The origin of the name Lesha and its meaning. What does the name Alexey mean? origin of the name Alexei


According to the main version, the name Alexei comes from the Greek words "alekso" or "aleksios". In translation, it can mean “protector” or “assistant”, or, according to the second version, “protecting” or “reflecting”. The godfather Orthodox name is the name Alexy.

By the way, the male name Alexei has enough interesting story, but more importantly, it has a good meaning, promising boys who receive this name a lot good qualities. And this name is also one of the hundred most popular Russian male names of our time.

Popularity: The name Alexey takes 13-15th place in the ranking of popular male Russian names. Approximately 24 boys out of a thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Alekseyka, Alyokha, Lekha, Alyosha, Lesha

Modern English counterparts: Alexius, Alexis, Alejo, Alessio

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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This is a purely Russian name in origin (from Alexy). It is considered Russian Orthodox and is listed in the Russian name book according to the Saints. It is in demand in Belarus, and in Russia, and in Ukraine, and even in Georgia. It is believed that this name promises the boy such character traits as compassion, self-sacrifice, good nature, sensuality, emotionality, strong-willed and strong spirit, and determination, self-sufficiency, self-confidence and more.

Aleksees for the most part try to be bosses and leaders, which is not surprising, because all Alekseevs, without exception, have leadership inclinations. But there is one “but” - even in early childhood parents must begin to develop these inclinations, otherwise they may simply dry up before maturity.

Advantages and positive features: purposefulness, hard work, perseverance, perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties, unwillingness to use standard schemes for achieving goals and the ability to find non-standard solutions where it seems impossible to do so.

Aleksei treats badly betrayal, lies and self-interest, ambition, secrecy and isolation, too intrusive people and duplicity.

Alexey's first name this moment continues to be popular with Orthodox people and for many years tops the ratings of the most popular Russian names.

The nature of the name Alex

The nature of the name Alexei is a complex topic, it was studied at one time a large number of researchers, and, however, not in vain. It turns out that the character of this name is capable of forming the character of the carrier as such, and, as they say, from "a" to "z". Thanks to this parameter, the character of the boy named Alexey becomes the same as described above - tough and strong. Well, the carrier himself is endowed thanks to him with such traits as assertiveness, assertiveness, determination, and efficiency. And the character can also be endowed with organizational and even leadership inclinations. But that's not all...

Incredible willpower, excellent leadership qualities, the ability to organize people, a thirst for justice, a thirst for self-improvement, the inability to be second, arrogance and responsibility - this is what the character of the bearer, who received the name Alexei, can reward the value of this name with. Although, it is not a fact that everything will be exactly like this, because all this is only in theory ...

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, whose parents decided to choose the name Alexei, is full of a variety of impressions from everything that happens around. He is a very receptive and impressionable child, never leaving anything unnoticed, noticing everything around, even the little things that rarely anyone pays attention to. In general, he does not cause problems for his parents, he is positive, always leaves a good impression on the people around him, rarely gets into conflicts, and moreover, often even at such a young age he tries to act as a peacemaker.

Such even parental quarrels will not leave without his participation, and what is no less interesting is that this feature will remain in him until the very end. But all this is the merit, first of all, of such a factor as the meaning of the name. In addition, the value promises him many other characteristics, among which there are integrity, and optimism, and mobility, and activity, and attentiveness, and diligence, and responsibility. Even as a child, he is already a responsible child beyond his years. By the way, the impact on this boy of such a factor as the significance of the name can endow him with a strong character, which will especially manifest itself precisely in adolescence. As for communication with peers, everything is simple here. He has many friends, and moreover, Alexey, this is the boy whom everyone respects, but at the same time no one will raise him to the leaders. He is too calm, as for a leader.


Adolescence and energy for a boy named Alexei are able to give this boy a lot of good characteristics. True, in this case it is not without the influence of other factors, including the patron planet, the element, and even the talisman stone. Usually Alexey is a teenager, this is a balanced, tough, silent, but eloquent guy who knows how to convince people, impose his opinion on others, and prove his own innocence. This is still not a leader, but a respected child, a teenager, to whom everyone, without exception, is treated with due respect. Significance endows such a person with the talent to adapt to everything new, which is reflected even in studies. This boy has a penchant for the humanities, but does not like the exact ones, although he can study them perfectly. Relations with peers are usually good. Conflicts arise mainly only when he tries to act as a protector of the weak, which is not uncommon. Nobility, unscrupulousness, the ability to compromise, commitment, diligence, planning - these are his main features, and it is the significance of such a nominal variation as Alexey that bestows them.

grown man

The life of an adult boy, or rather a man who received the name form Alexei, is full of difficult moments, mainly, and the reason is his strong, but at the same time complex character. He has excellent intuition and the ability to work, as they say, by the sweat of his brow, purposefulness rages in him. And the desire to give in and compromise on reaching maturity disappears somewhere. It is very difficult to prove to him something with which he does not agree. But this is not a reason to be upset, because contrary to all of the above, this good man, possessing such qualities as justice, honesty, straightforwardness, disinterestedness, regularity, goodwill, cheerfulness, sociability and devotion. The value of this man can be endowed with truth and other qualities, but the list of additional qualities no longer depends on such a parameter as value, but on upbringing and other factors.

The interaction of the character Alexei with the seasons

Winter - this period gives rise to emotional, stubborn, fair, self-sufficient boys, demonstrating selfishness from childhood. Unfortunately, life is not easy for such people - often the combination of the above characteristics leads to disagreements even with close people. But in family affairs, he is a reliable and faithful man.

Summer - in this case, such character traits as eloquence, uncertainty, modesty, naivety, and weak psychological stamina play an important role. These are often controlled from the outside, they are subject to others, they do not know how to defend their opinion, and they rarely become bosses. Here only the second half, imperious and responsible, will help.

Spring - children born during her reign, called Alyosha, are peaceful and modest by the origin of the soul, impressionable and non-conflict, indecisive and naive. These are weak psychologically and morally people, but it will not work to manage and manipulate such people. They have leadership or aspirations with assertiveness, but there is self-respect and a strong character.

Autumn - and here we are talking about a self-confident, purposeful, eloquent, sincere, honest man, whose arsenal is full of characteristics important for leadership. He is a master at manipulating people, practical, rational, mentally developed and delicate - such people are respected, and even feared. In a career, it will be easy for such a person to achieve new heights, but the top of Olympus will turn him into a boring pastime in life - he needs to move forward all the time.

The fate of the name Alexei

The fate of the name Alexei in relations with female representatives, in marriage, and in general, in love, is very difficult. Why is it not easy? Yes, because Alexei himself is usually to blame for the fact that many women, after a short relationship, begin to run away from him. No, he is not sadistic, not rude, but tough and too a serious man, too correct - far from everyone can withstand this, and that is why fate suggests many partings to the bearer of the nominal form Alexei.

But there is one big plus - fate involves the becoming of Lesha a real gentleman, a man with manners that men today are practically not endowed with. Courtesy, romance, attentiveness, caring - this is what he can seduce almost any woman with. Although all this is manifested not in a boy, but already in an adult man.

Well, fate also involves the formation of the named Alexei as a good father and an ideal husband in all respects. This one will not betray, will not deceive, and in general, will be a wall protecting the whole family from troubles and grief. Although, again, fate is a ghostly parameter, and it represents only the most ordinary theory - it is simply impossible to verify its veracity and correctness.

Love and marriage

Alexei will treat marriage as responsibly as possible. He will not rush to marry at an early age, but will gradually approach this issue, without haste. If it happens that Alexey marries at an early age, then he will hold on to his marriage, whatever it may be, to the last, even if his spouse annoys him, and even if a crack appears in the relationship that can destroy them once and for all .

For Alexey, marriage is not just a stamp in the passport or a legal basis for a relationship, but a difficult and very responsible step. That is why he will sort out potential brides for a very long time. He will choose the one with which he will be most comfortable. He does not care about the material or moral aspects of the issue - he cares only about comfort, harmony and balance in relationships.

Having married, he will become a devoted and faithful husband, reconsider his lifestyle and change beyond recognition. If before marriage, Alexey can walk around clubs, change partners like gloves, and live the life of a "reveler", then in marriage he will dramatically become different. Faithful, reliable, devoted, attentive and honest - that's what he is, husband Alexei.

Alexei as Father

As a father, Alexei can be good in all areas without exception. And first of all, it is worth saying that fatherhood for the bearers of this name is not just a status - it is a way and way of life for them, it is an award that only the most worthy are awarded. Papa Alexei will be a good father, attentive, caring, devoted, reliable, responsible and obligatory. Mom will not have to run after him and ask him to pay attention to the children - he will do this of his own free will, on his own.

Is it possible to entrust the upbringing of children to Alexei? It is possible and probably even necessary. These are, after all, for the most part leaders, and leadership inclinations, with proper upbringing, can be passed on to children. So, the upbringing of children to Alexei is not only possible, but must be trusted. He definitely won’t teach bad things to children. The only "but" is that Lesha's fathers are often too demanding and strict. So, don't be surprised if you hear him yelling at his child or demanding something that not every child can do - this is the norm ...

Horoscope named Alexey


A boy born under the auspices of Aries, and named Alexei, will be respectable, sincere, but overly naive, and even freedom-loving. He is also an idealist - he likes to attribute qualities that they lack to people, and then naturally becomes disappointed and depressed.


Taurus - and here, who received the name Alexei by nature, he is independent, strives for self-improvement, loves communication and new acquaintances, especially with female representatives. True, it is difficult for him to find a common language with women - he rarely understands them properly, idealizes them and, as a result, demands from them what they cannot give him.


Gemini is an interesting zodiac, creating a personality that is soft and sentimental, dreamy and irresponsible. This seemingly serious person, in fact, is not serious and is too absent-minded, and even quick-tempered. Demanding to the opposite sex, has a complex character, and hence the lack of compatibility with the beautiful of this world.


Cancer - and this bearer of the name Alexei is a completely strange man by nature, combining contradictory traits in character. He is calm and active, independent and freedom-loving and at the same time controlled by women, powerful, but loves to obey, and he will look for a powerful and morally strong lady for marital relations.

a lion

Leo is an egoist, what to look for, is constantly in the process of proving the correctness of his own judgments, and will never accept someone else's opinion. It is difficult to make friends and live with such a person, and therefore, in most cases, he remains alone, and then he is already absorbed by his own negative traits.


Virgo - this zodiac promises a newborn boy named Alexei a fighting character, militant characteristics and perseverance, which can only be envied. He is a conqueror by nature - he will never fall in love with an easily acquired woman, he will prefer an inaccessible and uncontrollable woman to her. In a relationship with such an impregnable will try to become a leader.


Libra, in alliance with the name Alexey, creates a well-mannered, restrained, non-conflict, reasonable, intelligent and responsive person. This one is popular in society, but no one can understand him, because he is too secretive. Even the chosen one is unlikely to be able to unravel this mysterious nature.


Scorpio - the compatibility of such a guy with women is weak, they do not understand him and are afraid, because he is too quick-tempered, jealous, and even the owner. Unpredictability and inconstancy complement his already incomprehensible personality - an incomprehensible and secretive pessimist, who is not easy to get along with.


Sagittarius has such a romanticism that can charm any lady, even the toughest and most capricious. But this is a person who idealizes and lives in his own illusory world. He is sincere, but naive, it is easy to deceive him, and the practical majority of people use this.


Capricorn - open, sociable, sincere, playful, optimistic, stubborn and persistent. Such by any means achieves his goal, whether it be a leadership position or a woman he likes. But there is a minus - it is unrealistic to impose on him a disliked or simply someone else's thought. These are called self-confident turkeys.


Aquarius is freedom-loving and self-sufficient, self-confident and selfish. He does not accept anyone's opinion, and he is not interested in other people's experiences - he lives in an individual world where there is no place for people. That is why such people remain single until the very end.


Pisces - and this sign of the zodiac promises the bearer of the name Alexey dreaminess, intuition, fantasy, philosophical disposition and the habit of idealizing everything around. This is a romantic, but too pessimistic, seeing negative connotations in everything. It is difficult to come to terms with the negative aura of such a gentleman, and therefore women shy away from him.

Compatibility with female names

The issue of compatibility with female names is quite complicated, but specifically in the case of the name Alexei, everything is simpler, because the answers to it have long been received. So, it turns out that such chosen ones as Agatha, Vera, Dora, Mirra, Maria, Emma and Bronislava will be ideal.

With Praskovia, Rosa, Susanna, Elina, Nelly, Lada and Iya, a strong marriage cannot be built, but the relationship will be passionate and really bright.

And it’s better not to create an alliance with Ninel and Taisia, because nothing good will come of it.

Alexei - male name Greek origin. The ancient Greek name Alexios, Alexis literally translates as "protector" and comes from the word "alekso" - "protect", "reflect". In Russia, until 1708, the form of the name Alexy was used. In Christianity, Alexis is deeply revered, a man of God - the heir to a noble Roman family, who abandoned wealth and fled from home to live in begging. In Orthodoxy, Alexy, the Saint of Moscow, the heavenly patron of Samara, is revered. Folk forms of the name in Russian: Leksey, Lyaksey, Oleksey, Oleksa, Alexa, Ales, Oles, Les. In Russian, there is also a rarely used female derivative of Aleksin, borrowed from French. The name Alexei gained particular popularity in Russia after the baptism in 1969 of Tsarevich Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, son of Mikhail Fedorovich, the first tsar of the Romanovs. If we consider the abbreviated form of Alyosha, we can trace the Iranian roots of the name. The transcription of Ali Shah is one of the three most popular, along with the Greek Ali Xai (Aleksey) and the Turkic - Ali Khan (Alekha). The name "Ali" in most languages ​​of the Iranian subgroup has the meaning "exalted" or the literal meaning "high", and "Shah" - "the best of people". The literal translation of the name Ali Shah sounds like "great as a man." The Turkic variant Ali Khan has two meanings: "lion of God" and "great (divine) ruler". At the same time, the Turkic word Ali also means "exalted".

The meaning and characteristics of the name Alexei

Returning to the Greek meaning of the name "protector", "helper", "protector" - the name is calm, cheerful. Sound analysis allows you to highlight the following qualitative characteristics of the name by sound: good, strong, beautiful, light, bright, safe. The name has to itself, causes trust, sympathy, feeling of security and a cosiness. In addition, the name Alexey, and even more so - Alexy, carries a certain instability, lack of balance, and as a result - a movement that is provoked by external attraction. Not an active step, but a passive glide. Hence such different characteristics name. Alexey and righteous, attentive, serious, focused, purposeful and persistent. And at the same time - humble, respectful, and sometimes - obedient, meek, altruist.

If we analyze the alphabetic composition of the name, then the first three letters, which are repeated both in the full and in the abbreviated name, have the greatest influence. The letter A is a symbol of any undertaking, motivation, aspiration and start, as such. The desire to achieve internal and external harmony, comfort. If the name begins with this letter, its bearer is hardworking, enterprising, avoids routine both in the profession and in love. In the field of activity that gives the wearer pleasure, makes him happy, is able to amaze with diligence and results, can be a leader, take responsibility. The letter L adds sophistication, sophistication, the ability to see beauty and create it yourself, to the bearer of the name, Creative skills empathy, the ability to give and receive love. At the same time, the letter L confirms the variability of the bearer of the name, craving for comfortable living conditions, sociability, and a tendency to epicureanism. The letter E to the above adds insight, the ability to negotiate, intuition, sociability with a tendency to talkatively, artlessness, the desire for leadership, perseverance, a tendency to short-term solitude, independence, a desire to express oneself.

It is not surprising that this name is common among kings, patriarchs, generals, nobles, writers, directors, actors, and artists.

Alexey name traits

Aleksei are introverts, deep in themselves and their subconscious, where they often escape from reality. They have a vivid imagination, tend to fantasize. They tend to seek justification for themselves and their actions in advance, because they are afraid of condemnation or failure. Aleksei is strong-willed, but the mobility and inconstancy of character leads to some indecision. Their persistence is akin to anxiety, anxiety. Friendship is very important for Alexei - they are devoted and selfless friends, but demanding - they expect no less return from a friend. These are independent loners who do not tolerate coercion, restrictions, pressure. Alekseys are artistic, have a developed intuition and a synthetic type of thinking - they tend to create. Diligence, perfectionism, ambition lead Alexei to success, but if he succumbs to laziness, then he slides to the very bottom.

Curious beyond measure, have a wonderful memory. Sometimes it is difficult to understand them, Alexei is capable of dubious, even unreasonable acts. Activity - weak side men with this name - they are proactive and active only if they are engaged in a truly favorite and interesting thing for them, sometimes this is idleness. Alekseys are lucky in life, a happy accident largely determines their life.

The negative character traits of the name can be considered excessive softness on the verge of weakness, some absent-mindedness. In Alexei, ambition must be cultivated, which will allow him to realize himself. But if ambition is beyond measure, stubbornness, egocentrism manifests itself. To attract attention, it can exaggerate its shortcomings, act like a fool.

Family and love relationships of Alexei

Alexey is in love, strives for love. But his natural squeamishness, caution and independence, vulnerability and resentment prevents him from having many novels and protects him from early marriages. They choose to dream love relationships than to tie them. Emotional dramas are hard to bear. He does not like to talk about feelings. Nevertheless, Alekseys are popular with women, they easily conquer the woman they like. Often, passion develops into a strong friendship, which a woman may not like. Alekseev's sexuality has a somewhat childish character - a craving for the mother's body, they are looking for a stronger partner with a maternal attitude towards him. Often these are women older than him, affectionate, delicate, sensitive. At the same time, curiosity, the craving for new knowledge allows these men to be gentle and skillful lovers, they take care of their partner, adapt to her, so they do not like to change lovers.

In family life, Alexei is accommodating, faithful, caring. He loves children very much, taking care of them to the detriment of himself, sometimes taking too much care of them. But he does not like to read morality and impose his opinion. In his wife, he appreciates neatness, cleanliness, if her untidy appearance annoys him, he will not be silent. He loves comfort, a friendly atmosphere in the house, to maintain which he often makes concessions. But if he is stubborn, it is impossible to convince him. Always takes the side of his wife in any conflict, protecting his fortress. Alexey is not jealous, in some cases he is able to forgive betrayal.

Alexei has successful marriages with Anastasia, Angela, Anna, Galina, Larisa, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Svetlana, Daria, Evgenia, Irina, Margarita, Natalya, Sophia. Complicated Relationships with Vera, Alina, Oksana, Yulia, Tamara, Nadezhda.

Choice of profession, business, career for Alexey

Alekseys are creative, creative individuals with good intuition. Therefore, their choice is often associated with creativity. These are artists, directors, writers, artists, entertainers, television people. There are travelers, sailors, and even hermits - downshifters. They are rarely attracted to science, but among them there are good engineers, physicists, surgeons, forensic scientists and lawyers, which is facilitated by a pronounced sense of justice. Alekseys born in winter are more inclined to the exact sciences. They love the process of obtaining knowledge, but do not tolerate coercion, pedagogical process oppresses them. It is difficult to tolerate criticism and failure. They are not afraid of painstaking work, they constantly improve themselves. He is always the best in his field in the team. He is a good mentor in production, a patient coach in sports, balanced and patient. Alexey is able to build a business and develop it successfully. Possesses business qualities, ambition. He is collected, disciplined, quickly mobilized, obligatory. Strives for partnership. Able to achieve a high position in society, will be able to provide material wealth. Often he is considered richer than he really is, it is difficult for him to refuse, he is often generous even to the detriment of himself.

Alekseys should not engage in speculation, risky adventures, it is important to avoid unscrupulous partners.

Alexey's health

Alexey gets overtired easily. Is not different good health, although striving for physical perfection. Has a weak digestive system especially in the liver and pancreas. Alexei needs to follow a diet all his life, stick to a diet. As a child, he suffers from respiratory diseases, which disappear with age. Bearers of the name born in winter are healthier than the rest.

Alexei has a high risk of developing diseases nervous system, which is associated with his mobile temperament, sensitivity, even vulnerability, which is easily aggravated by heredity.

His stubbornness negatively affects Alexei's health - he does not complain, does not like to talk about his illnesses, he consults a doctor only in critical cases, if the pain becomes unbearable or can no longer tolerate discomfort.

Name Alexey for a child

Usually a calm, balanced woman chooses this name for her child. Aleksey has been attached to his mother since childhood, often adopts her habits, and remains attached to both parents all his life. We often depend on them psychologically. Since childhood, Alyosha considers himself a protector of his mother, guardian and friend. With age, he takes under the protection of other persons of the opposite sex. He does not strive for leadership, but is always in the center of attention of friends. It is hard to endure injustice, both in relation to itself and to others, it will defend the rightness and stand up for the unjustly offended to the last. Therefore, he is often a participant in showdowns among peers, he can be considered the instigator of fights. This is especially true for Alekseevs born in winter and autumn.

Alyosha, born in summer and spring, have a softer character, need the support of relatives and friends, encouragement, praise. They are more diplomatic, able to defend their case with words, tactful. They are fond of fantasy and adventure, dreamers.

Everyone knows Lyokha and Alyosha, but do you want to know what they have in common? In this article we will consider the name Alexei: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of its owner.

Those close to Alexei can always rely on him, because for them he is the main protector from all troubles.

The name has existed since Kievan Rus, then it sounded like Oles, Leksey, Ales.

The name Alexei comes from the ancient Greek language.

The word "Alexios" is translated as "Defender", and this is very symbolic, because Alexei always becomes support and support for relatives and friends.

I immediately remember the mighty, but kind fairy-tale hero Alyosha Popovich.

The old Russian version of the name - Alexy - became popular a hundred years ago after the baptism of the second tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Alexei Mikhailovich, and today after Patriarch Alexy II.

Description of personality

Alexei has many positive qualities. Here are the main ones:

  • Among its advantages, the main thing is reliability. He becomes a protector at an early age;
  • He has a keen sense of justice;
  • He is balanced and practical;
  • It is accompanied by harmony and peace. He does not accept any form of hostility and often acts as a peacemaker. Although there are exceptions, if it is necessary to fight for justice, then he will do it willingly.
  • He is friendly, calm and easily wins the love of others;
  • Cheerfulness allows him to easily join any team.

Alexey is self-confident, prefers to act as he sees fit, does not follow the crowd. If necessary, stay away.

At first glance, many consider him soft and try to expose him to their influence, but in such cases he is unapproachable and prefers to act according to his own principles. Although individuals with a very strong character are able to influence him.

Negative Traits

At the same time, he may indeed be characterized by excessive softness, sometimes reaching the point of weakness. Here, upbringing and the atmosphere that reigns in the family play a huge role.

Absent-mindedness and lack of ambition at times prevent Alexei from fulfilling himself, despite the fact that he has a huge inner potential. When deprived of attention, it is important for him to win it at all costs, which often ends in failure.

Diligence is inherent in him, and he tries to achieve perfection in all matters. Hardworking, and performs any work conscientiously. Unfortunately, laziness is also inherent in him, succumbing to the influence of which he literally transforms, and not at all for the better.


Alekseys are excellent interlocutors who are able to listen at any time. You can always find support, sympathy and understanding from them.


He will be solid in any profession, and with this approach he will always be able to become one of the best in his field.

The bearers of this name have a developed intuition and are good in creative professions.

Diligence and thoroughness makes Alexey an excellent candidate for success in the world of business, as well as medicine. The desire to always seek justice will make him a good lawyer, judge and even a politician.

Routine work is not for Alexei. His intelligence and creativity will allow him to succeed in other areas. His commitment to excellence will come in handy in the sport.

Name bearers have developed intuition and are good in creative professions. The ideal job should be exciting and promising career development. If the work becomes uninteresting, he can easily change the field of activity.

Bearers of the name are often victimized by people with bad intentions, and they do not like to refuse people if they are asked for something. Therefore, they should avoid speculators, and in general, activities associated with risks.

Alexei does not seek to take leadership positions, although he often finds himself there thanks to his diligence, responsibility and ability to find a common language with everyone. In this case, he becomes a great boss, able to perfectly organize the work of his entire team. Colleagues are proud of Alexey's achievements, look up to him, constantly cite him as an example, everyone respects him.

Relationships and family

From a young age, Alexey is in search of true love and affection. His chosen one will be a neat and tidy woman, and able to create family comfort, because he appreciates these qualities the most.

He always supports his wife if she has strife with others. In general, in serious matters, he prefers to do what he thinks is right. But in small things, he is ready to yield to his wife. He does not like to do household chores, but if his wife asks for something, she readily fulfills her request.

Not prone to jealousy, but betrayal does not forgive. Alexey is calm and caring, which makes him an excellent husband and father. He does not forget about his parents, to whom he is strongly attached, and this feeling remains with him until old age. Always takes care of his family. This is especially true for children, who may even feel that their father is too protective of them. For the material well-being of his wife and children, he will do everything in his power.

Falls in love for the first time quite late, considering such feelings too small compared to what happens in other areas of his life. But he will not miss true love. Having met his only one, he will not even think to look at someone else.

It is hard to experience failures on the love front. For those who agree to be with Alexei, he brings only happiness. He is always faithful to his wife, and expects the same from her. Honesty and mutual understanding are extremely important to him. Perhaps he will not divorce his wife if she cheats on him, for example, for the sake of children. However, from that moment on, family life will no longer bring him happiness.

Career, business and money

Alexey is a creative person who should devote time to art. He will make a good actor, writer, director, musician. He is distinguished by calmness, perseverance and thoughtfulness, which is useful in business and medicine. He does not crave power, but if she nevertheless comes to him, he tries to create the most suitable conditions for the effective work of the team.

He earns respect from all employees who praise him for his desire for justice. Alyosha easily joins the team, honors decency. Will not tolerate strong pressure from superiors. A diligent and patient person, Alexey can clearly plan the work process.

He is pedantic, so that the entire work schedule is thought out by him to the smallest detail. Alexei is advised to avoid unscrupulous people and various risky enterprises. This man is able to achieve material wealth, using intellectual capabilities.

Marriage and family

Alexey's wife is a devoted woman, from whom he expects support in difficult times, therefore he tries to choose one that will be calm, balanced and caring. He appreciates neatness and tidiness, he may be disappointed in his wife if she turns out to be sloppy.

His wife should take into account the fact that it is desirable to please the mother-in-law, otherwise family life will be greatly complicated. There are pluses in creating a family with Alexei - this man is one of those who will always support his wife, even if she turns out to be wrong. There is a nuance here: a wife with leadership qualities is able to subdue the head of the family, turning him into a henpecked.

Aleksey is one of those people who value family very much, so he will try to get away from the conflict by any means, will make concessions in all matters, except for fundamental ones, where it will not be possible to convince him. Alyosha treats his wife and children with love and respect. If the wife turns out to be sensitive enough, peace and tranquility will reign in the family. Hardworking, generous and compliant Alexei can live a harmonious life. family life where there is not even a shadow of conflict.

Sex and love

Amorousness comes to Alexei late, but if he meets the one that is needed, he can stay with her forever. Such a man is a typical monogamous, so he seeks to select the chosen one carefully. Most of all, she appreciates sincerity and sincerity in a friend.

He attaches great importance to thrift, accuracy and fidelity. Change will not be forgiven. It is important for him to feel love, otherwise the relationship will fall apart. Over time, Alexei becomes sexually liberated, often preferring more experienced partners. Sensual and passionate, such a man strives for long-term relationships, avoiding the frequent change of girlfriends.


As a child, Alexey does not have good health, he can often catch colds, but over time these problems outgrow. We recommend that you monitor the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, eat a balanced diet, try to healthy lifestyle life.

When he is small, he may suffer from speech defects, but if properly approached educational process, Alexey will be able to forget about it, starting to speak clearly and correctly.

Interests and hobbies

Alexey is fond of outdoor activities. He's ready to get out of town, ride in winter period skiing, cycling in summer.

This is the person who carries a tent with him, enjoys spending time in nature, and picks berries and mushrooms in autumn and spring. It can turn out from Alexei and a great hunter.
