Purple mokrukha mushroom. Let's go to the "wet" business

Mokruhi are a separate family edible mushrooms, which is not very popular, and they are rarely eaten. Most likely this is due to an unusual appearance or the ignorance of many people who, when they see moths in the forest, mistake them for toadstools. Today we will look at the main types of mothweeds, their descriptions, and places of growth, so that in the future it will be easier for you to recognize them.

The Mokruha family combines the genus Chroogomphus and the genus Gomphidius. These mushrooms are called mokrukha due to the fact that they have the peculiarity of being covered with a mucous film, and therefore their caps are always wet and slippery to the touch.

A thick mucous film is characteristic of young moths; over time, it breaks and slides towards the leg.

Mokruhi are agaric mushrooms, the plates are planted with a fairly large interval, branched down to the stem, have a whitish tint, which turns almost black during the growth of the mushroom.
Young moths are characterized by convex or conical caps, which during the growth period become spread out and depressed in the center, with drooping brims.

The color depends on the species and can be brown, gray, red, pink. The mokruha's leg is dense, at the base it yellow color, towards the cap it becomes grayish-white.

Varieties of mokrukh

There are many types of moths, among which there are 4 most common in nature and popular among mushroom pickers:

  • sticky (spruce);
  • purple (pine);
  • mucous (spotty);
  • pink.

Let's look at the description of each type in more detail.

This type is one of the most common; it is also called sticky weevil.

Hat. The cap of the spruce fly has a diameter of 3.5 to 13 cm and is characterized by a hemispherical shape, the edges of which are strongly tucked towards the stem. As the moth grows, the cap becomes conical, and at the last stage of growth it acquires a flattened round shape, depressed in the center, at the point of attachment to the stem.
The cap has a smooth surface, which is covered with a dense mucous film. During the growth process, the film rolls off. The color of the cap is gray, gray-blue or gray-brown, later turning purple at the edges, the middle fades. At the last stage of growth, black dots appear on the cap. The skin is dense and can be easily removed from the cap in one motion.

Did you know? A honey fungus approximately 1000 years old was discovered in Switzerland. Its mycelium is located on 35 hectares of the national park.

Records. The plates are arched, highly branched and quite thick, about 6 mm wide. Their number per centimeter is no more than 10 pieces. The plates are slightly creamy in color, which gradually becomes darker and acquires a brownish tint. The plates of overripe mushrooms are dark brown.

Leg. The stem of the mushroom grows high - from 6 to 8 cm, width from 1 to 2.5 cm; in young mushrooms it is thick, after some time it takes the shape of a cylinder. The surface is strewn with soft dark scales, characterized by a grayish color, with a greenish-yellow tint visible at the base. There is an inconspicuous ring of mucus on the stalk, which decreases over time.

Pulp. The mushroom is quite fleshy, its flesh is fragile, the color is light, slightly creamy, and turns pinkish when cut. Old mushrooms are characterized by gray flesh. The taste is pleasant, has light sweet, slightly sour notes, the smell is not very expressive, mushroom.

Where it grows. Spruce fly is often found in coniferous, spruce or mixed forests; it prefers to grow in moss, among heather, and on the forest floor. Wide use this type I got mushrooms in the north and center of Russia.

Growth period of spruce fly: July-October.

Is it possible to eat? The mushroom is classified as edible (category 4). Before eating, mokrukha is preliminarily subjected to heat treatment.

Important! Under influence high temperature the mushroom acquires a dark color, but this does not in any way affect its taste and nutritional value.

This type of mokrukha differs more small size, grows in groups.

Hat. Mokruha spotted is characterized by a small cap (its diameter is from 3 to 7 cm); in young representatives of the species it is convex, after some time it becomes flattened with a tucked edge. The top of the cap is covered with a thin layer of mucus. The cap is smooth, gray-ocher or gray-brown in color with small black spots.
Records. The plates of representatives of this species are light cream in color, but over time they acquire a dirty brown tint. There are quite large gaps between the plates.

Leg. The leg of the moth is from 5 to 11 cm in height and 2 cm in thickness, cylindrical, with a ring of mucus under the cap. The color of the leg is cream, it is covered with small dark spots, and yellowish below.

Pulp. The flesh of this species is cream-colored and turns red when cut. As the fungus grows it turns light brown. Mokrukha has a characteristic, weak mushroom smell and a sweetish taste.

Where it grows. The fungus is found in spruce or mixed forests, choosing places with big amount moss or shrubs, these are mainly areas where moisture accumulates. This species is widespread throughout almost all of Eurasia and North America.

Spotted fly growth time: July-October.

Is it possible to eat? Mushrooms can be eaten, but must first be heat treated.

This species is also called slimy, shiny, or coppery yellowlegs.

Hat. The cap has a diameter of 4 to 12 cm; in a young mushroom it is conical, round, with a characteristic cobweb pattern of a light brown hue. Over time, it acquires a flat-convex or flattened shape with a small tubercle in the center and strongly curled edges.
The skin on the cap is smooth and shiny; the young mushroom is characterized by a dense film of mucus. The cap may be light brown, pinkish at the beginning of the growth of the mushroom, and over time it becomes a more saturated dark color.

Records. The plates have an arched shape, are located at a great distance from each other, are colored ocher-pink or mauve, over time they become purple-brownish, and at the end of ripening they acquire a dark, almost black color.

Did you know? The largest boletus was found in the USA in 1985: it had a mass of 140 kg and a girth of 2 meters.

Leg. This part mokruhi is not as long as other species, its height is from 5 to 8 cm, thickness - from 0.5 to 2 cm, cylindrical in shape, often curved. Under the cap on the stem there is a ring of mucus, which becomes less noticeable as the mushroom grows. The color of the stem closer to the cap is reddish, the base is characterized by a rich yellow color.

Pulp. The pulp of mokruha has a pink-yellow hue, the smell and taste are mild. If you cut the mushroom, the flesh becomes a rich pink color.

Where it grows. The mushroom is found in coniferous and mixed forests, in elevated areas, often near pine trees. Grows well on calcareous soils. Purple moth has become widespread in Eurasia (northern part).

Growing period: August-October.
Is it possible to eat? Purple weed is classified as a little-known edible mushroom of the 4th category. It can be consumed after short heat treatment. The taste is similar to boletus; during cooking, the mushroom turns purple, which is why it got its name.

Enough rare view mokrukh, which is the smallest of the species under consideration.

Hat. The cap of this species grows from 3 to 6 cm, has a hemispherical shape, which becomes flatter as it grows. The young mushroom is covered with a dense layer of mucus, which over time rolls down onto the stem. The color of the cap is pink-coral, becoming brick-like over time, and faded in the center.
Records. The plates are located at a fairly large distance, at initial stage As the fungus develops, they are painted a light milky color, but after some time they acquire an ash-gray or dark gray hue.

Leg. This part of the mushroom is from 2 to 8 cm high and from 1 to 2.5 cm thick, barrel-shaped, often curved, colored creamy white, often pinkish. There is a small ring of mucus attached to the top of the leg.

Pulp. The pulp is white in color and turns pink when cut. It has a slightly perceptible pleasant smell, a mild, sweetish taste.

Did you know? Fungal genes are closer to human genes than to plant genes.

Where it grows. The mushroom has inhabited the boreal zone of the Eurasian continent; occasionally it can be found in coniferous forests, near the mountains. Growing period: August-October.

Is it possible to eat? Pink mushrooms are allowed for consumption, but are unpopular among mushroom pickers, as they are quite rare. Like all other types of mokrukha, pink mokrukha requires preliminary heat treatment before consumption.

Although mokruhi are rare on the table of the average person, they are quite popular among mushroom pickers, as they have a pleasant taste and do not require long cooking.

Mokruhi can be consumed boiled, fried, baked, salted, or pickled.

They are used to prepare sauces, soups, main courses, salads, omelettes, sandwiches, and are served as a side dish for various dishes. Before cooking, these mushrooms must be cleaned of the mucous film, which can spoil the taste of the dish, creating an unattractive slimy “gravy”.

To quickly cope with the cleaning task, you need to wash the mushrooms well under running water. cold water, then cut the mushroom in half with a sharp knife and carefully scrape off the sticky mask from the cap and stem.
After cleaning, the mushrooms are washed again, this time especially thoroughly, since moth grows mainly on sandy soil and accumulates at the base of the stem a large number of sand, which is very difficult to wash out.

Important!If you plan to fry or bake mushrooms, you do not need to boil them first.It is necessary to cook mokruhi for a short time so as not to spoil the taste of the future dish. Heat treatment for 15-30 minutes will be sufficient.

In modern professional cosmetics, you can sometimes find mokruha extract as one of the components, which is added to creams and masks for aging skin. Products based on them can make the skin smooth, elastic and elastic, and narrow pores. At the same time, the skin becomes matte, the color is evened out, and small wrinkles are smoothed out.

A positive effect of mokruha decoction on hair was also noted. With regular use of such products, hair becomes strong, acquires a healthy shine, and its growth accelerates.

Some types of mothweeds have been found to contain unique substances that are often used for pharmacological purposes in the production of antibiotics.
There are also many traditional medicine recipes using mokrukha as the main component of the medicine. Often these are alcohol tinctures or ointments that are effective for skin diseases, sinusitis, weak immunity, insomnia, chronic migraines.

Spruce weed is a mushroom that grows in coniferous forests. It belongs to the 4th category of edibility, so before cooking it is boiled for at least 15 minutes.

The cap and leg of the spruce moth are covered with mucus.

  • Number of servings: 4
  • Preparation time: 20 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes

Recipe for spruce mokrukha with potatoes

Before processing, you need to remove the skin from the caps and clean the mucus from the stems.


  1. Place the mushrooms in boiling water and cook them for 20 minutes.
  2. Drain the broth, cut the preparations into pieces. Fry them in vegetable oil 5-7 min.
  3. Place the potatoes cut into cubes in the pan, add salt. Stir the ingredients and cook over medium heat for 10-12 minutes.

Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs.

Mokruha spruce with cauliflower

Prepare a delicious and beautiful dish for dinner.


  • mushrooms – 300 g;
  • cauliflower – 1 small head;
  • onion- 1 PC.;
  • cheese – 70 g;
  • vegetable oil – 60 g;
  • butter– 60 g;
  • breadcrumbs – 30 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Boil the mokruhi, cut them into small pieces.
  2. Chop the onion, fry it together with mokrukha until golden brown.
  3. Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, boil it in salted water for 5 minutes. Mix the preparations with breadcrumbs and fry them in butter.
  4. Mix the prepared products, place them in a baking dish and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  5. Bake the dish in an oven preheated to 180°C for 15 minutes.

Serve the treat hot.

Snack of spruce mokrukha and loaf

Hot sandwiches are filling and flavorful.


  • mushrooms – 200 g;
  • French baguette – 1 pc.;
  • milk – 200 ml;
  • cream – 150 ml;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 90 g;
  • greens – 0.5 bunch;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Boil the mushrooms, cut them into strips and fry in vegetable oil for 5 minutes. Add chopped onion and cook for another 5 minutes. Add salt, grated cheese, herbs and cream.
  2. Cut the baguette into 4 cm thick slices and dip them in milk. Squeeze out the pulp, form baskets and fill them with filling.
  3. Fry the preparations until golden brown.

Serve the snack with tea or coffee.

Description of spruce weevil

The mushroom got its name because its cap is wet in any weather. The collection season begins in July and ends in October. Mushrooms grow throughout Russia in coniferous and mixed forests.


  • The hat with a diameter of 4 to 13 cm has the shape of a cone or hemisphere. The skin is smooth, covered with mucus.
  • The pulp is fibrous and juicy. It has a sweet or sour taste.
  • The leg is tall and covered with scales.
  • Under the cap there are rare wide plates.

After heat treatment, the mushrooms darken.

You can serve boiled rice, potatoes or pasta as a side dish for mushrooms.

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Boletales
  • Family: Gomphidiaceae
  • Genus: Chroogomphus (Chroogomphus)
  • View: Chroogomphus rutilus (Purple weedweed)
    Other names for the mushroom:

Other names:

  • Wet slimy

  • Mokruha shiny

  • Yellow-footed wetter

  • Wet purple

  • Mokruha pine

  • Yellowleg copper-red

  • Gomphidius viscidus
  • Gomphidius rutilus

(lat. Chroogomphus rutilus) is an edible mushroom of the Mokrukhova family.

External description

The diameter of the cap of the purple moth is 4-8 cm; at a young age it has a neat round shape with a blunt tubercle; with age it opens up to prostrate and even funnel-shaped. Color - peculiar, brown-lilac, with a wine-red tint; in young specimens the central part is colored purple; with age the coloring becomes more uniform. The surface is smooth, very slimy when young, especially in wet weather. The pulp is thick, purple-pinkish, without any particular smell or taste.

Wide, extending onto the stalk, pinkish-lilac in youth, with age they acquire a dirty brown, almost black color. In young specimens, the plates are covered with a mucous veil of lilac-brown color.

Spore powder:
Dark brown, almost black.

The height of the leg of the purple moth is 5-10 cm, thickness - 0.5 - 1.5 cm, often curved, usually somewhat narrowing at the base. The color is the same as that of the cap, but somewhat lighter; the surface of the stalk is silky, with ring-shaped remains of a private veil, which become hardly noticeable in maturity. The pulp is fibrous, lilac-red, bright yellow at the base.


Purple weed grows from early August to late September in pine forests and forests mixed with pine. In addition to pine, Chroogomphus rutilus forms mycorrhiza with cedar and birch. Found in small groups, relatively infrequently.

Similar species

At an advanced age, as well as in wet weather, all moths are similar to each other. collaborates, respectively, with spruce, and stands out for the bluish color of its cap. easily distinguished from Chroogomphus rutilus by its bright pink cap and lighter plates.


Normal edible mushroom.


It's funny to see how the perception of a mushroom changes depending on where it actually grows. The spruce fly in the gloomy bearded spruce forest is a gray monster, swollen with mucus and boasting of its own uselessness; a light, dry pine forest, which has grown purple moth on its forest floor, colors this mushroom in elegant and slightly frivolous tones. Here it is very easy to believe that moths are close relatives; and even the mucus, it seems, is no longer mucus, but just “oil.” However, I still don’t want to collect them: they are foreign, completely alien mushrooms, foreign and not like anything tasty.

Mokruha - the beneficial properties and contraindications of which will be discussed, is used in cooking, as well as folk medicine. Following simple recipes you can get an excellent dish that can be included in your daily diet. This species thrives in coniferous and mixed forests. You can go harvesting from the end of July to September inclusive.

Considering the chemical properties of the mushroom, it is considered one of the most useful products, and thanks to the enzymes that are part of it, it is actively used in medicine. The pulp contains a large number of components necessary for health, which is why nutritionists recommend it for everyday use.

By properly preparing a dish from mushrooms, you can lose weight without harming the body, since mushrooms contain a large number of components necessary for the body. They are also included in the vegetarian menu, and in terms of protein content this product can become a competitor to meat. Reproduces by spores.

Mokrukha can be classified as the fourth category of mushrooms, which can be consumed after boiling or frying.

Where does it grow?

The mushroom feels great in the northern regions, in the East and the Caucasus, both in deciduous and pine forests.

About cooking

Thanks to its rich mushroom aroma, pleasant taste and fleshy pulp, mokrukha is a sought-after product in cooking. The peculiarity of the mushroom is that heat treatment turns it purple. Hence the name. Primary processing boils down to washing and peeling.

This type can be either salted or pickled. It makes the perfect base for a delicious broth or sauce.

They also make delicious side dishes in combination with fish dishes or meat side dishes. Mokrukha is often an ingredient in salad. Thanks to the purple color of the pulp, the salad looks very unusual.

Fresh mokruhi should be stored for no more than a day in the refrigerator. This storage method will allow the product to retain all its nutritional properties.

Calorie content

Per 100 grams of fresh pulp there are 19.2 kcal. Chemical composition– 0.9 g protein, 0.4 g fat and 3.2 g carbohydrates.

The benefits of mokrukha

The beneficial effect on the entire body of this product is enormous. The mushroom improves memory, eliminates chronic fatigue and strengthens the body's defenses. Experts say that the mushroom is able to fight viral diseases, improves hematopoiesis processes and allows the active renewal of blood cells.

It is worth noting that most countries use this product in folk medicine to combat migraines, headache, insomnia and nervous system disorders.

This mushroom has also found application in cosmetology. Cosmetic products that contain it allow the skin to remain elastic, silky and firm longer. Creams and lotions based on mushrooms are recommended for oily skin, since, thanks to the special components included in their composition, pores narrow and the skin becomes matte.

An equally positive effect occurs on the condition of the hair. Among folk recipes Using masks based on mushrooms, the problem of split ends, dandruff and hair loss is eliminated. As a result, the hair acquires shine, becomes elastic and healthy.


Experts say that mokruha cannot cause harm, since it is very difficult to confuse it with other mushrooms. When cutting the pulp, the cut always takes on a reddish tint.

But following simple rules, you can avoid discomfort and health problems. First of all, harvesting near highways and large cities or enterprises is not recommended. Also, people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not get carried away with mushroom dishes. It is also undesirable for children to consume them, since the fiber and chitin contained in the pulp are difficult for the child’s body to absorb.

Individual intolerance to the product can provoke allergic manifestations and even Quincke's edema.

Types of mothweed

Spruce(Gomphidius glutinosus)

This moth belongs to the fungi of the Gomphidiaceae family and is popularly called a slug. The diameter of the cap reaches 14 cm, the color ranges from gray to gray-brown with a purple tint. A fleshy cap in the shape of a hemisphere, which becomes depressed over time, with a small tubercle in the center. The smooth, slimy skin peels off easily from the lemon-yellow stem. When pressed, the flesh of the leg may take on a dark tint.

The plates are white and become brown with age. Old mushrooms with black plates. When broken, you can smell a characteristic aroma. Has a sour taste.

It is worth noting that this mushroom has similar species, these are spotted and purple moths.

Harvest time is mainly in the northern regions of the country from the second half of August until October inclusive. More often, moths grow near spruce and pine trees, ear and heather. It is worth noting the peculiarity of this species, for which it is better to take a separate basket, since the mucus from the cap can stain other mushrooms.

They can be eaten boiled, pickled or salted. Sometimes spruce fly is called sticky or slug. In medicine, tinctures are prepared from it, which have an antimicrobial effect.

Purple (Chroogomphus rutilus)

Translated from Latin it sounds like golden-red, but in fact this color may not be purple. The mushroom received its species name when it was first heat-treated and turned purple.

The diameter of the cap is no more than 14 cm. In young specimens it is brick or brown in color. Mature mokrukha may fade slightly and reduce their saturation. Growing in a damp and dark place, the cap develops a characteristic mucus that covers both the cap and the stem. Chroogomphus rutilus is sometimes called pine tree.

The plates are also purple. The softness becomes pinkish when broken. It is worth noting the fact that this particular species is loved by various insects, therefore, before sending the next specimen to the basket, it is important to carefully examine it.

Among the lookalikes you can find felt, Swiss, pink and spruce moths.

Growth of Chroogomphus rutilus begins in the second half of August and ends in October. Harvesting in deciduous and coniferous forests. Most often, Chroogomphus rutilus grows under pine or birch trees and is suitable for consumption. This species is sometimes called yellowlegged, slimy, or shiny.

Pink(Gomphidius roseus)

The diameter of the cap of the pink fly does not exceed 6 cm. Its color is gray-pink. Closer to the center, the shade is lighter, the edges of the cap are wavy. In young specimens it is convex in shape, becoming flat over time. The stalk has a cylindrical shape and the mucous ring disappears as the fungus matures. The color of the thick plates is white, becoming gray over time.

It is worth noting that the leg of this species has a pink tint, hence the name. Gomphidius roseus does not look like any other mushroom, so it is extremely difficult to confuse it.

You can go for pink wet from the second half of August until the beginning of September. The delicacy grows in pine forests. Ideal for pickles and marinades.

Spotted (Gomphidius maculatus)

The cap of this specimen reaches 5 cm and at the beginning has a conical convex shape with drooping edges. Over time it turns into a prostrate position. Brown hat with gray tint color, covered with mucus, on which black spots are visible. The leg is thick, fleshy, cylindrical in shape, white. The base of the leg is yellowish.

When the pulp is broken it turns pink. Gomphidius maculatus is suitable for any heat treatment and has excellent taste qualities. Spruce moth is considered to be a double.

Swiss (Chroogomphus helveticus)

In common parlance this species may be called the felt yellowfoot. The diameter of the cap is no more than 7 cm, convex, ocher color. Velvety to the touch. The pulp is dense, but when broken it takes on a reddish color. At the base of the earth the leg is yellow. The pulp has a sweetish taste with an inexpressive odor.

Chroogomphus helveticus can be found in a coniferous forest. Most often found under cedars and spruces.

Tomentosweet (Chroogomphus tomentosus)

The diameter of the felt mushroom cap is from 2 to 10 cm, convex in shape, becoming flatter as the mushroom matures.

Its color ranges from dark pink to ocher. Adult specimens have a rich brown cap.

In dry weather, the surface of the cap is velvety and felt-like. When wet it is sticky.

The ocher-colored flesh is dense and, as it dries, takes on a wine tint, which is the norm for this species.

(Chroogomphus tomentosus) can be found in both deciduous and coniferous forests, mainly under pine trees.

It is worth noting the fact that the cutting down of coniferous forests has contributed to a decrease in the amount of felt fly, which is why it is protected in nature reserves.

How to clean

Some mushroom pickers have gotten used to cleaning wet mushrooms this way. It is necessary to cut prematurely washed specimens in half with a sharp knife and “strip” the cap from the sticky mass that is inherent in this species.


  • It is worth noting that the pine variety has a more refined taste than the spruce variety. Therefore, it is ideal for pickling and marinating.
  • If the mushrooms are young and small, you don’t have to remove the film; they won’t spoil the taste of the dish.

The nuances of cooking spruce dust

Spruce moths do not need to be soaked, as some mushroom pickers believe. You don’t have to remove the film from them and clean them thoroughly. It will be enough to rinse in running water. You need to be especially careful, since growing on sandy soils, there is a lot of sand on them. The mushrooms are immediately fried without boiling them. In this case, you don’t need a lot of oil; the pulp itself produces juice, which is enough for further processing.

At the same time, you cannot follow the rule, the longer you stew, the better. Otherwise, the pulp will be rubbery and tough.

Cooking recipes

Bachelor sandwiches

Even a child can cope with the preparation. You should prepare:

  • A couple of toasted slices of bread;
  • Fresh mokrukha (no more than 10 pieces);
  • Hard cheese – 10 g;
  • Butter 1 tbsp;
  • A little chopped dill and parsley;


  1. First of all, after washing the mushrooms, you should remove the jelly-like film from them using a knife.
  2. Now the pulp is cut into slices and placed in a dry frying pan to evaporate for a couple of minutes. After the required time, add butter and continue frying for 3-4 minutes.
  3. During this time, the bread is toasted in a toaster.
  4. Spread butter on the bread, apply a thin layer of fried mushrooms, sprinkle with cheese and herbs.
  5. The sandwiches are placed in the microwave for a few minutes to melt the cheese.

In Korean

This side dish will please everyone without exception. To prepare the dish you need:

  • Wet about 1 kg;
  • Salt, ground black pepper;
  • Onion - a couple of heads;
  • Korean carrots – 200 gr;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp.


  1. The pulp is washed, cleared of mucus, placed in a saucepan and boiled over medium heat.
  2. After some time, the water is drained, the pulp is cut into cubes, placed in a frying pan with sunflower oil and fried for 10 minutes.
  3. Add chopped onions to the mushrooms and simmer for another couple of minutes until done.
  4. Combine mushrooms and Korean carrots.


This delicious recipe is suitable for all lovers of mushroom dishes. Need to stock up:

  • Purple fly - 1 kg;
  • Prunes – 150 gr;
  • Semi-dry wine – 150 g;
  • Tomato;
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pieces;
  • Greenery;
  • Salt;


  1. The pulp must be cleared of mucus, washed and chopped, and fried until the liquid evaporates.
  2. Prepare prunes. If it is dry, pre-soak it for half an hour. The finished prunes are finely chopped and sent to the mushrooms.
  3. After a couple of minutes, add wine to the pulp in the frying pan and simmer until the liquid evaporates. Salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Cut the tomato and add it to the mixture.
  5. Beat with a whisk chicken eggs, adding a little baking powder to them. Eggs are added when the liquid has evaporated. In this case, the pan must be set aside from the heat for a minute to cool. The egg mixture is poured into the mushroom mixture, stirred, and returned to the heat.
  6. In 5 minutes the omelette is ready. If desired, sprinkle it with herbs. Very tasty dish in a warm form.

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This type of mushroom contains a lot of vitamins, however, despite this, it has not gained popularity either among mushroom pickers or among mushroom eaters. Some even consider it poisonous and inedible. And in vain! Mokrukha has a distinct rich taste that is liked by those who taste this mushroom.

Description of appearance

Among other representatives of the mushroom kingdom, it is distinguished by its large size; the cap can grow up to 15 centimeters. It is usually gray and may have dark or purple spots. The season for the appearance of biting moths in forests is August – September. Loves conifers and mixed forests. Creates mycorrhiza with pine or birch. On the territory of Russia you can find it almost everywhere - in Caucasus mountains, in Siberian latitudes, Far Eastern forests and other places. Usually grows one at a time, less often - in small groups. It was called wet because a mucous membrane forms on it. If you are going to collect mixed mushrooms, then you need to take a separate container for wet mushrooms. Otherwise, it will stain the rest of the mushrooms with mucus.

The calorie content of purple moth reaches 192 kilocalories.

Beneficial features

Chroogomphus rutilus or purple fly contains certain enzymes, which are then used to create some medicines, for example, antibiotics. These are very useful mushrooms, as they have certain chemical properties and contain a complex of vitamins.

Using moths for food

This is a completely edible mushroom, filled with the aromas of the forest. Its rich taste will not leave any mushroom lover indifferent. Makruhi got its name because when cooked, its color changes to purple. When cooking, you should first clean the mucous skin from the mushroom and rinse it well, and then cook it the way you like. Of all the mushrooms, mokrukha tastes most like boletus.

You can cook all the same dishes from them as from regular mushrooms. Great for making pickles, you can make a delicious mushroom sauce or simply fry them as a side dish for meat or fish. There are many recipes for salads with the addition of various mushrooms, including wet mushrooms. Due to the fact that they turn purple during heat treatment, all ready-made dishes containing them will look unusual and memorable. For example, by adding them to a salad, you will get bright splashes of color in the dish, which will make it more appetizing.

It's not only delicious, but also crazy healthy mushroom. Eating them strengthens the immune system and restores nervous system, blood circulation and memory improve. The general condition becomes satisfactory, and fatigue disappears without a trace. Active substances, which are part of purple moths, have a positive effect on the hematopoietic organs, and therefore they promote hematopoiesis and the renewal of all cells of the body.

In some peoples, this type of mushroom has been used since time immemorial; it has been used to relieve headaches, treat insomnia and alleviate diseases of the nervous system.

Cosmetology is also a branch of medicine that successfully uses purple moths. They are used to produce creams, masks, serums, tonics, shampoos, balms, and so on. The skin becomes elastic and toned, and the hair becomes strong and silky. When using mokrukh-based cosmetics, you can even out the skin color and give it a matte tint. Shampoos and balms promote hair renewal, strengthen the hair follicle and protect hair from split ends in the future.

Possible contraindications

There are no complications associated with taking mucus as food or as an additive to medicines and cosmetics. Do not confuse purple moth with any other poisonous mushroom A purple tint to the color helps. When cut, this type of mushroom always takes on a pink or red color. However, even the most harmless mushroom at first glance can have Negative consequences on the human body. This can happen if the mushrooms were collected in the forest near highways, within the boundaries of a large city, near industrial enterprises or landfills. Such mushrooms should not be collected and eaten.

For some people, mushroom food may be too heavy and their body will have difficulty digesting the product. These groups of people include children, the elderly and people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Chitin, which mushrooms contain, is practically not absorbed by an unprepared child’s body.

Video: Purple moth (Chroogomphus rutilus)
