Biography of Shelomova (Putina) Maria Ivanovna. Who is Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich by nationality

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the President of Russia, a public person, so it is no coincidence that general attention is riveted to him.
A man's present determines his past. The fact that Putin became president is not accidental, the reasons for this must be sought in his genealogy. Random people don't lead major countries peace. There are many versions about the origin of Putin on the Internet. The official version looks like this:

“Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich was born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad. According to his own answer during the census, Russian by nationality. Putin's father, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (23.2.1911 - 2.8.1999) - participant in the Great Patriotic War. Mother, Maria Ivanovna Shelomova (1911 - 1998), also worked at the plant, survived the blockade of Leningrad. Grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin, was a famous cook who cooked for the highest party and government officials, he had to cook for Lenin and Stalin. Ancestors V.V. Putin on the paternal and maternal lines (Putins, Shelomovs, Chursanovs, Buyanovs, Fomins and others) have been peasants of the Tver district for at least 300 years. The earliest known ancestor of V.V. Putin was mentioned in 1627/1628 in the scribe book of the Tver district. This is Yakov Nikitin - the bean of the village of Borodino, the parish of the village of Turginovo, the estate of the boyar Ivan Nikitich Romanov, uncle of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.

To summarize, the Putin family of peasants has been known since the 17th century. But then it turns out: “The family tree of the president can be traced back to the grandfather of Spiridon Ivanovich Putin (1879-1965), 15 years old, who left the Tver province for St. Petersburg and trained as a cook. According to the information that has been preserved about him, Putin’s grandfather was a reserved person, of impeccable honesty, and was fond of the history of princely and royal families.”
The real ancestor of Putin is his grandfather Putin Spiridon Ivanovich, who appears before the revolution in St. Petersburg, allegedly from the Tver province. Yes, and strange for a peasant passion for royal genealogy.

In my opinion, Putin's grandfather V.V. there are several computer images.

1) Borokhov Ber (1881-1917), Jewish scientist and public figure, one of the most prominent ideologists and leaders of socialist Zionism. In 1900–1901 Borokhov was a member of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP), but interest in specific Jewish problems prompted him in 1901 to create the Zionist Socialist Workers' Union in Yekaterinoslav. The Union took an active part in the organization of Jewish self-defense and defended the interests of Jewish workers. The opponents of the union were both Russian Social Democrats, who did not recognize the need for an independent Jewish labor movement, and some Zionist leaders who objected to the connection of Zionism with socialism. During the discussion of the Zionists about the Uganda plan, Borokhov firmly defended the position of the opponents of this plan.
“The Uganda Plan is a plan for the creation of an autonomous Jewish settlement in British East Africa (now part of the territory of Kenya), proposed by the British government in 1903 to the Zionist organization. Negotiations between T. Herzl and the British government ended with the official offer of Great Britain (August 14, 1903) to provide a specially agreed territory for a Jewish settlement in East Africa. According to this proposal, the internal administration of the settlement was to be autonomous, the supreme power to belong to the British government.
In 1905, Borokhov was among the delegates of the 7th Zionist Congress. The ideological and organizational foundations of the Poalei Zion movement (Workers of Zion) were laid mainly by Borokhov. The congress of this movement in Poltava (1906) adopted the theses proposed by Borokhov, and at the same time it was renamed the Jewish Social Democratic Party of Poalei Zion. Borokhov outlined his theory of socialist Zionism in the work Our Platform. After the 8th Zionist Congress, Borokhov insisted on the withdrawal of the Russian Poalei Zion from the Zionist Organization in order to preserve the proletarian independence of socialist Zionism. In 1907 Borokhov left Russia. In his journalistic works (mainly in Russian), he developed the ideas and formulated the goals of the Poalei Zion World Union in Western and Central Europe. In 1914, Borokhov went to the USA and continued his activities here as a representative of the American Poalei Zion, also preaching the idea of ​​creating the World Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Congress. When the revolution began in Russia, Borokhov decided to return to Russia. On the way, he stopped in Stockholm to join the delegation of Poalei Zion at the session of the International Socialist Commission of Neutral Countries. Here he took part in the formulation of the sections concerning the Jewish question in the manifesto of this commission on post-war device peace. In Russia, Borokhov actively participated in public life in the period before October Revolution. In August 1917, speaking at a conference of the Russian Poalei Zion, he called for the settlement of Eretz Israel on a socialist basis. In September 1917, Borokhov made a report at the Congress of Nations in Kyiv on "Russia as a commonwealth of peoples." Borokhov traveled around the Jewish centers of Russia, giving speeches and reports. During one of the trips, he fell ill with pneumonia and died. His remains were transported to Israel in 1963 and buried on the shores of Lake Kinneret next to the graves of other founders of socialist Zionism.

I draw your attention to the difference of 2 years between the birth of Borokhov Ber (1881-1917) and Spiridon Ivanovich Putin (1879-1965), between the death of Spiridon Ivanovich Putin and the transfer of the remains of Borokhov Ber to Israel.

A peasant who has been working on the land all his life suddenly became a top-class cook who cooked for the state elite. He cooked for Lenin's wife and sister, but not for Lenin - he did not have time.

2) “Among those who, together with Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, began the struggle for the creation of a Social Democratic Party, and then became his opponent, there are many prominent political figures, representatives of parties that at one time offered alternative options for the development of the country to the Bolsheviks. Among them, one of the most prominent figures was Julius Osipovich Martov (the most famous of the 19 pseudonyms of Yu. O. Zederbaum) (1873 - 1923). IN AND. Lenin and Yu.O. Martov was called friends-enemies. When Martov died in 1923 in Berlin, where he was able to go for treatment at the insistence of Lenin, contrary to the opinion of the Central Committee, the ailing Lenin was not told about this, because they were afraid that this news would make him worse. Political Views Martova and Lenin at first agreed: both were Marxists. They were brought together by a common understanding of the tasks revolutionary struggle, and in the fall of 1895, at a joint meeting of the Central Group of St. Petersburg Marxists, led by Lenin, and Martov's circle, an agreement was reached on the creation of a single citywide organization, which set as its goal the deployment of mass political agitation among the workers, known under the name: "The Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class ". Then, the period of preparation and the beginning of the publication of the Iskra newspaper and the Zarya magazine became the time of the greatest closeness between Lenin and Martov. They worked together in unison and selflessly in the editorial office, corresponded with correspondents, organized conspiratorial contacts, and talked for a long time. Martov was one of the few people with whom Lenin was friendly on "you". However, it was during this period that the first serious disagreements between them on a number of theoretical and practical issues of the revolutionary movement came to light. The entire subsequent history of their relationship was a reflection of the struggle that was waged for many years between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.

3) Since Lenin is Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich Romanov (1869-1918), then let's look for a book image of Putin's grandfather among the relatives of Sergei Mikhailovich. He is located right away - this is Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich (August 11 (23), 1863, Bely Klyuch (Tetri-Tskaro), near Tiflis - on the night of 23 to 24 or from January 29 to 30, 1919, Petrograd) - the third son of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich and Olga Fedorovna, grandson of Nicholas I.
This is where Lenin and Martov got the friendly “you”. Yes, and Georgia "floats smoothly."

Putin V.V. is one of the richest people in the world.

Putin V.V. reached all sorts of administrative heights. The age of a person is limited, it would seem, why would a rich person ruin his health and the remaining time for various meetings, meetings, etc., instead of doing what he loves, meeting with his neighbors. No, for him, power comes first. And where does the peasant in the Nth generation have such a craving for power? My version logically explains this situation: Putin has power in his blood, just as Hitler, the son of Wilhelm II, had power. Power replaces Putin's relatives, friends, life itself.

In the photo, from left to right and from top to bottom, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov, Borokhov Ber, Yuli Osipovich Martov.

“... wherever the Jewish hand touches, wherever the Jewish influence penetrates, where the Jewish way of spirit and thought is at least somewhat brought to life: there the most disgusting hypocrisy inevitably reigns.” Hieromartyr John Vostorgov

All these Abramovichs, Berezovskys, Vekselbergs, Gusinskys, Nevzlins, Smolenskys, Friedmans, Khodorkovskys, Chubais - they did not storm the Kremlin, they entered it through the back gate, took advantage of blood ties with Tatyana Dyachenko (daughter of Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina). This is how a "national" class of oligarchs appeared in Russia, which, in turn, began to promote and finance their own "national" politicians (Voloshin, Kiriyenko, Klebanov, Kozyrev, Lesin, Livshits, Nemtsov, Primakov, Resin, Satarov, Surkov, Fradkov, Shvydka, ...), it is possible that the financing of individuals came from foreign Jewish investors. Only "their" people were allowed into politics, business and the media, if not by blood, then by spirit. All of them were engaged in the formation public opinion. Journalist Radzikhovsky answering the question, is it possible now to talk about the existence of Jewish journalism in Russia? - stated: “Now the question rather arises whether it is possible to speak of the existence of non-Jewish journalism. In Russia, a lot of journalists are Jews, half Jews or with some Jewish blood. So, if we define it from a formal point of view and consider Jewish journalism, which is done by people who are ethnic Jews to one degree or another, then it dominates”.

Thus, the small nation received at its disposal all the levers of control. But it is not enough to seize power, it must also be retained. Under Yeltsin, the question of a successor arose. Why Putin became him, we will try to figure it out ... There is an article on the Jewish site: "Jewish Roots of President Putin" ( Putin's grandmother's name was Lyalya. Her first husband bore the surname Rasputin, but “I signed up in the monastery book as Putin” from him, Lyalya had a son, Vladimir. Her second husband was a certain Pechersky. Then she "left Pechersky and married a Jew Epstein (he took his wife's surname), who adopted Vova Putin - Putin's father".

On the official website of V. Putin ( we can see photos, under one of them there is an inscription: "Grandfather Cooked for Lenin and Stalin" (his last name, first name and patronymic are not mentioned). Under another photo we read: "My mother is Maria Ivanovna Shelomova" . "Shalom" in Hebrew - hello. It is possible that Epstein's grandfather, who raised his stepson, chose a bride for him from his relatives.

In 1997, few people had heard of Putin, then the Israeli businessman Yitzhak Radoshkovich stated in an interview that his “Second cousin Vladimir Putin has great prospects for advancement in career ladder in Russian politics. It was then, with the participation of Berezovsky and Abramovich, that career this previously unremarkable person. In 1998, he was the director of the FSB, in 1999 - the prime minister of the Russian Federation, in 2000 - the president.

And before that, Putin (together with Kudrin and Manevich) was A. Sobchak's deputy. In 1996, Sobchak failed in the elections, and another team came to Smolny. In September 1998, a criminal case was initiated against A. Sobchak on charges of bribery, corruption and abuse of power. If he had been convicted then, a whole train of his assistants would have been drawn to the dock for him. In January 1999, Sobchak fled to France. Apparently, negotiations were underway ... And already, without fear, realizing that if he was imprisoned, then together with Putin, Sobchak returned to Russia in July 1999. But in February 2000, he suddenly died. This death suited everyone.

At the same time, Yeltsin had to cover up his affairs so that it would not happen to him, as with Sobchak, when another team came to Smolny. For this he needed Putin. After all, "A raven will not peck out a crow's eye". Putin's first decree was on Yeltsin's lack of jurisdiction. But there are persistent rumors that Abramovich has been put in charge of the billions of the Yeltsin family, and therefore they don’t touch him.

Political scientist S. Belkovsky gave an interview to the German publication Die Welt, in which he claims that V. Putin is a big businessman, he owns 37% of the shares of Surgutneftegaz, the market value of which is $ 20 billion, in addition, 4.5% of the shares of Gazprom "(13 billion). In the Gunvor oil trading company, Putin, through his representative G. Timchenko, has 50% (10 billion). If this information is true, then Putin's personal fortune in company shares is estimated at over $40 billion, which puts him in the top ten richest people in the world. ( But we still do not know the size of his savings in banks, in gold bars, what amounts his real estate is valued, including abroad. Now Putin needs a cover, and so that it doesn’t work out with him as with Sobchak, he needed Medvedev (The article was written for the presidency of D. Medvedev).

In 1917 Russia lost its historical statehood, the "Bolsheviks" (Jewish party) came to power. They staged a bloody terror, thereby inciting "hatred" for the Jewish people. In order to stop this "hatred" Trotsky introduced a law: for mentioning the word "Jew" - execution.

Today, Russia is again rolling into the abyss: wealth is being exported from the country, and nothing is being created, Jews dominate in all its power, information and business structures. This is inciting hatred towards the Jewish people..

Putin is most likely an invented name, the same as Stalin, but I think it was more original than the pseudonyms of other leaders from the Cheka. Apparently, at some point, the Chekists in the Kremlin decided that it would be better if the people were offered a new “path” and the new “Putin” would lead the people along this path. However, the brand can simply be promoted if there is a suitable candidate.

What is the difference between a real biography of Putin and a fictional one? Yes - there are many small differences, ranging from various relatives, the number of which is limited in mentions, and ending with the actual fate of Putin himself. But the main difference between a biography for everyone and a biography for the Kremlin is that this being is a protege of a rather average level of intelligence. But a creature grown in the laboratories of the NKVD / KGB in order to carry out a common plan - control by gangs and criminals of Russia. It is successful and happening. So let's see where Putin came from.

When bloggers in social networks talk about Putin's doubles and that he may have his own puppeteers, one factual feature of the former individual leaders of the KGB / FSB is overlooked. Namely, the mythologization and juggling of the biographies of a number of high-ranking Chekist officials in order to hide information about their families and origins. However, to a greater extent, it looks like “erasing personal history”. It is worth noting that this is in the origin of such figures as Andropov, almost all GRU generals, most of the KGB leadership. In the Central Committee of the CPSU, the picture is approximately the same. At the same time, it cleans real story person. Well, for example: There is no official information about Primakov's father; according to unofficial published data, he was repressed three months after the birth of his son. Mother - Kirshenblat Anna Yakovlevna (1896-1972), worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist. Immediately after the birth of the child, she returned to Tbilisi, where her family lived; Primakov spent his childhood and youth in this city, but he studied in Marneuli, then went to study in Moscow. And that's it! Little is known about Primakov's adventures while working for the KGB. However, it was he who carried out a number of operations in the Middle East - Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, etc.

Andropov - Also very interesting. H You read Primakov's biography, but it turns out that his mother is Krishenblat) And allegedly nothing is known about his father - he disappeared in the abyss of the revolution and pest control. There is no dad) We are talking about Primakov, who before Putin was the head of the Russian Chekists and then led the government in front of him.
Primakov's cousin is also Krishenblat. All of them are natives of Tbilisi. It would be interesting to know that Andropov is also some kind of Krishenblat. Watching… and bingo: mother – Evgenia Karlovna Flekenshtein. But about the pope, like Primakov / Krishenblat, the information is very confused. That is, mothers are Jewish, but who the fathers are is a fog. Will we have such a bingo with Putin?

The newspaper “Veche Tveri” was the first to talk about Vladimir Putin’s Turgin roots, we owe a lot to her interesting details, then published in the domestic and foreign press. Most often, Putin's parents were mentioned - Vladimir Spiridonovich from the village of Pominovo and Maria Ivanovna (nee Shelomova), who was born in Zarechye. They were born in the Russian Empire and baptized in the Church of the Intercession in the same year - 1911.

The surnames Putin and Shelomov have long lived in the villages of the Turgin parish and belonged to the category of serfs who gained freedom thanks to the reform of the liberator Tsar Alexander II. Before the revolution, his bust stood in front of Turgin's Intercession Church, then the same concrete Ilyich stood in its place. Maria Ivanovna Shelomova (1911 - 1998) - daughter of Ivan Ivanovich and Elizaveta Ivanovna Shelomova - b. in the village of Zarechye, Turginovsky district, Tver region, died in St. Petersburg. Putin, according to the latest data, allegedly “from the people”, his ancestors were Tver serfs who received their freedom. Putin's mother Maria Ivanovna Putina, nee Shelomova, was an older brother - Ivan Ivanovich Shelomov(1904-1973), naval officer, before the war - head of the 7th department of the 1st department of the GUPT of the NKVD of the USSR, and even earlier - the chief of staff of the 62nd Vladivostok naval border detachment of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR). At the beginning of the Leningrad blockade, I. Shelomov, who at that time served at the headquarters of the Leningrad military flotilla, helped his sister move from Peterhof to Leningrad.

Another branch of Putin's ancestors is the Buyanovs. Almost nothing is known about them at all. The surname Buyanova is quite rare, more characteristic of the so-called "Pale of Settlement" Russian Empire. The Shelomovs also have another version of the pronunciation - Shalomovs or Shalomovs. In this context, one can speak of Putin's Jewish roots, but there is no direct evidence of this. Putin and his official biographers are talking about Putin's "Russianness" with might and main. They especially note that his ancestors are from Tver. But Putin went to Tver just a couple of times during his term.

Vladimir Putin's grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin, was a famous chef who cooked for the highest party and government officials; he had to cook for Lenin and Stalin. He fed them until the age of 72, two years, including cooking for Stalin, already when he was in old age. He mastered the profession from the age of 15 in St. Petersburg, studied in St. Petersburg restaurants for 5 years, at one time he lived in Vilnius. Before the revolution, he lived with his family in St. Petersburg on the street. Gorokhova, then returned to vil. Pominovo, then moved to Gorki near Moscow, where he worked until the end of the 1930s. in a party sanatorium, he was trusted to cook for the Lenin family (N. K. Krupskaya, Maria Ilyinichna and Dmitry Ilyich Ulyanov). Since 1940, he worked in the boarding house of the Moscow city committee of the Ilyichevskiy party (the village of Ilyinskoye), in the boarding house he had to serve Minister of Culture Furtseva, the first secretaries of the Moscow city party committee Grishin and Kapitonov, Secretary General N. S. Khrushchev and his mother, during the war he worked in Ogaryovo at the dacha of the chairman of the Sovinformburo Shcherbakov, since the late 1950s. retired. Last years life worked as a senior cook in the sanatorium "Ilyichevskoe"

As we understand, grandfather was a Chekist who had "access to the body." Thus, the grandson turned out to be a good protégé. I went to the KGB school, went to the GDR, caught dissidents.

If you omit some details, you can ask a few questions. First, some kind of ideal biography is obtained. All parents are from the “Tver district” itself, relatives “from the plow”, biographies are not just clean - crystal clear. And most importantly, a dynasty emerges biographically, in which one part is sailors, the other is officers of the Soviet special services. And the last name is Putin. An ideal picture for the future manager of Russia. It is he, in the opinion of the Kremlin celestials, who is worthy to rule the country and lead it further. It is under him that everything possible must be done to regain the power that the Chekists lost after Andropov. And they returned it - returned it for 17 years, creating an ideal people's president. Coming out of the people, fed in the Cheka and actually looking like a good king - well, what else do future slaves need?

Putin's true biography looked like this - in 1996, two rather powerful towers in the Kremlin decided that they needed a new protege, more predictable than Yeltsin. In exchange for the inviolability of the Yeltsin family, it was decided to replace the first president of Russia with an eternal one, simultaneously eliminating Anatoly Sobchak even before he could tell a lot of interesting things about both Putin and his protégé, Medvedev. But the negotiations lasted a long time and materialized only in 1998. After the transfer of power, it was decided to return Russia to its previous course - the restoration of the Empire. Putin's name began to turn into a brand, associating with another name more and more often - "the father of the peoples", "a strong hand." Gradually, all relatives and acquaintances of Putin who could tell the true biography of the protege were removed. The final touch is the elimination of the wife who disappeared (it was announced that the couple divorced and Lyudmila remarried, but there is no clear evidence of this).

We still do not have confidence that the protégé is a real force, and not a puppet, which is pulled by invisible leaders by the strings. The plastique of the face, the disappearances, the slurring of the negotiations, when the Kremlin's course is simply turning in opposite directions, suggest that Putin is being controlled. Versions have been put forward that he has long been dead - the alleged disappearance of all his relatives who are not included in the infamous "cooperative lake" is connected with this. The elimination of Berezovsky apparently lies in the same plane, since BAB could also tell about the initial period of the formation of the new government, in which he was rumored to have taken part.

You can also answer the question - who was the main ideologist of the "Putinization" of Russia. Why do these people erase part of the past associated with childhood and youth, the first family? Why does this happen from a certain point in history? Let's try to assume that the rigging historical facts from the biography of individual leaders of the state and the KGB took place at the time of their “nomenklatura leap”, when, relatively speaking, they went “uphill”. And this was done in order to paint a picture that is different from a real biography. It would be bold to say that these are not the Primakovs, Putins and Andropovs. These are just nomenclature “chips” and the “puppeteers” themselves, in fact, are outside of history in general and we will never know their names. Those whose protégés are the subjects of the material have no names, no biographies and no mention in the press or interviews. The late Primakov, who is definitely involved in bringing Putin out of the mud, or the leadership of the FSB may also turn out to be a puppeteer. Definitely these are the people to whom the stolen “party gold” turned out to be at the time of the collapse of the USSR.

Many archives will be opened only after Putin's "official" death. But it is necessary to note the main thing - the fake biographies of the leaders of Russia also imply that in reality these people are not responsible for anything, since they are, in fact, illegitimate.

Viktor Shevchuk. Russian Jew.

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Biography, life story of Shelomova (Putina) Maria Ivanovna

Shelomova (Putina) Maria Ivanovna - mother of the Russian statesman.

early years

Maria Ivanovna is from the Tver province. In the village of Zarechye, in the Turginovsky district, she was born on October 17, 1911. The family was the most ordinary, peasant. Maria was not the only child of the Shelomovs - four brothers grew up with her. But one of them, Lesha, passed away quite early.

Judging by the photographs that he saved and carefully placed in the family archive, his mother went to face her father. She inherited her character from her mother.


She met her future husband at the age of seventeen. Then she married him. The girl's parents did not argue with the marriage. On the contrary, they blessed her for a long and happy family life.

The young people decided not to stay in the Tver region and were gathering on the road to Peterhof. Soon the couple had a son. Unfortunately, the joy of motherhood with Mary was short-lived: Olezhka died in infancy.


Fate turned out to be favorable to the inconsolable young mother and gave her a second child. It happened just before the war. The invasion of the Nazi troops endangered both the lives of the Putins and their son Vitya. But everything worked out. By the way, the help of brother Ivan, who was at the headquarters of the Baltic Fleet, arrived in time. The Germans were already close, but he managed to take his sister and family to Leningrad.

Relatives sheltered the Putins in the northern capital. It was necessary to live somehow, so Maria got a job as a seamstress in the workshop. Some kind of help, but still help to the family, and even to the front. After all, Soviet soldiers needed a lot, including warm mittens.


The fascist invaders were unable to overcome the fierce resistance of the defenders of Leningrad, but they took the city under blockade. Severe trials fell on the share of the inhabitants who remained in it. At that difficult time, grief knocked on the houses of the overwhelming majority of citizens. It did not pass the Putin family either. Little Victor is dead.

It is possible that Maria Putina herself would not have survived. But the woman held on thanks to her brother, who shared with her his meager government rations. There was, however, a moment when she came close to the fatal line. As a sin, the brother was temporarily transferred to serve in another place, and Maria was left without help. The hunger caused her to faint. From the outside, it looked like the woman had died. So the people around thought, calling the workers special service. So Maria Putina ended up among the dead, of whom there were a lot of people in the city at that time. Luckily, she came to her senses.

Maria Ivanovna suffered from exhaustion, but found the strength to visit her wounded husband in the hospital. The sight of his exhausted wife struck him, and Putin began to leave for her part of the food that was due to him. Did it secretly from the nurses. But they guessed it, because the wounded man was losing strength every day. Oh, and then he got it!

After the war, I had a chance to huddle in a communal apartment. The room went to Vladimir from the car-building enterprise where he worked. Fired with wood hot water was not, but the Putins were happy with this housing.

third child

Maria Ivanovna gave birth to another son at the age of slightly over forty. The son was named. The future president of Russia had to sleep in a laundry basket, for lack of a crib by his parents.

His mother suffered from abdominal pains, but did not devote her relatives to her problems. By trying to heal herself, she damaged her health. Maria Ivanovna Putina died of cancer on July 6, 1998.

Nationality of Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, President Russian Federation, causing heated discussions on the network. During the census, he himself indicated that he was Russian. However, many people doubt this, and Putin is credited with Jewish nationality.

Apparently appearance Russian President seems inappropriate. Today, active "excavations" of the roots of the family tree of the first person of the state continue. There are many versions of Putin's origin. The article describes two main ones.

Who is Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich by nationality?

(version one, official)

According to the official biography: Putin by nationality, Wikipedia reports that the father of the President of Russia was called Vladimir Spiridonovich. He was born in the 11th year of the 20th century, and died in the 99th.

Grandfather of Vladimir Vladimirovich on the paternal side - Spiridon Ivanovich. Also, of course, Putin. As you can see, neither in his name, nor in his patronymic, nor in his surname is there even the slightest hint of Judaism. However, as in the name of the president's paternal grandmother, Olga Ivanovna Chursanova.

It turns out that the nationality of Putin's father is Russian. However, belonging to the Jewish tribe is usually determined by the mother. You can also consider this branch.

Putin's mother in her maiden name was Shelomov. Her name was Maria Ivanovna. Looking at this photo beautiful blonde, we can assume the presence of Jewish impurities in her blood. Especially if you look at the shape of the nose. However, this is a rather weak argument. More weighty evidence, according to adherents of the version that Putin's mother is Jewish by nationality, is her last name.

Putin's mother - Maria Ivanovna Shelomova

In Hebrew there is a word "shalom", which translates as "peace" and is a common greeting. Putin's maternal grandfather's name was Ivan Ivanovich Shelomov, and his grandmother was Elizaveta Ivanovna. Although their names are “to the marrow of their bones” Russian, and these people were ordinary peasants living in the Tver province, some researchers are still convinced that Putin’s real nationality is Jewish and that’s all because of his mother’s last name.

Putin at the age of 6 with his mother 1958

However, their opponents put forward a counterargument. They call to remember the word "sholom", widely used by the ancient Russians. In the language of our ancestors, it meant "mound". Thus, the Russian version of the origin of Putin has a fairly strong "alibi". However, the issue remains controversial.

The second version of the nationality of the President of the Russian Federation

According to the second (unofficial) version, Vladimir Putin's mother is of Russian nationality. Her name is not Maria Ivanovna Shelomova at all, but Vera Nikolaevna Putina. Moreover, she is still alive and lives in one of the small villages of Georgia called Metekhi. An old woman was born in the Perm region in 1926.

Adherents of the secret version, according to which real name Putin and his nationality are unambiguously connected with Russia, give the following answer. Allegedly, immediately after the birth of Volodya, Platon Privalov left his wife, and she, left with a small child in her arms, moved away from evil tongues from a village in the Perm region to Georgia.

There she got married and had more children. The family lived very poorly, the husband began to demand that the stepson be attached somewhere. Then Vera Nikolaevna made a very difficult decision for herself. She took Volodya to distant relatives. Thus - to Vladimir Spiridonovich and Maria Ivanovna, which were discussed above. They allegedly raised the boy as their son. Even the patronymic was given to the adoptive father, but the surname did not change.

Of course, if all this is true, then the answer to the question “who is Vladimir Putin by nationality” is obvious. However, can this information be trusted? Its authors do not provide much evidence. All in all, they only have words. And a couple more arguments. Like, young Vova Putin, cut off from his mother, who did not know his father, felt inferior. In order to somehow assert himself, he went first to sports, and then to the KGB, the most powerful organization in the country.

Vladimir Putin, whose nationality and roots are of great interest to fellow citizens, has always limited access to his personal life. We know almost nothing about his children or parents.

It is hardly possible to count on any honest answers about one's origin from the president. Most likely, in the near future we will not know exactly what nationality Putin is. At least as long as the president is alive. Then, perhaps, the archives will open.
