What happens to a person during Lent? What happens to the body when you fast

As a result of conscious and unconscious violation of the laws of healthy nutrition, various poisons and toxins formed there as a result of fermentation and putrefaction are absorbed into the blood from the intestines. From the blood, these poisons and toxins enter the nerve cells of the brain. As a result, normal thinking is disrupted. If thinking is impaired, then actions will also be incorrect. “For as he thinks in his soul, so is he.” (Prov.23:7). Then other central functions are disrupted nervous system, which leads to diseases of the internal organs.

The excretory organs help remove these toxins from the body. Kidneys– filtering poisons and toxins from the blood and removing them through the urine, they play a major role in the excretion function. Liver(biochemical laboratory of the body) - inactivates poisons and toxins and removes them with bile into the intestines, and from the intestines, normally, they are excreted out with feces. Colon– from it these toxins and poisons are absorbed into the blood, however, when drinking large amounts of water, it releases toxins and poisons in the feces. This is the most direct way. Therefore, the large intestine removes poisons much faster than the liver and, moreover, in more. That is why, when abstaining from food for more than two days, it is imperative to give cleansing enemas or take activated charcoal in large quantities. Sweat glands– secrete poisons and toxins in sweat. This excretion system only works for those who wash themselves well.

All these systems would cope well with their functions if these poisons entered the bloodstream, say, once a week. But with our usual, as it seems to us, healthy eating, these poisons enter the blood constantly and in very large quantities. Since we, more than any previous generation, need common sense and pure thinking, we need to fast more often.

“Indulging in excessive appetite by eating too often and too much overloads the digestive organs, which causes inflammatory processes. Poisoned Blood causes the emergence various diseases

In such cases, these sufferers themselves can do for themselves what no one can ever do for them. They need to begin to free the body from the overwhelming burden that they have placed on it. They themselves need to eliminate the cause of the disease. Short-lived fast will give your stomach a chance to rest. Relieve the body's agitated state, carefully and wisely taking water. These efforts will help the body's natural forces, will be freed from what is clogged with it». (Advice on food and nutrition, - pp. 189-190.).

“Some would benefit far more from complete abstinence from food for one or two days a week than from countless medical procedures and advice. One-day, weekly fast will bring them invaluable benefit." (Advice on food and nutrition, - P. 189.).

“Immoderation in diet often becomes the cause of disease, and what the body most needs is to be freed from the unnecessary burden placed on it. In many cases, the best treatment for a patient may be abstinence(in the original, in English, the word here is “fast”, and is translated by the word “post”; see the beginning of the article for the meaning of this word ) , from one to two meals, so that the overworked digestive organs have the opportunity to rest. A fruit diet for several days usually brings great relief to people engaged in mental work. In many cases, short-lived complete fasting and subsequent moderate consumption of simple food led to recovery, thanks only to the natural forces of the body. Moderation in diet for one to two months would convince many that the path of self-denial is the path to health ( Please note that the words fasting and fasting are used interchangeably.)». (Ibid.).

To cleanse the blood of toxins and poisons, first of all, it is necessary to stop their intake. We achieve this only partially by abstaining from food during fasting. In order for as many of these poisons and toxins to be released from the body during a one-day fast, it is necessary to drink water during fasting in order to completely stop the absorption of these substances from the intestines, and to allow the natural forces of the body to remove these poisons and toxins. Moreover, it is necessary to drink much more water than we usually drink.

The volume of water in the blood is a constant value. When we use a large number of water, it enters the blood from the intestines, diluting it, including various poisons and toxins contained in the blood. The body has special volume receptors that signal the kidneys about excess water in the blood. In response to this, the kidneys begin to work harder. And this is where a wonderful mechanism comes into play. When excess water is removed from the body in the form of urine, it pulls all the poisons and toxins with it, eliminating them along with it, while the necessary blood elements remain in the bloodstream. The kidney itself knows what needs to be removed from the body, but in order to remove it, it needs water.

To explain this more simply, let's give an example. If you give a person dry and highly salted food 3 times a day and do not give him water, he can die. Large excess salt ( NaCl), changes the acid-base composition of the blood to critical levels, which leads to severe disorders. The task of the kidneys is to immediately remove excess salt from the body. But without water, they cannot do this. Such excess salt quickly leads to severe disorders incompatible with life. To remove at least part of the excess salt from the body, they begin to take water from the blood. Blood thickening occurs. A state of shock develops. From severe oxygen starvation, death occurs. The same thing happens with toxins and poisons. To remove them, water is needed. But where can I get it?

Per day, human body, releases about 2-3 liters of water (0.8-1.5 liters with urine, 0.4 liters with exhaled air, about the same amount with sweat, 50-100 ml with feces). Therefore, when during fasting we do not drink at least the usual amount of water, then first of all the kidneys, as well as the intestines and sweat glands, stop releasing poisons and toxins from the body, since this requires water. The amount of these poisons and toxins will not lead us to death, but they are quite enough to distort our thinking. With a lack of water, these harmful substances are not only not released from the blood, but are even more absorbed from the intestines. This is indicated by the following symptoms that occur during fasting: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, reluctance to do anything or vice versa, excitement, irritability, sometimes nausea, etc.

We fast to cleanse our mind of the effects of toxins and poisons; if we do not drink water, these substances will not be released. Now answer one question: “Is there any benefit from such a post?” And we hope that our body is cleansing itself. And it is not surprising that during fasting many begin to feel the above symptoms. But even if you don’t feel these symptoms, don’t be fooled, your body is not being cleansed. Due to your ignorance of the laws of your body, God will not perform a miracle. “ The importance of taking care of your health should taught as a biblical requirement . Perfect obedience to God's commandments calls for agreement with the laws of existence. The science of education includes knowledge of physiology , which can only be achieved. No one can correctly understand his duties to God until he clearly understands his duties to himself as God's property. That, whoever remains in sinful ignorance of the laws of life and health or deliberately violates these laws sins against God ”. (Advice to parents, teachers, students - P.295.). Therefore, your post will not bring you any benefit. You will say: “God will answer me for my sincerity.” But is it? You will get the answer by reading this article to the end.

The Spirit of Prophecy says: "For a short time fast will give your stomach a chance to rest. Relieve the excited state of the body, taking water carefully and wisely. These efforts will help the body’s natural forces and free itself from what is clogged with it.” (Advice on food and nutrition, - P. 190. In the Russian translation of this book, publishing house “Source of Life” - 1997, the word “fasting” is translated by the word “abstinence”, and the subsequent meaning is also conveyed differently.).

We must understand one thing: our fast is not for God, but for us. God does not need our fasting. Fasting is not a payment to Him for His blessings. Fasting is intended to cleanse our hearts and nothing more. The prophet Zechariah says: “And the word of the Lord of hosts came to me: Speak to all the people of this land and to the priests, saying: When you fasted and wept in the fifth and seventh month, and for seventy years, did you fast for Me? Is it for me? And when you eat and when you drink, are you not eating for yourself, are you not drinking for yourself? (Zechariah 7:4-6).

To understand this more deeply from the spiritual side, let us consider in detail “fasting - repentance.” When we fast as a sign of repentance, what is fasting? Fasting is aimed at cleansing our minds, so that we understand more deeply the sinfulness of sin, and more appreciate what Christ did for us, so that we become more receptive to the Word of God and the voice of the Holy Spirit. But fasting is never something like payment for forgiveness. But how often do we still have vestiges of Pharisaism when we think that God, looking at our hunger, will be more merciful to us and forgive us more. How often, like monks, we begin to elevate fasting to the rank of something spiritual, completely non-material, separating it from its true purpose - a means of purifying the heart. "Appropriate and recommended fasting and prayer. They are in God's hands are a means of purifying the heart and promoting a receptive disposition of spirit”. (Medical ministry, - pp. 282-283.). « Fast recognized as the word of God, is not a simple form; it consists not only of temporarily abstaining from food, dressing in rags and sprinkling ashes on your head. He who fasts, truly lamenting his sin, does not need to show it off. The purpose of God-required fasting is not to torture the body because of sin“, but to help us recognize the base nature of sin, humble our hearts before God and receive all-forgiving grace from Him.” (Sermon on the Mount, - P.87.).

For many years in a row we practiced dry fasting. However, our hearts remain unpurified. But where is true repentance? Or maybe we are not fasting correctly? But, you say, God accepts sincerity. Yes, God accepts, but sincerity of what? Sincerity of repentance, yes! But no matter how sincerely we practice dry fasting, it is fasting for us, but not for God. Such fasting does not cleanse us. God does not need purification.

You may ask: “Why didn’t the people of Nineveh eat or drink anything during fasting? Why didn’t people eat or drink during the fast during Esther’s time?” But here you can ask a counter question: “Why do we today, having the complete Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, deep scientific and medical knowledge, continue to practice dry fasting?”

There is nothing surprising here. If pagan concepts were able to distort the understanding of the symbol of the sacrificial lamb in the minds of the people, if they did not see a great prototype in their sacrifices and holidays, then the concept of the meaning of fasting was naturally distorted. Their entire religion was built on self-righteousness - earning the kingdom through works. Esther, her maids (probably they were not Jews), her people, had been surrounded by pagans with their foundations and religion for more than 70 years. They simply did not understand why fasting was given to a person. God heard their prayers not because they did not drink water and exhausted themselves, but because of the sincerity of their prayers and their complete trust. Even less can be said about the inhabitants of Nineveh. It was a pagan city. When they heard Jonah's words, they decided to repent. In their pagan understanding of God's mercy, they decided to appease the God of Jonah by three days of exhaustion of themselves, children and even livestock. Why was it necessary to languish the cattle? Were the cattle really sinful? But this was a pagan concept regarding fasting. Do you want to say that God heard them because the ignorant children and cattle did not drink water for three days? God canceled the punishment because “God saw their deeds, that they turned from the evil path his own, and God regretted the disaster that he said he would bring on them, but did not bring it.” (John 3:10).

Some cite the example of Moses, pointing out that he did not eat or drink for forty days. To explain this it is necessary to turn to the Spirit of Prophecy. “These forty days of Moses' stay on the mountain did not include the six days of preparation. For six days Joshua was with Moses and with him ate manna and drank “from the fountain that flowed from the mountain.” But Jesus did not go up into the cloud with Moses. He remained to await his return and continued to eat manna and drink daily, while Moses fasted for the entire forty days." (Patriarchs and Prophets, P.313). Moses really did not eat or drink anything for forty days. But how could he hold out like this? long term? « Calling Moses to the mountain, The Lord covered him with His Glory so , so that a pattern according to which everything should be done would be imprinted in the memory of the prophet.” (The Desire of Ages, – P.208). It must be understood that Moses was in the presence of God. For him there was no day or night then; he was outside of earthly time. Only thanks to the power of God supporting him did he live. To stay alive without sleeping for more than one month (40 days), without consuming food or water and being in an active state all this time is impossible for human nature.

Christ, while on earth, also left us an example of true fasting. “When the strongest temptations surrounded Christ on all sides, He didn't eat anything ». (Testimonies for the Church T.2, - P.202-203.). It is written that He abstained from food, but not from water. Preparing Himself for service, He fasted for 40 days, again without eating anything. “There for forty days He was tempted by the devil and didn't eat anything ». (Luke 4:2).“The Redeemer of the world knew that the indulgence of appetite would cause physical impotence, and would suppress the faculty of perception to such an extent that man would become indifferent to spiritual and eternal truths. …Indulgence of appetite will weaken moral powers. Gluttony took hold of people so strongly that it took the sinless Son of God six weeks to overcome it...” (Advice on food and nutrition, - P.186.).

The most important harm during fasting comes from the complete exclusion of proteins and fats from the diet. In fact, a person is left with only carbohydrates to maintain life and obtain energy. Those who observe fasting have to sit on a strict carbohydrate-vegetable diet for a long time. Any woman who has ever tried to lose excess weight using the so-called “buckwheat” diet knows perfectly well how it ends: hair begins to fall out, nails peel, and the digestive system becomes completely disordered.

Strict fasting has a similar effect on the body. The heaviest load falls on the pancreas, which is forced to process only carbohydrates in excessive quantities. The result of this diet is increased production of cholesterol. It leads to the formation of plaques in blood vessels, which can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system.

The second dangerous enemy is the lack of fats and animal protein. Due to the deficiency of these important elements, which are essential for metabolism, the body begins to “eat itself”, borrowing protein from muscle tissue. Since such things do not come from outside important elements, like zinc, calcium, iron, sulfur, etc., skin and hair become dry and thin. A deficiency of these substances can be observed in hermits and associates of the church, who exhaust themselves with fasting for months. Their skin resembles the thinnest parchment, their hair is sparse and lifeless.

But fasting is not useful for ordinary lay people either. At the end of it, the hair becomes very dull and brittle, problems with nails and stomach begin, the skin takes on an earthy color and often begins to peel off. In women, even with such strict diet the opposite effect begins: due to a lack of animal protein and microelements contained in meat and fish, increased production of subcutaneous fat begins. The consequence of this is the set extra pounds. And for a man, an imbalance of vitamins and metabolic disorders are not very good. The consequences of religious zeal can be obesity and diabetes.

Therefore, if you are going to fast, coordinate this with your confessor so as not to harm your body.

Christians know that temptations always intensify during Lent. This happens for several reasons, which the inspired holy fathers write about:

1) the feat of fasting, cleansing us, reveals all the weaknesses of our soul, our sins and passions, which should become for us a reason not for despair, but for the fight against sin,

2) the spirits of evil take up arms against Christians for doing things for the sake of Christ and salvation, for leaving their ways - and fasting, which attracts God’s grace to us, shows us their malice and deceit.

St. rights John of Kronstadt:

People often say: “Lent has begun, expect temptations”. Quarrels with loved ones begin, etc.

Yes, sometimes. This is quite natural. At the beginning, in the middle or at the end of Lent, some temptations occur. Why wait for them? Well, they will come and come. Or maybe they won’t come.

Ordinary temptations are a substitute for feat, which should be strengthened by fasting. If you take upon yourself the feat of fasting, then you follow this path, and if not, you are given temptations.

The point is that when a person surrenders himself to the will of God, he perceives this as a natural element of fasting. He's ready. But there is such a moment. The enemy tries to take a person by surprise. Therefore, there is no need to particularly relax and be careless.

...and expect peace and humility from others.

There is no sadder time for demons than the time of fasting, which is why they become especially ferocious during fasting. and with particular ferocity they attack priests who promote sincere repentance for the sins of the people of God, and with particular force they attack pious Christians in church and at home who are zealous for prayer, fasting and repentance. Which of the pious priests and laity does not know the demonic rage directed at them? during the very performance of the Sacrament of Penance? - The slightest oversight on the part of the priest-confessor, the slightest unrighteous movement of the heart, and they with all their demonic cruelty enter the heart of the priest and torment him for a long, long time, if he does not soon drive them out, the uninvited guests, with the most fervent prayer of repentance and living faith.

Post - good teacher:

1) he quickly makes it clear to anyone who fasts that every person needs very little food and drink, and that in general we are greedy and eat and drink much more than what is proper, that is, what our nature requires;

2) fasting helps or reveals all the infirmities of our soul, all its weaknesses, shortcomings, sins and passions, just as muddy, stagnant water beginning to clear itself shows what kind of reptiles are found in it or what quality of rubbish;

3) he shows us the necessity of running to God with all our hearts and seeking His mercy, help, and salvation;

4) post shows all the cunning, deceit, all the malice of disembodied spirits, for whom we previously, unknowingly, worked, whose cunning, when we are now illuminated by the light of God’s grace, is clearly revealed and which now viciously persecute us for abandoning their paths.

The time of fasting is a time of struggle, exploits against invisible enemies, against all sins and passions that possess us. This is how it should be according to the meaning of the Church. Fasting was established in imitation of our Savior, who gave us an image and example in everything, and during fasting He was tempted by the devil and defeated him with the Word of God.

He who truly fasts must inevitably endure the sorrow of the flesh, the persistent struggle of the spirit against it, and, to top it all, the machinations of the devil, who acts on our soul through various thoughts that bring great sadness, especially to those who are not yet firm and imperfect in the Christian life.”

Is it necessary to keep fasts? The holy fathers answer this question unequivocally: a Christian, a faithful son of the Church of Christ, must observe fasts, remembering that everything in the Church is established by God Himself for the sake of our salvation. Fasting by a Christian is not a virtue, but a duty of obedience to God. There is a reward for virtue, and punishment for failure to fulfill a duty.

Christians know that temptations always intensify during Lent. This happens for several reasons, which the inspired holy fathers write about:

1) the feat of fasting, cleansing us, reveals all the weaknesses of our soul, our sins and passions, which should become for us a reason not for despair, but for the fight against sin,

2) the spirits of evil take up arms against Christians for doing things for the sake of Christ and salvation, for abandoning their ways - and fasting, which attracts God’s grace to us, shows us their malice and deceit.

St. rights John of Kronstadt:

People often say: “Lent has begun, expect temptations.” Quarrels with loved ones begin, etc.

Yes, sometimes. This is quite natural. At the beginning, in the middle or at the end of Lent, some temptations occur . Why wait for them? Well, they will come and come. Or maybe they won’t come.

Ordinary temptations are a substitute for asceticism, which should be strengthened by fasting. If you take upon yourself the feat of fasting, then you follow this path, and if not, you are given temptations.

The point is that when a person surrenders himself to the will of God, he perceives this as a natural element of fasting. He's ready. But there is such a moment. The enemy tries to take a person by surprise. Therefore, there is no need to particularly relax and be careless.

...and expect peace and humility from others.

There is no sadder time for demons than the time of fasting, which is why they become especially ferocious during fasting. and with particular ferocity they attack priests who promote sincere repentance for the sins of the people of God, and with particular force they attack pious Christians in church and at home who are zealous for prayer, fasting and repentance. Which of the pious priests and laity does not know the demonic rage directed at them? during the very performance of the Sacrament of Penance? “The slightest oversight on the part of the priest-confessor, the slightest unrighteous movement of the heart, and they, with all their demonic cruelty, enter the priest’s heart and torment him for a long, long time, if he does not soon drive them out, the uninvited guests, with the most fervent prayer of repentance and living faith.

Fasting is a good teacher: 1) it quickly makes it clear to everyone who fasts that every person needs very little food and drink and that in general we are greedy and eat and drink much more than what is proper, that is, what our nature requires; 2) fasting helps or reveals all the infirmities of our soul, all its weaknesses, shortcomings, sins and passions, just as muddy, stagnant water beginning to clear itself shows what kind of reptiles are found in it or what quality of rubbish; 3) he shows us the necessity of running to God with all our hearts and seeking His mercy, help, and salvation; 4) post shows all the cunning, deceit, all the malice of disembodied spirits , for whom we previously, unknowingly, worked, whose cunning, when we are now illuminated by the light of God’s grace, is clearly revealed and which now viciously persecute us for abandoning their paths.

The time of fasting is a time of struggle, exploits against invisible enemies, against all sins and passions that possess us. This is how it should be according to the meaning of the Church. Fasting was established in imitation of our Savior, who gave us an image and example in everything, and during fasting He was tempted by the devil and defeated him with the Word of God.

He who truly fasts must inevitably endure the sorrow of the flesh, the persistent struggle of the spirit against it, and, to top it all, the machinations of the devil, who acts on our soul through various thoughts that bring great sadness, especially to those who are not yet firm and imperfect in the Christian life.”

Is it necessary to keep fasts? The holy fathers answer this question unequivocally: a Christian, a faithful son of the Church of Christ, must observe fasts, remembering that everything in the Church is established by God Himself for the sake of our salvation. Fasting by a Christian is not a virtue, but a duty of obedience to God. There is a reward for virtue, and punishment for failure to fulfill a duty.

As for joints and skin, a passion for animal fats and proteins, which are difficult-to-digest foods for our body, does not have the best effect on their condition. Salts accumulate in the joints (osteochondrosis develops, or ossification of articular cartilage due to excess salts), the skin becomes covered acne due to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, which try to get rid of excess fat, and looks unhealthy.

If you follow all the nutritional standards adopted during fasting, after about a week the complete cleaning the body from toxins and metabolic products. By activating the liver, including its hematopoietic function, local blood circulation improves, which means that the tissues are better saturated with oxygen. The body gradually gets rid of not only toxins, but also excess fat reserves - this is also very beneficial for a person’s overall health. Although it should be noted that fasting food does not promote weight loss. The main food during fasting (from high-calorie foods): potatoes, pasta, bread, cereals. These are high-carbohydrate foods that can increase your waistline if you don't limit them. Therefore, fasting should not be considered a diet.

To enhance the cleansing effect of fasting, doctors recommend regularly visiting the bathhouse for those people who have no contraindications to this. The bath helps cleanse the skin pores and stimulates the excretory function of the skin, which means that toxins will be eliminated faster and better. Of course, fasting can and should be done when the body is able to cope with this load (and changing the usual diet is always a load at first). For patients who are prescribed a special diet, it is better to fast in compliance with the appropriate restrictions. For everyone else, fasting will be very useful, not only in the spiritual, but also in the physical sense.
