional and vivid.

Like other types of aerobics, fitball classes include numerous exercises, including strength (developing muscle strength), dynamic (improving coordination) and increasing the overall endurance of the body.

Operating principle

As a rule, sitting on an object such as a fitball (what it is - indicated above) is obtained exclusively with a straight back, so such exercises help improve posture and are very useful for the spine. Amazing fact, but in some Scandinavian countries, educational institutions use balls instead of chairs.

The round shape of the ball increases the range of motion, which increases efficiency and promotes high muscle stretch. Due to the constant vibration of the ball, work is stimulated internal organs and systems, including the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems, and the instability of the device allows the muscles to be in continuous tension in order to maintain balance.

Fitball exercises also help develop self-control abilities. Therefore, quite often such exercises include special programs yoga

Today, many are familiar with the concept of “fitball”. Even older people know what it is, because they spend their time with great pleasure doing such an exciting sport. Just recently, fitball was perceived as some kind of exotic, but now it has become one of the most popular fitness equipment. This popularity can easily be explained by the many reasons described above, including, first of all, ease of learning, no contraindications, fun and increased health-improving effectiveness.

Today all fitness clubs are equipped with fitballs. What is it, how to choose the right fitball, does it help you lose weight, exercises on the fitball and answers to other questions can be found in this article! I'm telling from personal experience, because I have a fitball at home and I often work out on it.!

What is fitball?

Fitball is a special ball that is used to perform a wide range of physical exercise. It was originally developed for people with back problems. This ball helped strengthen the corresponding muscles, improve posture, and restore after operations and injuries. The championship in the development of fitball, according to sources, belongs to a Swiss physiotherapist. But soon the ball’s scope of use began to grow, moving beyond the group of rehabilitation equipment. That’s why fitballs began to appear in fitness centers and even at home.

How is fitball useful?

Regular exercise on a fitball is a great way to strengthen the muscles of the whole body, improve posture, deal with problem areas and even lose weight. The result is a toned, slender body.

What exactly do exercises on fitball provide? Replies from:

  • Correct posture: every exercise on a fitball, not to mention specially designed complexes, strengthens the back muscles without overloading it. The muscles that make up the corset for the spine are involved. Physiotherapists note improved posture after regular exercise on a fitball. Try it too!

The fact is that after active physical exercise, you can relax on the fitball itself, stretch your back and all your muscles. This, as I personally think, is the health-improving effect of a fitness ball.

  • Increased endurance and muscle strength: exercises on a fitball involve all muscle groups (tested it on myself). Increases muscle tone and strength.
  • Trained vestibular apparatus and good coordination of movements: even if you only exercise your abs on a fitball, you still need to keep your balance. For the first time, it’s even difficult to perform basic exercises, which look so beautiful and easy in pictures in fashion magazines. The fitball will continually try to roll away from you. You need to get used to being concentrated. Soon you will stop noticing that all your muscles are toned, and you can easily do the second or third repetition of the exercise on the fitball without falling off it.
  • Flexibility: Fitball exercises allow you to very effectively stretch your muscles and knead your joints.
  • In addition, exercises on a fitball, namely the shock-absorbing function of the ball, relieve the spinal column, improve metabolism and blood supply to all parts of the body, internal organs, and strengthen the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems.
  • Good mood: practicing with a big bright ball is very fun and interesting)

Fitball is the only apparatus whose exercises require simultaneous coordinated motor work. vestibular, visual and tactile apparatus.

I would like to note that exercises on a fitball are not exhausting and are quite gentle (unless, of course, you do not take into account special aerobic complexes on). They do not put “wrong” load on the legs and back. For this reason, people can exercise on a fitball different ages, gender and health status. Nowadays, ball exercises for infants and pregnant women are very common. Elderly people in European countries are not far behind them. This direction is just developing here. Exercises on a fitball can be performed by people with varicose veins.

Probably every person at the beginning of classes was afraid that the ball would burst. Do not be afraid! A properly selected fitball will support not only your weight, but also more!

Fitball exercises. Contraindications

Despite the miraculous effect of fitball on the entire body, exercises on it still have some contraindications. Doctors do not recommend exercising on a fitness ball for those who have: severe diseases of the cardiovascular system; herniated discs; pathologies of internal organs.

I would like to note that there are different techniques for performing exercises on a fitball. You can choose the ones that are most suitable for your case. There are calmer complexes, there are strength and cardio workouts that promote weight loss (of course, with a normal daily routine). Before you start exercising on a fitball, consult your doctor and trainer! Also choose the time when you.

As I already noted, a fitball correctly selected in size will contribute to good training results. Yes, and it’s more convenient to practice on it. On a ball that is too large, the exercises will not be performed fully; you will roll off it and not reach the floor with your feet and hands (in a lying position, sitting). A small ball will put a lot of stress on your legs and joints and will slip out. Therefore, there are two main ways to determine the size of the fitball you need.

Method one. Sit on a fitball. Place your feet together in front of you, keep your back straight. In this case, the angle at knee joint should be exactly 90 degrees. It is worth noting that the degree of “inflation” of the fitball plays a role in this. The ball should not be hard, and on the contrary, it should not bend much under your weight. Perhaps you need to deflate or inflate the fitball a little, then the desired degree will be equal to 90 degrees.

Method two. This method is more accurate and correct, in my opinion. This way you can even buy a ball as a gift. All you need is the person's height.

Fitballs differ in diameter. There are balls from 45 to 85 centimeters in diameter. Each indicator corresponds to a certain human height.

I present to you table “How to choose a fitball”, where the first column will contain the size (diameter in centimeters) of the fitball, and the second column will contain the corresponding human height:

  • 45 cm – below 152 cm
  • 55 cm – from 152 cm to 164 cm
  • 65 cm – from 164 cm to 180 cm
  • 75 cm – from 180 cm to 200 cm
  • 85 cm – from 200 cm

Each ball indicates the maximum permissible weight of a person. You can jump, lie on your fitball - it won’t burst)

There are several types of fitballs:

    • a simple smooth ball is the most common option for fitness clubs and for home use;
    • a ball with ears - for additional support and balance (most often used for children's activities and for exercises by pregnant women);
    • ball with knobs - massage fitball.

The fitball is inflated with a special pump, which is often included (manual). You can buy a fitball at any sports equipment store or online store. Prices vary depending on the manufacturer, size, configuration and purpose.

Fitball exercises. I want a slim and toned figure!

All exercises on a fitball can be collected in complexes. There are a huge number of them: to improve flexibility, to strengthen the back muscles, for the abs, for the legs, for the arms, for tightening the buttocks, for working out pectoral muscles and shoulder muscles... There are countless types of exercises: twisting, planking, walking, turns, push-ups, passing the ball, squats, bridges, lunges and others. In addition, you can combine exercises on a fitball with, for example, exercises with dumbbells.

Doing exercises on a fitball CORRECTLY is not easy. Especially at the beginning of your acquaintance with a sports instrument. Maintaining balance, straining all your muscles so as not to fall off the ball, and even performing turns, twisting or planks requires a lot of effort. Therefore, exercises on a fitball lose weight they help too. As a result, you will get not only a slim, but also a toned body with beautiful reliefs (you need to add and to REGULAR exercises).

I offer you several useful videos exercises on fitball. Full body exercises:

Fitball exercises for weight loss. Very energetic workout:

Do you use fitball? What results have you achieved?
