What swap file to put on 2 GB. Swap file: What size to choose, how to increase and change the swap file in Windows

In Windows 7, 8, XP, and 10 systems, there is a system, hidden pagefile.sys file called the paging file. It is used as virtual RAM ( RAM) supplementing the physical when it is not enough. Users are wondering how to set it correctly and what is its optimal size? This will be discussed in this article.

It also stores unused data of programs and applications ( for example, when they are folded and unused). Since the file is located on the hard disk, then all accesses to it are directly related to the disk, which is much slower. random access memory. Therefore, the system uses it only in extreme cases ( that is, when there is not enough physical RAM).

There is no universal instruction for correctly setting the size of this file, since everyone's computer resources are spent differently, and PC characteristics are also different. Therefore, you need to focus on your needs.

If you disable the paging file, then if there is not enough RAM, a corresponding error will appear and the applications used will unexpectedly terminate their work. To avoid this, you need to set the optimal size of the paging file. I will show you how to do this using Windows 7 as an example. These instructions will be relevant for other versions and bit depths ( x32 and x64).

Criteria for optimal paging file size

By default, Windows automatically determines its size using its own formula. This is not always effective. In some cases, changing the swap file can greatly improve performance.

You need to determine how much RAM you consume when working on a PC. Then you need to compare this data with the physical amount of RAM and, if it is lacking, supplement it with the size of the swap file. I will show you with an example how this can be done.

Launch all possible programs, applications, games and everything that theoretically you would use at the same time. Then start the task manager ( ctrl+alt+delete), and see the amount of memory used. This is the amount of RAM that needs to be given to the computer.

Based on these data, you can set the optimal size. In the image above, the memory consumption is 1.60 gigabytes. At a maximum of 2. This means that the paging file is not used in this case and can be disabled. But this is just an example!

Disabling the paging file is generally not recommended, but you should only do this if you are sure that you will not be able to use more memory than the amount of physical memory and if memory dumps are unnecessary. It should also be borne in mind that some applications require the mandatory presence of this file and will not work without it.

If the value were greater than the maximum ( i.e. more than 2), then it would be necessary to set the size equal to the amount of consumed memory + headroom ( 50% ). Approximately such numbers will be safe. In most cases, it is not possible to know exactly this maximum, and therefore approximate rules are used that insure against RAM shortage errors.

The less physical, RAM, the more virtual. Below is a table that shows the values ​​​​if the computer did not use more than 4 gigabytes of RAM.

It all depends on the needs of the user. For someone, 16 gigabytes may not be enough, but for someone, even 1 gigabyte will be enough and no errors will occur.

Note that the maximum and minimum sizes are set to the same. This is done in order to get rid of fragmentation. Only relevant if you have an HDD.

You can also conduct an experiment "at random". Reduce the size of the paging file until an out-of-memory error occurs and stops at the size when it was not there.

After reading various forums, I came to the conclusion that with 8 gigabytes of RAM, most users never had problems with the swap file, and if they did, they simply turned it on at the minimum size. In other cases ( when there is less memory) were common mistakes. Draw your own conclusions.

Increasing and disabling the paging file Windows 7

For novice users, I will show you how to change it. You must restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Go to Start Menu >> Control Panel ( large icons) >> Counters and performance tools.

Go to visual effects settings.

In the "Advanced" tab, you can go to the paging file settings window. This indicates its size or complete shutdown.

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Not enough RAM to surf the Internet or run a modern game? Before increasing its size, try adjusting the swap file. It is possible that your PC or laptop will work much faster. Read below about what it is and how to enable the paging file in Windows 7, 8 or 10.

First, a bit of theory. The swap file is a special file that Windows refers to if the PC does not have enough current RAM to work with. Simply put, this is virtual memory, which is added to the current one, as a result of which the speed of the laptop or computer improves.

I will give a simple example. You want to enable a game that requires 4 GB of RAM. And you only have 3 GB. What to do in this case? Increase virtual memory and Windows will “take” the missing 1 GB from this special file. In this way, you can launch the game and play it.

Of course, there are several points here:

  1. Increasing virtual memory can slow down your computer. After all, the speed of access to RAM is much faster than to the hard disk (namely, the paging file is stored on it).
  2. Using this function creates unnecessary load on the HDD and shortens its operation time.

How to increase virtual memory in Windows 7

For this:

  1. Go to Start - Control Panel - System.
  2. Click on "Add. options".
  3. Find the "Performance" section and click on "Settings".
  4. In the new window, select the "Advanced" tab.

This is where virtual memory is configured. As a rule, the one used on the this moment size (in the screenshot below it is 8173 MB, i.e. 8 GB). To increase virtual memory in Windows 7, click the Change button.

The same window will appear where you can configure the paging file.

If the PC or laptop slows down, then there is not enough RAM and it needs to be increased. First, uncheck this box. All buttons will become active, and you can enable the paging file in Windows 7 and configure it to your liking. To do this, check the box next to the line "Specify size" and write down the initial and max. volume. For example - 4096 MB (this is 4 GB).

Important: in order to avoid brakes and glitches, the original and max. size must be the same. For example, 4096 MB (as in the screenshot above).

By the way, what is the optimal swap file size? There are a lot of tips on this issue on the Internet, and the calculation formulas are also intricate.

The best option would be to increase the virtual memory of the computer by 50% of the amount of your RAM. That is, the swap file for 4 GB will be 2048 MB. And for 8 GB of RAM, you can specify 4096 MB. As a result, the total memory will be 6 and 12 GB, respectively - this should be enough for all occasions.

If your PC has a lot of RAM installed (for example, 8 GB), and you work only on the Internet, then you can disable the paging file altogether. After all, as I said above, it loads HDD, which sometimes slows down the PC.

However, this is not recommended. Perhaps after a while you want to start a game or video processing, and an error pops up that there is not enough memory. And most likely, you will safely forget about virtual memory. As a result, spend a lot of nerves before you fix this problem.

In general, if you need to increase virtual memory in Windows 7, specify it manually. And if you need to restore the previous values, check the very first item and close this window.

Hello dear readers! Today we open a series of articles about optimizing a computer on Windows OS. We'll start with something like . In this article you will find answers to such questions: Where is the paging file?; How to properly configure the swap file?; How to set the optimal paging file size for different amounts of RAM?. Go!

swap file (pagefile.sys) - This system file on the hard disk (usually on the system disk) of a computer, which serves as a kind of addition (extension) to the RAM. This extra memory is also called the computer's virtual memory.
Virtual Memory- a method of managing computer memory for executing programs that require large amounts of RAM than is actually on the computer. Such programs get the missing RAM from the paging file. In other words, the paging file offloads RAM during periods of heavy load.
RAM is many times faster than swap file memory. If you simultaneously run several applications in the system that consume a lot of RAM, then the data of unused ones will be unloaded from RAM to a slower virtual memory. Active applications will be served directly by random access memory (RAM). Also, if, for example, a minimized application is expanded, then the data from virtual memory will again be transferred to RAM.

How to customize the swap file and change its size?

Competent, correct setting paging file will help to significantly speed up your computer. It would be a sin not to use it. Where can you set it up?

  1. For Windows XP:
    Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance > Settings > Advanced > Change
  2. For Windows 7/8/Vista:
    Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Performance > Settings > Advanced > Virtual Memory > Change

Up to point Performance can also be reached by entering the sysdm.cpl command at the command line Run (command line can be opened by pressing WIN+R).

If you did everything right, you should be in the window Virtual Memory. By default, in Windows 7/8/8.1/10, the size of the paging file is determined automatically by the system itself.
As you can see in the picture, the paging file can be configured for each partition (and each disk) separately. To set your swap file size:

  1. At the very top of the window, uncheck the box Automatically choose swap file size.
  2. Select the partition (or physical disk) for which the paging file is configured.
  3. Put the radio button in the item Specify size , specify the Initial size and Maximum size (indicated in megabytes)
  4. Be sure to click the button Ask.

To disable the paging file, set the switch to No swap file.

The size of the Windows paging file. Which one is correct?

There are different versions on the account of the optimal swap file size. I will express my point of view on this subject, which is based on my observations and experiences with the swap file on various equipment. It may coincide with the opinions of some IT professionals. I am a supporter of the version that if a computer has 6-8 GB or more of RAM, then paging file can be disabled altogether. I believe, that large volumes paging file, only slows down the computer. Of course, if the amount of RAM is less than 6 GB, then of course it is better to set a certain amount of additional virtual memory.
How to correctly set the size of the swap file? The minimum swap file size must be the same as the maximum. For example: 512-512 , 1024-1024 , 2048-2048 is correct padding, while 512-1024 , 1024-2048 is incorrect padding.
The same indicators of the minimum and maximum size of the paging file reduce this file, and this consequently speeds up the process of reading information from it.
Now, depending on the amount of RAM, let's see what size of the paging file you need to set. There are the following examples:

  • the optimal swap file size for 512 Mb of RAM is 5012 Mb;
  • the optimal swap file size for 1024 Mb of RAM is 4012 Mb;
  • the optimal swap file size for 2048 Mb of RAM is 3548 Mb;
  • the optimal swap file size for 4096 Mb of RAM is 3024 Mb;
  • the optimal swap file size for 8 GB of RAM is 2016 Mb;
  • the optimal swap file size for 16 GB of RAM (and more), - no swap file.

Of course, this is a subjective view and these indicators cannot be absolutely accurate, recommended, but in practice they were the ones that gave the effect. You can experiment and find the best combination for your computer. There are some notes here as well.

For example:

  1. Some applications require a swap file. Disabling it may cause errors in the work of such applications. If you disable virtual memory on the system drive, it will also become impossible to write a memory dump during BSOD's (Blue Screen of Death).
  2. If, as a rule, you minimize several applications, leaving them running, and switch to others yourself, then here you may also need a large amount of swap file, since the data of minimized applications is written to it. Although, here it all depends on the volume RAM.

Correct location of the swap file. Which disk to include?

If you have several physical disks on your computer, then you need to install the paging file on the fastest disk. It is believed that the swap file is divided into 2 parts:

  1. The first part on the system disk (partition) (just for writing debugging information during blue screens of death)
  2. The second part on the fastest drive

In this case, the system during operation accesses the least loaded partition, without touching the first one.
It is also recommended to create a separate partition for the swap file, with the amount of memory equal to or close to the size of the swap file (for example, 2024 MB). This trick allows you to get rid of the fragmentation of this file.


I hope the tips in the article will help you properly configure the paging file on your computer and optimize its performance. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to give exhaustive answers to them.

A swap file, or swag file, is a software addition to RAM that helps the system run faster if the main RAM is occupied more than important processes. RAM, as we understand it, can be installed differently on different devices, so the question arises, what should be the optimal size of the paging file, in our case, for Windows 10.

How is the optimal size calculated?

The correct setting of the size of the swag file should be based on the formula "the more RAM, the smaller the swap file should be, respectively." This rule will allow

Some experts insist that for 8 GB of RAM, the optimal size of the FP should be zero, in other words, completely removed. But this is not entirely correct advice, do not forget that some working applications will require you to have a swap file without fail.

A little lower we will familiarize ourselves with a small table, where approximate values ​​\u200b\u200bare indicated to calculate what size and at what volume to install. Why exemplary? When answering the question “how to correctly set the paging file on Windows 10”, additional factors must be taken into account, such as the purpose for which the device is used. The maximum size of the FP for a gaming computer and a simple workhorse will vary somewhat - RAM is used in these cases in different ways.

Have you thought about? detailed instructions is on our website.

This method will just help in optimizing the system for gameplay, for example, calculate the swap file size for Windows 10 with 4 GB of RAM for games.

If you are not a supporter of all these calculations, you need a ready-made solution on how to choose the size of the swap file, then consider the average data (if you are an average PC user):

Once again, we will make a reservation - the data are approximate and depend on the circumstances. About how, you can read with us.

Today, it is probably difficult to find a user of modern computer systems running Windows (and Win7 in particular) who would somehow not encounter the concept of a paging file (it is denoted as Pagefile.sys and is a system one). Let's see what it actually is, and also determine its best size to optimize system performance. What is the optimal size of Windows 7 is recommended to be installed now and will be clarified.

What is a swap file?

Let's start with a little theory. Actually, the paging file itself, present in any Windows operating system, is, as it were, an additional means of increasing the size of the computer’s RAM when its own volume is not enough to perform some “heavy” tasks or processing in terms of system resources a large number data (for example, floating point calculations, which are mostly related to modern games and multimedia applications).

In fact, this file contains all the "junk" that must be processed if there is not enough RAM. In other words, the object itself is responsible for reserving hard disk space for certain operations. In other words, when the "RAM" is too overloaded, the data is dumped to the hard drive, where processing takes place.

But here it is important to understand one main aspect: the fact is that the system accesses RAM much faster than a hard disk, if it has an arbitrarily fast spindle speed (which, by the way, determines the data reading speed). Unfortunately, Windows 7 determines the optimal size of the paging file on its own. And this is not always good.

The fact is that the developers of the system itself tried to set the size of the reserved space, so to speak, in a certain universal version for all possible configurations. But if you take into account the features of the installed equipment (often even non-standard), many problems can arise here. The Windows 7 paging file itself, the optimal size of which is set by the “OS” itself, may not be able to cope with the tasks assigned to it. But more on that later.

Accessing paging file resizing features and ways to optimize

The file itself is configured and resized in the standard Control Panel. There, the settings and security section is initially selected, then the "System" menu. On the left side of the window there is a hyperlink to additional options. By clicking on it, you can access the main settings window. Here, the "Advanced" tab is used and the transition to changing the settings is carried out by pressing the "Parameters" button.

Here, again, there is an "Advanced" tab, in the menu of which there is a line "Virtual memory" and a button "Change". Click it and proceed to the settings.

You can immediately see that the default size is set to a certain size, since the auto-select line is involved. Now we uncheck it and try to change the set size at our discretion. This is where the tricks start.

The fact is that some users have a firmly ingrained opinion that a larger set dimension will contribute to faster data processing. Absolute nonsense! If the given size is too large, the system will simply start to ignore the RAM and more and more accesses the reserved area of ​​the hard disk. And this, as already mentioned, happens at a speed less than when accessing the "RAM". But the system itself, when using RAM, is able to reserve about 30% of the resources in order not to access the swap file.

Why you need to change the parameters and settings of the paging file

Now let's look at the optimal size of the Windows 7 x64 paging file for playing games or for performing some resource-intensive operations. In principle, in this case (architecture 32 or 64 bits) in general, it does not play a role. If someone has not yet understood, it all depends only on the number of installed “RAM” strips, that is, its volume.

In general, many experts do not recommend setting too much big size, but disabling the paging file in most cases is not worth it (unless you have more than 8 GB of RAM). by the most best solution the size will be manually set to half of the existing standard value. Microsoft experts do not advise doing such things, believing that this will damage the entire system as a whole. As practice shows, nothing of the kind is observed. You can generally disable the use of the reserve area of ​​the hard drive, and this will not affect the health or performance of the system in any way. By the way, a game launched from a hard drive (and not from an optical media) will not generate errors, and the processing of the same three-dimensional graphics will be much faster.

Windows 7: Optimal Swap File Size (Common Standards)

Now let's look at the generally accepted parameters offered for the size of the swap file in the "seven". To do this, just take a look at the following table.

As can be seen from the above data, the more RAM sticks are installed, the smaller the disk space reserve is. However, if we talk about some specific tasks or modern games, these parameters can be changed (it all depends on the requirements of the application itself, as well as on the existing configuration).

Standards are standards, but the question naturally arises: should we adhere to generally accepted rules?

You should immediately pay attention to user reviews. So, for example, many argue that the optimal size of the Windows 7 x32 paging file (4 GB of “RAM”) can be set below the default value, or even disable the use of the reserve altogether. But that's not all. Even if you have only 1-2 GB of "RAM" (if you work, say, only with office documents), you should not use the swap file at all. Turning it on will only bring harm, because, as is already clear, the system will access the hard drive more often than the “RAM”, which, in turn, can cause quite a strong “braking”.

Optimal paging file size Windows 7 (x64): real use

In principle, if you look, such applications work quite efficiently, allowing you to properly change the settings and install for the same Windows systems 7 is the optimal size of the paging file, however, provided that it is run as administrator.

What is the result?

In conclusion, it remains to add that the above actions should be taken only at your own peril and risk. Although in Windows 7 the optimal size of the paging file, by and large, does not play a special role (most often modern computer systems have a sufficiently powerful configuration), however, it is not recommended to change its size, say, in the direction of increase. The easiest way is to just turn it off, nothing bad will happen, believe me.
