How to please a man advice from men. How to please a man

In a relationship, a woman should take the passive side. No action is required from a woman, only reciprocity is enough from her. But it's all very easy when the man himself drew attention to you and takes the first steps himself.

At the same time, a woman often likes a man whom she does not know at all. In this case, it is necessary to take the steps yourself, but so that the man does not even guess who first planned the acquaintance.

How to please a man at first sight

To please a man at first sight is not a talent, but a certain behavior that requires skills, knowledge and naturalness. To please a man without uttering a word is the most competent solution to such a delicate issue.

You must look beautiful. A delightful image is the easiest way to draw attention to yourself. In women, men are attracted by sophistication, lightness, restraint and style. Moreover, style is understood not only as harmonious clothing, but also character traits: light makeup, which emphasizes your facial features, mannerisms, looks, movements. Men are interested in those women who are able to bewitch and arouse deep interest.

Create a suitable image in advance, and then the man himself will pay attention to you. Then it's all about doing the right thing after the first impression.

How to meet a man you like

A man should be the first to get acquainted - this is a stereotype that for many broke down in the last century, along with the beginning of a wave of feminism. Of course, the situation when a man comes up and gets to know you is the best. You don't have to take steps on your own, just reciprocate and not look like you were just waiting for him to talk to you.

If you want to get to know a man, you can choose any method for this: be at a party next to him, accidentally involve him in a general conversation, write a message to social network. A man will not consider this an obsession if you maintain an appearance of restraint in all your actions.

If you are near a man, it is best to start a conversation with a direct look at him and simple phrases. Next, follow the reaction of the man: if he likes you, he will definitely support the conversation. There are modest men who are really lost in such a situation, but even by his looks and movements you can understand whether he is located in relation to you or not. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Always leave yourself a chance to say goodbye to a man as easily as you spoke to him.

How to behave to please a man

Men will like the natural behavior and lightness of the girl. Do not be afraid to show your artistic abilities, but in moderation.

Carry on a conversation with a man as with an old acquaintance, do not be afraid to ask leading questions to a man. They like it when they are interested, when they want to know about them.

All male nature is built on the desire for power and influence. Submit to the man. This can be done even in dialogue: develop those topics that the man touches. If he changes topics, then do not be afraid to act the same, to play along with the man, so to speak, while not deviating from your usual phrases.

Psychologists advise first to establish visual contact with a man. If a man is already looking at you, then look him straight in the eyes, but literally for a split second. After some time, you can repeat this technique and add a slight smile. Men are very perceptive, and such gestures will show him your interest.

How to impress a man on a first date

If a man asked you out on a date, it means that he is already interested in you. Therefore, do not worry and be nervous. Be his friend and girlfriend at the same time. Do not be afraid to joke, express your emotions and speak out about the topics covered. After all, on a date, a man wants to know you, hear you, understand you a little more. If you go on a date looking beautiful and irresistible, but there is nothing to talk about with you, you will arouse vague feelings in yourself: a man may think that you are only interested in your beauty.

Avoid criticizing things around you. You can express your views, but do not show dissatisfaction with the chosen restaurant, service or contingent. On a first date, it doesn't matter as long as you don't underline your displeasure.

What to talk about with the man you like

You can discuss many neutral topics with the man you like, but at the same time you will recognize each other. Trivial questions should be avoided. You don't even have to ask anything to have a conversation. It is enough to select interesting topics, and the man himself will tell you everything.

Observe the golden mean between "talk" and "listen". If a man asked you about your life, work, activities, do not hesitate to tell him, but only the most interesting. Do not list the names of your colleagues, it is better to remember one, but a funny story. At the same time, you should not laugh after your own jokes, especially since you still don’t know a man’s sense of humor so well.

SMS to the man you like

You should not write SMS to the man you like immediately after the first date. It is best to wait until the man calls you himself. If you are sure of his sympathy, but did not receive a call, you can write an SMS, but one that does not oblige the man to respond and, moreover, to meet. If a man reacted to a message that did not require an answer (without an explicit question), it means that he is really interested in continuing the conversation.

How to dress to please a man

In fact, men have different tastes, but everyone likes restraint and elegance. Men are attracted, of course, to dresses, skirts, blouses with cutouts, tight-fitting clothes that emphasize your silhouette.

Make-up should be (and it must be!) Light, not flashy. Be sure to blend foundation, shadows, powder well. Men are very repelled by untidiness, and even more so on the face: there should not be lumps of mascara in the corners of the eyes, and foundation should not be visible on the nasolabial folds.

If you wear jewelry, then it must be of high quality. Otherwise, it is better to completely abandon jewelry.

Manicure should also be chip-free, hands should be moisturized, perfume should not be intrusive.

Make sure that all buttons that need to be buttoned are buttoned. If you are wearing jeans or a low-waisted skirt, then you should always be sure that underwear is not visible on the lower back.

Hair must be clean and well-styled, and all gadgets and accessories must be free of scratches and cracks.

If you do not know the tastes of men, then it is better to avoid bright accents in clothes or leave only 1-2 bright details of your image. For example, instead of a green skirt, it is better to wear a gray or black one, but add an interesting bracelet or belt.

You should be comfortable in the clothes you choose. Feminine jumpsuits made of light fabrics, pencil skirts in combination with blouses or shirts always look very beautiful.

Elegance requires the absence of multiple prints. If you put on a checkered shirt, then the rest of the wardrobe should be basic monochrome colors. A plaid shirt, for example, does not go well with a colored scarf or fishnet tights.

In pursuit of femininity and elegance, beware of vulgarity. On first dates, it is better not to wear patterned tights, turtlenecks with cutouts, short dresses. If a man is interested in a long-term and serious relationship, he will not approve of your behavior.

What gift will a man like

It is important to choose according to the circumstances. If you are not close enough yet, then you should not give a man gifts with a clear hint of a relationship: shirts, underwear, household items. At the same time, you can choose a men's accessory as a gift. For example, business card holder, purse, tie clip, car paraphernalia.

It is important that the thing High Quality but not expensive. Expensive gifts are generally considered bad manners.

If you know the tastes of a man well, then a book or a collector's edition will be a great gift. You can also choose a quality notebook. A successful man must be able to plan his time, so a notebook is a necessary thing.

If you want to give a man invitations to some interesting event, then you need to assess the situation. The fact is that invitations are always given in duplicate, since a man must go to the event with someone. But a man should not feel your obsessive behavior. Perhaps the man did not plan to attend an event with you at this stage of the relationship, so it is best to give invitations with a closer relationship with a man.

Phrases for a man to like him

Men like to feel their importance, but at the same time, many of them are quite insightful. So don't flatter the man.

In order for him to like your words, they must first of all be sincere.

For example, you can say that the sweater in which he came to the meeting suits the man. You didn't tell the man that he was handsome, but you emphasized that he looked good.

It is best to notice the details, but not to make direct compliments. A man will not only enjoy your words, but also notice your insight.

You can also use phrases in a conversation that emphasize your positive emotions next to this person. “I feel good with you” are simple and sincere words that will please a man. After all, he understands that your sense of harmony depends on his presence.

Feel free to tell the man how you feel, but don't use big words. “I like the way you care” - with these words you not only convey to the man his importance, but also emphasize your own. After all, you notice his signs of attention in relation to yourself, and the man will know about it.

How to please a man - the main female trick

Women's tricks are the main tool of girls to conquer a man.

Women's tricks include smell, charm, naturalness, look, mind, voice, clothing and femininity.

Work on yourself, on each of the listed points, emphasize your the best sides and fix deficiencies.

How to please a man video

The video below shows the behavior of women that men like. The views of men on the opposite sex and their tastes are described.

Imagine that the girl Katya has an adored object - a man. They met on the Internet, and the long-awaited first date is on the nose. What should Katerina do to please a guy? The Allwomen's team surveyed over a hundred men different professions between the ages of 20 and 55 and figured out how to capture their attention and generate genuine interest from the first minutes of the meeting. What does the stronger sex appreciate in girls in the first place? We share the most frank confessions of men!

How to please a guy 20-25 years old

Ivan, 20 years old, student

Attracts a shy, modest girl. I advise you to be yourself, not to play another person. Minimum makeup: only emphasize the eyes, gloss on the lips. False nails and shaved eyebrows drawn in pencil - guys don't understand this.

Should not depend 100% on the parents. Have interesting hobbies, and not flip through VK non-stop and repost smart phrases on the wall. Without rudeness and vulgarity. No princess syndrome. Smart.

Vasily, 22 years old, young entrepreneur

I appreciate ambitious girls with own point vision. I'm really interested in strong and feminine in one bottle. This is a girl with an inner philosophy, able to inspire and support a man. Patient, educated, creative. Constantly develops himself as a person and is busy with his own business.

Kirill, 22, lawyer

Each girl is good in her own way, but for me the mind, the ability to keep up the conversation, a good sense of humor are in the foreground. Then I pay attention to the style, harmony and naturalness of the image. I prefer natural beauty and a minimum of makeup - make up eyelashes, apply colorless lip balm. In addition, a woman must understand her weaknesses and strengths, exercise the latest.

IN family life to be able to smooth out disputes, to be a good psychologist and support for the guy. Do not depend completely on the man's finances, work for yourself.

Anton, 22 years old, IT

I don't like ordinary people. First of all, I appreciate the ability to maintain a non-trivial conversation. Not only to answer questions, but also to take the initiative in communication. Like crazy lights in the eyes and a sly smile. Attract interesting, extraordinary personalities.

Andrey, 23 years old, fitness trainer

Kindness, sincerity are the key factors. Well erudite girls are attracted by a magnet. It must have a clear worldview and life principles. To inspire a man, and at the same time be his opposite. I am impressed by ladies with their own hobbies and successes.

Appearance - I'm not critical, but I love natural well-groomed beauty. Categorically against the coloring of the Amazon and tons of foundation on the face in a daily look. A neat, natural, interesting personality - yes, such a girl beckons!

Alexander, 24, entrepreneur

They attract girls in the role of an interesting interlocutor with established views on life. It is especially important in my chosen one that she does not stick it into the phone on first dates. And the Instagram feed had fewer “how I had a wonderful day” photos. Good looks and smell are also important.

Roman, 24, barber

Immediately at the first meeting I pay attention to beautiful well-groomed hair, natural manicure, classic make-up. I am a connoisseur of natural beauty. Open girls attract, but with a mystery. She knows how to make people laugh and she exudes kindness. I don't like dolls that play in public.

Loves classical literature and theatres. Spiritually developed.

Vladimir, 25 years old, sailor

Attract feminine, well-groomed, elegant girls with inner charm. Temperamental, positive and owners of a fighting spirit.

What girls like men from 26 to 35 years old

Vlad, 26 years old, shoemaker

Men have different tastes, from calm to wild. Personally, I am one of those species that choose the "golden" mean. A "torn off woman" who is not shy of society suits me. In behavior and relationships, he does not look at the people around, he is guided by the world of "just me and her."

Dmitry, 26 years old, IT

I think that there is no universal or magical method to charm a man - everything is individual :)

I am a supporter of the fact that everything is based on mutual feelings and needs. Subconsciously, instinctively, regardless of positive or negative qualities, appearance or individual character traits.

Therefore, the secret is to be "yourself", to be open and sincere. And of course, an erudite girl.

Denis, 28 years old, customs officer

The first, of course, is appearance. A well-groomed girl in any man evokes sympathy. From the first minutes of communication, it becomes clear whether you have common ground or the conversation will not stick together. Ladies with unusual interests are very sympathetic: they love football, they understand cars. It surprises, there is a desire to get to know a person better.

For further relationships, I would start from common views for friendship, sex, business. Life principles should resemble mine. But in no case do not imitate the guy! Don't make yourself look like a different person in the first meeting. After all, this is easily revealed, and then the desire to call the girl for a second date disappears.

Ivan, 30 years old, photographer

I will say briefly: a woman should want children, but not make a wedding life priority. To be smart, sincere, so that others do not influence her, first of all, her friends. Beautiful without makeup, 6-10 years younger than a man. Talk to the point, do not compare the guy with friends and exes. To be able to forgive the shortcomings of the chosen one - within reasonable limits.

Sergey, 32 years old, businessman-marketer

I will never be interested in a girl who defends her position too fiercely in an argument with me. Too independent and independent woman also does not cause any emotions.

This behavior is clearly seen in the details: the chair moves itself to the table when a man is standing next to him, or he is the first to enter the room. She puts on her own coat. It is lost if a man gives her a hand to get up or cross a puddle / curb.

During the conversation, he emphasizes independence. The phrases “there is a man today, but not tomorrow, so you need everything yourself” slip through.

Denis, 35, owner of a large business

Let's not dissemble - for a man, first of all, physical data is important. If a woman is not attractive at all, there are simply no options to seduce and interest a guy. This is followed by a sharp mind and the ability to conduct a dialogue. Silly girls with a cute face are only suitable for bed entertainment - alas. I recommend the current young ladies to develop comprehensively.

How to please a man over 55

Vladimir, 55 years old, owner of a chain of stores

A well-groomed appearance and a quick mind are what are valued in women of any age. The ability to endure a conversation, to raise a topic. For a man to be attracted to you, you must be "on the same wavelength." Going on a date for the first time? Find out his interests and read at least a couple of publications on the topic. If there is an awkward pause, you suddenly, op, and you say “I read the other day ... what do you think about these moments?” This will rekindle interest in the girl.

And the main skill of a woman is to emphasize her figure. Wear blouses and skirts, dresses. Neat outfits. So that the image pleases the eye and makes you turn around. But do not confuse with the "fucking" - a skirt where the butt is visible, the neckline to the nipples will cause only one desire - to drag into bed. And to convince a man of your purity and morality will be an impossible mission.

And never put work first in the first meeting. Do not pretend to be a business woman. A man subconsciously sees the weaker sex in you. This is great if you are independent and wealthy. But don't make a cult out of it. Family and home are equally important to you.

Summing up: how to please a guy or a man

Despite the wide range of ages of the men surveyed and the different types of activities, the stronger sex appreciates in a woman:

  • A comprehensively developed personality who is not limited to one or two topics for conversation
  • Femininity and well-groomed appearance
  • Natural beauty - basic makeup in Everyday life
  • Real behavior - less pathos and pretense
  • Does not prioritize career
  • Kind, sincere and accommodating
  • Does not try to re-educate a man and take the position of head in a relationship / family

So, girls, we analyze our pros and cons, study the guy and fill in the gaps. Then the desired prince will be the very dear and close man! :)

The age of love is not a hindrance, what do you think? And indeed, you can love at the age of twenty, and at seventy.

However, will there be a strong union in which the age of the partners differs, and not for one or two years, but at least for five years, or even more? Don't ask others how to please young guy. Just look to your heart for an answer- if you really love a guy, and he loves each other, you should not be worried about some kind of age difference.


Many psychologists agree that young people are more romantic, because boys and girls have not yet acquired the bitter experience of disappointment, have not lost their youthful maximalism and idealistic view of the world. It is quite possible that you are the first love of a guy, which means that he will treat you like a fragile vase - carefully and with all the love that is in him. Do not think that he is still young for a serious relationship. This is not the guy's problem, but rather his advantage.

Since you are older, be wiser

You are older, more experienced, wiser, smarter. So behave appropriately, do not throw tantrums, do not swear, be calmer, thereby balancing the emotionality of your boyfriend. You already know that it is better to resolve conflicts at the negotiating table, and not on both sides of the barricades? Fine - then turn conflict situations into peaceful conversations to strengthen your relationship.

People tend to change

This is especially noticeable when a person enters serious relationship. And the younger he is, the more he tends to change. It will be easier for you to influence your partner, because he will involuntarily agree with you in many ways, because you are older, which means you are more experienced. This is manifested even in small things, in habits. But you need to understand that you cannot change a person by force. You can only influence him so that he changes himself, suggest, advise, give a positive example, so there are more chances to please a guy younger than you.

Look after your appearance

Young temperamental guys pay more attention to the appearance of a girl than those who have already managed to form as a person, become quite experienced and worldly wise. So watch yourself, because some fatal beauty, more passionate in bed and more pretty, can take your boyfriend out from under his nose. You are older than most of the familiar girls of your lover, which means you can let yourself look more sexy, sophisticated. A gorgeous lady accompanying a guy will cause envy among other males.

Don't listen to envious people

What to do with gossips? Let them condemn you, criticize you, you should not listen to this, because your relationship with a guy is your business with him. Equal relations are possible only between peers? It's a stereotype and modern society easy to stereotype. However, if your friends and good acquaintances criticize your couple, you should listen to them. But decisions must be made by you. Yes, your boyfriend is younger, so he may not be as serious about you as you are about him, and from the outside it may be more noticeable.

Don't Focus on Age Differences

And the last: do not show your boyfriend that you are wiser than him, that you are better because you are older and more experienced. The main thing is that next to you is a man, albeit not so mature. Help your loved one become successful, and he will very soon become your prince, your noble knight, wise and fair.

Joseph Fanelli

Psychotherapist, teacher specializing in sexuality and relationships.

1. Speak without speaking

Even before you strike up a conversation with a guy, your body will tell him a lot. And the first thing he will notice is how physically attractive you are.

It's not just about beauty. If you are fit and well built, then you are able to give birth to healthy offspring.

Another important aspect is whether you show interest. Of course, you don’t need to hang yourself around your neck, but it’s very desirable to subtly hint that a man has a chance.

This can be shown using two tricks. First, blink more often, because we naturally begin to do this when we are excited. Secondly, lean a little towards the interlocutor: this is also a non-verbal signal of interest.

We like people with whom we have a lot in common. Therefore, your task is to find common ground with the guy you like. For example, you can agree on a love of music or, if there are few common interests, try to get into what he likes.

At the beginning of dating, the easiest way to show similarity is to use the chameleon effect.

Try to take the same posture as a man, imitate his movements and gestures, use the words and phrases that he includes in his speech.

Being an exact and synchronous copy is not worth it: it's too obvious. Try to anticipate the movements of the interlocutor or, in general, repeat them after a few seconds.

3. Stay visible

The more we see a person, the more we like him. This is confirmed by science. In one study Proximity and Peership: Bases of Balance in Interpersonal Attraction residents of a student dormitory were asked to rate their attitude towards their neighbors. It turned out that boys and girls liked those who lived nearby more: in neighboring rooms or on the nearest floors.

In everyday life, this means that if you and the guy attend the same place (university, courses, gym), then you are more likely to like him.

6. Make him a fan of hugs

When hugging, the body releases oxytocin, which enhances the feeling of closeness. So hug the guy you are interested in at a meeting and parting, during joyful moments and just like that.

7. Find what makes you happy

In the end, it all comes down to the fact that interesting people are interesting to be together. So do not waste time to lure someone into your networks, but look for. Happiness and passion are attractive in themselves. Become the one who radiates them.

Skills to hit a man is a real art, there is even educational establishments where they teach seduction of the stronger sex. Every woman has a desire to arouse admiration in a man, to fascinate and captivate him. She wants to be attractive and cause love. But many representatives of the weaker sex do not know how to please men. In order to acquire the ability to arouse attraction, you need great desire, perseverance and awareness of certain principles.

When embarking on this exciting study, what points should be considered as the main ones? First you need to realize which girls are pleasant to men and that in women the stronger sex is annoying. And it’s also worth understanding what a woman needs to correct in her appearance and how to present herself.

What kind of women can impress a man

Almost all women are interesting to men, but some of them are insanely attractive. What properties must a woman have in order for her to arouse sympathy in a man. First, it is cheerfulness and laughter. Any soul can be touched by the iridescent laughter of a woman.

Secondly, the catchiness of the image attracts the eye: interesting image and a spectacular piece of clothing, for example, an unusual belt. On a gray day, unusual clothes will interest many. You also need to remember about elegant clothes, make-up that suits you, the smell of perfume. A woman should always be beautiful.

Men are impressed by women who have charming gentle voices. They are pleased if they communicate with them in a whisper. A low silky voice is sure to touch the guy.

The soul of a man will soar when talking with a playful woman. If girls gracefully flirt, they become more attractive. Guys like flirting, which means you need to master this art.

Men like to feel needed and important. In this regard, they will like a girl who sometimes asks for help. Because of this, men feel strong, they remember the instinct of a breadwinner and a protector. Adult women do not agree with this, they think that all men are lazy. But young men before marriage are often ready to help nice girls in order to form a good opinion about them.

Even the male sex is pleased with the reciprocal flirting from the side of the girl. Often, when the stronger sex flirts, girls get lost and tense. Therefore, it is good when women in such a situation create a playful conversation.

For men, the appearance of girls is very important, in this regard, they must always look perfect. Everyone will love the flawless look. How to charm a man? A lot of time is worth spending on cosmetics. It gives you the opportunity to show your strengths and hide your weaknesses. But you need to paint so that the man does not find makeup on his face. Apply subtle makeup. A large number of cosmetics will make the appearance unnatural.

A good way to draw a man's attention to yourself is to have a natural and neat look. Hair should be styled gracefully, it is better not to use foam, varnish or mousse, because such hair does not want to be disheveled. And a woman with such hair will tense up, afraid to ruin her hair. And men should want to touch their hair, inhale their smell.

Thinking about the figure, you should not dwell on modern canons. The strong sex likes different women. And not every woman should be thin. And skinny women, looking at which there is a desire to feed them, do not charm men.

The appearance of a woman must be perfect, without flaws. You do not need to take all the most beautiful things from the closet at the same time, it is especially important not to wear unnecessary jewelry. And do not recklessly dress only in fashion, because such things are not for everyone.

What can annoy a man

There are moments that annoy men. They must be remembered in order to become interesting to the male sex. Let's list what they don't like in girls:

  1. A neglected appearance, namely poor manicure or lack of it, sloppy hair, sloppy clothes, etc.
  2. Boring faded eyes, spoiling the mood.
  3. Too frequent tears, regular gloomy mood.
  4. Strong odor of sweat, disgusting breath.
  5. Talking about your ailments, especially at the first meetings.
  6. Evil behavior, the desire to scandal.
  7. Too high opinion of oneself, insincere movements and gestures. Men are irritated by arrogance.
  8. Overweight, but everyone's tastes are different. Some are not indifferent to slender, and others - to large women.
  9. Provocative appearance, too strong eroticism, too tight-fitting things.
  10. Male manners or a woman emphasizes that she has no need for men.
  11. Not smiling, gloomy face.

When girls allow such things in behavior, they are likely to make a bad impression on men.

What REPURSES MEN // Mistakes in the behavior of women//
Now let's talk about various ways behaviors that women can use to please a man.

Ways of behavior to conquer men

1. Classic or "grandmother's way."

Be humble, calm, like a true lady.

Don't act first, leave it to the man. Often the representatives of the stronger sex, despite the emancipation and gains of feminism, are impressed by the main place in the relationship. However, you should not be too cold, as a man will be afraid that you do not like him.

In conversation, give some signs that will cheer up the shy person, namely, smile, keep your eyes on him a little, accidentally touch him with your hand - casual but promising signals.

2. The way of gestures.

Our body language says more about us than any phrase. These are signs that people unconsciously show to the person they are talking to. The meaning of the method of gestures is the transformation of the unconscious into the conscious.

Of great importance is eye contact, which includes three approaches: first, a woman throws a playful, slightly roguish look at a man, then a mysterious and long one, and, at the end, an attentive and intent look.

You should not fold your arms on your chest in the form of a cross, as this indicates closeness.

Copy the gestures and facial expressions of a man, this will help you better understand and feel him, be on the same wavelength with him. When communicating, show interest, and lower your head slightly to the side. The male sex loves to be listened to.

3. The way of the Amazon of our days.

A woman these days is a self-respecting, knowing what she wants lady. She is purposeful, knows how, without fear, to take the first step. Such a woman is an Amazon conqueror. If you belong to this type, then act.

Talk to the guy yourself, smile, do not be embarrassed, touch him. Physical touch is very important. But do not be too persistent and vulgar. Maintain a sense of proportion.

In this regard, before starting active actions in relation to a man, get to know him, understand what kind of relationship he wants.

4. Way of virtual dating.

Currently, communication between people sometimes goes through social networks. Sitting at home, via the Internet, many women can, without embarrassment and anxiety, flirt with an almost unfamiliar guy and frankly discuss any moments with him.

Acquaintance with a virtual interlocutor must be developed gradually: to discover topics for conversation that are interesting to two, to find common interests. This way you will understand the level of his intelligence. When a man evokes sympathy, tell him a compliment, for example: “For the first time I meet such wonderful person". This will bring a little flirting into your communication.

Then sometimes there is an offer to meet. Here already use real ways.

That's all the simple ways to conquer men. But don't get too carried away with them!

Naturalness is the main thing in a woman

If you follow any style of behavior too strictly, then spontaneity will disappear in you. Namely, your natural attractiveness and charm are visible in it, which can defeat a man.

For many women, it is important to understand whether a man really likes them in order to become calm and harmonious, not to be nervous. Let's talk about it.

How to understand that a man likes you?

How can you be aware that this has happened? Here clear signs like this:

  • He is lost when you arrive: he is touching the buttons of his shirt and fiddling with the lighter.
  • He seeks to touch you at every opportunity: he takes you by the elbow or offers his hand.
  • He straightens his back, draws back his shoulders and draws in his stomach.
  • His eyes tell you a lot. He will constantly look at you, because it is so gratifying to see something attractive.
  • He can tell you directly about his feelings. There are such brave men, although they are not very common.

Now we will talk about how a woman can build a relationship with a man in different situations.

Relations with a man in different situations

How to attract a man immediately

Impressing males at first sight is not a gift, but some actions - in order to master them, you need to acquire certain knowledge and skills, as well as the ability to behave naturally. Impressing a man without saying anything is a very correct solution to such a delicate situation.

The girl must look beautiful. Amazing appearance - very easy way draw attention to yourself. The male sex likes subtlety, grace, modesty and style in girls. Style is not only about elegant wardrobe, but also cute touches: natural make-up that makes your features more expressive, mannerisms, looks, gestures. Men like women who know how to charm and awaken a strong attraction.

First, create a beautiful appearance, and then the man will look at you. And behave properly so as not to spoil the initial opinion.

How to start dating a man who delighted

The belief that a man should be the first to make acquaintances disappeared from almost everyone in the twentieth century with the rise of emancipation. True, the circumstances under which the guy approaches and speaks to you are very pleasant. The girl does not need to take personal actions, she only needs to receive attention and not give the impression that she really hoped that the guy would suit.

If you have a desire to get to know a man, for this you can perform various actions: be at a party near him, involve him in a general discussion of something, send a message on a social network. The stronger sex will not consider it intrusive if you behave modestly.

If a young man is near you, then look at him openly and start a conversation with simple phrases. Then look at the behavior of a person: if he liked you, then he will certainly continue the conversation. There are shy guys who sometimes get embarrassed in such circumstances, but by their looks and behavior you can understand whether you have attracted his attention or not. Feel free to leave your comfort zone. Always arrange for yourself the opportunity to say goodbye to a young man as simply as you entered into a dialogue with him.

What behavior should a woman have to charm a man?

The stronger sex is attracted by the natural manners and lightness of the girl. You can show your artistic talents, but in moderation.

Talk to a man like an old friend, you should contact him with leading questions. Guys are pleased when they arouse interest, when they want to understand.

Man by nature seeks to dominate and influence. Listen to him. This is also worth doing during the conversation: continue the topics that the man spoke about. When he changes topics, do the same, you can say, play along with him, while not giving up your opinion.

Psychologists recommend that you first establish a connection with a man through the eyes. When the guy is already looking at you, look him openly in the eyes, but for a few seconds. After some time, do this action again and add a sweet smile. Representatives of the stronger sex are very understanding - and such manifestations will open your sympathy to him.

How to impress a man on a first date

If the guy invited you to a meeting, then he already liked you. That is, you do not need to be upset and be on pins and needles. Become both a friend and a woman for him. You can joke, show your feelings and talk about different things. Because at the meeting, the guy wants to know and understand you. If you appear on a date beautiful and spectacular, but it turns out that there is nothing to discuss with you, then unkind feelings may arise for you. A man may decide that you are only interested in appearance.

Do not scold those around you. You can defend your opinion, but you do not need to criticize the chosen cafe, waiters and visitors. At the first meeting, all this is insignificant until you engage in criticism.

What to talk about with a handsome man

With a guy you like, you should talk about many common topics, but at the same time get to know each other. No need to ask trivial questions. You can have a conversation without asking anything. You just need to choose fascinating topics - and the guy himself will tell you everything.

Keep harmony between how much you talk and how much you listen. When a man asks you about your fate, activities, hobbies - tell him about it, but only the most entertaining. Do not call all your colleagues by their first and last names, it is better to tell one, but an amazing case. And do not laugh after your own jokes, because you still do not understand what is funny for this man.

SMS to an attractive man

After the first meeting, you do not need to send SMS to the man you like. Wait for the man to call you first. But if you do not doubt his sympathy, but there was no call, you should send an SMS, but one that does not require a response and does not hint at a second meeting. If a man reacted to such a message, then he wants the next meetings.

How to please a man in bed

If your relationship has overcome the first period and become deeper, then there is no need to be afraid, this is natural.

When you are alone with a man, then remember that he is as nervous as you are, help him, calm him down:

  • Don't be embarrassed or act awkward, although your concern is understandable. Show your emotions clearly, because that's what you two are now for.
  • Let your underwear be attractive so that he realizes that you tried and wanted to please him.
  • If your partner is embarrassed and afraid of very frank actions, help him. This will give him confidence and he will feel gratitude.
  • Be affectionate. The male gender also appreciates affection. A man will enjoy your tenderness and show it to you.
  • All people are different, some fit one thing, and others another. Get to know this man - and you will be able to guess what he wants at night. In this regard, look carefully at it carefully every day - this will give you the opportunity to understand each other.

Now let's listen to the advice of men to women on how to impress the stronger sex, perhaps something will be useful for you.

1. How to impress a man - become feminine

Femininity pulls men with terrible force. And it's not always a skirt, big heels and a luxurious hairstyle. Men report femininity as a collection of features. This is a graceful gait, which, sometimes, is more valuable than a good figure, and an affectionate voice, and a good smile, and exquisite gestures.

The outside looks off. The main thing is grooming, naturalness and graceful behavior.

One man says, “I don't care about a woman's clothes. Yes, the miniskirt and the neckline will attract me for a while, but if she's a brawler and rude, then I quickly forget about her.

Another man says, “I don't like girls with too much make-up. I think, what if I don’t recognize her in the morning? It’s better to do hair, some women have difficulty with it. ”

2. How to impress a man - be real.

If you are modest, then you should not behave like an Amazon. When you are strong and cheerful, you should not act as a meek princess. It will look ridiculous.

This also applies to appearance, and to interests. Don't speak confidently about something you're not at all good at, and boldly make recommendations when asked about what you're good at.

The man says: “It happens that a girl pretends to be different from what she is. It always shows up over time. Why pretend? I don't go to the theatre."

3. How to impress a man - do not overdo it.

Don't go to great lengths to impress a guy. Do not go too far, thinking through everything to the moments and showing it young man. In this position, there is no way to find a positive in a conversation with a man. But this is the main thing.

The urge to look and behave impeccably can be repulsive - either you decide to conquer a man at any cost, or you don’t really believe in yourself.

The guy says: “Once I met a woman. Everything was wonderful, but she was so constrained, she looked at her hair, gestures, phrases so much that I got tired. Like she's a robot instead of a girl. She later told her mutual friends that she did not realize what the problem was, she had put in so much effort. You shouldn't put in so much effort."

4. How to impress a man - become reasonable.

The traditional belief that men are interested in stupid women is not true. If you want to impress, be able to participate in the conversation. An educated woman is always interesting, men say.

However, do not confuse the mind with the need to assert oneself by showing one's deep knowledge and insisting on your point of view. The fragile border between well-read stupidity and true female wisdom makes a woman attractive to men.

The man says: “If a woman is beautiful and also an interesting interlocutor, I am immediately fascinated. Does anyone really like stupid mannequins? She doesn’t need to know Japanese and memorize all the laws of physics, but when a girl participates in a conversation and shows her intelligence, I disappear.”

5. How to impress a man - be funny.

A good way to win over a man is to appreciate his humor. Even if you have been told these jokes before, and his stories have long been heard from a friend, smile. A man wants to impress - help him with this! You should not sit with a sad face in such a situation and say that you have already heard it.

The guy is not on purpose watching you, wanting to understand how emotional you are. After all, no one wants to deal with an insensitive log.

The man says: “Once I invited a beautiful colleague to a restaurant. By the time we were there, I didn't know where to go. Smart and beautiful, but completely insensitive. I felt like a fool. I don't talk to her now."

6. How to please a man - be honest.

Show your feelings freely. Share your opinion. If you like something in a man - report it. When you feel uncomfortable about something, also talk about it. Openness is very conducive - men share.

The man says: “I had a relationship with a girl who for some reason was afraid to talk about her desires. I never found out what she likes and what not. I did not like it. We went where I wanted to, put on my favorite music, ate my favorite meals. It was the same in bed. I started to feel like she didn't care."

7. How to attract a man - do not bother.

It's always better not to finish than to overdo it. It's good to go home yourself before he talks about it. You should not send the ninth SMS for today. Say goodbye at the entrance door, not at the apartment. Do not bother the guy, forcing him to wait for you to leave.

The man says, “Everything suited me, but she reminded me of herself too often. She sent me letters, left messages on VKontakte, knew all my friends, constantly arranged holidays and gatherings at night. My space disappeared, I got tired.”

8. How to attract a man - value yourself.

Men like self-sufficient girls. It would seem that everyone knows this, but girls sometimes forget about it. Do not kiss at the first meeting, do not call to your apartment on the second, do not enter into sexual relations so that he doesn't leave.

You should not disappear into it without thinking about yourself.

The man says: “Somehow I met a nice girl. At the second meeting, we came to my apartment. Then she began to cook for me, to do the cleaning. She changed her plans for me. I felt caught, but I wanted to be a hunter. It became sad. Then there was a big break."

9. How to attract a man - don't count his money.

Men do not accept if a girl from the very beginning asks what his salary is, the make of the car, how many times he was on expensive resorts. Yes, it's good when a man provides for his woman, but until you become a family, don't count his money.

The man says: “At the first meeting, the girl begins to find out if I went to India, since, according to her, only losers go to Egypt, she was interested in whether I have a car. I wanted to tell her that I have a Muscovite and I rest in the country. I agree that a man should provide for the woman he loves, but she should also love him, not his money.

10. How to attract a man - show him respect.

Respect his hot-tempered mother, unusual hobby, strange job, his last girlfriend, even if he scolds her himself. If you want to advise something - do it wisely. Attacks and ridicule will only spoil everything. Even if he scolds someone, calm him down, say something peaceful.

The man says: “The girl who attracted me said, looking at the photo of my ex-wife: "It's clear why you left her." After that, the girl stopped liking, as she very rudely invaded my personal life.

How to fall in love with a man! Love technique!

Now you understand how to behave in order to impress a man. However, if the man disappoints you later, break up with him. You should only be with the worthy.

