How old is Lavrov Minister of Foreign Affairs. Sergey Lavrov - Minister of Foreign Affairs: biography, nationality

In the early 1960s, the whole world learned about Mayol. By this time, he already lived on the island of Elba, and here he set world-shaking diving records.

The finest hour of the 49-year-old Mayol struck on November 3, 1976, when, near the island of Elba, in the Tyrrhenian Sea, a competition took place between professional divers - the Frenchman Mayol and the Italian Enzo Mallorca. These two have long left behind all their competitors, who did not dare to move deeper than the 75 m mark. Yes, Enzo himself, Jacques' opponent and friend, received a lung barotrauma during the dive, after which the further struggle for the palm seemed extremely dangerous.

And from a small ship called "Elbano Uno" Jacques Mayol began diving into the blue abyss. A nylon cable was lowered from the ship, to the end of which was attached a metal circle, heavy and well reflecting the sun's rays. Tokens with the inscription "100 meters" were attached to this circle. Mayol was faced with the task of disrupting at least one of them.

The diver was well prepared. During training, he had already managed to reach 96 m, but he knew what incredible work every next meter costs.

On this day, the sea was slightly stormy - not a very favorable time for diving. The sky was overcast with harsh gray clouds, a piercing wind was blowing, and everything in nature foreshadowed a possible serious storm. In addition, it was not possible to assemble a diving team in full strength, and Jacques' fingers on his left hand were constantly aching from a recent severe burn. The diver's mood was not the best, but it was too late to retreat, and there was nowhere to go. Should have just dived in. A blue abyss awaited him. Five minutes before the dive, Jacques Mayol carried out hyperventilation of the lungs according to the yoga system. Pranayama saved him more than once; it was his invention. In any case, not a single diver in the world has used the yoga system. Five minutes before the dive, Jacques once again scrolled through the situation in his mind, again and again imagining what the sequence of his own immersion would be, passing through the water column. He had heavy fins on his feet and protective contact lenses over his eyes.

Two minutes before the start of the diver's dive, his friends Alfredo Guglielmi and Roberto Araldi went to the depths with scuba gear. There was a minute left before the end of hyperventilation, and Jurgen Esche and Gaetano Cafiero went to sea. Their goal was to insure Jacques. Esche and Cafiero remained at a depth of 70 m. At a depth of 50 m was Luciano Galli, 35 m - Giuseppe Alessi. Gaetano Donatti remained on the very surface for insurance. In addition to all these people, photographer Enrico Cappeletti went down under the water to capture the moments of Maillol's immersion.

And so the hyperventilation is over. Jacques Maillol put on a special clip on his nose. He took the last deep breath on the surface and threw the ballast into the water, which rushed down with a terrible noise, dragging the record holder with it. The descent has begun. As it immediately became clear, the day for launching under water turned out to be unfavorable not only in relation to weather conditions. It turned out that Mayol's assistants did not pump out the air from the lifting buoy properly. As a result, the buoy constantly slowed down, reducing the speed of descent. Fortunately, after some time, the volume of the buoy began to increase: apparently, the ever-increasing depth of immersion had an effect. The sinking speed has also increased.

When Jacques passed a depth of 35 m, Giuseppe patted him on the shoulder, thereby showing that the diver had passed this mark. Another 10 m, and Jacques made a “blowing”, a special technique invented by himself, thanks to which it was possible to equalize the pressure in the ears, frontal and maxillary sinuses in relation to the ever-increasing pressure of the water column. Jacques felt that he was succeeding with difficulty, apparently, the results of hypothermia, which he received in one of his recent training sessions, had an effect. Involuntarily, Jacques was forced to slow down. And then, at a depth of 50 m, he lingered for two seconds: it was necessary to equalize the pressure again.

It seems that he got a second wind, and by 60 m depth, Jacques Mayol even slowed down a little: he began to move more slowly so as not to frighten Eshe and Cafiero, who did not expect such a sudden approach.

And finally, the estimated mark of 100 m. The cherished goal has been achieved. To his dismay, Jacques realized that he could not see the 100 meter tokens on the shiny ballast. They just didn't exist! What's happened? Have they been ripped off? Meanwhile, the timekeeper who controlled the guide cable recorded the exact time of the descent - 1 minute 45 seconds. Meanwhile, Jacques was trying to find at least one token. In vain! I had to start climbing. At a depth of 100 meters, Mayol spent a total of 12 seconds. It cost him such incredible physical and emotional stress that he literally flew to the surface like a bullet. This was a violation of the rules and could end up very sad for the diver. However, everything went well.

The first breath in the air, then exhale ... And everyone around them hears how Jacques triumphantly, like a boy, shouts: "Ku-ku!" The timekeeper testifies: the ascent took 1 minute 43 seconds. by the king sea ​​depths Jacques Maillol finished in a total of 3 minutes and 40 seconds, which seemed endless to him. The next day, all the world's newspapers placed a sensational announcement on the front pages: "Jacques Mayol became the first person in the world to successfully reach the 100-meter mark in diving without scuba gear!" We must add to this that he was not only the first, but also the only one who was awarded the crown of the blue abyss.

Mayol's victory was presented as a purely sporting achievement, but Jacques himself knew why the blue abyss attracted with such force and why some madmen, like himself, could never live without it, never stop. And indeed, soon there were many non-professionals, almost unprepared amateurs who tried to dive without the control of doctors and scientific personnel. These divers, in fact, were suicide bombers ... A real epidemic of accidents among amateur divers began. According to statistics, in 1963 in France, only according to official data, 22 divers died. In 1965, 26 people did not return from the blue abyss in America. At the same time, not only amateur divers died, but also real stars who wanted to break Mayol's record, or at least reach it. This is how the world champion Jules Corman died, several famous American athletes, the Portuguese Jose Ramelata. In 1975, Maillol's rival and close friend Enzo Mallorca miraculously escaped death. Meanwhile Mayol continued his training. In 1981, he sank to a depth of 101 m, in 1983 - 105 m. He turned into an object of scientific experiments; it was placed in an underwater x-ray unit, catheters and probes were inserted into the vessels. As a result, the medical conclusion read: according to his natural data, Mayol cannot go deeper than 45 m. At the same time, the famous diver Robert Croft, the owner of ten-liter lungs, could never get ahead of Mayol.

Jacques Mayol, with his unsurpassed descents under water, proved that the pressure of water on the air in the lungs during a dive can be successfully compensated by the fitness of the diver's body (after all, when diving, the air in Mayol's lungs was compressed by a third of its normal volume, but Jacques did not at all suffered!).

It can be said that Mayol achieved his unsurpassed records only thanks to the constant inhuman work on himself. Only because of this, he became the only and unsurpassed of the many who were also eager to win the crown of the blue abyss. Maillol's achievements were out of reach. He trained several enthusiastic divers, but they could not even come close to the results of their mentor.

Only Mayol was able to pass the fabulously beautiful coral reefs of the Bahamas. These blue, but fraught with innumerable dangers, underwater caves Mayol passed without a breathing apparatus and a guide cable. After Jacques fascinating story about his dangerous adventures to a friend, famous director Luc Besson, he shot and dedicated to the diver a film that has become famous all over the world - "The Blue Abyss". This work shocked all viewers without exception, even those who have never been interested in the problems of diving to great depths.

Mayol spent the last years of his life in his own villa on the island of Elba. Here he often trained, here he could endlessly watch the sea, so huge, beautiful and inviting. However, over time, the blue abyss became unattainable, absolutely inaccessible. Mayol turned 74 in 2001. He yearned unbearably for his blue abyss, and almost all the time his friends found him in a state of extreme depression and deep depression. And Jacques Maillol decided to voluntarily leave a life in which there is no place for shining blue depths. He hanged himself in his garage, passed away undefeated, a legend that still lives on.

    Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich

    LAVROV Sergey Viktorovich- (b. March 21, 1950, Moscow (see MOSCOW (city))) Russian diplomat (see DIPLOMAT), Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia (since 2004); Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Honored Worker of the Diplomatic Service Russian Federation. Son of Tbilisi ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Lavrov, Sergey Viktorovich- Foreign Secretary. Born in 1950. In 1972, Lavrov graduated from the Moscow state institute international relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. Speaks English and Sinhala. At MGIMO, he became famous as the author of the institute's anthem: "Learn ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    LAVROV Sergey Viktorovich- (b. 03/21/1950) Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in the government of M. E. Fradkov since 03/09/2004 and in the government of V. A. Zubkov since 09/24/2007 in the second presidential term of V. V. Putin. Born in Moscow. Educated at MGIMO ... ... Putin Encyclopedia

    Lavrov, Igor Viktorovich- Igor Viktorovich Lavrov (born June 4 [] in Stavropol) handball player, winner Olympic Games, world champion 1997. European champion 1996, multiple winner of European cups Contents 1 Career 2 Sporting achievements ... Wikipedia

    Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov- Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov ... Wikipedia

    Lavrov, Sergei- Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia since 2004. He held this post in the offices of Vladimir Putin (since May 2008), Viktor Zubkov (2007-2008) and Mikhail Fradkov (2004-2007). Formerly Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Lavrov, Sergei- Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Lavrov. Lavrov, Sergey: Lavrov, Sergey Borisovich: Lavrov, Sergey Borisovich (1928 2000) Soviet and Russian economic and political geographer. Lavrov, Sergei Borisovich writer. Lavrov, ... ... Wikipedia

    Sergei Lavrov- Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov ... Wikipedia

    Lavrov S.- Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov ... Wikipedia


  • We are polite people! Sergey Lavrov. Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov needs no introduction: he is one of the most authoritative modern politicians in Russia, her "face" on international arena. Not often there is an opportunity to find out ... Buy for 661 rubles
  • We are polite people! Reflections on foreign policy, Sergey Lavrov. Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov needs no introduction: he is one of the most authoritative contemporary politicians in Russia, its "face" in the international arena. It doesn't often happen that you get to know...

Today, many inhabitants of the planet Earth are familiar with the name - Sergey Lavrov. Biography statesman very saturated. Lavrov was born more than sixty years ago in the city of Moscow (03/21/1950). Almost nothing is known about his parents.

Lavrov: Minister of Foreign Affairs, real name

According to some reports, the mother was on the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, and the father is attributed to Armenian origin. Nevertheless, Sergei Viktorovich himself associates himself with the Russian. Lavrov, by the way, is the surname of his stepfather. The real name is Kalantaryan.

The childhood of Sergei Lavrov

There is practically no available information about the early period of the life of this politician. It is only known that he studied at Moscow school number 607, which he graduated with a silver medal. As Sergei Lavrov says, the children studying at this school, as well as the institution itself, can always count on its support. IN school years, the future diplomat gravitated towards the exact sciences. He liked physics to such an extent that he applied for admission not only to MGIMO, but also to the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. The main role in the fate of the future diplomat was played by the fact that at the Institute International Relations, entrance tests started a month earlier.

Study of Sergey Lavrov at MGIMO

Having entered the country's most prestigious university, Lavrov, in company with other first-year students, went to the construction of the Ostankino television tower. Subsequently, during summer holidays The construction team of future diplomats worked in many regions of the country (the Far East, Khakassia, the Republic of Tuva). After studying for three years, Sergei Viktorovich becomes the cultural organizer of the course. The next stage of Sergey's student life is the appointment of a cult trader for the entire university. Classmates, with pleasure, recall the "skits", held once a semester. For these evenings, the administration of the Institute allocated an assembly hall. Among Lavrov's student friends, his ability to lure the company is unanimously noted. IN student years Sergey Viktorovich mastered playing the guitar, in addition, he composes poetry. It is worth noting that the current MGIMO anthem belongs to his pen.

The third year became a landmark for Lavrov. It was then that he met Marina Alexandrovna, the woman who became his companion for the rest of his life. Thanks to the constant and holistic nature of such a person as Sergei Lavrov, his personal life was never put on display. Therefore, there is practically no reliable information about the family structure of the Lavrovs in the public domain.

Lavrov, had to finish the eastern branch of MGIMO, which played a role in his future fate. Indeed, for students of this department, it was mandatory to study the Sinhala language. This language is the main one for the indigenous population of the island of Ceylon. In parallel with such an exotic dialect, Sergei Viktorovich had to learn English and French, which are mandatory for a diplomat.

Wife of Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Lavrov's wife is Maria Alexandrovna Lavrova.

Nationality of Sergey Lavrov

Sergei's father is Armenian and his mother is Russian. Official sources indicate that the Nationality of Sergei Lavrov is Russian.

1972 — 1976

In 1972, Lavrov completed his studies. The first steps in the diplomatic field are ahead. It was not necessary for young professionals to earn qualifications in the central department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Lavrov's first appointment was a vacancy in Sri Lanka ( modern name O. Ceylon). Thanks to his specialization and knowledge of the local language, Sergey Lavrov took it. His wife, of course, did not let him go alone. Within four years, S.V. Lavrov worked at the embassy to analyze the events taking place in the country. The service in Ceylon ended for Lavrov with the title of attaché.

1976 — 1981

Upon arrival in Moscow (1976), the diplomat was successively appointed to positions in the UWEO of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Department of International Economic Relations). The activities of a government official in the UWEO did not differ much from work in an embassy. Lavrov's duties included assessing the situation and forecasting the development of events, and he also participated in consultations and forums held by international organizations.

1981 — 1988

In 1981, S.V. Lavrov is sent to New York, to the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN, where he first worked as an adviser, and later, he took the position of senior adviser. However, the busy schedule could not tear Lavrov away from participating in MGIMO student life. In 1985, he and his friends founded the tradition of river expeditions in Siberia, today, this trip is mandatory for graduates of the Institute of International Relations. Around the same time, friends learned that Sergey Lavrov became the father, his family was replenished with his daughter Ekaterina.

1988 - present

In 1988, having left his wife and daughter in the USA, S.V. Lavrov returned to Moscow. At home, he holds the position of one of the deputies of the UMEO of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a short time later becomes the first deputy.

From 1990 to 1992, S.V. Lavrov is already in charge of this division of the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1992, Lavrov was appointed head of the Department international organizations And global problems Ministry of Foreign Affairs R.F.

In April, the same 1992, he became deputy head of the Foreign Ministry, Andrei Kozyrev. His zone of working interests included the Office for Human Rights and International, Cultural Cooperation, and two departments were under his control.

As a result of long diplomatic work, S.V. Lavrov goes to the West famous politician enjoying a certain authority among colleagues. Therefore, it is not surprising that he held important positions in various interdepartmental commissions and international organizations.

As a permanent representative of S.V. Lavrov was from 1994 to 2004, until the decree of President R.F. V.V. Putin, he did not head the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation. Diplomatic activities of Lavrov, in the domestic and foreign policy arena, are marked by numerous domestic and foreign awards.

Interesting information:

  • As a preschooler, Lavrov lived in Tbilisi, which is why there is so little information about his childhood.
  • The diplomat is the first president of the Rowing Slalom Federation.
  • Lavrov, defended his right to a cigarette in a dispute with general secretary UN by Kofi Annan.

One of the most talented politicians in Russia, holding the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs without interruption under two presidents and 4 heads of government is Sergey Lavrov.

Sergei Lavrov - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Brief information

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov:

  1. Date and place of birth: March 21, 1950, Moscow.
  2. Education: higher, graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations, specializing in oriental studies.
  3. Marital status: married to Maria Alexandrovna Lavrova. Daughter - Ekaterina, married.
  4. Place of employment: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  5. Religion: Orthodox.
  6. Party membership: United Russia.
  7. Height: 185 cm.

The track record includes 38 honorary titles, foreign and regional awards. Cavalier of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of all degrees. He has the title of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and acts as a permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Sergey Lavrov - biography

The name of one of the key ministers in the Government is constantly heard. Therefore, there is so much interest in his biography, personal life. The specifics of the public position held does not allow to know everything in detail, but basic information about the life path, career of a politician and his personality is available.

Family and childhood

S. V. Lavrov celebrates his birthday on March 21. The future statesman was born in Moscow. His father is an Armenian from Tbilisi. Mother Kaleria Borisovna Lavrova is a Russian from Noginsk near Moscow.

Subsequently, Sergei Viktorovich instead real surname after his father, Kalantaryan took a more euphonious mother. Regarding nationality, Lavrov admits that the Caucasian blood of his father, an Armenian by origin, flows in his veins, but officially he is considered Russian.

Parents worked in Vneshtorg, so they were more on business trips than at home. Grandfather and grandmother were engaged in the upbringing of the grandson.

Sergei Viktorovich recalled about his childhood that they applied the “carrot and stick” method to him. They were never physically punished, brought up verbally, which could turn out to be a carrot or a whip.

Education and student years

Childhood and first school years were spent in Noginsk. There he went to school. Korolenko, where he studied in depth English language. Soon the parents took the boy to Moscow. He continued his studies at school number 607, which specialized in learning English.

The student was also fond of physics. For excellent studies at school, the graduate was awarded a silver medal.

Graduated from high school with a silver medal.

The question arose about further studies. Parents saw their son as a diplomat, insisted on entering MGIMO. Among the friends and acquaintances of the family there were many people working abroad.

Sergey also listened to their stories, which influenced the choice of a future profession.

Nevertheless, a school graduate submitted documents, in addition to MGIMO, to another 1 university - MEPhI. At MGIMO, exams were held earlier, according to their results, the applicant Lavrov became a student of the eastern department.

Every summer he went with a student construction team to the far corners of the country. During this time, I got to know Far East, Yakutia, Tuva, Khakassia. Lavrov is always the soul of the company. He writes songs himself, performs them with a guitar.

He graduated from a prestigious university in 1972. During this time, he improved his English, studied French and Sinhala.

Carier start

The young specialist was assigned to the USSR Embassy in Sri Lanka. There he stayed as an intern, then as an attaché (this is the first diplomatic rank) for 4 years.

He continued his career in Moscow, where he returned in 1976. Until 1981, he worked in the department of international economic organizations MFA. He served as third, then second secretary.

First American mission

Place of work - Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN, which is located in New York. Until 1988, the diplomat consistently held the positions of First Secretary, Counselor, Senior Counselor of the Permanent Mission. These were years of invaluable experience, which later came in handy for Lavrov in his work.

Perestroika years

Service in New York ended in 1988. Lavrov was recalled to Moscow, where he continued to work in the Department of Economic Organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, familiar from previous years. The position is already higher - first the first deputy, then the chief.

Until 1991, Sergei Viktorovich was a member of the CPSU. With the end of perestroika and the collapse of the USSR, his work in the Office ended.

Starting a career in Russia

Since 1992, it begins political career in another state - the Russian Federation. Sergei Lavrov is appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. He is in charge of important areas: the international economy, human rights, cultural cooperation, CIS issues.

This position brought the diplomat as close as possible to the elite of the Foreign Ministry. Simultaneously with the duties of a deputy minister, since 1993 he has been working in a commission that deals with the participation of the Russian Federation in international organizations of the UN. He is the Vice President of this organization. At the same time, he is coordinating the country's peacekeeping efforts as a co-chair of the commission.

Political career in the Russian Federation began in 1992.

Second American mission

Since 1994 Sergey Lavrov has been in the diplomatic service abroad again. President Yeltsin appoints him Russia's permanent representative to the UN. At the same time, he is the permanent representative of the Russian Federation in the Security Council.

These 10 years of work at the UN brought S. V. Lavrov the widest fame. He became a recognizable personality not only in Russia, but also in the world. Activities in the UN Security Council brought him weight among diplomats, leaders of countries. Gained experience, thorough study international politics, personal acquaintances made it possible to successfully continue his career in the future.

Ministerial portfolio

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation 5 times in a row:

  1. For the first time by President Vladimir Putin on March 9, 2004.
  2. In May of the same year he was re-elected President V. Putin.
  3. Reappointment received in May 2008 from the new President D. Medvedev.
  4. On May 21, 2012, Putin, after his election, again appointed Lavrov as a minister.
  5. In the new composition of the government, formed on May 18, 2018, Sergey Viktorovich retained his position.

In terms of the duration of work as Minister of Foreign Affairs, only A. A. Gromyko, who held this post in the USSR in 1957-1985, has an advantage. According to some Russian media, Sergei Lavrov succeeded in ousting oil industry lobbyists from the Foreign Ministry.

The salary of the statesman Sergei Lavrov consists of a fixed part and incentives. They are set by the president every month or quarter. This rule applies to all ministers. Monetary remuneration is not the same for everyone, for example, for the Minister of Finance it is 3 times higher than for his colleague dealing with education.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is one of the highest paid positions: more than 600 thousand rubles. per month. Salary is not indicated in income declarations - these are statistics.

In addition to his main work, Sergey Lavrov is actively involved in peacekeeping, enlightenment, and foreign economics. He is a member of various international organizations. He edits the USA and Canada magazine, publications in which contribute to the strengthening of relations between the Russian Federation and these countries.

Personal life

Sergey Lavrov's personal life is stable. He married early - in his third year at MGIMO. His wife accompanied him everywhere. She is a philologist, in New York she worked as a librarian in the Permanent Mission. Sergey Viktorovich is monogamous, appreciates the inviolability of family relationships.

The only daughter Ekaterina Lavrova was born in New York when her parents worked there. For this reason, she is a US citizen. She also studied at Columbia University, majoring in political science. In Britain, she graduated with a master's degree, an economist with a second specialty. Now lives in Moscow, married to businessman Alexander Vinokurov. They have children: a son and a daughter.

Minister Sergey Lavrov remained true to his student passion for guitar and poetry. New hobbies have appeared, including rafting.

Lavrov, together with fellow thinkers, organized the Rowing Slalom Federation, in 2006 he was elected its president.

Despite his age (69 years old), he plays football. A fanatical fan of Spartak. To unite supporters of this sport, he actively participated in the founding of the People's Football League.

Sergey Lavrov, like all people, is not without weaknesses. He has been smoking for many years and remains faithful bad habit. Scandals are connected with it, from which the diplomat always came out with dignity.

When, at the initiative of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, smoking was banned in the premises of the organization, Sergei Viktorovich expressed his protest in words and actions. He said that Annan only manages the building, which is the property of everyone. In addition, he walked around with an ashtray and a lit cigarette, talking about human rights. Such an act earned the respect of many representatives from other countries.

Sergey Viktorovich smokes cigarettes even where it is forbidden. In Dublin, they tried to fine a smoker for violating local laws. He refused, announced the incident at a press conference.

Merits and awards

For more than a decade of activity as a minister, Sergei Lavrov has something to brag about. Among his successes is the solution of international disputes, which were sore points in relations between countries.

After working less than a year, he managed to find a compromise with China regarding the border areas. The issue has not been resolved since 1860.

The forty-year conflict with Norway concerned maritime space. Thanks to the ability to negotiate, the talent of a diplomat, large maritime territories were divided equally.

The successes of the politician are assessed according to their merits with awards and prizes. Sergei Lavrov is a cavalier of all 4 degrees of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. He received his first degree in 1998, when he was not yet a minister. The last, fourth - in 2015.

He has the Order of Honor (1996), an honorary diploma from the president and 4 of his gratitude. Awarded with regional awards of the Moscow and Kaliningrad regions, Yakutia.

Awarded with foreign awards of such countries:

  • the former USSR - Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan;
  • Asian countries - Vietnam and Laos;
  • Latin America - Peru;
  • Europe - Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, San Marino.

Marked with confessional awards of the Russian Orthodox Church and Antioch Orthodox Church. He has the honorary title of Honored Worker of the Diplomatic Service, commemorative medals, certificates of honor, awards from various organizations.

Patriarch Kirill presented him with an icon of Sergius of Radonezh for the restoration of the church named after him in Tsarskoe Selo. Lavrov is the chairman of the Board of Trustees of this temple.

The track record of 38 different awards, titles, prizes. Among them is a special one - "Imperial Culture" from the Union of Writers. Awarded for her poetic activity. MGIMO knows that the author of the anthem of their university is S. V. Lavrov.

Sergey Lavrov - latest news

Since May 18, 2018, S. Lavrov is again the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry. He deals with all issues of international life, incl. the most acute: relations with the United States, military conflicts.

Continues active public life. He often gives interviews, especially to the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. For example, in December 2018, on its pages, he expressed his opinion about Georgia, Ukraine, the Skripal case, Trump, citizenship for residents of Donbass, etc.

He answers questions from KP radio listeners, speaks on television, and is still fond of sports.
