Irina Nesivkina: How to maintain a resourceful state in business and in life. How to enter a resource state? How to find resource state

It happens that you completely give up. There is no strength or desire to motivate yourself, watch videos and read articles on how to achieve success. You spend the entire week waiting for the weekend, devoting all your energy to work, and when the weekend finally arrives, your strength completely disappears. I just want to look at the monitor and scroll through the feed with cats. Wrap yourself in a blanket, eat junk food and cry. There is only one thought in the background in my head: “Why can’t I do anything?” And I don’t even have the strength to get angry enough to get myself out of bed and go outside.

Before that, there was a search for myself, for my realization in life. Moments of inspiration from the experiences of people who have achieved success. And it seems so simple, because if they succeeded, then I can do it too. You just have to believe in yourself and act. You make plans, and in these plans you are successful, happy, you absolutely love the work you do. You have a lot of money and can travel the world whenever you want.

And it seems that there is nothing that you won’t try to do: take up photography, complete courses as stylists and make-up artists, learn to write selling articles, practice public speaking, open a store selling things from China, make soap, sew, knit, pump up your abs and buttocks, recorded video lessons, etc. But everything turned out to be wrong, and the question “What should I do?” hung in the air, to which there are no answers, but only despair and emptiness.

Resource state.

It is impossible to make decisions and act when you are depressed. We are accustomed to the fact that our mood is influenced by external factors: the atmosphere in the work team, an unpleasant phrase spoken to us, weather conditions or Atmosphere pressure. But the good news is that it is possible to consciously manage your condition. You just need to switch your brain from one state to another. And here is one of the simple ways.

Take five minutes for yourself, find a place where you can be quiet. Turn off your phone during this time and let nothing distract you. Remember the brightest moment in your life when you really wanted something, did it, and it all worked out for you. Don't rush, give yourself time. You will definitely remember such a case. Remember how you felt then. Who was next to you? What were you told or what did you hear around you? You may even remember what you were wearing and what smells were around.

Immerse yourself in this vivid memory, relive it. What is this condition about for you? Joy, happiness, inspiration, euphoria, tremulous tenderness, a solar flare or an endless flow inside - this is your resource state.

Notice what has changed in your body and write down your observations:

  • With your inner gaze, look at your body and feel where this resource state “is” in your body, and place your hands there. Connect with this part of the body, enjoy this state. What color is it for you? Use your imagination and bask in this color.
  • Notice what has changed in the body. Where did it become lighter and more relaxed? Carefully examine your entire body from your feet to the top of your head. Write these observations down for yourself.
  • Notice what changes in your breathing. How much easier has it become to breathe and how do you breathe, with your stomach or chest, at what count do you inhale and exhale? For example, inhale and count 1, 2, 3, 4, then exhale - 1, 2, 3.
  • What smell do you associate this condition with? It could be the smell of flowers or fresh air after a thunderstorm. Give space to your imagination, observe the first associations and immerse yourself in this smell, envelop yourself in it.
  • What is the taste of your resource state? Maybe it's the taste of chocolate or fresh spring water?

Pay special attention to how sensations in the body change and how breathing changes in stressful situations, and consciously turn on your resource state: put your hands on the part of the body where your condition is located, fill it with your color, relax your body in certain areas that you have marked When exploring, adjust your breathing to your count and add smell and taste.

In order for you to quickly enter this state, you need to develop a new skill.

Over the course of several days, consciously turn on the resource state, and over time you will notice that you are learning this faster and easier, without prior preparation and anywhere.

And now, when you are calm, balanced and filled with energy, you can proceed to the next step.


To get something, you need to clearly know what you want. This must be a realistic goal. If your desire is big and it takes several years to realize it, then you can break it down into smaller goals. And then everything becomes possible, your goal becomes real.

Don’t worry about “what if this isn’t my goal!?”
In any case, you win:
a) you will gain new skills and experience, and this is priceless;
b) you will meet new and interesting people;
c) you will find out for sure that this goal is not yours, and boldly start a new one.
Because you can be afraid for years to start something new just out of fear - “What if it’s not mine?” Or you can figure out in a few months whether it’s for you or not, no longer waste time and energy on it, and start looking for a new business that will inspire and bring you satisfaction.

Question: “Why do I need this?”

When you have decided on a goal, ask yourself the question: “Why do I need this?”

This is a very important question, take your time. Take a sheet of paper and, in a calm environment, write down everything that comes to you in response.
What will change in your life when you achieve what you want?
How will you change?
What will these changes be?
Will your character, your personal qualities change?
What will you learn, and what do you have and can do now?
How will this affect your family, your friends, everyone around you?
Perhaps you will see not just a goal, but your mission. What would your mission be then? Describe it in a few words.

When you find your mission, you get an endless source of energy. There is no longer any need to force yourself to do something, but you do it because you really like it. All obstacles along the way become simple tasks that can be solved.

Pay attention to the words you used to describe your goal. Sometimes for in a simple word and desire costs something more than we are used to seeing. Behind the goal of earning a lot of money is the desire to be free and benefit yourself, your family, and the people who will interact with you. Behind the goal of meeting love is the desire to share love, intimacy and your tenderness - to become a source of love and inspiration. And behind the goal of getting an education, there is a great desire to learn, act actively, and gain new living experience.

Take a close look at the words you used to describe your goal. If they describe a fixed state: “love”, “money”, “education”, “gratitude”, then look at them in a new way, at what actions are behind them: “love”, “learn”, “grate” and etc.

Take the first steps.

When there is a goal-mission, then you need to take the first step. Take small steps, those that you can do. Consider everything: your living conditions, your daily routine, your capabilities. Then these steps will be comfortable and easy for you. And you will get closer to your goal step by step. It is worth starting to do them immediately, right away, in the next few days. So that your goal does not fade, and the energy that you have revealed in yourself paves the way forward for you. It’s so nice to see the results of your work, it’s very inspiring.

These can be completely simple and doable steps.

Find information on the Internet about training courses.
-Buy useful book and start reading it.
-Ask friends who have the experience you need, what and how they did.
-Make a plan for your advancement or find a specialist who will help you formulate your goal and your true values.

There are periods of ups and downs, but the main thing is not to stop and search, accepting everything in your life as an invaluable experience. And you will definitely find your favorite thing, perhaps in a place where you didn’t even expect to find it. Don't give up, be brave and search.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

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A state that gives a resource is a filling state active rest, creative relaxation of tense areas.

Areas brought to a critical point of stress or tension cannot return to their original elastic working state on their own. Moreover, when this happens, the load is transferred to neighboring areas, which receive a load that is not intended for them.

A muscle, or part of the brain, that is constantly in routine tension, in such a load that does not provide additional energy through inspiration (but only a feeling of accomplishment), is under long-term pressure and needs some kind of special unloading, some kind of special rehabilitation , and the selection of which should be nonlinear.

Once again: a muscle, a part of the brain, part of the lymphatic system, long-term hormonal deformation in the endocrine system - all this requires special rehabilitation to restore previous functions and performance.

Seasonal overload, illness, stress, sessions, etc. require proper recovery. If it is not there, the tension does not go anywhere, it is contained and accumulates. A local anesthesia zone is formed around this area. And it doesn’t matter physical body this concerns either the mental aspect.

Smart system human body relieves pain in the hypertonic area. You simply stop feeling something in your body or psyche, this “something” becomes dead in your system. And the longer the revival process is delayed, the more time it will take for rehabilitation.


  • First, the area of ​​overload and tension requires a new fulcrum, which will gradually ease the usual pressure.
  • Secondly, what is around this area must begin to work in a special special mode, supplying it with energy (in case of mental stress) and blood (in case of physical stress).
  • And thirdly, for this process a favorable moment must be selected, a special time, a season that will favor rehabilitation.

And this season is coming. Winter. Everything freezes, goes inward, all processes change vector to introversion. In order to gain vitality by spring and shoot out new shoots, new leaves, flowers, new ideas, new feelings. And this topic - restoration, rehabilitation, bringing oneself into a resourceful state - requires special attention and elaboration in winter.

Having gained experience of a resource state, having developed this state in the psyche, body, and activity (and it really is developed, pumped up, like any muscle with the right approach), we will become more effective, of higher quality. We will free up space and clusters in our minds for the emergence of new innovations and successful ideas for everyone’s favorite spring, which is just around the corner.

Meditation to feel cozy and calm

This Kundalini meditation will allow you to create a feeling of comfort and peace, and at the same time strengthen your nervous system, when fate presents you with challenges.

  1. Sit with your back straight.
  2. For men: connect the tips of the thumb and middle finger on the right hand and the thumb and little finger on the left. The nails do not touch.
  3. For women: connect the tips of the thumb and middle finger on the left hand and the thumb and little finger on the right.
  4. Relax your shoulders, bend your elbows so that your hands are in front of your chest at a distance of 17-20 cm from each other at nipple level. Palms turned up.
  5. Eyes are 1/10 open.
  6. Breathe normally and freely.
  7. 3-11 minutes.
  8. At the end, exhale, clench your fingers tightly into fists, unclench and relax.
The Suryafest festival presents an open meeting “Resource State”. It will take place on December 8 in the Taste and Color space.

Anastasia Naumova
Ma Prem Jalaal

The term “resource state” is often encountered by those who are interested in psychology and. But every person needs to know about it. It is also worth learning to enter a resource state and live in it. This will help you use internal ones to solve simple and complex problems.

It is especially important for people who have lost their resources to learn the resource state technique. You are probably also familiar with this situation. And everything seems to be fine, but there is no strength left to move forward. And there is no longer any desire. It seems that it will not be possible to achieve success. What to do in this case? How to replenish resources?

Did you feel like life was getting better? There is everything you need for happiness: a career, money, a loved one, the opportunity to travel, etc. You don't have to worry about anything. So, this is called a resource state. A person is full of strength and energy, poses and feels happy. He is ready to take on any task, regardless of complexity.

The importance of the resource state is difficult to overestimate. As clear example imagine a successful woman. It is multifunctional. Manages to cope with work and household chores. In addition, she still has energy to spend with her family.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to always maintain a person’s resource state. This is because it includes five aspects:

  • physical health;
  • interest;
  • emotional stability;
  • motivation;
  • time.

In the absence of one thing, it becomes much more difficult to keep up with everything and be energetic.

Psychology describes two main types:

  1. Physical. The person feels cheerful full of energy, sleepy and rested.
  2. Psychological. A person is ready to begin the next task.

It's hard to say which is more important. Imagine that you have the flu. It is unlikely that you, lying in bed with a fever, will have much strength for work and will be in a good mood. The same is true with psychological health. It determines how well you feel physically. It’s not for nothing that they say that words can kill and heal.

Ways to enter the resource state

Psychologists specializing in NLP or neurolinguistic programming say that specialists do not enter a resource state, they live in it. In some ways they are right. But in reality this is impossible. Therefore, you need to tune yourself to the right wave. There are several ways to do this.

Drop anchor

This is one of the NLP tools. Think about what you experienced in a resource and non-resource state. Remember the positive ones that you experienced in the first case. Relive it again. Now remember, make the so-called “cast”.

Every time you need to get into a resourceful state, drop anchor, remember your feelings, return to the “cast” of happiness and joy.


This method of returning to a resourceful state is effective at any age. Imagine that you have reached the desired state. Smile at people, don’t stand still, move towards your goal. Simply put, bring to life a model of your best self.

It is important to maintain physical health. How many problems can you solve if you haven’t had enough sleep, feel tired, and exhausted? Of course not. Therefore, allocate enough time for a full-fledged one. Not easy night sleep. Give yourself days off and short breaks during the workday.

Scarlett O’Hara said it well about this in her book Gone with the Wind: “I’ll think about it tomorrow.” Why don't you do the same? Spend today the way you have always wanted. Devote time to reading.


In order to restore energy balance, 20 minutes of practice a day is enough. Use two types. Static ones will help you calm down and relax. Dynamic – The best way cope with .

Set goals

In order for a person to return to the desired state, he should set a specific goal for himself. It shouldn't be something abstract. Think through every detail. This will be a good motivation for you.

Don't be discouraged if difficulties come your way. This is fine. Even if nothing works out, you will gain invaluable life experience, meet interesting people, reconsider your goals, etc. Perhaps the goal was simply not yours.

By the way, this is an excellent opportunity to enter both the female and male resource states. Age doesn't matter.

Ask a question

How can you return the resource state in this way? Agree, if you know exactly what you want, moving forward is much easier. Ask yourself a series of questions:

  1. How will my life change after?
  2. How will I change?
  3. How will the changes manifest itself?
  4. What will I learn?
  5. Will there be any changes?
  6. How will your actions affect your family and friends?

Think about each item on this list. Now the goal has become as specific as possible. You know exactly what awaits you. Thanks to this, you will always have the strength and energy to move.

Take action

The first steps need to be taken as quickly as possible. But don’t rush, otherwise you will quickly get tired and lose it. Take small steps. With each of them the goal will get closer and closer. You will see the result. And this is a source of inspiration.

In psychology, there are ways to create a resourceful state at any necessary moment. Here are some of them:

  1. Personal trainings. You don't have to go anywhere or pay coaching fees. Remember what motivates you to complete certain tasks. Maybe it's the performances successful people, films about athletes who, despite everything, came to victory, magazines with inspiring articles.
  2. Preparations for cases. Simple but effective method create or return a resource state to women and men of any age. You need to prepare for classes in advance. Do you want to make soup? Prepare vegetables for him. Are you planning to go for a run tomorrow morning? In the evening, prepare your sneakers and sportswear.
  3. Postponed matters. Throughout the day, switch between difficult tasks and favorite things. This will help you get distracted, relax and get a boost of energy for more effective work.
  4. Biorhythms. To create a resourceful state, listen to your body. Determine whether you are a morning person or a night owl. And according to this.
  5. Minimizing errors and failures. Plan things. Separate them according to importance and urgency. This will help avoid the “like a squirrel in a wheel” state. This means there will be more energy for really important activities.
  6. Connect with like-minded people. Such communication charges with positivity and inspires.

And another way to enter a resourceful state is to record even small successes, praise and encourage yourself.

How to replenish a resource

First, find out what drains him. There are many options:

  • vigilant monitoring of husband, children, total control;
  • guilt;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself, understated;
  • blocks coming from childhood;
  • psychological traumas from the past.

Here you can add things that do not bring any benefit, for example, watching TV or aimlessly wandering around the Internet.

Activities that bring you pleasure will help you replenish your resource. Give yourself permission to do whatever you want sometimes. Spend the day reading on the couch? Please! Remember your childhood and run with your child through puddles in the rain? Why not. Dedicate a few hours to taking care of your body? Today everything is possible.

Creativity replenishes wasted resources well.

Remember how you feel during the listed activities. And then return to the sensations from time to time. This way you will help yourself become more active at the right time.


So, a resource state is when there is enough strength, energy, means, motivation to achieve any goal. It is impossible to always be in it. But there are ways to enter it when you really need it. Remember vivid impressions, sensations and emotions. Return to them when it seems that your strength is running out. Replenish your energy with meditation. Set big and small goals. And, of course, praise yourself for success. This will help you confidently move forward towards results.

Good day, dear friends! In touch is Mara Boronina, numerologist, corrector of life paths and karma, author of the healing method through the Milky Way galactic core.

Today our lesson will be devoted to the resource state, or more precisely, to how to learn to enter it every morning and we will do this with the help of a mirror. I want to teach you how to do a self-training ritual called “Strongly resourced with good self-esteem.”

This is a five-minute practice that will allow you to recharge yourself with a resourceful state after waking up for the whole day and have high self-esteem all day long.

We will use:

  • mirror
  • reservation
  • anchor

But first I want to remind you that a very pleasant surprise awaits you below under this article. Please look for the link below and be sure to look for the usefulness hidden underneath. As soon as you register, it will be sent to your email.

Self-training ritual “Strongly resourceful with good self-esteem”

So, let’s start studying the self-training ritual “Strongly resourceful with good self-esteem.”

First, let's talk a little about the mirror itself. The mirror is a portal, a door between the manifested and unmanifested world. Indeed, this is a very secret, resourceful, fabulous place. Main functions of the mirror:

  1. 1. Reflects. Accordingly, we can receive something.
  2. 2. Draws inside and stores information.
  3. 3. Can expand both space and information, resources and opportunities.

Therefore, you can work with a mirror both for purification and multiplication, as well as for reflection. But today our goal is to learn how to enter a resourceful state in front of the mirror and anchor this state. I’ll say right away that if you don’t want to, then you don’t have to set an anchor, because the ritual itself already implies that you will be in a super resourceful state and will feel the power, even after the first time.

You can get enormous resources through a mirror, which is why it is used in large quantities practices and techniques. If you learn to be friends with the mirror, it will reciprocate your feelings.

Please note that it is very important to periodically clean mirrors and, of course, contact them, smile at them, talk to them, share positive things, tell something, but under no circumstances say negative things in front of the mirror, you should not tell any sad stories. For example, you don’t need to talk on the phone in front of a mirror about something sad.

Let's start studying the ritual from afar. Proceed with it only after you have fully studied it.

But if many people live with you, then it is better to specially take a small mirror that will stand on your desk, for example, in your room and only you will use it. If all your household members are friendly, let’s say you live only with your husband and children, then you can use any mirror, even in the hallway. If your mother, mother-in-law or sister live with you, I do not recommend using a shared mirror.

In this ritual there is no need to be tied to lunar cycles. You work when there is a need. At first, you can use this technique at least every day. And if you make an anchor, then you no longer have to stand in front of the mirror.

Some of you will really like this technique and it will be a kind of self-training that you will do in the morning for about 5 minutes, especially if you end up learning the slander by heart. It is small and it is quite possible.

Once a week, wipe the mirror with a damp cloth soaked in salt water to remove negativity, even your basic sadness. Let me remind you that the mirror stores information.

This is not deep, not serious work with a mirror, but an emergency ritual, so it’s enough to simply wipe it with a cloth soaked in salt water. You can do this at least every day, before applying makeup, remove information from it.

I repeat that it is better to have your own mirror, and it is better to clean the old mirror. You don't have to rub it for a long time, just wipe it. Then you can even rub it with a piece of paper to make it shine. The point is that salt removes negativity. By the way, it is better to throw away this rag, so try to use those that you no longer need.

Ideally, the mirror should be larger; using a small one will be inconvenient for you. If it is not possible to have a separate mirror in your room and many other people live with you, you can simply clean the mirror before performing the ritual. This is not the removal of negativity, but the removal of information that was recorded in this mirror today and then you will not have any interference in performing the ritual. And in this case, you can use any mirror.

You need to place your hands on the mirror at approximately shoulder level, as comfortable as you feel, and attach a piece of paper between them on the mirror so that at first you can easily read the spell from it. But it should not hang in front of the eyes.

The clause must be written manually:

I'm standing in front of the mirror,

I catch streams and confidence,

My eyes receive the streams that awaken resources,

From the reflection I gain strength,

And all day long I am growing in strength.


At the words “I accept, I accept,” look at yourself. At this moment, you will be in a slightly submerged state and the word “I accept” can be said more than three times, based on your feelings.

Then close your eyes and say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” as many times as you feel comfortable. Someone will want to say 7 times, someone 9, and someone will want 15, but this must be said at least 3 times.

Practice algorithm

Now let's look at the algorithm for this practice.

First, wipe the mirror, throw away the cloth. If you haven’t written a disclaimer yet, then write it and stick it to the mirror. Try on your hands, how you will stand, how you will feel comfortable. Now you can start practicing:

  1. 1. Go to the mirror. Look into your eyes for about a minute, as long as you feel comfortable.
  2. 2. Move a little away from the mirror and perform a funnel, that is, spin around yourself clockwise 5-9 times. At the same time, I recommend closing your eyes a little and looking at the floor, otherwise you will feel dizzy.
    Again, no need to count rotations. You won't be able to spin around much. You will get the feeling that it seems like enough is enough after 5-9 times. On average, this is exactly what happens to beginners. For example, I can spin this funnel 20 or more times, because I already have experience. But there is no need to strive for this. Don't think that the more you scroll, the more resources will come. In this practice, the main thing is to start the energy flow.

You need to stop facing the mirror, stand in a resting pose, fold your palms near the heart chakra (in yoga this is called namaste) and recover. At this moment, your eyes may be slightly open, because in this case your head will not feel dizzy.

  1. 3. Open your eyes and place your palms on the mirror on either side of the slip. Look into your eyes for half a minute or a minute, based on your feelings.
  2. 4. Move your gaze to the area between the eyebrows, to the ajna chakra - this is our third eye, the sixth energy center. Look at this point for about a minute with narrowed eyes. Moreover, you should have a feeling that will come with experience, as if something is appearing in this zone. Either shine or a glowing feeling. Do not take your hands off the mirror. You will already have a very interesting state of immersion, in which you will read the disclaimer.
  3. 5. Read the disclaimer. During this, energy will begin to gain. Read slowly, in a slightly languid voice.
  4. 6. Look into your own eyes in the reflection and say, swaying: “I accept, I accept, I accept.” Talk as much as you feel comfortable, at least half an hour, but at least 3 times.
  5. 7. Close your eyes and say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” again, as many times as comfortable. When you realize that you are finishing your practice, but are in the most resourceful state, this is the moment you need to set an anchor.

If you don't know, an anchor is an impulse that causes action later. That is, you need to fix this state somewhere on the body. To do this, you need to press some point, hold it for 3-4 seconds, so that the next time you need to catch this resource state somewhere else, you can press on this point and get it.

If you have never anchored before, the most convenient place is your earlobe. Next time you will know that there is this resource point in this place, by clicking on which you will enter this state. It should be a place that is easily accessible to you, but not one that is constantly touched by someone.

That is, if someone constantly shakes your hand, then this place is not suitable for an anchor. You will constantly fall into this state, and the anchor will be erased. But you can put an anchor on your wrist. It’s more difficult to catch one point, so it’s better to grab your earlobe or wrist. If you already have anchors there, find any other convenient place.

Whatever state you are in, if you urgently need to enter a resourceful state and a state of high self-esteem, click on this place and you will find yourself in this state.

If you don’t want to or are afraid that you won’t be able to use the anchor, you don’t have to set the anchor, but simply do this practice in the morning. And it will charge you for the whole day.

Once again I want to remind you that you don’t need to get attached to the moon; you can also do this practice on critical days. If you have no scandals at home, no one practices black magic and no suspicious persons come to you, then you can use absolutely any mirror, just wipe it before practice with a cloth moistened with salt water.

Just do not forget that stains may appear. Fill a container with water, add 3 tablespoons of salt, stir and wet a cloth, wipe the mirror and repeat this three times. Then throw away the rag and pour the water into the toilet. Stains on the mirror can be wiped off with paper or a clean cloth. We have already reset the negative.

So don't worry about someone else looking in that mirror. This is not a serious money ritual, not a cleansing, so this moment no thorough cleaning of the mirror is required. This is a common, everyday practice that you can do over and over again until you get tired of it. However, I know people who have been doing it for months on end because they just love it. Everything happens automatically for them, and they are already in the resource as soon as they start reading the clause, because a neural connection has been built.

We have studied a resourceful morning ritual with a mirror, and I hope for your quality practice, first of all for your loved ones.

I want to remind you: to get a lot from me useful information, be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel and my closed group. You can now see all the links below. If you see a link to the Marathon, it means it will take place soon, so be sure to join as well. As a rule, we spend 3 days in a row on air from 20-00 Moscow time, and I share useful practices and techniques completely free of charge.

So, Mara Boronina, numerologist, corrector of life paths and karma, was in touch. And remember: if you believe in your strength, this flow and protection will always be with you.

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