Can't you do without them? Celebrating International Shoemaker's Day. International Shoemaker's Day - date, history, congratulations, poems, SMS From time immemorial to our time

Not every profession can boast of having its own holiday, although all are necessary and important. It would be at least a shame not to acknowledge the profession of a shoemaker for many centuries of work, because we all enjoy the fruits of the labor of shoemakers. Therefore, grateful humanity rushes with pleasure on November 26 to congratulate all workers in the footwear industry on their professional holiday.

Some facts from the history of the profession

Who was the first craftsman who came up with the idea of ​​​​building something like shoes from animal skin, and what kind of shoes they had, history is silent. But today, when we put on dress shoes, we definitely have to thank a distant ancestor for such ingenuity. Years passed, man improved, clothes and shoes became not only necessary things, but also status items. The concept of fashion appeared, and the work of a shoemaker began to be assessed not just by quality and good quality, the beauty of the model now acquired special significance. The craft of a shoemaker began to be highly valued by society, because the beauties of the Middle Ages loved beautiful shoes no less than modern fashionistas.

It's hard not to remember kind words shoemakers who thought of attaching a heel to the sole. Now every lady has elegant high-heeled shoes in her wardrobe, without thinking that once upon a time this part of the shoe had a purpose unrelated to beauty. IN ancient Greece During performances, actors had to wear special shoes on a very high platform in order to appear taller. In the Middle Ages, a high wooden platform with leather straps was worn over casual shoes when leaving the house. European streets and squares were then covered with a layer of dirt and sewage, and such a trick helped people protect themselves from them. Later nobility, who spent a lot of time in the saddle, appreciated the heel invented by shoemakers, attached to the sole, as an independent detail.

With his invention, riding became much easier; the leg did not slip out of the stirrup. Putting on military shoes was not an easy task at that time; flat soles quickly wore out during endless campaigns, and heels on boots became a way out of a difficult situation. Shoemakers in the Middle Ages tried wooden overlays, covered with leather and square bars with horseshoes, until the stacked heel was invented, which we use to this day. Noble beauties began to wear heels only in the seventeenth century. Initially, it was a purely male part of footwear. Beautiful half humanity appreciated the additional detail of the shoes, now the ladies looked slimmer and taller, and women's high-heeled shoes became an indispensable attribute of fashionistas. Craftsmen had to come up with new models and master various materials in order to surprise and delight the spoiled nobility with their work.

It was extremely uncomfortable to stand, walk, and even more so dance in such shoes, because arch supports had not yet been invented, and shoes were made the same way for the left and right feet. Medieval fashionistas were not embarrassed by such difficulties and heels could be quite high. To please capricious ladies, craftsmen made elegant shoes and embroidered them with stones and gold threads; each wanted to see a work of art on her feet. Shoemakers tried, and all the time they came up with new details and shapes, so the familiar style of shoes with a heel curved inward, which is now called French, was created by craftsmen back in the eighteenth century. The sewing process was carried out manually and required a lot of effort and painstaking work from the shoemaker. Apprentices took jobs with famous shoemakers in the hope of learning the craft, because it promised a comfortable life for the whole family. Ordinary people often couldn’t afford leather shoes made by a master, so they had to come up with something simpler.

From time immemorial to our time

Many models, starting from the ancient era, have reached our times, are well known to fashionistas: Sandals in the Roman style, moccasins in the Indian style, clogs or clogs, which used to be a salvation for the French and Dutch poor, now do not go out of fashion, over the knee boots, which served as uniform shoes cavalrymen, our stylized felt boots, the boots of the northern peoples and of course the aforementioned high-heeled shoes. Now the shoemaker's craft has grown into a huge automated industry, former artels have turned into factories, and a large team of designers is working on new models, but some things have remained unchanged. The work of a shoe repairman is still done with tired hands using a shoe paw, a hammer and the same needle and thread.

They glue and stitch our shoes, pad the heels with metal heels. By the way, history has preserved the name of the person who first thought of doing this, his name was Salvatore Ferragamo.

In Italy there is a museum dedicated to this shoemaker of the stars; this nickname was given to the Italian master because the shoes he made were loved by Hollywood stars. Greta Garbo, Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn could not imagine their outfit complete without Salvatore's elegant shoes. This master invented and patented a lot of details for the correct design of shoes, like the famous wedge. An international shoe museum has been created in France, where unique examples of shoemaking craft are presented, starting from ancient Egypt and ending with grotesque models with fashion shows modernity.

In Russia, Shoemaker's Day is not marked as a red day on the calendar and is not celebrated in any special way, but each of us, putting on our favorite shoes, can remember with a kind word the workers of the shoe industry and thank them for their difficult and useful work.

November 26 International Shoemaker Day is coming in Russia - a special day for all shoe sewing and shoe repair specialists.

Since ancient times, shoes have been made exclusively by hand. It was not easy work and the masters who knew this art enjoyed well-deserved respect among the people. This profession was in great demand and paid extremely well. The most skilled shoemakers made shoes for noble people, when just one pair of shoes could cost a colossal amount of money.

Now knowing when the holiday is Shoemaker's Day in Russia and its date, you can congratulate your acquaintances and friends who are somehow connected with the shoe business.

What date is International Shoemaker's Day in 2016?

All over the world this holiday is celebrated on November 26th. In Russia it is not marked in red on the calendar, but this is not at all a reason to ignore the opportunity to thank the workers with a kind word for the shoes that we now wear.

Alas, but in modern society tailoring shoes to order has practically disappeared. It has become unprofitable to work with one client when you can release a whole batch of goods at a time. And although real master shoemakers are practically no longer found, shoe repair is still carried out individually, with the help of a thread and a needle in tired hands.

The world continues to remember the art of the masters. In Italy there is an entire museum dedicated to the “shoemaker of the stars.” We are talking about Salvatore Ferragamo, the man whose shoes were worn Hollywood stars, including such as: Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren. He also patented various shoe parts necessary for its correct design.

Shoe making today

Having found out when shoemaker's day is in the Russian Federation, it would not be amiss to evaluate how the shoe business has changed over the centuries of its existence.

In the 18th centuries, shoemakers were known as rude people, and various unflattering sayings were even invented about them. It’s not surprising, because the manual labor of sewing shoes is not for the weak in spirit and body.

But now the holiday is Shoemaker's Day and its date is on everyone's lips. All thanks to the work of masters of past centuries.

In modern society, hand-tailoring has disappeared and has been replaced by mass production of shoes. It has become cheaper, more varied and has something for almost every foot. But quality suffered, because aesthetics and individuality came to the fore, rather than reliability and durability.

International Shoemaker's Day is celebrated on November 26, 2018. This is a professional holiday of craftsmen and artisans involved in the design, manufacture and sewing of shoes, as well as workers involved in this production and shoe repair specialists.

The craft of a shoemaker or, as it was previously called, a shoemaker, is an old and difficult business. For several centuries in a row, the work of shoemakers was exclusively manual work, which brought good stable income, but also required a lot of time and effort in return. The profession of a shoemaker was one of the most in demand. Good shoemakers were highly valued.

Modern shoe production has come a long way from self made. Factories daily produce millions of pairs of shoes made from various materials - rubber, leather, wood, etc. There are very few craftsmen left who sew shoes by hand. Large companies simply swallowed up single professionals.

Before hitting store shelves, shoes still go a long way from a designer sketch to a finished pair on the assembly line. Behind every process of making a boot or shoe there is human labor, despite modern mechanization of production.

There is another branch of the profession of shoemakers or cobblers - shoe repair. This specialization is not much different from shoe repair, which was carried out several centuries ago. Except that professional tools have become more advanced and convenient for the master.

Traditions of celebrating International Shoemaker's Day

Most often, workers in the shoe industry celebrate their professional holiday at their workplaces. And yet, on this day, many manufacturing companies congratulate their employees on their professional holidays in the form of bonuses and shortened working hours.

Television and radio stations do not stand aside, preparing congratulatory words to workers in the shoe industry. Also presented to the attention of viewers and listeners helpful information regarding the quality of shoes and care at different times of the year. Experts introduce people to new products in the world of shoe fashion.

It wouldn’t hurt to go into a shoe workshop that day and say a few warm words to the craftsmen who know how to give new life your favorite boots or shoes.

IN last years for this Day in some countries means mass media prepare materials on the topic of shoe fashion, how to choose the right shoes and how to care for them. A number of shoe companies and brands conduct various educational and promotional campaigns.

Intensive information about shoes

The Bata Shoe Museum, located in the administrative center of the Canadian province of Ontario, the city of Toronto, is the largest in the world and the only one in North America shoe museum

Because children expend enormous amounts of energy trying to stand or walk, their feet can become very hot. This often causes children's feet to produce twice as much sweat as adult feet.

In Japan, it is not customary to enter a house wearing “street” shoes. The etiquette rules of the Land of the Rising Sun state that such shoes or boots should be left on the doorstep, and slippers should be worn in the home. In the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe, heels were always painted red.

During the reign of King William II of England (11th century), it was customary to wear shoes with pointed toes, curled like ram's horns. According to the Code of Jewish Law, also known as the Shulchan Aruch, the right half pair of shoes is always put on first, and the left one is removed. The same rule is followed in Islamic states.

A person's shoes can tell a lot about their owner. Some people choose exquisite models of shoes, while others value the comfort and convenience of shoes. We owe its creation to shoemaking professionals. November 26 became a special day for masters of this specialty, since it began to be celebrated annually as International Shoemaker Day.

Shoemaker is a very old craft, and a person who sews and repairs shoes was at one time one of the most needed craftsmen of humanity. Initially, his work consisted of hard manual labor; the master could make a variety of models using wooden patterns. The doc passed on the knowledge and subtleties of shoemaking to his apprentice.

Scientific and technological progress replaced manual labor with machine labor, and workshops turned into factories and factories. Shoes began to be produced in huge volumes. Moreover, they began to produce a variety of models: sneakers, sandals, shoes, boots, shoes, etc. There are many material options for products. Among them, the most common are leather, suede, and fabric, and for the sole they use not only rubber, but also modern rubber substitutes.

Most shoemakers have retrained as engineers, closely monitoring the process of making shoes using industrial machines. If previously wooden pads were used for one leg, then modern pads are made of plastic or metal and always for the left and right legs. Designers have become obligatory masters of shoe sketches; they invent and draw interesting and beautiful options for every consumer taste.

Now that shoes are made in industrial factories, modern man buys boots and shoes on store shelves without going to the shoemaker. It would seem that this profession should have become obsolete, but the masters still continue their activities. But the fact is that if any part of a consumer’s shoe breaks, he heads to the shoemaker so that he can fix it. To a good specialist manages to extend the life of a broken pair of boots or shoes, and sometimes more than once.

In addition, there are people with non-standard foot sizes, too long or too short foot length. It is difficult to find suitable shoes produced by standard manufacturers. And if with small feet you can look for the right model in children's stores, then those with large feet are forced to wash their shoes to the toes before they find them in their size. Then a shoe specialist helps out by doing custom tailoring.

While Shoemaker's Day is not marked with a red date on the calendar, many professions cannot boast of their own international holiday. So this event is worth celebrating by congratulating all participants in the shoe industry and thanking them for the opportunity to walk in good shoes.

On International Shoemaker's Day, November 26, 2018, we congratulate all workers who are involved in the manufacture or repair of shoes.

Historians and scientists suggest that the first shoes were made from animal skins about 25 thousand years ago, but real samples of the products were discovered only in ancient Egypt. On different continents of the world, over the centuries, models have changed, appearance, materials for making shoes. This became the basis for creating styles in different countries. Nowadays, shoe production includes many types, models, brands, and manufacturers. And people are divided into two types: those who wear comfortable shoes, and those who follow fashion and appreciate brands.

Shoemakers are congratulated on their professional holiday on November 26, 2018, history of the holiday

On International Shoemaker's Day, we congratulate craftsmen and industry professionals, whose products in our time every person cannot do without. A shoemaker is not just a person who has the skills and experience of making shoes, but one who always performs his work creatively, with responsibility and love.

The shoe-making industry has a thousand-year history; some scientists suggest that the first shoes are more than 25 thousand years old, and this naturally suggests how many masters of this craft there were during that time.

Scientists suggest, without having exact confirmation, that the first boots were made from animal skins. True, scientists discovered only an example, papyrus sandals, which were worn in ancient Egypt.

But the world developed, people gradually tried to improve their clothes and shoes from century to century. In different countries, in the same century, peoples had their own, special models. Over the years, these differences have influenced the shoe fashions that exist in different countries today.

A person who made shoes has always been in demand, especially when he is a master of his craft. And masters with “golden hands” could tell by putting shoes or boots on their feet and taking a few steps.

The most popular countries for producing the most comfortable shoes have long been considered Spain, Italy and Turkey.

And in the 21st century, the profession of shoemaker is actively being pushed out of the market by production using machine tools. At the same time, in some places there are still single manufacturers, but this is an extreme rarity in our century, because shoes are usually manufactured by large companies.

Despite the fact that manual labor is beginning to lose its popularity, the profession is still in demand. On November 26, 2018, not only shoemakers celebrate their holiday, but also those who work at machines for the production of products, those who are involved in production, and those who repair shoes.

Shoemaker's Day November 26, 2018, people choose different shoes

Craft today has a huge number of products that various manufacturers in many countries make from a wide range of materials, including rubber, plastic, leather, wood, fabric and others. Often different types of materials are combined to make the shoes durable.

From a psychological point of view, how a person dresses and what he wears shows his character, habits and tastes, and shoes in this case, especially their appearance, emphasize character traits. After all, if in dry summer weather you see a person with dirty shoes on a city street, then the conclusion for a neat passerby suggests itself.

There are two main categories of people who choose their shoes. Some, first of all, prefer comfort, so the manufacturer or brand does not matter to them. Others support trends, brands and fashion. And even if the model is uncomfortable and may cause calluses, there is only one justification - art can require sacrifice.

Shoemaker's Day November 26, 2018, making shoes is not easy work

IN modern world, an ordinary person, cannot imagine his life without shoes. Indoor slippers, sandals, flip-flops, shoes, shoes, boots, and other types of products - all of this everyday life. Especially for those countries that are a little further from the equator and know what spring, autumn and winter are.

Making shoes is a rather lengthy and not an easy process, because at home, as is the case, for example, with clothes, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to make hands from improvised materials.

Therefore, from ancient times, a shoemaker was seen in the image of a strong, big man who had a strong physique.
