How to dry parsley root at home. Dried parsley: what properties does it have and how to dry greens? How to dry herbs in the oven

Greens from greenhouses are almost devoid of vitamins and microelements, since they grew under artificial lighting and not in open ground but on special substrates. But it is "rich" in nitrates and other chemicals, which are generously used by manufacturers to increase yields.

Unlike the greenhouse Properly harvested garden parsley preserves healing properties all winter and is not capable of harming the body.

Ways to store fresh parsley in season

Even in the season, not each of us has the opportunity to collect fresh parsley in the garden every day. Greens brought from the dacha or bought on the market have to be stored long time. So that she won't lose nutritional value, has not withered or deteriorated, it is necessary to avoid:

  • bright sunlight, from which spicy herbs turn yellow and lose vitamins;
  • excess moisture leading to rotting of the product;
  • excessive loss of water by leaves;
  • oxygen access, causing oxidative processes (the appearance of brown spots, withered appearance of greenery).

There are several simple and effective ways keep parsley fresh:

A month is a long time when it comes to storing such a delicate product as fresh herbs, but this is not enough for winter harvesting. Nevertheless, I want to save “a piece of summer” for cold days.

Next, we will tell you how best to keep parsley fresh for the winter so as not to deprive yourself and your loved ones of vitamin seasoning.

Freezing spicy greens for the winter

This method allows you to maximize the original taste, appearance and nutritional value of parsley. After defrosting, whole sprigs can be used to decorate ready-made dishes, and chopped greens can be put in salads, meat, fish and first courses.

parsley, like other herbs, does not tolerate repeated exposure to low temperatures. It needs to be frozen in small portions, "once", even if we are talking about a bunch.

"Everything in a bunch"

Indeed, whole sprigs of parsley are stored well, and frozen simply, and are versatile in use.

Pre-fresh greens are washed, freed from debris and too long stems with roots are cut off.

Parsley can be soaked for 15 - 20 minutes in a basin of salt water. So it will be cleansed of nitrates and pathogens. Then the grass is washed under the tap.

Wet greens are dried with a paper towel, laid out on a dry surface and kept for some time, turning regularly so that excess moisture evaporates. In this case, the branches should not fade.

Storing parsley finely chopped

Having prepared the greens as in the previous recipe, they are chopped with a knife, put in a container and frozen.

The scattering must be dry so that it does not stick together at a low temperature into a little appetizing lump. For the same reason, it is not recommended to grind it in a combine - instead of neat pieces, you get "porridge" with big amount unwanted juice.

Chopped parsley is great for sprinkling over prepared dishes.

green ice cubes

For dressing soups, parsley frozen in cubes is often taken.

It is not difficult to prepare these semi-finished products: a few pinches of greens are placed in special molds, poured with water and sent to the freezer.

It is enough to throw an ice cube into the boiling soup so that the parsley immediately thaws, giving the first course its unique flavor.

Instead of water, you can take oil: melted butter, olive or sunflower. Subsequently, briquettes with fat are thrown into a pan and used to fry vegetables or meat.

Freezing parsley in cling film

Portion freezing is convenient when the hostess does not need a large amount of parsley at a time.

Prepared whole branches are tightly wrapped in cling film and rewound with a thread. Well suited for fixing and bank gum.

As necessary, part of the film is turned away, cut off right amount parsley, and the rest is repackaged.

In the garden

The method is suitable for those who live in their home and grow greens in the garden.

Part of parsley can be left in the fall in the garden, marking the place of its growth with pegs. It will be sprinkled with snow, in this form the parsley will go to winter.

When you cook soup or stew meat, just go out into the garden. Dig up the snow and pluck a few sprigs of frozen greens. Do not forget to sprinkle the bed with snow again.

This method is a little risky, as there are winters without snow, there are thaws. However, you can always keep your finger on the pulse and in case of force majeure you will have time to send the greens to the freezer.

Dried parsley is a worthy alternative to freezing

If for some reason it is not possible to store greens in the freezer, it should be dried. The seasoning processed in this way is compact in storage, and also contains almost all the vitamins and mineral salts that fresh parsley is rich in.
You can dry herbs in the following ways:

  • on open air;
  • in the oven;
  • in the microwave;
  • in the dryer for vegetables and fruits.

Outdoor drying

With natural dehydration, parsley with dense leaves is cleaned of rotten parts and foreign matter, thoroughly washed and dried with paper towels.

During drying, the grass is protected from direct sunlight, which destroys chlorophyll. Chopped parsley should be turned regularly and the bunches raked to avoid mold or rot.

The drying process takes up to 7 days.

Drying in the oven

Much faster though Part useful substances breaks down at high temperatures.

The leaves, peeled from the stems, are scattered on a baking sheet covered with parchment and sent to the oven, heated to 45 - 50ºС. The door does not need to be closed to allow moisture to escape. Periodically, the leaves move, otherwise they may burn.

How to store dried parsley at home

Well-dried leaves are easily separated from the stems and crumble when squeezed. The resulting seasoning is poured into glass jars with tight-fitting lids or foil-wrapped paper bags from the inside.

It is better to store parsley in a dry, dark place. away from stoves or heating appliances. She doesn't lose her taste beneficial features within 2 years.

Fresh parsley preparations

Freezing is not the only way to store garden greens at low temperatures.

Parsley drenched in vegetable oil

The leaves are washed and finely cut, and then poured into glass jars, lightly tamping the mass. Then the container is gradually filled with refined vegetable oil, making sure that no air bubbles form.


The parsley should be covered at least 1 cm to prevent mold.

The oil is poured in portions - then it fills the gaps between the greens as much as possible.

Banks are closed with polyethylene, and even better with vacuum lids and stored either in the cellar or in the refrigerator at + 7ºС.


Parsley is chopped and placed in pre-sterilized jars, sprinkled with layers of coarse salt.

Greens and preservative are taken in a ratio of 5: 1, respectively.

Salted parsley is stored similarly to vegetable oil.

Used as a dressing for soups and second courses.

Parsley in marinade

Recipe #1

  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley;
  • ½ l of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. coarse salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 2 - 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  1. Cut the washed and thoroughly dried parsley.
  2. At the bottom of sterilized jars we put garlic and bay leaf. Densely fill the containers with herbs and pour hot brine.
  3. For the marinade, mix water with salt and sugar, bring to a boil, pour in vinegar and immediately remove from heat.
  4. Filled cans are sterilized for 15 minutes at a temperature of 90 - 95ºС.
  5. Roll up, wrap warmly and set to cool.

Ready preservation can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 months.

Recipe #2

  • bunch of parsley;
  • 1 st. l. with a top of coarse salt;
  • 1 l. water.
  1. We fill the sterilized jars with herbs as in the previous recipe. Fill the leaves with saline, heated to 80ºС and leave to ferment for 2 - 3 days. Do not forget to remove the foam from time to time.
  2. We seal the jars with plastic lids and store them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator at a positive temperature.

Jars with greens can be sterilized immediately, as described above, and rolled up. For taste, celery and dill are added to the parsley.

Such a preparation is stored for 3 - 4 months.

Summing up

In order for parsley preparations for the winter to be well stored and bring maximum benefit, it is important to follow three rules:

  1. Greens must be clean and dry.
  2. You need to use only leaves without thick parts of the stem.
  3. Freezing is done in batches.
  4. Vacuum packing promotes longer storage of spicy herbs.

Cook for yourself and loved ones with love, and you will save the most valuable thing - health.

Useful video

Another original way: freeze greens in a plastic bottle.

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In summer, few people think about the fact that in winter parsley will cost, though not worth its weight in gold, but much more.

Well, those who care about the safety of parsley for the future, most often dry it. Indeed, in winter, this fragrant and healthy spicy greens will not only enrich any dish with vitamins, but also improve its taste.

How to prepare parsley for drying

For drying, parsley with tender leaves and non-roughened stems is suitable.

If greens are bought on the market, they should not be wilted, yellowed, with rotten stems.

Parsley that has stood in water is not suitable for drying (many sellers do this to give the greens a marketable appearance). Such greens are highly saturated with water and therefore will not dry well.

If parsley grows in your own garden, then it is harvested in dry weather, as such parsley will be easier to dry.

Parsley stalks are sorted out, wilted and yellowed leaves are removed. Slightly cut off the lower part of the branches.

The greens are thoroughly washed in cold water: first in a bowl and then under running water.

Spread the parsley on a cotton towel so that it dries well from the water. To speed up the process, the greens on top are blotted with a paper towel.

How to dry parsley in bunches

Dried parsley sprigs are connected in several pieces and make small loose “bouquets”, tying them with a thread or intercepting with an elastic band. They are hung upside down by a stretched rope in a draft, but avoiding direct sunlight.

Although greens dry faster in the sun and some often use this, it is better not to use this method. Firstly, the sun's rays destroy chlorophyll, and from this the dried leaves become yellowish color. And secondly, due to drying in the sun, essential oils disappear, for which this greenery is valued.

Parsley dries in the fresh air from two to seven days. It all depends on weather conditions, room temperature, and air humidity.

When the leaves are completely dry and break easily when pressed, drying can be completed.

The bundles are removed from the rope and threshed, that is, they are freed from the stems.

Then the leaves are crushed. For better preservation of raw materials, they can be additionally dried by spreading out on a baking sheet or tray.

Dry parsley is poured into a glass jar with a lid and cleaned in a dry, dark, cool place.

The shelf life of parsley is 1 year.

How to dry parsley in the oven

If weather conditions do not allow air drying parsley, it can be dried in the oven.

To dry parsley faster, it is best to dry it without stems. Therefore, all the leaves are cut off from the prepared parsley. The baking sheet is covered with parchment. A thin layer of greens is laid out on it.

The greens are placed in an oven heated to 45-50 °, and dried with the door ajar so that the greens do not get steamed.
The parsley is periodically stirred to dry evenly.

Drying time can take up to several hours, but it is impossible to speed up the process so that the raw material does not burn and turn brown.

Parsley can also be dried chopped.

To do this, parsley is chopped together with thin stems, laid out in one layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and put in the oven. Dry also at a temperature of 45-50 °.

Well-dried raw materials crumble easily.

The color of properly dried parsley is green. The smell is spicy, the taste with a slight bitterness.

Recipe for the occasion::

Chopped parsley is stored in glass jars with a screw cap to keep the flavor from escaping. Store in a dry, well-ventilated area.

How to dry root parsley

Along with parsley, root parsley can also be dried.

It is dug up in the same way as carrots.

Cooking is unthinkable without herbs. But the preservation of fresh herbs without special treatment for many months is impossible. That's why you have to look for workarounds.

How to do everything right?

Drying parsley at home is quite possible and even in a short time. But we must try to do everything carefully. With a careful approach, you can save both the green part and the roots for several months. Mandatory need:

  • prepare raw materials as carefully as possible;
  • prepare clean dishes;
  • wash the greens under the tap, but so that later there are no drops of water on it;
  • cut off all coarsened fragments.

The roots are cleaned with a stiff brush. Wipe them by hand or dry them additionally - there is no fundamental difference. Dried raw materials are most often crushed. Then the subsequent processing will be much easier and better. When receiving dried parsley after preparation, you must carefully follow the basic requirements.

Cooking dried herbs and more

Cutting is done randomly. After laying out on a baking sheet on top of parchment, the product is placed in a slightly ajar oven at the lowest heat.

Parsley should not be heated to more than 50 degrees. This will not speed up the process, but will reduce the benefits of the finished product.

Processing lasts several hours, the state of parsley must be carefully monitored all this time and, if necessary, turned over.

When selecting the original raw materials, damaged and yellowed parts should be ruthlessly discarded. Excessively thickened branches are also removed. Drying involves the selection of mainly fresh young foliage. Preparation of store parsley should include not just washing, but also aging in a weak solution table salt. In the absence of an oven, you can use a microwave or a specialized electric dryer.

It is not necessary to dry the parsley itself. Its combination with other herbs can be just as attractive. Here you already need to be guided by your own taste and gastronomic compatibility.

But during subsequent storage, heterogeneous separately dried herbs should be separated. The best way to do this is glass jars with tight-fitting lids, always signed on the outside.

Basic properties

Everyone can dry parsley correctly, but the question arises - is it worth it, what is the potential benefit of such a product. The answer will be unconditionally positive, even if we start only from the culinary aspect. Dried parsley enters harmoniously into stews, first courses, and meat dishes. As for the effect on the body, one cannot ignore:

  • vision support;
  • help in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased skin tone;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reducing the threat of inflammatory disorders.

Dried parsley contains a daily portion of ascorbic acid for every 50 g. At the same time, it contains a high concentration of vitamins A, B. Of the main mineral components, it is worth mentioning potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium, and copper. What is not less important, useful features when dried, they are not lost at all. This also applies to the antibacterial capabilities of the plant.

Parsley is recommended to stabilize bowel activity and stimulate appetite. It helps to restore strength and improves metabolism. The benefits of parsley are noted for overcoming anorexia and depressive states, for combating gastritis and stomach ulcers. The plant copes well with cosmetic disorders and inflammation of the gums; regulation of the balance of glucose in the blood is ensured by inulin, which is present in the root parsley, and the circulation of oxygen also improves.

How to use dried parsley?

To get the maximum benefit, you need to approach the product competently from a culinary point of view. The European tradition implies the active use of dried parsley as a semi-finished product or an integral part of other semi-finished products. This use is due to the bright taste and aroma. But the situation is changing, and more and more people are using this preparation as a component of various dishes, with the exception of the sweet table.

Parsley effectively replaces fresh herbs in the first courses, and in the second - from meat and vegetables. Cooks note that the dried mass can become the main component of seasonings for fish. Parsley is also good for flavor enhancement:

  • soup dressings;
  • gravy;
  • sour cream and other sauces;
  • cottage cheese, cheeses and meatballs.

Experiments on adding grass to pies and dumplings also gave positive result. It is possible to improve not only the taste, but also the aroma, and even the appearance of the dishes. Incorporating dried parsley into salads helps to spice them up and increase their vitamin content. The benefits are also noted when canning vegetables. We must not forget that after drying, the aroma increases dramatically, therefore, grass should be introduced in smaller quantities than fresh. But thanks to this property, the plant is able to reduce halitosis.

To fight diseases, a decoction of dried parsley is used. It should be noted that, in addition to the above-mentioned useful substances, it contains vitamins P, PP, K, as well as choline and beta-carotene, pectins.

But it is worth remembering that under the influence of parsley, inflammation of the kidneys, cystitis can increase, and the threat of miscarriage during pregnancy is also possible.

At the beginning of the use of dried parsley, if it has never been used before, it is necessary to manage with the smallest dose and carefully monitor whether there are signs of intolerance, allergies. By controlling contraindications and using fragrant herbs moderately, negative manifestations can be almost completely eliminated.

How to dry parsley can be seen in the following video.

Parsley is a well-known culinary herb used in various dishes. It improves the taste of dishes and gives them a special aroma.

Parsley contains: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, folic acid and vitamins: A, C, PP, B1, B2. Drying and freezing are common ways to preserve nutrients. The easiest and most practical way is drying. In addition, dried herbs do not take up much space.

There are two ways to dry parsley: in the fresh air or with the help of equipment: electric dryers, ovens, microwaves and convection ovens. Each hostess chooses the drying method that is more convenient for her.

The longest drying method is air drying. Depending on the weather and how the herb is cut (finely or coarsely), dry parsley can take anywhere from 5 days to two weeks to cook. When using the technique, the drying time is significantly reduced and can take from 20 minutes to two hours.

It is more convenient for me to dry parsley in the oven, so I suggest you consider this option for harvesting greens.

Let's prepare the main ingredient of the recipe - parsley. It is better to cut it in dry weather.

We sort out cut greens, removing yellowed or sluggish twigs. We shorten the stem and wash the parsley well in cool water. Then shake off excess moisture, lay out a thin layer on paper towels and let dry. To speed up the drying process, parsley can be blotted with a towel.

Separate the leaves from the stem and grind them to dry faster. If desired, you can chop the stems of the plant, but I do not do this.

We cover the baking sheet with baking paper and distribute the chopped greens on it with a thin layer.

We place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 40-50 degrees. We leave the oven door slightly open so that the parsley does not steam. We dry the greens for one and a half to two hours (focus on your oven), stirring the contents of the baking sheet from time to time. My parsley dried out in 2 hours.

The readiness of parsley is very easy to determine by touch. To do this, we take a little greenery from the baking sheet in our hand and squeeze it, the quality dried parsley will crumble.

Dried parsley is ready, pour it into a glass jar, close it with a tight lid and put it away for storage in a dry, dark place.

The roots of parsley and celery were washed, peeled, cut into pieces. With the help of a meat grinder and a “grater” attachment, they ground it. We laid out the grated vegetables on mesh pallets nested in trays. The drying process lasted 10 hours.

From 1 kg of parsley roots, 215 grams of dried grams were obtained.
Drying out 4 times.

Dried parsley roots are especially rich in vitamin C and carotene. They have anti-inflammatory properties bone tissues, increase immunity.

Dried parsley roots have a sweetish taste. They give a pleasant taste to stewed meat and boiled fish. Also added to soups and borscht.


Garden parsley is herbaceous plant and everyone's favorite spice that ordinary people and chefs add to dishes to give an exquisite taste.

A bit of history

The plant belongs to the umbrella family, and is considered a native of the Mediterranean countries. Parsley is divided into several varieties and into two main groups - root and leaf. In this article, attention is focused on the root parsley group, in which nutrients are located in the roots. As a rule, the whole plant is added to food, but it is the root that lends itself to drying better than other parts and can retain a spicy aroma for a long time.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to add parsley root to soups. It gives a unique taste to salads, fish and meat dishes, making them visually attractive or even more appetizing. Root powder is included in many complex spices.

Since ancient times, parsley has been used by the people to treat abscesses, bruises and bruises, to get rid of freckles, and insect bites. In addition, dried parsley root helps to get rid of bad breath from the mouth. To do this, it is enough to chew it a little.

The benefits and properties of parsley root

The value of the root lies in its nutritional and medicinal qualities. It contains many essential oils, giving the root an unusual taste and aroma, which cause an improvement in appetite and normalize digestion. Medicinal roots also contain a lot of potassium - more than 300 mg for every 100 g of the plant, essential oils. This composition causes a diuretic effect, which makes it possible to alleviate the condition with gout, with stones in the kidneys and urinary canals.

The systematic use of parsley root in in large numbers creates an antibacterial effect in the event of inflammation in the kidneys - pyelonephritis. Due to this, plants are actively used and recommended by physicians for the treatment of other pathological conditions.

The root of the plant is a supplier of the following beneficial substances to the human body:

Ascorbic acid;
.vitamins of group B;
.vitamin E;
.folic acid.

For 10 grams of the plant, there are two daily requirements for vitamin C for adults. In terms of iron concentration, parsley root is one of the leading vegetables among other vegetables.

Harvesting parsley root for the winter

Useful roots are best harvested in the morning, after the dew has evaporated, in order to prevent wilting. To collect, you will need to grab the leaves and stems together, and then cut them with a sharp knife. If it is not possible to grow a plant at home, you can buy it in a store, and only then dry it for future use.
Harvesting parsley root is recommended to be carried out in several stages:

1. When preparing parsley for drying and subsequent storage, it must be thoroughly washed and checked for insect damage.

2. Parsley roots are cut into thin plates and placed in special dryers or in ovens. The Izidri electric dryer for vegetables and fruits will be an ideal assistant in this matter.

1. Parsley should be used to improve vision and compensate for the lack of vitamin A in the body. With regular use, the condition of the oral cavity also improves markedly.

2. A decoction from the root relieves bloating, helps to remove sand from the kidneys, alleviate the course of diseases of the genitourinary organs and help overcome impotence.

3. Even if the child's digestive process is disturbed, parsley root will come to the rescue. To alleviate the condition, you will need 500 ml of boiling water, pour one tablespoon of chopped root and insist the mixture in a thermos for three hours, strain and give several times a day for a teaspoon.

4. The medicinal root is excellent for scarlet fever, measles, reducing the temperature, which rises sharply when rashes appear on the skin.

5. A decoction of the dried root can be used for spasms in the kidney area or for urolithiasis, for malfunctions in the menstrual cycle in women and for an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Also, the properties of parsley are actively used in uterine bleeding and to relieve pain during menstruation.

6. Saturated decoctions of the root are used in cosmetology according to different recipes. In the composition with lemon juice, it helps to eliminate freckles, get rid of any other pigmentation. To do this, the face must be lubricated with infusion all day and before going to bed. Parsley perfectly whitens the skin and prevents the radiation effects of sunlight on the skin and its aging.

What can be cooked with parsley root?

Parsley has not only medicinal leaves, but, as already mentioned, a fleshy white root. It becomes an excellent dressing for soups, various dishes and sauces.

Parsley root in cooking complements a variety of salads, sauces and marinades. You can also pickle the plant or try baking it in the oven, add it to dishes with stewed fish or meat.

Plants are often added to soups, borscht or cabbage soup, stuffing for cabbage rolls. The root goes well with potatoes and other vegetables. Parsley root is often put into pasta or risotto. Here are some examples of original and delicious recipes:

Dried parsley root is a wonderful seasoning that takes up little space in the kitchen and will help you prepare dishes that are unusually tasty and healthy.
