Coral as a living thing. Healing properties of corals, benefits and applications

To date, about 5,000 species of corals are known. They resemble something like a tree, bush, carpet, ball, etc. Popularity is due to the fact that they are very similar to precious stones. But most people don't even know if it's an animal or a plant? We will answer this question in this article.

Coral is an animal or a plant

With the naked eye it is very difficult to understand what kind of organisms they are. This is due to several reasons. But it’s worth saying right away that coral is an animal, not a plant. They have a skeleton that can only be felt by touching it. You have probably heard of So, they are made up of millions of dead organisms, which, after death, harden like a stone. If you understand in more detail, then the coral is a huge number of tiny organisms, which together form the structure of the polyp is quite simple. It consists of a cylindrical body with tentacles. Between the latter there is a mouth opening.

Coral sizes and something else

Polyps are quite tiny, their size usually does not exceed a few centimeters. As for the colony that these creatures form, that is a completely different matter. For example, stony coral polyps can reach 40-50 cm in diameter. Separate individuals are interconnected by means of a cenosark. As a result, a single organism. All individuals forage for food together. Larger particles catch particles, small ones participate in reproduction. So we have already figured out what corals are. Is it an animal or a plant? You already know the answer to this question. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the most ancient coral reefs were created 23 million years ago. This suggests that polyps appeared a very long time ago. As noted above, for the most part, reefs are a large number of dead individuals. The exception is the upper layer, which was formed recently.

Coral shapes and sizes

You can endlessly talk about the fact that there are a wide variety of colors of polyps. The same applies to their forms. If for the most part corals have the same shape, although there are exceptions, then they form the most impressionable and diverse colonies. This applies not only to shape, but also to color, as well as size. The smallest colonies are no more than a few centimeters long, and the giants of the genus can reach 5-6 meters. As for the form, this is a separate conversation.

Some colonies can be very simple and can be a twig or a hook. Others differ in their complexity. For example, the shape of a shrub or colony that resembles the shape of a tree is not uncommon. One can endlessly wonder how these form something so beautiful and complex. There are representatives that do not grow up, but in breadth. Such colonies resemble mushrooms or small carpets. Are you wondering what an animal or plant eats? Of course, in most cases they catch microorganisms, among which there may be both those and others (plankton).

and habitat

Coloring may be different. But most often you can see brown and red colonies. Somewhat less common are orange. It is even more difficult to find a green, pink or black colony. After all, not every scuba diver has seen blue-violet or bright yellow corals. They are considered very rare and do not live everywhere. As you can see, coral can be of various colors. It's an animal or a plant, you already know, so let's talk about where the colonies live.

The main habitat of corals is tropical and subtropical waters. The fact is that most of the species are thermophilic. But gersemia, one of the subspecies, lives far in the North. Remarkably, all polyps do not survive in fresh water, so absolutely all individuals live in a salty environment. Colonies settle at a shallow depth of up to 50 meters in places with the highest illumination. For corals, it is extremely important that they are constantly in the water, otherwise inevitable death occurs, but some individuals have learned to retain moisture for some time, for example, at low tide. The essence lies in the special form of the polyp, which resembles a shell, where moisture is stored.

A few more features

You must have noticed that the various shapes and colors can be even the simplest coral. Is it an animal or a plant? The answer to this question was given at the beginning of the article. But it is worth noting that if you do not touch the polyp, then it is difficult to understand whether it is alive or not. However, by touch, you can feel the skeleton of the animal. Interestingly, polyps always settle on a hard surface, since silt is not suitable for them. Large colonies can often be observed on long-wrecked ships.

The lifestyle of many species is sedentary. However, some constantly move along the bottom in search of food. By the way, corals can be safely attributed to predators. They go hunting at night. They stick out their tentacles and catch plankton and other organisms in the water. By the way, they do not search during the day due to the fact that the tentacles are very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, such radiation can burn them. We have already answered your question about whether corals are animals or plants. You can find photos of the most interesting colonies in this article.


Despite their simplicity, polyps surprise with their beauty, which attracts many corals. The sea, especially if it is salty, can always show you the most interesting settlements of these animals. Today, it is very common to deliberately capture entire colonies and make ornaments out of them. And they grow very slowly, about 1-3 centimeters per year. By the way, the growth process largely depends on the illumination and saturation of water with oxygen. It is for this simple reason that this issue comes up more and more often at meetings of researchers and conservationists. For tens of thousands of years, entire reef islands are formed, which are destroyed by man in one day. Well, that's all that can be said about what corals are. Animal or plant? Of course, an animal, because these organisms can grow and combine into entire colonies and eventually build reef islands.

In the depths of the warmest seas
There are beautiful trees
Pale pink most tender,
Blue and white links.

Greek legend says that the coral came from the blood of the Gorgon Medusa after she was beheaded by Perseus. In Rus', it was believed that the coral is stored in the dragon's brain, so another name for this stone is dragonite.

At its core, coral is an organogenic mineral consisting of calcite with an admixture of magnesium carbonate and aragonite. It represents the external skeletons of modern invertebrate marine animals. Corals belong to the class Cnidaria, or cnidarians, which unites about 10 thousand species. Over 2,500 varieties of corals are known in nature, up to 350 of their color shades are distinguished. For the manufacture of jewelry, only 5 types are processed and used.

Considered very rare blue and blue corals - akori


And black - akabar.


White stony corals(the old trade name is “bianco”) are not often used in jewelry.

Red- the most common. Known, beloved are "Sardena", and rich red Japanese "Moro-corals"

pink corals stand somewhat apart. Their delicate color is valued by true connoisseurs along with scarlet. The French call these light, almost creamy shades "peau d'ange" - "angel skin".

Medicinal properties. In the countries of the East, folk healers often use white coral powder for better fusion of bones in case of fractures, in dental prosthetics. traditional healers Almost all countries believe that coral is an excellent tool for improving tone and relieving fatigue. It improves memory, has a beneficial effect on hearing and vision, protects against nervous breakdowns in stressful situations. Phytotherapists believe that corals can improve blood circulation, positively affect work of cardio-vascular system. Pink corals are useful for insomnia, have a sedative effect on the nervous system. It is believed that coral beads can relieve headaches (in Portugal) and help with throat diseases (in England).At all times, coral has been a happy stone that gives a positive charge to its owner.

magical properties. “The people of India value corals as highly as pearls. Their priests and soothsayers even ascribe something sacred to corals, claiming that they have the power to protect those who carry corals with them from dangers ”(Pliny the Elder“ Natural History ”).

Celtic warriors of prehistoric times decorated their weapons and shields with red corals. In Itilia, coral beads are one of the first ornaments for girls. They protect them from the evil eye and troubles, especially if their favorite amulet resembles a human figure - cornetti. The Neapolitan king Ferdinand always carried a sprig of coral with him and directed it at everyone who, in his opinion, could have an “evil eye.” Mexican Indians still claim that wearing coral beads drives away evil spirits from a person.

Corals - talismans of travelers. It is believed that during trips, the mineral protects its owner from possible violence and keeps from natural Disasters: floods, storms, fires, storms.

Coral, in its essence, is not a stone at all in the usual sense. Most precious and ornamental minerals are inorganic chemical compounds. A small group of organic origin includes amber, jet, pearls and, of course, corals.

Description and origin

Coral is a calcareous mass of skeletons of polyps, which, although they belong to the class of marine animals, are more reminiscent of plants in their shape and lifestyle. Polyps live in a calcareous shell, multiply by budding. When a new organism branches off, the old one hardens, becoming a kind of dwelling for its offspring. This is how huge polyp colonies are formed with a length of up to several hundred and even thousands of kilometers.

Translated from Greek, the name of this unique creature means "son of the sea." For many centuries, scientists found it difficult to determine the class of an organism, classifying it either as a plant, or even as a stone.

The Swedish researcher Linnaeus even singled out for him a separate group of zoophytes, that is, an intermediate category between plants and animals. And only at the end of the 18th century was the origin of coral reliably established.

By chemical composition"Live" stone is 80-85% calcite (calcium carbonate), and the remaining 15-20% are magnesium carbonate, manganese and iron oxides, as well as organic impurities.

Perennial coral colonies are complex branching formations with big amount processes. The length of the branch, as a rule, does not exceed 50 cm, and the thickness is 4-5 cm. The hardness of the coral is very low, but the fragility is great. This makes it difficult to use the mineral for jewelry purposes. For the manufacture of jewelry, large branches with thickenings at the base are used.

The color of coral can be very diverse: red, black, white and milky, pink, less often blue and yellow. Natural minerals are matte, only after processing they acquire a glassy sheen.

The video tells what they are, how they form and where corals live, what magical properties possess.

Extraction and use

The habitat of corals is subtropical and tropical waters. The largest suppliers of stone are Australia, Japan, Taiwan, countries caribbean. Large colonies are found in the Mediterranean and Red Seas. An impressive amount of fossils is supplied by the Western Mediterranean, but the largest mining is carried out in Central America and the Australian continent. The most valuable specimens are supplied by Italy.

From ancient times to the present day, the method of extracting corals has not changed much. Both today and several centuries ago, wooden crosses with nets attached to them were used. From boats, such devices descend into the water and stretch along the bottom. Fragile processes are easily broken and tangled in nets. This method of extraction greatly harms the marine fauna, but it continues to be used as the simplest, most effective and cheapest.

In jewelry, red noble corals are used. This variety is the most highly valued, and the shade ranges from blood red to light pink. The distribution of color is uniform throughout the branch. Rarely come across specimens with pinkish or pure white patches. In medicine, stones are used to purify the blood and create antidotes.

Processed corals in the form of cabochons and beads of various shapes. After polishing the stone with fine-grained sandpaper, a shine appears. Coral branches of poor quality are impregnated with colored wax before processing.

  • The chemical composition of pearls and coral is identical. The basis of both stones is carbonic lime.
  • The structure of the polyp skeleton exactly repeats the structure of the human bone. And there, and there you can find ingrown blood vessels.
  • Some species are capable of leaving severe burns on the human body. As a rule, the water area of ​​​​their growth is the Red and Caribbean Seas.
  • Today there is a unique technology for counterfeiting coral stone. It allows you to get artificial specimens at a cost seven to eight times lower than that of natural ones. It is almost impossible to distinguish a fake without special equipment.
  • The first coral jewelry was created in the ancient Sumerian state. Their age is more than six thousand years.

Medicinal properties

A huge amount of calcium in the composition of the stone makes it a unique tool for splicing bones in case of breakage.

Ancient healers knew how to prepare contraceptive drugs from coral powder.

Healers use it to relieve fatigue and increase body tone. It has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, memory, vision and hearing.

Pink polyp skeletons are useful for eliminating insomnia and adduction nervous system to normal.

In case of throat diseases or headaches, it is necessary to wear beads or a pendant.

Magic properties: amulets of zodiac signs

The ancient Greeks considered coral to be a means of extending life. The Indians of Central America still wear them today to ward off evil spirits that bring fever.

This stone behaves rather capriciously with the owner, and long-term wearing leads to adventures and an absurd disposition. The most dangerous period for putting on jewelry with coral is the full moon. At this time, they should be removed and placed under running water, and then removed before the new moon.

Coral is a talisman for travelers and sailors. It protects from evil elements, from hurricanes, fires, storms.

Astrologers say that the mineral is especially useful for Capricorns. All other signs, except for Leo and Cancer, can also ask him for help.


Jewelers do not have much love for coral because of its high fragility and susceptibility to the negative effects of sunlight, high temperatures and chemical substances. Processing is also hampered by the fragile structure.

Corals are set in silver, less often in non-precious alloys for jewelry.

A silver ring with a small insert has a price of around $50. One carat of high-quality mineral will cost 25-50 dollars.

You can also buy cheap jewelry such as bracelets, pendants, beads or earrings from unworked or roughly polished pieces. Such products are most often sold in numerous souvenir shops on the coasts of the seas, where the source material is mined.





Coral is a stone with unique properties. Its marine soul will suit those who love freedom, simplicity and unusual things both in life and in their own wardrobe.

Perhaps the first mineral used to create jewelry is coral stone. The oldest items with coral inserts found by archaeologists date back to the 4th century BC.

Currently, the level of pollution in the world's oceans threatens the existence of this amazing stone, so its value is steadily growing every year.

Origin story

The name of the stone has several versions. According to one of them, the Greek word "koralion" means "that which hardened in the hand." Coral was popular in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt, but it earned special reverence in antiquity.

He often featured in ancient Greek mythology, and the supreme sea god Poseidon lived in a palace built of these stones.

According to another version, the Arabic word "goral" means "amulet stone". Muslims used black corals to create mourning wreaths, rosaries, knife handles, cane handles. It was believed that the powerful spiritual powers of the stone pass to its owner.

In Rus', it was widely believed that coral was found in the brain of a dragon, so it was called dragonite. It was considered a prophetic stone and was used to perform magical rites. Sinister properties were attributed to dragonite; he was an instrument of revenge and corruption.

In the Middle Ages, Venice became the center of trade in these stones. Wearable decorations, miniature sculptures were made from red corals, weapons and salaries of church books were inlaid with them. A pink-colored stone was worn by young girls as a symbol of modesty and purity.

Today, most of the coral comes to the world market from India, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The unusual stone is still interesting not only for collectors, but is also experiencing a new wave of popularity.

Origin and production

Coral as a semi-precious stone is of organic origin. It is formed by the oldest groups of multicellular organisms - coral polyps, which have been on earth for about 550 million years. Processing the salts contained in sea ​​water, they release lime with the formation of plantar plates. As a result, coral reefs, atolls and even entire islands appear.

For a long time, corals were considered plants, and only in the 18th century was their animal origin proven. In jewelry, only calcareous frameworks are used - external skeletons left after the death of polyps. The most valuable part is the top of the coral tree.

On an industrial scale, corals are mined using weighted coarse nets that are moved and dragged along the seabed. Management of bottom nets and trawls is automated. However, with such mining, most of the valuable material deteriorates and dies.

The profession of a coral diver is still in demand. Many of them die at an early age, faced with the dangers that hide the underwater depths; others are due to caisson disease. The best catchers live on the island of Cozumel, located in the Caribbean off the coast of Mexico.

Physicochemical characteristics

Coral is an opaque stone that is translucent along the edges. The hardness of the mineral is low: for red varieties it is 3-4 according to Mohs, for black varieties it is two times lower. As a result, the coral is easily scratched with a knife.

In its raw form, the stone has a matte, even rough surface. It is rubbed with special wax polishes, giving a silky sheen.

When worn, natural corals can fade and fade. But most common cause such a phenomenon is poor-quality coloring. Cheap white and even pink corals are immersed in a solution of hydrogen peroxide to give the popular red hue, and are also treated with chemical dyes.


Natural coral has a rich color palette - 350 shades. The color of the mineral depends on the level of illumination during its growth, as well as the composition of organic matter.

The following varieties are most popular in jewelry:

Red and pink corals

They owe their color to their high iron content. Found predominantly in warm seas at a depth of 30 to 500 meters. The best red corals are mined off the coast of Algeria.

Black, or Akkabars

They do not like sunlight, grow in caves and grottoes at great depths in the waters near Mexico and Australia. The resulting stones have a low hardness, so only formations over 50 years old are used in jewelry.

White, or bianco

Such corals are considered the cheapest, so they are often painted in more popular colors.

Blue or Akori

They are highly porous and difficult to polish. The most rare and valuable are spongy akori of a rich, almost blue color.

Pale pink corals

Received the name "skin of an angel". These gentle natural stones are also highly valued.

In addition, multi-colored corals are often found in nature.- a fantastic combination of golden, black and red shades.

Medicinal properties

There is an unconventional medical practice that uses the healing properties of precious and ornamental jewelry stones - lithotherapy.

According to this theory, coral is capable of:

  1. Activate metabolism.
  2. Normalize the work of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Help with depression and neurosis.
  4. Heal abscesses and ulcers, including internal ones.
  5. Regulate the work of the pancreas.

In addition, the stone is a source of protoglandin hormones. It is ground into dust and used internally as a contraceptive.

Hindus believe that coral affects the throat chakra responsible for breathing, hearing and skin. Ayurveda includes coral among the nine stones that symbolize the planets and control all processes on earth. The blood-red stone is associated with Mars - the patron saint of vitality and passion.

It warms its owner, inspires him to courageous and courageous deeds.

In Portugal, they believe that red coral helps with headaches, in England - with sore throats, in Mexico - with fever. In the countries of Southeast Asia, coral powder is sold in pharmacies and added to ointments, tinctures, and potions.

White coral is used in Japan for dental prosthetics, to speed up the healing of bone fractures. Its calcium structure is easily perceived and absorbed by the human body.

Coral is also popular in cosmetology. Based on it, an antioxidant peeling is made, which has an effective rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Magic properties and beliefs

As a talisman, coral improves memory. It is considered a talisman against poison, witchcraft, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, develops intuition and logic. The ideal time to wear is the phase of the new moon, and the most dangerous is the period of the full moon. Often wearing coral jewelry is not recommended, as it provokes capriciousness and eccentricity.

Natural stone has long been considered the patron saint of travelers. He protects from the dangers that lie in wait in distant wanderings, helps to establish new connections, calms bad weather, calms storms and thunderstorms.

However, the coral sunset in the evening sky portends just windy and turbulent weather.

Phallic-shaped coral amulets are very popular in Thailand. They symbolize the lingam of the god Shiva, protecting the wearer from evil spirits. Amulets are worn around the neck or on the belt, mantras are read over them, ritual chants are arranged.

In South India, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, women wear coral beads to bring peace and harmony to marriage, as well as to cope with infertility. In addition, the mineral acts as an indicator of health status - a sharp loss of color indicates a serious illness of its owner. If you dreamed of a coral, this is a sign of recovery after a serious illness.

35 years of marriage together is called a coral wedding. On this anniversary, husband and wife give each other jewelry with coral inserts, talismans and souvenirs.

Coral in astrology

In astrology, it is generally accepted that red coral is a male stone, and white is female. It is not recommended to wear an inappropriate color for representatives of the opposite sex: a woman who regularly wears jewelry with red coral will acquire rough and masculine features, and vice versa.

Coral has a beneficial effect on people born in the year tiger or red Kota(1962, 1974, 1986, 1998). He brings them good luck, protects them from the anger and envy of strangers.

As for the signs of the zodiac, red coral will be a wonderful talisman for Pisces or Aries. But it is categorically contraindicated for signs of the earth. The Virgos especially do not like him with their pragmatism and complex character.

White coral fit Taurus and Cancer. It promotes rapid healing of wounds, heals from physical and mental illness. As for the names, the coral patronizes Irina, Victoria, Svetlana, Nadezhda, Nonna and Athanasius.

At the same time, talisman stones bring good luck to their owner only if they are obtained in an honest way.


Beads are the most traditional coral jewelry. They help to give the image bright and juicy folk notes. But the richness of the natural palette allows the use of the mineral in a wide variety of jewelry.

Pale pink coral is suitable for a young girl's ring, bright orange in a gold setting will decorate a mature lady, rich black will ennoble a man's signet or bracelet.

Untreated coral sprigs are also used as decorations. They are called cornetti and are worn around the neck in the form of a pendant. Such an unusual product is successfully combined with a romantic look.


It is not difficult to take care of the stone - it is enough to protect it from scratches, acids, hot baths. Natural minerals do not like cosmetics and perfumes. Excessive humidity is harmful, and vice versa, dryness.

It is necessary to store products with coral inserts separately from other jewelry. The ideal option is tissue paper packaging. Plastic bags are not recommended - the mineral must "breathe".

How to identify a fake?

The main criterion by which you can determine whether a coral is natural in front of you is its price. It shouldn't be too low.

Currently, several substitutes for natural stone are common:

  1. Synthetic analogue, or Gilson's coral. It was first obtained in 1972 in a Swiss laboratory from calcite powder. In terms of its physical and chemical properties, Gilson's coral is almost identical to the stone extracted from the ocean depths, but it is much cheaper. It can be distinguished from a natural mineral by the absence of a characteristic mesh pattern on the surface.
  2. Quartzite. This is a cheap stone that looks like coral. It is easy to recognize by its temperature - it always remains cold.
  3. Coral imitations. They are made from pressed coral shavings with the addition of dyes and plastics. There are also very cheap fakes, completely consisting of glass, plastic or polymers. It is easy to recognize them by their uniform color, which is very rare in nature. You can grind a piece of stone and add acetic acid- natural calcium material will enter into chemical reaction resulting in the formation of bubbles on the surface.

Like many seafood, natural coral becomes brighter after a long stay in the water: this does not happen with imitations and fakes. On the contrary, if a low quality colored stone was purchased, then the water may change color.

  1. Coral is popular and revered in the US. So, the black mineral is the symbol of Hawaii, and the agate is the symbol of the state of Florida. Here is the city of Cape Coral, which has the largest number shipping channels in the world.
  2. Once on land, the coral begins to age and slowly die. After 200 years, the former marine life can completely dry up and turn into dust.
  3. The Great Barrier Reef is not only the largest coral formation, but also the largest natural object on Earth, formed by living organisms. It is included in the list world heritage UNESCO. In 2013, a scandal erupted around the reef: during the US-Australian military exercises, four bombs were mistakenly dropped on it. Fortunately, the Great Barrier Reef was not damaged.
  4. It is still not reliably established why Karl stole corals from Clara. Presumably, the reason for the act was revenge for the stolen beloved clarinet.



coral jewelry

Coral is the skeletal material of the colony coral polyps. Large accumulations of coral form coral reefs and coral islands. The “growth” of corals is usually, even under favorable conditions, no more than 1 cm per year in the longitudinal direction, so it can take centuries to form an average reef, and millennia for islands.


The Russian word "coral" ascends through it. Koralle or Polish. coral to lat. corallium, which, in turn, was borrowed from other Greek. κοράλλιον . Modern titles corals in oriental languages: Persian "bussad", Armenian "boost", Arabic "mariam" and so on.

Chemical composition and properties


In nature, more than 3,500 varieties of corals are known, in the palette of which up to 350 color shades are distinguished. Corals are used as a raw material for lime production, some species are used for making jewelry. In the latter case, black (akkabar), white and silver-pearl “angel skin”, and the most popular red and pink precious corals are especially valued.

Pink, red and black corals are considered the most valuable.




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