T-shirt mushrooms. Spring mushroom May row

The May mushroom, as the name suggests, appears in the forests of the European part of Russia at the end of spring. People often call it the May row, T-shirt or St. George's mushroom. In scientific reference books you can often find the name Calocybe may (from the name of the genus Calocybe).

We invite you to read the description of the Mike mushroom, look at the photo of the May mushroom, and also find out some Interesting Facts about Kalocybe and get information about its medicinal properties.

Family: Rowers (Tricholomataceae).

Synonyms: May row, May kalocybe, T-shirt, St. George's mushroom.

Description. The cap is 5-12 cm in diameter, fleshy, at first convex, then prostrate, with a wavy, often cracking edge, flat or with a tubercle, creamy, yellowish, off-white, dry. Usually the cap of the Kalocybe is smooth, but during dry periods the May mushroom is all wrinkled, as if dehydrated.

Its pulp is dense, white, soft, the taste and smell are strong, pleasant, and sweetish. The plates are whitish with a creamy tint, frequent. Leg 4-10 X 0.6-3 cm, dense, club-shaped, whitish, brownish-cream or yellowish, fibrous.

The mushroom loves sparse deciduous forests, forest edges, parks, and grows in grassy areas, pastures, pastures, gardens, and near populated areas. Found throughout the temperate zone of Russia.

Fruiting period: May - early June. Sometimes (quite rarely) the May mushroom manages to slip through for the second time a year in the fall (usually September). It appears in very small quantities in the same places where it grew in the spring; the caps of such mushrooms differ yellowish color. Previously, such autumn rashes were considered to be mushrooms of another species (C. georgii).

Similar species. Taking into account the timing and place of fruiting, the mushroom cannot be confused with any other species.

Medicinal properties: Dichloromethane extract has bactericidal properties (detrimental effect on Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli). Contains antibiotic substances that suppress the development of tuberculosis bacillus. It has an anti-cancer effect (completely suppresses sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma).

German biochemists have identified the antidiabetic effect of this mushroom, noting a significant decrease in blood sugar levels with its regular use.

Normalizes metabolism.

St. George's mushroom: collection rules and interesting facts

Collection rules: Young fruiting bodies are collected in dry weather. Alcohol infusions are used.

Calocybe gambosa

The May mushroom is a strong and large beauty, somewhat similar to cultivated champignons; according to some gourmets, the taste is not inferior to the best summer-autumn mushrooms. The May mushroom settles in open areas, among grass, on the edges and in woodlands. May mushroom can also be found in parks. As its eloquent name suggests, the May mushroom is usually harvested in May. For other mushrooms that grow in May, see, but this page is dedicated to just one species - the May mushroom, or May row.

Description of the mushroom May mushroom

May mushroom, or May row, is a spring cap mushroom. It grows at a time when mushroom pickers are hunting for morels and strings. The mushroom lives in quite a variety of places: it can be found in bright areas of the forest edge, in sparse grass, on the sides of field roads, along the edges of this field, as long as there is more sun. The mushroom also grows in gardens and meadows, and can also be found within the city - on lawns and flower beds.

The appearance of the May mushroom is modest: it is all whitish or creamy - the cap, the stem, and the plates. The mushroom cannot be called small - the cap can grow from 3 to 8-10 centimeters in diameter; The mushroom stalk is short and thick, 4-8 centimeters high and 1-3 centimeters in diameter; the stalk usually thickens towards the base. At first the caps are hemispherical, but become deformed with age. The flesh of the mushroom is dense and fleshy, which is especially striking in comparison with the unusually thin plates, even in mature mushrooms.

Since the May mushroom is a row mushroom, it grows in a cluster, often forming “witch circles.” It has a typical row smell; in the definitions they write “mealy smell” or “smell of fresh flour” (there is an opinion that May mushroom smells of either grass or cucumbers). The mushroom is quite edible, but due to its specific smell and taste, it is rather an acquired taste. Although some consider it a very tasty mushroom.

At first glance, the May mushroom looks like a white mushroom - poisonous mushroom, he's the same white, meaty and dense. But unlike the white row, which appears at the end of August and grows until frost, the May mushroom will grow en masse only in spring or early summer. Another difference: the May mushroom has the smell of fresh flour, while the white (poisonous) mushroom has a pungent smell, smelling of dampness and mold.

The mushroom is highly valued Western Europe, where it is traditionally collected on St. George's Day (April 23), although more often it appears a week or two later. May mushroom, or May row, that’s what they call it: St. George’s mushroom, or St. George's mushroom.

Video from May mushroom

The name of the genus “Kalocybe” is translated from ancient Greek as “ beautiful head"). This genus of mushrooms belongs to the Lyophyllaceae family, and includes 13 species, of which the most famous and widespread is the May mushroom, also known as the May mushroom and St. George's mushroom. Sometimes Kalocybe May is also called “Ryadovka” for its external similarity with this genus of mushrooms.

Characteristics of the Kalocybe May mushroom


The diameter of the cap of the May calocybe is 4-6 cm, the shape is flat-convex, hump-shaped, as the mushroom matures it becomes semi-prostrate, the structure is flaky-fibrous, the color of the cap of the young mushroom is cream, gradually becoming white. In old mushrooms, sometimes the cap becomes ocher.


The pulp is white, thick, dense structure, mealy taste and aroma.


The stem of Kalocybe May is cylindrical in shape, narrows or widens downward, 4-9 cm long, 1.5-3.5 cm thick. The color of the skin is whitish, with a slight yellow tint, the stem is ocher or rusty-ocher at the base.

Kalotsibe May grows in the European part of Russia in forest glades and forest edges, meadows and pastures, as well as in parks, squares, and gardens. The mushroom grows in characteristic circles or rows, creating peculiar “paths” in the grass.

Fruiting in May's Kalocybe begins in the middle or second half of May. Peak growth occurs in mid-June, and the season continues until late June and early July. IN large quantities Kalocybe May appears after heavy rains.

Kalocybe May is an edible mushroom, the only drawback of which is its characteristic powdery odor.

The collected May mushroom is sorted, washed and boiled (this helps reduce the intensity of the smell of flour), then added to first and second courses, soups and stews, and pickles and marinades are made from it.

Kalotsibe May is the only representative of its genus; it can be confused with garden entoloma.

The cap of the garden entoloma reaches 7-10 cm in diameter. Its shape in a young mushroom is bell-conical or convex, gradually it becomes unevenly spread and convex-concave, with a tubercle. The surface of the cap is smooth, after rain it becomes sticky and dark; in dry weather it is silky-fibrous and light. The edge of the cap is wavy and cracked. The color is variable, from whitish-gray, beige and gray-brown to gray-brown. Characteristic distinctive feature The mushroom has pink colored plates. The stem is cylindrical, often curved, 10-12 cm in height, 1-4 cm in diameter. The structure of the stem is brittle, longitudinally ribbed, solid; in the old mushroom it is hollow, twisted, and grooved. The color of the leg is whitish, pinkish or grayish. The thickened base is light. There is no ring on the mushroom stem. The pulp is dense, soft, fibrous, white or brownish in color, the taste and smell is mealy, but weak, unlike the May calocybe. The spores are pink.

Entoloma garden is a conditionally edible mushroom. It is boiled for 20 minutes, after which it is used for roasting, salting or pickling.

Poisonous and inedible types of Kalocybe may mushroom

Kalotsibe May externally resembles white row, which is distinguished from it by the unpleasant smell of this mushroom.

Inedible mushroom.

The diameter of the mushroom cap is 6-10 cm. The color of the cap is grayish-white, it is dry and dull. Old mushrooms have a yellowish-brown cap in the center, with ocher spots. The shape of the cap of young mushrooms is convex, the edge is rolled up, and over time it becomes prostrate. The stem is dense, the color matches the cap; in an old mushroom it is yellowish-brown at the base. The length of the leg is 5-10 cm. It widens towards the base. The pulp is thick, fleshy, white. It turns pink at the break. In young mushrooms it is odorless; an unpleasant musty aroma gradually appears, slightly reminiscent of radish. The taste is acrid, burning.

White row grows in groups, in dense forests, parks and groves.

In addition, young fruiting bodies of Calocybe may be confused with the highly poisonous Patouillardii mushroom (Inocybe patouillardii). Young mushrooms of this species are also whitish in color, but they turn red when cut, while mature mushrooms have a fibrous, reddish-brown cap, and brown plates.

Dangerous poisonous mushroom.

The cap of young mushrooms is white, gradually becoming light ocher or reddish; in mature mushrooms it is silky-fibrous and red-brown in color. The shape is conical-bell-shaped, flattens as it matures, there is a tubercle in the center, the edge is raised, the surface cracks. The diameter of the cap is 2.5-9 cm. The stem is cylindrical, thickens at the base, solid, 3-12 cm in height, 0.8-2 cm in thickness, white in a young mushroom, later covered with red spots or becomes red, longitudinally fibrous. The pulp is white, turns red when cut, the taste is not pronounced, the aroma is fruity.

The mushroom grows singly, from late May to early October in deciduous forests and parks, often under beech trees.

It is not difficult to grow Kalocybe May at home. The mycelium of these mushrooms is placed in special bags or boxes and placed in a dark place. The temperature for the development and growth of mycelium is 15-20 °C. After 2 or 3 weeks, the mycelium completely fills the bags. And after about 25 days the first harvest appears. The first crops of the mushroom appear in waves, and then the mushrooms begin to grow continuously. After 3-4 months, the growth of Kalocybe May stops, and the substrate is used on the site as fertilizer.

Calorie content of Kalocybe mushroom

100 g of fresh Kalocybe May mushroom contains 19 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins………………1.7 g;
  • Carbohydrates………….1.5 g;
  • Fats………………0.7 g;
  • Dietary fiber...2.9 g;
  • Water………………..90 g;
  • Ash………………..2.7 g.

  • Kalotsibe May is a delicious edible mushroom. This is the only mushroom that, besides truffles and morels, is collected by the British (they call it “St. George’s mushroom”). In Italy, this species is called “martovka”, since in this region it begins to grow in the first half of March. Romania is engaged in industrial export of May mushroom to Western Europe.
  • Dichloromethane extract from Kalocybe may exhibits bactericidal properties (destroys Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli). The mushroom also contains substances that can suppress the development of tuberculosis bacillus. Antitumor drugs are being developed based on the fungus.
  • With regular consumption of Kalocybe May, high blood sugar levels are reduced, that is, the mushroom has an antidiabetic effect.

May row is an edible mushroom that grows in the spring during the season of collecting strings and morels. It chooses a variety of places for growth: illuminated areas of the forest, the sides of field and forest roads, sparse grass along the edges of fields, meadows and gardens. It can even be found in urban environments, for example, in flower beds or lawns.

How to determine the May row, because this mushroom does not grow with common species rows in the autumn? It is worth noting that the fruit body has a rather modest appearance, because its cap, leg and plates are the same color - whitish or cream. Sometimes novice mushroom pickers confuse the May row with champignons. According to them, the taste of this mushroom is not inferior to even the best autumn species.

The description of the May row is reminiscent of the poisonous white row, which is very toxic. Apparently, this is why the May mushroom is not as popular as others. And not every lover of “silent hunting” is ready to wander through the forest in the spring in search of this species. But there are gourmets who happily collect this particular row and fill their baskets with it to capacity.

It is known that the poisonous white rower has the same color as the Mayweed. However, it begins to bear fruit at the end of August and continues until the first frost. The smell of this mushroom is very unpleasant and pungent, reminiscent of mold. Compare the photo showing the May row mushroom and the white row mushroom under natural conditions.

Since May mushrooms belong to rows, they also grow in groups, forming “witch rings.” The fruit body smells like fresh flour, although some mushroom pickers claim that its aroma is cucumber or reminiscent of the smell of cut grass.

The mushroom is considered edible, but not everyone prefers it due to its specific taste and smell.

Note that May row mushrooms are completely unpretentious in growth. They do not select any particular forests or soil types. That is why they are found in any forest areas and forest plantations. However, it is worth remembering that in mid-June these mushrooms completely disappear, giving way to their other brethren.

We invite readers to familiarize themselves with the description and photo of the May row, which will help to correctly identify this edible type of mushroom.

Latin name: Calocybe gambosa.

Family: Lyophilized.

Synonyms: T-shirt, May mushroom, St. George's mushroom, May kalocybe.

Hat: at a young age it has a flat-convex or hump-shaped shape, the size varies from 3 to 10 cm. Over time, it becomes semi-prostrate and acquires a flocculent-fibrous appearance. The surface is dry to the touch, white or pale cream in color. Very old specimens of mushrooms acquire an ocher color. Pay attention to the photo of the edible May row mushroom, as well as the shape of the cap at different stages of development.

Leg: cylindrical in shape, narrowed or widened downwards. White or pale cream in color, slightly yellowish when mature. At the base it usually has a rusty ocher tint. Height from 3 to 9 cm, width from 1.5 to 3.5 cm. The presented photo of the May row in natural conditions will help every novice mushroom picker to distinguish an edible mushroom from poisonous row white.

Pulp: dense, white, color does not change until old age. It has the taste of fresh flour with a specific smell of cucumber or cut grass.

Records: narrow, thin and frequent, white in color, becoming creamy in adulthood.

Application and distribution of the May row

Application: not suitable for consumption raw. Excellent for winter preparations and other culinary preparations.

Edibility: refers to edible species 4 categories, however useful qualities not inferior even to beef liver.

Similarities and differences: its fruiting season begins in May and lasts only about a month, so the mushroom has no similar counterparts. However, it is sometimes confused with spring poisonous looking entomoles, although its color is much darker than that of the rower, and the leg is much thinner.

Rowers are mushrooms widely distributed in Russia and Asia. Among the representatives of this genus there are both edible and non-edible specimens. Today we will talk about a mushroom called May row. Why is it called that, why is it interesting and is it possible to eat it? The following article will answer these questions for novice mushroom pickers.

May row (Calocybe gambosa) belongs to the family Ryadovka, to the genus of the same name Ryadovka. It is also called May mushroom, May kalocybe, St. George's mushroom. It got its name because of the early fruiting period. This is an edible and good-tasting representative of the mushroom kingdom, which often ends up in the mushroom picker’s basket. Ryadovka is a lamellar mushroom, slightly reminiscent of an ordinary russula.

  • The cap is round in shape, convex or hump-shaped, becoming flat with age. It has inwardly curved edges, is dense and fleshy. Sometimes the cap becomes deformed and bent - this is due to the high density of growth of individual fruiting bodies. Its surface is slightly oily and smooth to the touch. The skin color ranges from creamy white to cream or brown-orange. The diameter usually does not exceed 12 cm;
  • the leg is smooth to the touch, cylindrical in shape, quite thick, dense and fleshy, expanding towards the lower part. Its thickness in diameter is up to 2.5 cm, and its height is up to 7 cm. The color is white or yellowish, with a tint butter, in the area of ​​the earth - rusty, red;
  • The pulp is thick, dense, white. When damaged, it emits a bright powdery aroma - this is the main distinctive feature kind. It also tastes like fresh wheat flour;
  • the plates are located very often, thin, narrow, well adhered to the stem. Color white-cream;
  • spores are creamy white.


The May mushroom lives in the European part of our country, most often in pastures and meadows, but also feels great in mixed forests, groves, parks, near roads. Sometimes it is found even within the city in flower beds or lawns. Easily breaks through to the light through the grass. The fruiting season begins in late spring and ends in mid-summer.

The most best time for hunting for the May row - the month of May, as the name implies. During this period, the “catch” will definitely be good and will not disappoint any mushroom picker, since you just need to find the mycelium of the row and the basket will be full, because this species usually grows in large groups or in rows, “witch circles”.

Similar types and differences from them

It is quite difficult to confuse the May mushroom with any other representative of the mushroom kingdom due to the fact that it does not grow in the fall, like many other species, but in spring and summer. There is some similarity with the light-colored varieties of poisonous entomola (Entoloma sinuatum), but the differences are easy to notice if you look closely: the latter have pink plates, a thin stalk and are slightly darker in color.

According to external data, the May mushroom is also similar to the cherry blossom (Clitopilus prunulus), a little-known edible mushroom. It is larger and has a weak fluff on the cap, and when damaged, its flesh changes color, becoming darker.

Primary processing and preparation

May mushroom belongs to edible mushrooms IV category. Best suited for frying, but shows its properties well taste qualities in salted and pickled form. It must be boiled before frying. After heat treatment, the May row can be frozen for the winter.

Sometimes soups, broths, sauces are prepared from this mushroom; some gourmets even dry it. Although the best taste of the May row is revealed precisely during frying.

May row is a mushroom, which, by the number of things it contains, nutrients not inferior to beef liver. It contains useful material, vitamins and microelements in an optimal ratio, which is not typical for other mushrooms. Therefore, eating it has a beneficial effect on human health.
