Common aphid. Common acorn herb: description, beneficial properties, application

Shchiritsa (Amaranhtus) was grown by the Incas and Aztecs along with corn, potatoes and beans. The seeds of this plant, which are also suitable for flour production, can be placed on a par with corn and cotton in value.

From ban to heyday

Shchiritsa or amaranth is one of the first agricultural crops grown by humans.

When, while in Warsaw, I asked Dr. Hazem Kalai what wonderful thing he had that would be interesting to tell the readers of Ukraine, and even so as to give them the idea of ​​a new business, he answered without hesitation:
- Amaranthus.
- Shchiritsa? What's so wonderful about it?
And Professor Hazem Kalai spoke.

The history of this plant is intricate: agarica as a crop was banned in the sixteenth century. Considering the fact that the ancients also used amaranth in magical and pagan cults, the cultivation of this plant, as a symbol of paganism, was prohibited by Spanish monks during the conquest of Central and South America by the conquistadors. At the same time, agarica also entered the territory of the old continent, where it first quickly spread as a weed, and only centuries later it became a cultivated plant. A new revival of ashiritsa as a field crop began in the 70s of the last century, mainly due to the valuable nutritional properties of the plant. Amaranth is now widely used in agriculture, food and pharmaceutical industries. Amaranth fields can be found in almost every corner of the world - in South America, Southeast Asia: India, Nepal, Himalayas, China, Ceylon and Africa: Mozambique, Uganda and Nigeria. In addition, ashiritsa is grown in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, in Kazakhstan and in Western Europe– in Germany, Slovakia and Poland. The cultivation of amaranth in Poland began 10 years ago, after Professor Emil Nalborczyk from the Warsaw Agricultural University visited a Mapuche Indian village in Chile. From there he brought amaranth seeds.

Character and habits: botanical characteristics and environmental requirements

The species Shchiritsa (Amaranhtus) belongs to the family Shchiritsa (Amaranthaceae), order Caryophyllales and includes about 60 species, of which only a few are suitable for cultivation as cultivated plants. Most species of this family are weeds; their seeds and leaves are unsuitable for food (for example, the well-known amaranthus retroflexus). Most species of this genus belong to annual plants, but there are also some perennial species shiritsy. The height of the agaric varies, depending on the type, from 0.3 to 3 meters.
Species from the Schiritsev family (Amaranthaceae) are characterized by various shapes. The stems can be straight, curved, branched, but always without lateral shoots. Plants may be covered with fine hairs, bristles, long shoots, or remain bare. The color of the stems and leaves, depending on the species, can be green, red, purple, or one plant can combine different colors in color. The inflorescence of aphidum consists of small “balls” of flowers in the axils of the leaves, and is spike-shaped. The color of the inflorescence is also varied - it can be golden, green, red, pink, purple and brown. The seeds are small, from 0.9 to 1.7 mm long, but in cultivated varieties they are larger - from 1.5 to 2.14 mm. The color of the seeds varies depending on the type and subspecies of amaranth, which serves as the main identifying feature for distinguishing cultivated varieties of amaranth. Although in botanical classification the color of seeds is not used for determination. Amaranth can be grown at different altitudes, even at an altitude of 3000 m. As for the type of soil, amaranth is a picky plant that can grow in sandy and clay soils, with a pH level above 8.5 or slightly acidic (pH 6.0). This crop tolerates a lack of moisture and a high content of metals in the soil. Optimal temperature for the growth and development of amaranth – + 26- +28. °C, development stops at + 7 °C. The growing season of amaranth usually lasts 90-130 days, but can be as long as 160 days.

A.Retroflexus (breadth thrown back)

A.Hybridus (hybrid bread)

A.Lividus (bluish width)

How they do it in Mexico and Poland

The soil for sowing shiritsa should be well prepared, crumbly, warm and slightly moist. It is recommended to fertilize in the same way as corn. According to farmers from Mexico, they use the following fertilizers for acorns:
Nitrogen – 90-100 kg/ha (split application – the first before sowing, the second during intensive crop growth).
Phosphorus - from 60 to 70 kg/ha.
Potassium – 60 – 70 kg/ha.
It is best to sow amaranth when the soil warms up at a depth of 5 cm to a temperature of 10-13°C, usually in the second ten days of May. You can sow by hand or using a row seeder. If you are using a seeder, acorn seeds should be mixed with sand or semolina to ensure even placement of the seeds and maintain the seeding rate. The seeding rate can be from 0.5 to 5.0 kg/ha, sowing can be done with row spacing of 20-30 cm or 50-70 cm, at a depth of 1 cm. During the growing season, it is important to carry out manual or mechanical weeding to form optimal density standing. Amaranth can be harvested after the first frost in October or November, since in low temperatures (below -5 °C) the plants begin to dry out. You can use regular grain harvesters. The yield of amaranth largely depends on the variety and the area where it is grown. For traditional varieties grown in Mexico, the yield is 0.8-1.5 tons of seeds/ha, in Ethiopia - up to 6 tons of seeds/ha. The price for the obtained acorn seeds is, as a rule, at least 3 times higher than the purchase price of wheat.

Cultivation care. Easy and inexpensive

Insects that would seriously damage acorns are not yet known. Of the diseases that affect amaranth, the most harmful are leaf spots (dominant - Phoma longissima), root rot caused by growing on wet soils, and also white rust (pathogen Albugo bliti).

Why is it needed, this amaranth?

Recently, amaranth seeds are increasingly called “the grain of the 21st century”, since its seeds contain nutrients more valuable than wheat. Amaranth seeds are characterized by a high content of protein, lysine and other amino acids. The value of ashiritsa proteins exceeds the biological value of milk proteins. The seeds also contain a large number of iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, which are one of the important elements in the diet of pregnant women and diets in the treatment of diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. The seeds are characterized by a high content of vitamins B and A, E and C, their content is twice that of fiber and oat bran. Also, acorn seeds contain the enzyme tecotrienol, which is an inhibitor of cholesterol synthesis, which makes this crop promising for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The seeds also contain the substance squalene (about 5-8% of general content seed oil), which stops the aging process and is used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
The green mass (leaves, stems) of all cultivated amaranth species can be used as animal feed; This food helps improve the quality of meat and reduce the percentage of obesity in animals. Under favorable growing conditions, one hectare can produce up to 100 tons of green mass. 100 tons of amaranth green mass is 5 tons pure protein, which in its own way nutritional value higher than soy protein.
According to a 2007 study by Bednarczyk and Pasko, amaranth seeds or oil can be used to treat people suffering from hypertension and coronary heart disease. The reason is that amaranth contains three components that regulate cholesterol biosynthesis: squalene, fiber (fibrous substances) and substances that inhibit trypsin synthesis.
Squalene is one of the main metabolites (substances) involved in the biosynthesis of cholesterol in the liver; It has been proven that it suppresses the activity of key enzymes in cholesterogenesis, that is, it slows down the process of cholesterol formation. Another hypothesis is that squalene inhibits the intestinal absorption of fatty acids and cholesterol. Experimental studies On rats, they showed that squalene increases the activity of the enzyme cholesterol acetyltransferase, which leads to the accumulation of esters in the liver and prevents the release of free cholesterol into the blood. Squalene also has antioxidant properties.
Fibrous substances are found in large quantities in seeds and leaves. different types amaranth. These substances promote the binding and absorption of fatty acids and cholesterol in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby preventing them from entering the blood. In addition, during the transformation of fibrous substances in the stomach under the influence of microflora, acids are formed (acetic, propionic, butyric), which inhibit the biosynthesis of cholesterol in the liver.
Trypsin inhibitors stimulate the secretion (production and release) of the enzyme cholecystokinin, which increases the flow of bile into the duodenum. This accelerates the decomposition of cholesterol and bile acids in the liver. And, as a result, a decrease in cholesterol levels in the blood.
A diet using amaranth oil helps reduce the frequency of headaches and fatigue during physical activity. This oil also helps normalize blood pressure, in people with high blood pressure it decreases by 20%. If you stick to strict diet based on amaranth oil, body weight is reduced by an average of 300 g per day. All these exceptional qualities of the plant are well known to specialists in the pharmaceutical and cosmetology industries, which creates a steady demand for raw materials and semi-finished products from amaranth.

A.Cruentus (scarlet amaranth)

A.Caudatus (caudate amaranth)

A.Deflexus (declined width)

The importance of amaranth in environmental protection

Shchiritsa (amaranth) belongs to plants with the C-4 type of photosynthesis, that is, to those plants that intensively and in large quantities bind carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which is important in the context of global warming. In addition, growing amaranth can prevent wind erosion of the soil; In addition, agarica cleanses the soil of heavy metal ions. These data were confirmed by studies conducted in Poland, at the Technical University in Kosice. It was found that this plant has the ability to adapt to environmental conditions and grow and develop normally in conditions of severe soil contamination with heavy metals. Heavy metal and nitrate ions accumulate in the root system of amaranth, which is not used industrially.
In addition, the experimental results show that most types of amaranth can be used as raw materials for the production of biofuels. To do this, the amaranth crop is harvested using a combine used for harvesting flax. The collected plants are dried, pressed into cubes or briquettes, which are directly used to produce biofuel. The energy intensity of amaranth is 14 MJ/kg at a humidity of 17%.
Another environmental aspect associated with acorn grass; Since amaranth contains a significant amount of squalene, which is widely used in pharmaceuticals, and until recently it was obtained only from sharks and whales, now amaranth can be safely used as a source of this valuable material, preserving the biodiversity of the oceans.

Sowing amaranth with a seeder SPZ-1.5

View of the field after sowing the width

Shirita shoots on the 3rd week after sowing

Amaranth plants on the 7th week after sowing

Beginning of flowering

Amaranth in full bloom

Waxy ripeness of amaranth seeds

Inflorescences with ripe seeds

Harvesting amaranth

Amaranth products on the market

Today on the European market you can find many products made from acorn grass, these include food products, supplements, as well as various cosmetics. Food products – flour, soups and fried acorn seeds. Amaranth oil is used as an additive to yoghurts, kefir, ice cream, salads and desserts. Amaranth oil is also used in cosmetology as a means to smooth out wrinkles. Internal use of ashiritsa oil is also indicated for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and to strengthen the immune system.

For lunch and dessert

Amaranth and leek soup

Ingredients: amaranth leaves or roasted seeds, herbal tea, leeks, olive oil, seasonings: salt, pepper, nutmeg, chopped green onions.
Boil amaranth leaves over low heat for 10 minutes in broth with vegetables and leeks, then fry in amaranth oil. Add to the boiling soup and simmer together for a few minutes. When ready, add spices and finely chopped green onions.

Amaranth with vegetables

Ingredients: amaranth seeds, olive oil, carrots, leeks, celery, parsley, peppers, potatoes. Spices: salt, pepper, thyme.
Boil amaranth seeds for about 15 minutes. Fry the vegetables in olive oil, add water and simmer over low heat. Then add the boiled seeds and simmer over low heat, add spices, and simmer for about 10 minutes.

Dessert with amaranth and nuts

Ingredients: honey or corn syrup, butter or margarine, chopped walnuts or peanuts, amaranth seeds.
Heat honey or syrup, butter or margarine, mix, add nuts and amaranth seeds. Mix well, then pour into a thin layer in a baking dish and, after cooling, cut into small pieces.

Information and Ukrainian amaranth experiments

The use of amaranth as a silage crop ensures an increase in protein production in silage per unit of land area by 16-17%, and lysine by 2.4 times. In amaranth silage, compared to corn silage, the protein content (in terms of 1 feed unit) increases 1.7 times, reaching a level of 90-100 g when using mixed crops of amaranth and corn, which is the zootechnical norm for most farm animals. The use of amaranth silage instead of corn in the diet of young cattle helps to increase the average daily weight gain by 16%, and in the diets of pigs, amaranth silage can replace up to 20% of concentrated feed. All this gives grounds to assert that the widespread use of such a valuable forage crop for ensiling in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine will help solve the feed problem and increase livestock production.
Amaranth may also be of interest for agricultural production because it requires, compared to other crops, a small amount of water to create a unit of organic matter: approximately half as much as wheat and barley, and 2.5-3 times less than beans. alfalfa, sunflower. Compared to corn, labor costs for ensiling amaranth are half as much, the protein content is twice as high, although the yield of amaranth is almost the same as that of corn. Labor costs and operating costs when growing amaranth, both for green fodder, grain, and especially for silage, are lower than when growing corn.

ARGO Consumer Society

Amaranth has long been successfully produced in the Nikolaev region (“Amarant of Ukraine”,, “Kharkovsky-1, medicinal” is cultivated here - the biomass yield is 3 times higher than corn and gives more than 200 tons of biomass with grain. In some experimental areas, a result of 300 tons was achieved. Amaranth has amazing biological qualities:
- Amaranth has two types of roots: fibrous, surface, which uses moisture from the upper layers of the soil, and taproot, which extracts moisture for the plant from a depth of 7 meters, especially during critical dry periods.
- At high temperatures stomata in leaves / Airways/ close and prevent moisture from evaporating. This is the strength of this plant, that it can withstand drought and does not die.
- This is perhaps the highest protein plant, surpassing soybean, buckwheat, cow's milk, not to mention grains in protein content. Of the 20 types of all amino acids existing in nature, amaranth includes 18.

Kherson Institute of Agriculture of the Southern Region

Amaranth “Ultra” is an annual spring grain crop of the Amaranthaceae family. The tap root penetrates to a depth of 7 m.
The plant reaches a height of 1.6 -1.7 m. The stem is powerful, erect, irregularly rounded. The leaves are arranged alternately, they are whole, at the base elongated into a stem, oval and lanceolate in shape.
The tops of the leaves are notched and slightly pointed. The inflorescence is a complex, branched, golden-colored, straight shoot 35–45 cm long.
The flowers are small.
The pollination system is mixed.
Amaranth seed is similar to cereal seed.
After the amaranth harvest, carrion does not germinate in the field. The plant tolerates drought well, but dies at temperatures of zero degrees.
Amaranth sowing begins after May 15th. For sowing, experts recommend using a “Maple” seeder.
The consumption rate of the machine is 0.5 kg, while the use of other seeders gives a consumption rate of 1 kg.
For every 500 plants of the crop, there is 1 two-meter mutant, which must be destroyed before flowering.
Amaranth varieties Ultra, Sam and Lera differ in yield and growing season.

Prof. Hazem Kalai, Dr. Carolina Bosa, Asp. Agnieszka Grochowska
Hazem M. Kalaji, Karolina Bosa, Agnieszka Grochowska
Department of Plant Physiology, Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland

And finally - from the editor

It should be noted that the prices for amaranth products and amaranth grain are usually called fantastic... So (data from four years ago) a liter of pharmaceutical amaranth oil in Europe cost more than 700 euros, a liter of food - 12 euros, a kilogram of flour - 8.6 euros, and so on, but, of course, any agro-industrialist, before growing a crop, must take care of future sales. Prices, channels, duties, etc. today are probably different from last year. Unless, of course, you have no idea to grow a fodder crop for your own livestock farming... Nevertheless, amaranth is a very interesting crop, especially for small farms that need differentiation in the market and the ability to survive next to huge holdings, doing what holdings do not do will become.

Popularly considered a weed, but not everyone knows that it also has a number of medicinal properties, which have been used since ancient times in the treatment of certain diseases. Mainly, acorn recursus is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and as a hemostatic agent.

Amaranth upturned is an annual plant, growing up to 0.9 m. The rhizome of amaranth is pinkish in color. You can recognize the aphid by its flowers - they are small and yellowish-green in color.

Not frost-resistant. It blooms from July to September, and the seeds ripen from August to October. Flowers are monoecious (separate flowers of male or feminine, but both sexes can be found on the same plant) and are wind pollinated. The plant is self-pollinating. Growing: Light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clayey) soils, and prefers well-drained soils. Suitable pH: acidic, neutral and alkaline soils and can grow in very acidic and very alkaline soils.
Shchiritsa cannot grow in the shade. It prefers moist soil and can tolerate drought.
Seen in all areas. The amaranth family includes 4 more species that are found throughout the country. It grows in vegetable gardens and fields, near roads. Considered a weed.

Edible parts: leaves; seeds.

Culinary uses of shiritsa:

Young leaves- raw or cooked like spinach. They have a mild flavor and are often mixed with stronger flavored leaves. Amaranth is rich in iron and is also a good source of vitamins A and C.

Seeds- raw or cooked. They were ground into powder and used as a grain substitute, and some also added it to salads. The seeds are very small, about 1 mm in diameter, but are easy to collect and very nutritious. The taste will improve significantly if the seeds are roasted before grinding. They are often added to cornmeal. The seeds can be cooked whole and become gelatinous, so some of the seeds will pass straight through the digestive system without being assimilated.

Applications of Amaranth

The plant is used in traditional medicine as a hemostatic agent for certain pulmonary, intestinal, hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding. Sometimes it is recommended to take aqueous infusions of medicinal herbs for diarrhea, intestinal pain or constipation.

How to use shiritsa

Tart tea made from leaves as an astringent. It is used in the treatment of heavy menstruation, intestinal bleeding, etc. The infusion is used to treat hoarseness.
Grind upturned acorn grass, add 1 to 3 tbsp. l. into a full glass of boiling water, leave for about an hour, then strain. Take 3 times during the day, before meals (divide the resulting composition into 3 equal parts).
1 tbsp. add dry crushed leaves to a glass of water, then cook for 2-3 minutes, then leave for 1 hour, and be sure to strain. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day, before meals.

Other uses

Yellow and red dyes are obtained from the whole plant. Like many other Amaranthus species, this plant can be harmful and even fatal when fed to cattle and pigs in large quantities. However, when supplied in moderation, it is considered an exceptionally nutritious feed.

Photo of upturned acorn and how to fight it?

This plant is considered a weed, so it is found extremely often throughout the territory. Not everyone knows that amaranth family amaranth can be used in folk medicine, and want to get rid of the annoying weed plant as soon as possible.
There are some ways:

  • Thorough cleaning of seed material.
  • Use of herbicides.
  • Mow the grass before flowering.

You can always choose the option that you like - using it in folk medicine or destroying acorns as a weed. You should also always consult your doctor about intake and dosage. Be healthy!

The annual plant common acorn is a weed that many have encountered in gardens and fields, on roadsides. Not everyone knows that traditional healers This herb is considered a medicinal plant containing many beneficial substances necessary for humans.


Common aphid, beetroot, rubella, amaranth - all these are names of one plant that are used in different regions of our country. And that's not all: the plant is known as velvet, cockscomb, and axamite. It refers to small red flowers that are collected in inflorescences - dense, spicate-paniculate, rather long. Common acorn flowers remain on the plant for several months.

This ancient plant, which began to be cultivated in South America as a grain crop. In Spain it was considered a flower of evil spirits, which is why it was prohibited there. The common acorn appeared in Europe in the 16th century, and in Russia in the 19th century. In Sweden, a special order was even established for shiritsa.

This is an annual herbaceous plant, having a tall thick stem up to one meter high with oblong-lanceolate, alternate, pointed leaves, covered with purple-red spots. Flowering begins in August with small flowers that are collected in paniculate spike-shaped inflorescences. Common aphidum blooms until frost.

The seeds of the plant are shiny small grains of black color. Today, about a hundred species of plants belonging to this family are known, which grow in moderately warm regions. Most of them are weeds.

Some types of agaric are considered valuable food crops. Today, decorative varieties have been bred that decorate garden plots in the fall. The dried flowers of this plant evoke Nice memories about the long summer cold winter. Translated from Greek, amaranth is translated as “unfading flower.” Under natural conditions, amaranth can be found in China and India.

Application of shiritsa

In many countries of Southeast Asia, Europe, and Africa, agaricum is classified as a fodder and medicinal plant. Flour and flour are made from grains confectionery, beverages. Fresh and dried leaves are fried, steamed and canned. In Asian cuisine, the common acorn herb is used as a tasty vitamin supplement for salads, fish, and meat. In Greek cuisine, shiritsa shoots are watered olive oil, add lemon juice and use as a side dish for fish dishes.

In folk medicine they are used as a means to strengthen the body. Chinese healers use oil from acorn seeds to treat tumors and fight aging. Shchiritsa oil contains the unique element squalene (we will talk about it in more detail below). Common acorn seeds are recommended to be used as additives in dietary products: bakery products, cereals, confectionery and

Ashiritsa flour has biological value and is a source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins C and PP. It does not contain gluten and may well become the basis of the diet for patients with celiac disease, without the addition of wheat flour. In Russia, this plant is grown as an ornamental plant and for animal feed. When it gets into a garden or field, common acorn grass, a photo of which you can see in this article, grows quickly. It is considered a weed that is very difficult to control.

Common aphidum: beneficial properties

Despite the fact that amaranth, or amaranth, is a weed plant, and previously it was most often used to feed livestock, over time people noticed its beneficial properties and began to use it for treatment. Each part of the common acorn has a rich biological and chemical composition:

  • proteins, including albumins and globulins;
  • fats;
  • dietary fiber (fiber);
  • carbohydrates;
  • tocotrienol form of vitamin E;
  • carbohydrates;
  • squalene;
  • amino acid lysine;
  • flavonoids (rutin, quercetin and trefolin);
  • phospholipids;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • niacin;
  • pectins.

The plant contains a huge amount of micro- and macroelements: calcium and potassium, manganese and magnesium, fluorine and sodium, zinc and iron, copper and selenium. The leaves and seeds of the common acorn contain fatty oil, saturated with bound acids (oleic, stearic, linoleic, palmitic). The roots contain:

  • amaranthine;
  • isoamaranthine;
  • isobetanin;
  • betanin;
  • alkaloids.


It is especially necessary to dwell on this substance, which is part of the plant. Squalene is a triterpene hydrocarbon belonging to the group of carotenoids. Its peculiarity is to help saturate the cells of the body with oxygen.

Taking an active part in metabolism, squalene affects cholesterol levels. Moreover, it has antimicrobial properties. This substance is often used in cosmetology. Its pronounced anti-aging properties are used in the production of anti-aging cosmetics.

Common aphidum: medicinal properties

Thanks to its rich vitamin and mineral composition and high energy value Traditional healers and doctors of traditional medicine actively use this amazing plant in their practice. Preparations based on it are indicated for the treatment of:

  • some diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • children's nocturnal enuresis;
  • restoration of the body in case of anemia, vitamin deficiency and loss of strength;
  • painful sensations from hemorrhoids;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus, as a preventive measure;
  • neurosis.

How does recovery happen?

Decoctions and infusions of the plant are used to treat skin damage, dental diseases (periodontal disease, stomatitis), and healing of ulcers of the gastrointestinal system. Shchiritsa stimulates:

  • saturation of organs and tissues with oxygen;
  • immune system to resist viruses;
  • the formation and development of cancer cells is prevented;
  • cleanses the blood of infections;
  • heavy metals and toxins are removed;
  • visual acuity improves;
  • recovery from serious illnesses and radiation therapy is accelerated;
  • regenerative functions are activated.

Recipes based on shiritsa

The healing properties of the common acorn are used in many preparations based on this plant. We will introduce you to some of them.

Root decoction

To prepare this medicinal product, you will need fifteen grams of dry crushed raw materials, which are brewed with boiling water (200 ml). Then the container with the herb is placed in a water bath and boiled for thirty minutes. The mixture is allowed to cool for ten minutes and filtered. Take a third of a glass twice a day.

Infusion of leaves

Twenty grams of dry leaves pour 250 ml of hot boiled water. Boil in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. The product should be infused for forty-five minutes, after which it should be strained and the composition can be taken in a third of a glass twice a day.

Infusion of leaves (fresh)

Pour one tablespoon (tablespoon) of crushed herb leaves into 200 ml of boiling water. Wrap the container and let the product sit for about forty minutes. Strain and take a quarter cup of honey with honey for acute stomach pain three times a day.

Shchiritsa oil

This substance, obtained from grains, is rich in squalene. It contains vitamin D, which is necessary for the full synthesis of the hormone. In addition, it is beneficial for human skin and has many medicinal properties. Amaranth seeds are rich in vitamin E - the best antioxidant. Oil from ashiritsa grains is superior to sea buckthorn oil in all respects.

Bath decoction

Brew crushed dry herb (400 g) with two liters of boiling water and simmer for another fifteen minutes over low heat. Let the product sit for half an hour and pour it into the bath. This therapeutic bath is recommended three times a week for skin diseases. The duration of the procedure is no more than half an hour.

Vodka tincture

Pour dry acorn grass (flowers and leaves) with vodka and place in a dark place for two weeks. Strain and take a teaspoon (teaspoon) diluted in a small amount of water before meals for diseases of the genitourinary system.

agaric juice

At diabetes mellitus, gastritis, pain in the liver, folk healers recommend taking ashiritsa juice mixed with homemade sour cream and cream. The juice is prepared as follows. Juice is squeezed out of fresh leaves after passing them through a meat grinder or grinding them in a blender. You can use a juicer.

The juice is mixed in a 1:1 ratio with cream. It should be taken three times a day with a tablespoon (tablespoon) after meals.

Treatment of enuresis

Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon (tablespoon) of crushed acorn inflorescences along with the seeds and place the container in a water bath for twenty minutes. After the specified time, leave the product to cool completely. Then strain and take a spoonful (teaspoon) with 50 ml of water. Take three times a day thirty minutes before meals and before bedtime. The course of treatment lasts two weeks.

Rejuvenating Blend

This is a unique composition that removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body. To prepare it, you will need acorn, St. John's wort, birch buds and chamomile, one tablespoon (tablespoon). Brew two tablespoons of the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water, let the mixture brew for three hours and strain it. The mixture is taken twice a day, one glass - in the morning on an empty stomach and at night, adding a teaspoon of honey (teaspoon). The infusion should be warmed before use. Repeated use of this rejuvenating mixture is carried out no earlier than two years later.


Like all medicinal plants, ashiritsa has restrictions on taking medications based on it. These include:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gluten enteropathy;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • individual intolerance;
  • cholecystitis.

The annual acorn grass is a common weed found everywhere in fields, vegetable gardens, and roadsides. Few people know that traditional medicine reveres it as a medicinal plant, because it contains a large amount of substances useful to humans.

Shchiritsa belongs to the Amaranth family; throughout the summer it blooms with small yellow-green flowers, which are collected in dense elongated panicle inflorescences.

Traditional medicine uses all parts of this medicinal plant in its recipes. Procurement of medicinal raw materials should be carried out from mid to late summer.

Chemical composition of the plant

The seeds and leaves of shiritsa contain fatty oil, which is saturated with bound acids: stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, palmitic. The roots of the medicinal plant boast the presence of amaranthine, isoamaranthine, betanin, and isobetanin. In addition, the plant contains alkaloids.

The use of shiritsa in folk medicine

Shchiritsa is able to effectively stop bleeding, so traditional medicine advises using it in case of bleeding of various locations: uterine, intestinal, hemorrhoidal, pulmonary. An extract from dried agaric has a bactericidal effect, and an infusion from its leaves has a diuretic effect.

Infusions based on shiritsa are used to treat ailments of the digestive system: diarrhea, constipation, colitis, and also as a remedy for pain in the intestines. This medicinal plant is also used to treat:

  • chronic inflammation of the uterus;
  • jaundice;
  • rishta;
  • headache;
  • dysentery;
  • various tumors.

Young shoots of acorn grass are consumed internally to saturate the body with essential vitamins. In addition, acorn grass is used on farms as food for poultry; the seeds of a medicinal plant are used for this purpose.

Shchiritsa: beneficial properties

Shchiritsa (amaranth) is a widespread annual plant. There are many types of amaranth, but the main one is red amaranth, which is used as an ornamental and Shrovetide crop.

Shchiritsa: beneficial properties

Shchiritsa contains the essential amino acid lysine for our body and such macro- and microelements as:

Also, this plant, unusual for us, contains a large amount of a special substance - squalene. It has antitumor, immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties.
Constant consumption of agaric will improve metabolism, normalize hormonal levels, and improve kidney and liver function. Amaranth can be used during pregnancy to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, and also as a cytoprotector for gastritis or peptic ulcers.
Almost everyone can include a small amount of amaranth in their diet, with the exception of people suffering from certain diseases.

Diseases for which the use of ashiritsa is contraindicated:

  • Cholecystitis,
  • Cholelithiasis,
  • Urolithiasis disease,
  • Pancreatitis,
  • Allergy to amaranth.

Recipes for cooking shiritsa

It is better to eat agarica fresh, when the healthy leaves contain the maximum concentration of vitamin C. It is enough to add a few leaves to a salad or soup.

You can brew delicious and aromatic tea from dry leaves. To do this, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of acorn leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Constant consumption of amaranth tea will lead to a visible rejuvenating effect.

From dry amaranth seeds you can prepare not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy porridge. 600 ml. water must be brought to a boil, then add a glass of dry acorn seeds and wait until all the seeds sink to the bottom of the pan. After this, be sure to cover the porridge with a lid and cook, stirring occasionally for 30-40 minutes. You can add fruits or nuts to the finished dish.

You can also prepare amaranth oil at home. To do this, 100 g of mature agar seeds need to be thoroughly crushed, add three times more vegetable or olive oil, and heat in a water bath to 50-60 degrees. Pour the mixture into a thermos and leave for 10 hours. Then you need to strain the oil and add acorn powder. Store the oil in the refrigerator, take 1 spoon 2 times a day. Amaranth oil can be taken for gastritis, peptic ulcers, and atherosclerosis.


Amaranth is also known as amaranth. There are 17 species of this plant found in Russia. Amaranth has truly miraculous medicinal properties, which promote recovery from many diseases.


An annual plant of the amaranth family. The plant can reach a height of 3 meters, with a stem thickness of about 10 cm. The leaves of the amaranth plant are quite large, oblong in shape, with long petioles, wedge-shaped at the base, sharp towards the apex. The inflorescence is like a lush panicle. Its length can reach 1.5 meters, and they can be of different densities and shapes. Amaranth has small seeds. Seed color: pink, white, brown, black. One inflorescence contains about 0.5 kg of seeds. The plant has a very large number of leaves, about 1000.


The plant is native to South and Central America. Today, amaranth is cultivated not only in America, but also in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Russia. Breeders develop plant varieties in such a way that they are adapted to certain climatic conditions.

Collection and preparation

Amaranth blooms in June, which is when the plants are collected. Amaranth should be cut carefully without damaging the inflorescences and leaves.
Amaranth can be stored for no more than 2 years. A plant that has reached a height of 20 cm is suitable for drying. The leaves are dried in the open air, in the shade.


Amaranth is used as a seasoning, since its seeds contain a large amount of amino acids and protein beneficial to humans. The leaves of the plant are also used for food, since they contain no less useful elements. They are added to salads, soups, and side dishes. The leaves are also used to obtain protein mass used as protein nutrition.

In folk medicine, amaranth is used in the following forms:

  • decoction;
  • cold infusion;
  • hot infusion;
  • Fresh Juice;
  • chopped, softened leaves;
  • infusion for bathing;
  • extract and oil.


Decoction of amaranth herb: crushed leaves, flowers or roots of the herb - 2 tbsp, pour 2 cups of boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes in a steam bath. Cool, express. Take 0.5 cups 30 minutes before meals.

A cold infusion is drunk for gastrointestinal diseases: dried amaranth (flowers or leaves) is poured with cold (not ice) water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Infuse for 15 - 20 minutes. Express. Take 0.5 cups before meals.

A hot infusion of amaranth herb is prepared as follows: 4 tbsp. l fresh leaves are cut, pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for about 30 minutes. Cool slightly and strain. Take 0.5 cups several times a day, before meals.

An infusion for bathing will be effective for various skin inflammations. It is prepared according to the following recipe: 300 grams of leaves and flowers are poured with 2 liters of boiling water. Cook for 15 – 20 minutes. Cool slightly and strain. The decoction is added to the bath water, which is taken for 30 minutes.

Fresh juice is used to rinse the mouth: for sore throats, inflammation of the mucous membranes, tonsillitis. The juice is diluted with water in the ratio: 1 to 5.

Amaranth oil

Amaranth oil (oil extract) is used in the treatment of:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • kidney;
  • liver;
  • diabetes;
  • osteoporosis;
  • atherosclerosis.

You can prepare oil from the amaranth plant yourself as follows: thoroughly grind the seeds in a mortar. Mix with olive oil, 1 to 1, pour into a glass container, leave in a dark, cool place, shaking occasionally. After 1.5 months, the extract is ready and can be used and stored in the refrigerator. The container should always be closed so that amaranth oil does not lose its properties.

Application in cosmetics

The juice of the amaranth plant is used to make homemade cosmetics:

The lotion is prepared according to the following recipe: pour 2-3 leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1.5 - 2 hours. Express. Wipe problem areas of the skin 2 times a day.

Masks are prepared depending on skin type.
For oily skin: grind the greens and mix with oatmeal. The resulting mixture is applied in a thin layer to the face. Leave for 10 - 15 minutes, then rinse with water. The mask has the only contraindication that you can determine yourself. If any discomfort is felt during the procedure, the mask must be washed off ahead of time.
For dry skin, use amaranth as a mask according to the following recipe: amaranth herb juice in the amount of 2 tbsp. l mixed with raw egg yolk and 1 tsp sour cream. You can also add amaranth oil - a couple of drops. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied in a thin layer for 15 minutes. The properties of the mask are as follows: vitamins and other useful material penetrate into the pores of the skin, moisturizing and softening it.
Compresses are used to relieve swelling. Prepare a compress according to this recipe: grind the greens and mix with a small amount of warm milk. The paste is applied to swollen areas of the face. After 15 minutes, wash off.
A rinse from the amaranth plant is used after washing your hair. A decoction of amaranth herb has a wonderful conditioning effect on the scalp. Decoction recipe: 5 – 6 leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 24 hours. Dilute with water: 1 to 1. Use several times a week.
To actively stimulate hair growth, use amaranth oil by rubbing it into the scalp.

Restrictions on use

Amaranth is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gluten enteropathy;
  • cholecystitis;
  • individual intolerance.

Sources:,, amarant.html

Since ancient times, a plant called “amaranth” was grown by the Aztecs and Incas for rituals with sacrifice. The Spaniards, the conquistadors who arrived to conquer the New World, decided to suppress pagan rituals. Calling the amaranth flower “the plant of the devil,” they everywhere destroyed the ancient culture. Let's talk in more detail about this wonderful plant, which the Spaniards could not eradicate.

Amaranth grass (amaranth, cat's tail, velvet, cockscombs) is a crop from the Amaranthaceae family. The stem of the plant is branched or simple. The leaves of the amaranth are egg or diamond shaped. Purple-red flowers are collected in bunches, and the fruit in the form of a box is filled with a huge supply of grains. Maximum amount seeds reaches half a million.

Famous plants from the amaranth family:

  1. Shchiritsa is thrown back. The aggressive weed can be found on all continents except the Arctic Circle. Wastelands are his favorite habitat, so there will be no problem how to grow amaranth.
  2. Sturdy. The early ripening variety reaches 140 cm in height. Brown inflorescences have reddish spots. Will not take root in regions with low temperatures.
  3. Amaranth paniculata. The homeland of the annual plant is Asia. The red tone of the small flowers looks impressive against the backdrop of elongated and pointed leaves, which become iridescent when frost sets in.
  4. Common amaranth (vegetable amaranth). A native of America, it grows quickly and is consumed as food. It takes root even on unfertilized soil.
  5. Amaranth caudate (cascade, avalanche). The plant is native to the American tropics and has red petals and edible seeds and leaves.
  6. The birthplace of the flower is the Indo-Malay (Eastern) region. The color of the leaves combines yellow, green and red tones. “Three-color illumination” - best variety for decorative landscape.
  7. White amaranth. The tropics of America gave the world a plant with greenish-white flowers. The culture was appreciated in Europe, Australia and Africa.
  8. Shuntuk. This variety is popular among farmers. Used for livestock feed.
  9. Cherry velvet. Dense foliage and neat small inflorescences of bright color are the main indicators of a crop growing in an area where unexpected frosts are not observed.
  10. Bicolor. The crop is drought-resistant, but requires timely weeding and replenishment of the soil every two weeks.

Chemical composition

Let's analyze the composition of the plant using the example of the most common amaranth:

  • fatty acids (myristic, stearic, palmitic, behenic);
  • carbohydrates (starch, glucose, sucrose, maltose);
  • vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, K);
  • macroelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus);
  • trace elements (iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc);
  • phytosterols;
  • essential amino acids (arginine, valine, histidine, threonine);
  • essential amino acids (aspartic, glutamic, serine).

The composition of amaranth grains and its leaves does not contain cholesterol, caffeine and lactose. The protein content in grass is 13.56 g (371 kcal) per 100 g of product, which exceeds that of wheat. That is why the Japanese put velvet and squid meat on an equal footing in terms of nutritional value.

Amaranth contains cholesterol, caffeine and lactose.

Medicinal properties, harm and use of culture

The herb, rich in microelements and vitamins, helps with:

  • cancerous tumors;
  • skin inflammation;
  • obesity;
  • anemia;
  • cystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • diabetes;
  • stomatitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gynecological diseases.

Contraindications when using amaranth:

  • allergies and predisposition to Quincke's edema;
  • pancreatitis with frequent relapses;
  • severe course of cholelithiasis.

The plant is used in landscape design to create flower beds and mixborders. It combines harmoniously with all colors, but looks most impressive against the backdrop of delicate daisies, luxurious ageratum and nirembergia.

Cattail seed oil is unique with its subtle nutty flavor. It is used in cooking and in masks for hair care. It is advisable not to heat the oil, because it loses its beneficial properties. It can be used for salads. Butter baked goods are also good if you use flour made from ground velvet seeds.

The dried leaves of the plant are steamed to make a tasty and healthy tea. Upturned amaranth is used as silage and feed for domestic animals (especially pigs and poultry). Boiled leaves of the plant are suitable for human consumption.

How to use amaranth meal?

Amaranth meal - trimmings after squeezing the oil from “cockscombs”. Don't think of them as unnecessary leftovers. Amaranth meal is unique in its ability to burn fats and remove toxins from the body.

The product contains enough protein, so it is recommended for athletes and those who are behind in physical development children. The benefits and harms of amaranth meal are very relative. It all depends on your personal tolerance to the product. Pregnant women and women breastfeeding it is allowed because it helps relieve constipation and improves lactation.

Meal intake - 1 tsp. in the morning and in the evening. As food additives it is used for 3 weeks. After this period, a break is taken for a period indicated by the attending physician after studying the test results.

Amaranth meal contains a lot of protein

Sowing, collection and storage

The technology for sowing amaranth involves seedling and non-seedling methods. In the first case, planting is carried out in March - April (in a box) and in May - June (in a garden bed). In the second sowing option, the seeds are placed in the ground when there is no danger of frost.

All varieties require care during the first month, unless we are talking about wild amaranth. Cockscomb greens are harvested when they reach 25 cm in height. There is no need to worry about haste because new shoots will soon emerge from the cut tops.

The seeds are collected in September until the panicles with grains begin to turn brown. The resulting harvest is dried in a dark place. Leaves are collected before they fall (late August - early September). It is during this period that they are suitable for preparing medicinal drinks.

Amaranth is sown in seedlings and without seedlings


The herb will help with the following pathologies:

  • Dermatitis. 350 g of raw materials are steamed in 2 liters of boiling water. The water bath is kept for 15 minutes. The healing liquid is added to the bath, which is taken morning and evening.
  • Gastritis. For painful stomach cramps, a miracle porridge is prepared: a glass of seeds is boiled in 0.5 liters of water for 45 minutes. Nuts and fruits are added to porridge during remission of the disease.
  • Cystitis. 3 tbsp. l. chopped herbs and inflorescences pour 1 liter hot water. 200 ml of drink at night is enough to drink for a week.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome. 2 tbsp. l. chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort and amaranth seeds are infused for 2 hours in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Drink a glass of the drug in the morning and before bed.
  • Painful menstruation. 1 tbsp. l. the leaves of the herb are poured with 200 ml of hot water and the healing drink is kept for an hour. Drink the liquid in small sips until the spasms stop.
  • Enuresis. You will need fresh inflorescences with seeds that need to be crushed. Steam them in a glass of boiling water and use 1 tsp twice a day.
  • Cervical erosion. To make tampons, use cotton wool soaked in 2 tbsp. l. velvet oils. Therapy at home is carried out at night for a week.

Controversial issue about grass

There is controversy surrounding beautiful plant: Are amaranth and amaranth twins? The opinion of most experts is that these concepts are identical. Others believe that amaranth simply looks like amaranth. They justify their conclusions by some discrepancy in plant characteristics. Shchiritsa is considered a weed, amaranth is a cultivated herb. However, skeptics do not deny that these are representatives of the same family.

When choosing a crop variety, you should consider the purpose for which it will be grown: for decoration, treatment or consumption. In any case, amaranth is a plant that will definitely be useful to beauty connoisseurs, gourmets and livestock breeders.
