Mehdi Hanifa oglu Huseynzade: biography. Hero of the Soviet Union Mehdi Huseynzade - Yugoslav and Italian partisan Mikhailo! Who was Mehdi Hussein Zadeh

Mehdi Huseynzade was born on December 22, 1918 in the village of Novkhany, Baku province, in the family of the future chief of the Baku city police, Hanif Huseynzade, who participated after the establishment of Soviet power in the fight against banditry in the territory of Azerbaijan. In 1936 he graduated from the Baku Art School, then studied at the Leningrad Institute of Foreign Languages, and in 1940, returning to Baku, he continued his education at the Azerbaijan pedagogical institute named after V. I. Lenin! Mehdi was truly a comprehensively developed person!

Having lost his parents early, he, along with his sisters Pikya and Khurriyet, was brought up by his aunt, his father's sister, Sanam xanim.

Mehdi was a mischievous child, and aunt Sanam often punished him for pranks, although she loved him very much. No one could have thought that this child had so much kindness, tenderness, devotion and love for others.

When 24-year-old Bakuvian Mehdi Huseynzade was sent from the Tbilisi military school to the Stalingrad front, he already had a premonition of an early death, which he wrote about in a poem that he sent to his sisters in Baku in May 1942: "I'm afraid that I will die young ..." But how could he know that after just a little over two years this premonition would come true, and he himself will become a hero of three countries - the USSR, Yugoslavia and Italy ...

On June 22, 1941, fascist troops invaded the territory Soviet Union. All over the country, military units were urgently mobilized. Young people daily, in tens of thousands, voluntarily joined the ranks of the Red Army. This fate did not bypass Mehdi Huseynzade. In August 1941, he entered the army, where, after graduating from the military infantry school, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant and sent to the front, into the thick of it - near Stalingrad.

At the front, Mehdi Huseynzade demonstrates only his best qualities to his comrades-in-arms. He steadfastly endures all the hardships and hardships of military field life. He is appointed commander of a mortar platoon, where, despite his 22-year-old age, he becomes a real authority among his comrades, since in communicating with them he is always simple and easily finds a common language with almost every person.

A year after his entry into the Red Army, Mehdi Huseynzade is seriously wounded. Seriously wounded, he was taken prisoner by fascist troops and sent to Germany.

After recovery, in the city of Mirgorod, Poltava region, he was enrolled in the Azerbaijani Legion of the Wehrmacht and sent to Germany. At the school of translators near Berlin, he studied German for 3 months. After successfully completing the course in April 1943, he was sent to Shtrans to form the 162nd Turkestan division of the Wehrmacht. He served in the department 1-C (propaganda and counterintelligence) of the headquarters of the 314th regiment of this division. In September 1943, the 162nd Turkestan Division was sent to Italy to suppress partisan movement. While in Italy in Trieste, he established contact with the Yugoslav partisans operating in the Slovenian Primorye of the Adriatic and, together with two other servicemen of the division - Azerbaijanis Javad Khakimli and Asad Kurbanov, escaped. Thanks to local patriots, M. Huseynzade and J. Khakimli managed to reach the partisans and soon fought as part of the 9th Yugoslav-Italian partisan corps.

J. Hakimli created a company of "Ruska couple" here, and Mehdi became his deputy for political affairs and intelligence officer of the detachment. A little later, for unique insolence acts of sabotage, Mehdi was enlisted in the headquarters of the 9th Corps. Knowledge German language and the orders in the fascist army, which he had acquired earlier in the legion, made it possible for Mehdi and his group to penetrate into the places where the Germans gathered and commit sabotage. Having received the nickname "Mikhailo", he led a sabotage group and became one of the largest partisan saboteurs of the Second World War. Mehdi spoke English, Spanish, German, Russian, Turkish and French. Mikhailo also drew beautifully, played the tar and composed poetry, and also knew sapper business very well and drove a car perfectly.

His first operation as a saboteur, "Mikhailo" conducted everything in the same city of Trieste in April 1944. In the cinema "Opchina", where the entire local elite of the Wehrmacht gathered, he set a time bomb. The bomb worked very accurately: after a powerful explosion, more than 80 fascist officers were killed and another 260 were seriously injured. But Mikhail did not stop there.

A few days later, the local Soldiers' House of the Wehrmacht was blown up. The explosion killed and seriously injured more than 450 German soldiers. For the first time, the fascist command puts a reward of 100,000 Reichsmarks on the head of Mehdi Huseynzade!

In the Italian fascist newspaper "Il Piccolo" there was an article "A terrorist attack on the "German soldiers' house", which officially states: "Yesterday, on Saturday, the communist elements carried out a terrorist attack on the "German soldiers' barracks" in Trieste, which cost lives some German soldiers and some Italian citizens."

At the end of April 1944, Mehdi, together with his comrades Hans Fritz and Ali Tagiyev, blew up the bridge near the Postaino railway station. As a result of this sabotage, a German train of 24 cars crashed. A few days later, by decision of the partisan headquarters, Mikhailo executed Gestapo officer N. Kartner.

In June 1944, the explosion of the officer's casino. As a result of the explosion, 150 Nazis were killed and 350 wounded. The explosion of the military hotel "Deutsche Ubernachtungheim" - 250 killed and wounded soldiers and officers.

Only in the first half of 1944 did German losses in personnel from the activities of the sabotage group "Mikhailo" amounted to more than 1,000 people. The reward for the head of a partisan appointed by the occupation authorities rose to 300,000 Reichsmarks.

Mehdi performed many acts of sabotage in German uniform. In September of the same year, Mehdi Huseynzade, in the form of a German technical service officer, entered the enemy airfield and, using delayed action mines, blew up 2 aircraft, 23 military garages and 25 vehicles.

IN next month partisans under the command of Mikhailo organized a daring raid on the fascist local prison in the city of Oudinot (Northern Italy). Mehdi, in the uniform of a Wehrmacht officer, together with two partisans, who were also disguised as German soldiers, accompanied by "prisoners", approached the gates of the German prison and demanded that the guards open the gates. As soon as they were on the territory of the prison, Huseynzade and his partisans disarmed the guards and opened the doors of all cells, freeing 700 prisoners of war, including 147 Soviet soldiers. The next day, the fascist radio broadcast that the prison had allegedly been attacked by a 3,000-strong partisan division. In a letter to his sister Khurriyet, while still at the front, Mehdi writes: “I don’t know whether I will survive or not, but I give you my word that you won’t have to lower your head because of me, and someday you will hear about me. If I die then I will die like a hero - the death of the brave"

The Germans set a fantastic reward of 400 thousand Reichsmarks for the head of Mehdi Huseynzade, but Mehdi continued to remain elusive. On behalf of the command of the 9th Corps of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia, Huseynzade created and led a reconnaissance group of saboteurs at the headquarters of the 31st division named after. Gradnik.

Mehdi Huseynzade begins to carry out his acts of sabotage right under the noses of the Germans. Once, dressed in a Nazi military uniform, he alone on a motorcycle drove up to a company of marching Nazis and opened fire on them from a machine gun. He killed more than 20 German soldiers, and while the rest of the company was at a loss, "Mikhailo" managed to escape safely.

Fulfilling his tasks, Mehdi Huseynzade repeatedly used against the Nazis the skills and knowledge that he was instilled in the Azerbaijani Legion of the Wehrmacht, under the command of German officers. The Germans themselves taught "Mikhailo" all the subtleties military intelligence, technologies for undermining and sabotage. When they realized this - it was already too late - their anger knew no bounds. And Mehdi Huseynzade, meanwhile, continued to perform his exploits.

Mehdi was well-read, knew by heart many works of the classics of Azerbaijani and Oriental literature, infected his comrades with his cheerfulness and optimism. From all operations, Mehti returned alive and unharmed, and even managed to tell jokes, sang, wrote poetry, painted landscapes of Slovenia, having won the sympathy and respect of his comrades.

But, alas, not without a traitor. Upon learning that Mehdi was instructed to carry out an operation to remove uniforms from the Nazi warehouses, the Nazis attacked the trail of the partisans and pursued them to the village of Vitovlye, where the tragedy broke out. The Nazis, having surrounded the village, demanded to indicate the house where Mikhailo was hiding, otherwise they threatened to burn the entire village.

But no matter how the Germans tried to find his shelter, they did not succeed. Local residents flatly refused to extradite the partisan. When a German officer threatened to shoot them for this, “Mikhailo” himself came out of his hiding place and opened fire on the Nazis. Mehdi gave his life dearly. After a short battle, he killed 25 armed opponents. Mehdi himself received 8 bullet wounds, but, nevertheless, continued to fight. When Mehdi Huseynzade discovered that he had practically no cartridges left, he put a bullet in his heart, not wanting to surrender to the fascist invaders.

I would like to note that, despite the fact that in the archive file of M. Huseynzade, one of the references says that the Germans mocked the body of Mehdi, mutilated his face, gouged out his eyes, etc. (FPC, file: No. 159, 2., p. 7.), however, this did not correspond to reality and was completely refuted by the surviving witness of those events, Javad Hakimli, who later personally washed the body of Mehdi according to Muslim customs.
Mikhailo's sense of fear was at zero, he was a brave, impudent partisan who caused panic among the Germans" - this is how his fighting friends spoke about the legendary Mikhailo - Hero of the Soviet Union Mehdi Huseynzade.

In 1957 legendary scout, anti-fascist Mehdi Huseynzade was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He was also posthumously awarded the Yugoslav orders and the Italian medal "For military valor", which is equivalent to the status of the National Hero of Italy. By order of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, a monument to the hero was opened in the center of Baku in 1973. And on October 25, 2007, the bust of Mikhailo was installed in Slovenia, in the village of Shempas.

Being in Slovenia at the opening ceremony of the monument to Mikhailo, his nephew, doctor Mehdi Azizbekov, met with the hero's fighting friends. Slovenian veterans, paying tribute to the memory of their brother-soldier, noted that Mihailo was a very brave man. And Angela Persic, a resident of Shempas village, said: “Everyone loved him. He said, "I'm here to make you happy."

"... Near Chepovan and now there is a stone with an inscription carved on it:
"Sleep, our beloved Mehdi, glorious son of the Azerbaijani people! Your feat in the name of freedom will forever remain in the hearts of your friends"

The prototype of Mehdi Huseynzade is found in the story "On distant shores" by Imran Kasumov and Gasan Seyidbeyli. In 1958, based on the story, the film studio "Azerbaijanfilm" shot the feature film "On Distant Shores", the premiere of which, according to the State Film Committee of the USSR, at that time was attended by almost 60 million viewers. And in 2008 at the studio "Salname" filmed documentary"Mikhailo". In 1963, the memoirs of one of Mehdi Javad Hakimli’s comrades, entitled “Intigam” (“Revenge”), were published, which described the military exploits of “Mikhailo”, talked about the everyday life of the first partisan shock brigade and the Ruska Cheta company. On May 9, 1978, a monument to Mehdi Huseynzade was unveiled in Baku. A football stadium in Sumgayit, an embankment in Mingechaur, high school in the village of Novkhani (Baku), streets in Baku and Terter. In the village of Sempas (Slovenia), a bust of the hero was erected. On December 29, 2008, the National Museum of ANAS hosted Scientific Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Mehdi Huseynzade.

From childhood we grew up on the example of this hero!

Eternal memory to the hero!

According to materials:,,


He had many talents. He could become an artist, he could become a poet, he could become a musician, he could become a translator. And he became a hero. A book was written about him, and more than one, a feature film and several documentaries were shot, streets, embankments and schools in different cities, a ship, a stadium were named after him, a stamp was issued in his honor, museums were opened, several monuments, busts and memorials were erected - in Baku, in Novkhany, in the Slovenian cities of Nova Gorica and Chepovan.

He was known under the name Mikhailo. In fact, this simple Azerbaijani guy was called Mehdi Huseynzade. He was born on December 22, 1918 in the village of Novkhany, in the family of the future chief of the Baku city police, Hanif Huseynzade, who participated in the fight against banditry in the territory of Azerbaijan after the Sovietization of the republic.

In 1936, Mehdi, who had a penchant for drawing since childhood, graduated from the Baku Art School, after which he was sent as a drawing teacher to primary school in Surakhany. At the same time, he worked in the library, in particular, he was the head of the reading room of the library. Abbas Sahhat, worked in the library. M.Azizbekova.

Then Mehdi went to study in Leningrad - he wanted to enter the Academy of Arts. It did not work out, and he entered the Institute of Foreign Languages. In 1940, he achieved a transfer to the second year of the Faculty of Language and Literature of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute. IN AND. Lenin. The reason for the translation is the love of poetry and literature.

Mehdi, although he was brought up under the Soviet regime and was not an aristocrat by origin, belonged to that cohort of the Azerbaijani intelligentsia, whose representatives, from pre-revolutionary times, declared themselves to the whole world as diversified and encyclopedically educated people.

Having lost his parents early, he, along with his sisters Pikya and Khurriyet, was brought up by his aunt, his father's sister, Sanam khanum. Mehdi was a mischievous child, and aunt Sanam often punished him for pranks, although she loved him very much. No one could have thought that this child had so much kindness, tenderness, devotion and love for others.

When the Great Patriotic War began, already on August 9, Mehdi joined the army and began to take a course at the Tbilisi Military Infantry School. As a creative and extraordinary person, he had a highly developed intuition and premonitions, and when he, a 24-year-old lieutenant, was sent from school to the Stalingrad front in 1942, he already had a premonition of an early death, which he wrote about in a poem , which he sent to the sisters in Baku in May of the same year: “I’m afraid that I’ll die young ...”

And in a letter to his younger sister Khurriyet, already at the front, Mehdi writes: “I don’t know if I will survive or not, but I give you my word that you won’t have to lower your head because of me, and someday you will hear about me. If I die, I will die like a hero - the death of the brave ... ".

How could he know that after quite a bit of time this premonition would come true, and he would really become a hero, moreover, of three countries - the USSR, Yugoslavia and Italy ...

At the front, Mehdi Huseynzade demonstrates only his best qualities to his comrades-in-arms. He steadfastly endures all the hardships and hardships of military field life. He is appointed commander of a mortar platoon, where, despite his age, he becomes a real authority among his comrades, since in communicating with them he is always simple and easily finds a common language with almost everyone.

A year after his entry into the Red Army, Mehdi Huseynzade is seriously wounded. Being unconscious, he is captured. After being cured in Mirgorod, Poltava region, Huseynzade was enlisted in the Azerbaijan Legion of the Wehrmacht and sent to Germany.

He understood that it was unrealistic to escape, and if fate threw him into the camp of enemies, he could and should benefit from this and benefit his country. At the school of translators near Berlin, Mehdi studied German for three months. After successfully completing the course in April 1943, he was sent to the city of Shtrans to form the 162nd Turkestan division of the Wehrmacht.

Mehdi Huseynzade served in the 1-C department (propaganda and counterintelligence) of the headquarters of the 314th regiment of this division. In September 1943, the 162nd Turkestan Division was sent to Italy to suppress the partisan movement. In October 1943, when the camp of Azerbaijani prisoners of war was located in Northern Italy, near Udine, Mehdi managed to obtain from the headquarters of the German command a plan for a surprise attack by the Nazis on the partisan detachment "Garibaldi". The squad managed to help.

While in Italy in Trieste, Mehdi established contact with the Yugoslav partisans operating in the Slovenian Primorye of the Adriatic and, together with two other servicemen of the division - Azerbaijanis Javad Hakimli and Asad Kurbanov - escaped. Thanks to local patriots, Huseynzade and Hakimli managed to reach the partisans and soon fought as part of the 9th Yugoslav-Italian partisan corps.

J. Hakimli created a company of "Ruska couple" here, and Mehdi became his deputy for political affairs and intelligence officer of the detachment. A little later, for unique insolence acts of sabotage, Mehdi was enlisted in the headquarters of the 9th Corps. Knowledge of German and the order in the fascist army made it possible for Mehdi and his group to penetrate into places where Germans congregate and commit sabotage.

He was well-read, knew by heart many works of the classics of Azerbaijani and Oriental literature, and infected his comrades with his cheerfulness and optimism. From all operations, Mehdi returned alive and unharmed, and even managed to tell jokes, sang, played the tar, wrote poetry, painted landscapes of Slovenia, having won the sympathy and respect of his comrades in arms.

Having received the underground nickname "Mikhailo", Mehdi led a sabotage group and became one of the largest guerrilla saboteurs of the Second World War, which historians of many countries will write about in the future research work. Possessing a penchant for languages ​​since childhood, Mehdi, in addition to Russian, French (after graduation) and German, spoke English, Spanish and Turkish. He also knew the sapper business very well and drove a car very well.

Mikhailo's sense of fear was at zero, "he was a brave, impudent partisan who caused panic among the Germans," his fighting friends spoke of the legendary Mikhailo, the future Hero of the Soviet Union Mehdi Huseynzade.

Slovenian partisan, military historian Stanko Petelin called him one of the best saboteurs in the entire 9th Corps. Partizan Mahar Mammadov wrote in his memoirs: “It was at the beginning of 1944. The Germans, the local population and the prisoners very often called the name Mikhailo, which was not very well known to us then. It was a mystery to us at the time. However, everything soon cleared up. We were honored to fight hand in hand with Mikhailo against the Nazis.

In carrying out his tasks, Mehdi used against the Nazis the skills and knowledge that he was given in the Azerbaijani Legion of the Wehrmacht. The Germans themselves taught him all the intricacies of military intelligence, the technology of undermining and sabotage. When they realized this, it was already too late - their anger knew no bounds. And Mehdi Huseynzade, meanwhile, continued to perform his feats.

He spent his first operation as a saboteur in the same Trieste in April 1944. In the cinema "Opchina", where the entire local elite of the Wehrmacht gathered, he set a time bomb. The bomb worked accurately: after a powerful explosion, more than 80 fascist officers were killed and another 260 were seriously injured. But Michael did not stop there.

A few days later, the local Soldiers' House of the Wehrmacht was blown up. The explosion killed and seriously injured more than 450 German soldiers. For the first time, the fascist command placed a reward of 100,000 Reichsmarks on the head of Mehdi Huseynzade.

In the Italian fascist newspaper "Il Piccolo" there was an article "A terrorist attack on the German soldiers' house", which officially states: "Yesterday, on Saturday, the communist elements carried out a terrorist attack on the German soldiers' barracks in Trieste, which cost the lives of some German soldiers and some Italian citizens."

At the end of April 1944, Mehdi with comrades Hans Fritz and Ali Tagiyev blew up the bridge near the Postayno railway station. As a result of this sabotage, a German train of 24 cars crashed. A few days later, by decision of the partisan headquarters, Mikhailo executed Gestapo officer N. Kartner.

In June 1944 there was an explosion in the officers' casino. As a result, 150 Nazis were killed and 350 wounded. Then there was the explosion of the military hotel "Deutsche Ubernachtungheim": 250 killed and wounded soldiers and officers. Only in the first half of 1944, the losses of the Germans in personnel from the activities of the sabotage group Mikhailo amounted to more than a thousand people. The reward for the head of a partisan appointed by the occupation authorities rose to 300 thousand Reichsmarks.

Mehdi performed many acts of sabotage in German uniform. In September of the same year, in the form of a German technical service officer, he entered the enemy airfield and, using delayed action mines, blew up 2 aircraft, 23 military garages and 25 vehicles.

The following month, guerrillas under Mehdi staged a daring raid on a fascist local prison in the northern Italian city of Oudinot. Mehdi, in the uniform of a Wehrmacht officer, together with two partisans, also dressed in German uniforms, accompanied by “prisoners”, approached the gates of the Nazi prison and demanded that the guards open the gates.

As soon as the partisans were on the territory, Huseynzade and his partisans disarmed the guards and opened the doors of all the cells, freeing 700 prisoners of war, including 147 Soviet soldiers. The next day, the fascist radio broadcast that the prison had allegedly been attacked by a 3,000-strong partisan division.

According to the memoirs of Javad Hakimli, “Mehdi inspired such fear that the Germans were even afraid to go into the city alone”, “it seemed to them that Mikhailo was the name of a large detachment commanded by a hero.” Now the Germans set a fantastic reward of 400 thousand Reichsmarks for the head of Mehdi Hussein-zade, but he continued to remain elusive. On behalf of the command of the 9th Corps of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia, Huseynzade created and led a reconnaissance group of saboteurs at the headquarters of the 31st division named after. Gradnik.

Mehdi begins to commit his sabotage right under the noses of the Germans. Once, again dressed in a Nazi uniform, he alone on a motorcycle drove up to a company of marching Nazis and opened fire on them from a machine gun. He killed more than 20 German soldiers, and while the rest of the company was at a loss, managed to escape safely.

Fighting in the distant Adriatic, Mehdi Huseynzade did not stop remembering his homeland. In one of his poems, he recalls his homeland with exceptional warmth:

I wanted to become a crimson autumn leaf,
For a gust of wind to take me,
And, lifting over the forests, over the snowy ridge,
On the native side would have lowered me ...

Another quatrain, written at the end of 1943, very characteristically testifies to his love for the fatherland:

You nursed and raised me in your arms.
I am ready to sacrifice myself to you, Motherland!
I won't let foreign hands defile you
Know that I am your faithful son, Motherland!

He would have continued to be a faithful son of his homeland and, perhaps, would have remained alive, but, alas, there was a traitor. Upon learning that Mehdi was instructed to carry out an operation to remove uniforms from the Nazi warehouses, the Nazis attacked the trail of the partisans and pursued them to the village of Vitovle, where the tragedy broke out. The Nazis, having surrounded the village, demanded to indicate the house where Mikhailo was hiding, otherwise they threatened to burn the entire village.

But no matter how hard the Germans tried to find his shelter, they did not succeed: the locals flatly refused to extradite the partisan. When a German officer threatened them with execution, Mehdi himself came out of his hiding place and opened fire on the Nazis.

The Azerbaijani hero sold his life dearly. After a short battle, he killed 25 armed opponents. Mehdi himself received eight (!) bullet wounds, but, nevertheless, continued to fight. When he discovered that he had practically no cartridges left, he put a bullet in his heart, not wanting to surrender. Mehdi Huseynzade died on November 2, 1944.

I would like to note that, despite the fact that in the archive file of Mehdi Huseynzade, one of the references says that the Germans mocked the hero’s body, mutilated his face, gouged out his eyes, etc., nevertheless, this was not true and was completely refuted by the surviving witness of those events, Javad Hakimli, who later personally washed the body of Mehdi according to Muslim customs.

Mehdi Huseynzade was buried by local residents, then his body was reburied by the partisans of the 2nd "Russian" battalion of the 18th Slovenian shock Bazovitsky brigade in the cemetery of the village of Chepovan. A wooden pyramid with an attached iron plate was installed on his grave with the inscription: “Comrade Mehdi Huseynov (Mikhailo) is buried here ... He died a heroic death on 2-XI-1944.”

The role and activity of Mehdi Huseynzade in the ranks of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia (NOLA) was not known to the general public of the Soviet Union for a long time. Only on May 31, 1956, the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda, based on the memoirs of the former partisan V. Sokolov, published the article “The Courage of the Partisan”, dedicated to the exploits of Mikhailo. Later, in October of the same year, another former partisan G.A. Zhilyaev wrote down "Memories of Mehdi Huseynzade (Mikhailo)", handing over the manuscript to the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the AzSSR.

The Institute soon collected a significant amount of materials about the exploits of the partisan, in accordance with which the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, Imam Mustafayev, sent a secret letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU. The KGB of the AzSSR launched a secret investigation, which confirmed the heroism of Lieutenant M. Huseynzade during the Second World War on the territory of Yugoslavia and Italy.

F. Kopylov wrote to the Central Committee of the AzSSR: "The Embassy of the USSR in Yugoslavia turned to the Yugoslav competent authorities with a request to additionally check and document the activities of Huseynzade in the Yugoslav partisan formation."

The investigation ended with the receipt of information confirming the exploits of the Soviet lieutenant; the Yugoslav side also presented additional documents. As a result, by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 11, 1957, Mehdi Huseynzade was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).

He was also posthumously awarded the Yugoslav orders and the Italian medal "For military valor", which is equivalent to the status of the National Hero of Italy. By order of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, a monument to the hero was opened in the center of Baku in 1973. And on October 25, 2007, a bust of Mikhailo was installed in Slovenia, in the village of Shempas. Subsequently, other memorials were opened.

In 1958, Imran Kasumov and Gasan Seyidbeyli wrote the story "On the Distant Shores". The prototype of the main character was Mehdi Huseynzade. In the same year, a feature film of the same name based on the story was shot at the Azerbaijanfilm film studio, the premiere of which, according to the USSR State Film Committee, at that time was attended by almost 60 million viewers.

In 1963, the memoirs of comrade Mehdi Javad Hakimli were published under the title "Intigam" ("Revenge"), which described the military exploits of Mikhailo, told about the everyday life of the first partisan shock brigade and the "Ruska couple" company. On Victory Day, May 9, 1978, a monument to Mehdi Huseynzade was unveiled in Baku.

In December 2012, Slovenia hosted the presentation of the novel by the writer P. Amelietti entitled “One for All or Mihailo's Revenge” about the legendary partisan Mehdi Huseynzade. In 2008, the documentary film "Mikhailo" was filmed at the "Salname" studio.

*All photos and images belong to their respective owners. The logo is a measure against unauthorized use.

G Usein-zade Mehdi Hanifa oglu (Mikhailo) - Yugoslav partisan.

Born December 22, 1918 in Baku in a working class family. Azerbaijani. In 1932 he entered the Azerbaijan Art School and successfully completed it. In 1937, Mehdi became a student at the Leningrad Institute of Foreign Languages. And in 1940, returning to Baku, he continued his education at the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin. In the Soviet Army since 1941. He graduated from the Tbilisi Military Infantry School in 1942.

In the battles of the Great Patriotic War since July 1942. In August 1942, seriously wounded, Hussein-Zade was captured, was in prisoner of war camps in Italy, Yugoslavia. In early 1944, he fled with a group of comrades. With the Yugoslav partisans he participated in the resistance movement in Yugoslavia and Northern Italy. Killed in action November 2, 1944.

W The title of Hero of the Soviet Union Mehdi Huseynzade was posthumously awarded on April 11, 1957.

Awarded the Order of Lenin. He was buried in the town of Chepovan (west of the city of Ljubljana, Yugoslavia). A monument to the Hero was erected in Baku. A secondary school, a steamboat, streets in the cities of Azerbaijan are named after him.

M Numerous combat episodes from the life of a courageous Azerbaijani partisan spoke of his unusual courage, dexterity, and resourcefulness. Mehdi (Mikhailo) was fluent in several languages, knew engineering, and was an excellent driver of a car.

Being in a Nazi concentration camp, Mehdi Huseynzade created an underground anti-fascist organization. She played a big role in preparing a mass escape from German captivity of prisoners who joined the Yugoslav partisans.

A special detachment of scouts-saboteurs led by Mikhailo terrified and feared the enemy. Mehdi Hussein-zade either in the form of a German officer, or in the clothes of a poor peasant appeared in the cities and villages of the Adriatic, collected intelligence data necessary for the partisans, organized sabotage, where and in what way he could harm the Nazis.

Once Hussein-zade organized an explosion of the cinema building, in which there were Nazi soldiers and officers. 80 fascists were killed, 110 seriously wounded. Somewhat later, Mehdi's detachment blew up the Nazi canteen in Trieste. As a result of this sabotage, many fascists were killed and wounded.

One day, on a summer day in 1944, a brave partisan made his way to a large Nazi gas depot in the suburbs of Gorizia. With a delayed action mine, he blew up this warehouse. Three weeks later, a second fuel storage facility was set on fire nearby.

Mehdi, together with his detachment of reconnaissance saboteurs, blew up bridges, destroyed warehouses, enemy vehicles, exterminated the Nazis and their accomplices, pulled out local patriots and Soviet prisoners of war from fascist captivity.

IN In the city of Udina (Northern Italy), the Germans imprisoned 700 local patriots and Soviet prisoners of war. Those arrested faced certain death. The headquarters of the partisan detachment decided to free the slaves. This risky and daring operation was entrusted to Mehdi. Putting on the uniform of a German officer, he entered the prison with a small group of partisans, disarmed the guards and released all those arrested, among whom were 147 Soviet soldiers who were taken prisoner.

The next day, the fascist radio reported that a 3,000-strong partisan division allegedly attacked the prison ...

Bold and daring was the raid of the reconnaissance hero on a German airfield, where he also penetrated under the guise of a Hitlerite technical service officer. He managed to blow up several planes with the help of delayed action mines.

All the feats accomplished by Mehdi cannot be counted. At the end of 1944, he made one of his most daring operations.

A car drove up to the officer's casino, where the Nazis were carousing. From it with a suitcase in hand came out in the form of the captain of the Nazi army Hussein-zade. He appeared in the hall. Welcoming the tipsy company, Mehdi sat down at the table, put the suitcase he had brought against the wall. Some time later, the imaginary officer left this institution. Already on the way to the mountains, Mehdi, together with his Slovenian comrade, heard an explosion. And this time, many fascist officers were killed and wounded. The brutalized fascists set a reward in the amount of 400 thousand liras for Mehdi's head. But the brave partisan was elusive. Behind short term he committed several more daring acts of sabotage. So, one day he broke into a bank, captured and delivered a million Italian lire to the partisan headquarters.

November 16, 1944 year Hussein-zade went to perform the next combat mission. He was supposed to blow up a German ammunition depot. Having successfully completed this task, Mehdi returned to the headquarters of the corps. In the village of Vitovlye, he stumbled upon a fascist ambush. The hero fired back until the cartridges ran out. He fired the last bullet into his heart.

Mehdi Hanifa ogly Huseynzade (Mikhailo) (Azeri Mehdi Hənifə oğlu Huseynzadə; December 22 , Novkhany - November 2 , Vitovle, now Slovenia) - Soviet lieutenant, Yugoslav partisan and intelligence officer, famous for his daring sabotage against the German occupiers in Slovenian Littoral (Venice Giulia, Italy) during Second World War, headed sabotage and reconnaissance group at the headquarters of the 9th corps (English)Russian People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia ; Hero of the Soviet Union , Azerbaijani by nationality.

life path

Before the war

Mehdi Huseynzade was born on December 22 1918 in the village Novkhany Baku province. His father Ganif Huseynov (1881-1922), was one of the active fighters for the establishment Soviet power in Azerbaijan, a member Gummet. Later, he became the first head of the Azmilitsiya, participated in the fight against banditry in the territory of Azerbaijan, in last days During his life he worked as the head of the administrative department of the Baksovet. Having lost his father at an early age, M. Huseynzade first grew up with his mother, and then with his aunt.

Then M. Huseynzade went to Leningrad hoping to get into . However, he could not enter the Academy and, returning home, got a job in the library. M. Azizbekova. A year later, he again left for Leningrad, but this time he failed to enter. Then he enters the Faculty of French at. IN 1940 M. Huseynzade achieved a transfer to the second year of the Faculty of Language and Literature. The reason for the translation is the love of poetry and literature.


The house in Baku where Mehdi Huseynzade lived

Partisan "Mikhailo"

At the beginning of 1944, Mehdi Huseynzade with a group of comrades fled from the camp to Italy and joined the Yugoslav partisans of the 9th NOAU Corps operating in Slovenian Primorye. Here, from among the Azerbaijanis, a "Russian" company 4th battalion 3rd Slovenian People's Liberation Brigade "Ivan Gradnik". Company commander became Javad Hakimli, and the commissioner - Mehdi Huseynzade. The company was stationed in the village of Otlitsa, located near Mount Angel, north of the city Aydovshchyna. Since that time, M. Huseynzade became an active participant in the partisan movement in the region, acting under the partisan pseudonym "Mikhailo". Slovenian partisan, military historian Stanko Petelin (Slovenian)Russian calls him one of the best saboteurs in the entire 9th Corps. Partizan Mahar Mammadov wrote in his memoirs:

This was at the beginning of 1944. The Germans, the local population and prisoners very often called the name Mikhailo, which was not very well known to us then. It was a mystery to us at the time. However, everything soon cleared up. We were honored to fight hand in hand with Mikhailo against the Nazis.

In mid-January, Mikhailo, along with his fighters, captured the topographic maps of the enemy, which were of considerable importance. The following month, M. Huseynzade, in the form of a German officer, made his way to the German barracks and, placing a mine on fire extinguishers, blew up the central premises.

On April 2, Mehdi Huseynzade, together with Mirdamat Seyidov, blew up the cinema building in the village of Opchin during a film show ( Slovenian Opcine) located near the city Trieste. Having penetrated into the cinema hall, they quietly set a time bomb under the armchair, after which they left the building. As a result of the explosion, 80 German soldiers were killed, 60 were seriously injured, 200 were slightly injured; 40 of them died from their wounds in the hospital. In the same month, on April 22, Mikhailo committed a second major sabotage. On Via Gega, the building of the German restaurant "soldatenheim" - a soldier's house - was blown up. Disguised as German soldiers, M. Huseynzade and Mirdamat Seyidov entered the restaurant, after crushing the detonator ampoules. They took two places at the table and, leaving bags of explosives under the table, left the hall under the pretext of buying coupons, and then went out into the street. After the German restaurant blew up, the Nazis spent two days extracting the dead and wounded from under the ruins of the building. In the Italian fascist newspaper Il Piccolo (English)Russian On April 23, a note was posted that officially stated: Yesterday, Saturday communist elements carried out a terrorist attack on the "German soldiers' barracks" in Trieste, which cost the lives of some German soldiers and some Italian citizens» . Charged with bombing the Gestapo people from the barbershop located in the same building were seized and executed.

In the same Trieste, Mikhailo blew up the editorial office and printing house of the Il-Piccolo newspaper. After a while, Mehdi, together with his comrade Ali Tagiev and anti-fascist Hans Fritz, committed another sabotage by blowing up a bridge near the Postojna railway station, as a result of which a German freight train consisting of 24 wagons suffered a railway accident.

By decision of the partisan headquarters, Mikhailo and M. Seyidov executed Gestapo Major N. Kertner. At the end of the summer, on behalf of the command of the division, Mehdi Huseynzade, together with Akper Agayev, at the head of a platoon of partisans, conducted an operation against the retreating German unit. Many German soldiers and officers died in the battle, more than 10 enemy trucks were destroyed.

In September, Mehdi Huseynzade, in the form of a German technical service officer, entered the enemy airfield and, using delayed action mines, blew up 2 aircraft and 25 vehicles. In the same month, Mikhailo committed another act of sabotage. On a motorcycle in the form of a German officer, he approached the fascist company, which was without weapons on a training march, and, having shot more than 20 enemy soldiers from a machine gun, instantly disappeared. In the city Gorizia he managed to steal a German car with ammunition. In Opchina (English)Russian Mikhailo blew up the transformer of a high-voltage power plant.

In October, partisans under the command of Mikhailo organized a raid on the local prison. Hussein-zade, in the form of an officer Wehrmacht, together with two partisans, who were also disguised as German soldiers, accompanied by "prisoners", approached the gates of the German prison and demanded that the guards open the gates. As soon as they were on the territory of the prison, Huseynzade and his partisans disarmed the guards and opened the doors of all cells, freeing 700 prisoners of war, including 147 Soviet soldiers. The head of the prison was also captured and taken to the partisan headquarters. The next day, the fascist radio broadcast that the prison had allegedly been attacked by a 3,000-strong partisan division. In addition, during one of the actions, Mikhailo entered the bank, where he captured and then delivered to the partisan headquarters, a million Italian lira.

Fighting in the distant Adriatic, Huseynzade did not stop remembering his homeland. In one of his poems, he recalls his homeland with exceptional warmth:

I wanted to become a crimson autumn leaf,
For a gust of wind to take me,
And, lifting over the forests, over the snowy ridge,
On the native side would have lowered me ...

Another quatrain, written by him at the end of 1943 far from his homeland, testifies very characteristically to his love for his fatherland:

You nursed and raised me in your arms.
I am ready to sacrifice myself to you, Motherland!
I won't let foreign hands defile you
Know that I am your faithful son. Motherland!

The story of Javad Hakimli, chief of staff of the "Soviet" battalion 18th Slovenian Shock Bazovitskaya Brigade and close friend Mikhailo, differs in some details. According to him, the partisans spent the night in the basement. When the Germans surrounded them, Mikhailo, while trying to break through the cordon, was wounded and shot himself to avoid capture. D. Hakimli assumed that one of the local residents had betrayed the partisans.

The body of Mehdi Huseynzade was buried by local residents, then reburied by partisans of the 2nd "Russian" battalion of the 18th Slovenian brigade in the cemetery of the village of Chepovan. A wooden pyramid was installed on his grave with an attached iron plate with the inscription: “Comrade Mehdi Huseynov (Mikhailo) is buried here ... He died a heroic death on 2-XI-1944 in Vipava”.

As follows from the report of the headquarters of the 30th division to the command of the 9th corps of the NOAU dated November 9 1944, on the eve of the death of Mehdi Huseynzade, on the night of October 30-31, the Germans began to systematically concentrate their units on the outskirts of the Trnovsky plateau for subsequent offensive into territory controlled by the partisans. The German operation began October 31 from the side of the road Gorica - Aydovshchyna transfer of advanced units to the villages of Vitovle and Shmikhel ( Smihel). On the night of 31 to Nov. 1 patrol 19th Slovenian brigade established the presence of German troops on the way from Vitovle to the Trnovo road ( Trnovo) - Lokwe ( Lokve). At the same time, the patrol, which was sent by the partisans to Vitovla itself, ran into the Germans here near the Church of the Assumption Holy Mother of God. 1 - November 2 the Germans made a number of attempts to break through to the crest of the Trnovsko plateau. Fighting in the direction of the village of Trnovo continued until November 6.

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After death

The role and activities of Mehdi Huseynzade in the ranks NOAU for a long time was not known to the general public of the Soviet Union. May 31 1956 newspaper " Red Star”, based on the memoirs of the former partisan V. Sokolov, published the article “The Courage of the Partisan”, dedicated to the exploits of Mikhailo. Later, in October of the same year, another former partisan, G. A. Zhilyaev, wrote down “Memories of Mehdi Huseynzade (Mikhailo)”, handing over the manuscript to the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. The Institute soon collected a significant amount of material on the exploits of the partisan, in accordance with which the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan Imam Mustafaev sent a secret letter to Central Committee of the CPSU. The KGB of the Azerbaijan SSR launched a secret investigation confirming the heroism of Lieutenant Huseynzade during the Second World War in Yugoslavia and Italy. F. Kopylov wrote to the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR: "The Embassy of the USSR in Yugoslavia turned to the Yugoslav competent authorities with a request to additionally check and document the activities of Huseynzade in the Yugoslav partisan formation". The investigation ended with the receipt of information confirming the exploits of the Soviet lieutenant; the Yugoslav side also presented additional documents. As a result, the decree Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR April 11, 1957 Mehdi Huseynzade was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union(posthumously).

When in 1957 Yugoslavia was visited by a delegation of members of the partisan and anti-fascist movement, headed by S. A. Kovpak, then it included the commander of the operating on the territory Slovenia Soviet partisan battalion Anatoly Dyachenko. He left the following impressions from visiting the grave of Mehdi Huseynzade: "The Yugoslav people, in order to perpetuate the memory of our Mehdi, erected a wonderful monument on his grave. The grave is decorated with fresh flowers. They are brought daily to the hero's grave by local residents who have heard a lot about his brave and heroic deeds. The Yugoslavs begin their story about the glorious son of the Azerbaijani people with with the words "Our friend Mikhailo" .

On December 7, 2012, Slovenia hosted the presentation of the novel by the writer P. Amelietti entitled “One for All or Mihailo's Revenge” about the legendary partisan Mehdi Huseynzade.

Speaking at the event, Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Slovenia Azer Khudiyev spoke in detail about the exploits of Mehdi Huseynzade during the Second World War. The author of the book introduced the audience to the content of the novel. Then the documentary "Pseudonym Mikhailo" was shown.

Historians about Mehdi Huseynzade

The publication "History of the Second World War 1939-1945" categorizes Mehdi Huseynzade as a national hero of Yugoslavia.

Historian V.N. Kazak cites the data of Stanko Petelin-Voiko, the former chief of staff of the 31st division of the 9th corps of the NOAU, according to which, Mehdi Huseynzade alone destroyed about a thousand fascist invaders during various operations.

A. M. Sergienko, who studied the documents TsAMO RF, reports "great help" Mehdi Hussein-zade to a personnel officer GRU NGOs lieutenant colonel Ivan Petrovich Rybachenkov, who acted from June 1944 as a representative of the Soviet military mission at the headquarters of the 9th corps of the NOAU. The historian writes: “Knowing German perfectly well, he penetrated into the military establishments of the enemy, bringing valuable information. Great importance for the Soviet command they had data obtained by Rybachenkov and his assistants on the transfer of German units from Italy to Hungary.

The Yugoslav military historian Stanko Petelin dedicated a separate chapter to Mehdi Huseynzade in his monograph The Gradnikov Brigade. The historian believed that the saboteur Mikhailo destroyed more command cadres enemy than the entire 9th Corps during the entire period of its existence.

Information about the two largest acts of sabotage by Mehdi Huseynzade (from April 2 And April 22 1944) are included in the "Chronology of the People's Liberation War of 1941-1945". The reports of the headquarters of the 31st division and the 9th corps about these actions are presented in the collection of documents of the NOAU during the period of the people's liberation war in Yugoslavia, published by the Belgrade Military History Institute.

On the role of Soviet intelligence in the activities of Mehdi Huseynzade

The role of the representatives of the Soviet military mission in the activities of Mehdi Huseynzade's group remains unclear.

Mehdi Huseynzade's group acted as a separate sabotage unit of the 9th Corps. This information is also confirmed by Simon Vicic ( Simon Vicic), who was instructed to organize a secret courier connection between the reconnaissance group Mehdi Huseynzade and the head of the sabotage and reconnaissance group ( sabotazno skupino) 9th Corps in the area Gorishka Ivan Sulich ( Ivan Sulic), who bore the partisan pseudonym "Tsar" ( car). Vicic notes that Mehdi Huseynzade “…was a real type of scout. Never said his name. He was always just Mikhailo... No one knew where he came from... He spoke only with the "Tsar". October 30, 1944 during a meeting in the village of Renche ( Rence) Mehdi Huseynzade and "Tsar" previously discussed the advisability of joining the Soviet sabotage group to the "Tsar" unit. For the final solution of this issue, it was necessary to agree with the representative of the Soviet military mission and obtain the approval of the headquarters of the 9th Corps.

Analyzing the isolation of the group of Mehdi Huseynzade, the Slovenian researcher of the people's liberation war Marijan F. Krants ( Marijan F. Kranjc) puts forward a version about the work of Mehdi Huseynzade in the interests of Soviet intelligence on the instructions of employees of the Soviet military mission
