Chaturanga chess. Chaturanga

To Chaturang's question, what kind of game is this? Are there world championships for this game? given by the author Undersalt the best answer is M. Cervantes once said:
"Life is a game of chess. At the end of the game, both kings and simple pawns fit into the same box."
Studies show that the oldest form of chess appeared in India, somewhere in the first half of the 1st millennium AD. e. This is a Chaturanga war game (Skt. catur - four and anga - part, body).
The rules of the game, unfortunately, have not survived to this day, there are only restored versions.

Chaturanga in ancient India was called an army consisting of war chariots (ratha), elephants (hasti), cavalry (ashwa) and foot soldiers (padati). So, the game symbolized the battle with the participation of four branches of the army, led by commanders (rajas).

The troops were located at the corners of a 64-cell rectangular board (ashtapada); The game was played by four people, apparently two partners on each side. Each player had four foot soldiers, one horseman, one elephant and one general.
The moves of the figures reflected the movements and actions of combat units. In chaturanga, at first, a massive formidable bishop went straight ahead - it was a piece that we now call a rook. Then gradually, with the clarification of the "duties" of the figures, the functions of the elephant were transferred to the war chariot.
The elephant, on the other hand, began to transport the warriors diagonally, with an oblique jump through the cell, which indicated how much stronger he was than the infantryman, who could only slowly walk from one cell to another. Moves by rajas (kings), pawns (warriors), rooks (chariots) were made in chaturanga in the same way as in modern chess.
Not only mate, but also stalemate was considered a win. In addition, the gain was achieved by destroying the opponent's forces, including the Rajas. The game was of a gambling nature, since the movement of the pieces was determined by the throwing of dice.
At the next stage of development, instead of four "military camps", two appeared on the board, each of which had sixteen pieces. One of them, depicting the commander, began to be called shah (king), which, according to the rules of the game, could no longer be destroyed, and the other - his adviser, vizier (queen).
A new game was called shatrang, in the countries of the Arab East - shatranj
and was already a new, higher level of Chaturanga.
Chaturanga in the VI - VII century, she came to China and Persia (Iran). In China, it underwent significant changes and eventually turned into Chinese xiangqi.

In Japan, chaturanga turned into Shogi (将棋 sho: gi?, "game of generals") - a Japanese board logic game

Nowadays in different countries there are chaturanga clubs, the company "Noble Knight Games" produces very good game sets.

But about the championships it’s more difficult .. I’ll refer to this

And many other games. A variant of chaturanga for two players is known, similar to modern chess, and - from the 11th century - a variant for four players (it is also called "chaturadzhi"). The rules of the game are completely unknown, the sources contain descriptions of the moves of the pieces, which have some differences from different authors.

The name "chaturanga" is translated as "four-part" and was originally an epithet for the army, which in ancient India consisted of chariots (ratha), war elephants (hasti), cavalry (ashva) and foot soldiers (padati). The game symbolized the battle with the participation of four types of troops, led by the leader (raja).


An 8x8 board in India was used for a game called "ashtapada" (a racing game in which players move pieces of two colors around the board in accordance with dice rolls). The board itself was known under the same name (in particular, it is named so in Patanjali's Mahabhashya, dated to the 2nd century BC). In the Brahmajala Sutta (5th century B.C.E.), the Buddha lists the games that are forbidden to play, and first calls games on boards with 8 and 10 rows of cells. Chess historian G. Murray identifies the first of them with ashtapada.

The first mention of the game of Chaturanga is considered to be an excerpt from the novel written in Sanskrit "Kharchasharita (English) Russian”, Created by the poet Bana at the court of King Harsha (middle of the 7th century). In it, Bana says that during the reign of Harsha "only bees competed for bribes, only in verses were feet cut off and only ashtapadas taught the positions of chaturanga", that is, there were no real wars. Murray also believed that a reference to chaturanga is contained in the line of the novel Vasavadatta by Subandhu (early 7th century): flowerbed ". But modern researchers see no reason for such a conclusion. According to the treatise in the Middle Persian language (Pahlavi) "Chatrang-Namak", chess (chatrang) was presented by the Indian ruler Shahinshah Khosrow I (531-579). This account is considered plausible enough to date the Persians' acquaintance with Chaturanga. According to Murray, this allows us to roughly determine the time of the invention of chaturanga - about 570.

The Arab master Ser. 9th century Adli, author of one of the best preserved works on shatranj: “It is generally accepted that three inventions were made in India, the likes of which were not in any other country: the book“ Kalila and Dimna “, nine numbers with which you can count to infinity , and chess".

From Chaturangi, Persian shatranj (the immediate ancestor of chess), Chinese xiangqi, Japanese shogi, Thai makruk, Korean changi developed in different countries.

Rules of the game

The complete rules of the chaturanga of the first centuries of the existence of the game are not known for certain and are reconstructed from fragmentary references in the sources. In general terms, it obviously resembled the shatranj that developed from it: two players played chaturanga on an 8 × 8-cell board with sets of eight pieces and eight pawns, and the goal of the game was to checkmate the opponent's king. From a surviving fragment of the work of an Arab master, Ser. In the 9th century, Adli knows the differences between chaturangi and shatranj: a stalemate is considered a victory for the stalemate; the player who has eaten all the opponent's pieces wins, even if the opponent's king could have eaten the last opponent's piece in a return move; the elephants were placed on corner squares and moved by "jumping" through one cell vertically and horizontally, rather than diagonally, as in shatranj. Some moves of figures in chaturanga are known from the treatise of the poet of the 9th century Rudrata (English) Russian"Kavyalankara", which describes the tasks to pass all the fields of the playing board for Chaturanga with the move of a horse, chariot and elephant.

Chaturanga pieces and their moves:

Chaturanga for four players (“Chaturaji”), following Biruni, was described in detail by the 15th-century author Raghunandana. It used sets of figures of four colors: black, green, yellow and red. The king could be "eaten", like any other piece, for the pieces eaten, the players received points, which were summed up. Raghunandana knew the promotion of a pawn: she became the piece of her color that occupied this file in the initial position.

see also


  1. Gubanov A., Kilanova A. What chess did Sultan Khan play? (indefinite) . ChessPro(2009). Retrieved 14 August 2017.
  2. , pp. 43-44.
  3. , pp. 33-35.
  4. , pp. 52-53.
  5. , p. 338.
  6. , p. 51.
  7. , pp. 150-155.
  8. Murray G. How old is the game of chess, trans. from English. // Chess in the USSR, 1936, No. 12
  9. Abu Reyhan Biruni. India. - M. : Ladomir, 1995. - S. 186-187. - 727 p. - ISBN 5-86218-165-2.
  10. , pp. 48-50.
  11. Hooper, D.; Whyld, K. The Oxford Companion to Chess. - Oxford University Press, 1984. - P. 121. - 407 p. - ISBN 0192175408.
  12. , p. 333.

Number of players From 2 or 4

Party time From 20 minutes

Game difficulty Complex

Board game Chaturanga is a logic board game for 4 players. Considered a descendant of modern chess and xiangqi. It is very interesting and one of the most oldest games for four players, but it can also be played by two players.

Purpose of chaturanga game

The main task of the game is to conditionally defeat the entire army of the opponent. The game went on until the complete crushing of the pieces of one of the players. When two participants played, it was possible to win by capturing the enemy's king. The concept of checkmate, stalemate did not exist in this game. Capturing all pieces other than the king (this was called exposing the king) was considered a win. But if the opponent had the opportunity to capture your piece with a subsequent move, a draw was recognized.

How did the pieces move?

  • As in modern chess, the king moved one square in each direction.
  • The bishop had the ability to move one square forward, or one step diagonally. After changing the rules of the game, the bishop began to move in a diagonal direction through one cell. The bishop (as well as the knight) could jump over the cell during the move, regardless of whether there were friendly or enemy pieces in the direction of its movement.
  • The knight moved in the same way as in modern chess. The chariot (rook) moved one or two squares in the horizontal/vertical direction.
  • The infantry (pawn) moved only one step forward, and could beat diagonally forward one cell. Unlike modern game it was not possible to move 2 spaces forward on the first move.
  • The Vizier (Queen) moved one square in each direction (this figure was weightless). If the pawn reached the eighth rank, it became only a vizier.
  • There was no castling in the game.

Initial arrangement of figures

site - a portal of board games, in which they tried to collect the most popular board games, as well as the latest in the gaming industry. The Chaturanga Board Game page provides an overview of the game, photos and rules. If you are interested in Chaturanga Board Game, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with games in other categories with similar characteristics.


chess game party composition

CHESS (from the Persian checkmate - the ruler died), a game of 32 pieces (16 each - white and black) on a 64-cell board for two partners. The goal is to checkmate the opponent's king. The birthplace of chess is India. Chess appeared in Rus' in the 9th-10th centuries. In the International Chess Federation FIDE (FIDE - Federation Internationale des Echecs, International Chess Federation, founded in 1924) approx. 160 countries (1999).

CHESS (from the Persian checkmate - the ruler is dead), a game of 32 pieces (16 white and black each) on a 64-cell board for two opponents. The goal is to checkmate the opponent's king. An ancient game originating in India and having a long history; combines elements of science, art and sport. Promotes the development of fantasy and concentration, education of character and will, teaches to think logically. Used as a model scientific research in computers, psychology and pedagogy. Closely related in its historical development with many areas of culture.

Chaturanga, shatrang, shatranj

According to archaeological excavations, games associated with the movement of chips on the board were known as early as the 3rd-4th centuries. BC e. The oldest form of chess, the war game Chaturanga, appeared in the first centuries CE. e. In India, the Chaturanga was the name given to the formation of an army, which included war chariots (ratha), elephants (hasti), cavalry (ashva) and foot soldiers (padati). The game symbolized the battle with the participation of four branches of the army, led by the leader. They were located at the corners of a 64-cell square board (shtapada), 4 people participated in the game. The movement of the pieces was determined by throwing the dice. Chaturanga existed in India until the beginning. 20th century and eventually became known as "chaturraja" - the game of four kings; at the same time, the figures began to be painted in 4 colors - black, red, yellow and green. The successor of chaturanga was the game shatrang (chatrang), which originated in Central Asia in con. 5 -- beginning. 6th century It had two "camps" of figures and a new figure depicting the king's adviser - farzin; played by two opponents. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king. So the "game of chance" was replaced by the "game of the mind." In the 8th-9th centuries. shatrang spread from Central Asia to the East and West, where it became known under the Arabic name shatranj. In shatranj (9th-15th centuries), the terminology and arrangement of shatrang figures was preserved, but changed appearance figures. In view of the prohibition of images of living beings by Islam, the Arabs used miniature abstract figures in the form of small cylinders and cones, which simplified their production and contributed to the spread of the game. The strongest players in Shatranj, along with the Arabs - Al-Adli and others - were people from Central Asia-- Abu Naim, al-Khadim, al-Razi, al-Suli, al-Lajlaj, Abu-l-Fath, and others. Among the patrons of the game were the well-known caliphs Harun-ar-Rashid, al-Amin, al-Mamun, and others. The game developed slowly, since only the rook, king and knight moved according to modern rules, while the range of action of other pieces was extremely limited. For example, the queen moved only one square diagonally. Thanks to abstract figures, the game gradually ceased to be perceived by the people as a symbol of a military battle and was increasingly associated with everyday ups and downs, which was reflected in the epic and treatises on the chess game (Omar Khayyam, Saadi, Nizami). In the period of the early Middle Ages, shatranj penetrated into Europe - Spain, Italy, later to England, Germany, France. In Byzantium, in Rus', in Bulgaria, the game became known around the 10th-12th centuries. The emergence of the so-called descriptive notation is also associated with the Arab period, thanks to which it became possible to record the games played. Despite the fierce resistance of the initially Muslim, and then christian church, which equated chess to gambling in the dice and considered them a "demonic obsession", chess gradually became one of the most popular games not only among the feudal nobility, but also among the people. In the 14-15 centuries. the traditions of oriental chess in Europe were lost, and in the 15th-16th centuries. a departure from them became obvious after a series of changes in the rules for the moves of pawns, bishops and queens.

International Chess Day for junior schoolchildren. Scenario

Intellectual game about chess for students in grades 2-4

Tolstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, educator, NAO "NSSI", Naryan-Mar
Description: I bring to your attention the game "Field of Wonders", dedicated to international day chess, which is celebrated on July 20. The game can be used to organize extracurricular activities teachers elementary school and is intended for students in grades 2-4.
Target: acquaintance with one of the summer holidays - International Chess Day
arouse interest in chess as an intellectual board game,
introduce interesting facts from the history of chess,
broaden the horizons of children
develop logical thinking, curiosity,
educate restraint, benevolence.

Game progress.

Hello guys. I want to offer you to solve one riddle:

The kids were bored
Early morning in the yard.
- I know one game, -
Petya told the guys. -
Wherever I am and everywhere
Children play in it.
In that game there is a rook and a queen,
Elephant, knight and pawns in a row,
And the king leads all -
The squad is keeping it.
I want to give you a task:
Game name guess!
Author: A. Romanovskikh

Since 1966, for 49 years now, on July 20, the whole world has been celebrating International Chess Day. On this day, in chess clubs, fans of this wonderful game exchange experiences, hold tournaments and have fun. So today we will play the game "Field of Miracles", where you will learn Interesting Facts from the history of chess. It's okay if you're completely new to this game, so it's time to learn about it. And chess lovers today will be able to look at this game in a new way.
Chess is a board game logic game for 2 players who, on a special chessboard of 64 cells, with the help of 32 pieces (16 white and 16 black) are trying to capture the opponent's king, i.e. checkmate him.
And they have been doing this for a thousand and a half years. It was then that this game was invented in India. Only 4 players played it, and in the army each had 8 pieces of different colors: black, green, yellow and red. And these figures were called differently, not like in the poem just heard. Now, with the help of puzzles, we will find out their name, and at the same time we will determine who will be the participant in the first round.

Answer: cavalry, infantry, chariot

Task 1 round
We learned the names of the figures. What was the name of the game itself?

In India this game was called chaturanga. The king in it was called the raja, the queen was the vizier, the rook was the chariot, the horse was the cavalry, the pawn was the infantry, and only the bishop still bears its original name.
But not only in chaturanga the figures were called differently. From India, this game moved to Persia, where it already received its modern name. "Shah mat" in Persian means "the king is dead". And by the 9th century, chess came to Russia, having conquered almost the whole world, becoming an integral part of human culture. And in many countries, chess pieces got their name.

The king is the most important piece on the chessboard and was called check until the 15th century. The queen is the strongest piece. In France she is called a lady, in England a queen, and earlier in different countries she was called a minister, a prince, and an adviser. The rook was sometimes called the tower, and it also has a second name - the tour. The horse was also called a rider or a knight in some countries.
Let's guess riddles about the figures and find out who will become participants in the second round.

I just walk straight
I serve the king faithfully.
Yes, I help the pawns,
I'm the best at protecting them.

I am equal in strength to a rook,
But, alas, the queen is weaker.
And get off the diagonal
My friends, I can't.

Slowly I walk
How can I help.
And I can dream
Be sure to become a queen.

Task 2 rounds.
We have already said that the bishop for everyone from the very beginning of the emergence of chess was an elephant. True, we sometimes call him an officer. But in England it is called differently, due to the fact that the upper part of the chess elephant resembles one headdress.

The upper part of the chess elephant resembles a bishop's headdress - a miter, which is why the British call him a bishop.

The game of chess is so popular that it can often be found in literary works.
Now, with the help of a literary quiz, we will find out the participants of the third round.
1. Which character of Eduard Uspensky liked to play chess? (Crocodile Gena)
2. What was the name of the girl who managed to take part in the game of giant chess through the Looking Glass? (Alice)
3. What was the name of the hero who, in the struggle for the philosopher's stone, was forced, risking his life with his friends, to play a nightmarish game of Magic chess. (Harry Potter)

Task 3 rounds
What was the name of Dunno's friend, the hero of Nosov's story, who was very fond of walking in checkered suits.

Game with spectators.
Chess is not just a game, it is also a sport. The names of chess champions are known all over the world: Alexander Alekhin, Mikhail Botvinnik, Robert Fischer, Mikhail Tal, Boris Spassky, Vladimir Kramnik and many others.
Chess requires stamina. No wonder outstanding chess players are good athletes. The world champion of the 30s, the Dutchman Max Euwe, performed in the amateur ring, took part in auto racing. Garry Kasparov enjoys football, swimming, cycling and athletics. And what kind of sport does Anatoly Karpov like?

final game
Here we come to the end of our game. Our finalists have to guess what kind of sport is called "chess on ice", because. in this game, the main thing, as in chess, is tactics, in which every blow must be calculated in advance, everything must be comprehended and the right approach must be chosen.

And I want to finish our game with poems by Irina Sedova

Chess is interesting
And good for the head
Chess is learning
Chess is entertainment
That's a lot of friends
More fun with a friend.

Make friends with chess, and your life will sparkle with new colors, and July 20 - International Chess Day will become your holiday!
