Pioneer heroes in 1954 Children during the Great Patriotic War

The Great Patriotic War is the most bloody and ruthless in world history; it took away millions of human lives, including the lives of many young people who bravely defended their Motherland. Golikov Leonid Alexandrovich is one of the heroes of his country.

This is an ordinary boy, whose childhood was carefree and happy, he was friends with the guys, helped his parents, graduated from seven classes, after which he worked at a plywood factory. The war caught Lenya at the age of 15, instantly cutting off all the youthful dreams of the boy.

Young partisan

The village in the Novgorod region, where the boy lived, was captured by the Nazis and, trying to establish their new order, they began to commit excesses. Lenya Golikov, whose feat is inscribed in history with a red line, did not reconcile himself to the horrors that were happening around him and decided to fight against the Nazis; after the liberation of the village, he went to the emerging partisan detachment, where he fought alongside adults. True, at first the guy was not taken for a young age; help came from a school teacher who was in the partisans. He vouched for the boy, saying that he was a reliable person, would show himself well and would not let him down. In March 1942, Lenya became a scout in the Leningrad partisan brigade; a little later he joined the Komsomol there.

Fight against fascists

The Nazis were afraid of the partisans, because they mercilessly destroyed German officers and soldiers, blew up trains, and attacked enemy columns. Elusive partisans seemed to the enemies everywhere: behind every tree, house, turn - so they tried not to walk alone.

There was even such a case: Lenya Golikov, whose feat became for the youth of different generations, was returning from intelligence and saw five Nazis looting in the apiary. They were so engrossed in getting honey and fighting bees that they threw their weapons on the ground. The young scout took advantage of this, destroying three enemies; two managed to escape.

The boy who grew up early had a lot of military merits (27 military operations, 78 enemy officers; several explosions of enemy vehicles and bridges), but the feat of Leni Golikov was not far off. It was 1942…

Fearless Lenya Golikov: a feat

Highway Luga-Pskov (near the village of Varintsy). 1942 August 13th. Being with a partner in reconnaissance, Lenya blew up an enemy passenger car, in which, as it turned out, was Richard von Wirtz, Major General of the Germans. important information: reports to higher authorities, diagrams, detailed drawings of some samples of German mines and other data that were of great value to the partisans.

The feat of Leni Golikov, summary which is described above, was evaluated by the Gold Star medal and awarded the title of truth, posthumously. In the winter of 1942, the partisan detachment, which included Golikov, fell into the German encirclement, but after fierce fighting he was able to break through and change location. Fifty people remained in the ranks, cartridges were running out, the radio was broken, food was running out. Attempts to restore contact with other units were unsuccessful.

In ambush

In January 1943, 27 exhausted partisans, exhausted by the chase, occupied the three extreme huts of the village of Ostraya Luka. Preliminary reconnaissance found nothing suspicious; the nearest German garrison was quite far away, several kilometers away. The patrols were not put up so as not to attract undue attention. However, found in the village a kind person"- the owner of one of the houses (a certain Stepanov), who informed the headman Pykhov, and he, in turn, to the punishers about which guests came to the village at night.

For this treacherous act, Pykhov received a generous reward from the Germans, but at the beginning of 1944 he was shot as Stepanov - the second traitor, was only a year older than Leni, in troubled times for himself (when the turn of the war became clear) showed resourcefulness: he went into partisans , and from there Stepanov even managed to earn awards and return home almost as a hero, but the hand of justice caught up with this traitor to the Motherland. In 1948, for treason, he was arrested and sentenced to 25 years in prison, and with the deprivation of all received awards.

They are no more

Sharp Luka on this unkind January night was surrounded by 50 punishers, among whom were local residents who collaborated with the Nazis. The partisans, taken by surprise, had to fight back and, under the bullets of enemy shells, urgently go back to the forest. Only six people managed to break out of the encirclement.

In that unequal battle, almost the entire partisan detachment perished, including Lenya Golikov, whose feat remained forever in the memory of his comrades-in-arms.

Sister instead of brother

Initially, it was believed that the original photograph of Leni Golikov was not preserved. Therefore, to reproduce the image of the hero, the image of his sister Lydia was used (for example, for a portrait painted in 1958 by Viktor Fomin). Later partisan photo found, but the familiar face of Lida, who acted as a brother, adorned the biography of Leni Golikov, who became a symbol of courage for Soviet teenagers. After all, the feat accomplished by Lenya Golikov is a vivid example of courage and love for the Motherland.

In April 1944, Leonid Golikov was awarded (posthumously) the title of Hero of Soviet Union for the heroism and courage shown in the fight against the fascist invaders.

In everyone's heart

In many publications, Leonid Golikov is referred to as a pioneer, and he is on a par with the same fearless young personalities as Marat Kazei, Vitya Korobkov, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova.

However, during the perestroika period, when the heroes of the Soviet era were subjected to "mass exposures", a claim arose against these children that they could not be pioneers, because they were older than the prescribed age. The information was not confirmed: Marat Kazei, Zina Portnova and Vitya Korobkov were indeed pioneers, but with Lenya it turned out a little differently.

He got into the list of pioneers thanks to the efforts of people who are not indifferent to his fate and, apparently, from the best of intentions. The first materials about his heroism speak of Lena as a member of the Komsomol. The feat of Leni Golikov, a summary of which was described by Yury Korolkov in his book “Partisan Lenya Golikov”, is an example of the behavior of a young man in the days of mortal danger hanging over his country.

The writer, who went through the war as a front-line correspondent, reduced the age of the hero by literally a couple of years, turning a 16-year-old boy into a 14-year-old pioneer hero. Perhaps, with this, the writer wanted to make Leni's feat more striking. Although everyone who knew Lenya was aware of the current state of affairs, believing that this inaccuracy fundamentally changes nothing. In any case, the country needed a suitable person for the collective image of a pioneer hero, who would also be a Hero of the Soviet Union. Lenya Golikov approached the image optimally.

His feat is described in all Soviet newspapers, many books have been written about him and the same young heroes. In any case, this is the history of a great country. Therefore, the feat of Leni Golikov, like himself - a man who defended his homeland - will forever remain in the heart of everyone.


4 14-year-old Minsk underground worker Volodya Shcherbatsevich was one of the first teenagers to be executed by the Germans for participating in the underground. They captured his execution on film and then distributed these shots throughout the city - as a warning to others ... From the first days of the occupation of the Belarusian capital, mother and son Shcherbatsevich hid Soviet commanders in their apartment, for whom the underground from time to time organized escapes from the prisoner of war camp. Olga Fedorovna was a doctor and provided medical care, dressed in civilian clothes, which, together with her son Volodya, collected from relatives and friends. Several groups of the rescued have already been withdrawn from the city. But once on the way, already outside the city blocks, one of the groups fell into the clutches of the Gestapo. Issued by a traitor, the son and mother ended up in Nazi dungeons. Withstood all torture. And on October 26, 1941, the first gallows appeared in Minsk. On this day, for the last time, surrounded by a pack of machine gunners, he walked through the streets hometown and Volodya Shcherbatsevich ... The pedantic punishers captured the report of his execution on film. And perhaps we see on it the first young hero who gave his life for the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War.

5 Pavlik Titov for his eleven was a great conspirator. He partisans for more than two years in such a way that even his parents did not know about it. Many episodes of his combat biography remained unknown. Here is what is known. First, Pavlik and his comrades rescued the wounded Soviet commander, burned in a burned-out tank - they found a reliable shelter for him, and at night they brought him food, water, grandmother's recipes some medicinal decoctions were brewed. Thanks to the boys, the tanker quickly recovered. In July 1942, Pavlik and his friends handed over to the partisans several rifles and machine guns with cartridges they had found. Tasks followed. The young scout penetrated the location of the Nazis, conducted calculations of manpower and equipment. He was generally a slick kid. Once he brought a bale with a fascist uniform to the partisans: - I think it will come in handy for you ... Not to wear it yourself, of course ... - But where did you get it? - Yes, the Fritz swam ... More than once, dressed in the uniform obtained by the boy, the partisans carried out daring raids and operations. The boy died in the autumn of 1943. Not in combat. The Germans carried out another punitive operation. Pavlik and his parents hid in a dugout. The punishers shot the whole family - father, mother, Pavlik himself and even his little sister. He was buried in a mass grave in Surazh, not far from Vitebsk. Pavlik Titov

6 Leningrad schoolgirl Zina Portnova in June 1941 came with her younger sister Galya to summer holidays to my grandmother in the village of Zui (Shumilinsky district of Vitebsk region). She was fifteen ... At first she got a job as an auxiliary worker in the canteen for German officers. And soon, together with her friend, she carried out a daring operation - she poisoned more than a hundred Nazis. She could have been caught immediately, but they began to follow her. By that time, she was already associated with the Obolsk underground organization Young Avengers. In order to avoid failure, Zina was transferred to a partisan detachment. Somehow she was instructed to reconnoiter the number and type of troops in the Obol region. Another time - to clarify the reasons for the failure in the Obolsk underground and establish new connections ... After completing the next task, she was seized by punishers. They tortured me for a long time. During one of the interrogations, the girl, as soon as the investigator turned away, grabbed a pistol from the table, with which he had just threatened her, and shot him dead. She jumped out the window, shot down a sentry and rushed to the Dvina. Another sentry rushed after her. Zina, hiding behind a bush, wanted to destroy him too, but the weapon misfired ... Then she was no longer interrogated, but methodically tortured, mocked. Eyes gouged out, ears cut off. They drove needles under the nails, twisted their arms and legs ... On January 13, 1944, Zina Portnova was shot.

7 From the report of the Vitebsk Underground City Party Committee of 1942: “Kid” (he is 12 years old), having learned that the partisans needed gun oil, without a task, on his own initiative, brought 2 liters of gun oil from the city. Then he was instructed to deliver sulfuric acid for sabotage purposes. He also brought it. And carried in a bag, behind his back. The acid spilled, his shirt burned through, his back burned, but he did not throw the acid away. The "baby" was Alyosha Vyalov, who enjoyed special sympathy among the local partisans. And he acted as part of a family group. When the war began, he was 11, his older sisters Vasilisa and Anya were 16 and 14, the rest of the children were small and small. Alyosha and his sisters were very resourceful. They set fire to Vitebsk three times Train Station, they prepared an explosion of the labor exchange in order to confuse the registration of the population and save young people and other residents from being stolen into the "German paradise", they blew up the passport office in the police premises ... There are dozens of sabotage on their account. And this is in addition to the fact that they were connected, distributed leaflets ... "Malysh" and Vasilisa died of tuberculosis shortly after the war ... A rare case: a memorial plaque was installed on the Vyalovs' house in Vitebsk. These children would have a monument made of gold! ..

8 He started his war against the Nazi invaders at the age of 9. Already in the summer of 1941, in the house of his parents in the village of Bayki in the Brest region, the regional anti-fascist committee equipped a secret printing house. They issued leaflets with summaries of the Sovinforburo. Tikhon Baran helped distribute them. For two years, the young underground worker was engaged in this activity. The Nazis managed to get on the trail of the printers. The printing press was destroyed. Tikhon's mother and sisters hid with relatives, and he himself went to the partisans. Once, when he was visiting his relatives, the Germans raided the village. The mother was taken to Germany, and the boy was beaten. He became very ill and stayed in the village. Local historians dated his feat on January 22, 1944. On this day, punishers appeared again in the village. For communication with the partisans, all residents were shot. The village was burned. “And you,” they said to Tikhon, “will show us the way to the partisans.” It is difficult to say whether the village boy had heard anything about the Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin, who more than three centuries earlier led the Polish interventionists into a swampy swamp, only Tikhon Baran showed the Nazis the same road. They killed him, but not all of them got out of that quagmire themselves.

Victor Sitnitsa. How he wanted to partisan! But for two years from the beginning of the war, he remained "only" the conductor of partisan sabotage groups that passed through his village Kuritichi. However, he learned something from the partisan guides during their short breaks. In August 1943, together with his older brother, he was accepted into a partisan detachment. I was assigned to the economic platoon. Then he said that peeling potatoes and taking out slops with his ability to lay mines is unfair. Moreover, the “rail war” is in full swing. And they began to take him on combat missions. The boy personally derailed 9 echelons with manpower and military equipment of the enemy. In the spring of 1944, Vitya fell ill with rheumatism and was released to his relatives for medicine. In the village he was seized by the Nazis dressed as Red Army soldiers. The boy was brutally tortured. 9

Marat Kazei was born on October 10, 1929 in the village of Stankovo, Minsk region of Belarus. In November 1942 he joined the partisan detachment. 25th anniversary of October, then became a scout at the headquarters of the partisan brigade. K. K. Rokossovsky. Marat went to reconnaissance, both alone and with a group. Participated in raids. Undermined the echelons. For the battle in January 1943, when, wounded, he raised his comrades to attack and made his way through the enemy ring, Marat received the medal "For Courage". And in May 1944, Marat died. Returning from a mission together with the intelligence commander, they stumbled upon the Germans. The commander was killed immediately, Marat, firing back, lay down in a hollow. There was nowhere to leave in an open field, and there was no possibility - Marat was seriously wounded. While there were cartridges, he kept the defense, and when the store was empty, he picked up his last weapon - two grenades, which he did not remove from his belt. He threw one at the Germans, and left the other. When the Germans came very close, he blew himself up along with the enemies. A monument to Kazei was erected in Minsk with funds raised by Belarusian pioneers. In 1958, an obelisk was erected on the grave of the young Hero in the village of Stankovo, Dzerzhinsky district, Minsk region. The state farm, streets, schools, pioneer squads and detachments of many schools of the Soviet Union, the ship of the Caspian Shipping Company were named after the pioneer hero Marat Kazei. 10

11 Valya Kotik. A young partisan scout of the Great Patriotic War in the Karmelyuk detachment operating in the temporarily occupied territory; the youngest Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Great Patriotic War, while on the territory temporarily occupied by the Nazi troops, Valya Kotik collected weapons and ammunition, drew and pasted cartoons of the Nazis. Valentin and his peers received their first combat mission in the autumn of 1941. The guys lay down in the bushes near the Shepetovka-Slavuta highway. Hearing the noise of the engine, they froze. It was scary. But when the car with the fascist gendarmes caught up with them, Valya Kotik got up and threw a grenade. The head of the field gendarmerie was killed.

12 Only in May, Valya Zenkina turned 14, she finished the 7th grade, and in June the war began. Valya was one of those who were the first to feel the horrors of war. The girl to the last participated in the defense of the Brest Fortress and was taken prisoner from there only by decision of the command. For her feat, Valya was awarded the Order of the Red Star. Valya Zenkina's father was a foreman of the musician platoon of the 33rd Engineer Regiment. The night before the attack, the girl remembered for the rest of her life.

13 A minute of silence, like an oath of allegiance You won’t forget it, you won’t betray it And your memory brings back To the front-line family and a close dugout And every word, and conversation, and laughter Conversations are simple, as if in spirit And sorrow is one big, but for all And songs a spring on a soldier's ear, And rare moments of conversation with relatives, When all the words, like a last greeting, The holy triangle flew along crooked paths, not hoping to come or not. And frequent moments of realization that life, What had just been and suddenly left And no matter how hard you try, do not hold on to it Death somehow suddenly took and found. A moment of silence - memory and pain, And there is no cure for this disease. The cursed soul cuts the vale for me, And unfinished songs sound in my heart ...

Valya Kotik

He was born on February 11, 1930 in the village of Khmelevka, Shepetovsky district, Khmelnitsky region. He studied at school number 4 in the city of Shepetovka, was a recognized leader of the pioneers, his peers.

When the Nazis broke into Shepetovka, Valya Kotik and his friends decided to fight the enemy. The guys collected weapons at the battlefield, which the partisans then transported to the detachment in a wagon of hay.

Having looked closely at the boy, the communists entrusted Valya to be a liaison and intelligence officer in their underground organization. He learned the location of enemy posts, the order of the changing of the guard.

The Nazis planned a punitive operation against the partisans, and Valya, having tracked down the Nazi officer who led the punishers, killed him ...

When arrests began in the city, Valya, along with his mother and brother Viktor, went to the partisans. The pioneer, who had just turned fourteen years old, fought shoulder to shoulder with adults, freeing native land. On his account - six enemy echelons blown up on the way to the front. Valya Kotik was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class, and the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War," 2nd class.

Valya Kotik died as a hero, and the Motherland posthumously honored him with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In front of the school where this brave pioneer studied, a monument was erected to him.

Zina Portnova

The war found the Leningrad pioneer Zina Portnova in the village of Zuya, where she came for the holidays - this is not far from the Obol station in the Vitebsk region. In Obol, an underground Komsomol youth organization "Young Avengers" was created, and Zina was elected a member of its committee. She participated in daring operations against the enemy, in sabotage, distributed leaflets, and conducted reconnaissance on the instructions of the partisan detachment.

It was December 1943. Zina was returning from a mission. In the village of Mostishche, a traitor betrayed her. The Nazis seized the young partisan and tortured her. The answer to the enemy was Zina's silence, her contempt and hatred, her determination to fight to the end. During one of the interrogations, choosing the moment, Zina grabbed a pistol from the table and fired at the Gestapo at point-blank range.

The officer who ran into the shot was also killed on the spot. Zina tried to escape, but the Nazis overtook her...

The brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but until the last minute she remained steadfast, courageous, unbending. And the Motherland posthumously noted her feat with her highest title - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Kostya Kravchuk

On June 11, 1944, units leaving for the front lined up on the central square of Kyiv. And before this battle formation, they read the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding the pioneer Kostya Kravchuk with the Order of the Red Banner for saving and preserving two combat banners of rifle regiments during the occupation of the city of Kiev ...

Retreating from Kyiv, two wounded soldiers entrusted banners to Kostya. And Kostya promised to keep them.

At first I buried it in the garden under a pear tree: it was thought that ours would soon return. But the war dragged on, and, having dug up the banners, Kostya kept them in a barn until he remembered an old, abandoned well outside the city, near the Dnieper. Wrapping his priceless treasure in sacking, covering it with straw, at dawn he got out of the house and with a canvas bag over his shoulder led a cow to a distant forest. And there, looking around, he hid the bundle in the well, covered it with branches, dry grass, turf ...

And throughout the long occupation, the pioneer carried his difficult guard at the banner, although he fell into a round-up, and even fled from the train in which the people of Kiev were driven to Germany.

When Kyiv was liberated, Kostya, in a white shirt with a red tie, came to the military commandant of the city and unfurled the banners in front of the seen and yet amazed fighters.

On June 11, 1944, the newly formed units leaving for the front were given replacements rescued by Kostya.

Kazey Marat Ivanovich was born on October 10, 1929 in the village of Stankovo, Dzerzhinsky district. The parents of the future hero were staunch communist activists, his mother Anna Kazei was one of the members of the commission for elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The son was named after the Baltic battleship Marat, on which his father Ivan Kazei served for 10 years.

In 1935, Marat's father, being the chairman of a comrades' court, was repressed for "sabotage", exiled to Far East where he died. The boy's mother was also arrested twice "for her Trotskyist beliefs", but later she was released. The trials and shocks she endured did not break the woman and did not dispel her faith in socialist ideals. When the Great Patriotic War began, Anna Kazei began to cooperate with the partisan underground in Minsk (hiding and treating wounded soldiers), for which she was hanged by the Nazis in 1942.

The military biography of Marat Kazei began immediately after the death of his mother, when he, along with his older sister Ariadna, joined the partisan detachment named after the 25th anniversary of October, where he became a scout. Fearless and agile, Marat penetrated the German garrisons many times and returned to his comrades with valuable information. Also young hero was involved in many acts of sabotage at important targets for the Nazis. M. Kazei also participated in open battles with the enemy, in which he showed absolute fearlessness - even when he was wounded, he rose and went on the attack.

In the winter of 1943, Marat Kazei had the opportunity to go to the rear with his sister, as she urgently needed the amputation of both legs. The boy was underage at that time, so he had such a right, but refused and continued his fight against the invaders.

The exploits of Marat Kazei.

One of his high-profile feats was accomplished in March 1943, when, thanks to him, an entire partisan detachment was saved. Then, near the village of Rumok, German punishers encircled a detachment of them. Furmanov, and Marat Kazei was able to break through the enemy's ring and bring help. The enemy was defeated, and his comrades were saved.

At the end of 1943, 14-year-old Marat Kazei was awarded three high awards for the courage, bravery and feats he had shown in battles and sabotage: the medals “For Military Merit”, “For Courage” and the Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree.

Marat Kazei died on May 11, 1944 in a battle near the village of Khoromitsky. When he was returning from reconnaissance with his partner, they were surrounded by the Nazis. Having lost a comrade in a shootout, the young man himself blew himself up with a grenade, preventing the Germans from taking him alive or, according to another version, preventing a punitive operation in the village if he was caught. Another version of his biography says that Marat Kazei set off an explosive device to kill along with him several Germans who came too close to him, as he ran out of ammunition. The boy was buried in his native village.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Marat Kazei on May 8, 1965. In Minsk, an obelisk was erected to the brave guy, capturing the last moments before his feat. Many streets were also named after him throughout the former USSR, especially in his homeland in Belarus. Schoolchildren of the Soviet era were also brought up in the spirit of patriotism in the pioneer camp of the village of Gorval, Rechitsa district of the Byelorussian SSR. The camp was called so - "Marat Kazei".

In 1973, the book of the writer Boris Kostyukovsky "Life as it is" (Moscow, "Children's Literature") was published, who dedicated it to the biographies and exploits of Marat Kazei and his sister Ariadna Kazei (died in 2008).

Pioneers-heroes have always been a special pride of party ideologists and supporters of communism. These children were real examples for the younger generation, and the main stake has always been placed on its correct upbringing in the USSR.

Teens in pioneer ties, who at different times performed feats in the name of the Soviet Motherland and the Communist Party, personified the high moral qualities of a Soviet person: steadfastness in the fight against an ideological enemy, unquestioning adherence to the precepts of Lenin, readiness to give their lives for a common cause.

Everyone knew the names of the most famous pioneer heroes soviet man. They were inscribed in the Book of Honor of the Lenin Pioneer Organization (1954). The first in the list of names of pioneer heroes is the name of Pavlik Morozov, who was killed with fists for help Soviet power. Then no one doubted his feat.

Only years later, real facts about these young personalities began to emerge. For example, that Pavlik Morozov was never a pioneer at all. Now many historians are arguing whether the legendary pioneer heroes existed at all or whether their images were invented for the sake of socialist propaganda.

Valya Kotik (1930-1944)

Valentin Kotik, a native of the village of Khmelevka (Ukraine), from the sixth grade high school went straight to the front. to the armed forces due to young age they didn’t take him, so Valya joined the partisans. During the war years, many teenagers did their best to help defend their homeland.

The cat excelled in this especially. He was wounded more than once. During the years of service, he committed bold and desperate deeds that saved the detachment of them. Karmelyuk, in which he served. He was mortally wounded in the battle for Izyaslav. Posthumously Hero of the Soviet Union.

Lenya Golikov (1926-1943)

Leonid Golikov was born in the village of Lukino (Novgorod region). After graduating from the 7th grade, he went to work at a plywood factory. During the war, Lenya was also a partisan, and also a scout. Personally destroyed about eight dozen Germans, 2 fascist food warehouses, a lot of equipment.

In 1942, the boy happened strange story. The commander of his detachment wrote a report to the commander about another feat of Golikov: on the Luga-Pskov highway, he blew up a Nazi car and shot German General Richard von Wirtz from a machine gun. A couple of years later, it turned out that Wirtz was alive. His name appeared in many documents.

Leonid Golikov died in battle in the village of Ostraya Luka. He is also a hero of the USSR and is included in the list of pioneer heroes, although he crossed the 15-year mark already at the beginning of the war.

Marat Kazei (1929-1944)

This pioneer hero was born in the Byelorussian SSR, in the village of Stankovo. Marat's parents were activists and ardent communists. At the same time, both were subjected to repressions, were arrested: the father - "for wrecking", the mother - for sympathy for the ideas of Trotskyism. During the war, Marat's mother hid partisans in the house more than once, treated the wounded. She was hanged for this by the Germans.

The boy with his older sister Ariadne went to the partisan detachment, where he fought until his death. Kazei was a scout, participated in dangerous sabotage and raids against the Nazis. During the war years, he distinguished himself by unparalleled courage; seriously wounded, he raised the soldiers to attack.

Marat died in the village of Khoromitsky, where he was supposed to meet with a messenger. His comrade was killed immediately. Kazei was surrounded by one. When the cartridges ran out, he waited for the Nazis to come closer, and blew himself up with a grenade along with them. Only 2 decades later, for his feat, he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Volodya Dubinin (1927-1942)

Vladimir was born in Kerch; During the war, he was also a partisan. For his colleagues, he became a real son of the regiment. Volodya was a skilled scout, had an excellent memory, and knew how to be invisible to the Nazis.
