Read the journal Practical Dietetics online. Modern practical dietetics

About the magazine

About the journal “Practical Dietetics”

"Practical Dietetics" - a project of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition

"Practical Dietetics" - Russia's first informational and practical magazine on dietetics for specialists. Published since 2011.

Uniqueness of the publication:

  • The magazine presents the rich practical experience of nutritionists, specialists in the field of patient nutrition and healthy person;
  • The magazine's materials are written in newspaper and magazine genres.

Purpose of the publication:

  • exchange of practical experience among professionals in the field of dietetics and related disciplines;
  • coverage of issues of diet and nutrition in medical institutions, organization of the work of catering units, personnel, selection of food equipment, etc.;
  • coverage of issues of legislation and nutrition standards;
  • consideration of special clinical cases;
  • answers to pressing professional questions, assistance in making decisions when problematic situations arise.

The main criteria for selecting materials for publication in a journal are not only the uniqueness of the text, the relevance of the topic, public interest, the freshness of the ideas presented, but also, above all, reliability and legal literacy.

The magazine contains the most interesting results of practical dietetics, consultations with doctors of various specialties, comments on fundamental documents defining the procedure for organizing therapeutic and preventive nutrition, trends and consequences of management decisions. In the materials of the publication one can find different points of view of representatives of numerous schools and movements.

The target audience

Profile specialists (dietitians, nutritionists, therapists, pediatricians, etc.), health care organizers in the Russian Federation, chief doctors, administrations of medical institutions.

Regular sections of the magazine:

  • Word of the law
  • Standardization
  • To the head doctor
  • Workshop
  • Risks in nutrition
  • Situation
  • To the patient's taste

Periodicity: 4 times a year.

Volume: 100-140 full color pages.

Circulation: 5,000 copies.

Thank you for being with us!

About 20,000 readers per circulation - each copy is read by an average of four people.

Distribution in regions of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries:

  • Subscription
  • Distribution at specialized events

Free mailing to ministries and departments of the Russian Federation - more than 700 addresses.

V. A. Tutelyan, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology", chief freelance nutritionist of the Ministry of Health of Russia,Honored Scientist Russian Federation

T. Yu. Grozdova, MD, Vice President of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition

Yu. V. Abakumova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Saratov regional office Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation,

A. Yu. Baranovsky, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Scientific, Clinical and Educational Center for Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State University", chief gastroenterologist of the Northern Western Federal District of the Russian Federation, member of the specialized commission in the specialty "gastroenterology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,

O. I. Danilov, PhD, CEO of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition,

A. Ya. Kalinin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, full member of the New York Academy of Sciences, General Director National Trust consumer protection,

I. I. Kim, Head of the Department of Practical Dietetics, expert of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition, Moscow,

M. A. Kovalevsky, Professor of Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A. I. Evdokimova, President of the Association of Medical Law of St. Petersburg,

K. A. Kudis, Legal Advisor, Executive Director of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition,

G. I. Mendelson, k.b. D., chief expert of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition,

A. V. Pogozheva, Doctor of Medicine, Leading Researcher, Professor of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology”,

Kh. Kh. Sharafetdinov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Metabolic Diseases of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology", Professor of the Department of Dietetics and Nutritionology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, chief freelance nutritionist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District


Editor-in-Chief Alena Grozdova

Design, layout Valeria Shimchuk

Photographer Maria Kulinichenko, Yuri Kabanov

Proofreader Svetlana Fomina

Administrative editor Marina Fisenko

Head of the online version of the journal “Practical Dietetics” Sergei Chirkov

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on pages 5, 38

Dietetics for therapists
In mid-March, the country's leading nutritionists, experts in the field of nutrition for sick and healthy people, made presentations at the First Congress of Therapists of the Moscow Region with international participation, held in Krasnogorsk at the Government House of the Moscow Region. Read what nutritionists told their colleagues, therapists and doctors of other specialties, in the latest issue of the magazine on page 16.

40 or more events, it-exclusive in Leningrad region, about sanatoriums in the south of the country and much more
How 2016 went for the National Association of Clinical Nutrition, what the most significant events for the life of Russian dietetics took place thanks to the work of the association, read in the news of the spring issue on page 12.

Ministry is in touch!
Feedback - in 2017, the nutritional service launched a large-scale monitoring center to collect reporting information from the constituent entities of the Federation to generate a final report - “ Personal accounts nutritionists." The analytical material is intended for consideration by the specialized commission on dietetics of the Expert Council in the field of healthcare of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the chief freelance nutritionist of the Ministry of Health of Russia for making management decisions and submitting recommendations and proposals to the Ministry of Health of Russia (p. 32).

What did you buy? What did you get?


A nutritionist and a legal consultant tell you how to minimize risks and how to avoid them during the bidding procedure, when accepting food products from the supplier (pp. 22, 26).

The best day of a nutritionist
What is an ideal day for a nutritionist, we asked practicing nutritionists. Imagine that a new department has been opened in our country - the Ministry of Dietetics of the Russian Federation - and you head it. What would you do, what changes would you make, to ensure that dietetics has its ideal day? (page 38).

Chronic kidney disease: modern principles therapeutic nutrition
A low-protein diet for renal pathology is becoming a thing of the past. Thanks to the development of efferent treatment methods, the practice of a nutritionist includes new algorithms for prolonging life and preserving High Quality life - the use of specialized food products (p. 46).

Weight management

600,000,000 ARE OBESITY

Epidemic formula

Weight Loss Strategy

Mathematics of nutrition

Patient care plan

–20 KG
Diagnosis of patient G.: exogenous constitutional obesity stage 1, mixed type obesity, hypercholesterolemia

10 months of joint work with a nutritionist, psychotherapist, and fitness trainer.

Rational nutrition, training, specialized foods, bioimpedance analysis, lymphatic drainage massage.

Minus 18.1 kg of fat mass (page 76).

No pain - no diet?
A rather banal plot: the patient is ready to take the bitterest medicine, agrees to any dietary restrictions, even starvation, in order to save himself from pain. However, after the pain symptoms disappear, he quickly forgets how bad he felt and continues to pamper himself with foods that can cause another exacerbation. What is the secret of the psychology of pain and why does a person forget about all the promises to the doctor when the pain goes away? (page 92).

A fun conversation about proper bread
Are there preservatives, colorings, or flavor enhancers in bread?

What are baking improvers, are they safe for health?

How to choose bread, what should you pay attention to when looking at the label of bread and bakery products?

Frozen bread for hot business - are products obtained from frozen semi-finished products healthy?

What is the shelf life of bread and what does it depend on?

What do they do with expired bread left on store shelves?

These and other questions were answered by E. V. Nevskaya, Ph.D., head of the microbiological research department of the Federal State Institution “Research Institute of the Baking Industry” in an interview with the editor-in-chief of the journal “Practical Dietetics” A. V. Grozdova (p. 108 ).

Dietetics lawyers
Everyone reading this article will make many discoveries for themselves (how a person gets sick, why spilling salt is bad luck, how the ancients learned about germs, bacteria and viruses in food, why the ancient Egyptians washed their stomachs every month for three days in a row, etc.) and think hard about what attitude you have modern society to food, in particular to its quality, safety, and in general what is its place in our life: is food used for the prevention of diseases and treatment of the patient or is it just a source of taste for an idle life, what is its vector: is it aimed at development or extinction ... (p. 120).

“Practical Dietetics” No. 1 (17)
The first issue of 2016 was published. With its publication, a new page opened in the history of the journal “Practical Dietetics”.

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We carried out extensive work to update the design of the magazine, adding infographics, colorful spreads, interesting and informative elements. The publication has become more convenient for understanding complex information.

Simply about the complex - the principle of our publication, which is more relevant than ever. Experts in the field of nutrition discussed topics of concern to nutritionists from a practical perspective.

Key topics of the issue
Voice of Dietetics
On December 18, 2015, the President of the National Medical Chamber L. M. Roshal signed a document on the entry of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition into the largest public medical organization in Russia, which he heads. Its participants are professional organizations, regional medical associations, as well as doctors of private practice and departmental medicine. Now, among representatives of various fields uniting the powerful medical mouthpiece of the National Medical Chamber, the voice of domestic dietetics has appeared.

Production control at the catering department
A topic that raises a lot of questions among nutritionists is the organization of production control in the catering department. And this is not surprising. Careful implementation of the program is the basis for the functioning of the catering department of a medical institution, ensuring the safety of medical nutrition, fulfilling the requirements of laws, national standards, SanPiNs. Unclear implementation of the tasks of the production control program or a formally drawn up program is an incorrect organization of nutrition, a violation of the human right to receive quality food. medical care, the basis for bringing the chief physician of a medical institution to administrative liability in the form of a warning, fine or suspension of the activities of the institution itself medical organization.

Therapeutic nutrition for lung diseases
19–25% of COPD patients have protein-energy malnutrition, which negatively affects the survival of these patients. With progressive weight loss in this group of patients, mortality was significantly (2 times) higher compared to those patients who did not have weight loss.

16 DAYS DIET IAP = 36 g BCS daily = increase in body weight and maximum respiratory pressure.

6% of patients with endogenous asthma have a true food allergy to one or more foods.

Diet for pneumonia
Currently, community-acquired pneumonia remains the most important socially significant infectious disease urban population of all ages and professions. Due to this A complex approach when providing care to patients is one of the main tasks of medical organizations. Despite the fact that today the main method of treating community-acquired pneumonia remains timely antimicrobial therapy, diet also plays an important role in the complex of treatment measures.

TOPIC OF THE ISSUE: The obesity epidemic
1980 | 857,000,000 PEOPLE
2013 | 2,100,000,000 PEOPLE
In a world of obese and overweight people.

Periods of possible increase in the number of fat cells.

1-2 GENERATIONS AGO there lived people who were superior modern man on physical activity.

4.5 KG = 4.4 MM RT. ST.
Extra pounds = increased systolic blood pressure.

WARNINGS FROM A NUTRITIONIST: Which methods of combating obesity can be dangerous.

Psychologist's office
Especially for practicing nutritionists in the new issue of the magazine professional psychologist conducted a master class on identifying the psychological factors of obesity.

Close relatives of the disease
Medical science defines a disease as a failure of the body’s vital functions as a result of a genetic defect or the influence of factors on it external environment. Another thought, not without medical meaning, is focused in one of the old wise proverbs: “If the father of a disease is unknown, then its mother is always nutrition.”


On the pages of the updated edition, we answered difficult questions from nutritionists and dietitians, which are not always brought up for public discussion.

Dispute with accounting department
In a dispute with a nutritionist, the chief accountant of a medical institution insists on canceling the accountants’ calculation of the total amount of food needed to prepare all dishes (the denominator in the menu layout), and proposes to assign this responsibility to dietary nurses. What solutions may be available in a controversial situation that has arisen between a nutritionist and a chief accountant?

Liability for outsourcing?
When outsourcing food preparation services, there is often responsibility for the safety and quality of medical nutrition, including compliance with the requirements of SanPiNov and other regulatory documents, in an interesting way dissolves somewhere in the middle between a medical institution and a third-party organization.

Who is responsible for compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the catering unit if the medical organization outsources? What are the limits of responsibility of a dietitian, dietary nurse and other services during outsourcing?

Our specialists, experts in the field of nutrition, shared their knowledge and tried to help colleagues in the most delicate situations.

In addition to the listed topics, the new issue presents other equally interesting areas. In short, many important changes have appeared in the magazine.

The only thing that remains untouched is the cost of a subscription to our magazine. Despite the crisis and the unstable situation in the economy of our country, we keep the price unchanged - from 2012 to this day, the cost of the magazine has not increased by a ruble.

The magazine continues to improve. There are huge and amazing changes ahead, both in design and in the information itself! Join us, be with us!

TO Candidate of Medical Sciences PhD; Senior Researcher, Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology with the section of medical genetics at the National Medical University named after Bogomolets and Medical Institute SSU; Head of Department modern dietetics and anti-aging power First Cosmetology College; Doctor of the highest category perinatologist, geneticist, nutritionist, nutritionist; Nutrigenomics and healthy eating expert; Author over 80 scientific works, 4 patents

Target audience of the course:

Anyone who wants to receive the necessary knowledge, skills and assistance to create and launch their practice!

  • For those who want to gain knowledge and skills(safely and efficiently, understand nutrition issues and advise your loved ones).
  • For massage therapists(knowledge of the basics of dietetics is an additional tool for assisting clients in matters of weight loss and figure correction).
  • For cosmetologists (appearance directly depends on internal state human health. Balancing the diet and creating a menu in combination with cosmetology will help clients look perfect).
  • For fitness instructors(in the fight against excess weight, along with physical activity, a balanced diet plays an important role in achieving the goal).
  • Stylists, makeup artists ( nutritional counseling and weight correction are the key to a person’s complete transformation).
  • Psychologists (a person’s appearance affects his state of mind and harmony, and sometimes weight correction automatically solves the lion’s share of human worries and worries).
  • Manicurists(they know everything about the secrets of their clients and are ready to help them in everything. Often, girls turn to them for advice on the most piquant issues or personal life).
  • Doctors(have maximum knowledge about health and human body. By coming to our course, you will receive unlimited trust from clients, which will allow you to achieve colossal results).
  • Cooks(cook-nutritionist is one of the rarest and therefore highly paid professions).
  • For athletes(nutrition before training, after training, recovery and rest regime - the basis that gives a decisive advantage on the path to victory).

Prospects after the course: nutritionist consultant

Those who complete the course gain the knowledge and practices needed to work with people with eating disorders, as well as a set of tools to help them create healthy eating patterns for themselves and their clients.

Start applying the acquired knowledge immediately after completing the course, with subsequent information support and regular feedback from the curator.

Our distinctive feature and uniqueness:

This course is based on 30 hours practical classes, and 40 hours of theory. You get all the baggage of six years of university knowledge in 70 academic hours!

Course duration is 70 academic hours (10 seminars and 8 practical classes).

The course is conducted once a month (as a group of 10 people is recruited). The time and frequency of lectures are discussed individually with the course curator.

We offer:

The course program “Fundamentals of Practical Dietetics” is based on a large-scale scientific base, which combines knowledge from biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, endocrinology, nutrition and psychology. It is constantly being refined and improved thanks to the scientific activities of the curator. Materials are being developed about motivation, the psychology of nutrition in the family, the peculiarities of the diet of mothers and pregnant women, and nutrition based on a unique individual set of genes.

The curator always answers students' questions and guides them.

Our main advantages:

  • Unique materials: the theoretical basis of the course is a huge body of knowledge based on the principles of evidence-based medicine and advanced science, without “water”, extremely important and helpful information in an accessible and structured form of presenting the material;
  • Consolidation in practice: an important unique feature and component of the course. To transform knowledge into skill and consolidate the material covered, practical homework will be given after each lesson. Starting from half of the training course, the student will independently advise the client;
  • High level of teaching: lecturer and course author, PhD, practicing physician with many years of clinical experience. Those. the person who knows first-hand how it all works in real life, and improves his knowledge and skills every day;
  • You will always be up to date with the latest scientific discoveries and news in the field of dietetics and medicine in general, thanks to the scientific activities of the lecturer;
  • An integrated approach: we offer different formats of online and offline training, practical seminars and coaching sessions. Additional knowledge gained from lectures on psychology and laboratory diagnosis of many diseases will help you significantly increase the number of your clients, as well as diversify your sources of income;
  • Adaptability of materials: having extensive experience working with students, conducting conferences, trainings, coaching sessions, we made the course extremely accessible and understandable. A structured presentation of material will help you quickly and easily master a new profession;
  • Quick return on investment: we give you not only professional knowledge and skills, but also important personal practical experience for working with clients at the very first stages of your activity.

The program of the training course “Fundamentals of Practical Dietetics” includes the following sections:


Anatomical and physiological features digestive system person. The cell is like the nucleus of life and energy.

Day 1

  • Basic anatomy of the human digestive system;
  • Physiology of the gastrointestinal tract. The influence of nutritional factors on the function of the digestive organs;
  • Cell structure. Biochemical processes at the cellular level (cellular nutrition);
  • Hormones that affect digestion. Review. Functions;
  • Digestion. Signs of indigestion. Properties and nature of food.

    Day 2

  • Definition of the concept of “nutrition”. general characteristics rational nutrition. Ideology of nutrition - a modern view and scientific evidence-based excursion;
  • Acid - alkaline balance and its effect on the body;
  • Human water balance. Functions of water in the body. Daily water requirement. Water - how much? To whom? Which one? When and how?
  • Edema is an erroneous interpretation of excess weight;
  • Features of the water balance of women and children.

The building material of the body - or the main components of BZHU, macro and microelements.

Day 3

  • Proteins, their role in nutrition;
  • Protein of animal and plant origin;
  • Amino acid composition of food proteins. Essential amino acids. Glycogenic and ketogenic amino acids;
  • Protein metabolism disorders, symptoms and correction;
  • Protein intake standards. Food combinations that promote protein absorption;
  • “Genetic lucky ones” as an example muscle fibers and people;
  • Neuroplasticity. Sport. Old age.

Day 4

  • Fats (lipids), their role in the body;
  • Classification of lipids. Energy and biological value of fats;
  • Pathways of metabolic transformation of lipids;
  • Fat content of various foods;
  • Lipoproteins, their classification;
  • Cholesterol, triglycerides - optimal level. Principles of dietary therapy for atherosclerosis;
  • Cellulite. ;
  • Consequences of nutritional imbalance. Obesity. Classification of obesity. Risk factors and causes;
  • Genetic background of excess weight;
  • Physiology of weight loss;
  • Local fat burning: myth or reality?

Day 5

  • Carbohydrates, their role in the body;
  • Energy and biological value of carbohydrates;
  • Simple carbohydrates (glucose, galactose, lactose, maltose);
  • Complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) – starch, glycogen, fiber, pectin;
  • Biochemical significance of carbohydrates. Glycolysis. Gluconeogenesis;
  • Contents in products. Assimilation. Need for carbohydrates;
  • Manifestation of deficiency and excess consumption of carbohydrates;
  • Absorption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Glycemic load and glycemic index;
  • Insulin index - a scientific approach. Evidence base;
  • Sweet cravings and the menstrual cycle;
  • Gluten – should you be afraid of it?
  • Scientific approach to food experiments;
  • Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Interaction of BJU and water with each other;
  • The role of each nutrient in the digestive process. How to consume proteins, fats and carbohydrates for maximum weight loss.

І Section II

Metabolism - how one system healthy functioning of the body. Construction of nutrition programs taking into account individual sx characteristics of a particular organism.

Day 6

  • Homeostasis. Basic principles of metabolism;
  • Slowdown/acceleration of metabolism. Norm and pathology;
  • Let's talk about calories;
  • Basic and basal metabolism, how many kcal do you need to maintain the body?
  • Methods for calculating daily caloric intake for each person individually. with or without formulas?
  • Energy value of the product;
  • Calculation of the amount of macro and micronutrients. The daily intake of protein, fat and carbohydrates is individual for everyone. Determination method;
  • Metabolism: how to manage it. Distribution of nutrients and planning of meals throughout the day;
  • The physiology of long-term weight loss. Plateau phenomenon.

Day 7

  • Fundamentals of nutrition;
  • Physiological and biochemical aspects of the action of nutrients;
  • Microelements. Vitamins and bioelements. Signs of deficiency, rules of admission;
  • Antagonism of bioelements. Structure, functions, presence in products;
  • Basic principles healthy eating and factors influencing their formation;
  • Modern approaches to nutritional and metabolic correction of nutrition-dependent pathology;
  • Peculiarities diet if there is a nutrient deficiency;
  • The problem of food contamination. Rules for creating a balanced diet when choosing food products;
  • Food intolerance or food allergy? Basic concepts. Features of nutrition for food allergies. Elimination diet.

І V chapter

Stages of nutritional consultation

Day 8 (Practical skills):

  • Modern methods for assessing human nutritional status;
  • Stages of nutritional consultation. Collecting a diet history (the pattern of interviewing the client before drawing up a diet includes an assessment of eating behavior, eating habits, and identification of food intolerance);
  • Assessment of the body's nutritional status using classical formulas and modern technologies;
  • Assessment of clinical signs of deficiency and excess nutrients, vitamins, minerals;
  • Determination and assessment of anthropometric indicators (anthropometry, caliperometry);
  • Calculations of energy costs and patient needs (actual and adequate);
  • Determination of the composition (composition) of the patient’s body using classical formulas and (the ratio of the mass of fat and muscle tissue, the amount of total fluid in the body, metabolic age);
  • Evaluation of results clinical trials client - biochemical markers of nutritional status (protein, lipid, carbohydrate, vitamin, mineral, hormonal);
  • Trial menu (calculation) for a healthy person. Basic principles of developing a nutrition program;
  • taking into account the individual characteristics of the client;
  • Correction of the diet over time based on data from an objective study of the client under the program;
  • Correction of eating disorders and practical advice.

Day 9

  • Comparative analysis of diets;
  • Why don't diets work?;
  • How can dieting cause weight gain in people with a normal BMI?;
  • “The Ideal Diet” - basic principles;
  • Basic principles of building a diet aimed at maintaining weight or reducing it;
  • Individual approach to developing a diet for overweight patients;
  • Factors that optimize diet adherence. Nutrition taking into account a person's lifestyle. Meals on holidays. Including treats;
  • Formation of nutritional needs. Difference between hunger and appetite;
  • How to eat outside the home. Vacation. "All Inclusive"
  • An integrated approach to body weight correction. The role of motor activity and psycho-emotional mood;
  • Food experience and its role in life;
  • Emotional overeating – a mechanism of protection against stress, the role of depression and anxiety in overeating;
  • Typology of clients and methods of motivation.

Day 10

  • Psychology of working with clients. Theory and practice of repeated meetings;
  • Principles of correction of the psycho-emotional sphere, helping the client in developing positive attitudes, consolidating motives for reducing excess body weight;
  • About the future in nutrition science, or why you should still trust yourself;
  • Personalized nutrition – already here?

Test (interview with the teacher).

What exactly will studying on the course “Fundamentals of Practical Dietetics” give you?
  • You will learn what constitutes the basis of a healthy, balanced diet that promotes rejuvenation and prolongation of active longevity;
  • You will master the technique of collecting anamnesis and losing excess weight, as well as psychological support for clients at the stage of changing eating behavior;
  • Master the principles of classical dietetics and learn how to create a replacement diet;
  • You will master techniques that allow you to create individual nutrition programs for the most demanding clients
  • You will learn how to choose healthy products for each situation that enhance vital energy;
  • You will become a balanced nutrition consultant with active clinical thinking, thanks to a huge base of practical training;
  • You can help yourself and your loved ones improve and maintain health!
Upon completion of the course “Modern practical dietetics”issueduniform certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

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