Payments to pensioners after 70. The new law will deprive pensioners of the Russian Federation the right to dispose of their apartments

It is worth retiring, as eyewitnesses say, the years do not just go, but fly. You won't have time to look back: already 70! Many simply do not live up to this milestone, since the average life expectancy in our country is 65-69 years, although according to WHO ( World Organization health care) for 2015, it is slightly higher: women - 76.3, men - 64.7, the average for Russia is 70.5 years.

In the WHO list, the first positions are occupied by Switzerland, Singapore, Australia, Spain, Iceland, Italy, Israel, France (82-83 years old), and the last - African countries Somalia, Nigeria, CHAD, Angola (49-50 years).

Consider the benefits for pensioners after 70 years old, otherwise, what additional bonuses are due to those lucky ones in life who are 70 or more.

Each pensioner is obliged to know what benefits are provided for pensioners after 70 years, and which ones after 80, and use them. It is quite possible that additional benefits for pensioners after 70 years will become a powerful incentive for many new ideas, which, in turn, will have a beneficial effect on health and life expectancy.

What are the benefits for pensioners over 70?

Here it is worth deciding right away: there are federal and regional benefits for pensioners over 70 years old.

The basic set of federal benefits for all regions and subjects of the Russian Federation is identical and includes:

  • on payment of housing and communal services;
  • for the purchase of housing;
  • overhaul benefits;
  • exemption from personal income tax;
  • preferential travel in public transport;
  • additional preferential leave;
  • medical benefits.

How to get benefits for pensioners over 70 years old

Each pensioner claims different benefits. Below we will consider in detail what is necessary and what you can expect.

Benefits for overhaul

There are also benefits for overhaul for pensioners after 70 years. From now on, this fee will be half the price. Half of the amount written out in the receipt is returned back to the account of such beneficiary. All fees must be paid on time in order to receive a refund.

Only non-working pensioners living together should be registered in the apartment, the age of one of them must be over 70. Upon reaching the age of 80, they will be completely exempted from paying overhaul.

To obtain it, contact the territorial NGO "Fund for Capital Repairs of Apartment Buildings", presenting a passport, registration card and an extract from the personal account with housing and communal services, a receipt for payment for overhaul (without debt), their scans and write an application for compensation payment indicating the account for transfer funds.

WORTH KNOWING: The overhaul fee is not provided for emergency housing facilities and houses for demolition.

For utility bills

Half of the amount paid according to the receipt for utility bills is also returned to the pensioner's account (compensatory benefit).

This provision is valid when registering in an apartment only for a privileged category of citizens. For compensation payment, it is also necessary that there are no arrears in paying utility bills..

Example: an elderly couple lives in the same apartment: the wife is 70 years old, the spouse is 75. Compensation is due to both.

For buying a home

Some 70-year-olds continue to lead not only an active lifestyle, but also a feasible labor activity. If such an employee is employed on a completely official basis, then after buying a home (an apartment or a share in it, a house, land plot under individual housing construction), he is entitled to a refund of income tax previously paid to the state treasury in the amount of 13% of the value of the acquired property.

ATTENTION: The tax base for the property deduction is the same - no more than 2 million rubles, that is, the amount of the deduction in this case is no more than 260 thousand rubles (13%).

Example: new housing was purchased for 2.5 million rubles. The maximum amount for a tax deduction in this case is 2 million rubles, that is, no more than 260 thousand rubles. If the cost of purchased housing is less than 2 million rubles (for example, 1.5 million), then the tax base will be actual cost housing, and the amount of the deduction will be 13% of 1.5 million - 195,000.

It can be stretched for the entire working period after the purchase of housing, or the three previous years preceding the purchase are taken into account. Only the employee whose employer made monthly income tax deductions from his official (white) salary can claim such a deduction.

The tax base can also include all expenses aimed at improving housing (purchase of building materials, services of employees). It is necessary to attach all available receipts and contracts for the performance of one-time work by one or another employee.

This can also include all credit loans and interest payments on them, aimed at the construction and improvement of housing. Taking into account such additions, the tax base can grow up to 3 million rubles, no more. Respectively, tax deduction in this case, it will be already 390 thousand rubles (13% of 3 million rubles).

Example: pensioner Nikolai Petrovich is 75 years old. He quit his job where he officially worked in August 2017, and bought an apartment in August 2018. Immediately, he declared the apartment to the IFTS (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service).

He is entitled to a tax deduction for two working years, from August 2015 to August 2017, in the amount corresponding to contributions to the IFTS (13%) for the entire period under review. As you can see, the size of the official salary also matters here.

It can be beneficial for an employer to reduce its size (to pay less taxes), he is interested in paying money in an envelope.

On the contrary, it is much more profitable for an employee who wants to purchase housing to work according to the white scheme, the official one. The higher the salary, the greater the income tax deductions that are refundable when buying or improving housing.

The authorized representative is the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, it is worth contacting a non-working pensioner there, and a working one - to the employer. A contract of sale, a registration statement for housing, a pension certificate and a passport are submitted.

Additional grace leave

These benefits are due to all working pensioners and those over 70. Such an employee can quit without two weeks of work, as is usually the case. Has the opportunity to take an additional unpaid leave of 14 days at any time of the year.

If a 70-year-old employee has the status of a disabled person, additional leave without pay can be extended up to 60 days. All data is already available in the personnel department of the employee.

Tax exemption

Benefits for pensioners over 70 also apply to tax preferences. This category of citizens is subject to a privilege to pay land and transport taxes, zero tax on personal income tax. So, for example, in the Altai Territory, in the presence of a car with a capacity of up to 100 hp, pensioners over 70 years of age are exempt from transport tax.

Value added tax is not levied on any additional social payments and additional payments (this also includes compensation for spa treatment) within the established limit of 4 thousand rubles. per month.

Easy access to public transport

Many are interested in: what benefits do pensioners have after 70 years of age in terms of travel in public transport. This preference is at the regional level and depends on locally adopted legislative acts.

May refer to discounts on commuter trains on weekends, holidays or during the summer season. Check with your local municipality.

Medical Benefits

What medical benefits are due to a 70-year-old pensioner, perhaps, everyone who has reached this milestone knows, since many at this age need medical care.

For them, a medical examination is provided with a full examination once every 3 years, for the disabled - annually. Free flu shots are provided at the clinic at the place of residence, registration at the geriatric center.

Sanatorium-resort treatment (if there was no refusal from the NSU) - once every 2 years with payment or compensation for travel to the place of treatment and back.

This applies to pensioners over 70:

  • in the status of a disabled or labor veteran;
  • living in the Far North or areas equivalent to it;
  • former combatants (Chechnya, Afghanistan) and liquidators of the Chernobyl accident;
  • former military personnel or Heroes of the USSR and Russia;
  • relatives of former WWII invalids.

The choice of a medical institution is made according to the existing fact of an agreement concluded with a state institution. Military pensioners are served by departmental sanatoriums. The sequence and frequency must be clarified in the OSZN at the place of residence.

The next advantage is free medicines, if there was no refusal from the NSO - a set of social services. The list of essential drugs consists of 360 items and is available for free distribution in the presence of serious diseases (asthma, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and diseases in accordance with PP No. 890).

The benefit also applies to the above list of beneficiaries for sanatorium treatment. With a minimum pension, the purchase of medicines is possible with a 50% discount.

Each beneficiary has the right to refuse the NSI, then the right to the benefit will be monetized by a monthly pension supplement - UDV.

Additional benefits for pensioners after 70 years (regional)

Targeted assistance- provided in complex life situations(death of loved ones, flood, fire, disaster). Help is not always provided in monetary terms, it can be food, clothes, sanitary and hygiene items.

If a 70-year-old pensioner is given the status of a disabled person, he can expect to pay for fuel, a vehicle, or purchase the necessary devices that improve the quality of life. To receive them, you must apply to the territorial body of social protection of the population with a statement, attach supporting documents - help will inevitably come.

Benefits for payment of land and transport taxes – there are some territorial discrepancies on all these issues, therefore it is better to clarify the information on the ground by contacting the regional municipality.

In the Altai Territory, in the presence of a car with a capacity of up to 100 hp, pensioners over 70 years of age are exempt from transport tax.

IN Leningrad region with an 80% discount on transport tax, and taxpayers who own up to 25 acres of land are completely exempted from land tax.

This also includes benefits for gasification of housing (the amount is set at the regional level). These benefits are also relevant for 70-year-old non-working pensioners if the gasified facility is their only home.

All documents confirming the right to benefits are submitted to the OSZN.

Free employment training- any pensioner who has reached the age of 70 has the right to undergo training at the territorial employment service.

It is possible to improve skills in your specialty, you can learn a new profession, get trained in the area of ​​interest (computer literacy, landscape design, floriculture, macrame, and much more). Education is free. It is enough to apply to the SZN employment service with a passport and a pension certificate.

Compensation payment UDV (one-time cash payment)- not only the age threshold is important for obtaining, but also confirmation of the status of a disabled or veteran. Accrued by those exposed to radiation effects at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant; subjects with state awards or other beneficiaries on the basis of regulatory legal acts. For all these categories, the EFA is relevant only when the NSO (a set of social services) is abandoned.

Plenipotentiary representative - territorial body of the PFR.

IMPORTANT: Simultaneous receipt of EVD and NSO is not possible. We will have to make a choice: either EDV or NSU. To refuse social package or its acceptance, it is required to write an application before October 1 of the current year, while the new conditions will enter into force only from the beginning of next year.

The absence of property tax, as for all pensioners, remains. There are no property taxes for pensioners.

If the tax office erroneously sent receipts for paying property tax, and you, as a law-abiding citizen, immediately paid it and so on for several years, then you have the right to apply to the tax office for a recalculation. Do not despair, the IFTS will certainly return all the funds paid.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Zero property tax also applies to part of the housing, a share in the common ownership of housing.

Often, there is no need to additionally run around government agencies and submit supporting documents. PFR, IFNS, OSZN work according to a well-coordinated centralized scheme of access to a single computer database.

In conclusion, I want to say that no matter how difficult the situation happens to you, do not despair. There will always be someone who will lend a helping hand. Everyone will get what they deserve.

Follow the changes in regional legislation, you will always learn about federal innovations: notifications will be repeatedly sent to all media. I would like to warn against "word of mouth", you should only trust trusted sources.

If you want to know what benefits pensioners have after 70, check out the resource below. The information has been verified for compliance with regulations. Reliability is guaranteed.

For citizens on a well-deserved rest, a monthly pension is paid from the state budget. Through the Pension Fund of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the PFR) and the social protection authorities of the population, additional payments, benefits and preferences.

What benefits are provided to old-age pensioners after 70 years

Social support for pensioners, financed from the federal budget, applies to all older people. Regional authorities have the right to form additional privileges based on their financial capabilities. Benefits are provided in various forms:

  • subsidies;
  • pension supplements;
  • discounts on payment of taxes and services;
  • monetization (replacement of benefits in kind with money);
  • compensation.

Social benefits for pensioners are implemented through the social security authorities and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Privileges apply to different areas:

  • medicine;
  • housing and communal services;
  • social services;
  • travel by public transport;
  • taxation;
  • Spa treatment;
  • overhaul fees.

Social surcharges and privileges

The first thing all pensioners can count on is an additional payment to the pension up to the subsistence level (PM) established for the region where the elderly person lives. It is provided:

  • through the Pension Fund (power department) from the federal budget, if the pension is less than the federal PM;
  • through the social security authorities from the regional budget, when the pension does not reach the PM established for the region of residence of an elderly person.

To receive an allowance, you must submit an application to the authorized body, attaching a work book. Please note that only non-working pensioners can claim the payment. When applying for a job, you must immediately notify of a change in your status.

Benefits and privileges for pensioners over 70 years of age are implemented through the social security authorities. Here they can get:

  • material assistance (food, basic necessities);
  • financial support, no more than once a year, for the purchase of goods necessary for everyday life (refrigerator, stove, TV).

To assign assistance, you must submit an application to the territorial department of social protection of the population in person or through a legal representative. The appeal will be considered by specialists within 10 days. After studying the financial situation of a citizen, the amount and type of support is determined.

Through the Pension Fund, citizens who have crossed the 70-year mark:

  • Additional monthly payment (DEMO). It is received by the disabled, veterans and participants of the Great patriotic war, awarded with the sign "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad", prisoners, widows of dead servicemen and veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
  • Monthly cash payment if the citizen is a federal beneficiary. Its size is determined for each category separately and is reviewed annually.
  • Set of social services. It includes the provision of a voucher to a sanatorium, payment for medicines and travel to and from the place of treatment. Retirees have the right to receive the entire package, or to replace one or more services with cash compensation.

Subsidies for housing and communal services

If the payment for utilities is 22% or more of the income of a pensioner living alone over 70 years old (when living together - average per capita income), he has the right to apply for compensation. For some regions, the numbers may be different, for example:

  • Moscow - 10%;
  • St. Petersburg - 14%.

The privilege is granted to the owners of the premises, provided that there are no debts for payment of utility bills for the previous months. The area of ​​the dwelling is taken into account:

  • for singles - 33 sq. m;
  • for a family of two - 42 sq. m.;
  • for families with three or more residents - 18 sq. m. for each.

The subsidy is transferred in monetary terms to the applicant's current account. To receive it, you need to contact social security, the Multifunctional Center (MFC) or through the State Services portal.

The benefit is valid for 6 months.

After that, you need to re-submit the application and supporting documents:

  • passports of all residents;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • certificate of income from each resident.

Benefits for paying for major repairs

According to the Housing Code, citizens over the age of 70 who live in apartment buildings, compensation for overhaul is due. The discount is 50%, and the right to receive it:

  • unemployed pensioners living alone;
  • a family consisting of non-working persons of retirement age;
  • a family consisting of non-working pensioners and (or) disabled people of the 1st or 2nd group (from January 1, 2019).

To obtain a privilege, you must contact social security or the Multifunctional Center. The application must be accompanied by:

  • passport;
  • a certificate of family composition or an extract from the house book;
  • a receipt confirming the payment for the overhaul;
  • certificate of right to housing;
  • data on the personal account where compensation for overhaul will be credited;
  • income statement.

Please note that pensioners who live in rural areas and are homeowners are entitled to receive compensation for the cost of gasification of the house.

To receive benefits, you need to apply to the social security authorities with an application for financial assistance, submitting a passport, documents for the house, a project and an estimated cost of work.

Additional leave

Pensioners over 70 who continue to work have additional preferences compared to other citizens. They are granted extraordinary unpaid leave of 2 weeks. From January 2019, older people have the right to receive 2 days a year with the same salary and workplace for medical examination. To exercise the privilege, you need to write a statement to the employer.

tax incentives

Elderly people over 70 years of age have preferences and guarantees in the field of taxation. This is a full or partial tax exemption:

  • property. It is provided for one property of the same type (one house, one apartment, one garage).
  • Land. A tax deduction is provided for one land plot owned by a pensioner. The amount is equal to the cadastral value of 6 acres.
  • Transport. Only pensioners in some regions are exempted from paying. The discount depends on the power of the car.
  • Income. Pension provision and social benefits are not subject to income tax (PIT).

In addition to tax breaks, pensioners are provided with a tax deduction when buying a home. They return the amount at the rate of 13% of the money paid, but not more than 2 million rubles. (3 million rubles, if a loan was issued for the purchase of real estate).

Medical preferences

Elderly people over 70 years of age are entitled to free care and treatment at polyclinics in their place of residence. Retirees from among the former military can receive services in medical institutions where they were served during the service. Additionally, citizens of retirement age are entitled to:

  • free delivery of medicines and medications (according to the list of the Ministry of Health) on prescription;
  • health improvement and rehabilitation in sanatoriums;
  • placement in institutions of permanent residence (nursing homes, boarding schools) on a temporary or permanent basis;
  • prosthetics (with the exception of expensive materials).

To receive services, you need a passport and a certificate of compulsory medical insurance. Please note that in some cases, other documents may be required to apply for benefits - a pension certificate, a certificate of chronic diseases.

Privileges and benefits for pensioners of Moscow and the Moscow region

Residents of the capital and the region over 70 years of age have similar benefits and preferences that are due to pensioners living in other regions. The overhaul fee in Moscow is also 50%, but it is already included in the payment receipt.

To receive local privileges and assistance, you must apply for a social card through the My Documents center.

Benefits for Moscow pensioners are presented as:

  1. Free travel on urban public and suburban railway transport. This includes trolleybuses, buses, trams, metro, trains.
  2. Free travel on trains in Moscow and adjacent regions.
  3. Regional surcharge. Muscovites receive a pension supplement up to the social standard (17,500 rubles).
  4. Annual payment in the amount of 2 thousand rubles. You can spend money on the purchase of products in the Pyaterochka chain of stores.
  5. Landline reimbursement. It is 250 rubles.
  6. Payments related to significant events, for example, to the anniversary of living together.
  7. Free education. For elderly citizens are being developed special programs and courses are organized where you can learn computer literacy, learn a foreign language, get an additional profession or skill.


In this material:

For citizens who have reached the age of 70, a pension is the only source of livelihood, and, as you know, it is not very large. Therefore, for pensioners, the question of what benefits from the state they can count on is relevant.

For older people after seventy years in 2020, the state did not provide special preferences, except for a discount when paying for major repairs. Special benefits exist only for citizens. 70-year-old pensioners enjoy benefits in accordance with the generally established procedure.

Exemption from payment of tax on the acquisition of real estate

This exemption is called a "tax deduction". The amount for which the deduction is claimed must not exceed 2 million rubles when the property is purchased for own funds. If the housing was bought with the money of a mortgage loan, this figure cannot be more than 3 million rubles.

The tax deduction is due to citizens who, at the time of buying a home, had wages subject to income tax, or have worked for 3 years prior to the specified date.

Attention! Previously unemployed pensioners cannot count on benefits!

To receive a tax deduction, a citizen applies to the territorial division of the Tax Service. Employed "beneficiaries" can do this through the employer.

List of required documents

The Tax Service Specialist will require the applicant to:

  • certificate of a pensioner for citizens who retired on a well-deserved rest before 2015 or a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation confirming the status of a recipient of a pension, if one "came" after 2015;
  • title documents for real estate (purchase and sale agreement, equity participation agreement, etc.);
  • documentary evidence of the transfer of money;
  • a deed of transfer confirming the actual transfer of property;
  • certificate of ownership, if the ownership of real estate was registered before July 2016 or an extract from the USRR, if the property was acquired after the specified period;
  • completed declaration in the form "3-NDFL".

The application for the deduction is submitted 12 months after the registration of the transfer of ownership in the name of the applicant. You can transfer them in person, by mail, online, using Personal Area taxpayer.

Verification and processing of the application in the tax authority takes up to 3 months. After its completion, within 14 days, the amount of the tax deduction is returned.

Leave without pay

The benefit applies to working pensioners. The duration of such leave shall not exceed 14 days annually. When a working pensioner is a participant in the Second World War, the employer is obliged to provide him with 35 days a year without saving labor remuneration. Working disabled people have the right to "rest" in this way no more than 60 days a year.

To get a vacation, the employee applies to the employer with a corresponding application, written in any form. Refusal to satisfy his demand is illegal.

Travel expenses reimbursement

Citizens who have retired in the regions of the Far North are entitled to reimbursement of expenses when purchasing travel tickets to their place of rest. The benefit is granted once every 2 years:

  • in the form of "ready" travel tickets;
  • in the form of compensation for the costs incurred in their acquisition.

There are frequent cases when the way to the place of rest involves transfers, then both methods of compensation can be combined.

How to get a benefit

To do this, you must contact the local division of the FIU or the MFC with an application and the documents attached to it:

  • passport;
  • pension certificate, PFR certificate;
  • voucher, referral, other document confirming the future stay of the pensioner in a particular place of rest (boarding house, sanatorium) - for persons claiming compensation in the form of travel tickets;
  • travel documents - when reimbursed in cash.

In the latter case, the amount of payment cannot exceed the cost of:

  • places in a reserved seat car - when traveling by rail;
  • cabins of the 3rd class - when traveling by water transport;
  • seats in the economy class cabin - when traveling by aircraft.

The application must accurately indicate the location and name of the rest home, sanatorium, boarding house where the pensioner is sent. It is considered for 10 working days, after which a positive or negative decision is made. The applicant is notified of this no later than 1 day from the date of its issuance in paper form. Compensation is paid in the same manner as a pension.

The list of objects that are not subject to property tax includes:

  • House;
  • apartment;
  • room;
  • garage (parking space);
  • building for household needs.

In order to receive a benefit, a pensioner applies to the Federal Tax Service with a corresponding application, which indicates a list of real estate objects “exempted” from the tax burden. The following documents are attached to the application:

  • pension certificate and passport;
  • copies of title documents for the property.

Attention! The application is submitted to the tax authority before November 1 of the year, which is the tax period, from the beginning of which the tax benefit begins to apply to property objects. After submitting an application, the pensioner cannot change the list of declared real estate. It will be possible to do this only with the onset of the next tax period, i.e. in a year.

Benefits for paying utility bills

A citizen who has reached the age of 70 receives a subsidy that partially compensates for the costs of paying utility bills. It is paid in the event that a pensioner spends 22% of his monthly income on paying for a communal apartment. The grant cannot exceed the actual costs of housing and utilities. Otherwise, the overpaid funds are recovered by offsetting against the future subsidy or voluntarily transferred by the pensioner to the local office.

To receive benefits, you must apply with the appropriate application to the local administration. Attached to the application:

  • title documents for housing (contract of sale, donation, certificate of inheritance, etc.);
  • utility bills for previous periods;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • passport;
  • extract from the house book.

Documents can be submitted in person, by mail or through the State Services website (provided that such an Internet resource is available in the pensioner's region of residence). Documents are submitted to:

  • directly to the social security authority at the place of residence.

Important! If the applicant is not able to provide title documents for housing, an extract from the house register and information about the citizenship of the Russian Federation, the authorized body, within the framework of interdepartmental interaction, receives the specified information independently.

After receiving the application, the authorized body checks the completeness and accuracy of the documents by sending requests to the appropriate authorities. The term for consideration of the application is 10 days from the date of its submission. Upon its completion, a decision is made on the granting of a subsidy.

Benefit for paying for major repairs in an apartment building

If the "high-rise building" "needs" a major overhaul, the management company opens a special account, replenished with monthly contributions from residents. Funds on it are accumulated to the required amount, after which they are spent exclusively for their intended purpose - payment for the services of a construction company.

Pensioners over the age of 70 who do not have previous contributions in arrears are entitled to a 50 percent discount on them.

Issues of providing benefits are handled by local departments of social protection of the population. It is issued on the basis of an application with a corresponding requirement. Attached to the application:

  • a copy of the passport (all completed pages);
  • extract from the house book;
  • issuance of a personal account;
  • title documents for the apartment;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate of a pensioner (certificate from the FIU);
  • information about the absence of arrears in contributions.

Benefits for pensioners after 70 years are provided only if they are sole owners of apartments and do not have additional income in the form of wages.

With regard to compensation payments at the regional level, local authorities change the amount of contributions every year, so the actual amounts of compensation also change annually.

How the discount is given

The status of "beneficial" does not relieve the tenant from the obligation to pay monthly contributions in full. Only after that, the department of social protection calculates compensation, taking as a legal basis the paid receipt from the pensioner.

Funds are accrued in the same way as a pension or to a bank card in a separate payment at the choice of the recipient.

People of retirement age are considered citizens in need of state support, since they cannot work on equal terms with competitive young workers, often cannot realize their plans in the presence of serious illnesses, and require care and assistance. This situation is relevant for older people who are already 70 years old, and the state provides them with additional guarantees that in some way affect the improvement of the quality of life.

Types of benefits for pensioners after 70 years

Benefits for pensioners after 70 rely on common grounds with citizens who recently took a well-deserved rest due to reaching the age. They extend their action in almost all spheres of life, on many issues and difficult moments that beneficiaries face. Measures to provide privileges and benefits after 70 years are implemented in health care institutions, in the administration dealing with housing, in transport organizations, tax inspectorates, social protection authorities and the pension fund.

Medical services

The healthcare sector for elderly citizens is the most significant, since health issues are relevant for most people in this age group.

In this direction, the following list of benefits for pensioners over 70 years of age is provided:

  • free (according to prescriptions);
  • free treatment in dispensaries, sanatoriums, resort areas;
  • service when contacting (outpatient or inpatient) without a queue;
  • device in specialized agency with the right to live in the absence of proper care for the elderly free of charge;
  • installation from the established list, if necessary, free of charge.

IMPORTANT! To receive services, only the presentation of a certificate confirming the status of a beneficiary is required, and an insurance policy that gives the right to medical service throughout the country.

When examining a patient, a doctor has the right to demand not only a certificate, but also passport data for identification.

Housing and communal

When an elderly person lives in an apartment or house, he has to pay for the amenities provided by management companies and suppliers. Such services include: supply of water, heat, electricity, gas, use of water disposal, sewerage.

For retired citizens, preferences are provided for aspects of the communal sector:

  • used by a person to maintain life (half the cost);
  • use of a home telephone with subsequent reimbursement of expenses, as well as its installation without a queue;
  • gasification activities in the private sector;
  • (according to the discount system of 50%).

IMPORTANT! These preferences are approved at the federal level, but each region develops its own system of regulations, which may include additional guarantees for beneficiaries.

As benefits for pensioners who are over 70 years old, it is planned to provide citizens with housing. This procedure is relevant for those who do not have their own residential premises, but in fact the person is recognized as needing it, as well as for people who have certain merits (heroes of the country, veterans).

Travel and transport

Some older people actively use public transport V suburban area and urban area. Receiving benefits is not possible in every region; in some subjects of the Russian Federation, such benefits have been canceled. In other cases, pensioners are available:

  • purchase of a ticket without a queue.

Reduced terms do not apply to fixed-route taxis, payment is made according to the established tariffs.

By taxes

Taxation bonuses are also valid for seniors, and it is especially common for applicants to exercise the right to exemption from fees and charges.

There are several types of preferences:

  • legally do not pay property tax, but only for 1 property (even if there are several of them), subject to the availability of documents for housing;
  • tax deduction when acquiring land within the limits of 10 thousand rubles.

All these preferential conditions are issued at the tax office in the region where the applicant lives.

Other types of assistance

As measures aimed at maintaining decent level the lives of older people, in the regions it is provided:

  • pension provision (every person who retires on a well-deserved rest receives cash for own maintenance monthly from the Pension Fund);
  • social payments issued by the social security authorities, in case of need;
  • support with clothing and footwear, household items in the form of in-kind assistance;
  • working citizens have the right to go on vacation at any time convenient for them, as well as to exercise the right to dismissal without a two-week working off;
  • accrual of additional points in the Pension Fund in the course of employment.

All types of benefits are indexed annually, their size depends on the level of the subsistence minimum, which is set in the region.

How to apply for benefits

To provide preferential conditions, the applicant must have the main document confirming his status - a pension certificate. It is issued by the UPFR, and immediately after a person has reached the established age, he needs to apply to this institution with a passport.

To obtain preferences in all of the above departments, it is sufficient to present this certifying document, which gives the right to enjoy benefits.

A pension is often the only source of income that cannot meet all the needs of a person in old age. Citizens who have crossed the 70th threshold do not always have information about what benefits pensioners after 70 years of age are entitled to in Russia.

Ignorance prevents them from enjoying the few preferences that the state gives them for their labor efforts. It can be either free medical care, tax exemption and other guarantees.

Types of benefits for older pensioners after 70 years?

So, consider the main guarantees that rely on people who have reached the age of 70:

  1. Rest. Those elderly people who live on other conditions equivalent to this region can count on compensation for travel to and from the place of rest. Such a preference is assigned to all pensioners of subjects of the federation with difficult living conditions who have retired by age or. The frequency with which you can use this benefit is 1 time in 2 years. It is issued in the department of the pension fund. You can also immediately purchase tickets with a discount, based on documents guaranteeing this opportunity;
  2. Buying a property. Pensioners of the Russian Federation, citizens over 70 years old, among other things, are entitled to benefits when paying real estate tax. We are talking about buying an apartment, room, house or investing in the development of a residential facility. The benefit is a tax deduction for already repaid loan interest by the amount that was invested in development or in the acquisition of joint property (with other relatives).

The preference also applies to the acquisition of a land plot allocated for the construction of an individual house. When buying a garden plot, you cannot use this opportunity. But if you submit a declaration, then it will be possible to demand compensation for the arrangement of a house located on the territory belonging to a gardening partnership.

  1. Exemption from property taxes. A pensioner should not respond to receipts sent by the tax service. This mailing goes automatically, without taking into account the age of the citizen. The state guarantees a pensioner after 70 exemption from paying property taxes on houses, plots, garages, apartments, rooms and other immovable objects.

Important! If a citizen applied for a benefit some time after retirement, then he is required to compensate for overpaid taxes.

  1. Exemption from income tax. Art. 217 of the Tax Code gives a clear list of income that is not taxable at retirement age. It's about pensions,

If the state compensates an elderly person for the cost of a voucher to a health institution, travel to him or medical services, then tax is not withdrawn from these amounts. But provided that the amount of accruals does not exceed 4,000 rubles.

Attention! Other tax incentives may be guaranteed in certain regions. Their list and features of provision can be found in the local services. It's about or

  1. Leave without security. The right of a working citizen over the age of 70 to receive leave without obligatory payment. It means that the employer, in addition to the main vacation days, provides the pensioner with additional ones. For example, in the standard case, an employee receives 14 days of rest, and a 35-day break is provided for the category. Disabled people without savings can count on 60 vacation days per year.
  2. Refresher courses. Many local employment centers organize free courses for pensioners who work. It is assumed that in the context of the introduction of new technologies, it is difficult for an elderly person to independently master innovations. As support and organize such charitable events. Pensioners may be offered to improve their qualifications or even change the profile of their activity.
  3. Targeted assistance within the framework of the "Help me" program. Under the terms of such a program, material support is provided to a person in need. All citizens of the Russian Federation, people over 70 years of age in particular, can apply to local authorities for support in a difficult situation (natural disaster, fire, flood). Assistance includes the provision free of charge to a person in financial difficulty of food, things, sanitary care and other essentials.

Within the framework of this program, additional fuel, technical devices and other items necessary for rehabilitation and restoration of health may be allocated to a group of persons with disabilities. In addition to the standard package of documents, in this case, you need to provide papers confirming disability.

  1. Compensation . Since 2011, a resolution has been issued dated June 10, which provides for the compensation of some part of the costs intended for gasification of a residential building. People of retirement age who are not employed are entitled to claim such a benefit. Second important condition- a house that is subject to gasification, this is his only residential facility for a pensioner. We are talking about people who retired due to disability or old age. The amount of compensation is determined locally, taking into account the size of the budget.
  2. . Pensioners after 70 years of age can be provided with medicines and vaccinations. To obtain such preferences, the applicant must register with a local clinic. You need to register in the geriatric department, whose doctors specialize in senile diseases. These are diseases that increase in risk with advancing age.

If the applicant does not want to be registered, then he can receive free drugs in accordance with the list approved at the government level. WWII invalids are entitled to additional free sanatorium treatment/rehabilitation after a protracted illness.

  1. Repair discounts. Basic conditions for granting a discount:
  • Guaranteed to citizens after 70 years;
  • 50% of the total cost of overhaul is reimbursed;
  • working citizens should not be registered in housing;
  • issued jointly to non-working pensioners if the age of at least one of them has reached the required threshold.

Payments are not processed if:

  • the house is beyond repair;
  • the dwelling is recognized as emergency;
  • an immovable object is subject to demolition, if this circumstance is confirmed by a decision of state bodies;
  • residential building is transferred from private ownership to municipal authorities, provided that this is confirmed by the decision of the local authorities.