What foods should be excluded in case of increased gas formation. What foods cause increased gas formation? Foods to help get rid of bloating

Bloating is an accumulation of gases and salt retention in the body. The result is a bloated belly and stomach pain. In addition to physical discomfort, flatulence also causes psychological problems: awkwardness, shame, self-doubt. Which foods will help you quickly get rid of gas, and which, on the contrary, provoke bloating – let’s figure it out together.

10 best foods for bloating

1. Fresh ginger

Ginger helps cope with many common stomach problems: bloating, nausea, gas. The substances contained in ginger help the body release excess gas. Just boil ½ teaspoon of chopped ginger root along with tea leaves, strain and drink 1-2 glasses after meals.

2. Bananas

Potassium, which is found in bananas, regulates the amount of water and electrolyte levels in the body. Electrolytes eliminate the negative effects of eating overly processed foods - sweets, chips, fast food.

Melon has as much water as watermelon, making it an ideal food for reducing bloating. Remember: the more vegetables and fruits you eat during the day, the less likely you are to experience abdominal gas. Eat a bowl of melon for breakfast and your belly will drop before you even walk out the door.

4. Pineapple

This fruit contains the beneficial enzyme bromelain, which aids digestion by breaking down protein that can cause stomach problems. Pineapple leaves and peel contain more bromelain than the pulp - try adding pieces to your morning smoothie.

5. Cucumbers

Water-rich vegetables improve digestion and hydration of the body. Cucumber contains 96% water and is one of the best anti-flatulence foods. Add 1-2 cucumbers to your salad or cut them into slices and snack on them.

6. Asparagus

Asparagus is a natural diuretic. Anyone who regularly eats asparagus goes to the toilet more often - this flushes out excess water. It is enough to add 1-2 servings of asparagus to your daily lunch or dinner.

7. Cilantro and parsley

These foods contain beneficial enzymes and phytonutrients that reduce bloating. Greens expel excess water, moreover, parsley and cilantro add flavor to dishes, so you will need less salt, which retains water in the body.

8. Mint leaf tea

The methanol in mint helps the intestines work and reduces evening cravings for sweets and fatty foods which often cause bloating. Brew mint leaves and drink this tea after meals.

Contains a large number of probiotics that help intestinal function. By regularly consuming kefir, you will notice a significant reduction in heaviness in your stomach. Drink a glass of kefir every day: pour it over your cereal for a balanced breakfast, drink it as an afternoon snack or after dinner.

10. Coconut water

Coconut water tastes better than regular drinking water, and the 250 mg of potassium found in 100 g of coconut water helps regulate electrolyte levels. Excess fluid leaves, bloating decreases.

10 foods that cause bloating

If bloating occurs regularly, pay attention to your menu. The consumption of these products causes excess water retention in the body and increased gas formation.

1. Raw cruciferous vegetables

The cruciferous family includes white and red cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli. These foods are high in fiber, which is difficult to digest and causes intestinal gas. There is no need to completely exclude cabbage from the menu, just stew, boil or bake it - heat treatment and salting partially destroy the fiber, making it easier for the body to process it.

2. Beans and legumes

Beans, lentils, chickpeas, peanuts and soybeans contain phytic acid, which causes bloating and also binds in the stomach. nutrients other products, impairing the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

3. Cereals

Phytic acid is also found in the beloved brown rice, as well as in oatmeal and wheat flour. Moreover, these products contain a lot of fiber, which, as already mentioned, in case of excess causes problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

4. Onion

Contains fructan, which even in small quantities causes heartburn and indigestion. To reduce the harmful effects of eating onions, simply fry or boil them.

5. Garlic

Like onions, garlic is guilty of flatulence. But unlike onions, it is not enough to cook raw garlic - the unpleasant sensations after eating a couple of cloves may persist.

6. Mushrooms

Mushrooms contain a lot of polyols, which irritate the walls of the stomach and lead to a large accumulation of gases. And if you have intestinal candidiasis, eating mushrooms will only complicate the infection and interfere with treatment.

7. Apples

8. Sweeteners

Derived from alcohol, they cause digestive problems and stomach upset. The sweeteners xylitol and sorbitol belong to the alcohol group, and they are added to many people's favorite muesli bars and sweet breakfast cereals.

9. Dairy products

While fermented milk kefirs and yogurts minimize bloating, whole milk can increase it. Lactose - milk sugar - is well digested only by infants. Cow's milk can be replaced with nut or oat milk, which are rich in vitamins and minerals.

10. Sparkling water

Do you feel bloated after a couple sips of soda? You are not alone in this problem. Drinks enriched with carbon dioxide create air bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract - this air becomes the cause of flatulence.

What diseases can cause flatulence?

If you have changed your diet, and the bloating does not stop, you should be examined and rule out diseases in which, regardless of nutrition, an accumulation of gases in the intestines can occur.

List of diseases that cause flatulence:

  • Chronic pancreatitis. A lack of enzymes that are supposed to digest food causes bloating after every meal.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome. The intestines do not move, the stomach hurts, and flatulence occurs.
  • Dysbacteriosis. An imbalanced microflora provokes the release of harmful gases inside the stomach - methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia.
  • Intestinal obstruction. If there is a tumor or polyps in the intestines, harmful substances will not be able to leave, will remain inside the body and cause flatulence.
  • Lactose intolerance.

All of these diseases are dangerous and require monitoring by your doctor, and in difficult cases, the use of medications or surgery.

Remember: to cure bloating, sometimes it is not enough to exclude obvious “enemies” from the menu: highly processed foods, sweets or salt, certain vegetables and fruits. Pay attention not only to what you eat, but also to the body’s signals - if the problem of bloating becomes chronic regardless of diet, be sure to visit a doctor!

Few people know which foods cause flatulence. Not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system, take part in the formation of gases. Every day a person eats foods that cause bloating, but a large amount of them leads to unpleasant consequences.

What foods contribute to flatulence?

Increased consumption of foods that cause gas and bloating cause complications. More often it is flatulence, which appears from excess gas. He is accompanied characteristic features, including heartburn, hiccups. In a more severe situation, a person is bothered by severe pain in the area of ​​the right ribs or peritoneum.

Flatulence causes poor sleep and mental disorders, performance decreases, and diseases of the digestive system appear in a chronic form. To combat the increased formation of gases, it is enough to reduce the consumption of certain foods for bloating. Every human body is individual, but paying attention to the list of dishes that provoke flatulence is recommended by all experts.

Products that cause gas formation:

  • Legumes. The stomach of an adult is not able to digest these cultures completely. This is taken advantage of by pathogenic bacteria that cause bloating and gas formation. Doctors recommend steaming peas or beans before eating, and even better, eating lentils - they are more tender.
  • White cabbage. A product that causes flatulence in the intestines in raw or prepared form. The same goes for cauliflower. To reduce the formation of gases, it is recommended to first boil the inflorescences and then fry them with the addition of butter.
  • Dairy products. If your stomach is often bloated, you need to reduce your consumption of milk, cream, fermented baked milk, cheese, and kefir. Dairy products such as yogurt or yogurt, as well as ice cream, cause less gas formation. To understand which product contributes to flatulence, you need to consume each one separately. Some people are lactose intolerant, so any fermented milk product will cause more gas than usual.

  • Flour products cause the formation of flatulence in the intestines. You can't drink kvass with flour products, milk or kefir. It is recommended to eat dried bread, cereals should be steamed well, and cereals should be replaced with soufflés or puddings.
  • Products that promote gas formation in the intestines are apples and pears, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and greens. They are filled with lots of complex carbohydrates and fiber. Vegetables must be stewed, boiled, and blanched. To dress salads, use butter or yogurt. To make your stomach less bloated, it is recommended to drink natural juices, but only after a full breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is not permitted during or instead of a meal. The same goes for eating fruit.

Sometimes increased gas formation It’s not just foods that cause it in the intestines. Dishes prepared from several ingredients also cause flatulence. Many experts recommend adjusting your diet so as not to completely exclude foods from the menu. The stomach swells after drinking kefir along with fresh bread, cereal porridge with milk, grains with the addition of fruits and vegetables.

Cooking food

Severe bloating is not only a consequence of eating foods. The process of preparing a dish is of great importance for the functioning of the digestive system. If it is difficult for the body to digest food, then the formation of gases will be greater. Experts recommend giving up fried food and replacing it with stewed, boiled or baked food.

Additionally, there are some foods that cause flatulence in certain circumstances:

  1. Can cause digestive problems bell pepper, cucumbers, zucchini, if these foods are eaten raw.
  2. Increased gas formation occurs after mushrooms, meat, eggs or fish, if a person immediately goes to bed.
  3. You should not drink spices with large amounts of liquid, as this will lead to flatulence.
  4. Stale food causes increased gas formation.
  5. While eating, you should not drink a lot of water or cold drinks, as flatulence may occur.

Kvass, beer, champagne or chewing gum cannot cause bloating. Warning signs of flatulence occur when a person chews gum or smokes: it traps excess air, which leads to disturbances in the stomach or intestines. The same goes for gas bubbles in sweet or alcoholic drinks.

Quickly consumed food also causes gas formation. Sugar in drinks causes fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in bloating.

How to eat

The menu should not contain foods that cause gas formation in the intestines to prevent digestive problems.

Sample menu:

  • wheat or buckwheat crumbly porridge;
  • fruits or vegetables baked in the oven;
  • low fat meat products;
  • boiled fish;
  • cutlets, steamed, oven-baked or boiled;
  • kefir, fermented baked milk, bifidok;
  • bread made without yeast using wheat flour.

Advice! To reduce flatulence, it is useful to drink tea with the addition of ginger or mint.

There are spices in cooking that will help prevent problems of the digestive system, in particular, flatulence. Along with foods that cause increased gas formation, you can eat fennel or cumin. They help the stomach and intestines digest even the heaviest foods. Dill in fresh, dried, frozen form and its seeds have a similar effect.

Fermented milk products promote the absorption of food; moreover, they normalize the intestinal microflora. Don't forget about fasting days when stagnant masses are removed from the intestines. 1-2 days a week is enough.

It's rare to treat yourself to peas or beans. But before cooking, the product should be washed well, pre-soaked and cooked. long time on low heat. Before serving, you can add dill or cumin in a small amount. Cooking food like this will help reduce flatulence in adults, especially if it's legumes.

Rules for eating

  1. The digestive system should not be overly stressed. A weak digestion process will cause food to ferment in the stomach and intestines. Even the diet requires portioned food consumption. A person should eat 5-6 rubles per day.
  2. You can’t go to bed immediately after a meal; you need to walk around for a while.
  3. Dinner should be light and no later than 1.5 hours before the night's rest.
  4. You cannot read or sit at the computer or watch TV while eating. All attention should be paid to food. This way nutrients are better absorbed, because the body is tuned to this process.
  5. You should not talk while eating, as excess air is swallowed with food, which causes flatulence in the intestines.

To make it easier for the stomach to digest food, it should be chewed well. And most importantly, with proper nutrition you need to eat in identical watches. Knowing which foods cause bloating and gas, you can correctly plan your diet to avoid the appearance of alarming symptoms.

Reducing bloating

To combat flatulence, you need to not only avoid foods that increase gas formation in the intestines. There are various recipes and methods that alleviate a person’s condition after eating.

  1. Dill water. You can make it yourself or buy it ready-made. To prepare, simply brew dill seeds.
  2. Mint decoction. Needs to be brewed hot water 1 tsp. herbs or 1 bag of ready-made tea.
  3. Slippery Elm. Granular or powder product, washed down with water or tea.
  4. Elm decoction. Pour the powder (0.5 tsp) with water and heat until it boils. Cool the resulting broth, strain and take 2-3 tbsp throughout the day.

You can prevent bloating; it is enough to know which foods that do not cause gas formation in the intestines should be diluted in the diet. These include:

  • fruits and vegetables. They promote flatulence, but proper preparation reduces the formation of gases to a minimum. It is recommended to bake or steam them.
  • fennel, dill. Spices that contain substances that have an antispasmodic effect. They reduce gas formation in the intestines in adults and relieve unpleasant signs of bloating.
  • young carrot. It contains a large amount of carotenoids. Their main responsibility is to maintain the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They help against constipation.
  • The sour taste of apricot stimulates the secretion of the digestive system. Due to its delicate consistency, it is easily absorbed by the stomach.
  • seasonings It is necessary to add coriander, rosemary, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, and marjoram to products that increase gas formation.

  • rice and buckwheat porridge do not cause flatulence due to rapid absorption and digestion. Moreover, they have a positive effect on the general condition and functioning of the digestive system.
  • water or herbal teas do not cause gas. This is especially true for mint or chamomile drinks.
  • Despite its high calorie content, walnuts do not cause intestinal flatulence. It is enough to consume the product in small portions every day. The nut contains necessary acids and minerals for the body, fats that improve digestion.
  • almond. Nut, which contains antioxidants and fiber. All these are substances necessary to stabilize blood sugar levels, saturate the body, improve digestion, and, of course, reduce gas formation.

The only way to avoid problems with the digestive system is proper nutrition. Foods that do not cause bloating will reduce flatulence and saturate the body. In any other case, if unpleasant symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

If a person does not have problems with the functioning of the stomach or intestines, he should not forget about the rules of balanced nutrition. This important condition for the health of the whole body and maintaining the functioning of the immune system. Experts recommend developing healthy eating habits.

Every person at least once in his life has encountered such a problem as increased gas formation, which causes severe discomfort and is often accompanied by severe cramps and painful sensations. Despite the fact that the reasons for the development pathological condition modern medicine considers both external and internal factors; it is often provoked by gas-forming products.

Why does gas accumulation occur?

In people, gases can accumulate in large quantities not only in the intestines, but also in the stomach. They leave the body either in the form of flatulence or in the form of belching.

A pathological condition develops against the background of the vital activity of bacteria, the number of which directly depends on both the method of consumption and the nature of the food:

  1. If a person chews food poorly, talks during meals and quickly absorbs food, then a large amount of air will enter the gastrointestinal tract along with it.
  2. A person consumes foods that cause gas formation in the stomach or intestines.
  3. People who systematically transmit often face the problem of increased gas formation. This is due to the fact that food that accumulates in large quantities in the intestines, does not have time to be digested and as a result, fermentation processes occur.
  4. When incompatible foods are combined during a meal, a corresponding reaction of the digestive tract occurs.

What foods cause severe gas?

In cases where people often face the problem of increased gas accumulation, they need to reconsider their diet. First of all, they should exclude from the menu foods that promote gas formation in the stomach and intestines. If this does not help, then you need to go to a hospital for consultation, since belching and flatulence can be symptoms of various pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.

Gas-forming products:

Carbonated and alcoholic drinks

We are talking about kvass, mineral water, lemonade and all types of alcohol.


Many people experience flatulence and develop diarrhea. This condition is caused by insufficient production of enzymes that can ensure normal digestion.

Bakery products

Such products contain a large amount of complex carbohydrates, which provoke discomfort.

Fruits that have not undergone heat treatment

This list should be supplemented with apples, pears, cherries, prunes, peaches and grapes

Fried meat dishes

Lamb, goose, pork

Vegetables that contain coarse fiber

The list should be replenished with asparagus, corn, sorrel, white cabbage, tomatoes, turnips, spinach, garlic, onions, radishes, potatoes

Increased gas formation can be caused by:

  • chewing gum and candy;
  • any sweets;
  • fatty fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggs.

This problem is often faced by people who come to other countries and eat food that is unusual for their stomach. Also, the pathological condition occurs against the background of combining incompatible products.

For example:

  1. Fermented milk products, in particular kefir, with fresh baked goods.
  2. Cereals and dairy products.
  3. Sour fruits and vegetables that have not undergone heat treatment, with grains.

Factors that provoke gas formation include:

  1. Eating stale food.
  2. Eating mushrooms, meat and fish dishes, eggs before a night's rest.
  3. Eating sweet peppers or cucumbers fresh, without dressing.
  4. Drinking any liquid after dishes that contain seasonings.

Increased gas formation in infants

Almost every baby faces the problem of gas, which causes severe anxiety and is often accompanied by intestinal colic.

This leads to:

  • instability of the digestive tract;
  • improper introduction of complementary foods;
  • transfer to artificial mixtures;
  • violation of the diet by a nursing mother;
  • sudden change of milk formula;
  • penetration into the digestive tract during meals large quantity air;
  • overfeeding the baby.

To relieve the baby from discomfort, mothers should use various means prescribed by pediatricians:

  1. It is recommended to massage your tummy regularly.
  2. It is recommended to give babies dill water.
  3. In some cases, specialists prescribe medications.

How to prevent excessive gas accumulation

To prevent the occurrence of a pathological condition, people should follow the recommendations of specialists:

  1. It is necessary to normalize your diet and eat at the same time.
  2. The daily diet should be divided into six meals.
  3. Experts recommend eating small portions to prevent overeating.
  4. Conversations are not allowed during meals.
  5. The process of food absorption should be slow so that each piece penetrates the esophagus in a chewed state.
  6. After meals you should not go to bed. People should take walks.
  7. It is not recommended to eat before going to bed. If a person feels hungry, he can drink a glass of kefir.
  8. For evening meals you need to prepare light dishes.
  9. Experts recommend giving up the habits of watching TV and reading while eating, as they lead to indigestion.

The diet of people who often face the problem of increased gas formation should contain heat-treated foods. Experts recommend steaming, baking, boiling or stewing.

The list of products that can prevent the occurrence of a pathological condition can be expanded:

  • bakery products that were baked without adding yeast;
  • crumbly porridges prepared from the following cereals: millet, buckwheat, rice;
  • fermented milk products, which include fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, natural yoghurts;
  • low-fat varieties of fish and meat: cod, turkey, chicken;
  • vegetables and fruits that have undergone heat treatment.

People can use spices in the cooking process to prevent flatulence. For example, fennel, marjoram, cumin. They can be added to dishes that are difficult for the stomach to digest. Thanks to the presence of spices, patients will be able to ease the digestive process. Mint and ginger rhizome can prevent the occurrence of a pathological condition. These spices can be added not only to dishes, but also to prepare drinks from them. Adults, as well as young patients, can regularly drink dill or caraway water. You can also use special medications prescribed by doctors and use traditional recipes.

Everyone probably knows what flatulence is. It’s not a very pleasant problem that even doctors are embarrassed to talk about out loud. And it’s clear why.

There is something indecent about her. Imagine the suffering of a sick person in society. He is still ready to endure moderate cramps or when his stomach is inflated like a ball. But if suddenly, without his knowledge, or does something even worse...

Doctors, by virtue of their profession, talk about these symptoms without blushing. People have always laughed at this - such jokes are among the most popular. But in high culture, everything related to flatulence is taboo, like everything that belongs to the sphere of the “bottom of the body.” Meanwhile, this very low-lying phenomenon has a very high origin: the Greek word “meteoro” is translated as “heavenly phenomenon.”

Heaven in the stomach

And this connection between low and high is often present in the disease itself.

“The work of the intestines is very much connected with the head,” says Alexey Bueverov, gastroenterologist, MD, professor of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenova. “The intestinal nerve plexuses are closely interconnected with the central nervous system, and therefore various effects on the psyche are often reflected in digestion and vice versa.”

Doctors are well aware that other delicate gastrointestinal symptoms are often associated with psychological problems.

Many of them are sure that everyone around them sees (and hears) what their digestive system is doing, they experience a feeling of shame, guilt, and try not to be in in public places. But the most interesting thing is that most often these problems are not worth a damn. Their symptoms are not so striking, the disease is not severe or life-threatening at all (often it is just a functional disorder without any obvious changes in the intestines), but the brain refuses to believe it.

Thin and thick

“Moreover, even the amount of air in digestive system in such people it can often be normal, not enlarged, continues Alexey Bueverov. - Why do they feel bloating, pain and other symptoms of flatulence? They have a reduced threshold for pain sensitivity in the intestines, and therefore what is normal for others, they perceive as pathology. To treat such patients only proper diet and so-called antifoam drugs are not enough. They also need antispasmodics, and often drugs that affect the psyche and thereby increase the pain threshold.

With it, bacteria living in the large intestine enter the small intestine, an environment in which is almost sterile, and take root there. As they multiply, they cause fermentation and decay processes, which always release a lot of gases. This leads to flatulence. Such patients need to be treated with antibacterial drugs to destroy the invading bacteria.”

Products that cause gas formation:

  • all legumes;
  • all types of cabbage, radishes, turnips, radishes, Chinese salad;
  • onions, artichokes, mushrooms;
  • whole grains, bread and all cereals except rice;
  • grapes, pears, apples and peaches;
  • Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear);
  • sodas and juices;
  • milk and dairy products, including ice cream.

How to treat flatulence:

1. Antifoam drugs:

Medicines with simethicone (Espumizan, Disflatil, Bobotik, Antiflat Lannacher, Sab Simplex) destroy the foam in the form of gases in the intestines, as a result of which they are either absorbed into the blood or released out.

2. Enterosorbents:

Activated carbon (Carbopect, Carbosorb, Sorbex, Extrasorb).

Preparations based on lignin (Polyphepan, Filtrum-STI, Entegnin).

Smectites (Smectite, Diosmectite, Neosmectin) - adsorb gases, toxins, bacteria. But their activity should not be overestimated.

3. Antispasmodics:

Medicines with drotaverine (No-shpa, Nosh-Bra, Spakovin, Spazoverin, Ple-Spa, Spazmol, Bioshpa, Spazmonet, a lot of just drotaverine) and hyoscine (Buscopan).

4. Combined drugs:

Meteospasmil (antispasmodic alverine + smectite).

Enzymes with antifoam (Pankreoflat, Pepfiz).

Gas formation is a problem that everyone has encountered. There may be several reasons for its occurrence, but they all boil down to a violation of the diet or quality of nutrition. This condition causes discomfort and requires mandatory treatment.

Increased accumulation of gases can be observed in the stomach or intestines. In the first case, they come out in the form of belching, in the second they manifest themselves as flatulence. One way or another, the problem requires a mandatory solution. First of all, it is worth understanding which foods contribute to increased gas formation.

As a rule, gases are formed as a result of the vital activity of bacteria located in the intestines, but their amount is determined by the nature of the food and the method of its consumption. So, if you eat quickly and chew poorly, a lot of air will get into the digestive tract along with the food, which will cause the problem to develop. Also, the amount of gas increases when a person consumes large quantities of foods that promote gas formation.

What contributes to increased gas formation?

  1. Eating foods that promote gas accumulation.
  2. Binge eating.
  3. Talking while eating.
  4. Poor chewing of food.
  5. Eating food quickly.
  6. Combination of some incompatible products.
  7. As a result of the manifestation allergic reaction for one of the foods eaten.

In connection with the above, the solution to the problem depends to a large extent on the quality of nutrition. But it’s worth noting right away that it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to completely avoid eating foods that cause gas, since their list is quite wide.

What foods cause gas formation in the intestines?

If increased accumulation of gases in the intestines often bothers you, be sure to review your diet and, if possible, give up the foods listed below or reduce their amount.

  • Dairy products. After consuming them, diarrhea and flatulence often occur. This is explained by the insufficient content of lactose in them, an enzyme that ensures normal digestion.
  • Legumes. They contribute to this problem due to their complex carbohydrate content.
  • Flour products, confectionery containing yeast, especially black bread, bran.
  • Carbonated drinks: mineral water, lemonade, kvass.
  • Alcohol.
  • Vegetables containing coarse fiber: potatoes, radishes, onions, garlic, tomatoes, spinach, sorrel, white cabbage, turnips, corn, asparagus.
  • Some fruits in raw form, in particular apples, prunes, pears, grapes, peaches, cherries.
  • Chewing candies, gum.

As a rule, foods that increase gas formation consist of complex carbohydrates, which require the body a lot of effort and time to digest, which causes the problem to develop. These include fatty, fried dishes, for example, pork, lamb, goose. Eating eggs, fatty fish, mushrooms, and sweets can also trigger flatulence.

In some cases, increased accumulation of gases is caused by the presence in the diet of food that is unusual for our climate zone. This is explained by the unpreparedness of the digestive canal to fully process overseas delicacies. These can be pineapples, peaches, bananas and other fruits.

Even if a product does not belong to this group, but can lead to constipation, it also poses a threat, since such a disorder is always accompanied by flatulence. We are talking about rice, potatoes and fatty fish.

Wrong combination

Sometimes the cause of the development of pathology is a combination of certain dishes that are incompatible with each other. These are:

  • fresh bakery products with kefir;
  • dairy products and cereals;
  • cereals and fresh sour vegetables and fruits.

The following factors can also influence the occurrence of flatulence:

  • Stale food.
  • cucumbers, Bell pepper without any dressing or not thermally treated.
  • Eating protein foods before bed: eggs, fish, meat dishes, mushrooms.
  • If you wash down any dish with liquid, especially when it contains seasonings.

If possible, it is better not to combine foods that provoke the formation of excess gases in the intestines.

What foods do not cause gas in the intestines?

If you suffer from such a problem, it is worth reviewing and adjusting your usual diet. It is worth including products that reduce the formation of gases. These include:

  • lean meat, fish: chicken, turkey, cod;
  • fermented milk foods: kefir, yoghurts, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
  • crumbly dishes made from rice, buckwheat, millet; The first grain is especially useful;
  • bread without yeast, preferably wheat;
  • vegetables and fruits that have undergone heat treatment.

To reduce the likelihood of gas formation, you need to eat baked, boiled, steamed foods. It is also worth using spices that reduce the risk of flatulence. These are cumin, marjoram, fennel. They can be combined with difficult-to-digest foods to ease digestion. Ginger and mint can also prevent the development of the problem. They are recommended to be added to tea or desserts.

Flatulence in infants

Often the problem of excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines worries babies. There are several reasons for this:

  1. instability of the digestive tract;
  2. violation of the diet by the mother while breastfeeding;
  3. early introduction of complementary foods or sudden change of formula;
  4. overfeeding the child;
  5. air entering the digestive canal during eating.

All this leads to bloating. In infants, this process is called colic. You can get rid of it in several ways; only a pediatrician can determine which one is appropriate in a particular situation. As a rule, medications, dill water and abdominal massage are prescribed. In order not to suffer from such a problem, you should follow basic nutrition rules. First of all, you need to stop overeating and divide the daily amount of food into 5-6 meals. You also need to eat slowly and try not to talk while eating.

After eating, it is better to walk, but under no circumstances lie down. Prepare light meals for dinner. A few hours before bedtime it is better not to eat anything at all. Regular nutrition is also important. It has been proven that eating while watching TV or reading leads to indigestion, so such habits should be abandoned.
