Peat toilets for the garden. Peat toilet for a dacha: which is better? What is better: a compost or peat toilet?

The advantage of any dry toilet in the country is the speed of installation, the ability to move to another place, and environmental friendliness of use. However, the only one who justifies the definition of “biological” is peat toilet. Unlike toilets of this type with chemical cleaning, the use of chemical reagents is eliminated during its operation. The result of the operation of such a toilet is the production of natural fertilizer for the garden and vegetable garden - compost.

Principle of operation

The operation of a peat dry closet is based on the principle of converting waste into compost. This happens thanks to biologically active components. In a peat toilet, such a biological component is peat. A peat mixture can also be used - peat with sawdust.

The operating principle is based on the property of peat to absorb (absorb) human waste products. The resulting compost, mixed with soil, can serve as an excellent fertilizer. Peat primarily processes the solid components of feces, which results in the need to drain excess water outside.

The operating principle of a peat toilet, based on the biological decomposition of waste, promotes its separation into solid, liquid and gaseous components. Peat has disinfecting properties, its use eliminates unpleasant odors.


Externally, a peat toilet for a summer residence is similar to its counterparts - chemical and electric dry closets, but is designed somewhat differently. The design is simple. The body of the peat toilet is made of high quality plastic.

The basis of the design of the simplest peat toilets is a large bucket on which a seat with a tight-fitting lid is installed. There is a waste container under the seat. Above it there is a second container for the peat mixture, which must be poured into the lower container before and after using the toilet for its intended purpose.

It is not difficult to understand how the backfill mechanism works. It varies depending on the model. Possible direct fall asleep with a scoop. More expensive models have special mechanical devices that operate when the handles are turned. The mixture is poured into a waste container in measured doses. This happens thanks to a special valve - a dispenser.

The design provides space for installing a ventilation pipe, through which the remaining liquid not absorbed by the peat and carbon dioxide evaporate. If the toilet is installed in the house, the ventilation pipe must be vented outside.

When the toilet is used too actively and a lot of liquid remains, it is drained outside using a drain hose passing through the drainage hole provided for this purpose. A reasonable arrangement is to allow the contents of the hose to flow directly into the compost bin.

Characteristics when choosing

How to choose a peat toilet for your dacha, characteristics you should pay attention to:

  • Dimensions. It must be placed in the place intended for it.
  • Waste container volume. Determines the frequency of emptying. The number of users should be taken into account. When purchasing a toilet with a large tank, if it will not be used a large number of people, you will have to empty it half-empty, since the waste cannot sit there for too long.
  • The tightness of the lid to the seat.
  • The presence of wheels on the tank. Makes it easier to empty.
  • Availability of a filling indicator.
  • Permissible load depending on the strength of the material.
  • Equipment.
  • Design.
  • Price.

All models have a high-class exterior. Their appearance can decorate any room. The presence of different colors will allow you to choose the one you need and will not introduce dissonance into the interior of the dacha if the dry closet is installed indoors.

The choice of peat toilets is quite large. Purchasing such useful device possible for both people with low incomes and those with high demands. Which one to choose depends on the expected operating conditions and financial capabilities.

Installation and care

Installing a peat toilet is possible both inside the dacha itself and in the yard in a separate building, so choosing a place is not difficult. It does not require water to function, so there is no risk of freezing in frosty weather. The plastic housing can withstand low temperatures.

The advantage of peat dry toilets compared to electric ones is the ability to quickly install them anywhere without wiring electricity.

Caring for peat toilets involves regularly removing the contents of the bottom tank and disinfecting it. It is necessary to fill the upper tank with peat or mixture in a timely manner. At the end of the summer season, the lower container should be emptied.


The operation of a peat toilet comes down to regularly filling the upper tank with peat filler and timely emptying the waste container. There is no need to fill the peat to capacity. Most manufacturers recommend filling the container 2/3 full. When the waste tank is completely full, it becomes quite heavy, so you will have to empty it more often. The lid of a peat toilet should be kept tightly closed to prevent odor.

The top tank has a built-in peat feeding mechanism, operated by a special handle. The volume of peat poured out will depend on the number of revolutions. It is necessary to experimentally adjust the force applied to the handle, otherwise the peat will crumble unevenly.

If the number of users is large, then the peat will not cope with all the liquid. To drain it, it is recommended to install a hose through which the liquid will be drained into the soil using a drainage system.

The frequency of waste disposal depends on two factors: the capacity of the tank and the number of people regularly using the toilet. On average, you will have to clean the tank once a month. The mass should be poured into a compost pit.


Peat used in peat toilets can be purchased in specialized stores. It consists of a mixture of natural peat and sawdust from coniferous trees. Piteco B30 and PitecoB50 mixtures have proven themselves well. The humidity of any mixture should not exceed 30%. When purchasing granular peat mixtures, the efficiency of use is greatly increased.

compost pit

The contents of peat toilets cannot be used immediately. It must be kept for some time in a compost pit, which you can make yourself or purchase a ready-made composter. It is better to purchase a garden composter that is not an open type, but one that closes with a lid.

To create more high temperature It makes sense to cover waste with black textile material. This will speed up the process of obtaining high-quality compost.

The contents of the lower container of the peat toilet are emptied into the composter, after which it should be covered with earth. The decomposition processes will stop after about a year, and then the compost can be used as fertilizer.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of peat toilets include:

  • small dimensions;
  • no need for sewerage;
  • safety;
  • use of waste as fertilizers;
  • installation in any convenient place;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • no need for water supply;
  • solving the problem of waste disposal;
  • hygiene;
  • low frequency of emptying;
  • low cost;
  • natural air exchange;
  • ergonomic design;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to damage;
  • compliance with sanitary standards;
  • low cost of peat;
  • low peat consumption;
  • slow filling of the tank;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease of disposal;
  • no odor;
  • does not require electricity supply;
  • tolerates freezing;
  • ease of installation;
  • Possibility of installation indoors in a country house;
  • does not require a cesspool;
  • small cleaning intervals.

The disadvantages include:

  • positioning the drain hose for draining liquid waste at a sufficiently high height;
  • the requirement for a predominantly stationary installation, since transfer presents certain difficulties;
  • the spreading device does not always ensure uniformity, which leads to the need to sprinkle waste manually using a spatula;
  • accumulation of solid waste under the hole;
  • large weight of the waste container;
  • need for ventilation;
  • the need to systematically clean up waste.

A peat toilet for a dacha as a solution to a pressing problem, according to reviews from summer residents who have made this purchase, is the best option.

Manufacturers of peat toilets

  • Peat dry toilet Piteco 505. The best peat toilet among domestic models. Good combination of compactness and ergonomics. Tank volume – 44 liters. High wear resistance. There is a valve to automatically close the drainage hole. Cost from 5,000 to 6,500 rubles depending on the model.
  • Peat toilet for the cottage Compact Elite. Waste container – 40 liters. Weight – about 6 kg. The body is made of durable plastic. The kit includes a dosing system and an outlet pipe. Cost 3500 – 4000 rubles.

  • Biolan. The best Finnish peat toilet for a summer house. The brand offers several models that are top sellers. Models differ in design, tank volume, and price. For a dacha, the most suitable option would be Biolan Populet. The cost of budget models is 16-18 thousand rubles.
  • Kekilla Ekomatic. Products in this series are distinguished by high-quality waste disposal and the absence of an unpleasant odor. The cost depends on the configuration - starting from 19 thousand rubles for the basic version.

Swedish peat toilets:

  • Separett Villa 9011 composting dry toilet. The volume of the waste container is 23 liters. The disadvantage is energy dependence. Cost – 35 thousand rubles.
  • Biolet Mulltoa. Original design. Ergonomic seats. Availability of an automatic system. Among the disadvantages is the high price, starting from 89 thousand rubles.

The presence of a peat toilet at the dacha creates comfortable living conditions, while providing the area with organic fertilizer. Maintenance of a peat toilet is simple and takes little time.

The post Peat toilet for a summer residence: operating principle and advantages (20 photos) appeared for the first time.

Toilet bowls for dachas are special devices, the functioning of which does not require digging a cesspool or installing a septic tank. The principle of their operation is based on the processing of waste poured into a storage tank using chemical or biological means.

This type of toilet is best suited for a dacha; it is perhaps the only one that can rightfully be called a dry closet. Unlike a chemically cleaned toilet, it completely eliminates the use of any chemicals. As a result of the operation of such a toilet, you receive not only absolutely safe waste, but also very high-quality natural fertilizers - compost.

These devices require the installation of a ventilation system and are therefore permanently installed.

The dimensions of such toilets are somewhat larger than traditional ones, but despite this, it is quite easy to find an acceptable place for them.

Principle of operation

Externally, such a device for a summer residence is very similar to a chemical or electric toilet, but it is designed differently. The design consists of a waste collection container located under the seat and a peat reservoir connected to the lower tank using a dispenser valve.

The device works as follows. Waste that ends up in the receiving tank is covered with a layer of peat from the external tank. The main part of the liquid is absorbed by peat and composted, and its remains evaporate through the ventilation pipe.

If the use of such a toilet is very active and the liquid does not have time to be absorbed sufficiently, its excess is discharged outside. For this purpose, a drainage hole with a drain hose is provided.

As the lower container is filled with waste, it is emptied into a compost pit, where the mixture matures to a state acceptable for use as fertilizer. This process lasts for about a year, after which the compost is removed and used to nourish the vegetation on the site.

Waste is removed from the storage tank as it is filled.

The frequency of waste removal directly depends on the capacity of the tank and the intensity of use of such a toilet. For example, a garden toilet with a tank capacity of 120 liters, regularly used by four adults, will have to be cleaned no more than once a month.

With such a design of a country toilet, it is very important to properly arrange exhaust ventilation. The best way to do this is to install a pipe in the toilet pipe and take it outside the room - outside. The pipe must protrude at least a meter above the roof of the room, and its total length must be more than 4 - 5 meters.

This ventilation design will minimize the likelihood of unpleasant odors.

The advantages of such dry toilets

A peat or composting toilet for a summer house is rightfully considered the best design among summer residents. It has undeniable advantages, which are confirmed by numerous reviews from happy owners of such a device:

And finally, we must say about the main advantage of this design, no matter what peat toilet you choose, there are absolutely no negative reviews about it.

Extremely rare, isolated dissatisfaction is associated either with its incorrect installation, or with the acquisition of a very cheap, “gray” device of unknown origin.


Important! To maximize the quality of operation of a composting toilet, it should be loaded only with special mixtures, which, in addition to peat and sawdust, contain a strictly dosed amount of the necessary biobacteria that promote high-quality waste processing.

What to consider when choosing?

Choosing a peat toilet is, in general, simple; it comes down to determining the required size of the storage tank and the corresponding size of the device itself - it must fit in the space intended for it.

And yet, no matter what toilet you choose, there are details that are worth paying attention to:

As a rule, such composting toilets for summer cottages in the basic version are equipped with drainage pipes, filters and ventilation pipes. High-quality samples are equipped with shut-off valves for the ventilation pipe, which prevent the entry of insects. Pay special attention to the quality of the fit of the toilet lid to its neck - it should be as tight as possible.

This toilet is equipped with one tank, into which a mixture of peat and microorganisms is initially poured. When waste enters such a tank, it is heated to evaporate excess moisture and mixed with a special device, and the bioflora of the peat mixture is activated to break down the waste into fertilizer - compost.

The resulting compost is poured into a tray installed under the tank and removed after it is filled. This compost can be used as fertilizer immediately after it is extracted.

The price of devices of this type is quite considerable - starting from $1,500.

Popularity rating among summer residents

It is believed that the best peat toilet is Finnish, let us allow ourselves to doubt this and give as an example the most popular and in demand devices from different manufacturers in Russia, the majority of which are by no means from Finland.

What consumables are preferable?

Peat for peat toilets, used in composting toilets, consists of natural peat and softwood sawdust mixed together in different proportions.

For maximum efficiency of the peat dry closet, it is recommended to load mixtures based on high-moor sphagnum peat with pine shavings, for example a mixture of Piteco B30 and PitecoB50.

Another important point– no matter what mixture you load the peat container with, it should have a moisture content of no more than 30%.

In our opinion, the information presented above quite clearly demonstrates the advantages of peat dry closets in relation to dacha conditions.

By choosing this type of device, you can’t go wrong; on the contrary, in addition to ease of use, you will receive an additional bonus in the form of high-quality free fertilizer - compost.

The operating principle of a peat dry closet. The main points when choosing a peat toilet for your dacha, as well as the option of making a functional structure with your own hands.

It is not always possible to enjoy the benefits of civilization in the conditions of country life. Installing the same shower or toilet without the possibility of a full water supply is not an easy task. Each summer resident solves it in his own way: by building an outdoor toilet or choosing a peat toilet for his summer house. But from the point of view of environmental friendliness and practicality, the second option is more preferable. What are the benefits of such structures that are needed in the household, what are their features and how to build a peat toilet for a summer house with your own hands, we will consider below.

Peat toilet - an environmentally friendly and easy-to-construct design

The peat toilet is an excellent invention based on the principles of modern biotechnology. The device will certainly come in handy in a garden plot or in a country house when it is not possible to connect to a centralized sewerage system.
The main utilization agent of the device is peat - natural material with high absorbent properties.

Peat can not only absorb waste, but also destroy unpleasant odors.

Active substance Capable of absorbing large amounts of waste. So 1 kg of soil can absorb up to 10 liters of waste.
The main reason that many consumers follow when choosing which dry closet is best is the bactericidal properties of peat. Even if you are half a meter away from the device, you will not encounter any unpleasant odors typical of traditional outdoor closets.

In addition to the main component of peat, the chemical reagent also includes sawdust, which provides better aeration of the substrate, and powder compositions with microorganisms that have the ability to process organic matter. As a result of processing liquid waste, compost is formed, which helps to increase soil fertility.

Design features of dry toilets

A peat biotoilet for a summer residence is a structure consisting of two containers: the first accumulates waste, and the second, thanks to a reagent, processes organic matter. The volume of the lower working tank can vary between 44-230 liters.

Diagram: peat toilet design

The main structural elements of the composting device are:

  • toilet seat - wooden box;
  • working capacity – plastic container;
  • container for loading peat - a container made of plastic or metal;
  • compost pit in the ground.

After entering the working container, the waste is sprinkled with a peat mixture, the supply of which is ensured by a rotating dispenser located in the upper part of the device. Liquid waste is gradually absorbed into the peat and partially evaporates through the ventilation pipe, and the unprocessed part is discharged through the drainage hose into the compost pit.

Important: The working container of the structure is cleaned regularly, avoiding its complete filling. For mobile devices The cleaning procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week, for stationary models - 1-2 times a year.

Variety of models

There are different versions of models on sale, starting with mobile portable ones that are convenient to take with you on trips, and ending with full-size stationary ones. When choosing which dry closet is better, you should take into account the size of the structure and the volume of recycled waste. Pay attention to the height of the toilet; in mobile models it is much lower.

Toilet model for a peat toilet with a mechanical lever for filling in peat

Samples equipped with an internal container are in high demand. The presence of an additional container greatly simplifies the process of emptying it as it fills. Some models are supplied with polymer bags, which also greatly simplify the maintenance of the device.

Toilet model for a peat toilet - involves manually filling in peat

To maintain cleanliness, simply change the bags as waste accumulates. When choosing which dry closet is better, preference should be given to those models in which it is permissible to use not specially created soil packaged in small bags, but ordinary peat.

The undeniable advantages of peat toilets

If we compare a peat dry closet and a traditional closet, the first has a number of undeniable advantages, the main ones being:

  • Absolutely environmentally friendly. Peat, processing human waste, turns it into compost, which can be used to enrich the soil.
  • Hygiene. The waste recycling process is “dry”, which is more acceptable from the point of view of hygiene and aesthetics.

The peat toilet is hygienic, easy to use and maintain.
  • Mobility. It can be installed anywhere on the site, moving it without much hassle if necessary.
  • No need for water supply and sewerage.
  • Versatility. The device is a great help, acting as a temporary alternative to a home toilet when a major renovation is being carried out in the house. Compact models are convenient to take with you on long trips for “savage” vacations.
  • Low installation cost and ease of maintenance. The price of a dry closet is determined by the modification of the design and varies in the range from 10 to 60 thousand rubles, thanks to which anyone can purchase this device, which is necessary for the household.

Disadvantages of peat toilets

The only drawback of such a device is that when installing a peat toilet outdoors or in an unheated room during the cold season, the peat soaked in liquid freezes. Therefore, it will not be possible to use it at sub-zero temperatures. It is better to preserve it for this period by first emptying the lower container.

If a peat toilet is constantly used by a family of four, then the tank needs to be cleaned once every 2 months

Option for making a dry closet with your own hands

Having an idea of ​​the principle of operation of this structure, you can begin its construction. The first step is to make a sketch or drawing of the future toilet. This will allow you to more competently place the structure on the site, avoiding mistakes and associated unnecessary costs.

Selection of materials for construction

Peat toilet for a summer house, built of wood

To construct the building you will need building materials:

  • Wooden beams section 45-50 mm;
  • Wide edged boards 30-35 mm thick;
  • Slate or roofing felt as roofing material;
  • Containers for filling with peat and storing waste;
  • Concrete rings, brick or cement mortar for arranging a compost heap.

To equip the toilet seat of the structure, you can adapt an old chair, the side walls of which are covered with plasterboard, fiberboard or chipboard.

Advice: for work it is better to use moisture-resistant drywall, which has increased resistance to aggressive environmental influences.

As a working container, it is better to use a replaceable tank made of durable plastic or welded from sheet metal. For this purpose, you can take a large basin with high sides, a canister with the top part cut off, or an old bucket.

Peat toilet equipped with factory parts

To make servicing the device easier, you can take care of preparing synthetic packaging bags in advance.
In their manufacture, instead of threads, cross-stitched binding strips of polymer 3-4 mm wide are used. Flour, cereals and sugar are often sold in such bags. To equip a container for loading peat, you can adapt a regular dustpan for collecting garbage.

According to a pre-prepared drawing, a rectangular frame is assembled from wooden beams. On the front side of the structure, doors are hung, which are a shield assembled from several wide boards. The remaining sides of the frame are sheathed with edged boards, placing them end to end. The roof is covered with slate or roofing felt.

Important: To extend the life of a wooden building, the surface of the walls and doors should be coated with 2-3 layers of varnish or paint for exterior use.

Then they move on to building the toilet seat. It is constructed from edged boards, strengthening the bumper in the front part with an apron-tray made of rubber, which is tucked into a receiving container. The optimal height of the structure is 40-50 cm. It is convenient to attach the lid to the toilet seat frame using hinges.

It is better to place the waste tank under the toilet seat. For a more hygienic emptying of the receiving container, you can take as a basis the idea of ​​​​an insert container: when one is inserted into another, but of a larger size. To drain liquid, a hole is made in the lower part of the receiving tank for installing a drainage tube. To prevent clogging, it is equipped with a pipe and a grate.
A container with peat can be installed next to the toilet seat, pouring soil with a scoop into the receiving tank after each visit to the toilet. It is also worth taking care of arranging ventilation by providing a small gap under the entrance door, or by constructing a ventilation hole at the bottom of one of the walls. No additional holes are required at the top of the walls.

It is necessary to carefully consider the equipment of the peat toilet ventilation system

Alternatively: make a hole for a drainage hose of a larger diameter. But do not seal it. With this method, the air naturally will enter the toilet and be freely discharged through the ventilation pipe.

To set up a garden composter, a hole about two meters deep is dug near the toilet, the walls of which are lined with bricks or decorated with concrete rings. Each time the contents of the tank are poured into the composter, it is covered with earth. After 3-4 months, when decomposition processes stop, enriched compost can be used as a complete fertilizer. To speed up the process of turning waste into compost, it is better to cover the pit with a layer of black geotextile.

How to choose a good peat toilet: video

The easiest way to make life at your dacha more comfortable is to equip good system sewerage. But you have to invest a lot of time and money in it. There is an option to install a normal latrine in a couple of hours or even in a few minutes - a dry closet for a summer residence. There are three different types installations. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but any of them can be used outside the city (and not only).

Peat dry closet - operating principle and design

Dry, finely ground peat is poured into a peat dry closet in the part where a regular toilet contains water. This tank has a device for dispersing the substance, which is operated by a handle. After using the toilet, you need to twist the handle, the peat will scatter over the surface, blocking the waste, which will significantly reduce the smell. Because of this operating feature, a peat dry closet is also called a powder closet. Another name is composting toilets because the waste can be placed in a compost pit. True, another type of dry toilet belongs to this class - electric, which dries excrement.

The next name is dry dry toilets. Again, the name is associated with the method of waste disposal - dusting with dry peat. As a result of processing, the substance is also dry (or almost dry).

Due to the high absorbency of peat, it absorbs part of the liquid component of the waste, and the rest is drained into a special tray below. From there, the liquid is discharged through a special drain hose. He is usually taken outside into a small pit.

The solid part of the waste is processed by bacteria contained in peat, which decompose organic matter. After processing, the container contains a mixture that is almost odorless. It can be safely poured onto a compost heap, that is, a peat toilet is an ideal dry closet for a summer residence. But the waste must remain on the heap for at least a year, or better yet, a couple of years.

Since complete recycling requires time to eliminate the characteristic smell of waste, a pipe must be attached to the peat dry closet (there is an outlet pipe; in some models, plastic pipes are included). If the draft is natural, the pipe is only straight, without elbows or bends, at least 2 meters high. If desired (if natural draft is not enough), you can install an exhaust fan. Then the requirements for the pipe are not so stringent.


If you need a dry closet for your dacha, this is one of the best options- just a sea of ​​advantages:

Overall, a very good choice. Usually both the owners and neighbors are satisfied - there is no smell, no problems with processing. But you can’t do without minuses.


The weak point of peat dry closets is the peat spreading device. Firstly, to ensure that the peat crumbles evenly, first turn the handle in one direction, then in the other. Secondly, it is not a fact that it will be scattered evenly. Often it is necessary to pour peat from the shovel reserve under the “hole”. This is where it gets worst of all, and all the waste is concentrated here. It is necessary to sprinkle them, so you also have to manually fill them.

Other disadvantages of peat toilets are:

If we talk about the degree of convenience, this is a good choice, but only if it is possible to place it somewhere permanently. You can move the device, but each time you need to install an exhaust ventilation pipe.

Popular models of peat toilets

If we talk about domestic manufacturers, the most affordable models of peat toilets are produced in St. Petersburg. The Tandem company produces Compact peat dry closets. They are available in different modifications, with different options and prices.

NameStorage tank capacityAdd. equipmentDimensionsSeat heightPrice
Compact M60 lhandles on the container720*420*580 mm380 mm56$
Compact Elite40 lhandles on the container690*380*600 mm400 mm83$
Compact Elite with drainage40 lRear outlet for liquid waste disposal690*380*600 mm400 mm87$
Compact Eco60 lyou can install a fan in the pipe, outlet for liquid waste760*510*670 mm450 mm120$
Compact Eco with fan60 lbuilt-in fan, liquid waste outlet760*510*670 mm450 mm130$

Another Russian manufacturer of peat dry toilets is the PitEco campaign. Their range includes 7 models of different sizes, from different materials(polypropylene, acrylic, polyethylene low pressure). Each model can be additionally equipped with a fan, which is placed in the exhaust pipe.

NameHousing materialAutomatic doorsLiquid waste disposal with filterVolume of the tankPrice
PitEco 905polypropyleneNoThere is120 l (wheels)160$
PitEco 101low-pressure polyethyleneNoNo70 l135$
PitEco 200
acrylicNoThere is70 l195$
PitEco 201low-pressure polyethyleneNoThere is70 l138$
PitEco 400acrylicThere isThere is70 l250$
PitEco 505polypropyleneNoThere is44 l83$
PitEco 506 (improved peat spreader)polypropyleneNoThere is44 l85$

There are also imported peat dry closets on the market. The most popular products are from a Finnish company called Biolan. Products differ high quality, thoughtful design and functionality.

NameWaste tank volumePeat tank volumeDimensions (L*W*H)Seat heightPrice
Biolan Komplet140 l33 l850*600*780 mm530 mm340$
Biolan with waste separator into liquid and dry fractions28 l30 l780*600*850 mm530 mm415$
BIOLAN ECO200 l (wheels) base area 51 cm2, seat area 64 cm2, height 100 mm 575$
Biolan populet 200200 l (wheels) height 820 mm550 mm985$
Biolan populet 300300 l (wheels) height 811 mm510 mm895$
Biolan Naturum30 l7 l840*740*810 mm470-490 mm1045$

Another well-known manufacturer of peat toilets is the Finnish company Kekkilä Group, which produces products under the Ekomatic brand. There are inexpensive, budget models that are positioned as dry closets for summer cottages, and there are very expensive options that have an interesting design.

NameHousing materialEmptying methodDimensionsSeat heightVolumeProductionPrice
Ecomatik Peat standard960*600*780 mm500 mm110 lRussia265$
Ekomatic standard960*600*780 mm500 mm110 lFinland390$
Ecomatic Green standard960*600*780 mm500 mm110 lFinland190$
Ecomatic-50 Kekkilapolypropylene with fiberglassthrough the lid500*470*510 mm510 mm Finland160$
Ecomatic Trio-100polyethylenethrough the lid800*460*800 mm460 mm100 l (3 sections)Finland410$
Duomatic standard875*780*900 mm480 mm2 * 80 lFinland715$
Ecomatic Green through removable topdiameter 1150 mm, height 950 mm470 mm700 lFinland1200 $

Liquid (chemical) dry closet - device, pros, cons

This type of dry closet uses special liquids to process waste. The design has two containers into which the concentrate, diluted to a certain state, is poured. A liquid that processes waste is poured into the lower part, and a liquid with a deodorizing effect is poured into the upper part. Recycling liquids come in different types:

The device is operational only in the presence of the specified liquids. The rate of their consumption depends on the intensity of use. On average, refueling is required every 5-7 days.


The chemical toilet consists of several parts that are easily separated. The upper part is both the seat and the container into which the flavor is added. On the back right side of the lid of this compartment there is a pump start button, and on the left there is a hole for filling water.

The processing concentrate diluted with water is poured into the lower reservoir. At the very bottom there is a waste collection box. The capacity of this tank is from 12 to 24 liters. To be able to monitor the filling level of this tank, there are models with a fill indicator. As it fills, the color changes from green to red. In those tanks where there is no such indicator, a strip of transparent plastic is often built in. So that you can visually monitor the level of waste.

All parts are connected to each other with special locks that securely fix them in place. To make it easier to remove waste, a handle is attached to the bottom container. There is a pipe for draining waste into a container. It is screwed to the inlet hole if necessary. In general, it is stored in a specially designated place.

Some models have a built-in pressure valve in the poop reservoir. It is needed to make emptying the container easier. But there is one drawback to this - there are times when leaks begin at the place where this valve is attached. Then you can’t carry the container by the handle; you have to carry it in front of you on your hands. Completely inconvenient.

The flush pump can be manual or electric. When using electric, there is no way to regulate the amount of water supplied - it is always the same. This causes the tank to fill faster. The device runs on batteries, which need to be changed periodically.

Hand pumps come in bellows and piston types. By pressing the piston with different force, you can regulate the amount of water supplied.

Preparation for work and operation

Operating a liquid dry closet is not difficult, but requires constant attention. It is necessary to monitor the presence of liquid and the fill level of the waste tank. We have to remove and dispose of waste quite often. A 12-liter capacity for 2-3 people is filled in 2-3 days. If there are more people, you have to carry them out every other day, and sometimes every day. Not very convenient, although much more convenient than using a bucket.

The procedure for preparing a liquid dry closet for operation is as follows:

  • By pressing the button, detach the upper part.
  • Pour the appropriate solution into containers.
  • Place the containers in place and secure them with a lock.

That's it, the dry closet is ready for use. After each use it must be washed off. The portion of liquid is small, but it is enough to clean the drain. The mechanism is as follows: use the toilet for its intended purpose, open the valve, waste falls into a container with processing liquid. Rinse off with water and fragrance, using a brush if necessary. Close the valve. To ensure that there is no smell at all from a liquid dry toilet, you need to make sure that there is always a certain amount of liquid on the valve (about 1 cm thick). This liquid works like a water lock, cutting off possible aromas.

After each emptying, you need to wash the container, pouring a new portion, you need to loosen it to wash all the walls. After this, processing will proceed more fully.

This dry toilet for the dacha is a mobile option. It fits in the trunk of a car, which is convenient. There is, however, an unpleasant point: if the dacha is visited periodically, it is impossible to leave a tank with liquid in an unheated room. If frozen, it can damage the walls. Some people add non-toxic antifreeze (polypropylene glycol) to the recycling liquid for the winter. Bacteria are unlikely to survive in such an environment, but the yield for ammonium and formaldehyde is not bad. Only such waste must be disposed of in the sewer.

Advantages and disadvantages

This dry toilet for the dacha is attractive because it does not require permanent installation. It can work anywhere, immediately after filling with liquids. Nothing else is needed for it to work.

Disadvantages - the need to refuel, although it’s not very big, it’s still money. It is also necessary to ensure that there is a certain supply of concentrates - without them (especially without the one that is poured downwards), the dry closet turns into an ordinary bucket with a lid.

But the most annoying thing is the need to frequently empty the waste container. In any weather, at any time, if the tank is almost full, it has to be emptied. Otherwise you can't use the toilet. As a temporary option, this is an excellent choice.

Popular manufacturers

The most popular are Dutch liquid (chemical) dry closets from Thetford. They are produced under the name Porta, there are models with varying degrees of comfort, with noticeably different prices.

NameDimensionsSeat heightFlush systemTank capacity for processing/deodorising agentFill indicatorPrice
Porta Potti Qube 145330*383*427 mm324 mmbellows12 l /15 lNo61$
Porta Potti Qube 165414*383*427 mm408 mmhand pump21 l / 15 lNot really75$
Porta Potti Qube 165L414*383*427 mm408 mmhand pump21 l / 15 lThere is83$
Porta Potti Qube 345330*383*427 mm324 mmhand pump12 l / 15 lThere is93$
Porta Potti Qube 365414*383*427 mm408 mmhand pump21 l / 15 lThere is93$
Porta Potti Excellence458x388x450 mm443 mmpiston pump21 l / 15 lThere is132$
Porta Potti Excellence458x388x450 mm443 mmelectric21 l / 15 lThere is175$

More a budget option A Russian company produces it under the Enviro brand.
NameUpper/lower tank volumeDimensions (W*D*H)Drain typeFill indicatorPrice
ENVIRO-1010 l / 10 l415*365*300 mmbellows250 kgNo65$
ENVIRO-2010 l / 20 l415*365*420 mmbellows250 kgNo80$
MR. LITTLE IDEAL (licensed China)15 l / 24 l420*370*410 mmwater pump There is115$

Electric dry toilets

A rare group. Works only when electricity is available. There are two types of electric bio toilets. In some, the liquid and solid fractions are separated. The liquid is discharged through a special tube, which can be connected directly to the sewer or discharged into a waste pit. The solid fraction is burned in a sealed container. The remainder is a small pile of ash that can be used as fertilizer.

The second type of electric toilet produces drying feces and urine, the remains are then covered with a special composition. In this form, excrement weighs very little and can be stored for a long time.

In order for the drying or burning processes to take place without odors, it is necessary to create or connect to ventilation, which adds complexity to installation. Another common disadvantage of this type of composting toilet is its dependence on electricity. Without it, nothing will work. The next significant disadvantage is the high price. All of them together limit the use of this type of units.

Before deciding which is the best peat toilet to purchase for your dacha, you should determine what characteristics such designs have, and also consider possible options, their features, advantages and disadvantages, priority selection criteria. Many users call environmental friendliness and comfort during use the main requirements for products of this type.

A peat toilet for a summer residence is not the only type of biological structure, so it is advisable to consider all existing options to enable a comprehensive comparative assessment.

Chemical models

In chemical dry toilets, the receiving tank is filled with a special composition that prevents the occurrence of putrefactive processes and blocks the growth of bacteria in the waste. Such substances are available in the form of liquids or granules. The liquid works more efficiently due to more complete mixing of the composition with waste products.

The advantages of chemical liquid toilets are:

  • compact size,
  • light weight,
  • autonomous operation (no need to connect the unit to power supply or engineering systems),
  • environmental safety subject to use modern means With .

Electric dry toilets

The operation of an electric toilet is fundamentally different from the functioning of its analogues. Models of this type are equipped with compressors and fans, with which solid waste are dried. To remove the liquid component of waste, some models provide a drainage outlet. There are also electric toilets, the principle of which is based on freezing waste.

Electric dry closets have not yet become widespread in Russia, but the practice of their use has shown the high efficiency of the technology. The disadvantage of this option is the need to connect the unit to the electrical network and install a ventilation vent for models with evaporators. In addition, their price is quite high - from 30,000 rubles and above.

Peat structures

The effectiveness of this type of toilet is ensured by the ability of peat, due to the bacteria it contains, to form an environmentally friendly fertilizer when interacting with human waste.

Operating principle and design features of peat toilets

You can make country peat toilets with your own hands. If performing such work seems difficult for you, you should take a closer look at ready-made factory-produced models. A distinctive feature of compost structures is the method of loading neutralizing material. Unlike chemical units, peat toilet models are not filled with active material at a time until it is used up. Each layer of waste is covered with peat, which ensures the most complete contact, fast and effective compost formation.

Pouring peat into a special container for a composting toilet before use

Filling the layer can be done manually. This method is usually used when installing homemade waste disposal units. A container with dry peat and a scoop is placed next to the structure. Backfilling is performed every time you visit the toilet.

Factory peat toilets are usually equipped with dispensers. In them, peat is placed in special containers, and the dispenser ensures economical consumption of the mixture. The most advanced models are equipped with dispensers with distributors, thanks to which peat is evenly distributed over the surface of the waste layer in the storage tank.

Composting peat toilets can be single or double chambered.

  • The first option is typical for homemade recyclers.
  • The second is produced in a factory, and the chambers allow the separation of solid and liquid fractions of waste.

An important nuance in the operation of peat dry toilets is the need for oxygen to effectively convert waste into compost. This problem is not so relevant for portable compact units. In stationary waste disposal units with a large reservoir capacity, aerator pipes can be installed to ventilate the layer in the storage tank.

To prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors, the peat dry closet for the dacha is equipped with ventilation.

  • If the tank volume is small, the ventilation outlet is simply removed from the outdoor “birdhouse” or other room.
  • When installing aeration pipes, they are connected to the ventilation duct.

Advantages and disadvantages of peat toilets

When determining which peat toilet for a dacha is better, the features of the products, their advantages and disadvantages are taken into account.

The advantages of using a dry closet with peat are:

  • small size,
  • possibility of autonomous operation without connection to the power grid or utilities,
  • environmental friendliness,
  • obtaining quality organic fertilizer from waste.

Disadvantages of peat models:

  • the need to monitor the level in the storage tank,
  • the need to periodically empty the tanks.

But here it should be noted that these disadvantages are relevant for all types of dry closets.

Popular factory models

The low cost of peat toilets allows you to save time and effort by purchasing a ready-made model. It is important not only to take into account their features when comparing, but also to give preference only to proven brands. This will avoid unpleasant surprises during operation. If you are buying a peat dry closet for your dacha, the features and technical specifications will tell you how to choose a model.

Ecomatic dry toilets

Ecomatic is a Finnish peat toilet. Such models are designed to use not pure peat, but a mixture of dry peat with sawdust, which ensures the presence of oxygen necessary for the formation of compost due to its presence between the particles.

Reviews of the Finnish peat toilet for the Ekomatic dacha show that on the Russian market potential buyers consider the cost of the products to be too high. The aesthetic appeal of models, according to statistics, is considered a secondary advantage. An important advantage of the brand’s products is the large tank capacity compared to domestic analogues - 110 liters versus 60. Russian composting toilets can be more capacious than 60 liters, but they are all inferior in this regard to Ekomatik. The capacity of its tank ensures comfortable use of the device by a family of 4 people for two months.

Prices for such a peat dry toilet for a summer residence vary depending on the volume and location of production. For example, the Ecomatic model, with a volume of 110 liters and produced in Finland, costs 21,900 rubles, and a version with the same parameters Russian production using Finnish technologies (Torfolet) will cost 16,900 rubles.


Piteko is another brand of peat toilets that are produced in Russia. Just like Ekomatic brand models, such structures are installed on a hard and level surface without connection to the electrical network and utilities. Distinctive features Piteko composting dry toilets - the ability to separate waste into fractions (liquid and solid components), install filters on liquid outlets and have doors for convenient unloading of compost.

The Piteco 505 model (storage capacity is 44 liters) costs 5,490 rubles.


Quite expensive but effective Finnish peat toilets Biolan have a two-chamber design in which liquid and solid waste are collected in different tanks. When installed, the Biolan dry closet does not require connection to the electrical network or sewer system.

The models are equipped with a ventilation pipe with a lid, which eliminates the appearance of unpleasant odors and flies attracted to them in the room. Toilets of this brand are equipped with an improved drainage system.

The range of these dry toilets includes several options, with a maximum capacity of 300 liters. Price - from 19,500 rubles.

Features of choosing peat dry closets

Choosing a composting dry closet is essentially a two-step process.

First of all, the technical parameters of the model necessary for comfort of use are determined.

  • Are common dimensions the structures must correspond to the size of the room in which the peat dry closet will be installed.
  • The required tank capacity is not so easy to determine. On the one hand, a large volume will allow you to increase the periods between compost unloadings even when using a recycler big family. On the other hand, depending on the characteristics of the model and the type of backfill used, there are restrictions on the time during which the mixture of waste and peat can remain in the tank. Without timely cleaning, the quality of the compost will be reduced and an unpleasant odor may appear. It is optimal if the tank is filled before the set period expires.

When choosing a peat toilet, pay attention to the features of its design.

  • A level indicator will save you from unnecessary hassle and the need to periodically check the condition of the tank.
  • The dispenser promotes economical consumption of peat.
  • The dispenser-distributor increases the efficiency of the model.

Composition selection

  • Some composting toilets use ash, sawdust and other compounds as backfill, but they are much less effective due to the lack of special bacteria that process waste.
  • Peat supplies the necessary microorganisms, therefore it is considered the most effective consumable material for toilets of this type.
  • A mixture of peat and sawdust, which ensures aeration of the composition, is made in a 1:1 ratio.

If you are planning to buy, then you may be interested in our article describing the various models.
