How stars get into shape after childbirth. Celebrity parameters. Celebrity diets The history of Anna Snatkina's diet

Recently, fans of Anna Snatkina have been worried about her health, noting that she has lost a lot of weight.

The actress tries not to pay attention to criticism - she is happy with the way she looks. In an interview, Anna said that not only does she not consider herself thin, but, on the contrary, she notes that she has gained several kilograms.

Netizens were horrified when they saw the latest photos of popular TV series actress Anna Snatkina.

“Well, explain why girls of quite normal physique are now losing weight to the point of skeletons?”

“How upset I was when I saw my favorite actress in such a state. There was such a natural beauty that the whole country couldn’t stop looking at her, but now she has such an unhealthy look that it’s almost pitiful. Bring back Snatkina!”

“It seems to me that her thinness has caught up with her age, and her face looks somehow angry and tortured, as if she’s working at a factory without breaks or days off, and at home seven children are jumping around the shops hungry.”

“That’s how all the girls who lose weight to the point of exhaustion think that they look like a graceful swan, but in fact it’s a terrible sight, a skeleton with a pitiful look, like young old women.”

“In Russia, women are simply bullied with this excess weight, it’s already such a manic desire to be reeds. People, it seems to me that this is some kind of degeneration, we urgently need to fight it! I know for sure that there is no such idiocy with these eternal diets anywhere else, only in our country everyone turned to this thinness.”

But in the photo below, Anna Snatkina weighed 17 kg more than now. 17 kilograms!!! For such a little girl, this is just terrible!

34-year-old Snatkina does not agree with this opinion: “Yes, I have gained four kilograms! If we talk about my lifestyle, then first of all I follow certain nutritional rules - I don’t really like meat, I prefer fish with vegetables, I minimize sweets, although, I won’t hide, sometimes weakness takes its toll, I make sure to drink a lot of water. When I have a freer schedule, I do fitness, and I'm also a big yoga fan. In the mornings before filming, I try to devote at least 15 minutes to yoga. When this doesn’t work out, then, like all women, I justify myself by saying that I work a lot, wake up early, and get tired. In general, the key to excellent appearance“is family, love and a great mood,” Anna shared with

Snatkina made it clear that she likes the way she looks. And the main criterion by which an actress evaluates herself is comfort and satisfaction with herself.

Anna Alekseevna Snatkina is a Russian actress, well known to viewers from the TV series “Plot”, “Yesenin”, “Tatiana’s Day”, “General Therapy”, “I Won’t Return”, “The Trial”, “Gone Girl”, as well as the film “Pushkin. The last duel." In 2007, she became a participant in the “Dancing with the Stars” project.


Anya Snatkina was born on July 13, 1983, in the family of Alexei and Elena Snatkin, hereditary aircraft builders. Both are graduates of Moscow aviation institute, which the actress’s grandparents also graduated from. Alexey was one of the main designers of the Buran aircraft, while Elena became a teacher at her alma mater.

The family lived in a 3-room apartment in Tushino: Anna with her parents and sister occupied one 8-meter room, and her uncle and his family and grandparents occupied the other two. The room was so small that when their second daughter, Maria, was born, she had to sleep on a changing table—there was no room for another bed. The Snatkins moved to a larger apartment when Anya was in 5th grade.

At the age of 4, Anya began going to the gymnastics section, and a little later she switched to sports aerobics. The girl was involved in sports until she was 17 years old, and over the years she achieved considerable results, including the first adult category in gymnastics.

Sports strengthened the character of the future actress and subsequently allowed the creators of films with her participation to save on doubles - she preferred to do all the stunts herself. For example, in the never-finished adventure drama “Barbara,” she fought on a 30-meter cliff in metal chain mail and a real 3-kilogram sword in her hands.

The girl grew up a real tomboy - she pushed buttons on her classmates, loved to fight, and loved going to football with her dad. She was friends mainly with students with bad and bad grades, although she studied well herself.

Steps to your dream

In second grade, Anya watched “The Bodyguard” with Whitney Houston. The picture impressed the girl so much that she began to dream about the scene: “I wanted the same beautiful story love, like the main character.” The final decision came to the 8th grade. The parents were shocked by their daughter’s choice - they believed that Anna would connect her life with sports - but supported her.

Anna began to prepare for admission to the theater: she sat for hours in the library, read the history of the theater, learned what Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko were, who they were. In the 10th grade, Snatkina enrolled in courses at the Shchukin School, and later – in courses at VGIK. She had to combine classes with work - in high school she began teaching aerobics to preschoolers, then became a trainer at a fitness club.

In 2000, Anna Snatkina graduated from school and submitted documents to admissions committees GITIS, VGIK and the Moscow Art Theater School. During the entrance exams, she read a poem by Nikolai Zabolotsky, which became her life credo: “Don’t let your soul be lazy.” She was only refused at GITIS. The girl chose VGIK because cinema was closer to her than theater, and became a student in Vitaly Solomin’s course.

You can't spend money on a student scholarship, so in her first year Anna took on any way to earn extra money. She received her first fee of 3,000 rubles by appearing on the cover of a romance novel, and at one time she even sold pirated tapes on Gorbushka.

First roles

Unlike many teachers, Vitaly Solomin did not forbid his students to act in films. On the contrary, he believed that real experience could only be gained on the set. In her second year, Anna Snatkina made her debut in the role of Yelka Gradova from the television series “Moscow Saga”.

In her third year, the girl received the role of Nina Stasova from the series “Plot” - not the main one, but the prospect of starring in a good, life-affirming series with Sergei Berzukov in the title role charmed Anna. The joy of this was almost overshadowed by the injury.

During a fencing lesson at VGIK, Snatkina injured her spine. The actress ended up in intensive care, the doctors scared her wheelchair for the rest of my life. But the thirst for creativity won, cinema became an incentive for recovery through painful exercises. True, Anna had to hide the corset under her clothes for another two years.

In her final year, the actress was invited to the TV series “The Fighter” and “I Won’t Come Back,” where she had to play two roles – Katya, who suffers from epilepsy, and her twin Masha. In preparation for filming, Anna made a special trip to the hospital and observed the symptoms of the disease.

Anna Snatkina in the series "Airport". Excerpt

The geography of filming went beyond Moscow, and Snatkina had to make a difficult decision - to continue filming or rehearse graduation performances with classmates. She chose the former. Looking at Anna's insanely busy schedule, her younger sister changed her mind about entering theater school and applied to the police college.

Career blossoming

New roles followed one after another: Masha from the series “Airport”, Svetlana from “Unexpected Joy”, Zhenya Azarina from “Doomed to Be a Star”. Anna Snatkina has developed quite warm relations with many of her colleagues at the workshop; for example, Sergei Bezrukov helped Anna get the role of Princess Tatiana in the TV series “Yesenin”.

In 2006, the actress again found herself on the same set with Bezrukov. He played main role in the full-length drama “Pushkin. The last duel." For a long time, director Natalya Bondarchuk could not find an actress to play the role of Pushkin’s wife, Natalya Goncharova. Over three months of casting, none of the two hundred applicants seemed competent enough for this role.

Anna's agent advised her to urgently go to the audition. At Natalya’s request, Snatkina read something from the program with which she entered VGIK, then they started talking. It turned out that Anna knows Goncharova’s biography very well - as a child she read many books about this great woman and almost every summer I went to the Goncharovs’ estate in the village of Yaropolets, where the recreation center for MAI employees was located. As a result, Snatkina received a role, which she later called nothing less than fateful.

For the role, the actress had to slightly adjust her appearance: she grew her hair and lost 10 kilograms. To do this, she sat on buckwheat porridge without salt for several weeks, which she washed down with tea without sugar. After three weeks, the obsessive feeling of hunger subsided, the extra pounds disappeared, and since then the actress has always kept herself in shape.

Perfect renovation for Anna Snatkina and her husband

The popularity of the young TV series star was even more affected by the serial melodrama “Tatiana’s Day” - about love triangle of two such different Tatyanas - an honest and naive provincial girl and the cunning spoiled daughter of an official (Natalya Rudova) and womanizer Sergei (Kirill Safonov).

Since then, Anna’s face has regularly appeared on domestic television screens: the medical melodrama “General Therapy,” the action film “Desantura,” the Ukrainian TV series “I Prefer Summer” and many other projects have added to the actress’s filmography.

In 2009, Snatkina became an actress of the Moscow Provincial Theater, and in September 2011 she took 71st place in the hundred “Sexiest Women of Russia” according to MAXIM magazine.

After the birth of her daughter in 2013, Anna Snatkina disappeared from screens for a couple of years, only to return in 2015 with new role, different from her usual ampoule of romantic heroines. In the crime series “Police Station” she played Major Polina Fomina. This Strong woman Together with her children, she is forced to seek shelter in another city after the murder of her husband, who had valuable information, by criminals. Andrei Chernyshov and Oleg Dolin worked with her on the series.

In August 2016, Anna Snatkina participated in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation from United Russia.

Natalia Vodianova is the record holder for regaining her figure after childbirth. Photo:

Natalya Vodyanova
They call Natasha. The model gave birth to her fourth child, son Maxim, on May 2, 2014. And a month later, on June 4, she published a photo on her blog in which she was breastfeeding her baby. Since Vodianova was completely naked, everyone could see that the model’s figure had not changed at all. Natalia does not hide her weight loss secret: her own diet and intensive yoga classes. The essence of the diet is that until 10 o’clock in the morning Vodianova allows herself almost everything (even baked goods), for lunch - a vegetable salad, for an afternoon snack - a cup of tea and for dinner, too, tea.

Christine Asmus
Christina became a mother on January 5 of this year, and two and a half weeks later she appeared on stage in the premiere performance of the Ermolova Theater. Naturally, everyone noticed the actress’s shape that had not changed at all, and Asmus herself gladly posted photos on social networks in which she showed off her flat stomach. But Christina preferred not to answer questions about the secret of losing weight. And only in the summer, after yet another accusation that the actress was taking care of herself instead of taking care of her daughter, Asmus could not stand it and spoke about her method.

Asmuskristina: “Dear and tactful mothers, don’t worry so much, the child is resting with us! I have never flown on an airplane before and we don’t plan to do so yet. We have never been away from our daughter for more than a few hours; we love her terribly, passionately! Ugh! Photos, sorry, don't wait! P.S. I feed breast milk and period. And I will feed him until he goes to school. Eh, ge ve, ge ve! Mothers, relatives, good, smart people, take care of yourself, your appearance/figure (believe me, this is titanic work), develop, work and everything will be!”

Anna Mikhalkova
The actress managed to hide her pregnancy almost until the birth of her daughter Lydia, so for many fans the birth of a girl was a revelation. In addition, Anna has lost a lot of weight and has noticeably transformed. The actress did not reveal her weight loss secrets. But on her Instagram she regularly posts photos of food: either forbidden for her (cakes, buns, fatty dishes) or allowed (vegetables, salads, cereals). Anna also periodically publishes photos from her runs.

Laysan Utyasheva
The athlete did not hide the fact that she gained 15 kilograms during childbirth. Having become a mother last May, Laysan returned to Moscow in the summer and began appearing at social events. Those around her noticed that Utyasheva had grown round, but everyone agreed that this even suited a celebrity. However, Laysan herself was not satisfied with this, and she immediately began to actively engage in sports, did massages, body wraps, gymnastics and completely gave up dinners. As a result, Laysan lost 12 kilograms.

Alena Shishkova
Timati's model and girlfriend gave the artist a daughter, Alice, in March of this year. The birth took place in the Dominican Republic, and almost immediately Shishkova began posting photos from the beach. True, instead of admiring her forms, the singer’s fans began to reproach her for not actually giving birth, because it’s impossible a few days after giving birth. But Alena immediately took charge of herself, and during pregnancy she did not forget about proper nutrition and easy physical activity: for example, she walked for 20-30 minutes barefoot on a sandy beach.

Liliya Sharlovskaya

Anna Snatkina
Last June, Anna Snatkina shone with a chic dress and figure at one of the film festivals. Everyone paid attention to the actress not only because of her bright red dress, but also because it was Anna’s first appearance after giving birth - in mid-April she gave birth to her daughter Veronica. People around her appreciated the slender figure of the young mother. For two months, while Snatkina did not go out into the world, she was actively involved in sports and strictly monitored her diet. As a result, according to her fans, Anna now looks better than before giving birth.

Anna Snatkina is known to us for her roles in television series (“General Therapy”, “Tatiana’s Day”, etc.). Few people know that this beautiful actress, who was included in the ranking of the hundred sexiest women in the country, devoted about thirteen years to sports. WITH childhood Anna was studying gymnastics and aerobics. But even such an active lifestyle did not save our heroine from the need to correct her figure - Anna Snatkina’s diet appeared after the first filming.

The history of the appearance of Anna Snatkina's diet?

At the beginning of her career, with a height of 170 cm, the girl weighed no more than 60 kg, so when she got on the set, she did not complete at all, considering her weight to be absolutely normal. Experienced actors immediately warned our heroine that the camera was quite fat, so she would still have to lose weight. Seeing herself on the screen, Anna was convinced of the logic of the advice of the “old-timers” on the set. It was then that Anna Snatkina’s diet appeared.

What is Anna Snatkina's diet?

Anna Snatkina's diet was based on products of plant origin - the girl practically eliminated flour and confectionery and gave up meat products. The strict diet brought noticeable results, but at the same time, the actress began to notice that as she lost weight, she was losing strength.

Having consulted a doctor, our heroine revised her diet - the specialist suggested that she include it in the menu meat products lean varieties. Following his recommendations, the girl quickly regained her strength, but at the same time, oddly enough, she did not gain any weight. Now Anna believes that before going on a diet, you should definitely consult with a nutritionist or doctor - each of us has an individual body, so general weight loss methods should be avoided if possible.

The actress is happy to share with fans the secrets of a good figure.

  • To quickly get rid of 1-2 kg, you should pay attention to kefir - a fasting day on this healthy fermented milk product works real miracles
  • Meat and fish should be consumed, but the portions should be reasonable, and these products should be prepared using gentle methods - they can be boiled or steamed in the form of cutlets or meatballs
  • A prerequisite for successful weight loss is physical activity - you can play sports or pay attention to long walks.
  • Once a month, it doesn’t hurt to treat yourself to something not too healthy, but very tasty.

Anna Snatkina’s diet at the first stage did not meet all the requirements of nutrition, but having gained experience, our heroine noticeably improved it. You can follow her example and also have a hand in creating your own weight loss method.
