Orthopedic insoles types and purpose. How to choose insoles to make your shoes comfortable

Flat feet are a real “plague” of our time. According to doctors, it is diagnosed in half of the population. globe. The disease reduces the patient’s quality of life, leading to increased fatigue, constant pain, swelling, and other manifestations of discomfort. Correctly selected orthopedic insoles help to cope with these symptoms and prevent the development of pathology.

What is flat feet and what are its types?

Flat feet is a process of deformation of the foot, due to which its arches become lower and the foot loses its former shock-absorbing properties.

The load that previously fell on the feet falls on the knees and pelvic area, which provokes disruptions in their normal functioning. According to statistics, the pathology is diagnosed in 45% of the world's inhabitants, and is more common in women.

Foot deformity manifests itself with the following characteristic symptoms:

  • pain in the feet, lower back, hip, ankle;
  • severe fatigue of the legs after a hard day, a feeling of “fullness” of the legs with lead, swelling;
  • change in the patient's posture;
  • rapid wear of shoes;
  • difficulty walking in heels;
  • increased fatigue when walking;
  • an increase in the size of the foot (it becomes longer or wider), which forces the patient to buy shoes a size larger than usual;
  • formation of calluses and corns.

Depending on the characteristics of the foot deformation, there are three types of flat feet:

  1. Longitudinal

It means a decrease in the longitudinal arch of the foot. This leads to lengthening of the foot, the development of clubfoot, due to which all shoes wear out equally: on the inside.

  1. Transverse

This is a drop in the transverse arch of the foot, the most common form of pathology. The foot becomes wider, in short, the big toe deviates outward.

  1. Combined

The combination of longitudinal and transverse forms is the least common. Combines characteristic symptoms both forms.

Based on the reasons for the occurrence of foot deformities, they are divided into congenital and acquired. The first are associated with intrauterine developmental defects and require treatment from the first days of the child’s life. The latter arise at a more conscious age under the influence of internal and external factors.

Why are orthopedic insoles used?

Orthopedic insoles– a special tool used to treat or prevent flat feet and other pathological processes. This is a specially modified type of regular insole. Its task is to gradually eliminate physiological disorders, improve the patient’s well-being, and stop the progression of the disease.

Orthopedic devices are designed to solve the following problems:

  • elimination of joint and foot pain;
  • normalization of shock-absorbing functions of the foot;
  • improvement of blood flow in the lower extremities;
  • assistance to the patient during conservation correct location Feet;
  • maintaining normal function of the lower extremities;
  • reducing the load on the pelvis, knees, and ankles.

Orthopedic insoles for flat feet allow you to combat its three diagnosed forms. The main thing is to choose the right device, taking into account the doctor’s recommendations.

Special inserts are recommended for people who, due to their profession, spend a lot of time standing and moving. They are necessary for women who are fans of twelve-centimeter stilettos, older people, ladies in position, and those who have extra pounds.


Orthopedic insoles for pain relief

Orthopedic insoles as a way to correct flat feet

Insoles for flat feet are a recognized method of treatment and prevention of this pathology. They correctly redistribute the load along the leg, helping to eliminate discomfort. Wearing orthopedic devices is also indicated in other situations:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • calcaneal osteophyte;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • pregnancy;
  • previous injuries;
  • congenital pathologies (legs are not symmetrical in length).

Insoles help to work on the anatomical shape of the foot; the tools for this are high arch supports and wedge-shaped elements. To reduce deformation and eliminate discomfort completely, you need to combine wearing them with a complex physical exercise.

There are no contraindications to wearing orthopedic inserts for foot pathologies. They can be used even by diabetics, whose dermis is highly sensitive.

Functions of orthopedic insoles

Flat feet means constant discomfort experienced by the patient: increased fatigue, pain in the feet, ankles, back, “leadenness” of the legs, frequent swelling. The orthopedic insole is designed to reduce discomfort to zero. Its features include the following:

  1. Normalization of the arch of the foot

The device has a special elevation that correctly distributes body weight when the patient moves. Its height and width are determined individually based on diagnostic data.

2. Maintaining the foot in the correct position

Foot deformity – characteristic feature flat feet. Patients clubbing, the foot lengthens or becomes wider. To return its condition to the anatomical norm, supporting wedge-shaped elements are used.

3. Elimination of discomfort

Specially selected inserts return the correct physiological position to the foot. This allows you to relieve stress from the joints and spine. The body weight is distributed correctly when walking, and therefore the patient no longer experiences pain, increased fatigue, heaviness in the legs, etc.

Standard and custom insoles

The inserts prescribed by doctors are divided into two types according to the production method:

  1. Standard

They are manufactured using the “conveyor method” without taking into account the nuances of the structure of the patient’s feet. The price of the devices is low, but they are not suitable for all patients, because they do not take into account the characteristics of a particular case.

Many orthopedists believe that standard models are suitable only for people with diabetes and pensioners.

People with different forms of flat feet need to have custom-made inserts.

2. Individual

They are created to order for a specific patient in special factories and retail outlets. The procedure for their creation includes the following steps:

  • medical diagnostics;
  • making a digital footprint of the client;
  • direct production of liners;
  • testing of the product, its sale to the consumer.

Individual orthopedic insoles are made from genuine perforated leather and equipped with antibacterial elements. They cost significantly more, but work better than standard ones because they are created taking into account all the needs of a particular case. As a rule, after 3-6 months of wear, the salon-seller offers the client a free re-diagnosis in order to adjust the shape of the orthopedic devices, taking into account the progress achieved.

Therapeutic and preventive insoles

Practice shows that the development of flat feet can be stopped or prevented with the right choice of orthopedic instrument. According to the tasks they solve, inserts are divided into:

  1. Preventive

They help to adjust shoe parameters, support the most vulnerable areas of the foot, and evenly distribute the load. Such devices for prevention are especially important for pensioners, pregnant women, people who spend a lot of time standing, or actively engage in sports.

According to the method of execution, preventive models are of 3 types:

  • silicone – relax muscles, do not stimulate sweating, therefore good for citizens who wear sneakers;
  • gel - intended exclusively for the summer period, helping to absorb the load on the heel and toe;
  • frame - have a rigid shape that ensures the correct position of the foot.

If you walk a lot and actively train, preventive models will relieve the feeling of fatigue in the evenings and improve blood circulation in the legs.

2. Medicinal

They help fight existing pathology. An orthopedist will help you choose the right model for the right part of the foot. The following types of models are available on the market:

  • to combat calcaneal osteophyte - located in the back of the foot, externally resembling a horseshoe;
  • to eliminate arthritis and flat feet caused by it;
  • for osteoarthritis – correctly redistribute the weight of the body to the feet, restoring their shock-absorbing abilities;
  • for pregnant women – reduce swelling of the legs, prevent the development of varicose veins.

The effectiveness of insoles for treatment pathological conditions will be maximum if you cook them individually. Remember: orthopedic devices cannot serve as the only method of treatment; they are part of complex therapy.

How to choose orthopedic insoles?

Doctors give the following universal advice on how to choose insoles for flat feet:

  • watch the size: it must meet your parameters.
  • Choose models that will fit snugly in the boot. Options that are too long (they will wrinkle) and too short (they will dangle like a pencil in a glass) will not work.
  • Give preference to wearable, hypoallergenic, soft materials. Today the most popular are leather, models made of cork, and polymers.
  • Choose options with antibacterial substrates: they will avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • Do not chase a low price, pay primary attention to the shape and breathable properties of the material. reliability of the manufacturer's brand.

To choose a model that will have the expected effect, undergo preliminary diagnostics. The doctor will choose a model to suit your needs, guided by the principle “Do no harm”.

Features of choice for flat feet

How to choose orthopedic insoles for flat feet?

The optimal solution is to purchase a custom-made model, because standard options are not able to provide the desired therapeutic effect.

The model is selected for a specific disease, the type of deformity that the patient suffers from. Do not try many cheap models in the hope that they will help get rid of the problem: such options can cause more harm to the body than walking without insoles.

With longitudinal-transverse

To select insoles for longitudinal transverse flatfoot, you need to undergo a medical diagnosis. The specialist will select a pair taking into account the specifics of the case. The doctor will recommend an option with an instep support in the middle, which helps raise sagging arches, and a recess under the heel, necessary for comfortable walking.

Important! The optimal solution for correcting combined flat feet is to make individual models.

The purchased model should not cause heaviness, fatigue when walking, compression, development of corns, or aggravate the deformity. The appearance of these symptoms indicates that you have made the wrong choice.

With longitudinal

How to choose orthopedic insoles for longitudinal flatfoot? The optimal solution is to go to a salon, where, after consulting an orthopedist, the desired model will be made to order.

Doctors recommend visiting specialists every 10-12 months who will adjust previously made devices or make new ones. This is necessary to take into account the progress made during treatment and the degree of wear of the products.

How does an orthotic insole work?

The purpose of the orthopedic insert is to provide a shock-absorbing and corrective effect. The basis of the insole's action is the instep support, made of hard material. It helps to distribute loads anatomically correctly and reduce foot deformation. Additional elements - a recess under the heel, corrective wedges, a protrusion in the area of ​​​​the roll of the foot.

The liner can be equal to the foot area in length or less. In the second case, the product does not contain a front part that does not perform a corrective function. This option is used less frequently because it is more difficult to use correctly.

Orthotics help support your feet in an anatomically correct manner.

This makes it possible to reduce the discomfort experienced by the patient and reduce the degree of deformation: the legs gradually “remember” how to walk.

The effectiveness of orthopedic insoles

The answer to the question whether orthopedic insoles help with flat feet is clear. This is an effective means of solving the following problems:

  • pain after active walking;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • increased fatigue;
  • swelling.

Orthopedic inserts help, provided they are chosen correctly, taking into account the individual characteristics of the case. To achieve maximum performance, they should be made to order.

Since the time a person acquired the skills of upright walking, the load on his legs has not only changed, but also increased significantly. Our feet especially suffer from this. Every day they overcome numerous collisions with solid support, taking from two to six thousand steps.

If a person is healthy, then he will treat walking as completely natural process, without paying much attention to him. However, over the years, foot deformities can develop. This process causes a lot of inconvenience, making an ordinary walk an unbearable torture. This often happens if a person chooses the wrong shoes, is overweight, or long time is on his feet. At the same time, by the end of the day he begins to feel a burning sensation and pain in the foot and cramps in the lower leg. Similar symptoms are clear signs transverse flatfoot. The consequences of this condition can be very serious. To avoid them, it is recommended to purchase orthopedic insoles for shoes. These products are not only useful for existing foot deformities, but also help prevent this phenomenon.

What happens with flat feet?

U healthy person There are three arches in the foot, the formation of which occurs when the ligaments and muscles are tense. This is one transverse - external, and two longitudinal - internal. Thanks to this biomechanics, the foot is able to effectively play its shock-absorbing role, which is to protect the musculoskeletal system from shock loads that occur during running, walking and jumping.

However, it happens that these ligaments and muscles weaken or develop incorrectly. This leads to a phenomenon where the feet become flat. They cease to adequately absorb shock loads, transferring them to the spine and leg joints. But due to their anatomical composition, these parts of the body are not capable of fully springing. This leads to significant overstrain of the leg muscles and sprained ligaments.

The disruption of the biomechanics of the foot becomes especially noticeable at the knee joints.

Special devices

In order to avoid unnecessary stress on the feet, orthopedic insoles were developed. These special inserts designed for shoes help support the arch of the foot, while correcting irregularities that appear during the development of flat feet.

What can orthotic insoles do? Reviews from experts indicate that such products change the physical activity of the foot during the most important movements, that is, when walking slowly. After all, it is precisely this that is most in demand by a person in his daily life.

Why do we need orthopedic insoles? Reviews from experts claim that in addition to foot correction, the products contribute to:

Reducing the load on the hips, ankles and knees;

Improving blood circulation in the feet;

Reducing leg fatigue;

Increasing a person’s stability while walking and standing;

Preventing the development of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

However, it is worth remembering that orthopedic insoles will fully perform their functions only if they are chosen correctly. And this means taking into account the characteristics of foot deformation for each patient individually. In addition, insoles are selected or made specifically for long periods of standing and for sports. At the same time, there are some conditions when a person simply cannot do without orthopedic insoles. Let's take a closer look at them.

Flat feet

This phenomenon is considered one of the most common foot deformities. According to statistics, approximately 50-70% of the entire population of our planet suffers from this disease. And this problem requires mandatory correction. Treatment for flat feet is usually complex. And among other means, orthopedic insoles will provide invaluable assistance to the patient. Reviews from experts claim that such products evenly redistribute loads and eliminate symptomatic manifestations of ailments of the musculoskeletal system.


Pathology is a disease of the joints caused by damage or damage to them cartilage tissue. The cause of violations is very often the excessive load that is placed on the joint. In this case, improper distribution can be caused by excess weight, flat feet or various types of leg deformities.

Physiotherapeutic procedures and medications are used to eliminate arthrosis of the lower extremities. But besides them, it will be of considerable importance for the patient right choice and wearing orthotics. Such products will significantly reduce the load placed on the sore joint during movement. When they are worn constantly, pain decreases.

Heel spur

This disease occurs with the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the plantar fascia. This is what provokes the appearance of a wedge-shaped spine on the heel bone. Pathological formation injures when walking soft fabrics, causing intense pain. This leads to gait disturbance, decreased ability to work and difficulty moving. The most common cause of a bone spur on the heel is flat feet, which redistributes the load on the soles of the feet and damages the tendons. Sometimes the pathology develops after an injury to the heel bone, and the resulting metabolic disorders, as well as disruptions in the blood flow of the lower extremities. The cause of the development of molasses spurs can be chronic joint diseases.

Orthopedic insoles in this case are prescribed for conservative treatment of the disease. Also, such products can serve as a means of preventing disease and repeated relapses of the pathological process.

Rheumatoid arthritis

This disease affects the soft tissues and joints of the foot. Mainly it negative consequence Muscle dystrophy and flat feet develop. Very often, elderly women suffer from rheumatoid arthritis due to malfunctions of their immune forces. For such patients, wearing orthopedic insoles becomes a necessity. After all, these products will prevent foot deformation and reduce the load on the affected joints.


Women who are expecting a child experience significant stress on their legs due to a shift in the center of gravity. This phenomenon causes the development of varicose veins and swelling of the legs. In this case, excessive load on the lower extremities can be corrected with the help of orthopedic insoles.

If a person has a need to purchase these products, he will have to make a certain choice. What to look for when purchasing? What types of orthopedic insoles do manufacturers offer? What products should I choose for my child? What are the best orthotic insoles? Let's try to understand these issues.

Preventive models

What orthopedic insoles are recommended for shoes if there is no foot disease, but they get very tired? In this case, prophylactic products are purchased. They will relieve stress during prolonged standing and walking.

The structure of these insoles is quite soft and provides excellent comfort. They are made from foam or leather. Preventive insoles are intended for people who temporarily or permanently experience stress on their legs, namely:

During pregnancy;

During work that involves excessive overload (salespeople, hairdressers);

When playing sports;

At the initial stage of flat feet;

For varicose veins;

When wearing high heels.

Comfortable models

Wide feet;

Finger deformities;

Flat feet 3 and 4 degrees.

Treatment models

The name of these orthopedic insoles speaks for itself. It is recommended to purchase such products for those who experience changes in the bones of the feet, as well as impaired blood supply to the lower extremities. On initial stage The use of orthopedic products may cause pain. They are associated with the return of the deformed foot to its original physiological position. Pain occurs when muscles and ligaments are strained.

Heel spur;

Rheumatoid arthritis;

Flat feet;

Diabetes mellitus;


How to choose therapeutic orthopedic insoles? Reviews from experts recommend consulting an orthopedic doctor. Only in this case, the products, when worn constantly, will relieve inflammation and eliminate pain and fatigue in the legs. In addition, they will prevent pathologies of the foot, spine and largest joints.

Types of therapeutic insoles

According to their functional purpose, orthopedic products can be:





The therapeutic effect of each of the above remedies follows from its name. Thus, corrective models are designed to correct the position of the foot relative to the entire body. In this regard, additional parts are provided in their design. These are pelota, as well as instep supports and high sides. With the help of corrective products, you can not only eliminate pain, but also increase leg endurance by adjusting the biomechanics of the foot.

As for arch-supporting orthopedic devices, they are recommended to reduce the load on the foot. When worn, pain is eliminated and leg endurance increases.

Arch-forming products are chosen when it is necessary to smoothly transform the relief of the arch of the foot. As a rule, these are children's orthopedic insoles, which are purchased if the child has flat feet.

The selection of unloading orthopedic products is necessary to redistribute the load from problem areas evenly to the entire foot. This is facilitated by special bulges and indentations that are found in such insoles. It is thanks to such elements that the painful area of ​​the sole ceases to contact the product. The load on the arch of the foot during prolonged standing and walking can be relieved by materials of various compositions and densities.

Product marking

When purchasing orthopedic insoles, you can see numbers and letters on them. This is a product marking that indicates to the buyer their purpose:

- VP-1. Judging by reviews from manufacturers, these insoles are intended for pregnant women, for people with initial signs of flat feet, as well as for those whose professional activities place a large load on the heel. The model features a liner designed for the longitudinal arch, as well as a recessed cushion located under the heel. The product is considered preventative.

- VP-2. This orthopedic product is therapeutic. It is recommended for the correction of hallux valgus. The design includes a heel support. In addition, there is also an insert for the longitudinal muscles of the sole of the feet. Apply this type insoles in the presence of heel spurs.

- VP-3. This model has an inlay for the longitudinal arch, a pronator located under the front toe area of ​​the foot, as well as an instep support in the heel area. The product is recommended for hallux valgus deformity and for the purpose of taking preventive measures to prevent untwisted feet.

- VP-4. This insole has the same inserts as the VP-3 model. However, they come with a rigid sticker that holds the thumb in a fixed position. This model recommended for use in cases of hallux valgus.

- VP-5. This insole has an instep support for the front and heel of the foot. The product is recommended for the correction of hallux valgus deformity.

- VP-6. Such insoles are used for prevention of arch prolapse. The model has an inlay for the transverse and longitudinal arch. There is a shock absorber under the heel. The product is used to maintain the shape of the foot in the correct anatomical form.

- VP-7. This model has a heel pad and a pronator along the outer edge of the foot. This insole is recommended for hallux valgus deformities.

- VP-8. This product is equipped with a pronator, which is located along the entire outer part of the foot. This insole also has a kind of wing that helps keep the big toe in a normal position.

- VP-9. A similar model is chosen when a person has one of his legs that is shortened. Under the heel of this insole there is a padding that gives it a little height.

- VP-10. This insole has a recess for the heel and an insert for the longitudinal arch of the foot. This product is used very rarely to eliminate corns that appear after wearing the wrong shoes.

Purchasing orthopedic products

What should you pay attention to when purchasing insoles? Judging by customer reviews, when going to the store, you definitely need to take with you the shoes in which the product will be used. But in addition to the profile choice, attention should be paid to the following:

Compliance of the model with the parameters of the foot;

The material of the instep support, it should be springy, hollow or dense;

Roll zone (it should be elevated);

The product material that is best chosen is non-allergenic (cotton or leather).

For wearing during the cold season, you should pay attention to winter orthopedic insoles. These are insulated models with fur. Manufacturers also provide for the production of orthopedic insoles for sandals and sandals. These are thin products that are almost invisible to prying eyes. They are attached to shoes using an adhesive base.

To provide the most proper support for your feet, you will need frame orthopedic insoles. They are made of genuine leather or elastic material (for example, foam latex).

Choosing insoles for flat feet

For this pathology, several types of corrective products are offered.

- Orthopedic longitudinal insoles. They are used for longitudinal flat feet. Judging by the reviews of experts, the best material for such products is high-temperature plastic. It effectively compensates for existing arch sagging and keeps the heel in the desired position. This, in turn, will reduce pain symptoms during prolonged standing or walking, and will also prevent the progression of the disease.

- Orthopedic transverse insoles. With the corresponding type of flatfoot, the pathological area is the area of ​​​​the toes in the front of the foot. The main symptom of this pathology is fatigue and pain in the soles of the feet at the end of the day, as well as pain in the back, knee and hip joints. In addition, an exophyte occurs. This phenomenon, when the thumb begins to move to the side, is popularly called a “bone”. In this case, the design of orthopedic insoles must have a pad. This is a metatarsal pad that will support the transverse arch, reduce stress and reduce pain.

Customized products

Where to order orthopedic insoles? They are made by workshops or prosthetic factories. At the same time, to purchase custom-made orthopedic insoles you will need:

Prescription written by an orthopedist.

Plaster cast of the foot.

Carrying out computer modeling.

Sole prints.

Custom-made orthotic insoles will have maximum effect if they are made from genuine leather, wool or fleece. The quality of products will also depend on the technology used by the manufacturer. Sometimes it takes only 20 minutes to make orthopedic insoles, during which:

The foot is examined for flat feet;

The required workpiece is selected from the appropriate material;

The final product is modeled;

Testing is carried out with the necessary correction.

Custom orthopedic insoles are made taking into account the anatomical features of the foot. And, judging by consumer reviews, they are the most effective. That is why most orthopedists recommend that their patients purchase only custom orthopedic insoles. After all, the product should bring maximum benefit.

Insoles for children

At an early age, when the muscles of the transverse arch of the foot are not yet developed, it is recommended to wear preventive products that have a thickened arch support. Children's orthopedic insoles can also be ordered from a specialized workshop. The need for a customized product arises in the case of a deformed foot. They also produce winter orthopedic insoles for children.

Cost of products

The price of orthopedic insoles depends on the material and manufacturer. So:

Products from the Trives company are indicated for first or second degree flat feet, are made of leather and have a semi-rigid base. Their price range is from 600 to 1000 rubles.

Talus products are soft, full-profile and frame. At the same time, the buyer is offered both adult and children's models. The price of orthopedic insoles from this manufacturer is 600-1700 rubles.

Orto offers a wide variety of products. These are models with a rigid and soft-elastic frame, for sports and for winter. The price range of such products is 500-2800 rubles.

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then our feet can definitely be considered a mirror of the health of the body. The greatest loads are experienced by the legs and feet, which means that this is where various problems most often arise. For prevention and treatment various diseases foot orthopedic insoles are used. But how to choose them correctly, since manufacturers offer a huge number of models? How often can you use this orthopedic accessory? And what do buyers who evaluate their quality say about specific products?

What are orthopedic insoles for?

The healthy formation of the foot largely determines the functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system. On average, a person takes from 3 to 7 thousand steps per day, and the feet must not only evenly distribute the load, but also provide stability. IN childhood The most common diseases are flat feet and hallux valgus, in adults - osteoarthritis, arthritis, heel spur.

Deformation of the feet not only causes discomfort or pain in the legs, but also negatively affects the condition of the knee and hip joints, contributing to the development of chronic diseases in them. The spine also becomes more vulnerable, so its curvature often occurs, which leads to a malfunction of all internal organs.

Proper footwear, the parameters of which can be adjusted using orthopedic insoles, helps prevent the development of diseases in adults and children. Their anatomically correct shape follows the contours of the foot, provides support to the most vulnerable areas, and evenly distributes the load.

Insoles are excellent shock absorbers that reduce static and dynamic loads, improve blood flow, and eliminate the appearance of corns and calluses.

Types of orthopedic insoles

By design, orthopedic insoles can be longitudinal, transverse or combined. They are used for treatment various types flat feet. In addition, accessories can prevent or combat other diseases, therefore, preventive and therapeutic models are distinguished.

Orthopedic insoles with therapeutic effects

For the development of various diseases, the following types of therapeutic insoles are used:

  • for heel spurs - they are fixed under the heel and resemble a horseshoe in shape, raise the heel to the correct anatomical position and reduce tension in the plantar fascia;
  • for rheumatoid arthritis and flat feet developing during the disease;
  • for osteoarthritis – insoles evenly distribute the load and restore the shock-absorbing functions of the arch; are also ready to correct differences in leg length;
  • during pregnancy - improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of swelling and varicose veins, reduce the load on the feet.

Marking of orthopedic insoles

We list the main markings that can be found on products and point out their features.

  • VP1 – liner with recesses for the heel and longitudinal arch of the foot. Recommended for use during pregnancy and at the first signs of flat feet. For prevention, everyone whose professional activity associated with large physical activity and lifting weights.
  • VP2 – has an instep liner and padding for the longitudinal arch of the foot and its correction.
  • VP3 – under the front part of the foot there is a pronator, there is an alignment along the longitudinal foot, and an inlay on the heel. Recommended for the prevention of untwisted foot syndrome.
  • VP6 – inlays and linings under both arches of the foot and under the heel are combined with elements to prevent calluses. Used to flatten the longitudinal arch and anatomically correct abduction of the thumb.
  • VP7 with a pronator at the edge of the foot and a heel pad is prescribed for women who like to wear high-heeled shoes, as well as for patients to prevent clubfoot and shortened feet.
  • VP9 is used for significant foot deformities. The design includes a heel socket, lining along the longitudinal arch and a shock absorber under the heel.
  • VP10 with recesses for the heel and longitudinal arch, their design prevents complications from corns and calluses in the form of scars.

Preventive gel, silicone and frame insoles

Preventive insoles perform similar functions, but differ in material.

Silicone insoles are effective in preventing flat feet, as well as for arthritis, salt deposits, swelling, varicose veins and heel spurs. They relax the leg muscles well, so the feeling of fatigue occurs less often. They absorb moisture perfectly, so they are suitable for those who wear sports shoes a lot.

It is important to change silicone insoles every 3 months.

An alternative to silicone is gel. Gel inserts on the instep support absorb shock loads, provide the best cushioning in the toe and heel area. Such inserts are often made transparent, so they are convenient to wear with summer shoes (gel insoles cannot be used in winter).

The average service life of gel insoles is 6 months.

Finally, framed insoles are rigidly designed to provide the most proper support for your feet. They are made from genuine leather, latex foam or other elastic material and have additional layers for better moisture absorption and hygiene maintenance.

Custom made insoles

Some orthopedists are convinced that mass-marketed insoles can only be used by pensioners and patients with diabetes. In all other cases, inserts should be made to order.

Individual insoles are made of genuine leather with perforations. They have antibacterial activated carbon backings. The design provides support for the transverse and longitudinal arch of the foot, a rigid instep support and a shock absorber for the heel.

Orthopedic insoles to order:

  • support the foot in the correct anatomical position;
  • improve blood supply to the legs;
  • relieve stress from the spine and joints due to shock absorption;
  • correct postural disorders;
  • relieve discomfort and discomfort;
  • have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system.

Modern technologies for manufacturing custom insoles allow us to take into account all the anatomical features of a particular person, areas of greatest pressure, and the bend of the foot. When developing a model, orthopedists even take into account the patient’s lifestyle and the type of shoes he prefers.

How much do orthopedic insoles cost?

It is not difficult to buy orthopedic insoles inexpensively if you wish, because the cost of even custom-made earbuds is quite affordable.

So, the average prices for orthopedic insoles:

  • individual insoles made in an orthopedic salon: children and teenagers – 2000 rubles, adults – 2500-3000 rubles;
  • preventive mass production: for children – 600-800 rubles. (with reinforced instep support - up to 1200 rubles), adults - up to 1500 rubles.

If you need to make adjustments to the basic model during an individual order, the cost can increase to 6,000 rubles.

Which orthopedic insoles to choose

Want to know how to choose the right orthopedic insoles? Here are some general guidelines.

  • If you have a heel spur, then heel support insoles are suitable. Using the accessory will prevent chafing of soft tissues.
  • Preventive insoles made of genuine leather, elastic foam or cork will relieve all lovers of high heels from discomfort and pain that occurs in the evening.
  • Soft insoles made of material with a porous structure will help you avoid calluses.
  • If you have ankle instability or a twisted foot, you should purchase semi-rigid insoles, which are made of flexible plastic.
  • For people weighing more than 100 kg who have foot deformities, the doctor will probably recommend hard insoles made of metal, plastic or graphite.
  • For longitudinal flat feet or heel spurs, inserts are used under certain areas of the foot.
  • For children, the ideal preventive option would be thermoplastic insoles, which, under the influence of pressure and temperature, take the shape of the foot.

You can purchase preventive insoles yourself. Your doctor should advise you on how to choose orthopedic insoles with therapeutic effects.

How to wear orthotics

There are separate models for winter and summer shoes. Winter orthotics are usually thicker and may have fur.. For summer shoes, on the contrary, lightweight materials are used that make the insoles barely noticeable in open sandals or sandals. Many insoles that can be found widely are secured with an adhesive layer.

You may experience discomfort for the first 3-5 days. It takes time to get used to orthopedic insoles, especially if they have a therapeutic effect. During the first weeks you should not wear insoles constantly: it is better to start with 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time so that the foot can adapt.

The mode of wearing therapeutic insoles is determined by the doctor, but for prevention, the product can be used for almost the entire day or at moments of maximum stress.

Before you invest orthopedic instep supports into your shoes, do not forget to remove the factory insoles.

Our fragile feet cope with a serious task every day: they bear the entire weight of our mortal body, absorbing shock loads when walking or running and maintaining balance. And instead of gratitude, we often put them in uncomfortable shoes, overload them with physical activity and do not understand why one fine day our knees hurt or our back ached. Incorrect position of the foot leads to the development of transverse or longitudinal, and often combined flatfoot, which in turn causes various distortions in the musculoskeletal system. Due to impaired walking biomechanics, arthrosis, hammertoes, and posture disorders occur with all the ensuing consequences. All this significantly worsens the quality of life.

Purpose of orthopedic insoles

Most of the above problems can be alleviated with the help of orthopedic insoles - special orthoses that correct the shape and position of the foot. A properly selected device unloads the joints, softens the impact on the musculoskeletal system, relieves tension from the muscles, returning the ligaments to their natural position. Thus, the pain decreases or goes away completely.

Regular use of orthopedic insoles plays a much more important role than it seems at first glance. If we consider our body as a house, then the feet are the foundation. If it cracks, the entire building is at risk. If we fix the base, we can correct not only the gait, but also deeper pathological changes.

What is the essence of the correction?

Orthoses help restore the natural position of the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot. This is achieved thanks to a relief coating that is as close as possible to the anatomical one. An important component of an insole with an orthopedic effect is arch support- this is an elevation at the inner edge of the foot that prevents it from falling over. By using wedges The angle of the foot is adjustable. For example, with transverse flatfoot, the heel seems to deviate outward; it can be returned to its natural position by placing it on a wedge-shaped thickening. Metatarsal pad- this is a small elevation that unloads the metatarsus and helps reduce pressure on the big toe, thus relieving pain.

This special structure orthopedic insoles, compared to conventional ones, can solve a number of problems with the musculoskeletal system.


The list of problems for which wearing orthoses helps is quite impressive. Doctors advise using them not only for treatment, but also for prevention of most joint pathologies. So, what are custom orthopedic insoles for?

  • with longitudinal and transverse flat feet
  • with heel spur
  • with hallux valgus (buncture)
  • for arthrosis of the knee and ankle joints
  • for correction of different leg lengths
  • for fasciitis
  • for clubfoot
  • for diabetes
  • for the treatment of scoliosis
  • with Morton's neuroma
  • from corns
  • for hammertoes
  • with varicose veins.

This is not a complete list of ways in which wearing orthopedic insoles can improve your condition. Of course, it should be taken into account that orthoses alone are not enough; an integrated approach is required for a full result. In any case, consulting a doctor will not be superfluous.

Do adults need orthopedic insoles?

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the fact that it is better to correct the feet as early as possible. This is most effective in childhood, when the osseous-ligamentous apparatus is still developing. But many problems only appear in adulthood, when it is almost impossible to reverse the disease. This is where the question arises: are orthopedic insoles necessary? Will they now help cope with the resulting lump of sores? Everyone has the right to decide this issue in their own way.

Nevertheless, doctors say that there is always a point in supporting the foot, because, as we remember, this is our foundation. This is especially true for adults with complaints of pain in the knees, hip joint, back and even head.

Yes, deep-rooted problems will not be easy to solve, and it is not always possible. But ease your suffering with integrated approach the patient can.

Many experts insist on individual insoles, as they take into account the structural features of a particular person. Before you start wearing them, it is worth correcting the musculoskeletal system, preparing the body: eliminating pain, working out muscle tension that impedes normal blood flow, and reducing existing distortions. Otherwise, wearing insoles may cause problems to worsen.

Remember that the musculoskeletal system is the framework on which internal organs. The well-being of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous system, genitourinary apparatus. With the help of a doctor, depending on the existing problems and symptoms, you can find out what orthopedic insoles are needed in your particular case. Properly selected orthoses will help improve your condition, provide comfort and ease of movement!

Orthotics are an important part of the conservative treatment of foot disorders. Their function is the correct distribution of body weight on the foot and its physiologically correct positioning. The products are used for preventive purposes, as well as for the treatment of diseases in which the physiological shock-absorbing ability of the foot is lost.

How to choose the right orthopedic insoles for an adult for the treatment of diseases or prevention? What should you pay attention to when choosing them? What types of insoles are there? How should they be worn? Which products are better - ready-made or customized? How to choose orthopedic insoles for a child? Below we will answer all the questions.

Types of orthopedic insoles by purpose

There are several types of orthopedic insoles depending on the purpose of wearing.

Preventive models

If there is no disease, but your legs get tired, it is recommended to choose preventive orthopedic products. They are designed to relieve stress during walking and long standing. They are soft in structure and should provide comfort. They are made from leather or foam. This type of product is intended for people who temporarily or permanently experience stress on their legs:

  • it is recommended to choose such orthopedic products during pregnancy;
  • during work associated with excessive overload (hairdressers, salespeople);
  • athletes;
  • with varicose veins;
  • you can choose orthopedic products for flat feet at the initial stage;
  • lovers of high heels can also choose these orthopedic models.

Comfortable models

  • wide foot;
  • deformation of fingers;
  • flat feet III–IV degree.

Treatment models

Their name itself speaks for itself. It is recommended to choose these orthopedic products for those who already have changes in the bones of the foot and impaired blood supply to the lower extremities. When using them, pain may occur. This is due to the fact that orthopedic therapeutic insoles try to return the deformed foot to its physiological position. Tension of ligaments and muscles is accompanied by pain.

It is recommended to choose therapeutic orthopedic products for the following diseases:

  • plantar fasciitis (heel spur);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • flat feet;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • clubfoot, varus deformity or plano-valgus foot in children.

How to choose therapeutic orthopedic insoles for an adult or a child? - as when choosing any remedy, this should only be done by a doctor, in this case an orthopedist. As a result of constant wear, medicinal products relieve inflammation, eliminate fatigue and pain in the legs. They also prevent diseases of the feet, large joints and spine.

Types of therapeutic orthopedic insoles

Based on their functional purpose, medicinal products are divided into several types:

  • corrective;
  • unloading;
  • vault-supporting;
  • arch-forming.

The therapeutic effect of each orthopedic product follows from the name. The purpose of the corrective model is to correct the position of the foot relative to the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, their design contains additional parts - instep supports, pelota and high sides. Therapeutic models are designed to relieve pain, increase leg endurance, and correct the biomechanics of the foot.

Arch support orthotics should be chosen to reduce stress on the foot. They relieve pain and increase leg endurance during exercise.

Arch shaping models should be chosen to smoothly transform the arch of the foot. They are used in children's orthopedic products for existing flat feet.

Unloading insoles should be chosen if you need to redistribute the load from problem areas evenly across the entire foot. This is achieved by special recesses and bulges. They help avoid contact of the painful area of ​​the sole with the product. Materials of different density and composition relieve the load on the arch of the foot when walking and standing for long periods of time.

How to choose orthopedic insoles according to markings

When buying insoles, you will notice letter and number symbols on them. Each label is intended to be worn for a specific disease. Some products are used when changing the position of the foot - supination, that is, turning the foot inward, or pronation - turning it outward.

Types of orthopedic insoles by design

The therapeutic effect of orthopedic insoles largely depends on the material used by manufacturers.

The following orthopedic models are available:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • combined;
  • half-insoles are produced for lovers of high-heeled shoes;
  • frame;
  • children's models.

People with flat feet often use insoles. The patient can choose the appropriate model after consulting an orthopedic doctor. For longitudinal flat feet, insoles are chosen in which the inserts go along the foot. For transverse flat feet, insoles with pads are used. Patients with combined flat feet need insoles with pelotes and arch supports.

How to choose and wear orthopedic insoles

Products of different designs are produced for winter and summer shoes. Insulated models can be selected with fur. Manufacturers produce products for sandals or sandals that are thin and barely noticeable to the eye. They are attached to the shoes with an adhesive base.

Who needs orthotics?

  1. Preventive models made of leather, elastic foam or cork will relieve pain in the feet of lovers of high heels.
  2. For people weighing more than 100 kg, who often have foot deformities, rigid insoles made of plastic, metal or graphite are recommended.
  3. Soft models made of material with a porous structure will help get rid of calluses and corns.
  4. If the ankle joint is unstable or the foot often twists, semi-rigid models made of flexible plastic are suitable.
  5. Thermoplastic models that mold to the shape of the foot when exposed to heat are ideal for children.
  6. For heel spurs, rigid orthopedic types of products are selected.
  7. For diabetics, two-layer products are suitable to prevent the formation of calluses.
  8. For flat feet, models are selected for the transverse or longitudinal arch of the foot.
  9. If you have pain in your feet, you should choose soft insoles made of felt or wool.
  10. People in professions that involve standing on their feet for a long time (hairdressers, salespeople) should choose rigid frame insoles.
  11. For sports shoes, select a product without a frame.

People can choose preventive insoles for themselves. They can be worn immediately all the time or during exercise. Silicone insoles should not be used for more than 16 hours a day. They are not used for wounds on the foot.

Important! Before inserting orthopedic insoles into shoes, the factory pads must be removed.

The mode of wearing insoles is determined by the orthopedist. It is not recommended to wear newly purchased therapeutic insoles all the time, because they can chafe. At first they are worn for 10–15 minutes, gradually increasing the time. When the foot adapts, it can be used several hours a day.

What to look for when choosing insoles

When planning to go shopping, you need to take with you the shoes in which the insole will be used. In addition to the profile choice, you need to pay attention to the following details of the product.

It is preferable to choose models made of polymer materials, leather or cork.

How to choose for a heel spur

Insoles for the treatment of plantar fasciitis are used in regular shoes. If there is a heel, it should not be more than 4–5 cm high.

How to choose orthopedic insoles for heel spurs? When purchasing, you need to focus on the following criteria.

  1. The rigid frame of orthopedic insoles forms an instep support inside to support the longitudinal arch. It is designed to relieve stress from the plantar fascia and distribute it evenly throughout the foot.
  2. The insole should have a heel shock absorber. Its function is to relieve the shock load on the heel.
  3. For combined flat feet, the insole should also have a metatarsal pad - a pad under the metatarsal bones. It is needed to support the transverse arch.

On the recommendation of a doctor, the model may have special wedges under the heel if there is supination or pronation of the foot. Rigid orthopedic insoles correctly distribute the load on the foot. Thanks to this, the kinetics of the foot improves and pain decreases. During fitting, you need to pay attention to the fact that the toes of the shoes move freely, and that the insole protrudes beyond the phalanges by 1 cm.

How to choose for longitudinal flat feet

How to choose orthopedic insoles for longitudinal flat feet? Experts believe that the best material for making this type of product is high-temperature plastic. It compensates well for the sagging of the arch of the foot and keeps the heel in the correct position.

The main requirement in the design of an insole for longitudinal flat feet is the presence of an instep support. It evenly distributes the load on the changed surface of the foot, reduces pain when walking, improves biomechanics lower limb. This model reduces leg pain when walking or standing for long periods of time. It also delays the formation of heel spurs and the progression of the disease.

How to choose for transverse flatfoot

With transverse deformation, the front part of the foot in the toe area suffers. The main symptom of transverse flatfoot is pain and fatigue in the foot at the end of the day, cramps in the calf muscles. In advanced cases, pain appears in the knee, hip joints and back. Due to improper load distribution, a transversely spread foot is formed. In addition, the thumb moves to the side, and an exophyte is formed in the joint area, called a “bone” by patients.

How to choose orthopedic insoles for transverse flat feet? The product for this pathology must have a metatarsal pad - pelot. It supports the transverse arch, reduces stress, and relieves pain in the front part of the sole. When worn continuously, the kinetics of the foot is corrected and pain in the back and joints is eliminated.

How to choose for mixed flat feet

With this type of flatfoot, both arches of the foot are flattened. Treatment is aimed at correct distribution of the load throughout the foot, correction of kinetics, and reduction of pain.

How to choose orthopedic insoles for combined flat feet? By design, these products must be rigid. There is an instep support to support the longitudinal arch. The metatarsal pad - pelot - helps reduce the load on the transverse arch. The presence of a heel shock absorber relieves the shock load on the back feet. Thus, an insole with three points of support corrects the kinetics of the lower limb and spine and reduces pain when walking.

Custom orthopedic insoles

This type of product is manufactured by prosthetic factories or workshops. How to choose custom orthopedic insoles?

The following data is used during production:

  • orthopedic prescription;
  • plaster cast of the foot;
  • sole prints;
  • computer modelling.

The effectiveness of the model is influenced by manufacturing technology and material:

  • Genuine Leather;
  • fleece;
  • wool.

According to the technology of some manufacturers, insoles are made in 20 minutes in the following sequence.

  1. Examination of the foot using a plantoscope.
  2. Selection of workpieces according to size from the appropriate material.
  3. Heating the workpiece, after which the person places his foot on it. After 30 seconds the material hardens.
  4. Modeling a product that fully matches the human sole.
  5. Testing the product with the necessary correction.

Custom orthopedic insoles, made taking into account the anatomical features of the foot, are considered the most effective. Therefore, orthopedists recommend choosing them so that the products are beneficial.

Choosing orthopedic insoles for children

In childhood, with incorrectly selected shoes or a genetic predisposition, changes in the bone structure can develop:

  • flat feet is the most common pathology;
  • clubfoot;
  • rachiocampsis.

In childhood, when the transverse arch of the foot is still undeveloped, you should choose preventive insoles with a thickened arch support.

Important! For children, insoles are selected according to the existing foot deformation or tendency towards it. And only an orthopedic doctor can determine how to choose children's orthopedic insoles.

For a deformed foot, the product is ordered from an orthopedic salon. They are made using plaster casts or computer modeling. Children with diagnosed flat feet are registered by orthopedists. Such children are prescribed constant wearing of insoles until the age of 23, until the foot is formed. In this case, the condition of the spine is taken into account. When these children become adults, they will not have developed diseases of the musculoskeletal system - arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

As a result, we highlight the main points of the above. Orthopedic insoles are the basis for the conservative treatment of foot diseases, and also serve as a base. Various ready-made models are available. They differ in design and material of manufacture depending on their intended purpose. Ready-made insoles are purchased after consulting a doctor. Orthopedists recommend choosing more effective individual insoles that take into account the anatomical features of the foot.
