Everything that nature gives us. What can a person give to nature? Human dependence on natural conditions

– this is the entire material world of the Universe, organic and inorganic. But in everyday life, another definition is more often used, in which nature means the natural habitat, i.e. everything that was created without human intervention. Throughout their existence, people have often become the culprits of change. environment. But the role of nature in people’s lives is also colossal, and it cannot be underestimated.


Man is a part of nature, he “grows” from it and exists in it. Definite Atmosphere pressure, earth's temperature, water with salts dissolved in it, oxygen - all this is the natural state of the planet, which is optimal for humans. It is enough to remove one of the “designer” elements, and the consequences will be disastrous. And any change in nature can cause dramatic changes in the life of all humanity. That is why the statement that nature can exist without man, but man cannot exist without it, is especially relevant.

The main source of consumer goods

Luxury goods are created by people, but we satisfy our primary needs at the expense of nature. Exactly the world gives us everything we need for existence: air, food, protection, resources. Natural resources are involved in many areas: construction, agriculture, food industry.

We no longer live in caves, but prefer comfortable houses. Before we eat what grows on the earth, we process and cook it. We do not cover ourselves with animal skins, but make clothes from recycled fabrics natural materials. Undoubtedly, man transforms and improves much of what the planet gives for a comfortable life. Despite all its power, humanity will not be able to develop outside of nature and without the base that it provides us. Even in space, beyond the Earth, people have to use recycled natural goods.

- This is a huge hospital that can cure various ailments. Numerous medicines and cosmetics have been developed based on plants. Often, resources are used in almost their original form to improve health, for example in herbal medicine, hydrotherapy and mud therapy.

Human dependence on natural conditions

For many years, under the influence of climate, topography, and resources, customs, activities, aesthetic views and the character of the population of a particular country were formed. We can safely say that the role of nature underlies many social processes. Even a person's appearance depends on the region from which his ancestors came.

The health of many people depends on weather conditions. Well-being and emotional state may change depending on the phases of the moon, sun activity, magnetic storms and other phenomena. The level of air pollution, its humidity, temperature, oxygen concentration - all this can also affect a person’s well-being. For example, city residents, after relaxing by the river, note an improvement in their physical and psychological condition.

Cities with over a million people, modern cars, Newest technologies– looking at all this, it seems that man has learned to successfully exist outside of nature. In fact, humanity still depends on conditions that it cannot change. For example, on quantity and condition natural resources Its economy depends on the territory of the state. Weather conditions determine the characteristics of the buildings of a settlement and living conditions. Such a variety of national cuisines arose as a result of the climatic characteristics of the regions, as well as the flora and fauna.

Aesthetic and scientific significance

Nature acts as a source of a wide variety of information that helps build relationships with the outside world. Thanks to the data that the planet stores, we can know who inhabited the Earth thousands and millions of years ago. Today we can, if not prevent natural disasters, then at least protect ourselves from them. And man has even learned to direct some phenomena to his advantage. and human learning. The child is introduced to the world around him, taught to protect, protect and ennoble it. Without this, no educational process is possible.

The importance of nature in cultural life cannot be ignored. We contemplate, admire, enjoy. It is a source of inspiration for writers, artists and musicians. This is what artists have sung and will continue to sang in their creations. Many are sure that the beauty and harmony of nature even has a healing effect on the body. Although the spiritual component is not the first necessity for the life of the population, it plays a vital role in the life of society.

“Environmental protection” - Game “Name the rule”. How to protect water. Traveler. How to protect the air. How to protect soils. Negative and positive influence of man on nature. What can you do to protect nature? How to protect animals. Butterflies. What nature gives to man. O. Driz. How to protect plants. Protect the environment.

"Environmental organizations" - WWF. International organizations. VOOP. Arctic Council. Center for Environmental Policy and Culture. Leading role. Green World. REC. Children's environmental organizations. Fund wildlife in Russia. ADDITIONAL Friends of the Baltic. Greenpeace. IUCN. MZK. International organizations of the UN system. UNEP. St. Petersburg Ecological Union.

"Fundamentals of Nature Conservation" - Disruptions in Tree Ranges different types. Strategy. Comparison of potentials and positions of systems. The main reason for the decline in biodiversity. Beneficial consequences of the reserve regime. Consequences of environment-transforming human influences on the forest belt. Adverse consequences of the reserve regime.

“Stimulating environmental activities” - Selection of the most effective PMPs. Atmospheric pollution from mobile sources. Ecological Fund. Financing scheme. Hazard Class. Total mass of emissions. Volume of pollution. Stages of development of the payment mechanism. Production quota system. Release of pollutants. The "bubble" principle. Air pollution.

“Caring for nature” - Bottle. Vitamin C. There is a huge house on earth. You love juice. Organic waste. Waste from plastic packaging. Nature. Forestry industry. Recycling of waste paper. Vitamin B. Can we litter less? Food waste. The problem of recycling cullet. Wood waste. Waste glass. Fruits and vegetables.

“Protection of flora and fauna” - Environmental pollution. Protection of Nature. Ecological culture and ethics. Zoos. Gene banks. Poaching. Urbanization and road construction. Biological resources. Biodiversity. Reserves. Red Book. Biodiversity organic world. Formed competencies. Protection of flora and fauna.

There are 15 presentations in total

By Dennis Fischer

Today there are not many true corners of nature left. Urbanization and the conquest of nature by man are occurring at a tremendous pace, and soon only inaccessible areas with harsh conditions will remain. climatic conditions. IN Russian taiga New routes and winter roads are being laid. The highway to Chukotka is a matter of the near future. But the question comes to mind: man has conquered nature, but what has he done for it lately?

Many protected areas have recently appeared in the CIS. But, as before, organizing reserves is a complex matter. Often nature reserves are given the worst locations, while neighboring forestry enterprises maintain excellent forests. It is very difficult for us to make a beautiful forest a protected area; it is much easier to cut it down in half and leave a pile of rubbish. Now they are mainly organized National parks, in which logging is allowed and only a small protected core is created where nature is inviolable. And salaries for employees of the reserve system are among the lowest in Russia.

Recently, a message was circulated online that in Transbaikalia, due to mass felling forests, the rivers began to lose navigability.

The balance of nature in the world is disrupted - glaciers are actively melting, water is being used irrationally, forests are being cut down. Reservoirs are made on rivers, which destroy entire ecosystems of riverine plains and form freshwater seas, in which the water often blooms and the already scarce fish die. It turns out that now much, much depends on the person. Why not take concrete steps to restore the nature of our planet?

But it is precisely when nature is completely destroyed that people begin to take action to restore it. Germany is ahead of everyone; concrete steps have been taken there to restore forests and rivers. China has also come to its senses from the total conquest of nature. When I traveled around China, I saw young forests everywhere. Twenty years ago, large tracts of forests were destroyed here. After this, the consequences immediately began: the deserts began to advance at a rapid pace, and even Beijing began to be covered with sandstorms. Now the Chinese are paid money to plant trees. In a short time, many parks appeared in stuffy cities. In Chengdu I saw large trees and was surprised that they had been planted recently. Large trees are brought from the forests on dump trucks, droppers are installed, and after a while a park with old-growth trees appears in the new microdistrict. So in the once deserted mountains, landscaping is also happening on a large scale - thousands of trees are being planted. In the provinces of Xinjiang and Gansu there are loess soils - it is difficult to grow anything here. However, I was surprised when I saw thousands of fields, and next to them there was lifeless land, where there was not a single blade of grass, only dust. All this is grown thanks to fertilizers and is not very useful for human body, however, in conditions of overcrowding it is necessary to resort to such methods. So why not restore forests that will help bring water back? Unfortunately, in the Central Asian regions of China, water is used irrationally, overgrazing by livestock destroys the already sparse vegetation, and deserts are encroaching on new territories.

There are not many successful examples of nature restoration. In the Kherson region of Ukraine there is a small desert called Aleshkovsky Sands. Once upon a time, through the joint efforts of scientists, it was possible to stop the sand dunes and plant this place with forests. And the growth of the desert stopped. This experience can be used to restore other regions. After all, cypress trees once grew green in the Sahara Mountains. Humanity has enough knowledge to solve the problem of desertification, even if it takes several hundred years.

In India, where there is also a large water shortage, local scientists managed to return water to wells. Once upon a time, forests were cut down on the banks of the river, and the area became a desert, and the water in the riverbed disappeared. But local scientists were able to revive this river by replanting forests.

So we should now pay attention to the problem of deforestation. After all, everything will be much more complicated further.

Nature is a kind of absolute for man; without it, human life is simply impossible; this truth is not obvious to everyone, judging by the way people care about nature. Man receives everything he needs for life from the environment; nature provides conditions for the prosperity of all forms of life on earth. The role of nature in human life is fundamental. It is worth mentioning categorical facts and looking at specific examples of what nature gives to man. In nature, everything is interconnected; if one element disappears, the whole chain will fail.

What does nature give to man?

Air, earth, water, fire - the four elements, eternal manifestations of nature. There is no need to explain that without air, human life is simply impossible. Why don’t people, when clearing forests, worry about new plantings so that the trees can continue to work for the benefit of purifying the air? The earth gives people so many benefits that it is difficult to count: these are minerals, the opportunity to grow with Agriculture diverse cultures, live on earth. We get food from nature, be it plant foods (vegetables, fruits, grains) or food of animal origin (meat, dairy products). Material goods have the benefits of nature as a source of raw materials. Clothes are made from fabrics based on natural materials. Furniture in houses is made from wood, paper is made from wood. Cosmetics and household chemicals are based on plant components. Water is embodied in oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, groundwater, and glaciers. Drinking water satisfies the needs of people all over the world; people are made of water, which is why a person cannot live even a day without water. Without water, it is impossible to imagine life in everyday life: with the help of water, people wash, wash, wash anything, water is indispensable in production. Nature gives man heat in the form of fire; wood, coal, oil and gas are also sources of energy.

Nature charges a person with energy, inspires him to new achievements, and fills him with strength. What are sunsets and sunrises worth, moments filled with great meaning, the end of the day and the beginning of a new one, when everything becomes possible, despite the day that has passed. The sun is a source of joy, happiness, remember in sunny weather, somehow everything around is especially beautiful. The sun allows all living things on earth to live and develop. There are people who have given up their usual food and feed on solar energy.

Nature can restore human strength After exhausting mental or physical work, it is not without reason that many people go to relax in the mountains, forest, ocean, sea, river or lake. The harmony of nature brings balance to the frantic rhythm of human existence.

Staying in nature in one of the above-mentioned areas has a beneficial effect on human health, headaches go away, and the general condition and well-being of a person improves. It’s not for nothing that many people strive to spend time in nature. These forms of leisure include: camping, a picnic, or just a trip out of town for a couple of hours. In places far from the bustle of the city, you can renew yourself, sort out your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and look inside yourself. Many unique herbs and tree flowers surround a person, giving fragrance and benefits, take time to enjoy and admire them.

People are inextricably linked with nature, it takes care of it throughout a person’s existence, why does a person only take and give nothing in return. People pollute the environment every day and carelessly use the gifts of nature. Perhaps it’s worth stopping and thinking, since nature gives so much to man, isn’t it worth reciprocating and taking care of her as reverently as she takes care of us.

From this short article you will learn what nature provides to modern man and how to use these priceless gifts.

What can a person do without nature?

In fact, if there were no nature, a person would have nothing - he simply would not be able to live on earth. After all, what does nature give to man? Almost everything. Nature feeds and clothes us - we take all food and clothing from nature. Fruits, vegetables, grains, meat and milk - these staple products are of completely natural origin. You may object: well, when it comes to clothes, everything is not so simple, and isn’t it man who creates different drinks? So what does nature have to do with it? However, think carefully: what are these clothes made of? Again, from natural materials, but subjected to chemical and physical processing. In the same way, without natural materials it would be impossible to create electricity - where then to get the raw materials? Without minerals, it is impossible to develop the industrial materials, fuel, and gas so necessary for modern humanity. Without the various substances found in nature, the chemistry so praised today would simply be impossible.

And nature also gave us the house in which we live, the air we breathe, and finally, life itself. Everything that a person has received, without exception, comes from nature. And in this sense, it can be called with a capital letter - Nature. What does nature give to man? Everything for a long time happy life, in fact, without nature there would be neither you, my dear readers, nor me. Another question is how we use it.

On the attitude towards natural resources

And man spends his natural gifts too wastefully. He doesn’t take care of them at all and exploits them mercilessly. What does this threaten us with? The simplest example: if all water bodies become polluted, there will be no fish left. If there are no fish, the birds will have nothing to eat, and so on down the chain it will reach humans. And a person cannot live without good fish, and it is impossible to provide even a relatively small part of the population with artificially grown fish. But a person cannot eat all his life artificial products- this will sooner or later lead to serious genetic abnormalities, sick children will be born who themselves will be unable to give birth to healthy offspring, and will they be able to give birth at all? And it all starts with the fact that we do not care about our nurse - nature.

In fact, not much needs to be done - to develop good technologies for processing waste so as not to throw it into rivers, lakes, or bury it in the ground. The most important thing is that such technologies are real and it is quite possible to begin to implement them now. Residents of many European countries They have already understood this and are protecting their natural resources. For example, the Finns, if they cut down a forest, plant twice as much. After all, something can happen to young shoots, so this decision is very wise. What are they doing here? They just cut them down and don’t plant new trees.

Russia is the richest country, we have a huge amount of natural reserves, but they need to be maintained, otherwise they could run out very soon. Take care of nature, start small - don’t litter, don’t pollute our forests. If everyone thinks at least a little about nature, we will preserve and increase our wealth.
