Pests dry spots on pelargonium leaves. Pelargonium pests or how I fought invisible creatures

Diseases of pelargonium (geranium) - control and treatment, symptoms and photos. Why do geraniums turn yellow and wilt? Geranium diseases can ruin your efforts to care for these beautiful flowers. As a result of the action of pathogens, pelargonium turns yellow and fades, losing its flowers or leaves.

Diseases of pelargonium (geranium)

In order not to be transferred to our garden or balcony, it is necessary to obtain newly acquired plants from a reliable source. When purchasing them, if possible, check to see if they have any pests or signs of disease.

Particularly dangerous for geraniums is exposure to excessive amounts of moisture in the soil and air, which contributes to the development of fungal diseases. Therefore, when planting geraniums, maintain a distance between plants of about 25 cm, take care of the soil pH at 6-7. It is worth placing small stones or expanded clay at the bottom of the pot, which will serve as drainage. This will make it easier to get rid of excess water and prevent rotting of the pelargonium roots. If possible, pots of geraniums should be placed under a roof before the rains arrive. Also, avoid exposing plants to high temperatures as this will burn the leaves.

Proper fertilization of plants is also important. In particular, nitrogen fertilizer promotes the development of fungal diseases. Therefore, it is worth using a special fertilizer for pelargonium or flowering plants with a reduced dose of nitrogen. Use fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium compounds that support abundant flowering. Following these rules will help you avoid geranium disease, yellowing and drying of pelargonium leaves.

Pelargonium: fungal diseases

One of the most common diseases of pelargonium is gray mold. It appears when the humidity in the air and ground is too high. Frequent sprinkling and abundant watering are the ideal environment for the development of this pelargonium disease.

Gray mold shows up as browning of the leaves, watery spots, and a powdery gray coating. The spots appear from the edge of the leaf and are narrow to the center of the leaf blade. The pathogen quickly spreads to other plants through spores.

To prevent the appearance of gray mold in pelargonium, first of all, the plant needs proper growing conditions. Once symptoms of the disease are detected, the infected parts of the plant are removed and then sprayed with organic preparations: Biosept Active, Agricolle spray for fungal diseases or Teldor 500 SC fungicide.

Pelargonium diseases photos, treatment, means and methods of control

Geriatric fusarium manifests itself in the same way. The disease begins at the base of the plant. The leaves turn yellow and watery spots appear. Over time, the plant becomes smaller and dies. Fungicides against this disease: Topsin M 500 SC and Dithane NeoTec 75 WG.

Pelvison is also often attacked powdery mildew and plump mold. Untreated symptoms of powdery mildew lead to complete degradation of the plant. Heat and air humidity contribute to these diseases. This is why they usually appear in the summer, with heavy rainfall.

Pelargonium powdery mildew appears as a white coating on the leaves, both upper and lower, which later turns brown. The recommended product for controlling powdery mildew on pelargonium is Topsin M 500SC or Discus 500WG.

Powdery mold of pelargonium appears only on the underside of the leaves, in the form of a white coating. The drugs recommended to combat downy mildew are: Miedzan 50WP, Dithane NeoTec 75WG.

A disease that is easily recognized is geranium rust. It is characterized by yellow, round spots on the leaves. Brown spots of rust spores are often visible in the stains. Leaves turn brown and fall off. The disease is favored by high humidity and too dense planting. Remove infected parts of the plant. Fungicides recommended for spraying: Amistar 250 SC, Domark 100EC.

Before we look at what diseases can affect your favorite flowering geranium and how to deal with them, let's look at other reasons why plants begin to wilt. For example, such external signs, such as the appearance of brown spots on leaves or dropping flowers, may be associated with:

  • The pot is too small, which is why root system the plants simply do not develop.
  • Lack or absence of drainage in the container.
  • Drafts or lack of sunlight.
  • Excess moisture during watering.
  • Frequent application of nitrogen fertilizers, as a result of which green mass quickly develops to the detriment of flowering.
  • Deficiency of phosphorus or potassium in the soil.

Wilting geranium

To eliminate these factors, you just need to reconsider, putting watering and fertilizing in order. But coping with diseases and their consequences is quite difficult. Let's take a closer look at how diseases can “attack” indoor geraniums and what methods against them are considered the most effective.

A frequent “guest” of geraniums is the Botrytis mushroom, which can appear at any time of the year and affects flowers of different ages. Most often, this fungus appears as a result of excessive watering or due to too humid air. Its main feature is the dark fluff that appears on the leaves or stem. At first the spots are small, after a couple of days they begin to grow, which can lead to complete infection of the flowers.

Preventive measures include cleaning the soil in the pot from weeds, removing all wilted flowers, and proper watering - water should not stagnate in the ground. And during watering, make sure that water does not get on the leaves and flower buds. It happens that the mushroom appears as a result of too dense plantings, when individual flowers do not have enough ventilation. That is why, when planting geraniums, keep in mind that the distance between plants should be about 10 cm. If you notice sprouts affected by the fungus, remove them and treat the flowers themselves with fungicidal agents.

Removing faded geranium flowers

Another well-known fungal disease is root rot, which most often appears due to severe stagnation of water in the soil.

From the roots, rot spreads to the stem and leaves, the plant turns brown, the roots are usually covered with a gray coating, which is somewhat reminiscent of a cobweb. If you don’t know how to deal with this disease, the plant will rot very quickly. The first thing to do is improve the drainage in the container. It is also worth replacing the soil mixture with a new one, looser and more breathable, which will avoid stagnation of water. While fighting the disease, you should stop using nitrogen-containing fertilizers. It is also worth removing all affected parts of the flower and treating it with a suitable product.

Unlike fungal diseases, bacterial diseases are caused by various pathogenic bacteria. Usually, brown spots appear on the affected flowers, which at the very beginning of the disease are small in size and located on back side leaves. Another characteristic feature– black veins of leaves and their drying.

Bacterial disease of pelargonium

If the disease becomes systemic (appearing and then disappearing), the plant becomes very weak and lethargic, the branches gradually die, the stem turns black, and the flower eventually dries out. Prevention is simple: provide good drainage, monitor watering, use soil for planting that allows air and water to pass through well. Sick plants also need to be watered with fungicides. But if the stage is too thick, when there are no treatment options, the geranium will have to be burned so as not to infect the rest of the plants.

Thus, the most famous disease caused by “bacteria” is rust, when red spots form on the leaves, in the middle of which there are spores. If you don't know how to deal with the disease, it will very quickly consume your favorite flowers and destroy them. To the most effective remedy Copper sulfate is used against rust - prepare a solution, tear off all infected leaves and water the plant with the prepared mixture. To consolidate the result, repeat the treatment after a week.

Indoor geranium, like any other plant, has quite a few enemies. For example, these are aphids, caterpillars, ants, whiteflies. We will tell you about the most proven methods of pest control:

  • Aspirin, which can be used to combat almost all pests. Just dilute one tablet in 1 liter of water and treat the flowers three times a week until you kill all the pests.
  • Marathon It is considered a good remedy against whiteflies and aphids. This drug is convenient because it does not need to be diluted in water, and its duration of action is almost three months. Just sprinkle with granules Marathon pots of flowers and water.
  • In the fight against a pest such as a caterpillar, you need to use a product Monterey. Simply spray the flowers and buds with a liquid solution, preparing it according to the instructions. To increase effectiveness, repeat treatment every other week.

Spraying flowers with Monterey liquid solution

And to make geranium more resistant to pests, diseases and their consequences in the form of poor growth and lack of flowering, be sure to use the product for preventive purposes Messenger. This drug helps increase the immunity of flowers. Just dilute the product according to the instructions and water the soil. By the way, this drug will also help you with.

Geranium is very responsive to good care and, with the right actions, gardeners will delight with their bright flowering. But even with proper care geraniums sometimes stop blooming. What to do in this case? The beginning of long flowering in this plant is due to proper maintenance in winter time of the year. In winter, this plant prefers cool conditions and minimal watering. The cooler it was in the winter, the longer the geranium will bloom in the summer.

Geranium flowering

In April, the flower should be transplanted into a new pot and fed using potash fertilizers. To stimulate the development of new buds and further flowering, be sure to remove all faded inflorescences. Another important condition– high-quality lighting. In summer, it is advisable to place the pot with geranium in a lighted place, but at the same time so that direct sunlight does not fall on the plant - this will lead to burns. In winter, geraniums need artificial lighting for 4-5 hours every day. In spring you should also trim the flower, leaving 2-3 of the most powerful shoots.

Other reasons why your indoor flowers suddenly stopped blooming:

  • The pot is too large, as a result of which the geranium develops its roots and does not have time to bloom.
  • Too little watering can also result in geraniums not blooming.

It is one of the most popular plants for cultivation. They plant it in pots and boxes. Landing can be done in open ground. Despite its widespread cultivation, many mistakes can be made when caring for it. This provokes geranium diseases and other problems. Most often, they can be prevented by setting optimal lighting, humidity levels, and monitoring soil acidity. It is also important to deal with pests in a timely manner.

Common problems

Indoor geraniums do not always grow perfectly. Problems may arise when growing it. Most often, they are provoked by improper care. In order to improve the situation, it is necessary to correct the mistakes.

Reasons why yellow leaves appear on a plant:

  • If only the edges of the leaves dry out, they develop yellow, this may be due to insufficient watering;
  • If not only yellow areas appear on it, but also general lethargy is observed, this is caused by an excess of moisture;
  • Yellowness and falling of the lower leaf blades may indicate a lack of lighting;
  • The problem may be caused by the flower being planted in a box or pot that is too narrow;
  • Yellowness is sometimes a side factor after a change of place and transplantation.

To get rid of yellowness, it is important to identify all errors during care and planting and correct them. If the problem persists, it may be caused by other reasons: pests, leaf diseases.

Reasons for lack of flowering:

  • Low temperature, lack of lighting. Corrected by purchasing additional fluorescent lamps;
  • Excessively fertile soil. Corrected by preparing the necessary soil yourself;
  • An excessively large box, which provokes the growth of the root system, but slows down flowering;
  • Neglect of regular pruning;
  • Insufficient amount of fertilizing.

Reasons for plant drying out:

  • When the tips of the leaf blade dry out, the cause is most often a lack of water;
  • When the geranium itself dries out, the cause may be fungal disease. The leaves are covered with red-brown spots. Then they begin to dry out and fall off. A five percent solution of Bordeaux composition helps. You can also treat with phytosporin twice, with a break of a week.

These are the most common problems when growing. They are not always caused by improper care. Sometimes they can be caused by pests and diseases. More serious measures will be required to cure.

Geranium diseases

Geranium diseases are common. They can be caused, among other things, by improper care. The algorithm of actions is different in each case. Let's look at the most common diseases:

  • Botrytis mushroom. Occurs when there is excess humidity. It shows spots gray shade with particles of fluff against a background of general lethargy. Then dead areas form on the leaf blades. They are distinguished by concentric rings, shaped like the letter V. The stems are covered with brown zones, indicating damage. These zones indicate the likelihood of subsequent leaf rot and fall;
  • Root system rot. Occurs due to a fungal disease. First, the leaf blades begin to turn yellow. Then zones of a brown tint appear. Small areas of black color may also be observed. A white or gray coating, similar to a cobweb, forms on the plant. Over the course of some time, both the root system and the stems will turn brown and begin to rot and become deformed. From the outside it seems that parts of the geranium are saturated with moisture;
  • Bacterial disease. It is caused by microbes. V-shaped spots appear on the leaf blades and are brown in color. Dark veins and drying of the edges may also be observed. When completely damaged, the crane bird takes on a sluggish appearance and begins to fall off. Then death occurs: blackening of the stems, a general process of rotting;
  • Leaf rust. Caused by a fungal infection. The appearance of rusty-yellow zones is observed. Pads are formed, which, when opened, begin to release spores. Severe fungal infection causes yellowing of the leaves and their subsequent falling off;
  • Viral infections. The symptoms of this disease vary. This includes the appearance of ring spots, growth cessation, and the formation of purple-brown depressions;
  • Leaf spotting. It is provoked by fungal diseases. If it is a disease called Alternaria (named after the fungus that causes it), spots and blisters appear on the bottom of the plates. Later they become sunken, brown and yellow. The affected areas resemble spilled salt. Then the fall begins. Cercosporosis provokes the appearance of sunken areas of a pale shade. Later they turn gray. Then disputes form. In the affected areas, places of a dark shade with a raised appearance in the center are formed;
  • Edema. It is characterized by the formation of chlorotic spots that transform into bubbles of water. These places, at a later time, begin to acquire a brown tint. They lead to yellowing and falling off. The cause of swelling is insufficient temperature in combination with soil with excessive moisture.

Diseases can be prevented and eliminated in the early stages. This often does not require large-scale measures.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Prevention allows you to prevent problems from occurring. Geranium is a flower that is resistant to diseases and pests. Therefore, caring for it is relatively simple:

  • Maintaining the correct temperature;
  • Optimal lighting;
  • Control of soil moisture;
  • Ensuring timely feeding;
  • Regular inspections for damage and stains.

Treatment of diseases must be combined with the following measures:

  • Removing affected and dried areas;
  • Cleaning the soil from emerging weeds;
  • Watering should not be from above. It is better to plan it in the morning, before 11 o’clock;
  • The distance between geraniums is necessary for the desired level of ventilation;
  • In cold weather, it is necessary to limit the level of watering. This advice is also relevant in case of excess humidity;
  • Processing is done very carefully. Before doing this, you need to wash your hands;
  • When purchasing fertilizer, you must ensure that it does not contain a lot of nitrogen;
  • Prevention requires high-quality soil drainage and improvement of its composition. Water should not stagnate;
  • Insects must be destroyed in a timely manner.

Various formulations are used for treatment. For example, fungicidal compounds that fight fungus.

Common Pests

Geranium pests: aphids, whiteflies, spider mites. They usually occur when the air is extremely dry. Treatment for them includes washing the geranium and then treating it with insecticides.

Another common scourge is the nematode. It provokes the appearance of nodes on the rhizome. Treatment is useless. The geranium will need to be destroyed, as well as the soil underneath it. The soil where the nematode was found cannot be used for subsequent plantings.

How to treat geranium

The following drugs are used to treat crane fungus:

  • Aspirin. Relevant when insects appear. A tablet of the drug dissolves in 8 liters of water. Then the composition is sprayed onto the leaf blades once every 21 days;
  • Messenger. The composition of the drug includes proteins of natural origin. They are necessary to increase the immune properties of geranium. This stimulates the plant’s independent fight against pests. The drug is used according to the instructions. It is introduced into the ground when watering using a watering can;
  • Marathon. Helps combat aphids, scale insects, fungus gnats, and whiteflies. The drug is applied to the soil and then watered. Apply once a season. Its effect lasts for 90 days;
  • Monterey. Helps against caterpillars. It is a liquid composition that must be diluted with water. The resulting product is sprayed onto the plant. Apply once a week.

It is important for plant owners to constantly examine it for defects, spots, and yellowing, as this helps to recognize the disease in a timely manner and begin to fight it.

Let's find out how to identify this or that disease of pelargonium, and how to effectively treat it. Please note that many diseases occur due to improper care at home, and if maintenance errors are not corrected, their treatment will be useless.


If the leaves of geraniums begin to change color, this often indicates chlorosis, that is, a failure in the process of photosynthesis due to a lack of mineral supplements. If the edges of the leaves become light, this is a nitrogen deficiency. A lack of sulfur manifests itself as a uniform yellowing of the entire plant, including the stems; magnesium - the appearance of spots between the veins of old leaves; iron - spots between the veins of young leaves. With phosphorus deficiency, a yellow spot forms on old leaves near the petiole, which then spreads to the entire leaf.

This disease can be cured by regular application of balanced complex fertilizers or a specific substance. For example, in case of iron deficiency, Antichlorosin (iron chelate) is added.


This is a physiological disease, the cause of which is not an infection, but improper living conditions, in particular overwatering, cold and high humidity. With dropsy, swollen, swollen areas appear on the underside of the leaves. To get rid of this disease, you need to properly care for the flower: reduce watering and spraying, and improve drainage if necessary. The room should be warm and well ventilated.

Bacterial burn

Dried areas appear on the leaves of pelargonium, they begin to curl and deform. Pelargonium stops developing.

Since it is useless to fight the emerging disease, cut off completely healthy areas for cuttings, and throw away or burn the diseased plant.

Ring spot

This disease is indicated by light ring-shaped spots on the leaves. Later, the infected leaf blades curl inward or droop like umbrellas.

Without treatment, the flower may die. To save it, pick and destroy any leaves that are curled or spotted, and treat the plant with fungicides.

Powdery mildew

Fungal infection. The main symptom is the appearance of a white powdery coating on the leaves.

Diseased geraniums should be treated with fungicides or colloidal sulfur, after picking off the infected leaves.


Also a fungal disease that affects the stem: it appears at the soil level dark spot, then the black rot grows rapidly until the stem breaks and the plant dies. The appearance of a black leg in geraniums is caused by too heavy soil, overwatering and poor drainage.

Cannot be treated. Cut off the top for rooting, the rest can be thrown away.

Late blight

If the leaves wither and curl, as if due to a lack of water, or dark, sunken spots appear on the leaves and stem, this is late blight. In a damp room, a white fluffy coating also appears on the stains. Most often this disease is found on late stages when treatment is no longer possible.

If a small area is affected, remove it and replant the plant in new soil. For prevention and treatment, “Ridomil”, “Profit Gold”, “Previkur” are used.

Gray rot

Gray rot is identified by wet brown-gray spots on the stems and leaves of pelargonium. Rot often affects the plant due to excess nitrogen, stuffiness, too wet soil and air.

You can get rid of rot by cutting off the infected areas and treating the geranium with Fundazol. Vitaros is also used. When cutting, the cut sprout can be placed in a solution of one of these drugs to prevent rot.

Alternaria blight

Bubbles and spots with a whitish coating appear on the lower part of the leaf blade. The leaf gradually fades, turns yellow and finally falls off. The cause of the disease is most often excess moisture. We get rid of this problem by picking off diseased leaves and treating the geranium with Ridomil.


The first symptom is that light spots with dark red dots appear on the leaves. You can see a brown coating underneath.

If a small area is infected, it must be removed and the pelargonium should be treated with fungicides twice (with an interval of 2 weeks). Otherwise, save the healthy parts for cuttings and destroy the plant.

Verticillium wilt

The disease can occur due to lack of moisture and too high temperature air. The main symptom is yellowed and wilted leaves and inflorescences.

After removing dry parts of the plant, increase the frequency of watering (avoiding overwatering). For prevention, you can use Trichodermin.

Geranium pests

Pelargonium pests not only deplete the plant by drinking juices and eating individual parts, but also provoke the appearance of infectious diseases. In addition, they are able to spread quickly, infecting other plants. Let's find out how to deal with them.



These white midges are dangerous pests of geraniums. Royal varieties are most often affected. How to get rid of whiteflies?

For the fight they use “Akarin”, “Aktellik”, “Fitoverm”. Curled leaves should be torn off and discarded.


When these pests appear on geraniums, spray with aspirin (1 tablet per 8 l) every other day. Among the chemicals, including for prevention, you can use Messenger and Marathon.


Root mealybug

This oval, whitish insect often appears in waterlogged soil. It eats the roots, which is why the geranium stops developing.

If the damage is minor, to save the pelargonium, completely wash off the soil from the roots and cut off the damaged areas. For prevention, new soil is treated with Vidat or Tekta. Watering with Aktara is also recommended.



Caterpillars appear more often when kept outdoors. The pest eats the leaves and without intervention can destroy the plant. Once you find a hole, inspect the flower.

Regular manual collection of pests often helps. If you see that someone is still eating the leaves, treat the geranium with Lepidocide or Senpai.


Like the caterpillar, the slug eats pelargonium leaves, leaving noticeable holes in them. Manual collection can be used. If this does not help and the pest is actively eating flowers, use the preparations “Thunderstorm”, “Ferramol”, “Slug Eater”.

Please note that the treated plant may soon become ill again if maintenance errors are not corrected.

Provide geranium care in compliance with all requirements: water it with water at room temperature, avoiding overflowing and drying out; In winter, place cork or foam stands under the pot; feed the plant in a timely manner; Do not forget about proper lighting and regular ventilation of the room.

Geranium or pelargonium can be found on the windowsills of many gardeners. It's compact indoor flower attracts with its bright flowering and unusual aroma.

In addition, geranium has medicinal properties. But, like many other indoor flowers, it can be susceptible to various pathological processes.

Pests pose a danger to the beauty and active development of flowers. In my article I will tell you what diseases of geranium exist, present in the photo the symptoms of painful changes and recommend the most effective methods treatment.

Some diseases of pelargonium are caused by improper care. As a rule, by changing the tactics of caring for a flower, the pathological symptoms disappear on their own. But there are also diseases that require timely treatment, otherwise the result of pathological changes may be the death of the flower.

The leaves are turning yellow

The main reason for the yellowness of pelargonium leaves is improper watering, or rather its lack. Simultaneous yellowing of the leaves and lethargy of the plant indicate too much watering. And if only the lower leaves of a flower turn yellow, it means it does not have enough natural light.

How to solve a problem:

  • Ensure proper and regular watering.
  • If the plant grows in a small or narrow pot, transplant it into a larger container.
  • Yellowness of the leaves immediately after transplantation is normal. Treatment of the flower, in this case, is not required.

No flowering

The reasons for the lack of flowers on pelargonium are:

  • low air temperature in the room where the flower grows;
  • low illumination;
  • large pot (active development of the root system “slows down” the flowering process);
  • oversaturation of soil with fertilizers;
  • lack of nutrients in the soil;
  • no pruning of shoots.

The problem of lack of flowering is solved individually, depending on the reason for its development.

Leaves are drying

If the leaves of pelargonium begin to dry out at the edges, then the reason is a lack of moisture in the soil. If the leaves dry in the center, a fungal infection of the flower begins to develop.

  • When there is a shortage of watering, soil moisture is increased.
  • Fungal diseases of leaves are treated with special antifungal compounds (5% solution of Bordeaux mixture, Fitosporin).

Fungal infection


  • the surface of the trunk and leaves of the flower is covered with dark fluff and dirty gray spots;
  • the plant withers;
  • the trunk shows signs of decay, which subsequently spread to the leaves.

The main root cause of fungal infection of geraniums is an excess of moisture in the soil.

  • remove the affected parts from the flower, loosen the soil and weed;
  • Treat geranium with an antifungal compound (Fitosporin).

Rust on leaves


  • bright orange spots of various sizes appear on the surface of the leaves;
  • if you press on a rusty stain, it crumbles into powder;
  • the plant withers, flowers and leaves begin to fall off;
  • in a neglected state - the root system rots, the geranium turns black and dies.

Treatment must be carried out in the early stages of the lesion. If the flower begins to turn black, then no treatment methods will help - you just have to throw it away.

In the early stages of development of the pathological process, the following therapeutic measures are used:

  • treatment of the flower from affected structures;
  • watering the plant is carried out through a tray;
  • treatment of geranium with compounds containing fungicides.

Root rot

When a plant is infected with a fungus, the root system begins to be suppressed (rot). The result of this is the yellowness of the leaves, the lower leaves may acquire darker shades - from brown to black, lack of flowering, and the trunk of the geranium is covered with a white coating.

  • loosening the soil;
  • removal of diseased and damaged flower structures;
  • exclusion of nitrogenous fertilizers;
  • soil treatment with compounds containing fungicides.

Viral or bacterial infection

Symptoms of damage by viruses or bacteria are identical:

  • large brown-cinnamon spots appear on the leaves;
  • the plant withers, dries;
  • growth slows down;
  • flowering stops.

How to fight infections and bacteria:

  • replant the geranium in another soil;
  • Watering the plant must be done in the morning;
  • treating the flower with fungicidal mixtures.

Alternaria blight (leaf spot)


  • are formed on the bottom of the leaf small size bubbles;
  • subsequently the affected leaf turns yellow, withers and falls off.
  • complete removal of all affected sheets;
  • treatment with compounds based on fungicides.

Disease Prevention

The formation of pathological processes that are serious for the flower can be prevented if the plant is provided with adequate care, including:

  • compliance with basic temperature conditions;
  • control of air humidity and dryness;
  • ensuring comfortable watering;
  • organization of lighting;
  • periodic application of fertilizers to the soil;
  • timely treatment of early signs of disease;
  • prevention of insect pest attacks.

Geranium pests

Pests can attack geraniums throughout the year. The reason for this is usually improper care. The most dangerous enemies of pelargonium are:

  • spider mite;
  • powdery mildew;
  • whitefly;
  • slugs;
  • termites;
  • butterfly caterpillars;
  • nematodes.

If measures are not taken in a timely manner to destroy insect pests, the plant will die (especially after an attack by nematodes).

How to deal with pests:

  • Spraying a flower bush with an aspirin solution (take 2 Aspirin tablets per 2 liters of water).
  • The drug "Messenger" is also used to treat geranium bushes against insect pests.
  • The “Marathon” product is used to inhibit the activity of aphids and whiteflies. The soil of the plant is treated with the drug.
  • The drug "Monterey" is effective in controlling caterpillars. The product is used to spray the affected plant.


  • Geranium, like others houseplants, susceptible to the development of diseases. It is more effective to start treatment of diseases in the early stages.
  • Insect pests are also dangerous for geraniums, and they must be gotten rid of as soon as they appear.
  • Improper plant care is the root cause of flower disease.