Wind 26 km per hour. Determination of wind direction and speed

The horizontal movement of air above the Earth's surface is called wind. The wind always blows from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure.

Wind characterized by speed, strength and direction.

Wind speed and strength

Wind speed measured in meters per second or points (one point is approximately equal to 2 m/s). The speed depends on the baric gradient: the greater the baric gradient, the higher the wind speed.

The force of the wind depends on the speed (Table 1). The greater the difference between adjacent areas of the earth's surface, the stronger the wind.

Table 1. Wind strength near the earth's surface on the Beaufort scale (at a standard height of 10 m above an open flat surface)

Beaufort points

Verbal definition of wind strength

Wind speed, m/s

wind action

Calm. Smoke rises vertically

Mirror-smooth sea

The direction of the wind is noticeable but the smoke is carried, but not by the weather vane

Ripples, no foam on the ridges

The movement of the wind is felt on the face, the leaves rustle, the weather vane is set in motion

Short waves, crests do not tip over and appear glassy

Leaves and thin branches of trees are constantly swaying, the wind is waving the top flags

Short, well defined waves. Combs, tipping over, form a vitreous foam, occasionally small white lambs are formed


The wind raises dust and pieces of paper, sets in motion the thin branches of trees.

The waves are elongated, white lambs are visible in many places

Thin tree trunks sway, waves with crests appear on the water

Well developed in length, but not very large waves, white lambs are visible everywhere (splashes form in some cases)

Thick tree branches sway, telegraph wires hum

Large waves begin to form. White foamy ridges take up significant space (probable splashing)

Tree trunks sway, it's hard to go against the wind

Waves pile up, crests break, foam falls in stripes in the wind

Very strong

The wind breaks the branches of trees, it is very difficult to go against the wind

Moderately high long waves. On the edges of the ridges, spray begins to take off. Stripes of foam lie in rows in the direction of the wind

Minor damage; the wind rips off the smoke caps and roof tiles

high waves. Foam in wide dense stripes lays down in the wind. The crests of the waves begin to capsize and crumble into spray that impair visibility.

Heavy storm

Significant destruction of buildings, trees uprooted. Rarely on land

Very high waves with long downward curved crests. The resulting foam is blown by the wind in large flakes in the form of thick white stripes. The surface of the sea is white with foam. The strong roar of the waves is like blows. Visibility is poor

Violent storm

Large destruction over a large area. Very rare on land

Exceptionally high waves. Small to medium sized boats are sometimes out of sight. The sea is all covered with long white flakes of foam, spreading downwind. The edges of the waves are everywhere blown into foam. Visibility is poor

32.7 and more

The air is filled with foam and spray. The sea is all covered with strips of foam. Very poor visibility

Beaufort scale- a conditional scale for visual assessment of the strength (speed) of the wind in points according to its effect on ground objects or on waves at sea. It was developed by the English admiral F. Beaufort in 1806 and at first was used only by him. In 1874, the Standing Committee of the First Meteorological Congress adopted the Beaufort scale for use in International synoptic practice. In subsequent years, the scale has changed and refined. The Beaufort scale is widely used in marine navigation.

Direction of the wind

Direction of the wind is determined by the side of the horizon from which it blows, for example, the wind blowing from the south is south. The direction of the wind depends on the pressure distribution and on the deflecting effect of the Earth's rotation.

On climate map prevailing winds shown by arrows (Fig. 1). The winds observed near the earth's surface are very diverse.

You already know that the surface of land and water heats up in different ways. On a summer day, the land surface heats up more. From heating, the air above the land expands and becomes lighter. Over the pond at this time the air is colder and therefore heavier. If the reservoir is relatively large, on a quiet hot summer day on the shore you can feel a light breeze blowing from the water, above which it is higher than above land. Such a light breeze is called daytime. breeze(from the French brise - light wind) (Fig. 2, a). The night breeze (Fig. 2, b), on the contrary, blows from the land, since the water cools much more slowly and the air above it is warmer. Breezes can also occur at the edge of the forest. The scheme of breezes is shown in fig. 3.

Rice. 1. Scheme of distribution of prevailing winds on the globe

Local winds can occur not only on the coast, but also in the mountains.

Föhn- a warm and dry wind blowing from the mountains to the valley.

Bora- gusty, cold and strong wind that appears when cold air rolls over low ridges to the warm sea.


If the breeze changes direction twice a day - day and night, then seasonal winds - monsoons— change their direction twice a year (Fig. 4). In summer, the land warms up quickly, and the air pressure over its surface hits. At this time, cooler air begins to move to land. In winter, the opposite is true, so the monsoon blows from land to sea. With the change of the winter monsoon to the summer monsoon, dry, slightly cloudy weather changes to rainy.

The effect of the monsoons is strong in eastern parts continents, where they are adjacent to vast expanses of oceans, so such winds often bring heavy rainfall to the continents.

The uneven nature of the circulation of the atmosphere in different areas the globe determines the differences in the causes and nature of the monsoons. As a result, extratropical and tropical monsoons are distinguished.

Rice. 2. Breeze: a - daytime; b - night

Rice. Fig. 3. Scheme of breezes: a - in the afternoon; b - at night

Rice. 4. Monsoons: a - in summer; b - in winter

extratropical monsoons - monsoons of temperate and polar latitudes. They are formed as a result of seasonal fluctuations in pressure over the sea and land. The most typical area of ​​their distribution is Far East, Northeast China, Korea, to a lesser extent - Japan and the northeast coast of Eurasia.

tropical monsoons - monsoons of tropical latitudes. They are due to seasonal differences in the heating and cooling of the Northern and Southern hemispheres. As a result, pressure zones shift seasonally relative to the equator to the hemisphere in which it is summer at a given time. Tropical monsoons are most typical and persistent in the northern part of the basin indian ocean. This is largely facilitated by the seasonal change of regime. atmospheric pressure over the Asian continent. The fundamental features of the climate of this region are associated with the South Asian monsoons.

The formation of tropical monsoons in other regions of the globe is less characteristic when one of them, the winter or summer monsoon, is more clearly expressed. Such monsoons are observed in Tropical Africa, in northern Australia and in the equatorial regions of South America.

Earth's constant winds - trade winds And westerly winds- depend on the position of atmospheric pressure belts. Since in equatorial belt low pressure prevails, and near 30 ° N. sh. and yu. sh. - high, near the surface of the Earth throughout the year the winds blow from the thirtieth latitudes to the equator. These are trade winds. Under the influence of the rotation of the Earth around its axis, the trade winds deviate to the west in the Northern Hemisphere and blow from the northeast to the southwest, and in the Southern they are directed from the southeast to the northwest.

From the high pressure belts (25-30°N and S), the winds blow not only towards the equator, but also towards the poles, since at 65°N. sh. and yu. sh. low pressure prevails. However, due to the rotation of the Earth, they gradually deviate to the east and create air currents moving from west to east. Therefore, westerly winds prevail in temperate latitudes.

Beaufort scale- a conditional scale for visual assessment of the strength (speed) of the wind in points according to its effect on ground objects or on waves at sea. It was developed by the English Admiral F. Beaufort in 1806 and at first was used only by him. In 1874, the Standing Committee of the First Meteorological Congress adopted the Beaufort scale for use in international synoptic practice. In subsequent years, the scale has changed and refined. The Beaufort scale is widely used in marine navigation.

Wind strength near the earth's surface on the Beaufort scale
(at a standard height of 10 m above an open flat surface)

Beaufort points Verbal definition of wind strength Wind speed, m/s wind action
on the land on the sea
0 Calm 0-0,2 Calm. Smoke rises vertically Mirror-smooth sea
1 Quiet 0,3-1,5 The direction of the wind is noticeable by the drift of the smoke, but not by the weather vane Ripples, no foam on the ridges
2 Easy 1,6-3,3 The movement of the wind is felt by the face, the leaves rustle, the weather vane is set in motion Short waves, crests do not tip over and appear glassy
3 Weak 3,4-5,4 Leaves and thin branches of trees are constantly swaying, the wind is waving the top flags Short, well defined waves. Combs, tipping over, form a vitreous foam, occasionally small white lambs are formed
4 Moderate 5,5-7,9 The wind raises dust and pieces of paper, sets in motion the thin branches of trees. The waves are elongated, white lambs are visible in many places
5 Fresh 8,0-10,7 Thin tree trunks sway, waves with crests appear on the water Well developed in length, but not very large waves, white lambs are visible everywhere (splashes form in some cases)
6 Strong 10,8-13,8 Thick tree branches sway, telegraph wires hum Large waves begin to form. White frothy ridges occupy large areas (splatter is likely)
7 Strong 13,9-17,1 Tree trunks sway, it's hard to go against the wind Waves pile up, crests break, foam falls in stripes in the wind
8 Very strong 17,2-20,7 The wind breaks the branches of trees, it is very difficult to go against the wind Moderately high long waves. On the edges of the ridges, spray begins to take off. Stripes of foam lie in rows in the direction of the wind
9 Storm 20,8-24,4 Minor damage; the wind rips off the smoke caps and roof tiles high waves. Foam in wide dense stripes lays down in the wind. The crests of the waves begin to capsize and crumble into spray that impair visibility.
10 Heavy storm 24,5-28,4 Significant destruction of buildings, trees uprooted. Rarely on land Very high waves with long downward curved crests. The resulting foam is blown by the wind in large flakes in the form of thick white stripes. The surface of the sea is white with foam. The strong roar of the waves is like blows. Visibility is poor
11 Violent storm 28,5-32,6 Large destruction over a large area. Very rare on land Exceptionally high waves. Small to medium sized boats are sometimes out of sight. The sea is all covered with long white flakes of foam, which are located in the wind. The edges of the waves are everywhere blown into foam. Visibility is poor
12 Hurricane 32.7 and more The air is filled with foam and spray. The sea is covered with strips of foam. Very poor visibility

The wind as a natural phenomenon is known to everyone since early childhood. He pleases with a fresh breath on a hot day, drives ships across the sea, and can bend trees and break roofs on houses. The main characteristics that determine the wind are its speed and direction.

From a scientific point of view, the movement of air masses in a horizontal plane is called wind. This movement occurs because there is a difference in atmospheric pressure and heat between two points. Air moves from areas of high pressure to areas of lower pressure. The result is wind.

Wind characteristics

In order to characterize the wind, two main parameters are used: direction and speed (force). The direction is determined by the side of the horizon from which it blows. It can be indicated in rhumbs, in accordance with the 16-rhumb scale. According to her, the wind can be north, southeast, north-northwest, and so on. can also be measured in degrees, relative to the meridian line. This scale defines north as 0 or 360 degrees, east as 90 degrees, west as 270 degrees, and south as 180 degrees. In turn, they are measured in meters per second or in knots. A knot equals approximately 0.5 kilometers per hour. Wind strength is also measured in points, in accordance with the Beaufort scale.

According to which the strength of the wind is determined

This scale was put into circulation in 1805. And in 1963, the World Meteorological Association adopted a gradation that is valid to this day. Within its framework, 0 points corresponds to a calm, in which the smoke will rise vertically upwards, and the leaves on the trees remain motionless. Wind force of 4 points corresponds to moderate wind, in which small waves form on the surface of the water, thin branches and leaves on trees can sway. 9 points correspond to a storm wind, in which even large trees can bend, roof tiles can be torn off, high waves can rise on the sea. And the maximum wind force in accordance with this scale, namely, 12 points, falls on a hurricane. This is a natural phenomenon, in which the wind causes serious damage, even capital buildings can collapse.

Using the power of the wind

The power of the wind is widely used in energy as one of the renewable natural sources. Since time immemorial, mankind has used this resource. Suffice it to recall or sailing ships. Windmills, with the help of which the wind is converted for further use, are widely used in places that are characterized by constant strong winds. Of the various fields of application of such a phenomenon as wind power, it is also worth mentioning the wind tunnel.

Wind - a natural phenomenon, which can bring pleasure or destruction, as well as be useful to mankind. And its specific action depends on how large the force (or speed) of the wind will be.

Meteorological dangerous phenomenanatural processes and phenomena arising in the atmosphere under the influence of various natural factors or their combinations that have or may have a damaging effect on people, farm animals and plants, economic facilities and the natural environment.

Wind - this is the movement of air parallel to the earth's surface, resulting from the uneven distribution of heat and atmospheric pressure and directed from a zone of high pressure to a zone low pressure.

The wind is characterized by:
1. Wind direction - determined by the azimuth of the side of the horizon, from where
it blows, and is measured in degrees.
2. Wind speed - measured in meters per second (m/s; km/h; miles/hour)
(1 mile = 1609 km; 1 nautical mile = 1853 km).
3. Wind force - measured by the pressure that it exerts on 1 m2 of surface. The strength of the wind varies almost proportional to the speed,
therefore, the strength of the wind is often estimated not by pressure, but by speed, which simplifies the perception and understanding of these quantities.

Many words are used to indicate the movement of the wind: tornado, storm, hurricane, storm, typhoon, cyclone and many local names. To systematize them, all over the world use Beaufort scale, which allows you to very accurately estimate the strength of the wind in points (from 0 to 12) according to its effect on ground objects or on waves in the sea. This scale is also convenient in that it allows, according to the signs described in it, to fairly accurately determine the wind speed without instruments.

Beaufort scale (Table 1)


Verbal definition
wind force

Wind speed,
m/s (km/h)

The action of the wind on land

On the land

On the sea

0,0 – 0,2

Calm. Smoke rises vertically

Mirror-smooth sea

Quiet breeze

0,3 –1,5

The direction of the wind can be seen from the drift of the smoke,

Ripples, no foam on the ridges

light breeze

1,6 – 3,3

The movement of the wind is felt by the face, the leaves rustle, the weather vane moves

Short waves, crests do not tip over and appear glassy

Weak breeze

3,4 – 5,4

Leaves and thin branches of trees sway, the wind blows the top flags

Short well defined waves. Combs, tipping over, form foam, occasionally small white lambs are formed.

moderate breeze

5,5 –7,9

The wind raises dust and pieces of paper, sets in motion the thin branches of trees.

The waves are elongated, white lambs are visible in many places.

fresh breeze

8,0 –10,7

Thin tree trunks sway, waves with crests appear on the water

Well developed in length, but not very large waves, white lambs are visible everywhere.

strong breeze

10,8 – 13,8

The thick branches of the trees are swaying, the wires are buzzing

Large waves begin to form. White foamy ridges occupy large areas.

strong wind

13,9 – 17,1

Tree trunks sway, it's hard to go against the wind

Waves pile up, crests break, foam falls in stripes in the wind

Very strong wind storm)

17,2 – 20,7

The wind breaks the branches of trees, it is very difficult to go against the wind

Moderately high, long waves. On the edges of the ridges, spray begins to take off. Strips of foam fall in rows in the wind.

(strong storm)

20,8 –24,4

Minor damage; the wind rips off the smoke caps and roof tiles

high waves. Foam in wide dense stripes lays down in the wind. The crests of the waves overturn and crumble into spray.

Heavy storm

24,5 –28,4

Significant destruction of buildings, trees uprooted. Rarely on land

Very high waves with long bends
ridges down. The foam is blown up by the wind in large flakes in the form of thick stripes. The surface of the sea is white with foam. The roar of the waves is like blows. Visibility is poor.

Violent storm

28,5 – 32,6

Large destruction over a large area. Very rare on land

Exceptionally high waves. Vessels are sometimes out of sight. The sea is covered with long flakes of foam. The edges of the waves are everywhere blown into foam. Visibility is poor.

32.7 and more
(117.7 and over)

Heavy objects are carried by the wind over long distances.

The air is filled with foam and spray. The sea is all covered with strips of foam. Very poor visibility.

Breeze (light to strong breeze) sailors refer to the wind as having a speed of 4 to 31 miles per hour. In terms of kilometers (factor 1.6) it will be 6.4-50 km/h

Wind speed and direction determine weather and climate.

Strong winds, significant changes in atmospheric pressure and a large number of precipitation causes dangerous atmospheric vortices(cyclones, storms, squalls, hurricanes) that can cause destruction and loss of life.

Cyclone is the general name for eddies with reduced pressure in the center.

An anticyclone is an area of ​​high pressure in the atmosphere with a maximum in the center. In the Northern Hemisphere, the winds in the anticyclone blow counterclockwise, and in the Southern Hemisphere - clockwise, in the cyclone the wind movement is reversed.

Hurricane - wind of destructive force and considerable duration, the speed of which is equal to or exceeds 32.7 m/s (12 points on the Beaufort scale), which is equivalent to 117 km/h (Table 1).
In half of the cases, the wind speed during a hurricane exceeds 35 m/s, reaching up to 40-60 m/s, and sometimes up to 100 m/s.

Hurricanes are classified into three types based on wind speed:
- Hurricane (32 m/s and more),
- strong hurricane (39.2 m/s or more)
- fierce hurricane (48.6 m/s and more).

Cause of these hurricane winds is the occurrence, as a rule, on the line of collision of the fronts of warm and cold air masses, powerful cyclones with a sharp pressure drop from the periphery to the center and with the creation of a vortex air flow moving in the lower layers (3-5 km) in a spiral towards the middle and up, in the northern hemisphere, counterclockwise.

Such cyclones, depending on the place of their occurrence and structure, are usually divided into:
- tropical cyclones found over warm tropical oceans, usually moves westward during formation, and curves poleward after formation.
A tropical cyclone that reaches unusual strength is called hurricane if he is born in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas; typhoon - V pacific ocean or its seas; cyclone - in the Indian Ocean region.
mid-latitude cyclones can form both over land and over water. They usually move from west to east. characteristic feature such cyclones is their great "dryness". The amount of precipitation during their passage is much less than in the zone of tropical cyclones.
The European continent is affected by both tropical hurricanes that originate in the central Atlantic and cyclones of temperate latitudes.
Storm a type of hurricane, but has a lower wind speed 15-31

The duration of storms is from several hours to several days, the width is from tens to several hundreds of kilometers.
Storms are divided into:

2. Stream storms These are local phenomena of small distribution. They are weaker than whirlwinds. They are subdivided:
- stock - the air flow moves down the slope from top to bottom.
- Jet - characterized by the fact that the air flow moves horizontally or up the slope.
Stream storms pass most often between chains of mountains connecting valleys.
Depending on the color of the particles involved in the movement, black, red, yellow-red and white storms are distinguished.
Depending on the wind speed, storms are classified:
- storm 20 m/s and more
- strong storm 26 m/s and more
- severe storm of 30.5 m/s and more.

Squall a sharp short-term increase in wind up to 20–30 m/s and higher, accompanied by a change in its direction associated with convective processes. Despite the short duration of squalls, they can lead to catastrophic consequences. Squalls in most cases are associated with cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) clouds, either local convection or a cold front. A squall is usually associated with heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, sometimes with hail. Atmospheric pressure during a squall rises sharply due to the rapid precipitation, and then falls again.

If possible, limit the area of ​​impact, all of the listed natural disasters are classified as non-localized.

Dangerous consequences of hurricanes and storms.

Hurricanes are one of the most powerful forces of the elements and, in their detrimental effect, are not inferior to such terrible natural disasters like earthquakes. This is due to the fact that hurricanes carry enormous energy. Its amount released by a hurricane of average power during 1 hour is equal to the energy of a nuclear explosion of 36 Mt. In one day, the amount of energy that would be enough to provide electricity to a country like the United States is released. And in two weeks (the average duration of the existence of a hurricane), such a hurricane releases energy equal to the energy of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station, which it can generate in 26 thousand years. The pressure in the hurricane zone is also very high. It reaches several hundred kilograms per square meter of a fixed surface located perpendicular to the direction of wind movement.

The hurricane destroys strong and demolishes light buildings, devastates sown fields, breaks wires and knocks down power lines and communication poles, damages highways and bridges, breaks and uproots trees, damages and sinks ships, causes accidents in utility networks, in production. There are cases when hurricane winds destroyed dams and dams, which led to large floods, threw trains off the rails, tore bridges off their supports, knocked down factory pipes, and threw ships onto land. Hurricanes are often accompanied by heavy downpours, which are more dangerous than the hurricane itself, as they cause mudflows and landslides.

Hurricanes vary in size. Usually, the width of the zone of catastrophic destruction is taken as the width of the hurricane. Often, the area of ​​storm force winds with relatively little damage is added to this zone. Then the width of the hurricane is measured in hundreds of kilometers, sometimes reaching 1000 km. For typhoons, the destruction zone is usually 15-45 km. The average duration of a hurricane is 9-12 days. Hurricanes occur at any time of the year, but most often from July to October. In the remaining 8 months they are rare, their paths are short.

The damage caused by a hurricane is determined by a whole complex of various factors, including the terrain, the degree of development and the strength of buildings, the nature of vegetation, the presence of population and animals in its area of ​​action, the time of year, spent preventive measures and a number of other circumstances, the main of which is the velocity head of the air flow q, which is proportional to the product of the density atmospheric air per square of air flow velocity q = 0.5pv 2.

According to building codes and regulations, the maximum normative value of wind pressure is q = 0.85 kPa, which, at an air density of r = 1.22 kg/m3, corresponds to wind speed.

For comparison, we can cite the calculated values ​​of the velocity head used to design nuclear power plants for the Caribbean region: for buildings of category I - 3.44 kPa, II and III - 1.75 kPa and for open installations - 1.15 kPa.

Every year, about a hundred powerful hurricanes march across the globe, causing destruction and often claiming human lives (Table 2). On June 23, 1997, a hurricane swept over most of the Brest and Minsk regions, as a result of which 4 people died and 50 were injured. In the Brest region, 229 settlements were de-energized, 1071 substations were put out of action, roofs were torn off from 10-80% of residential buildings in more than 100 settlements, up to 60% of agricultural production buildings were destroyed. In the Minsk region, 1,410 settlements were de-energized, hundreds of houses were damaged. Broken and uprooted trees in forests and forest parks. At the end of December 1999, Belarus also suffered from a hurricane wind that swept across Europe. Power lines were cut, many settlements were de-energized. In total, 70 districts and more than 1,500 settlements were affected by the hurricane. Only in the Grodno region, 325 transformer substations failed, in the Mogilev region even more - 665.

table 2
Impact of some hurricanes

Location of the crash, year

Death toll

Number of wounded

Associated phenomena

Haiti, 1963

Not fixed

Not fixed

Honduras, 1974

Not fixed

Australia, 1974

Sri Lanka, 1978

Not fixed

Dominican Republic, 1979

Not fixed

Indochina, 1981

Not fixed


Bangladesh, 1985

Not fixed


Tornado (tornado)- whirlwind movement of air, propagating in the form of a giant black column with a diameter of up to hundreds of meters, inside which there is a rarefaction of air, where various objects are drawn.

Tornadoes occur both over the water surface and over land, much more often than hurricanes. Very often they are accompanied by thunderstorms, hail and showers. The speed of air rotation in the dust column reaches 50-300 m/s and more. During its existence, it can travel up to 600 km - along a strip of terrain several hundred meters wide, and sometimes up to several kilometers, where destruction occurs. The air in the column rises in a spiral and draws in dust, water, objects, people.
Dangerous factors: buildings caught in a tornado due to a vacuum in the air column are destroyed from the pressure of air from the inside. It uproots trees, overturns cars, trains, lifts houses into the air, etc.

Tornadoes in Belarus occurred in 1859, 1927 and 1956.

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Wind is the movement of air relative to the earth's surface. As you know, the atmosphere is not static, the air in it constantly circulates, moves: it rises and falls.

Differences in the degree of heating of the air contribute to the occurrence of pressure drops in the air masses and set them in motion - air moves from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. How more difference temperatures between air masses, the stronger the wind.

Wind speed is measured in meters per second, kilometers per hour or points (1 point equals 2 m/s). The average long-term wind speed near the earth's surface is 4-9 m/s, and the maximum average annual wind speed on the coast of Antarctica reaches 22 m/s. Wind with a speed of 5-8 m/s is considered moderate, above 14 m/s - strong, above 20-25 m/s - a storm, above 30-35 m/s - a hurricane.

The direction of air movement is determined by the interaction of several forces. These are the Coriolis force (taking into account the influence of the Earth's rotation on moving air), gravity, pressure gradient force and centrifugal force.

Since the cause of wind is pressure differences at different points on the earth's surface, if you stand with your back to the wind in the northern hemisphere, the high pressure area will be on the right, and the low pressure area will be on the left, that is, low pressure is located to the left of the direction of the air flow, and high pressure on the right. In the southern hemisphere, the opposite is true.

The direction of the wind in meteorology is determined by the side of the horizon from which it blows.


The collective name of hurricanes, storms, typhoons is tropical cyclones.

These are giant atmospheric vortices with air pressure decreasing towards the center and air circulation around the center counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

Wind speeds in deep cyclones with large baric gradients can reach storm and hurricane levels.

They occur in the oceans in tropical latitudes.

The main energy source of the cyclone is the release of heat during the condensation of water vapor.

A comparison of the amount of energy released during the rampant elements and atomic explosions showed that during a typical summer thunderstorm, thirteen times more energy is released than during the explosion of an atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki.

During a medium-strength hurricane, it is released 500,000 times more.

An atomic explosion on the Bikini Atoll lifted 10 million tons of water into the air, and during a hurricane, 2,500 million tons of rain fell on Puerto Rico in a few hours, i.e. 250 times more.


Why is it quiet on the seashore in summer only early in the morning or in the evening?

This situation occurs quite often, but not always. The reason for this is the fact that water has a higher heat capacity, heats up more slowly and cools down more slowly.

A - Sea breeze (day), B - Coastal breeze (night)

In the early morning hours, when the sun slightly warms the earth, the temperatures of the sea surface and the land are equalized; during the day, the land turns out to be warmer than water, and by the evening, cooling down, it again becomes heated for a while, just like water. When there is no difference in the temperature of water and land, there is no movement of air, the wind subsides, the sea calms down.

During the day, the air that quickly warms up over land rises, and colder air comes to replace it from the sea - a sea breeze blows; at night, the situation changes: the wind blows from land to sea - a coastal breeze.

Pauses are observed in the morning and in the evening - short lulls during periods of change in the direction of the breeze winds. Such an alternation of day and night winds, or the so-called breeze circulation, takes place during the warm season with stable sunny weather and high atmospheric pressure. When a cyclone comes, it brings with it stormy weather and the breezes cease.

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Scale for determining the speed, strength and name of the wind (Beaufort scale)

Wind force in points Wind speed m/s (km/h) wind name Local signs for determining the strength, speed and name of the wind
0-0,2 (0-0,72) Calm (calm) Land (C): leaves are still, smoke rises vertically. Sea (M): mirror sea
0,3-1,5 (1,1-5,4) Quiet C: the leaves are motionless, the smoke is deflected, the weather vane is motionless. M: ripples, no foam on the ridges.
1,6-3,3 (5,8-11,9) Easy C: the leaves rustle, a slight breath is felt on the face, the weather vane moves. M: short waves, crests do not tip over and appear glassy.
3,4-5,4 (12,2-19,4) Weak C: light flags and small branches of trees with leaves are waving. M: short, well-defined waves. The combs tip over, form a vitreous foam, occasionally small white lambs form.
5,5-7,9 (19,8-28,4) Moderate C: flags flutter, tree branches without leaves sway, dust and papers rise from the ground. M: the waves are elongated, white lambs are visible in many places.
8-10,7 (28,8-38,5) Fresh C: Large flags are raised, large, leafy branches, thin trunks sway. M: well developed in length, but not very large waves, white lambs are visible everywhere (splashes form in some cases)
10,8-13,8 (38,9-49,7) Strong S: thick tree branches sway, wind sounds are heard in the building, telegraph wires hum, it is difficult to use an umbrella. M: Large waves begin to form. White foamy ridges occupy large areas (splatter is likely).
13,9-17,1 (50-61,6) Strong C: tree trunks sway, it is difficult to go against the wind. M: waves pile up, crests break, foam falls in stripes in the wind.
17,2-20,7 (61,9-74,5) Very strong C: the wind breaks thin branches and dry branches of trees, it is noticeably difficult to move against the wind. M: moderately high long waves. On the edges of the ridges, spray begins to take off. Stripes of foam lie in rows in the direction of the wind.
20,8-24,4 (74,9-87,8) Storm C: the wind breaks branches on trees, rips off light objects, roofs, knocks down fences, slight damage is observed. M: -//-
24,5-28,4 (88,2-102,2) Heavy storm C: the wind bends the trees to the ground, the weak trees are uprooted, the destruction of buildings is observed. Rarely on dry land. M: very high waves with long downward curved crests. The resulting foam is blown by the wind in large flakes in the form of thick white stripes. The surface of the sea is white with foam. The strong roar of the waves is like blows. Visibility is poor.
28,5-32,6 (102,6-117,4) Violent storm C: the wind causes great destruction of buildings over a significant area, uproots trees. It is very rare on land. M: exceptionally high waves. Small to medium sized boats are sometimes out of sight. The sea is all covered with long white flakes of foam, spreading downwind. The edges of the waves are everywhere blown into foam. Visibility is poor.
32.7 (117.7) or more Hurricane S: Total destruction. It is very rare on land. M: The air is filled with foam and spray. The sea is all covered with strips of foam. Very poor visibility.

How and why does wind speed change, wind force parameters

Distinguish smoothed speed over a short period of time and instant, speed in this moment time. Velocity is measured with an anemometer using a Wild board.

The highest average annual wind speed (22 m/s) was observed on the coast of Antarctica. The average daily speed there sometimes reaches 44 m / s, and at some moments reaches 90 m / s.

The wind speed has daily course . It is close to the diurnal variation of temperature. Max Speed in the surface layer (100 m - in summer, 50 m - in winter) is observed at 13-14 hours, the minimum speed is at night. In higher layers of the atmosphere, the diurnal variation of the velocity is reversed. This is explained by the change in the intensity of vertical exchange in the atmosphere during the day. In the daytime, intense vertical exchange makes it difficult for the horizontal movement of air masses. At night, there is no such obstacle, and Bm move in the direction of the baric gradient.

The wind speed depends on the pressure difference and is directly proportional to it: the greater the pressure difference (horizontal baric gradient), the greater the wind speed. The average long-term wind speed at the earth's surface is 4-9 m/s, rarely more than 15 m/s. In storms and hurricanes (temperate latitudes) - up to 30 m/s, in gusts up to 60 m/s. In tropical hurricanes, wind speeds reach up to 65 m/s, and in gusts they can reach 120 m/s.

Instruments used to measure wind speed are called anemometers. Most anemometers are built on the principle of a windmill. So, for example, the Fuss anemometer has four hemispheres (cups) at the top, facing the same direction (Fig. 75).

This system of hemispheres rotates about a vertical axis, and the number of revolutions is noted by a counter. The device is exposed to the wind, and when the "mill of the hemispheres" acquires more or less constant speed, the counter is turned on for a precisely defined time. According to the plate, which indicates the number of revolutions for each wind speed, and the speed is determined by the number of revolutions found. There are more sophisticated instruments that have a device for automatically recording the direction and speed of the wind. Simple instruments are also used, which can simultaneously determine the direction and strength of the wind. An example of such a device is the Wild weather vane, which is common at all meteorological stations.

The direction of the wind is determined by the side of the horizon from which the wind is blowing. For its designation, eight main directions (rhumbs) are used: N, NW, W, SW, S, SE, B, NE. The direction depends on the pressure distribution and on the deflecting effect of the Earth's rotation.

Rose of Wind. Winds, like other phenomena in the life of the atmosphere, are subject to strong changes. Therefore, here we have to find average values.

To determine the prevailing wind directions for a given period of time, proceed as follows. Eight main directions, or rhumbs, are drawn from some point, and on each, according to a certain scale, the frequency of winds is postponed. In the resulting image, known as wind roses, the prevailing winds are clearly visible (Fig. 76).

The strength of the wind depends on its speed and shows what dynamic pressure the air flow exerts on any surface. Wind strength is measured in kilograms per square meter (kg/m2).

wind structure. The wind cannot be imagined as a uniform air current having the same direction and the same speed throughout its mass. Observations show that the wind blows gusty, as if in separate shocks, sometimes subsides, then regains its former speed. At the same time, the direction of the wind is also subject to change. Observations made in higher layers of air show that gustiness decreases with height. It is also noted that at different times of the year and even at different hours of the day, the gustiness of the wind is not the same. The greatest impetuousness is observed in the spring. During the day, the greatest weakening of the wind is at night. The gustiness of the wind depends on the nature of the earth's surface: the more irregularities, the greater the gustiness and vice versa.

Causes of winds. The air remains at rest as long as the pressure in a given area of ​​the atmosphere is distributed more or less evenly. But as soon as the pressure in any area increases or decreases, air will flow from the place of greater pressure towards less. The movement of air masses that has begun will continue until the pressure difference is equalized and equilibrium is established.

Stable equilibrium in the atmosphere is almost never observed, and therefore winds are among the most frequently repeated phenomena in nature.

There are many reasons for disturbing the balance of the atmosphere. But one of the first causes of the pressure difference is the temperature difference. Let's consider the simplest case.

Before us is the surface of the sea and the coastal part of the land. During the day, the land surface heats up faster than the sea surface. Due to this, the lower layer of air over land expands more than over the sea (Fig. 77, I). As a result, an air current is immediately created at the top from a warmer area to a colder one (Fig. 77, II).

Due to the fact that part of the air from the warm region has flowed (above) towards the cold one, the pressure within the cold region will increase, and within the warm region it will decrease. As a result, an air current arises now in the lower layer of the atmosphere from the cold to the warm region (in our case, from the sea to land) (Fig. 77, III).

Such air currents usually occur on sea ​​coast or along the shores of large lakes and are called breezes. In our example, the breeze is daytime. At night, the picture is completely opposite, because the surface of the land, cooling faster than the surface of the sea, becomes colder. As a result, in the upper layers of the atmosphere, the air will flow towards the land, and in the lower layers towards the sea (night breeze).

The rise of air from the warm area and the lowering in the cold unites the upper and lower currents and creates a closed circulation (Fig. 78). In these closed circuits, the vertical parts of the path are usually very small, while the horizontal ones, on the contrary, can reach enormous sizes.

Causes of different wind speeds. It goes without saying that the wind speed must depend on the pressure gradient (i.e., be determined primarily by the difference in pressure per unit distance). If, apart from the force due to the gradient, no other forces acted on the mass of air, then the air would move uniformly accelerated. However, this does not work, because there are many reasons that slow down the movement of air. This is primarily friction.

There are two types of friction: 1) friction of the surface layer of air on earth's surface and 2) the friction generated within the moving air itself.

The first is directly dependent on the nature of the surface. So, for example, the water surface and the flat steppe create the least friction. Under these conditions, the wind speed always increases significantly. The surface, which has irregularities, creates large obstacles to moving air, which leads to a decrease in wind speed. Urban buildings and forest plantations especially strongly reduce the wind speed (Fig. 79).

Observations made in the forest showed that as early as 50 m from the edge of the wind speed decreases to 60-70% of the original speed, in 100 m up to 7%, in 200 m up to 2-3%.

The friction that occurs between adjacent layers of moving air masses is called internal friction.

Internal friction causes the transfer of motion from one layer to another. The surface layer of air as a result of friction on the earth's surface has the slowest movement. The overlying layer, in contact with the moving lower layer, also slows down its movement, but to a much lesser extent. Even less impact next layer etc. As a result, the speed of air movement gradually increases with height.

Wind direction. If the main cause of wind is pressure difference, then the wind must blow from an area of ​​higher pressure to an area of ​​lower pressure in a direction perpendicular to the isobars. However, this does not happen. In reality (as established by observations) the wind blows mainly along the isobars and only slightly deviates towards low pressure. This is due to the deflecting effect of the Earth's rotation. At one time we have already said that any moving body under the influence of the Earth's rotation deviates from its original path in the northern hemisphere to the right, and in the southern hemisphere to the left. It was also said that the deviating force in the direction from the equator to the poles increases. It is quite clear that the movement of air, which has arisen due to the difference in pressure, immediately begins to experience the influence of this deflecting force. By itself, this power is small. But due to the continuity of its action, in the end the effect is very large. If there were no friction and other influences, then as a result of a continuously acting deflection, the wind could describe a closed curve close to a circle. In fact, due to the influence of various causes, such a deflection does not occur, but nevertheless it is still very significant. It suffices to indicate at least the trade winds, the direction of which, when the Earth is stationary, should coincide with the direction of the meridian. Meanwhile, their direction in the northern hemisphere is northeast, in the south - southeast, and in temperate latitudes, where the force of deviation is even greater, the wind blowing from south to north acquires a west-southwest direction (in the northern hemisphere).

Major systems of winds. The winds observed on the earth's surface are very diverse. Depending on the causes that give rise to this diversity, we will divide them into three large groups. The first group includes winds, the causes of which depend mainly on local conditions, the second - winds due to the general circulation of the atmosphere, and the third - the winds of cyclones and anticyclones. Let's start our consideration with the simplest winds, the causes of which depend mainly on local conditions. Here we include breezes, various mountain, valley, steppe and desert winds, as well as monsoon winds, which already depend not only on local causes, but also on general circulation atmosphere.

Winds are extremely diverse in origin, nature and significance. Thus, in temperate latitudes, where westerly transport dominates, westerly winds (NW, W, SW) prevail. These areas occupy vast spaces - from about 30 to 60 ° in each hemisphere. In the polar regions, winds blow from the poles towards the zones reduced pressure temperate latitudes. These areas are dominated by northeasterly winds in the Arctic and southeasterly winds in the Antarctic. At the same time, the southeast winds of the Antarctic, in contrast to the Arctic ones, are more stable and have high speeds.

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Signs by which the direction of the wind can be determined in flight are divided into direct and indirect. Direct signs directly indicate the speed and direction of the surface wind. By indirect evidence, one can only assume with some probability that the wind near the earth blows in one direction or another.

Direct indications include:

  • removal of smoke from fires or chimneys;
  • flags flying in settlements;
  • dust drift behind vehicles moving on country roads;
  • movement of waves and ripples on water bodies.

Rice. 161. Determination of wind direction by smoke, flags and dust.

On small ponds and lakes, the water surface is located below the surrounding land. Therefore, the shores can block the wind. As a result, there will be a calm on the water surface near the leeward shore, and then a strip of ripples expanding towards the windward shore ( see fig. 162).

Rice. 162. Determination of wind direction by ripples on water bodies.

In the absence of direct wind indicators, indirect ones should be used. However, remember: indications of indirect signs do not always correspond to reality.

The simplest indirect sign is the wind speed and direction at the start. If you have just started to master thermal flights and were able to fly away from the starting point by only 5-10 km, then it is quite acceptable to assume that during your flight, which is no more than 10-15 minutes, the wind could not have time to change significantly.

What determines the strength and speed of the wind?

In this case, you can well assume that the landing wind will not be much different from the one that blew at the start.

When flying on flat ground, you can also assume that the direction of the wind at altitude is roughly the same as the wind near the ground. You can determine the direction of the wind at a height and approximately estimate its speed by the following features:

  • the tops of cumulus clouds are shifted relative to their bases in the "downwind" direction;
  • wind at altitude can be estimated from the movement of cloud shadows;
  • if you put the paraglider in a gentle spiral, then the direction of the wind will show you the drift of the device.

Do not try to use indirect indications of wind direction when flying in the mountains. Due to strong temperature contrasts, the speed and direction of the wind in the mountains change very significantly in heights, gorges and valleys.

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The concept of wind and its features

Wind is the movement of air, and not just movement, but its movement in a horizontal direction above the earth's surface. When the pressure in different points of the globe is different, the air masses tend to be distributed over the earth's surface more evenly and fill the place where the atmosphere is not so dense.

Atmospheric pressure itself is the pressure of air on the earth's surface by the attraction of air masses to the Earth. In this case, the gravitational force acts, which keeps the air near the surface of the Earth, and allows people and objects to come into close contact with the earth, and not fly away into space.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the wind moves not only horizontally above the Earth's surface, but also from the area of ​​high atmospheric pressure to the area of ​​low pressure.

The air heats up extremely unevenly, partly due to the constant presence of winds on the planet.

Most air masses warm up at the Equator - the central latitude of the Earth. From there, the winds are already distributed over the entire earth's surface.

Strength and speed of the wind

The wind cannot be seen, but it can be felt, for example, its strength or the speed with which the wind blows off a hat from the head or ruffles the leaves on the trees. It is not for nothing that the verbal expression “wind knocked down” is sometimes used, meaning that the wind was very strong.

Wind speed is expressed in terms of "meter per second", "kilometer per hour", and its speed can also be expressed on a point scale.

There is a so-called Beaufort scale- a scale with twelve measurements, developed by the World Meteorological Organization to measure wind speed by the waves it creates in open water spaces (most often at sea) and the force of impact on ground objects.

With the Beaufort scale indicator "0", the wind speed reaches about 0-0.2 m/s and is characterized by calmness. The leaves of the trees do not move.

With a Beaufort scale indicator of "4", the wind is considered moderate at a speed of 5.5-7.5 m/s. On the ground, the strength of such a wind is seen as follows: a strong air current raises dust and debris and rolls them along the road, and also sets the branches of trees in motion.

A storm with wind speed on the Beaufort scale occurs at the number "9": trees begin to uproot on the ground and rooftops collapse.

Varieties of wind

There are several types of winds as currents of air masses over giant areas: monsoons, trade winds, foehn, breeze, bora.

Monsoon is a wind with clearly defined periods of activity. Air masses under this name blow from land to sea in winter, and from sea to land in summer. The wind is rich in moisture. Its localization is mainly Asia.

trade wind A type of wind that blows between the tropics. Its observation time is all year round. On a 12-point scale, this wind blows with a force of 3-4.

Breezewarm wind with less localization than, for example, a monsoon or a trade wind.

winds. What determines the speed and direction of the wind?

The breeze mainly blows at night from the shore to the sea, during the day from the sea to the shore. The direction can change several times a day.

And finally boron- is a sharp wind, characterized by coldness. Its localization is the mountain ranges, from which it blows to the valleys. The wind can develop a fairly high speed (up to 9 points), but has a fickle nature.

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Lexical meaning: definition

The general stock of vocabulary (from the Greek Lexikos) is a complex of all the main semantic units of one language. The lexical meaning of a word reveals the generally accepted idea of ​​an object, property, action, feeling, abstract phenomenon, impact, event, and the like. In other words, it determines what this concept means in the mass consciousness. As soon as an unknown phenomenon gains clarity, specific signs, or an awareness of an object arises, people assign a name to it (a sound-letter shell), or rather, lexical meaning. After that, it enters the dictionary of definitions with the interpretation of the content.

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What determines the strength of the wind?

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Wind Raz

Alexey Bakaldin

Lenya ran up to his ninth floor. The elevator in the building of the military camp worked, one might say, on holidays, but not for everyone and not every year. But it was a great boost. After all, at sea, submarine officer Leonid Bystrykin is not physically tense, but there are many “seas” (exits to the sea)! And now the boat has returned from a week-long voyage, and the commander released the senior lieutenant in order to prepare for the entry into service, the submarine duty officer.
The door of the apartment was opened by Antonina's wife, beloved Tonechka. And the three-year-old Verunchnik was delighted: “Daddy sat down!” - and hung on her leg.
— Hello, My, good ones! How I missed you! - taking his daughter in his arms and kissing her, the happy father of the family tried to hug Tonya. She somehow strangely pulled away, and on her face there was not a trace of the joy of her husband's return.
“Vera, go finish painting your cat,” said the wife, removing her daughter from her father’s arms, “are you making a gift for dad?”
- Meow! Kittens! - the daughter squealed and disappeared into the room.
- Something happened? - carefully studying the face of his wife, the husband asked, - do you have such a face, as if someone had died again?
The fact is that a month ago, Bystrykin's father died. Leonid had to fly to the funeral, and because of his sick daughter, he traveled alone on this trip. On his return, he went to sea on his ship the next day. About the death telegram loved one said Tonya. It was then that she had such a sad, tense face as she does today.
“Yes!” the answer was not loud. - I fell in love with another person. I cheated on you and I'm leaving you!
There were tears in her eyes. Leonid was taken aback! At some point, it began to seem that this was not reality!
- Wait a minute! Wait a minute! How come? And our family, and the daughter?
"I'll take my daughter with me!"
They went into the kitchen. The news was like a tub cold water! Thoughts fled, it is almost impossible to collect them together.
- Wait a minute! Tonya, Tonya, how are you? We are such a friendly, happy family! We are fine! – in fact it was true. They got married when he was in his fourth year of college. Both friends and parents admired the young couple. In love, a sweet daughter was born! Then there was a move to the place of service, to the North. Getting the long-awaited housing and happiness in a single officer's family!
- I've made up my mind! It's my fault, I'm sorry! - burst his wife, - I fell in love with him more than you and we have already slept. You won't forgive me! I'm leaving! She turned to the window.
— Wait! I have to go on duty now. We must prepare for the intercession. Let's move the conversation to tomorrow, after the shift, okay?
- It will not change anything!
- But still! - Bystrykin left the kitchen, his wife remained standing at the window.
As if in a fog, he began to prepare for duty. The time when it was necessary to arrive for a divorce, to enter the service, was already short, but here it flew at the speed of sound! Lenya went into the room to change, his uniform smelled like a boat. The daughter at the children's table diligently covered her drawing with a pen from her father.
- Draw, draw, baby, I'm not peeping!
He threw off his uniform, took a dressing gown and went to the bath. In the head, like a hammer beats the brain! “Leave! No! What's wrong?!" After a quick shower, he began to shave. Blood rushed to his face. "What to do?" Lenya covered his cheeks with foam. “We need to save the family, I can’t live without my daughter.” He makes a movement with a razor and a cut appears on his face. “I can’t do without Antonina” - a cut on my neck. Having shaved and stopped the blood, Leonid returned to the room. He began to dress in a fresh set of uniforms.
- Dad! Where are you going? The daughter had anxiety in her eyes.
- Bunny! My! I'll be back tomorrow and we'll play again. Here's a present for you. - He pulled out a bar of boat chocolate and handed it to Verunchik. He usually gave chocolate to his wife. And the wife gave it to the child in portions, fearing diathesis.
Today the rule could be broken.

§ 5. Wind. Wind direction and speed. The power of the wind.

- Thank you! - the girl rustled the wrapper.
- Smart girl! Goodbye! - pressing and kissing his daughter, the assembled dad went out into the corridor.

The wife did not leave the kitchen. She did not come out, and when Leonid fully gathered himself, he opened the door and, standing on the threshold, said loudly:
- I'm all gone! Bye!
- Bye! - a child's voice from the daughter's room. The wife was not heard.
Closing the door behind him, the officer quickly began to go downstairs. His face was on fire. All his thoughts were still in the apartment, in his World, which was collapsing!

Before the intercession, it was necessary to run into the boat. Get a service weapon - a pistol with equipment and two clips with cartridges. Bystrykin went to the piers where the boats were moored. As if sensing his mood, the weather began to deteriorate. The sky turned black and the wind blew. "This is not good!" - Lenya had time to think before he went down into the boat. On duty on the ship, his friend, Marat Batyev. Together they came to the fleet on the same boat as lieutenants and were friends!
- ABOUT! Change, creep! - cheerfully welcomed, Marat. After arriving from the sea, he took over on duty and, naturally, wanted to change as quickly as possible in order to also come home. Meet my wife and son. And also take a bath, wash off the boat load like that! Marat in anticipation of this action was in a very good mood.
- Come on trunk! Bystrykin muttered.
- Get out and sign in the magazine. - Marat pointed to the console where she lay
ammunition with prepared weapons and a carefully opened magazine for issuing weapons.
Weapons are always kept in a safe, but before the shift, so as not to delay, they usually always get it for their colleague.
- E! What is it, evil?
- Yes, so! - Checking the weapon, Lenya left the direct answer. His thoughts were far from the service.
Having signed for the weapon, he took the holster and met Marat's gaze.
“Your face is full of cuts and irritation. Why are you so shaved?
- I know!

I was nervous,” Bystrykin replied in a calm voice. - The wife left, changed.
He turned around and began to climb out of the central post along the ladder, to the top.
- How? - Marat was amazed. Their families were friends. And the first moments he could not drive in response to a friend. Believe in what is said. A good mood from the fact that he will change this hour, hand over his weapon, come home ... Stop! Weapon! Marat had cold sweat running down his back. He just gave out a pistol with cartridges to a man whose wife cheated! The hand reached for the shore telephone. You have to report to the commander.

Leonid did not think of shooting anyone. The routine and frequency of duty in the base did their job. He acted like a programmed automaton. Without thinking about divorce, he collected personnel sailors interceding with him, checked their knowledge and arrived at the place of construction. The brigade duty officer conducted a briefing and examination of the interceders. Routine as a whole, as usual. However, also at the divorce, it was noted that the wind is expected to increase, “Wind Two” has already been announced and possibly the announcement of “Wind Raz”. This meant that the navigator and one of the mechanics should already arrive on the boat. This was done so that in the event of a separation of the boat from the pier, the boat would have working navigation equipment and powered power point. If “Wind Raz” is announced, the entire composition of the ship must be in a strong hull.
In the head of the officer, a detached flash flashed: “Bad luck, guys. From the seas and again to the "iron".

Marat did not find a place for himself in the central post. He himself to a friend, in this state, put a pistol in his hands. He reported to the commander. He shortly replied: “Understood!” and hung up. Batiev ordered to report to the top watchman as soon as he saw the approaching shift. When a report was made on "Larch" (communication system):
I see a change!
- Who is leading? Marat asked almost immediately.
- Senior Lieutenant Bystrykin. - answered the top watchman.
- Wow! - Marat caught his breath.
With the arrival of the shift, the routine procedure for handing over the duty began. Leonid did not want to develop the theme of his family relations. All attempts by Marat, he interrupted. Like, none of your business. Leonid tried to get on duty as quickly as possible, stay with his subordinates and completely immerse himself in the duties of a submarine duty officer. The old shift has gone to base! The routine began. Checking the pressure hull for tightness, working off the watch, checking the compartments, filling out magazines. After dinner, the boat was informed that with the worsening weather, "Wind Raz" was announced.

Wind Raz. This is a storm warning. On the roadstead of the Kola flotilla, a cross of four red lights was lit. All personnel must arrive on the ship. All systems are being launched and the personnel should be ready at any moment for the actions prescribed according to the staffing table ..

Somewhere, after 21.00, everyone arrived on the boat, including the commander, captain of the second rank Zaletsky Vladimir Vladimirovich. Leonid reported, according to the form to the commander, about the measures taken. In the meantime, the personnel were stationed in the compartments according to their combat schedules. The officers and midshipmen, cut off from their families in the evening, frowned and scolded the North, for the winds, snowstorms, and cold. And so the rest is small between the "seas", and then at the pier you will have to spend the whole night on the "iron" and it's not a fact that you can get enough sleep. The exit to the service tomorrow half an hour before the flag was raised, no one, by the way, did not cancel! Yes, if "Wind Raz" is cancelled.

After the life of the ship entered the normal mode, the commander called Leonid to his cabin.
- Well, tell me, Lenya.
-What to tell, comrade commander?
-All! You to me, Greens podkilnaya! We need a full-fledged fighter! With a strong back! And not with thoughts about ... Fuck knows what! Zaletsky said sharply.
-Wife cheated, loves and goes to another! - Leonid tried to hold on.
-It's clear! - Cap, reached out to the "Larch" - Central, Senior Lieutenant Batyev, to me!
- There is! - answered central!
-Lenya! - forget it, - the cap put his hand on Leonid's shoulder!
-How? I have a daughter? I love them?
- Lenya! It hurts. You can't fix a broken plate! Remember, you can forgive a lot, but not betrayal. You will no longer have a life. You are a military man, your daughter will stay with her, and you will not do anything! Consider that both your wife and daughter have died for you today.
- No! Tears ran treacherously down her cheeks.
- Allow me!?? - Marat entered the cabin. Leonid turned away, wiping his tears.
- Come in, Batiev! - Vladimir Vladimirovich, took out a canister with an awl (nautical spirit). His voice was harsh again - Marat! Hear the order!
Meanwhile, the cap filled two bottles of awl.
- The task, you and senior lieutenant Bystrykin, take it, this is the first bottle was in the hands of Marat, - stomp to, Zaletsky nodded towards Lenya, - to his apartment! Today he must get drunk! Take the third, a miner, it's useless, downwind, anyway! - The second bottle was in the hands of Marat.
-Comrade Commander! I'm on duty on the ship! Bystrykin remembered!
-What the hell!? Duty? Cap looked sternly! - carry a magazine and hand over your weapons! The captain of the second rank Zaletsky is on duty! All the same, everyone sit still for a long time! Yes, Bystrykin has a day off tomorrow, not you! - Cap killed Marat's smile with a look. “You tick-like creatures, don’t be late for raising the flag!”

Having taken Kostya, the miner, the company went to Bystrykin's house! Already from afar, it was clear that the light in Leonid's one-room apartment was not on ...

Five years have passed. Antonina filed for divorce and got married. Leonid, went to sea trying to forget himself in the service. Without which, he indulged in all the hard ... Time heals. Lieutenant Commander Bystrykin found his half. The date of the wedding was set, and at the appointed time, a red cross caught fire on the roadstead of the Kola Flotilla. Wind One! Of the guests, there were only Marat and the miner Kostya! True, the occasion was much happier! The family took place and this time very, very strong!

Copyright: Alexey Bakaldin, 2015
Publication Certificate No. 215120401334

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