Permission to place soil. Is a license, permit or other documents required to collect and remove waste? Copies that do not require certification

Our company will promptly carry out a full range of measures to remove soil, construction and demolition waste from your site. If you do not have or lack your own equipment, we will help you organize removal construction waste and soil.

Work on removal of OS&G is carried out around the clock in accordance with the prescribed conditions and schedule in the contract for the provision of services.

In less than 1 year, our company reviewed and prepared more than 20 sets of documents. For each set, permission to export OS&G was obtained. On this moment Most of the permits have been closed, while work is underway on the rest.

In 2016, our company removed more than 50,000 m3 of OS&G from construction sites in Moscow and the Moscow region. We provide services well-known companies in different branches of construction.

Our company assists contractors in obtaining permits from the Moscow Construction Department:

Opening/permits (orders) for the export of OS&G

Conclusion of an agreement for the placement of OS&G

Renewal of permits

Cancellation and closure of permits

We also offer comprehensive support, which will include all stages of work with a permit.

Required documents to obtain a permit for the movement of construction and demolition waste, including soil.

Work organization procedure permitting system for the movement of construction and demolition waste, including soil.

Large-scale construction or repair work, such as the construction of buildings and structures or the laying of pipelines, begins with the digging of pits and trenches. At the same time, hundreds of cubic meters of earth are extracted. A huge amount of soil is also formed during the extraction of ore, coal and other types of natural raw materials. If it is not needed in the further course of production, it must be disposed of.

Soil recycling means its reuse in economic activity person or removal to special landfills for the purpose of burial.

First, the soil is classified according to the level of possible danger. Indeed, for a number of reasons, it could be infected with all sorts of toxic substances:

  1. Highly toxic: highly contaminated with poisons such as mercury, zinc, arsenic, dioxins, etc.
  2. Dangerous for environment and human life (to varying degrees depending on the level of pollution): chemical impurities it contains, for example, cobalt, copper, chromium; Masses of soil with fuel oil, oils, and petroleum products also pose a threat.
  3. Low-hazard: there are chemical impurities in small quantities.

Of course, it also occurs pure land, does not contain harmful impurities.

Soils that are clean or contaminated within acceptable limits are taken for further use, and soil with a high degree of contamination is subject to burial in special landfills.

Based on their composition, soils are also divided into rocky, clayey, sandy, peat, salt marshes, etc.

Is soil a waste product?

In accordance with Russian legislation All waste from human economic and production activities is registered in (FKKO).

The FKKO, for example, lists the following types of soil waste:

  • formed during excavation work, both open, underground and underwater;
  • formed during the repair of railway tracks and tracks;
  • contaminated with petroleum products, mercury, inorganic acids, arsenic, etc.

Important! In accordance with the law, the enterprise whose activities generate waste is responsible for its disposal.

Disposal methods

The top layer of soil is usually fertile. This means that it can be reused in agricultural enterprises involved in crop production.

“Unproductive” soils can be used only taking into account their possible danger to humans - the degree of contamination chemicals. For example, clean sand is even used to create playgrounds.

Soil contaminated within the limits established by law cannot be used in residential areas or near water bodies, and for use it must be mixed with clean soil.

Land masses with a high degree of “toxicity” must be transported to a special landfill, where, after disinfection, they are subject to burial.

Further use is possible:

  • at a construction site or during road repair work, where it is necessary to add soil to the required levels;
  • in landfills to create insulating layers or for backfilling quarries;
  • for producing crushed stone, sand, sand-gravel mixtures;
  • in the production of cement, lime, silicate, clay bricks, etc.

Construction of an embankment during the construction of a railway

Additional information in the video: using sand to raise the level of a construction site.

All work for loading and transporting soil is carried out with special “heavy” equipment - bulldozers, excavators and dump trucks.

What is needed for recycling?

The process of waste removal and disposal is controlled by local authorities of Rosprirodnadzor - the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources. For example, before starting construction work, it is necessary to obtain permits and agree on technological regulations for the management of construction waste.

The package of documents submitted to Rosprirodnadzor for approval usually includes:

  1. Permission to carry out, plan, project and schedule of work.
  2. Estimate for excavation work and statement of volumes of waste generated.
  3. Soil testing (preliminary sample is sent for laboratory testing and examination), sanitary and environmental report.
  4. Agreements with enterprises providing services for transportation, processing and disposal of waste at landfills, as well as their licenses.

The enterprise that generates this type of waste must enter into a disposal agreement with a licensed company that will load and transport waste to processing plants or special landfills.

Upon completion of the work, the customer is provided with a certificate of soil disposal strictly in accordance with the terms of the contract. Confirmation of the work performed are also recycling coupons required for disposal of waste at the landfill.

All these documents, as well as copies of contracts, licenses, and transportation orders, are subsequently used by the enterprise to submit a report to Rospotrebnadzor and other regulatory authorities.

What does the cost of soil removal work consist of?

The cost of removing soil for disposal will consist of many parameters, for example:

  • total volume of the expected cargo in cubic meters;
  • the number of vehicles required to transport it within a given time frame and the final time of their use;
  • the need for loading and unloading, as well as the types of equipment used for these works, etc.

If the waste-generating enterprise has its own heavy equipment at its disposal, then it can carry out loading work independently.

In the video: soil removal and loading.

Unfortunately, even today it is not uncommon for industrial waste to be disposed of in an unorganized manner, which poses a particular danger to the environment and human life. Strict government control is necessary to correct this situation, as well as to collect compensatory payments from enterprises that use natural resources.

To the executive authorities of the city of Moscow as part of a pre-trial appeal.

The applicant has the right to file a pre-trial (out-of-court) complaint against the decision and (or) action (inaction) of the Department and its officials in the provision of public services. The filing and consideration of complaints is carried out in the manner established by Chapter 2.1 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services", Regulations on the specifics of filing and consideration of complaints about violations of the procedure for the provision of public services in the city of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of November 15, 2011 No. 546-PP “On the provision of state and municipal services in the city of Moscow.”

The applicant has the right to send a complaint to the antimonopoly authority in accordance with clause 5.4 (1) of Appendix 3 of Moscow Government Decree No. 546-PP dated November 15, 2011

Applicants may file complaints in the following cases:

Violation of the deadline for registering an application and other documents necessary for the provision of public services;

Requirements from the applicant for documents, the submission of which by the applicant for the provision of public services is not provided for by regulations legal acts Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, including documents obtained using interdepartmental information interaction;

Violations of the deadline for the provision of public services;

Refusal to the applicant: to accept documents, the submission of which is provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow for the provision of public services, on grounds not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow;

In the provision of public services on grounds not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow;

In correcting typos and errors in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services or in case of violation deadline such corrections;

Other violations of the procedure for providing public services established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

Complaints are considered by the head of the Department and officials authorized by him.

Using the official website of the Department on the Internet. The complaint must contain:

The name of the body (organization) authorized to consider the complaint or the position and (or) last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the relevant official to whom the complaint is sent.

The name of the executive authority of the city of Moscow, the position and (or) surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the official whose decisions and actions (inaction) are being appealed.

Last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person registered as an individual entrepreneur, or name, information about the location of the applicant - a legal entity, as well as contact telephone number(s), address(es) Email(if available) and postal address to which the response should be sent to the applicant.

The filing date and registration number of the application for the provision of a public service (except for cases of appealing against the refusal to accept the application and its registration).

Information about decisions and actions (inactions) that are the subject of appeal.

Arguments on the basis of which the applicant does not agree with the decisions and actions (inactions) being appealed. The applicant may submit documents (if any) confirming the applicant’s arguments, or copies thereof.

Applicant's requirements.

List of documents attached to the complaint (if any). Date of filing the complaint.

The complaint must be signed by the complainant (his representative). If a complaint is filed in person, the applicant (applicant's representative) must provide an identification document.

The authority of the representative to sign the complaint must be confirmed by a power of attorney issued in accordance with the law.

The powers of a person acting on behalf of an organization without a power of attorney on the basis of the law, other regulatory legal acts and constituent documents are confirmed by documents certifying his official position, as well as the constituent documents of the organization.

The received complaint must be registered no later than the working day following the day of receipt.

Maximum term consideration of the complaint is 15 working days from the date of its registration. The period for consideration of the complaint is 5 working days from the date of its registration in cases of appeal by the applicant:

Refusal to accept documents.

Refusal to correct typos and errors made in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services.

Violations of the deadline for correcting typos and errors.

Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, a decision is made to satisfy it (in whole or in part) or to refuse satisfaction.

The solution must contain:

The name of the body or organization that considered the complaint, position, surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the official who made the decision on the complaint.

Details of the decision (number, date, place of adoption).

Information about the location of the applicant - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

Last name, first name, patronymic (if any), information about the place of residence of the applicant’s representative who filed the complaint on behalf of the applicant.

Method of filing and date of registration of the complaint, its registration number.

Subject of the complaint (information about the decisions, actions, or inactions being appealed).

The circumstances established during the consideration of the complaint and the evidence confirming them.

Legal grounds for making a decision on a complaint with reference to the applicable regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

The decision taken on the complaint (conclusion on the satisfaction of the complaint or refusal to satisfy it). Measures to eliminate identified violations and deadlines for their implementation (if the complaint is satisfied). Procedure for appealing a decision. Signature of the authorized official.

The decision is made in writing using official forms. The measures to eliminate identified violations specified in the decision include: Cancellation of earlier decisions made(in whole or in part).

Ensuring the acceptance and registration of the application, execution and issuance of a receipt to the applicant (in case of evasion or unreasonable refusal to accept documents and their registration).

Ensuring registration and delivery to the applicant of the result of the provision of a public service (in case of evasion or unreasonable refusal to provide a public service).

Correction of typos and errors made in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services.

The body or organization authorized to consider the complaint refuses to satisfy it in the following cases:

Recognition of the appealed decisions and actions (inactions) as legal and not violating the rights and freedoms of the applicant.

Filing a complaint by a person whose powers have not been confirmed in the manner established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Region.

The applicant does not have the right to receive public services. Availability:

Joined legal force court decisions on the applicant's complaint with identical subject matter and grounds.

Decisions on a complaint made earlier in a pre-trial (out-of-court) manner in relation to the same applicant and on the same subject of the complaint (except for cases of appealing previously made decisions to a higher authority).

The complaint must be left unanswered on its merits in the following cases:

Filing a complaint to a body or organization not authorized to consider it.

The presence in the complaint of obscene or offensive language, threats to the life, health and property of officials, as well as members of their families.

If the text of the complaint (part of it), last name, postal address and email address are not readable.

If the complaint does not indicate the name of the applicant (the applicant's representative) or the postal address and email address to which the response should be sent.

When the body or organization authorized to consider the complaint receives a request from the applicant (the applicant’s representative) to withdraw the complaint before a decision is made on the complaint.

Decisions to satisfy the complaint and to refuse to satisfy it are sent to the applicant (the applicant’s representative) no later than the working day following the day of their adoption, to the postal address specified in the complaint. At the request of the applicant, the decision is also sent to the email address specified in the complaint. In the same manner, the applicant (the applicant’s representative) is sent a decision on the complaint, in which only an email address is indicated for the response, and the postal address is missing or cannot be read.

If the complaint is left unanswered on the merits, the applicant (applicant's representative) is sent a written reasoned notification indicating the grounds (except for cases where the complaint does not indicate the postal address and email address for a response or they are not readable).

Filing a complaint in a pre-trial (out-of-court) manner does not exclude the right of the applicant (applicant's representative) to simultaneously or subsequently file a complaint in court.


  • Application for a permit to transport soil
  • Application for closing a soil transportation permit

The permit is opened before the start of work and is issued for each waste recipient.

The applicant (construction participant) submits an application in two copies for opening a permit and additional documents to the technical contractor, who checks whether the set is complete and whether they are filled out correctly. If inconsistencies are found, the application may be refused. One copy is registered in the registration journal, and the second with the mark “accepted” is given to the applicant.

After thoroughly checking the stated information, the technical contractor prepares a conclusion. It is submitted to the Moscow Construction Department along with a permit form, where it is issued. And then, the finished product is handed over from the Department to the technical contractor for transfer to the applicant within three days from the date of registration of the application. Upon receipt, the applicant must provide a power of attorney and identification documents.

Necessary documents for obtaining permission to move construction and demolition waste for the purpose of recycling or disposal


  • applications for permission (2 pcs.);
  • details of the applicant organization;
  • descriptions of waste management technology;
  • OATI warrants;
  • conclusions of a sanitary and environmental study of waste.

Certified copies:

  • work schedule;
  • permission from the transport organization to handle waste;
  • agreements with waste recipients;
  • waste recipient licenses;
  • documents that confirm the authority of the waste recipient;
  • hazardous waste passports.
  • data on the free limits of the waste recipient;
  • estimates of work for the preparatory period.

Necessary documents to obtain permission to transport soil


  • applications for opening a permit for transporting soil (2 pcs.);
  • applications for opening a permit for the import of soil (2 pcs.);
  • conclusions of a sanitary-ecological study of the soil.

Certified copies:

  • OATI warrants for work;
  • building permits;
  • work schedule;
  • agreements with a transport organization;
  • project documentation;
  • documents that confirm the authority of the applicant;
  • estimates of work with soil;
  • statements of soil volumes specified in the construction project;
  • vertical planning estimates;
  • characteristics of the vertical section of the soil;
  • situational plan;
  • customer and contractor registration cards;
  • licenses of the recipient of the soil when placing it in authorized landfills, landfills, quarries.

Copies that do not require certification:

  • work project;
  • free limits of soil recipient.

Permits are closed upon completion of work within twenty business days. Closing is the basis for the customer to pay for the movement of waste or soil.

In accordance with the Moscow City Law of October 24, 2001 N 52 “On information resources and informatization of the city of Moscow” and for the purpose of information support for the activities of the Moscow City Construction Department, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Approve the Regulations on the automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction, demolition waste and soil in the city of Moscow" ().

2. Establish that:

2.1. The Moscow City Construction Department exercises the powers of the owner on behalf of the city of Moscow, is the state customer for the operation and operator of the automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction, demolition waste and soil in the city of Moscow."

2.2. Department information technologies The city of Moscow functions as a state customer for the development of an automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction, demolition waste and soil in the city of Moscow."

3. To recognize as invalid:

3.1. Hyphens of the second, fourth paragraph 1 of the order of the Moscow Government of May 13, 2009 N 917-RP “On the commissioning of information systems of the Moscow City Construction Department.”

3.2. Hyphens of the second, third paragraph 1 of the order of the Moscow Government of April 25, 2012 N 199-RP “On measures for the further operation of information systems of the Complex of urban planning policy and construction of the city of Moscow.”

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow Ermolaev A.V. and the head of the Moscow City Construction Department Bochkarev A.Yu.

Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin

on the automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction, demolition waste and soil in the city of Moscow"

1. General Provisions

1.1. Regulations on the automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction, demolition waste and soil in the city of Moscow" (hereinafter - the Regulation) defines the tasks, functions and structure of the automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction, demolition waste and soil in the city of Moscow" (hereinafter - AIS " OSSIG"), the composition of participants in information interaction using the AIS "OSSiG" (hereinafter - participants in information interaction) and their powers, as well as the procedure for providing access to the AIS "OSSiG".

1.2. AIS "OSSiG" is a state information system of the city of Moscow, designed to provide information support for the activities of the Moscow Construction Department, including for making decisions on issuing:

Permits for transporting soil in the city of Moscow;

Permits to move construction and demolition waste for recycling;

Permits to move construction and demolition waste for disposal.

1.3. AIS "OSS&G" consists of subsystems necessary for collecting, processing, updating, storing, distributing and using information on the issuance of permits for the transportation of soil in the city of Moscow, for the movement of construction and demolition waste for recycling, for the movement of construction and demolition waste for disposal ( hereinafter - permits for the movement of OSSIG) and the results of the movement of construction, demolition waste and soil (hereinafter - OSSIG) to support urban planning activities in the city of Moscow.

1.4. The tasks of the AIS "OSSiG" are:

1.4.1. Improving the activities for issuing permits for the movement of OS&G, including using the state information system "Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as the Portal), maintaining a register of technological regulations for the process of handling construction and demolition waste.

1.4.2. Consolidation of information resources of decommissioned information systems "Recycling and disposal of construction and demolition waste in the city of Moscow" and "Control of transportation of soil and construction waste" based on the AIS "OSSiG".

1.4.3. Creation of a mechanism for displaying construction sites and specialized landfills for disposal of waste water and gas on geographical map in the AIS "OSSiG" using the functionality of the integrated automated information system "Unified Geoinformation Space of the City of Moscow".

1.4.4. Ensuring the possibility of generating statistical and analytical reporting on the issuance of permits for the movement of OS&G.

1.5. The functions of the AIS "OSSiG" are:

1.5.1. Automation of the process of submitting documents required for obtaining permits for the movement of OS&G.

1.5.2. Automation of the process of receiving and registering documents submitted by applicants for the issuance of permits for the movement of OSSIG (hereinafter referred to as applicants) when applying for the issuance of such permits, using the Portal or the “one window” service of the Moscow Department of Construction.

1.5.3. Display of construction sites and specialized landfills for disposal of waste water and gas on a geographic map in the AIS "OS&G".

1.5.4. Automation of the processes of preparing permits for moving OSSIG and issuing them to applicants using the Portal or the “one window” service of the Moscow Construction Department.

1.5.5. Automation of the process of storing and recording in electronic form documentation for issuing permits for the movement of OS&G.

1.5.6. Ensuring the sending of interdepartmental requests regarding the issuance of permits for the movement of OS&G.

1.5.7. Automation of maintaining a register of technological regulations for the process of handling construction and demolition waste.

2. Participants in information interaction

2.1. Participants in information interaction using the AIS "OSSiG" are users, information providers and the operator of the AIS "OSSiG".

2.2. Users of information - public authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations that need information contained in the AIS "OSSiG" and participate in the provision of public services and services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services or execution government functions(hereinafter referred to as services).

2.3. Information providers are government authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations exercising the powers of the owner of information placed by the operator in the AIS "OSSiG", as well as applicants providing the operator of the AIS "OSSiG" with the information necessary to obtain permission to move the OSSIG.

3. The procedure for information interaction using the AIS "OSSiG"

3.1. The procedure for information interaction between participants using the AIS "OSSiG" is determined by the regulations for information interaction between participants in the information interaction of the AIS "OSSiG" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), approved by the operator of the AIS "OSSiG" in agreement with the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow.

3.2. The formation and updating of information resources of the AIS "OSSiG" is carried out by the operator of the AIS "OSSiG" on the basis of information provided by information providers.

3.3. To perform the tasks of the AIS "OSSiG" information interaction is provided with:


Integrated automated information system "Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow";

System for managing access to information resources of the Moscow Government;

Automated system one system maintaining and managing registers, registers, directories and classifiers";

Automated information system "Control over the examination of design and estimate documentation";

The Unified Information System of the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections of the City of Moscow;

Other information systems.

4. Rights and obligations of participants in information interaction using the AIS "OSSiG", the state customer for the development of the AIS "OSSiG"

4.1. Operator of AIS "OSSiG":

4.1.1. Develops and approves Regulations in agreement with the Moscow Department of Information Technologies.

4.1.2. Ensures the functioning of the AIS "OSSiG" in accordance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information, information technology and information security, the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, as well as legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.1.3. Carries out the formation and updating of information resources of the AIS "OSSiG" based on information provided by information providers.

4.1.4. Ensures the integrity and availability of information resources of the AIS "OSSiG" for participants in information interaction.

4.1.5. Monitors changes in information resources contained in the AIS "OSSiG".

4.1.6. Ensures the protection of information contained in the AIS "OSSiG" from unauthorized access to it, its distortion or blocking from the moment the specified information is received in the AIS "OSSiG" until the moment it is transferred to another information system, is responsible for the immutability of information transmitted through the AIS " OSSIG" from physical and legal entities, government bodies and organizations.

4.1.7. Provides consulting support to participants in information interaction on the use of AIS "OSSiG".

4.1.8. The right to transfer the performance of part of its functions government agency the city of Moscow or another organization in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.2. The operator of AIS "OSSiG" is not responsible for:

4.2.1. For the reliability of information posted in the AIS "OSSiG" by information providers.

4.2.2. For the quality and timing of the provision of services using the information contained in the AIS "OSSiG" if a decrease in the quality of provision of such services or a violation of the terms of provision arose for reasons independent of the functioning of the AIS "OSSSiG".

4.3. Information Provider:

4.3.1. Provides information to the operator of the AIS "OSSIG" for its placement in the AIS OSSIG.

4.3.2. Ensures the accuracy and completeness of the information provided.

4.3.3. Complies with the requirements for maintaining and using AIS "OSS&G" data.

4.4. AIS "OSSiG" user:

4.4.1. Provides access to the AIS "OSSiG" in accordance with the Regulations.

4.4.2. The right to send proposals to the operator of the AIS "OSSiG" to change the procedure for providing information.

4.4.3. Complies with the requirements of operational documentation for the use of AIS "OSSiG".

4.4.4. Makes proposals to the operator of the AIS "OSSiG" on the necessary changes in order to optimize the functions of the AIS "OSSiG".

4.4.5. Ensures non-disclosure of information received from the AIS "OSSiG" to third parties without the consent of the operator.

4.5. The state customer for the development of the AIS "OSSiG" is entrusted with the functions of ensuring the functioning and maintenance of the system software and hardware of the AIS "OSSiG", as well as Reserve copy information posted in the AIS "OSSiG".

5. Exchange of information with other information systems and resources

5.1. The formation and maintenance of the AIS "OSSiG" is carried out on the basis of information resources contained in other information systems, as well as the information resources of the AIS "OSSiG" operator.

5.2. Automated interaction of the AIS "OSSiG" with other information systems is carried out using the software and hardware complex of the information interaction subsystem of the Information and Analytical System for Management of Urban Development Activities of the City of Moscow and (or) using the regional system of interdepartmental electronic interaction of the city of Moscow.

Document overview

The automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction, demolition waste and soil in the city of Moscow" is used to support the activities of the Construction Department, including making decisions on issuing permits for the transportation of soil in the city, for the movement of construction and demolition waste for processing and disposal.

AIS is designed to automate the process of submitting documents required for issuing permits for the movement of soil and waste, the process of preparing permits and issuing them to applicants, displaying construction sites and specialized landfills for waste disposal on a geographic map of the system, automating the maintenance of a register of technological regulations for the management of construction waste and demolition, etc.
