Sappers in the army are interesting facts. Interesting facts about the army (13 photos)

The army has been an indispensable attribute of states for quite a long time. The army was assigned the role of an organized defensive force. At the same time, the army was also used to expand territory and conduct various military operations....

The army has been an indispensable attribute of states for quite a long time. The army was assigned the role of an organized defensive force. At the same time, the army was also used to expand territory and conduct various military operations. But the army is just like any other organizational structure, especially social structure, has its own characteristics and traditions. We will present the most interesting facts about the army various countries and times.

About buttons

One of the decrees of Peter I introduced a special style of soldiers' uniforms. According to this decree on sleeves with front side buttons had to be sewn on. The reason for the introduction of such a “luxurious” style was not at all the desire for ostentatious splendor, it was much more prosaic. Most of the soldiers were former peasants, with an ingrained habit of wiping their mouths with their sleeves after dinner. These buttons were supposed to help keep the cloth intact.

About kilt and linen

In principle, a kilt can be worn as you like, with or without underwear. But soldiers, by tradition, are required to wear this uniform only on their naked bodies. In the past, army units even held inspections, at which an officer with a special mirror inspected the correct wearing of the “skirt” and, if underwear was found, immediately demanded to get rid of it.

About the color of the Nazi uniform

Everything turned out to be simple with color. In warehouses in Germany there were a lot of field uniforms for the army in the African colonies, which were lost by Germany after the First World War. It was this uniform that the National Socialist Party bought for its troops at the cheapest price.

Pentagon and toilets

As you know, racial segregation in the US Army continued until 1948. Naturally, there could be no talk of any mixed units in the army. That’s why, during the construction of the Pentagon, separate toilets were provided for whites and for everyone else. As a result, the building had twice the required number of toilets. By the way, it was planned to hang appropriate signs on them, but they were not hung by order of Roosevelt.

Weapons and religion

1857 turned out to be the most unfortunate year for the British colonial troops in India. This year, THE newest long-range rifles were delivered to equip the Indian Army. But animal fat was used to lubricate the Enfields, which was also used to impregnate cardboard cartridges. And at the same time, the British did not take into account the interesting fact that for Hindus a cow is a sacred animal, and for Muslims touching a pig is a terrible sin.

Adherents of both religions formed the bulk of the army, and each group decided that this was a special insult to them. As a result, they all united and raised an uprising, which resulted in massive casualties among military and civilian Englishmen.

Victory and acrobatics

The battle of Zarabulak originally began in 1868. Approaching the rifle shot, the Bukhara soldiers dropped to their hands, and their comrades began to shake their legs... It turned out that in this way they were trying to attract luck to their side.

The source of the behavior was the battle that happened a month earlier in the Russia-Bukhara Emirate war. Then the Russians, under the command of General Golovachev, crossed the Zeravshan River. The infantry managed to overcome the obstacle with difficulty; they had to walk almost chest-deep in water, but this most unexpected maneuver made it possible to occupy the heights of Chapan-Ata in a swift bayonet attack.

We had to act so quickly that we didn’t even have time to pour the water out of our boots, so we had to literally shake it out. So the enemy considered these strange actions peculiar magical ritual calling for good luck.

Army and lot

In the Roman army, one of the most serious punishments was decimation. At the same time, the entire unit was divided into dozens, and it is interesting that there were no exceptions based on age, experience or merit. Lots were cast among each ten, and the one who drew it was killed by the other nine colleagues.

Nazis and Muslims

Among the units of the Nazi army there were several completely exotic ones. For example, the Free India unit ('Freies Indien') consisted of Muslims from East India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. These “volunteers” were captured by German troops in North Africa.

Military satellites and telephone

In Brazil, a popular business is the reconfiguration of civilian radio stations in the 144-148 MHz range to use satellites of the FLTSATCOM constellation. These satellites belong to the US Navy and are used by the Brazilians for free telephone calls.

Paratroopers and Indians

Watching American action films, you can hear a strange scream during paratroopers’ jumps. The history of this cry is as follows. In the 2nd half of the 19th century, the Indian Geronimo with a small group of comrades posed a big problem for the armies of the United States and Mexico; he was well remembered for his elusiveness and courage.
In 1939, a film was made about the elusive Indian, in one of the episodes of which the hero jumps into the river from a steep cliff with his name on his lips. After the film, the paratroopers also began shouting “Geronimo!” while jumping, so the tradition took root and exists today.

Bayonet and Geneva Conventions

In 1864, the First Geneva Convention was drawn up, one of the points of which was the ban on bayonet strikes in the stomach during hostilities. First of all, this concerned the Russian army, but as an alternative, interestingly, it was proposed to use bayonets in the chest.

The army has been an indispensable attribute of states for quite a long time. The army was assigned the role of an organized defensive force. At the same time, the army was also used to expand territory and conduct various military operations. But the army, like any organizational structure, especially a social structure, has its own characteristics and traditions. We will present the most interesting facts about the armies of different countries and times.

1. About buttons

One of the decrees of Peter I introduced a special style of soldiers' uniforms. According to this decree, buttons had to be sewn on the front side of the sleeves. The reason for the introduction of such a “luxurious” style was not at all the desire for ostentatious splendor, it was much more prosaic. Most of the soldiers were former peasants, with an ingrained habit of wiping their mouths with their sleeves after dinner. These buttons were supposed to help keep the cloth intact.

2. About the kilt and linen

In principle, a kilt can be worn as you like, with or without underwear. But soldiers, by tradition, are required to wear this uniform only on their naked bodies. In the past, army units even held inspections, at which an officer with a special mirror inspected the correct wearing of the “skirt” and, if underwear was found, immediately demanded to get rid of it.

3. About the color of the Nazi uniform

Everything turned out to be simple with color. In warehouses in Germany there were a lot of field uniforms for the army in the African colonies, which were lost by Germany after the First World War. It was this uniform that the National Socialist Party bought for its troops at the cheapest price.

4. Pentagon and toilets

As you know, racial segregation in the US Army continued until 1948. Naturally, there could be no talk of any mixed units in the army. That’s why, during the construction of the Pentagon, separate toilets were provided for whites and for everyone else. As a result, the building had twice the required number of toilets. By the way, it was planned to hang appropriate signs on them, but they were not hung by order of Roosevelt.

5.Weapons and religion

1857 turned out to be the most unfortunate year for the British colonial troops in India. This year, THE newest long-range rifles were delivered to equip the Indian Army. But animal fat was used to lubricate the Enfields, which was also used to impregnate cardboard cartridges. And at the same time, the British did not take into account the interesting fact that for Hindus a cow is a sacred animal, and for Muslims touching a pig is a terrible sin.

Adherents of both religions formed the bulk of the army, and each group decided that this was a special insult to them. As a result, they all united and raised an uprising, which resulted in massive casualties among military and civilian Englishmen.

6. Victory and acrobatics

The battle of Zarabulak originally began in 1868. Approaching the rifle shot, the Bukhara soldiers dropped to their hands, and their comrades began to shake their legs... It turned out that in this way they were trying to attract luck to their side.

The source of the behavior was the battle that happened a month earlier in the Russia-Bukhara Emirate war. Then the Russians, under the command of General Golovachev, crossed the Zeravshan River. The infantry managed to overcome the obstacle with difficulty; they had to walk almost chest-deep in water, but this most unexpected maneuver made it possible to occupy the heights of Chapan-Ata in a swift bayonet attack.

We had to act so quickly that we didn’t even have time to pour the water out of our boots, so we had to literally shake it out. So the enemy considered these strange actions to be a kind of magical ritual invoking good luck.

7. Elite squads and homosexuals

In Greece, homosexuality was treated as commonplace; in Thebes they even formed an elite military detachment of 300 warriors, which was called the Sacred Band of Thebes. The most interesting thing is that the entire detachment was completely killed in the battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC. e., while no one retreated, according to Plutarch, preferring to die next to his beloved rather than dishonor himself by flight.

8. Army and lot

In the Roman army, one of the most serious punishments was decimation. At the same time, the entire unit was divided into dozens, and it is interesting that there were no exceptions based on age, experience or merit. Lots were cast among each ten, and the one who drew it was killed by the other nine colleagues.

9. Nazis and Muslims

Among the units of the Nazi army there were several completely exotic ones. For example, the Free India unit ('Freies Indien') consisted of Muslims from East India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. These “volunteers” were captured by German troops in North Africa.

10. Military satellites and telephone

In Brazil, a popular business is the reconfiguration of civilian radio stations in the 144-148 MHz range to use satellites of the FLTSATCOM constellation. These satellites belong to the US Navy and are used by the Brazilians for free telephone calls.
Usually, to use satellite communications you need only $50, which will be used to purchase a modified conventional radio for truckers.

11. Paratroopers and Indians

Watching American action films, you can hear a strange scream during paratroopers’ jumps. The history of this cry is as follows. In the 2nd half of the 19th century, the Indian Geronimo with a small group of comrades posed a big problem for the armies of the United States and Mexico; he was well remembered for his elusiveness and courage.
In 1939, a film was made about the elusive Indian, in one of the episodes of which the hero jumps into the river from a steep cliff with his name on his lips. After the film, the paratroopers also began shouting “Geronimo!” while jumping, so the tradition took root and exists today.

12. Bayonet and Geneva Conventions

In 1864, the First Geneva Convention was drawn up, one of the points of which was the ban on bayonet strikes in the stomach during hostilities. First of all, this concerned the Russian army, but as an alternative, interestingly, it was proposed to use bayonets in the chest.

Compared to the Russians, the Nazis are little kids. According to the number of war crimes, Russian army has long surpassed all the armies of the world combined. The Russian army is the most terrible army in the world. And this is not propaganda or exaggeration. If you don't believe me, look at the world map. Do you really think that more than 100 peoples VOLUNTARILY became part of Russia?

If you believe this, it is very bad. Because the truth is that only a wild and merciless horde can conquer such territory. Russia conquered such territory by committing the most terrible war crimes and genocide against peoples.

During the Caucasian War they massacred a million Circassians. A whole people was slaughtered. Even Hitler could not do this, whom they declared a terrible monster only to hide their even more terrible war crimes. When the Circassians had already capitulated, they were offered transportation for permanent residence to Turkey. The Circassians believed the Russians and agreed. No one made it to Turkey. They were taken to the open sea and drowned there.

The most amazing thing is that the Circassians were slaughtered in order to help the Georgians. Now Georgians are being slaughtered to help the Ossetians. Russians are always killing someone.

What is the strength of the Russian army? The fact is that she does not spare either herself or the enemy. The value of life for Russians is negligible. That is why no one wants to fight with them. Even the Chinese. Only madmen like Hitler or brave Chechens fight the Russians.

Don't believe the lies that the Russians never fought with the Ukrainians. We fought many times. Everyone remembers the massacre carried out by Peter the Great. But we won't go that far back in time. The last war was in 1918, when more than a million Red Army soldiers entered Ukraine, committed a terrible massacre here and established Soviet power at the cost of enormous blood. Then this Soviet authority staged an even more terrible Holodomor.

Now the same horde is coming here to build another bright future, called the “Russian world.” For the sake of this bright future, they are ready to kill as many Ukrainians as necessary.

Already now they are slaughtering and killing Ukrainians just because they wear a flag or speak Ukrainian. In Kharkov, two people were stabbed to death for flying the Ukrainian flag, and three in Donetsk. And this was even before the start of the war. When a serious war begins, the number of dead will be tens of thousands. They will simply beat you to death for speaking Ukrainian. These are non-humans.

You are in vain to think that if you are half or entirely Russian and speak Russian, this will save you. There were also many Russians in Grozny, but this did not save them from carpet bombing and grenades, which the Russian Ivans threw into the basements in which Chechen and Russian women and children were hiding.

Russians do not know how to fight at all, because they prefer drunkenness to learning the art of war. Therefore, they are fighting with terrible casualties both among their own and among the civilian population. They still consider Zhukov, who sent them with shovel handles instead of guns and bricks instead of grenades to attack German machine guns, a great commander and a brilliant strategist.

Russian officers sell the corpses of killed civilians and enemy soldiers to their relatives. You won't be able to get a corpse for a funeral for free. For Russian officers, selling corpses is a business. This was the case in Chechnya and Georgia.

If you think that protests by the mothers of killed soldiers will be able to stop the massacre, you are mistaken. They can't. A soldier's life for Russian leadership does not mean anything. Don't believe me? Remember Nord-Ost and Beslan. They don't even spare children. And a soldier returning from war is considered something of a miracle in Russia. Those who served in the Soviet army remember that the officers did not hesitate to tell the soldiers how many minutes they would live after the start of the war.

If you have female children over the age of 13, it is better to take them out of the occupation zone. Russian soldiers are rapists. They usually rape women and children when they are drunk and in a crowd, then kill or intimidate them. You won't get the truth. You can read more about the exploits of the “Hero of Russia” Colonel Budanov. The Chechens killed him precisely for the rape and murder of Chechen girls. Russian politicians declared him a hero. Anywhere, but take the girls out and hide them.

There were hundreds of such Budanovs in Chechnya. He simply became a symbol of violence and murder of Chechen girls.

As a child, we were told a lot about the Nazis who burned entire villages for collaborating with the partisans. The Russian army is doing the same. If rebels appear in your locality, there will be a purge during which everyone will be killed indiscriminately, even pregnant women and infants.

If you are interested in how the Russian army carries out purge operations, watch films on You Tube at the request of Samashki. What you see makes your hair stand on end, but unfortunately it’s true. The Chechen genocide was crazy. Entire villages were slaughtered.

It was after one of these purges that Shamil Basayev made his famous raid on Budyonnovsk. He simply showed the Russians what their army was doing in Chechnya.

Russian human rights activists who write the truth about the war crimes of the Russian army are being killed. The latest high-profile murders are Anna Politkovskaya and Natalya Estemirova. This is very famous people not only in Russia, but also abroad. They were killed with demonstrative cruelty, so that there was no doubt why. And Putin gave an ambiguous comment about both murders, so that everyone would understand that he is not at all against reprisals against these women.

Another danger that awaits people who fall under Russian occupation is death squads. These squadrons make the Russian occupiers more terrible than the Nazis. The Germans have never had anything like this; the Russians practice it in all occupied territories. When they left Chechen villages, they found entire mass graves in the plantings.

Death squads appear in occupied territories immediately after the entry of Russian troops. First, people who are disloyal to the occupiers disappear, therefore potentially disloyal, and then those who were denounced or who looked askance at the occupier, or, in other words, everything in a row, disappear.

In order to avoid the hell called the “Russian world,” you need to fight and help the Ukrainian army and the Ukrainian resistance fight. Life under Russian occupation is walking through a minefield.

Any day a misfortune can happen to a person. You could be shot by a drunk Russian soldier or officer (and they are never sober), some kind of denunciation could be written against you bad person, you may end up being mopped up, turn out to be a relative of the rebel, or simply not show due respect to the occupier.

One of the goals of the endless celebration of Russia's victory over fascism is to hide its war crimes. The cruel truth is that the Soviet (read Russian) army during the Second World War committed many more war crimes than the Nazis.

The German army never took part in punitive operations. Also, the German army did not participate in the genocide of the Jews. They did it special units Nazis. And the Russian army killed 2 million German women in 1945. And this was only during 3 months of occupation. The Germans never committed such atrocities in the occupied territories.

Fascism is certainly a terrible evil and is definitely criminal. But the Nazis did not rape or kill Russian women and children. The myth about the brutal German army is diligently maintained by the ideologists of Russianism in order to hide the crimes of the Russian military.

Many naive people are waiting for the arrival of Russia and Russian troops. If this happens, they will all be greatly disappointed. They think what the Russians will do to them good life, pensions and salaries.

In fact, Russia is behaving like an inseminating bull. He saw a territory that could be captured, climbed in there, planted a Russian flag there and... forgot about it.

The Russians only know how to occupy. They don’t know how to create something or build some kind of bright future, they are simply not interested. Creation is not characteristic of the Russian character. From creation they begin to mope and get bored. Russians need courage. But only vodka and war give them real courage.

Therefore, if you love Russia, nesting dolls and balalaikas, my good advice– love it all from a distance. All famous Russians preferred to love Russia from non-Russian Petersburg and even more non-Russian Paris. It's much safer this way.

On February 23 we celebrated Defender of the Fatherland Day. Congratulations to all friends, family and friends who have ever worn a military uniform. Ask them about military service. Find out if they are familiar with the phrase “those who served in the army do not laugh in the circus.” I'm sure so. Service in the armed forces is full of not only “hardships and hardships,” but also many curious and funny incidents. There are many examples of this. The army is an organization with its own inimitable view of the surrounding reality. Moreover, this statement is true for all armed forces of the world.

The smallest army in the world

The Vatican Swiss Guard includes 100 military personnel. Other records of this army are that it is the oldest active army in the world (founded in 1506) and one of the least militant (it took part in hostilities only once - in 1527).

Nowadays, the guards are engaged in ensuring the security of the “sacred person of the pope and his residence.” By tradition, it consists only of Swiss citizens. Interestingly, the uniform of the guards has not changed since the Renaissance. And in addition to machine guns and pistols, they are armed with swords and halberds.

The most militant army in the world

Military forces of Tonga (island kingdom in the southern part Pacific Ocean) actively participate in UN peacekeeping operations. Recently, 200 people served in combat conditions (half personnel). Thus, the number of military veterans (in percentage terms) in the Tongan army is higher than in the armies of other states.


Some countries have no armies at all. These are mainly dwarf states such as Andorra and Liechtenstein. But there is also a relatively large state without armed forces - this is Costa Rica in Central America. The decision to liquidate the army was made in 1949 after civil war. Since then, Costa Rica is the only country in the region where there have been no wars or coups.

Another Latin American state is also interesting - Bolivia. This country is landlocked, but has its own Navy. Back in 1879, the country lost its Pacific coast after the war with Chile. But the Bolivians never came to terms with their loss. Sea Day is celebrated annually. Politicians have repeatedly stated the need to regain access to the coast. Now Bolivia's "navy" consists of boats patrolling the border rivers.

And for $25 you can become an admiral of the state of Nebraska. It is for this amount that you can buy a diploma that in all seriousness gives you the right to command all warships. But only in this state. Which, like Bolivia, is landlocked.

The army is an extremely conservative institution. Change in the military is slow. Sometimes, even too much. In Great Britain, only in 1947, the position of the person who was supposed to fire a cannon when approaching the coast of Napoleon’s troops was abolished. And the Swiss army still has pigeon mail units.

There are units that use animals in many countries around the world. One of the most interesting is Sirius. This is the only unit in the world that travels by dog ​​sled. Sirius is a Danish army patrol that controls the northern coast of Greenland. In Arctic conditions this is the most effective method movement. At the same time, six teams consisting of two people and 10-15 husky dogs are on duty.

In conclusion, I would like to recall fair half the human race. Journalists from the English newspaper "The Sun" conducted a survey on the topic "which army is the sexiest in the world?" We chose between countries where women are conscripted military service. A survey of 16 thousand participants gave the following results: in first place is Romania, in second place is the fictional republic of “Wadiya” from the film “The Dictator” (dir. Sacha Baron Cohen), and the bronze medalist is Russia!

The army has been an indispensable attribute of states for quite a long time. The army was assigned the role of an organized defensive force. At the same time, the army was also used to expand territory and conduct various military operations. But the army, like any organizational structure, especially a social structure, has its own characteristics and traditions. We will present the most interesting facts about the armies of different countries and times.

1. About buttons

One of the decrees of Peter I introduced a special style of soldiers' uniforms. According to this decree, buttons had to be sewn on the front side of the sleeves. The reason for the introduction of such a “luxurious” style was not at all the desire for ostentatious splendor, it was much more prosaic. Most of the soldiers were former peasants, with an ingrained habit of wiping their mouths with their sleeves after dinner. These buttons were supposed to help keep the cloth intact.

2. About the kilt and linen

In principle, a kilt can be worn as you like, with or without underwear. But soldiers, by tradition, are required to wear this uniform only on their naked bodies. In the past, army units even held inspections, at which an officer with a special mirror inspected the correct wearing of the “skirt” and, if underwear was found, immediately demanded to get rid of it.

3. About the color of the Nazi uniform

Everything turned out to be simple with color. In warehouses in Germany there were a lot of field uniforms for the army in the African colonies, which were lost by Germany after the First World War. It was this uniform that the National Socialist Party bought for its troops at the cheapest price.

4. Pentagon and toilets

As you know, racial segregation in the US Army continued until 1948. Naturally, there could be no talk of any mixed units in the army. That’s why, during the construction of the Pentagon, separate toilets were provided for whites and for everyone else. As a result, the building had twice the required number of toilets. By the way, it was planned to hang appropriate signs on them, but they were not hung by order of Roosevelt.

5.Weapons and religion

1857 turned out to be the most unfortunate year for the British colonial troops in India. This year, THE newest long-range rifles were delivered to equip the Indian Army. But animal fat was used to lubricate the Enfields, which was also used to impregnate cardboard cartridges. And at the same time, the British did not take into account the interesting fact that for Hindus a cow is a sacred animal, and for Muslims touching a pig is a terrible sin.

Adherents of both religions formed the bulk of the army, and each group decided that this was a special insult to them. As a result, they all united and raised an uprising, which resulted in massive casualties among military and civilian Englishmen.

6. Victory and acrobatics

The battle of Zarabulak originally began in 1868. Approaching the rifle shot, the Bukhara soldiers dropped to their hands, and their comrades began to shake their legs... It turned out that in this way they were trying to attract luck to their side.

The source of the behavior was the battle that happened a month earlier in the Russia-Bukhara Emirate war. Then the Russians, under the command of General Golovachev, crossed the Zeravshan River. The infantry managed to overcome the obstacle with difficulty; they had to walk almost chest-deep in water, but this most unexpected maneuver made it possible to occupy the heights of Chapan-Ata in a swift bayonet attack.

We had to act so quickly that we didn’t even have time to pour the water out of our boots, so we had to literally shake it out. So the enemy considered these strange actions to be a kind of magical ritual invoking good luck.

7. Elite squads and homosexuals

In Greece, homosexuality was treated as commonplace; in Thebes they even formed an elite military detachment of 300 warriors, which was called the Sacred Band of Thebes. The most interesting thing is that the entire detachment was completely killed in the battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC. e., while no one retreated, according to Plutarch, preferring to die next to his beloved rather than dishonor himself by flight.

8. Army and lot

In the Roman army, one of the most serious punishments was decimation. At the same time, the entire unit was divided into dozens, and it is interesting that there were no exceptions based on age, experience or merit. Lots were cast among each ten, and the one who drew it was killed by the other nine colleagues.

9. Nazis and Muslims

Among the units of the Nazi army there were several completely exotic ones. For example, the Free India unit ('Freies Indien') consisted of Muslims from East India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. These “volunteers” were captured by the German troops in North Africa.

10. Military satellites and telephone

In Brazil, a popular business is the reconfiguration of civilian radio stations in the 144-148 MHz range to use satellites of the FLTSATCOM constellation. These satellites belong to the US Navy and are used by the Brazilians for free telephone calls.
Usually, to use satellite communications you need only $50, which will be used to purchase a modified conventional radio for truckers.

12. Bayonet and Geneva Conventions

In 1864, the First Geneva Convention was drawn up, one of the points of which was the ban on bayonet strikes in the stomach during hostilities. First of all, this concerned the Russian army, but as an alternative, interestingly, it was proposed to use bayonets in the chest.
