Why and how does a rainbow appear? What natural phenomenon underlies the rainbow? Why is the rainbow multicolored? Do rainbows exist in winter? What is a rainbow? Rainbow in nature why.


As Newton established, a white light beam is obtained as a result of the interaction of rays of different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Each color is characterized by a specific wavelength and vibration frequency. At the boundary of transparent media, the speed and length of light waves change, the oscillation frequency remains the same. Each color has its own refractive index. The red beam deviates the least from the previous direction, orange a little more, then yellow, etc. The violet ray has the highest refractive index. If a glass prism is installed in the path of a light beam, then it will not only deviate, but also break up into several rays of different colors.

And now . In nature, the role of a glass prism is played by raindrops that the sun's rays collide with when passing through the atmosphere. Since the density of water is greater, the light beam at the boundary of two media is refracted and decomposed into components. Further, the color rays move already inside the drop until they collide with its opposite wall, which is also the boundary of two media, and, moreover, has mirror properties. Most of the light flux after the secondary refraction will continue to move in the air behind the raindrops. Some part of it will be reflected from the rear wall of the drop and will be released into the air after secondary refraction on its front surface.

This process occurs simultaneously in many drops. To see a rainbow, the observer must stand with his back to the Sun and face the wall of rain. Spectral rays emerge from raindrops at different angles. Only one ray enters the observer's eye from each drop. Rays emerging from neighboring drops merge, forming an arc. Thus, from the uppermost drops, rays of red color enter the eye of the observer, from those below - orange, and so on. Violet rays are the strongest. The purple stripe will be the bottom. A rainbow in shape can be seen when the Sun is at an angle of no more than 42° relative to the horizon. The higher the Sun rises, the smaller the size of the rainbow.

In fact, the described process is somewhat more complicated. The light beam inside the drop is reflected multiple times. In this case, not one color arc can be observed, but two - a rainbow of the first and second order. The outer arc of the first-order rainbow is colored red, the inner arc purple. In a second-order rainbow, the opposite is true. It usually looks much paler than the first, since the intensity of the light flux decreases with multiple reflections.

Much less often, three, four and even five colored arcs can be observed in the sky at the same time. This was observed, for example, by residents of Leningrad in September 1948. This is because rainbows can also occur in reflected sunlight. Such multiple color arcs can be observed over a vast body of water. In this case, the reflected rays go from bottom to top,

If you don’t know why a rainbow appears, then read the article. Learn more about this natural phenomenon here.

Almost everyone at least once in his life, but saw a beautiful phenomenon between heaven and earth - a rainbow. There is something about this phenomenon that evokes a feeling of delight. Seeing a rainbow, no one can take their eyes off it. People try to show this spectacle to their friends who are next to them at this moment. In the old days, the ancient Slavs considered such a phenomenon to be a sign of God, which portends good news and good luck in business. And no wonder, because the rainbow, as it appears out of nowhere, disappears into nowhere.

What is a rainbow, what does it look like?

A rainbow is a curved arc of multicolored rays. Sometimes it is visible in the form of a semicircle. Interestingly, it is formed from moisture droplets in the air due to the sun's rays. In this case, the sun should illuminate these drops. To do this, it must be low above the horizon. And a person, in order to see the masterpiece of nature, must stand in front of the rain and back to the natural source of light.

Why and how does a rainbow appear, what natural phenomenon underlies the rainbow?

A rainbow appears due to dispersion - the refraction of the sun's rays at different angles, which gives a different color tone to these rays. There is another phenomenon - the winter halo of the sun. From a scientific point of view, such a phenomenon of nature is called a halo. It usually manifests itself when the street is high humidity, a big frost, the sun. This doesn't happen very often. But the halo around the bright winter sun is seen much more often than a rainbow.

The increased humidity in the atmosphere in winter provokes the formation of small ice crystals, the sun's rays, illuminating them, are refracted. The process produces an eagle with a reddish tinge. If you're lucky, you'll be able to watch the winter glow from all the shades and colors of the rainbow. It is a pity that this phenomenon does not occur very often.

A rainbow can appear at an altitude of almost six kilometers. Cirrus clouds play an important role in the refraction of the sun's rays. They are also the barrier of refraction.

A halo differs from a rainbow in that:

  • It can be seen around the sun, and the rainbow is seen in the space between heaven and earth.
  • The color hues of the rainbow are typically made up of seven colors, with the halo having a reddish tint and an orange color.
  • A rainbow is an arc, and a halo is a circle.

Rainbow and Rain: Relationship

Without high humidity, there will be no rainbow. Therefore, rain is a harbinger of the phenomenon of dispersion in the air. Well, as mentioned earlier, a light source is required.

Interestingly, a rainbow forms near waterfalls or in sunny weather near lakes, rivers and other bodies of water.

It has different width, brightness. Much depends on the size of the drops through which the ray of the sun passes. The larger the drop, the more pronounced the rainbow in the sky, and its width is less. A correspondingly wider and less bright rainbow is formed by a dispersion of small droplets.

IMPORTANT: Due to the illumination of billions of drops in the air by the sun's rays, a person can see a multi-colored arc or even two arcs that play with different shades of tones.

Why is the rainbow multicolored?

The rays of the sun have White color. When they pass through the water droplets, the rays are refracted and different colors are produced. Why? Because the drop is not even and the rays are refracted at different angles, giving different shades.

What are the colors of the rainbow: the names and sequence of colors in the correct order

How a rainbow appears has already been clarified. You know from a physics course that a rainbow is made up of many shades of colors. The refracted rays do not have clear boundaries, they gradually move from one color to another, forming intermediate tones. That's just the human eye is not given to distinguish the whole variety of colors.

The shortest rays are displayed to a person in red, orange, and the long rays are blue, purple.

Rainbow (double) in the evening

Despite the many shades in the rainbow, a person can only notice seven of them. To make it easier to remember them, they came up with a funny verse, where each color corresponds to the initial letter of the word.

  • TO red - To every
  • ABOUT range - O hotnik
  • AND yellow - and does
  • W green - h nat
  • G blue - G de
  • WITH blue - With goes
  • F purple - f azan

IMPORTANT: Whatever the rainbow, the colors are always formed in the order described above.

How to look at a rainbow to see the rainbow clearly?

Probably everyone noticed that one person sees a rainbow, while the other does not. Much depends on where it is in relation to the multi-colored arc. The individual should stand with their back to the sun, and the brightest arc can be seen by standing at an appropriate angle to the refracted rays of the rainbow. The optimal angle is 42 degrees.

At what time of the day can you not see a rainbow?

The phenomenon of refraction of the rays of the sun through drops of liquid in nature can be seen at any time of the day, except at night. And when the street is dark, another glow appears and it is called differently - a halo. It looks like a halo around the moon.

IMPORTANT: At sunset, the rainbow is especially bright with a reddish tinge. Such a spectacle both fascinates and scares people a little.

Do rainbows exist in winter?

In winter, the rainbow is highlighted in pale colors. It can be seen only when the sun is in the sky, that is, in the morning, afternoon and evening time shone before sunset. A rainbow appears in frost very rarely. That is why many argue that it does not exist in winter. Despite such statements, it still happens in cold weather.

Video: What is a rainbow?

One of the most amazing events inanimate nature- it's a rainbow. She always surprised and amazed with her beauty. Scientists have long speculated about this mysterious effect. As everyone knows, a rainbow in nature accompanies rain, as if accompanying it. Its appearance depends on how the cloud that brought the precipitation moves. It occurs before the rain, during it or when it has already ended.

What it is?

This is a colored arc with an angular radius of 42°, it can be seen against the background of rain. It is found in that side of the sky, which is opposite to the sun. This is despite the fact that the sun is not covered by clouds. Very often, such conditions are created in the hot season, that is, in summer, when it rains mushrooms. The center of the rainbow is the anti-solar point, diametrically opposed to the Sun. Even small children know that there are seven colors in the rainbow. And also it can be seen near fountains and waterfalls. She appears against the background of drops.

Where does this mysterious multi-colored light come from? A rainbow in nature is sunlight broken into pieces, it is its source. It moves in such a way that it appears to us as emanating from that part of the sky which is opposite to the Sun. Features of the rainbow explains the theory of Descartes-Newton. It was created over three hundred years ago.

The object that decomposes a beam of light into its particles is called a prism. If we are talking about the appearance of a rainbow, then drops of rain or water help her. Since they play the role of the same prism. A rainbow in nature is a huge spectrum or band of multi-colored lines that formed as a result of decomposing when they passed through raindrops.


The shades are arranged in a strict order. It looks, for example, like this: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting." Very easy to remember. The first letter in each word corresponds to the name of the color on the rainbow itself:

  • Red.
  • Orange.
  • Yellow.
  • Green.
  • Blue.
  • Blue.
  • Violet.

A rainbow in nature appears at a time when the Sun shines along with a stream of rain. To see this magnificent phenomenon, you must be between the heavenly body and, of course, precipitation. Only the Sun should be behind, and the downpour - in front.

Rainbow as a natural phenomenon

This arc shining with various colors has always been of interest to primitive peoples. They came up with different stories and fables. For example, the fact that a rainbow opens over the planet, and birds from paradise and the soul rest on it. And the Slavs have long believed that the rainbow, as it were, drinks water from lakes, seas and rivers, like a snake, lowering its sting, picking up water and letting it rain. There is a strange belief that an evil witch will one day steal the heavenly arc, and a drought will come on the planet that will destroy all life.

Each country has its own beliefs that tell about national heroes. For example, the Arabs believed that the rainbow is the bow of the god Kuzah. And after a hard battle with the dark forces that did not want the Sun to shine in the sky, he hung his weapon on the clouds. Or that a rainbow is a line between earth and sky. And the souls that lived in the height descend on it, visiting our planet. Croats believe that God teaches women to match colors correctly with the help of the rainbow, as it contains seven

A small conclusion

A rainbow is a natural phenomenon that amazes with its beauty. For many peoples, she personified a symbol of great success, especially if you were lucky enough to see her double. And if you managed to drive under it or pass, then luck will follow you everywhere! And children are very happy when they see nature, so colorful and mystical, inventing their own stories and wonderful good tales. And most importantly - unconditionally believe in them and share with others.

Rainbow is one of the most magical and beautiful phenomena that we can observe in nature. When we were children, she mesmerized us with her miraculous appearance literally from nowhere and bright colors. It is so mysterious, but science has studied this phenomenon well enough. If you want to tell your kids all about the rainbow, you must read this article.

What is a rainbow?

A rainbow is a special phenomenon that occurs in nature when it is rainy on one side and sunny on the other. It consists of an arc that forms seven colors in the sky, namely, violet, green, blue, orange, yellow, indigo and red.

Remember the saying: "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits"? Each word of this phrase begins with a letter denoting one of the colors. Learn it with your children, they will be very interested. So, when sunlight, refracting, passes through the smallest raindrops, a rainbow appears.

What is the mechanism of this phenomenon?

The simple explanation for the appearance of a rainbow in the sky is that we usually see sunlight. White light that hits our planet from a huge star solar system- in fact, after which the system is named. Of course it's the sun. This light is made up of different colors, but as long as it travels in one direction, it appears white.

However, during rains, millions of droplets cause the colors in white light to separate and refract through them. Each raindrop actually creates its own rainbow, but when there are a lot of them, the rainbow becomes big enough that we can see it with the naked eye.

Here are some interesting facts about the rainbow:

We have told you everything we know about this phenomenon. Now you are armed with all sorts of interesting facts and ready for any children's questions about the rainbow. Even the trickiest ones.

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Introduction 3

Chapter 1. Literary analysis on research topic 5

1.1. The historical aspect of the study of topic 5

1.2. Basic concepts of the problem under study 6

1.3. Characteristics of rainbow species 9

Chapter 2. Experimental part 11

2.1. Methodology of experimental work 11

2.2. Results of experimental work 14

Conclusion 17

References 18

Appendix 1. 19

Appendix 2. 21

Annex 3. 22

Appendix 4. 26

Annex 5. 28



Probably, there is no person who would not admire the rainbow. This magnificent colorful phenomenon in the sky has long attracted everyone's attention. She was considered a good harbinger, attributed to her magical properties. Everyone knows that a rainbow can have magical properties only in fairy tales, but in reality a rainbow is an optical phenomenon associated with the refraction of light rays on numerous raindrops. However, not everyone knows exactly how a rainbow is formed. When and how can you see it? Is it possible to experimentally study a rainbow? How to get an artificial rainbow? These and many other questions are answered in this work.

Object of study: a natural phenomenon- rainbow.

Subject of study: ways to get a rainbow.

I put forward the following hypothesis: using different laboratory setups, you can get an artificial rainbow and explore it physical properties in laboratory conditions.

Purpose of my research: reveal the physical properties of the rainbow and experimentally test methods for its production in the laboratory.

I achieved my goal by solving tasks:

    collect information about the methods of obtaining, properties and types of rainbows;

    design laboratory facilities for obtaining a rainbow and test them at home;

    analyze the theoretical and practical results of their work.

Research stages:

    collect information about the types and properties of the rainbow (ask your parents, read in a book, find it on the Internet);

    select experimental work on obtaining an artificial rainbow;

    construct laboratory facilities for obtaining an artificial rainbow;

    to conduct an experiment;

    compare the theoretical and practical results of obtaining an artificial rainbow;

    arrange research work;

    prepare a report and presentation for the defense of the work.

Methods and techniques: observation, experiment, analysis.

Chapter 1. Literary analysis on the research topic

    1. The historical aspect of the study of the topic

In Russian chronicles, the rainbow is called the "paradise arc" or abbreviated as "raiduga". IN Ancient Greece the rainbow was personified by the goddess Irida (“Irida” means “rainbow”). According to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, the rainbow connects heaven and earth, and Irida was the mediator between the gods and people. Rainbow is a physical phenomenon. 8

The rainbow is always associated with rain. It can appear before the rain, and during the rain, and after it, depending on how the cloud moves, giving heavy rainfall.

The first attempt to explain the rainbow as a natural phenomenon was made in 1611 by Archbishop Antonio Dominis. His explanation of the rainbow was contrary to the biblical one, so he was excommunicated and sentenced to death penalty. Antonio Dominis died in prison without waiting for execution, but his body and manuscripts were burned. 8

The scientific explanation of the rainbow was first given by Rene Descartes in 1637. Descartes explained the rainbow on the basis of the laws of refraction and reflection of sunlight in drops of falling rain. At that time, dispersion had not yet been discovered - the decomposition of white light into a spectrum upon refraction. Therefore, Descartes' rainbow was white.

30 years later, Isaac Newton, who discovered the dispersion of white light upon refraction, supplemented Descartes' theory by explaining how colored rays are refracted in raindrops. 3

Despite the fact that the theory of the Descartes-Newton rainbow was created more than 300 years ago, it correctly explains the main features of the rainbow: the position of the main arcs, their angular dimensions, the arrangement of colors in rainbows of various orders.

    1. Basic concepts of the problem under study

An ordinary rainbow is a colored arc with an angular radius of 42°, visible against the background of a curtain of heavy rain or rainfall streaks, often not reaching the Earth's surface. The rainbow is visible in the side of the sky opposite the Sun, and always with the Sun not covered by clouds. The center of the rainbow is a point diametrically opposite to the Sun, the antisolar point. The outer arc of the rainbow is red, followed by orange, yellow, green arcs, etc., ending with the inner purple. 2

The fact is that a more or less spherical drop, illuminated by a parallel beam of rays of sunlight, can form a rainbow only in the form of a circle.

How many rays of a rainbow are there in a beam of light falling on a drop? There are many of them, in fact, they form a whole cylinder. The locus of the points of their fall on the drop is a whole circle.

As a result of passing through the drop and refraction in it, the cylinder of white rays is transformed into a series of colored funnels inserted one into the other. The outer funnel is red, orange is inserted into it, yellow, then comes green, etc., ending with the inner violet. 4

The size and shape of the droplets and their effect on the appearance of the rainbow

The type of rainbow - the width of the arcs, the location and brightness of color tones, the position of additional arcs are very dependent on the size of the raindrops. By the appearance of a rainbow, one can approximately estimate the size of the raindrops that formed this rainbow. The larger the raindrops, the narrower and brighter the rainbow. Especially characteristic of large drops is the presence of a rich red color in the main rainbow. The smaller the droplets, the wider and fainter the rainbow, with an orange or yellow edge. Additional arcs are further apart both from each other and from the main rainbows. 8

The type of rainbow also depends on the shape of the drops. When falling in the air, large drops are flattened and lose their sphericity. The vertical cross section of such drops approaches an ellipse.

Is it possible to see the whole circle of the rainbow? From the surface of the Earth, a rainbow can be observed at best in the form of a half circle when the Sun is on the horizon. When the sun rises, the rainbow goes below the horizon. From an airplane or a helicopter, you can observe a rainbow in the form of a whole circle. 8

Calculations according to the formulas of the diffraction theory, performed for drops of different sizes, showed that the whole form of the rainbow - the width of the arcs, the presence, location and brightness of individual color tones, the position of additional arcs very strongly depend on the size of the raindrops. Here are the main characteristics appearance rainbows for drops of different radii. 5

Drop radius 0.5—1 mm. The outer edge of the main rainbow is bright, dark red, followed by light red, and then all the colors of the rainbow alternate. Violet and green seem especially bright. There are many additional arcs (up to five), they alternate purple-pink tones with green. Additional arcs are directly adjacent to the main rainbows.

Droplet radius 0.25 mm. The red edge of the rainbow has become weaker. The rest of the colors are still visible. Several purple-pink additional arcs are replaced by green ones.

Drop radius 0.100.15 mm. There is no more red in the main rainbow. The outer edge of the rainbow is orange. The rest of the rainbow is well developed. Additional arcs become increasingly yellow. Gaps appeared between them and between the main rainbow and the first additional one.

Drop radius 0.040.05 mm. The rainbow became noticeably wider and paler. Its outer edge is pale yellow. The brightest color is purple. The first additional arc is separated from the main rainbow by a fairly wide gap, its color is whitish, slightly greenish and whitish-violet.

Droplet radius 0.03 mm. The main rainbow is even wider with a very faintly colored slightly yellowish edge, contains separate white stripes.

The droplet radius is 0.025 mm or less. The rainbow is completely white. It is about twice as wide as an ordinary rainbow and has the appearance of a shiny white stripe. Inside it there may be additional colored arcs, first pale blue or green, then whitish red. 1

Thus, by the appearance of the rainbow, one can approximately estimate the size of the raindrops that formed this rainbow. In general, the larger the raindrops, the narrower and brighter the rainbow, especially for large drops is the presence of saturated red in the main rainbow. Numerous additional arcs also have bright colors and directly, without gaps, adjoin the main rainbows. The smaller the droplets, the wider and faded the rainbow with an orange or yellow edge. Additional arcs are further apart both from each other and from the main rainbows.

The type of rainbow also depends on the shape of the drops. When falling in the air, large drops are flattened and lose their sphericity. The vertical cross section of such drops approaches an ellipse. Calculations have shown that the minimum deviation of red rays when passing through flattened drops with a radius of 0.5 mm is 140°. Therefore, the angular size of the red arc will not be 42°, but only 40°. For larger droplets, such as a radius of 1.0 mm, the minimum deviation of the red rays will be 149°, and the red arc of the rainbow will have a size of 31° instead of 42°. Thus, the stronger the flattening of the drops, the smaller the radius of the rainbow they form. 7

    1. Characteristics of rainbow species

Are there rainbows without rain, or without rain streaks? They happen in the lab. Artificial rainbows were created as a result of the refraction of light in a single suspended drop of distilled water, water with syrup, or clear oil. Droplet sizes varied from 1.5 to 4.5 mm. Heavy drops were elongated under the action of gravity, and their cross section was an ellipse. When the droplet was illuminated by a beam of a helium-neon laser, not only the first and second rainbows appeared, but also the unusually bright third and fourth, centered around the light source (in this case, the laser). Sometimes it was possible to receive even the fifth and sixth rainbows. These rainbows, like the first and second, were again in the direction opposite to the source. True, these rainbows were monochromatic, red, since they were formed not by a white light source, but by a monochromatic red beam. 8

misty rainbow

White rainbows are found in nature. They appear when sunlight illuminates a faint fog, consisting of droplets with a radius of 0.025 mm or less. They are called foggy rainbows. In addition to the main rainbow in the form of a brilliant white arc with a barely noticeable yellowish edge, sometimes colored additional arcs are observed: a very faint blue or green arc, and then a whitish red.

A similar kind of white rainbow can be seen when a spotlight behind you illuminates an intense haze or faint fog in front of you. Even a street lamp can create, albeit a very faint, white rainbow visible against the dark background of the night sky. 6

moon rainbows

Like solar rainbows, lunar rainbows can also occur. They are weaker and appear during the full moon. Lunar rainbows are rarer than solar rainbows. For their occurrence, a combination of two conditions is necessary: ​​the full moon, not covered by clouds, and the fallout of heavy rain or streaks of its fall (not reaching the Earth).

Rainbows formed by moon rays are not iridescent and look like light, completely white arcs. The lack of red color in lunar rainbows, even with large raindrops, is explained low level illumination at night, in which the sensitivity of the eye to red rays is completely lost. The remaining color rays of the rainbow also lose their color tone to a large extent due to the lack of color in human night vision. 8

Chapter 2. Experimental part 2.1. Methodology of experimental work

To obtain a rainbow in the laboratory, there are many methods and techniques, we used the following in our work:

Experience 1. Rainbow in a basin.

Equipment and materials: glass container; water; mirror.


On a sunny day, fill a large glass container with water. Then dip the mirror into the water. Move this mirror and find a position where a rainbow forms on the walls of the room. You can fix the position of the mirror. Let the water calm down so that the rainbow is more distinct, and then draw or photograph the rainbow as you see it.

Equipment and materials: glass container; water; mirror; White list paper; flashlight.


On a sunny day, fill a large glass container with water. Then dip the mirror into the water. Move this mirror and find a position where a rainbow forms on the walls of the room. You can fix the position of the mirror. Let the water calm down so that the rainbow is more distinct. Additionally, put a sheet of white paper in front of a basin of water and a mirror, direct the light of a flashlight to the part of the mirror immersed in water, a rainbow will appear on a sheet of paper. Then draw or photograph the rainbow the way you saw it.

Experience 3. Rainbow in a box.

Equipment and materials: cardboard box; stationery knife; CD type CD-R; plastic tube; glue; flashlight; candle; Fluorescent Lamp.


Take a large cardboard box. In its side wall, cut a vertical slot a few centimeters high and 3 to 5 millimeters wide. It will give the stream of light the shape of a thin strip extending in a vertical plane. Place a blank CD-R on the opposite wall of the box.

Now cut a hole in the side wall of the box for a tube to observe the spectrum. Although the tube has round section, the hole must be oval so that it can be rotated in a horizontal plane.

Insert the tube into the hole. Aim the slit at the light source. Look into the tube, and by turning it, find the spectrum and examine it.

Try observing with a spectroscope the spectra of various light sources: the sun, an incandescent lamp, a fluorescent lamp, a candle, LEDs of different colors.

Spectra obtained with a spectroscope can be photographed with a webcam or digital camera.

Equipment and materials: a sheet of plywood, a knife, a flashlight, a sheet of white paper, a CD, pencils, a camera.


Take a sheet of plywood, plastic, or other easy-to-cut opaque material. Its dimensions should be approximately 300 by 300 millimeters, the thickness is not critical. Cut a straight slit in its middle about 100 mm long and about 4 mm wide.

Position the sheet vertically. Make a stand for it so that it does not need to be held in your hands, because you will have to hold two more objects in them, darken the room.

Turn on a continuous spectrum point light source. It can be, for example, a pocket flashlight based on an incandescent bulb. Position it about 500 millimeters from the gap.

On the opposite side of the slot, place a piece of plain paper at a 90 degree angle. Fasten it.

Take a regular CD (a dark one like RW won't work). Position it between the slit and the sheet of paper so that the spectrum is projected onto it.

While holding the flashlight and disk, ask an assistant to take a picture of the resulting rainbow.

Hold the flashlight and disk so that the spectrum does not shift. Please note that it is noticeably more sensitive to disc shift than to flashlight shift.

Then ask the assistant to take colored pencils or felt-tip pens. Have an assistant trace the spectrum with pencils or felt-tip pens in the colors that match those projected.

Remove the resulting sheet, then turn off the flashlight and disassemble the installation. Turn on the lights in the room. Compare the resulting photo and drawing with each other.

Answer the question why are the colors in any spectrum always in the same order?

Experience 5. Rainbow fountain.

Equipment and materials: tin can, scissors, light bulb, water.


In a high tin can, at a height of 5 cm from the bottom, it is necessary to drill a round hole with a diameter of 5 - 6 mm. light bulb with a cartridge, carefully wrap it with cellophane paper and place it opposite the hole. You need to pour water into the jar. Opening a hole , we get a jet that will be illuminated from the inside. In a dark room, it glows brightly and looks very impressive.

2.2. Results of experimental work

Mom and dad and I did the experiments described in paragraph 2.1 at home. The results obtained during the experimental part of the work can be described as follows:

Experience 1. Rainbow in a basin.

Fill a glass cup with water. Then they lowered a mirror into the water and lit it with a flashlight. They moved the mirror, and found a position in which a rainbow formed on the walls of the room. When the water calmed down, the rainbow became more distinct.


We got a kind of rainbow reflected on the mirror (Appendix 1). The beam of light reflected by the mirror at the exit from the water is refracted. The colors that make up white have different angles of refraction, so they fall at different points and become visible.

Experience 2. Rainbow on a white sheet.

Everything remained from experiment 1, only they additionally put a sheet of white paper in front of a cup of water, directed the light of a flashlight to a mirror, a rainbow will appear on a sheet of paper.


We managed to catch a ray with a mirror that gave us such a rainbow ... (Appendix 2).

Experience 3. Rainbow in a box.

We took a large cardboard box. A vertical slot was cut in its side wall, and a blank CD was placed on the opposite wall of the box. A hole was cut in the side wall of the box for a tube to observe the spectrum.

Insert the tube into the hole. Aim a light source at the crack. We looked into the tube, and, turning it, found the spectrum.

We photographed the spectra obtained with a home spectroscope and compared them.


By illuminating the disk with different light sources (a flashlight, an incandescent lamp), we obtained spectra of the same composition, which can be seen in the photographs (Appendix 3).

Experience 4. Studying the arrangement of colors in the rainbow.

From a sheet of plywood, we made a stand. A straight slit was cut in the middle of one side. Place a sheet of white paper vertically. Darkened the room. A compact disc was placed between a slot and a piece of paper so that rays of light fell on it. A pocket flashlight illuminated the gap.


A rainbow appears on a sheet of paper (Appendix 4), the colors in any spectrum are always arranged in the same order.

Experience 5. Rainbow fountain.

Dad drilled a round hole in a tall tin can. We poured water into the jar. An electric light bulb with a cartridge was carefully placed opposite the hole. A hole was opened in the dark room.


We got a jet that is illuminated from the inside, it glows brightly. A finger was put on the path of the jet, and the water was sprayed in the form of a fountain, in which the ejected jets are illuminated from the inside (Appendix 5).


After completing this work, I was convinced how much amazing, instructive, useful for practice can be in the well-known phenomenon of light refraction.

During my research, I came up with the following conclusions:

    To obtain a rainbow in the laboratory, there are many methods and techniques.

    The experimental part describes several installations with which an artificial rainbow was obtained at home.

    The results obtained in the study of the rainbow can be interesting and useful both for an outside observer and for schoolchildren.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the rainbow is very interesting phenomenon, the study of which requires great effort and is very informative, and practical value work is that the materials obtained can be used by teachers primary school when conducting lessons and classes to familiarize themselves with the outside world.


    "The Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius".

    Belkin I.K. What is a rainbow? - "Quantum" 1984, No. 12, S. 20.

    Bulat V.L. Optical phenomena in nature. M.: Education, 1974, 143 p.

    Geguzin Ya.E. "Who is making the rainbow?" - "Quantum" 1988, No. 6, S. 46.

    Zvereva S.V. In the world of sunshine. - L .: Gidrometeoizdat, 1988.

    Mayer V.V., Mayer R.V. "Artificial Rainbow" - "Quantum" 1988, No. 6, p.48.

    Tarasov L.V. Physics in nature. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988.

Annex 1.

Photos of the results of experience 1

Figure 1. Preparing equipment for work.

Picture 2. We install a mirror in a plate with water.

Figure 3 General form rainbows on the wall.

Figure 4. Enlarged rainbow reflection.

Appendix 2

Photos of the results of experience 2

Figure 5. Reflection of a rainbow on a sheet of paper.

Figure 6. View of a rainbow on a sheet of white paper.

Appendix 3

Photos of the results of experience 3

Figure 7. Preparing the spectroscope from the cardboard box.

Figure 8. Preparing the spectroscope from the cardboard box.

Figure 9. Illumination of the disk with a flashlight.

Figure 10. Watching the appearance of a rainbow in a box.

Figure 11. The sector of the rainbow, which we obtained when illuminated by a flashlight with LED lamps.

Figure 12. Rainbow sector, which we obtained when illuminated by a flashlight with LED lamps.

Figure 13. The sector of the rainbow, which we received when illuminated by an incandescent lamp.

Figure 14. The sector of the rainbow, which we received when illuminated by an incandescent lamp.

Appendix 4

Photos of the results of experience 4

Figure 15. Plywood layout.

Figure 16. A CD that will refract light.

Figure 17. Rainbow on a sheet of paper (A and B).

Appendix 5

Photos of the results of experience 5

Figure 18. Installation for obtaining a rainbow fountain.

Figure 19. Pour water into the installation to get a rainbow fountain.

Figure 20. Open the hole and get a rainbow jet.

Figure 21. Getting the rainbow fountain.
