The essence of the Korean War. Korean War

Start of negotiations. Having realized the impossibility of the “no alternative to victory” once declared by MacArthur in the Korean conflict, the Americans began to probe the possibilities of a compromise resolution of the situation. Negotiations began with the involvement of all interested parties, including not only the Koreans, who professed different theories of development, but also the USSR and the PRC. However, getting out of the trap turned out to be more difficult than getting into it. Moscow was well aware of its own benefit; the Americans, mired in the conflict, were losing people, money, and authority several times faster than their geopolitical opponent. Demands were formulated that could not be the basis for a compromise.

Stop fighting. The negotiations dragged on for almost 2 years and were completed when the supreme power changed in both Moscow and Washington. Eisenhower, who replaced Truman, being a competent military specialist, correctly assessed possible consequences continuation of the war as destructive for the United States. The White House decided to make concessions. In Moscow, the group that led after Stalin’s death, in turn, considered it necessary to end the conflict. The least acceptable demands that offended the Americans were removed. On July 27, 1953, the fire ceased, the troops were separated, and the war ended in the same place where it began, at the 38th parallel, which became the current border of the two Korean states. Along with it, the permanent air war ended, which did not promise victory for either side.

General results of the conflict. The overall results of the conflict looked sad. According to terrible and far from accurate estimates, the people of both Koreas lost about 8-9 million people, over 80% of whom were civilians. The losses of the Chinese “volunteers” were calculated more accurately, but the information was immediately classified. The “limited war” cost the Americans 54 thousand dead, without taking into account those people who were lost by contingents of other participants in the UN mission. Since the USSR did not formally participate in the conflict, not only information about losses, but even mentions of the 64th Corps and its combat activities did not exist for a long time. They started talking about them quite late, and reliable information appeared only in the late 1980s. However, even today the figures regarding our deaths range from 200 to 1,500 thousand people.

Classification error. Classifying the fact of Soviet participation in the war turned out to be a serious mistake. The Americans, realizing what was happening, used the enemy’s silence to their advantage. Their information policy made it possible in the eyes of the world to turn a failure in the air into a serious propaganda victory with important. When comparing assessments of military-political competitors, the role of the “air factor” is always especially high. This makes sense: aviation concentrates everything that the people who created it are proud of. The airplane is a bundle of intelligence and the highest technologies, the latest scientific discoveries, finally, just the concept put into it by the creators. He is the embodiment of the power of the country that created him. Those who serve in aviation personify the image of a nation or a national conglomerate; these are its best representatives. According to American data, military pilots have, on average, the highest “intelligence quotient.” The Americans still have certain reasons to put pilots at the top of the podium.

And so, having silenced the participation of Soviet aviation in the Korean conflict, which everyone in the world knew about without exception, the Soviet leadership gave up the propaganda field to the Americans without a fight. Those, sensing impunity in the information space, had a blast. A lurid figure for the loss ratio began to circulate in the works of American researchers. Some out of guile, and others out of ignorance, replicated data on 802 downed MiGs and 56 Sabers, limiting all military statistics to this information.

Crazy numbers. This figure found its way into domestic research precisely in this form, sometimes more politely - in this case it was about 792 MiGs for 78 sabers. This is a lie, and a blatant one at that. Firstly, it is already clear to everyone that in the Chinese Air Force and the 64th Corps, MiGs were the only type of aircraft, not counting the Korean piston engines. Whereas in the American Air Force, completely modern materiel was divided, as they said, into 40 types, not counting British vehicles. With them there were more varieties. At the same time, we remember that Sabers were not the main object of hunting for MiGs. Obviously, other aircraft, which the 64th Corps was actually hunting for, also suffered losses. But only the most competent Westerners remember this, recognizing the death of another 200 or so aircraft. But this information is known to few people. And in the eyes of the majority, Russians look like “klutzes on coffins.” Which is not entirely true. Just look at the official report on the actions of the US Air Force in Korea, where it is written in white English that they destroyed 184,808 enemy soldiers. The unsophisticated like precise numbers. They are alarming to the interested amateur. He cannot understand how the Yankees managed to count all those they killed with an accuracy of 8 people. The guess suggests itself: “they lie and don’t blush.”

Soviet casualty data. According to Soviet data, aviation losses look completely different over the years: November 1950-December 1951 - 564 aircraft were shot down, 71 were lost. In 1952, 394 were shot down, 172 were lost. In 1953, the enemy lost 139, the 64th Corps - 92. In total, over 4 years, the Americans, that is, the UN, lost 1097 aircraft, not counting those shot down by Chinese and Korean pilots, as well as anti-aircraft gunners. According to the stories of our eyewitnesses, such figures are more consistent with the truth. However, there is no guarantee of accuracy in these calculations, partly for objective reasons. It happens that half the enemy’s wing is torn off, the plane is on fire, but it still makes it to the airfield. But they can also directly exaggerate, with official papers in the 20th century. this happens all the time. And no one has canceled or will cancel the Suvorov principle in military history.

“Why feel sorry for them, adversaries.” Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov is worthy of all respect and worship, but they say there was such an episode in his biography. The Prince of Italy compiled a report to the sovereign about the past battle together with his adjutant. And take it and ask: “Aren’t we writing a lot of killed enemies, Alexander Vasilyevich?” To which the truly brilliant commander replied: “Why feel sorry for them, adversaries”?! Whether this happened or not, historians have a saying: “He lies like an eyewitness.” And it’s not the person’s great fault, where the memoirist’s memory failed him, he didn’t notice something, but thought it through. That's not the point. To find out the truth, it is advisable to find some piece of information that is neutral and essentially independent.

Rescue statistics. For the Korean conflict, such a “nuance” was the number of sorties carried out by Air Force rescue service helicopters, of which, according to her report, there were about 2,500. The rescue service is American pride. Each pilot, leaving for a mission, had a miniature radio beacon in his pocket. When he got into trouble, the guy pressed the button, and his people knew where to look for him. Helicopters flew in and pulled their own people out of the most remote and dangerous places. This means that the number of flights approximately corresponds to the number of pilots who found themselves on the ground against their own will, and mostly alive, since those who were unlucky did not use the beacon, and such people are usually at least 10% of the total number of downed pilots, often more.

True, this figure is not accurate due to the fact that it is not known how many times the rescuers flew to Busan for beer, reporting the flight as a raid into the communist rear. But in any case, these 2,500 thousand flights give an indicator of American losses closer to Soviet estimates than to the brisk American information about 56-78 Sabers. There are other ways to reasonably disbelieve the Americans, but we won’t go into that for now.

21 victories of Sutyagin. One thing is clear, the 64th Corps in Korea fought fiercely and came out of the fight with honor, in no way inferior to those who considered themselves kings of the air. They have nothing to hide, but they can be proud. In any case, the most successful pilot of that war bore the Russian surname Sutyagin and had 21 victories. You can believe this, this was strictly monitored in the USSR. Sutyagin's American competitor, the already mentioned McDonnell, was well behind with his 16 points.

In terms of military experience, Korea brought closer estimates of air power, which the Soviet Union finally considered a decisive factor. The geostrategic outcome forced the West to recognize the USSR as a militarily comparable superpower. Although the methods for achieving this parity did not yet guarantee equality of opportunity, the balance of power became more discernible. The presence of a force comparable to the American one did not harm the cause of world peace at all.

On final stage war, the USSR and the USA decided to consider the 38th parallel on the Korean Peninsula as the dividing line of allied military actions against Japan. Soviet troops accepted the Japanese surrender to the north, and American troops to the south of the 38th parallel.

Immediately after the entry of Soviet troops into Korea, a government of a unified Korea sympathetic to the Soviet Union was created. The Americans opposed this government to the provisional Korean government, which had previously been in exile. These two governments competed for power in the country, although it was assumed that the division of the country along the 38th parallel would be temporary. Nevertheless, on August 15, 1948, the Republic of Korea was proclaimed with its capital in Seoul, and on September 9 of the same year - the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) with its capital in Pyongyang. In fact, residents of both parts of the country were never given the opportunity to decide their own fate, and Korea still remains divided: temporary military borders turned into permanent ones.

After the communist victory in China, Mao Zedong was given the opportunity to help the North Korean communists in their quest to create a unified state. It was with the support of Mao Zedong and with the knowledge of Stalin that the North Korean troops attacked the south. In 1950, the leader of the Korean communists, Kim Il Sung, informed Stalin that as soon as the communists crossed the 38th parallel, a popular uprising would begin in the south and the whole thing would be limited to a short civil war.

The corrupt regime in South Korea was not popular with the people; about 100 thousand people died during various uprisings against it. In addition, Stalin apparently believed that the United States did not attach much strategic importance to South Korea and would not interfere in the conflict. However, the American leadership, confused by the events in Berlin, believed that communism was on the march and must be stopped at all costs.

In 1950, the USSR withdrew from the United Nations for some time. The US leadership did not fail to take advantage of this situation and was able to involve the UN in solving the Korean problem. American and UN troops were sent to Korea.

The Americans hoped for a quick resolution of the conflict, but they were faced with a three-year bloody war, which was the result of the participation of the Chinese army in it.

It is interesting to note that during the Korean War (in which the United States officially participated, but the USSR did not), Washington knew for certain that at least 150 Chinese aircraft were actually Soviet and flown by Soviet pilots. The Americans kept this information secret, since they reasonably believed that Moscow did not at all want to be drawn into the war. In other words, the main concern of both sides was to prevent actions that could be regarded as steps towards starting a war between the powers.

On July 9, 1951, the USSR proposed a truce. Negotiations proceeded extremely sluggishly, and meanwhile the front line stabilized in the same positions where hostilities began - along the 38th parallel. On July 26, 1953, a truce was concluded.


In the Korean War, 4 million Koreans, 1 million Chinese, 54,246 Americans, and 120 Soviet pilots of the 4th Fighter Aviation Corps died. Material from the site

Prestige of China

China's victory, paid for big amount casualties, but forced the Americans to retreat, causing a state of shock in Western world. Military successes in the fight against American and UN troops, as well as pursuing a policy independent of Moscow, have increased China's international prestige. The Korean War showed that China can no longer be ignored in international affairs.

Arms race

The Korean War was a global event. It contributed to the development of the arms race. After the Korean War, the size of the army in the United States sharply increased from 1.5 million in 1948 to 3.2 million in 1951 (in the USSR, respectively, from 2.9 million to 3.1 million people). Under the influence of the Korean War, a decision was made to permanently station American troops in Europe. Since the end of 1953, the United States began to deploy tactical nuclear weapons on the European continent.

During the war, the United States was able to win over the UN, military spending, created NATO, and the opportunity arose to arm Germany, which happened in 1955.

After Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 Korea became part of the Japanese Empire. At the end of World War II, the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition agreed that the Russians would disarm Japanese troops in the northern part of the country, and American troops in the southern part. The United Nations was going to grant Korea full independence. For this purpose, at the end of 1947, a UN commission was sent to the country to organize national elections. But by this point " cold war The conflict between the Western and Eastern blocs was already in full swing, and the USSR refused to recognize the authority of the commission in its zone of occupation.

In the south of the Korean Peninsula, under the supervision of a UN commission, elections were held and in August 1948 the state of South Korea was created, headed by the President. Lee Seung Man. The USSR arranged North Korea own elections, and in September 1948 Stalin’s protege came to power Kim Il Sung, who remained the leader of the country until his death in July 1994. Soviet troops withdrew from the Korean Peninsula, and in July 1949 the Americans did the same. Stalin, however, left the North Korean army far better armed than its southern neighbor. Relations between the two Koreas were very tense.

Less than a year later, on June 25, 1950, North Korean forces began the war with a surprise attack. They crossed the 38th parallel, along which the state border between the two Koreas passed. Their goal was to overthrow the South Korean government and unify the country under the rule of Kim Il Sung.

Poorly armed and poorly trained South Korean troops were unable to repel aggression from the north. Three days later, the country's capital, Seoul, surrendered to North Korean troops, who continued to advance south on a broad front. South Korea turned to the UN for help. Since January 1950, the Soviet Union refused to participate in the work of the UN due to the presence there as a permanent member of the Security Council from China of the ambassador of the Nationalist regime Chiang Kai-shek, and not from Mao's communist government. Therefore, the USSR was unable to veto the UN ultimatum to North Korea to withdraw troops. When this ultimatum was ignored by Kim Il Sung, the Security Council called on member states to provide military and other assistance to South Korea.

American naval and air Force deployment began immediately. July 1, 1950, first contingents ground forces The United States, flying a NATO flag and airlifted from Japan, arrived at the war front in Busan, a port on the extreme southeastern tip of the Korean Peninsula. Additional contingents arrived by sea over the next few days. However, they were too weak and soon fled along with the South Korean troops. By the end of July, all of South Korea, with the exception of a small southeastern bridgehead around the port of Busan, had been captured by North Korean troops.

General who previously led the Allied fight against the Japanese in southwestern region Pacific Ocean, was appointed Supreme Commander of the UN forces in the Korean War. He organized the defense of the Pusan ​​Perimeter and by the end of August achieved double numerical superiority over the North Koreans, preparing a decisive counter-offensive.

MacArthur came up with a daring plan. He ordered an amphibious landing at Inchon in the northwestern Korean Peninsula to divert the attention of the North Koreans from the Busan bridgehead and facilitate its breakthrough.

The Inchon landing operation began on September 15, 1950. The landing involved American and South Korean Marines, who took the North Koreans by surprise, and Inchon was captured the next day. Then an American infantry division was transferred to the military area. The Americans launched an offensive deep into Korea and liberated Seoul on September 28.

On September 19, 1950, the breakthrough of the Busan perimeter began. This offensive completely threw the North Korean ranks into disarray, and on October 1, their troops fled in disarray across the 38th parallel. But the UN forces did not stop at the border of North Korea, but rushed deep into its territory. On the 19th they entered the North Korean capital, Pyongyang. Nine days later, UN forces reached the Yalu River, on the border between North Korea and China.

Counterattack by anti-communist forces in 1950. Landing site shown at Inchon

Such a rapid change in the situation worried the communist government Mao Zedong, which was one of the main organizers of the Korean War. During October 1950, 180,000 Chinese soldiers were secretly and quickly deployed across the border. The bitter Korean winter has arrived. On November 27, 1950, the Chinese launched a surprise attack on UN forces, quickly sending them into disorderly flight. The lightly armed Chinese were accustomed to the winter cold, and by the end of December 1950 they reached the 38th parallel. Unable to hold them here either, the UN forces retreated even further to the south.

Seoul fell again, but by this time the Chinese offensive had lost its momentum, and UN troops managed to launch a counteroffensive. Seoul was again liberated, and Chinese and North Korean troops were driven beyond the 38th parallel. The Korean War front has stabilized.

At this stage, a split occurred in the UN forces. General MacArthur, considered the best soldier in American history, wanted to strike what he called the Chinese “sanctuary,” an area north of the Yalu River that served as an outpost for Chinese offensive operations. He was even ready to use nuclear weapons. President of the U.S.A Truman horrified by this prospect, fearing that it would provoke the Soviet Union to launch a nuclear strike on Western Europe and start World War III. MacArthur was recalled and replaced by American General Matthew Ridgway, commander of the American Eighth Army in Korea.

Towards the end of April 1951, the Chinese launched another offensive. They managed to get into South Korea despite heavy losses. Once again, UN forces counterattacked and drove the Chinese and North Koreans twenty to thirty miles north of the 38th parallel.

Front line changes during the Korean War

At the end of June, the first signs appeared that the Chinese were ready for peace negotiations. On July 8, 1951, a meeting of representatives of the warring parties took place aboard a Danish ambulance ship in Wonsan Bay on the east coast of North Korea. However, it soon became clear that the Chinese were in no hurry to end the Korean War, although the UN was ready to agree to the permanent division of Korea along the 38th parallel. However, after a serious defeat, the Chinese needed time to recuperate. Therefore, they favorably greeted the UN's refusal to further offensive operations.

So both sides moved to trench warfare, which was reminiscent of the situation on the Western Front. First World War in 1915 - 1917. The defensive lines on both sides consisted of barbed wire fences, trenches with parapets made of sandbags, and deep dugouts. A major difference between the Korean War of 1950-1953 and the First World War was the widespread use of minefields. The UN forces had a significant advantage in firepower, but the Chinese and North Koreans had superior numbers.

No fewer than sixteen countries sent troops that fought in Korea under the UN flag, and five more countries provided assistance. medical care. America made the largest contribution, and countries that sent troops included Britain, Belgium, Turkey, Greece, Colombia, India, the Philippines and Thailand.

At sea, the UN forces had an overwhelming advantage. Airplanes from aircraft carriers attacked North Korean territory. And the UN troops had superiority in the air. The Korean War of 1950-1953 was marked by the first air battles using exclusively jet aircraft - American F-86 Sabers fought with Soviet MiG-15s. Allied bombers, including the giant B-29s that dropped atomic bombs on Japan in 1945, attacked North Korean communications. Stormtroopers were also widely used, often with napalm bombs.

In the Korean War, attack helicopters had their say for the first time. During World War II, helicopters were rarely used, mainly for rescue missions. Now they have demonstrated their effectiveness as means of reconnaissance and detection of enemy artillery, as well as transport for the transfer personnel and evacuation of the wounded.

There was no progress in the negotiations until mid-1953. It was not only the Chinese who created difficulties in finding a compromise. South Koreans opposed the idea of ​​two Koreas. In response, the Chinese launched a new decisive offensive in June 1953. Then the UN began to act over the head of South Korea, and while the Chinese offensive continued, a ceasefire agreement was signed on July 27, 1953 in Panmunjom.

The Korean War of 1950-1953 cost both sides almost two and a half million killed and wounded, including almost a million Chinese. She failed to end the hostility between the two Koreas, which continues to this day.

During the Korean War, Mao Zedong's son, Mao Anying, was killed in an American air raid.

Warm greetings to everyone from the harsh Urals, where summer is short and winter is the main time of the year! Now we will analyze the most important topic both in the history of Russia and in World History.

Korean War 1950 - 1953 is also a conflict that is an important milestone Cold War. It is a manifestation of the confrontation between the socialist camp of states and the capitalist one, the USSR and the USA. Do not take the exam in history until you thoroughly review this topic. In this same article we will briefly and clearly analyze it.

Painting by a DPRK artist about the war

This confrontation is believed to be the first military conflict during the Cold War. But strictly speaking this is not so. Don't forget about the Berlin crisis of 1948. Although one can argue.


The causes of the Korean War are related both to the international situation of the mid-20th century and to Korea itself. It all started with the defeat of Japan during World War II: on September 2, 1945, the Land of the Rising Sun signed an unconditional surrender to the United States. Korea was effectively a Japanese protectorate. At least the Japanese militarists looked at it as their sphere of influence.

After World War II, Korea became a virtually independent state. But it was divided into spheres of influence between the USSR and the USA: the northern part was controlled by the Soviet Union, and the southern part by the USA. In May 1948, the Government of the Republic of Korea, headed by Syngman Rhee, was proclaimed in the southern half, and in September, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, led by Kim Il Sung, was proclaimed in the northern half.

Kim Il Sung

Immediately after its proclamation, North Korea took aim at South Korea: Kim Il Sung constantly came to the Soviet Union and asked not only for loans, but also military assistance unification of the country. However, Stalin was cautious: for now it was decided that such a war would become protracted, and external intervention could not be ruled out. However, a few months later the situation turned 180 degrees.

Lee Seung Man

On October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong proclaimed the creation of the Chinese People's Republic. Conservative forces left the country and fled to Taiwan. The Chinese Civil War ended in victory for communist forces. This meant, firstly, that the USSR would have a strong strategic ally in Far East, and secondly, China’s support for North Korea’s aspirations. The Soviet Union could no longer stand aside and also supported these sentiments: to unite Korea under the rule of the Northern part.

I.V. Stalin

Other causes of the Korean War include:

  • The arms race and the struggle for spheres of influence between the USSR and the USA immediately after the end of World War II. After all, the information noise began already on March 5 - with Winston Churchill’s speech in Fulton. Let’s also not forget about the open and monstrous demonstration of the USA nuclear weapons August 6 and 9 in Japan - Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • , which began in 1946/1949, also contributed to the growing confrontation between the countries of capitalism and socialism.
  • Constant military tension on the border between the Koreas along the 38th parallel: more than 1,000 sudden small military clashes were noted here. Permanent partisan detachments on both sides only inflamed the situation.

Key events

On June 24, 1950, the North Korean Minister of War ordered the offensive. As reported, the military forces of the southern part of the country themselves provoked such an order. As a result, two serious army groups were sent to Seoul to surround the capital and cut off the path to retreat. As a result, Seoul was taken by July 5th.

Further offensive was suspended: the aggressor’s command was counting on an uprising in the southern part of the country in order, relying on it, to continue the forcible unification of the country. But the uprising did not happen.

General Douglas MacArthur

On June 27, 1950, General Douglas MacArthur gave the order to bring combat readiness American troops in the region. As a result, they joined the war as peacekeeping forces UN and US military forces. By October they had pushed the North Korean armies back to the Chinese border. This state of affairs created a threat of unification of the country no longer under North, but under South Korea. The USSR could not afford this and also directly became involved in the conflict. China did the same.

The war became protracted. By July 1951, the situation had stabilized around the notorious and ominous 38th parallel.

Thus the situation at the front was capricious. Either the southerners reached almost the border of North Korea with the USSR, or the northerners seized the initiative. Such fluctuations were largely due to the resources that the USSR and China, on the one hand, and the United States and the UN, on the other, directed to this war.

Map of the conflict

In 1953, I.V. died. Stalin. On July 27, 1953, a ceasefire document was signed. War is over. The border between the Koreas to this day runs along the same 38th parallel...


The consequences of the war were ambiguous, and can only be assessed from the present. Ceasefire and essentially civil war meant that Korea would henceforth develop in two alternative directions. The results of this development are only now visible: South Korea is a very prosperous state in Southeast Asia after Japan and China; North Korea is a country where people are dying of hunger.

China, after the reforms of Deng Xiaoping, also began to develop essentially according to the capitalist scenario. I think it’s clear to you who was right, at least for the most part. this moment. Will there be Korea again? a single state Time will tell. Germany has united, but there are still a lot of problems there, and this is in a country where the treaty is part of the culture. In Korea everything will be much more complicated, in my opinion. What do you think? Write in the comments!

Also, my advice to you: do not confuse this war with. The map is similar, but the wars are different. In order not to confuse anything, it’s better to go.

Best regards, Andrey Puchkov

Between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea).

The war was fought with the participation of the Chinese military contingent and military specialists and units of the USSR Air Force on the side of the DPRK, and on the side of South Korea - the US armed forces and a number of states as part of the UN multinational forces.

Two Koreas. Where it all startedThe origins of current tensions on the Korean Peninsula began in 1945, when the Second World War ended. World War. Characteristic feature development of political dialogue, relations between the North and the South remain unstable and subject to ups and downs.

The preconditions for the Korean War were laid in the summer of 1945, when Soviet and American troops appeared on the territory of the country, at that time completely occupied by Japan. The peninsula was divided into two parts along the 38th parallel.
After the formation of two Korean states in 1948 and the departure of first Soviet and then American troops from the peninsula, both Korean sides and their main allies, the USSR and the USA, were preparing for conflict. The governments of the North and South intended to unite Korea under their own rule, which they proclaimed in the Constitutions adopted in 1948.
In 1948, the United States and the Republic of Korea signed an agreement to create the South Korean army. In 1950, a defense agreement was concluded between these countries.

In North Korea with the help Soviet Union The Korean People's Army was created. After the withdrawal of the Soviet Army troops from the DPRK in September 1948, all weapons and Combat vehicles were abandoned by the DPRK. The Americans withdrew their troops from South Korea only in the summer of 1949, but left about 500 advisers there; military advisers to the USSR remained in the DPRK.
The mutual non-recognition of the two Korean states by each other and their incomplete recognition on the world stage made the situation on the Korean Peninsula extremely unstable.
Armed clashes along the 38th parallel occurred with varying degrees of intensity until June 25, 1950. They happened especially often in 1949 - the first half of 1950, numbering in the hundreds. Sometimes these skirmishes involved more than a thousand people on each side.
In 1949, the head of the DPRK, Kim Il Sung, turned to the USSR with a request for help in invading South Korea. However, considering the North Korean army to be insufficiently prepared and fearing a conflict with the United States, Moscow did not grant this request.

Despite the start of negotiations, hostilities continued. A large-scale air war broke out in the air, in which main role On the South side, the US Air Force and Navy played, and on the North side, the Soviet 64th Fighter Air Corps.

By the spring of 1953, it became obvious that the price of victory for either side would be too high, and, after Stalin's death, the Soviet party leadership decided to end the war. China and North Korea did not dare to continue the war on their own. Opening of a memorial cemetery in memory of those killed in the Korean WarIn the capital of the DPRK, as part of the celebration of the anniversary of the end Patriotic War 1950-1953 a memorial cemetery was opened in memory of the victims. The ceremony was attended by the country's top party and military officials. The truce between the DPRK, China and the UN was documented on July 27, 1953.

The human losses of the parties to an armed conflict are assessed differently. The total losses of the South in killed and wounded are estimated in the range from 1 million 271 thousand to 1 million 818 thousand people, of the North - from 1 million 858 thousand to 3 million 822 thousand people.
According to official American data, the United States lost 54,246 people killed and 103,284 people wounded in the Korean War.
The USSR lost a total of 315 people in Korea killed and died from wounds and diseases, including 168 officers. Over the course of 2.5 years of participation in hostilities, the 64th Air Corps lost 335 MiG-15 fighters and over 100 pilots, having shot down over a thousand enemy aircraft.
The total losses of the air forces of the parties amounted to more than three thousand aircraft of the UN forces and about 900 aircraft of the air forces of the People's Republic of China, the DPRK and the USSR.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources
