Keeping Djungarian hamsters. All the most important things about breeding Djungarian hamsters at home

Small rodents of the Dzhungarika require little care and nutrition. Therefore, many consider them to be an excellent and harmless pet.

The muzzle of the Djungarian is pointed, the ears are small, the paws are completely covered with hair, and the digital tubercles are hidden. The average body length is about 10 cm. These rodents have a light abdomen, gray-ochre or slightly brownish color. The paws and ears are white inside; there is a narrow black stripe in the middle of the back. In summer, dzhungarikas take on a grayer color, and in winter - silvery-white. These hamsters are especially active at night. On average, individuals live no more than 3 years.

As a rule, they live in gravelly, wormwood and grass steppes. Territory of residence of the Djungarians:

  1. Asia.
  2. Siberia.
  3. Northeast Kazakhstan.

Djungarians, whose care and feeding are not so difficult, prefer grain food; crunchy treats are also recommended for the animals, which are not only pleasant for the hamster, but also useful, since they wear down the growing incisors.

The diet should also include:

  1. Carrot.
  2. Pear.
  3. Raspberry.
  4. Apples.

It is forbidden to give hamsters citrus fruits, seeds, and nuts: these products have a bad effect on the health of rodents.

The last one should contain:

  1. At the bottom there is pressed sawdust or sand; you cannot use newspaper, rags, or cotton wool.
  2. Toilet with absorbent filler.
  3. Manholes in the form of twigs, roots, tubes.
  4. House.
  5. Wheel.
  6. Drinking bowl (you need to change the water in the container every day).
  7. Feeder.

All these details must be selected taking into account the size of the pet.

A hamster can also get sick for the following reasons:

  1. The appearance of a new animal in a cage.
  2. Trips.
  3. Sleep disturbance.
  4. Swimming (jungaric fish cannot be placed in water).
  5. Changing the location of the cell.

If the dzhungarik gets sick, care must be correct.

It is better to contact a veterinarian if one of the following symptoms occurs:

  1. Aggressive behavior.
  2. Hard breath.
  3. Ulcers.
  4. Too loose stool.
  5. Presence of fleas or lice.
  6. Apathetic hamster lying with his eyes closed.
  7. Hair loss or wetting.

Breeding Djungarian hamsters

Mating of male Djungarians is possible from 3 months, and females - from 4. Pregnancy lasts 20 days, and at one time a female can bring from 5 to 20 cubs.

Babies are fed with mother's milk for about 2 weeks.

The cage must be disinfected before birth, and the best option in this case there will be a one-story pet’s home.

It is strictly forbidden for a person to touch newborn hamsters, otherwise the female, sensing someone else’s scent, will immediately eat her babies.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the following should be included in the animal’s diet in small portions:

  1. Cottage cheese with low percentage fat content
  2. Boiled egg yolk.
  3. Boiled chicken meat.

To ensure that the female does not spontaneously eat her offspring, it is necessary to ensure:

  1. Separate keeping from other hamsters.
  2. Proper care and balanced nutrition.
  3. Accurate determination of the female's age.
  4. Calmness of the individual during feeding and pregnancy.

To summarize, the Djungarians do not cause much trouble and live independently in the place allotted to them.

Charming miniature rodents, which their owners affectionately call dzhungarikas, are increasingly appearing in the homes of animal lovers. Moreover, the Djungarian hamster is considered the most popular pet from the rodent family today. Care and maintenance, according to reviews from the owners of these little ones, are not burdensome, and at the same time, both adults and children get great pleasure from watching the habits of their miniature pet.

The Djungarian hamster is a cute animal with a kind and cheerful disposition that easily makes contact with humans. These hamsters are unusually clean and do not have the unpleasant odor inherent in many of their hamsters. This is an indisputable advantage that simplifies the maintenance of Djungarian hamsters. The photos posted in this article will help you get general idea about these funny kids.

Despite the fact that many owners believe that caring for dzhungarikas is not difficult, beginners who have such a newcomer in their home need to know the basic rules of its maintenance.


Djungarian hamsters have a fairly wide habitat. The species is found in natural conditions in southern Transbaikalia, Tuva, in the Aginskaya, Chuya and Minusinsk steppes, in Altai, and in the steppes of Western Siberia. In addition, representatives of the species are found in Northeast China and Mongolia.

Djungarians build their burrow houses in steppe or desert landscapes, much less often on the outskirts of the forest-steppe. These babies are not afraid of saline, sandy, gravelly soils. In Altai they are found at an altitude of up to 3 thousand meters above sea level.

Character and lifestyle

To provide proper care If you are looking for a Djungarian hamster at home, you need to know how these animals behave in natural conditions. Hamsters of this species are predominantly nocturnal or crepuscular. These babies do not hibernate, but if the temperature remains below +16 °C for a long time, their fur becomes much lighter.

Adults lead a solitary lifestyle. If you are planning to place two hamsters together, try to choose ones that have been close to each other since birth. If you try to add someone else's hamster, then a conflict is quite likely. In this case, some owners use a cage with a removable partition. Over time, the animals will get used to their neighbor, and the partition can be removed.

Djungarians are peaceful and completely non-aggressive creatures. At home, they practically do not bite and get along well with children. You can buy a Djungarian hamster for yourself, or to teach your child responsibility, at almost any pet store. But as to where to place this cute baby, the opinions of owners and veterinarians differ - some believe that it is more convenient to keep and care for a Djungarian hamster in an aquarium or a glass jar, others are sure that a regular metal cage is more suitable for Djungarian hamsters.

External features

This is a very active animal with a beautiful fur coat, maximum size which does not exceed 10 cm and weighs 45 grams. Features of the Djungarian's appearance include a dark stripe on its back, which distinguishes it from most of its fellows.

The fur of this species of hamster is variegated with white patches. This helps the rodent natural conditions Great for camouflage and hiding from predators. The following colors are especially common among domestic Djungarian hamsters:

  • mandarin;
  • pearl;
  • sapphire;
  • standard.

In winter, the animal's coat sheds and becomes almost white. The inclusions become almost invisible, and the gray stripe on the back still stands out. It's funny that even at home, when animals do not lack food, they store food, collecting it behind their chubby cheeks.

Djungarian hamsters: maintenance and care at home

We have already said that these charming babies are unpretentious in their maintenance. Nevertheless, they need to create comfortable living conditions.

  • We will equip a house for a hamster.

And while owners and veterinarians argue about where it is more convenient to keep dwarfs - in a cage or an aquarium - we suggest equipping the hamster’s house in a cage. When choosing it, remember that hamsters love to chew on everything that is available to them. Do not buy cages with painted rods: they look more attractive than usual, but very soon some of the paint will end up in the dwarf's stomach, and it is unknown what his reaction will be.

If you want to place your baby in an aquarium or terrarium, do not close the top tightly. The rodent needs air, so leave the top part open. If the sides of the terrarium are low and you are afraid that the hamster will jump out, cover the housing with a metal mesh.

And yet, it seems to us that it is more convenient to care for and maintain a Djungarian hamster (you see the photo below) in a cage. First of all, because it is well ventilated and the hamster does not lack air. Another argument in favor of the cage is the fact that moisture does not form in the cage, which rodents have a negative attitude towards. In the cage you will avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor, which often forms in the terrarium. In addition, in such a house it is easier to attach toys, drinking bowls, and feeders.

A cage for a hamster of this species should be quite spacious, despite the miniature size of its occupant. The fact is that it should be filled with various “buildings” and items necessary for a comfortable life for a Dzungarian.

  • Shelter.

Under natural conditions, hamsters live in burrows, which serve as a refuge for rodents from prying eyes and predators. Place a compact, cozy house in the cage in which the dwarf will sleep or just relax when he wants to be alone. Today in stores you will be offered to buy ceramic, plastic, wooden and fabric houses. We recommend avoiding the last two options, since fabric and wood absorb unpleasant odors.

The plastic house is too fragile - your pet will chew it off in a few days. But the ceramic one is ideal, since it is difficult for the baby to move it from its place. You can put small pieces of fabric on the bottom to make your pet warm and cozy.

Drinking bowl

Water is necessary for any living creature, so caring for a Djungarian hamster at home requires having a drinking bowl in the cage. Some models come with built-in water containers, while others attach them to the bars of the cage. Pour only boiled water into the drinking bowl and change it every 2 days. Do not place it in the sun so that the water does not “bloom”.


A dzhungarik should have two containers for food - for fresh vegetables and fruits and for dry food. Feeders should be washed with warm water without using detergents.


The cage should be cozy and soft. Properly chosen bedding will relieve you of unpleasant odors and absorb moisture. You can use sawdust or toilet paper. After pouring sawdust for the first time, carefully observe the animal’s reaction - some types of wood can cause allergic reactions in a rodent.

You should not use newspaper as bedding - printing ink is toxic to the animal. When wet, it sticks to the paws and bottom of the cage. You should not use cotton wool either - the jungarik will simply get entangled in it, which can lead to the death of the clamped limbs.


It is impossible to imagine a hamster's home without a wheel. This is the most effective device that can satisfy the animal's need for movement. The wheel must be lubricated so that the hamster can spin it without much effort. In addition to this, you can install horizontal rods, branches, and various toys in the cage.

Features of care

These clean animals do not require special care. They wash themselves thoroughly and clean their fur with their paws. It is only important to change the litter and clean the cage once a week. Once a month you should wash the bottom of the cage with laundry soap. You can't bathe dzhungarikas, but sometimes they need to have sand baths. This procedure is usually carried out if the hamster's fur is dirty - it is matted and does not shine.

Pour some fine, clean sand into a container and place your hamster in it. He will happily wallow in the sand, cleaning his fur.

Feeding of jungarians

As you can see, the Djungarian hamster is quite easy to care for. The nutrition of these babies requires special attention. Such a pet should be fed twice a day and always at the same time. This should be done in the morning when the hamster wakes up, and in the evening when he begins to be active. A female expecting offspring is fed four times a day at regular intervals.

In the morning, the dzhungarik should receive protein, boiled vegetables, and succulent food. In the evening - dry food, cereals and treats. The basis of the diet of hamsters of this species is:

  • dry food;
  • vegetables that do not contain starch, cooked without salt;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • seedless berries;
  • seeds and nuts (except almonds);
  • dried twigs and fresh leaves of deciduous and fruit trees;
  • carob fruits and crackers as a treat.

There are foods that are strictly prohibited for feeding jungarians:

  • various sausages;
  • sour cream;
  • coniferous branches;
  • cream;
  • butter;
  • milk;
  • potato;
  • fruit seeds;
  • onion and garlic;
  • mushrooms;
  • watermelon;
  • mint;
  • chocolate, cookies, ice cream;
  • citrus;
  • spices.

It is necessary to carefully consider the choice of food for a miniature rodent in a pet store. Mixtures designed for large hamsters are not suitable for him. They have a completely different composition that will harm your dwarf.

Small and cute rodents, Djungarian hamsters naturally live in the North-Eastern Caucasus, Central and Western Asia and Western Siberia. Their habitat is rocky semi-desert areas, cinquefoil and wormwood steppes without shrubs. Djungarians also live well at home, where their maintenance does not require a lot of time and money. Pet lovers happily keep them in their apartments, and this is understandable, since they love to play with children and delight with their funny antics.

Meet the Djungarian hamster

A very active rodent with beautiful fur grows to only 10 cm and has a body weight of 45 g. Features of its appearance include: dark stripe on the back, which distinguishes it from its brothers. The animal's fur has a variegated color and white inclusions, due to which in natural conditions the rodent can safely camouflage and hide from predators. Domestic hamsters can have the following colors:

  • pearl;
  • mandarin;
  • standard;
  • sapphire.

In winter, the animal's fur sheds and turns white. The inclusions become invisible, leaving only a gray stripe on the back.

Many people like Dzungariki not only for their cute plush face, but also because are distinguished by exceptional cleanliness and do not emit an unpleasant odor. At the genetic level, even at home, they stock up on food by putting it behind their chubby cheeks. This funny rodent is very interesting to watch. Activity Djungarian hamsters appear only at dusk. They sleep day and night and can happily do this on the laps of their owners.

Like all rodents, dzhungarikas can show aggression and even bite. Their bite does not pose a danger to humans, however, it is quite sensitive. This character trait of the animal must be kept in mind if a hamster is purchased for a child.

Keeping dzhungarika at home

Hamsters are very unpretentious and easy to keep. The ideal option for keeping them is a cage. Since a rodent can easily chew through plastic and wooden rods, it is best if the frame of the house will be galvanized. The cage should be spacious enough to accommodate a pet house, a special wheel, and still have room for the hamster to actively move around.

The cage should be equipped with:

  1. A fairly spacious house with a wide opening into which the rodent should easily enter.
  2. Manholes in the form of tubes, branches and horses.
  3. A special toilet, which is intended for small animals and is filled with absorbent material.
  4. Bedding in the form of pressed sawdust or fine sand, which should be able to absorb moisture and absorb odors. It is strictly prohibited to lay newspapers, rags, napkins and cotton wool on hamsters.
  5. A drinking bowl with a volume of at least 50 ml. It is best to choose an automatic drinker that will be attached to the wall of the cage. Your pet's water should always be fresh.
  6. Feeder, the width of which should be from 3 to 10 cm.
  7. A wheel that is selected taking into account the size of the pet. It should have a bottom without a grid and transverse protrusions.
  8. A bathing suit, which differs in that sand is poured into it instead of water. It is not recommended to wet or bathe dzhungarikas.

Features of care

Clean rodents do not require special care. They wash themselves and clean their fur with their paws. You will only need to change the litter as it fills, and clean the cage once every 5-7 days. Once a month, the bottom of the cage should be washed with water and laundry soap.

Since Djungarian hamsters cannot be bathed, they should sometimes arrange a sand bath. This is only required if the rodent’s fur is not shiny and matted. To do this, pour a little sand into a container and place the pet in it. He will happily wallow in the sand and clean his fur.

These simple measures for caring for dzhungarikas will provide your small animal with a healthy and joyful life.

Nutrition of Djungarian hamsters

If caring for rodents is quite simple, then you need to pay special attention to nutrition. It is recommended to feed your pet twice a day at the same time. This should be done in the morning when the hamster wakes up, and in the evening when it begins to be active. The pregnant female is fed at regular intervals four times a day.

In the morning, the dzhungarik's diet should include boiled vegetables, protein and succulent food. In the evening, it is tedious to give him cereal, dry food and treats.

The diet of Djungarian hamsters includes:

Twice a week, the rodents' diet should include protein in the form of a boiled egg, cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, low-fat boiled fish or boiled chicken fillet.

It is recommended to feed pregnant females, sick and thin hamsters with baby food prepared in water without sugar and salt. If your pet has an intestinal disorder, you can feed your pet sticky rice, and if you have constipation, give a drop of vegetable oil.

The list of products prohibited for Djungarians includes:

When purchasing food for a small rodent at a pet store, you need to be careful. Designed for large rodents rough mixes are not suitable for dzungaria. They have a completely different composition that can be harmful to the health of a small hamster.

Dzungarian diseases

Small and delicate creatures can be susceptible to various ailments. You need to know about the simplest of them so that you can properly care for your hamster in case of illness.

If they fall, active animals may get hit or get dislocated or fractured. The main symptoms in these cases are problems in the movement of the animal and curvature of the limb. It is simply impossible to fix broken legs or tail. Therefore, veterinarians advise providing the hamster with a quiet place and feeding it calcium-rich food. The ladders and wheel are temporarily removed from the cage. Immobile limbs with this type of care will grow together in 10-14 days.

If hamsters are hypothermic, they can catch a cold or contract the flu from the inhabitants of the house. The first symptoms of the disease are: decreased activity, runny nose and sneezing of the animal. If there are no other manifestations of the disease, then the pet’s cage from the draft should be moved to a warmer place, add warm bedding and give it warm milk. You can boost your immunity with vegetables and fruits. In case of sudden weight loss, loss of appetite and purulent discharge from the eyes, it is recommended to urgently contact a veterinarian, who will prescribe treatment and tell you how to care for your Djungarian hamster during illness.

Bacterial infection may develop into conjunctivitis. In this case, the inflamed eyes are carefully wiped with salted water. But if the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and the pupil area is gray, then most likely the hamster has developed cataracts. Old animals are susceptible to this disease. It cannot be treated.

With frequent stress, hamsters can develop eczema or dermatophytosis, which is manifested by hair loss and peeling skin. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a specialist who will prescribe a course of antibiotics.

Sometimes in Djungarian hamsters there are problems with teeth. Therefore, if a rodent suddenly refuses food, you need to check the teeth for integrity. In some cases, the hamster has teeth that are too long to eat, which can be straightened with regular nail clippers. But it is best to entrust such a procedure to a specialist.

As can be seen from the article, keeping and caring for Djungarian hamsters is not very difficult. Simple measures such as providing the rodent with food and fresh water, cleaning the cage and regularly playing with it will ensure that your pet healthy life and will bring joy to both the pet and its owner.

The Djungarian hamster, also known as the Siberian hamster or simply the Djungarian hamster, is one of three representatives of the genus of hairy hamsters of the hairy hamster family. Djungarian hamsters are common in Western Siberia, northwestern China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Closely related to the Campbell's dwarf hamster, they can interbreed and create hybrid offspring, but this is not recommended.

Male Djungarian hamsters have a single gland that produces their male scent. It is located just below the center of the animal's abdomen. These glands often stick out and look like bulges, and are sometimes covered with an oily secretion.

Djungarian hamsters (in English, winter white dwarf hamsters - white winter dwarf hamsters) got their name because in wildlife the areas in which they live, in winter period covered with snow, and therefore they have to change their fur to white in order to camouflage themselves from predators.

Djungarian or hybrid hamster?

In pet stores and some breeders, hybrid hamsters are sold under the guise of Djungarian hamsters. You can get a purebred Dzhungarik from a seller who has a certificate of the animal’s pedigree. Purebred Djungra hamsters have many advantages. They tend to be slightly larger, well developed and balanced, and exhibit a more pleasant disposition. Hybrid hamsters are prone to certain genetic defects, including diabetes.

Appearance and colors

Like Campbell's hamsters, they have same number chromosomes and grow to the same size - on average from 7 to 10 cm in length and weight from 35 to 65 grams. Compared to other breeds, Djungarians have a more rounded body shape with fur-covered paws.

One of the best ways distinguish the Djungarian hamster from the Campbell - the Djungarian hamster has a smoother transition from the line of the head to the nose. Dzhungariki are also much softer to the touch and have a smoother coat compared to the Campbell. Their colors include standard (brown-grey), sapphire (gray-bluish), pearl (matte white with gray markings) and mandarin (cream-red). Other colors are possible, but they are more likely to be Campbell hybrids. Both breeds have a dark stripe down their back.

Behavior and character

Djungarian or Siberian hamsters are fairly calm animals and are easy to tame, making them excellent pets for a variety of owners. When fully tamed, they love to sit in a person's arms and enjoy gentle petting. Compared to Campbell hamsters, they are more timid.

How social animals

Djungarian hamsters are very social animals and live best with other similar hamsters in pairs or even-numbered groups. A group of dwarf hamsters and their interactions are always interesting to watch and they get a much more varied experience compared to, for example, single Syrian hamsters.

Djungarians can also live comfortably with hybrid animals from other litters if they meet in comfortable conditions. Lonely hamsters can live healthy and prosperous lives as long as you give them regular attention and they have a nice large cage filled with things.

Relationships in the group and possible clashes

You can support good attitude between Djungarian hamsters by simply providing them with a large cage with enough rooms that will have plenty of toys and food bowls so that they do not fight to use them. Dwarf hamsters do well in environments where they are provided with plenty of free space, but multi-story cages and modules with pipes are not the best choice for them.

If you suddenly hear an increasingly loud or prolonged squeak, check the cage as soon as possible, as one of the hamsters may have been intimidated. Hard fighting (sometimes to the death) may occur, but this is not a good thing for owners, and especially for their pets.

Lifespan - how long do Djungarian hamsters live?

In the wild, dzhungarikas, as a rule, live about 12 months, but at home, where they are provided excellent food and care, they can live for 2-3 years. Some owners report that their hamsters have lived up to 4 years, which is truly remarkable in the hamster world. If you want your pet hamsters to live as long as possible, provide them with the right nutritious diet, plenty of... physical exercise, as well as interesting toys and attention.

How to care for Djungarian hamsters?

Djungarian hamsters should be provided with a relatively large environment with enough food, toys, bedding and a running wheel. If you keep two or more hamsters, make sure they have multiple wheels and toys to prevent them from fighting over territory.

Experts say that purebred Djungarian hamsters, unlike Campbell hamsters, are not susceptible to diabetes. However, they are recommended to feed with low level Sahara. A small piece of fruit as a rare treat is perfect for adding variety to your hamster's diet.

Reproduction and pregnancy

Djungarian hamsters are very similar to Campbell's, including when it comes to breeding. Females become sexually mature at the age of 3-4 weeks, and males are capable of fertilization at the age of 4 to 5 weeks. Early pregnancy not recommended and may be dangerous for the female. Mating is recommended at the age of no earlier than 4 months. The duration of pregnancy in Djungarian hamsters is 18-25 days. The number of cubs in a litter ranges from 2 to 11 (average 4-6).


Like most other species, estrus in Djungarian hamsters occurs approximately every 4 days. Once a male smells the unique scent of a female in heat, he will try to mate with her many times. Mating can continue continuously for up to several hours.

Facts - some interesting facts about Djungarian hamsters

  • In winter, Djungarian hamsters molt and replace their fur with white to blend in with the snow in their wild habitat and hide from predators. Domesticated dwarfs, as a rule, do not change their fur.
  • Djungarians are more active during the daytime, compared to their closest relatives, Campbell's hamsters.
  • These hamsters are capable of forming hybrids with the Campbell hamster.
  • Djungarian hamsters are much easier to tame compared to other dwarf hamsters.
  • This species of hamster is very social and more affectionate to its owners than other hamster species.
  • Djungarian hamsters reproduce faster than Syrian hamsters and can become pregnant on the same day as their previous litter.
  • They do not have a breeding season and are capable of breeding all year round.


Dzhungarik is one of the smallest representatives of the hamster family. Thanks funny appearance, cleanliness and lack of unpleasant odor, it has become a popular pet. If you decide to get this funny animal, carefully read the information on its contents.


Suitable home



Houses with several compartments and passages between them resemble burrows. Mazes are usually more expensive than cages and aquariums, but they can be built gradually. Buy the main compartment first and then the top "room" and join them together.

Please note that for dwarf hamsters it is necessary that the compartments be connected by ladders. Little kids don't know how to climb up tunnels.

If you decide to assemble such a house yourself from scrap materials, do not forget to make slits in the walls and ceiling. They will provide a constant flow of fresh air.

Aquarium house

Special plastic aquariums for rodents are great for dwarfs. Small sizes allow them to make do with one-story dwellings. The main thing is that all the necessary accessories are there.

Where to put the cage?

Rodents feel good at the same air temperature as people. Do not place the cage in drafts or on a sunny windowsill. In addition, you should keep the cage away from:

  • working battery;
  • places with high humidity;
  • TV;
  • audio systems;
  • other animals.

Do not place the house on the balcony (temperature changes, sun), in a draft (risk of colds), in the kitchen (not hygienic) and in the bedroom (rodents are active at night and make noise).

Cage equipment

What else will you need? The animal definitely needs:

  • drinking bowl;
  • Bowl;
  • chalk stones or branches;
  • nest (house);
  • wheel;
  • toys.

The ideal drinking bowl is the so-called dropper bottle. It needs to be hung away from the nest so that accidental drops do not wet it. Don't forget to change the water every day. Fresh water is the key to animal health.

It is better to place food in a heavy clay bowl so that the animal cannot turn it over. A hanging metal bowl will also work.

Chalk stones or branches are needed to point the teeth. Rodents' teeth grow throughout their lives, and if they are not taken care of, serious problems will begin.

In their natural habitat, rodents sleep in a separate compartment of their burrow. Try to create maximum comfort for him at home with the help of a small nest. Small wooden or plastic houses are suitable for this.

The wheel will help your pet get enough physical activity. Buy a solid wheel without slots or protrusions to protect the feet from fractures. Attach the wheel almost flush to the wall, otherwise the hamster may crawl between them and get stuck.

There are many toys for rodents at pet stores, but you can make many of them yourself. Excellent holes are made from cardboard toilet paper cylinders. Plastic rolling toys can successfully replace whole walnuts or hazelnuts. You shouldn’t fill the entire cage with toys – 1-2 is enough.

Caring for a Djungarian hamster

Caring for a Djungarian hamster is not at all difficult, as it is unpretentious.


In order for the dwarf to be healthy, it needs to be fed properly and variedly. If you have not yet purchased an animal, we recommend that you acquire everything you need in advance in order to organize it from the first day. proper nutrition. The food list for a hamster includes basic food, fresh food, dairy products, and vitamins.

The basis of the diet is dry food. It is a mixture of various grains, seeds and pressed herbs. Due to the fact that jungarians are prone to diabetes, make sure that the food contains less sweets (dried fruits and carob).

Do not store food open, as it may dry out and become unpalatable. You can pour it into an airtight jar or zip bag.

You need to give a little every day fresh fruit and vegetables. Each animal has its own tastes. Soon you will understand what you like best. He simply won’t eat anything that tastes bad.

They usually like:

  • apples;
  • tomatoes;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • grape;
  • melon;
  • watermelon.

Don't forget to rinse and dry the fruits first. There is no need to peel the skin or remove the seeds.

Homa should be given fresh low-fat milk or unsweetened natural yogurt. Pour them into a small bowl.

After 2 years it is time for additional vitamins and minerals. Pet stores have special liquid complexes that can be dripped into the drinking bowl.

The daily diet should look like this:
  • 1 tbsp. dry food;
  • 10-20 g of fresh vegetables or fruits (for example, ½ grape and ¼ carrot);
  • 1 tsp dairy product.

What tasty things can you feed your Djungarian hamster? Once a week you can hang special treats on sticks in his cage. Or you can buy carob and dried berries. The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity. 1 piece every 3-4 days is enough.

If there is uneaten food left in the morning, throw it away and add new food. Wash the bowl if necessary.

What can't you feed?
  1. Garlic.
  2. Oranges and other citrus fruits.
  3. Eggs.
  4. Candies.
  5. Chocolate.
  6. Meat products.
  7. Salted nuts and chips.
  8. Spicy food.

Cleaning the cage

Wood shavings are best suited as cage filler. The bottom of the cage is covered with a layer of at least 2.5 cm. The shavings should not be too small and sharp, as this will lead to eye problems.

For bedding in the house, use scraps of soft paper (sold at a pet store). This paper should not be lint-free. You can use regular toilet paper without dyes or fragrances. Cut it into small pieces and put it in the house.

The frequency of cleaning depends on the characteristics of the animal, but on average they are cleaned once a week. If you are bothered by an unpleasant odor for a week, simply remove the sawdust from the toilet and replace it with fresh ones.

Some animals get very nervous in a clean cage. If you see that Homa is rubbing his sides against the walls, running around the cage with sawdust in his mouth, or does not enter the house for a long time, change the cleaning process. Set aside some of the dirty sawdust and litter from the house, and return them to their place after cleaning. A familiar smell will reduce adaptation time and relieve stress.

Bathing and cleaning your fur coat

Djungarians are very clean. They wash themselves several times a day and try to keep their home clean. To keep their coat in perfect condition, give them sand baths 1-2 times a week.

Buy sand for bathing chinchillas and pour it into a three-liter jar or a special bathing bag. Place the animal there for 30 minutes. Tossing and turning in the sand, he will perfectly clean his fur coat.

If the fur is very dirty, try combing it or just cut it off. The use of water is highly discouraged. IN as a last resort use a spray bottle. Gently spray the fur and comb it with a fine comb.

Make sure that water does not get into the ears, this may result in inflammation. Be sure to dry the wet animal with a towel so that it does not catch a cold.


In the wild, rodents store supplies in their burrows in case they cannot find food. Pets also love to hide food in cages. You can see them diligently stuffing their cheek pouches and quickly carrying food to the pantry. Usually a sleeping house is used as a storage room.

How to react to such reserves? Firstly, you should not limit the amount of food. The animal will remain hungry, but will still put aside some of the food for a rainy day. Secondly, there is no need to completely throw away supplies when cleaning. This can cause a lot of stress.

Despite the fact that the Dzhunagr hamster is an unpretentious pet, caring for it has a number of features. Before buying an animal, think about where it will live and what it will eat.
