Prayers al fatiha an us. Prayer muslim sura al fatiha

Transcription of Surah Al-Fatiha:

  1. Bismil-lyayahi rrahmaani rrahim.
  2. Al-hamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-‘aalamieen.
  3. Ar-rahmaani rrahim.
  4. Yaumid-diin yawyaliki.
  5. Iyayakya na'budu wa iyayakya nasta'iin.
  6. Ikhdina ssyraatal-mustakyim.
  7. Syraatol-la h iina an'amta ‘alaihim, gairil-magduubi ‘alaihim wa lad-doolliin. Amin 2 .

Translation and meaning of Surah Al-Fatiha:

1. In the name of Allah [the name of God, the Creator of all things, the One and Only for everyone and everything], whose mercy is boundless and eternal. The sura begins with the name of Allah, the One, Perfect, Almighty, Impeccable. He is the Gracious, the Giver of Good (great and small, general and particular).

2. True praise belongs only to Allah - the Lord of the 3 worlds. All kinds of the most beautiful praise to Allah the One for everything that He predestined 4 for His servants. All glory to Allah - the Creator and Lord of the inhabitants of the worlds 5 . In this revelation, the Almighty called himself the Lord of the worlds, thereby emphasizing that He alone creates, governs and bestows blessings on whom He wills. all sorts of natural phenomena, economic and political crises, great scientific discoveries and bright historical events - all this the Almighty manages and disposes of what is happening on this Earth, leading Life according to a single plan. He is the only Possessor of real power.

3. Whose mercy is boundless and eternal. Allah is All-Merciful. He alone is the Source of Mercy and the Giver of every Good (great and small).

4. Lord of the Day of Judgment. Allah alone is the Lord of the Day of Judgment - the Day of calculation and retribution. And no one but Him has power over anything on this Day. On the Day of Judgment, everyone will receive retribution for all the deeds, words and deeds that he did in this worldly life, good or bad. “And whoever has done at least the weight of a grain of goodness [no doubt] will see it. And whoever has committed even the weight of a grain of evil [certainly and without a doubt] will also see this ”(Holy Quran, 99: 7-8).

5. We worship You and ask You for help [support, God's blessing in our affairs].

Worship is a concept that unites all the words and deeds of a person with which the Almighty is pleased. An act of worship can be good word to a loved one, helping another, for example, with advice, a good deed towards him, providing one or another opportunity, providing material assistance, etc., while doing all this disinterestedly, and sometimes to the detriment of oneself, one’s interests, and never not expecting gratitude for the good done. When the soul and mind of a person are free from the expectation of gratitude, being filled only with love and awe before the Creator, and this awe is not at the level of words, namely, hearts (“and their hearts are trembling”) 6 this is one of the infinite number of facets of worshiping the Almighty. Correctness, correctness of intention and sincerity of the heart filled with love for the Lord of the worlds are qualities that raise the usual, most worldly business to the level of “accepted worship” of the Almighty and give a person the right to count on reciprocal Divine love.

Despite the fact that the prayer for help is one of the forms of worship, Almighty Allah, in His last Scripture, mentioned it separately, because when performing any ritual (deed), the servant of Allah needs the help of his Lord. Without His help, a person will never be able to faithfully fulfill God's commands, patiently go through the difficulties that arise and avoid sins.

6. Direct us to the right path 7 . [Guide us to the straight path of truth, goodness and happiness, guide us to it and help us follow it.]

7. In the way of Your servants [from among the prophets, messengers, the righteous and all those who have been so honored], whom You have guided to believe in You and to whom You have shown Your mercy, directing them to a straight path and showing them Your favor, but do not [lead us in the way] of those who provoked Your wrath and strayed from the path of truth and goodness [not fulfilling and not following the obligations prescribed by You].

Al-Fatiha is the greatest sura of the Qur'an. It is one of the most useful, deep and comprehensive prayers in Islam. It talks about the totality of ideas and the general meaning of the Koran, which confirms monotheism, being good news for believers. In this surah, Allah Almighty warns about the punishment of sinful people and unbelievers, and also indicates the need to worship the Lord. Also in the sura it is told about those who obeyed Allah and gained bliss, and about those who did not obey Him, did not follow the obligations established by Him, and were at a loss.

Allah obligated people to call on Him with these words in every rak'ah of prayer that every person needs God's help. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) especially emphasized the power of this surah, saying: “Al-Fatiha” is a cure for any disease except death.” The following hadith is given in support of his words.

Once a group of companions of the prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, passed by an oasis, the leader of the tribe of which was bitten by a scorpion. A resident of the oasis came out to meet them and said: “Are there among you who know how to heal with prayer? There is a man in the oasis who has been bitten by a scorpion." The Companion of the Prophet went to the head and began to read Surah Al-Fatiha 8, blowing and spitting on the bite. Very quickly, this man began to come to his senses. After some time, the leader seemed to be freed from the fetters and began to walk, completely getting rid of the pain. When the patient fully recovered, the companions returned to the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and greet him, and told him what had happened, to which the Prophet asked: “How did you know that Al-Fatiha can serve as a conspiracy (medicine) ? And then he said: “You all did the right thing 9 , divide what you got and allocate one sheep to me” 10 .

Imam al-Nawawi said: “Sura Al-Fatiha is a rukya-spell (along with other forms of its benefit and grace). Therefore, it is advisable to read this surah on those who have befallen a harmful one, venomous bite, as well as anyone suffering from this or that ailment, illness” 11 .


1 This is the first sura in order of arrangement in the Qur'an and the first sura revealed in full. | |

2 The word "amin" means "Oh God, accept our prayers" and also "So be it." | |

3 Dominance - the predominant, overwhelming influence somewhere, the possession of complete power over someone or something. His power and power are so great that the human mind cannot comprehend these concepts in full. This is beyond human capabilities. | |

4 For details on the topic “Kadar” - Predestination?” read the book by Sh. Alyautdinov “Islam 624”, pp. 7-25. | |

5 The world of people, plants and animals; the world of angels and genies, etc.. | |

6 “And those who give what they give [from good deeds, deeds, obligatory alms (zakat) or just alms], and [this happens in a state that] their hearts are trembling with that [the reason for trembling is] that they return to their Lord (will be returned)” See: Holy Quran, 23:60. | |

7 What is meant by the term “The Right Way”, see for example: Sh. Alyautdinov Tafsir of the Holy Quran, 2006, p.23. | |

8 At-Tirmidhi says that the sura was read seven times. | |

9 The Prophet Muhammad said this to show that the reward was not questionable. In one version of the hadith, the following words of the Messenger are quoted: “The most worthy earnings are what is earned on the Book of Allah.” Hadith from Ibn Abbas. | |

10 See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari: In 2 vols. Vol. 2, p. 671, Hadith No. 2276. | |

Al Fatiha.

The main prayer of Muslims.

The first sura (chapter) of the Qur'an

All-Merciful and Merciful!

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds;

We kneel before You only

And only to You for help we cry:

"Guide us to a straight path,

and those who wander in unbelief."

Translation by Iman Porokhova (

Transcription of Arabic in Kazakh

Aguzu billaћi minєsh-shєytanir-razhim

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!

El-khemdu lil-llєєћi robil yaalamiin.

Ar-rohmєєnir-rohiim. Meliks yaumid-diin.

Iyєєkє nabudu ya iyakє nastain.

Syrootal-lєziina єn'amtє 'aleiћim.

Goyril-Maduubi aleiћim uєd-doolliin!

Conveyed by Elder Hapas

Transcription of Arabic in Russian

Aguzu billahi minash-shaitanir-rajim

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!

Al-hamdu lil-llyahi robil yaalamiin.

Ar-rohmaanir-rohiim. Maaliki yaumid-din.

Iyaaka nabbudu wa iyaka nasta'in.

Sirootal-lasiina an'amta aleihim.

Goyril-Magduubi galeihim wa lad-doolliin!

Conveyed by Elder Hapas

Listen to audio

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date last change: May 12, 2004

Sura Al Fatiha (The Opening Book)

Transcription of Surah Al Fatiha

Translation of Surah Al Fatiha by Iman Powder

1. Bismil-lyayahi rrahmaani rrahim.

In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful and Merciful!

2. Al-hamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-‘aalamimin.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds;

3. Ar-rahmaani rrahiim.

All-Merciful and Merciful He alone,

4. Yaumid-diin yayaliks.

Judgment Day alone He is the Lord.

5. Iyayakya na'budu wa iyayakya nasta'iin.

Only before You do we kneel, and only to You do we cry for help:

6. Ikhdina ssyraatal-mustakim.

“Guide us to a straight path,

7. Syraatol-lyaziyna an’amta ‘alaihim,

What have you chosen for those who are gifted with your mercy,

Save us from the path of those who anger you

And those who wander in unbelief.”

Translation of Surah Al Fatiha into Russian

1. I begin with the Name of Allah - the One Almighty Creator. He is the Merciful, the Bestower of blessings for all in this World, and the Merciful only for the believers in Ahirat.

2. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, for everything that He gave to His servants (Angels, people, genies). All glory is to Allah, the Creator and Lord of the worlds.

3. He is Ar-Rahman (Merciful to all in this World) and He is Ar-Rahim (Merciful only to believers in the Other World).

4. Allah and h - One Lord of the Day of Judgment, the Day of calculation and Retribution. And no one but Him has power over anything on This Day. Allah a h rules over everything.

5. To You alone we make the highest degree of worship and cry out to You for help.

6. Keep us on the Path of Truth (on the Path of Islam), goodness and happiness.

7. Lead us along the Path of Your pious servants, to whom You have granted to believe in You and to whom You have shown Your Grace, directing them along straight path(the path of Islam), along the path of those whom You have favored (along the path of the Prophets and Angels). But not along the path of those whom You punished and who strayed from the Path of Truth and goodness, deviating from faith in You, not showing obedience to You.

Surah Al Fatiha in Arabic

Listen to Surah Al Fatiha

Download Surah Al Fatiha in mp3 format

Video: Sura Al Fatiha is read by Sheikh Mishari Rashid al-Afasi, Russian translation by E. Kuliyev

Al Fatiha is the first sura of the Holy Quran. This page contains the translation of the sura in Russian, and its transcription. The opportunity to download an mp3 file or listen to it on-line is provided. A variant of reading Al Fatiha is given on Arabic, Russian translation text. In Islam, there are suras - chapters of the Holy Quran, and prayers (dua) - requests with which people turn to Allah Almighty. Al Fatiha is the first (opening) sura of the Qur'an. Its text consists of seven verses (elementary semantic parts). You can listen to the surah on this page. Audio and video - materials located here will be useful to people who are interested in reading, words, text of the sura.

Sura al Fatiha text in Russian

Transcription of Surah Al Fatiha into Russian

  1. Bismil-lyayahi rrahmaani rrahim.
  2. Al-hamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-‘aalamieen.
  3. Ar-rahmaani rrahim.
  4. Yaumid-diin yawyaliki.
  5. Iyayakya na'budu wa iyayakya nasta'iin.
  6. Ikhdina ssyraatal-mustakyim.
  7. Syraatol-lyaziyna an’amta ‘alaihim, gairil-magduubi ‘alaihim wa lad-doolliin. Amine

The semantic translation of Surah Al-Fatiha

  1. In the name of Allah, whose mercy is boundless and eternal.
  2. True praise belongs only to Allah - the Lord of the worlds.
  3. His mercy is boundless and eternal.
  4. Lord of Doomsday.
  5. We worship You and ask You for help
  6. Lead us in the right way.
  7. In the way of Your servants, whom You have instructed to believe in You and to whom You have shown Your mercy, directing them to the straight path and showing them Your favor, but not those who aroused Your anger and went astray.

"Al-Fatiha" is the greatest sura of the Qur'an, which is also a useful, powerful and comprehensive prayer. Allah obligated people to call on Him with these words in every rak'ah of prayer.

Al-Fatiha - cure for any disease except death

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) especially emphasized the power of this surah, saying: “Al-Fatiha” is a cure for any disease except death.” The following hadith is given in support of his words.

Once a group of companions of the prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, passed by an oasis, the leader of the tribe of which was bitten by a scorpion. A resident of the oasis came out to meet them and said: “Are there among you who know how to heal with prayer? There is a man in the oasis who has been bitten by a scorpion." The Companion of the Prophet came to the head of the tribe and began to read Surah Al-Fatiha, blowing and spitting on the bite. Very quickly, this man began to come to his senses. After some time, the leader seemed to be freed from the fetters and began to walk, completely getting rid of the pain. When the patient fully recovered, the companions returned to the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and greet him, and told him what had happened, to which the Prophet asked: “How did you know that Al-Fatiha can serve as a conspiracy (medicine) ? And then he said: “You did everything right, divide what you got, and select one sheep for me.”

Imam al-Nawawi said: “Sura Al-Fatiha is a rukya-spell (along with other forms of its benefit and grace). Therefore, it is advisable to read this sura on those who have suffered a harmful, poisonous bite, as well as on anyone suffering from this or that ailment, disease.

This sura is an effective prayer-du'a addressed to a world where there are no concepts of time and space, the correct appeal to which can turn into indescribable forms of happiness in the mundane and eternal.

If you need anything, then read Surah Al-Fatihah from beginning to end, and Allah Almighty will give you help if He wishes

There are several more hadiths that show the virtues of reading Surah Al-Fatiha. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that in Surah Al-Fatiha there is a cure for any misfortune.

Abu Suleiman (may Allah be pleased with him!) reports that the companions of the prophet during one battle read the surah Al-Fatiha to a man who fell to the ground from epilepsy. After reading Fatiha, the person immediately recovered. To this, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Sura Al-Fatiha is a cure for any disease.”

Harij Ibn-i Salt At-Tamimi (may Allah be pleased with him!) narrated the following story of his uncle: Once I came to the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). After I left him, I went to one community. Among them was one insane man, he was kept on a chain. Close people of this patient turned to me: “Do you have a drug with you that will help this madman? We were told that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) brought good with him.” For 3 days, in the morning and in the evening, I read Surah Al-Fatiha to him, and after reading, without swallowing saliva, I blew on him. Then, as this patient recovered, they gave me 100 sheep. I immediately returned to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and told him this story. To this he ordered: “Eat these rams! I swear, there are people who eat what was given to them for doing bad things. And you did a good job."

Abdul-Malik (may Allah be pleased with him!) narrated the following words of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “In Sura Fatih there is a recovery from all diseases.” He also said: “If you fall ill or complain about something, then turn to the surah Al-Fatiha, which is the basis of the Holy Quran.”

Abud-Darda (may Allah be pleased with him!) conveyed the following words of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Sura Fatiha is different from all the suras of the Holy Quran. If you place it on one scale and put the entire Qur'an on the other, then Surah Al-Fatiha will be 7 times heavier.

The following words of Ata (may Allah be pleased with him!): “If you need anything, then read Surah Al-Fatihah from beginning to end, and Allah will help you if He wishes.”

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Almighty Allah in the Holy Quran gave people a promise that he would accept their prayers. And therefore, we always need to turn to Him with dua in all cases of life, both in joy and in sorrow. Most of all, people need the help of Allah Almighty when various diseases and ailments befall them. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in illness.

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ. لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ . وَلَمْيَكُن لَّهُ كُفُواً أَحَدٌ. Sura al Ikhlas text in Russian letters Bismi-llayahi-rrahmaani-rrahiim 1. Kul hu Allah ahad. 2. Allahu s-samad. 3. Lam yalid wa lam yulad&n.

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Bringing to the toilet a phone that contains files with the Koran, books on Sharia sciences or other valuable scriptures is not prohibited if they are not open in the phone and displayed on its display (screen). If an azan or dhikr is connected instead of a call, then to prevent them from playing during an incoming call, turn off the phone or leave it outside. If you forgot to turn it off and

We will try to answer the question in detail: prayer al ikhlas translation on the site: site - for our esteemed readers.

Explanation of Surah Al-Ikhlas

The Almighty commanded to speak these words with firm confidence and absolute conviction in the truth of these words. And for this, a person must be aware of their true meaning. Allah is the only God. His beautiful names and attributes are perfect, His deeds are holy and flawless, and there is none like or like Him.

He is self-sufficient, and all the inhabitants of heaven and earth are in the highest degree in need of Him and pray for His help, because all His qualities are perfect. He is omniscient and His knowledge is unlimited. He is patient and His patience is endless. He is merciful, and His mercy encompasses all things. The same applies to all divine qualities.

The perfection of Allah is also manifested in the fact that He does not give birth and was not born, and therefore does not need anyone or anything. His names, qualities and deeds are superior to the names, qualities and deeds of creatures. He is great and all-good! From all that has been said, it follows that this sura entirely preaches the doctrine that only Allah has divine names and qualities.

"Al-Ikhlas" / "Purification of the Faith"

Al Ikhlas, al-Ihlyas (arab.‎‎ - Purification of faith) also sura at-Tawhid (arab. سورة التوحيد‎‎, Monotheism), sura as-Samadiya (arab. سورة الصمدية‎‎, Eternal) - Holy sura . Al-Ikhlas was sent down in Mecca and consists of four verses. It is reported that the surah was sent down after the polytheists asked the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, what his Lord was made of.

The text of Surah Al-Ikhlas

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

Bismi Al-Lahi Ar-Raĥmāni Ar-Raĥmi

Say: "He is Allah, the One,

Qul Huwa Al-Lahu ‘Aadun

قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ

He did not give birth and was not born,

Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yulad

الَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ

and there is none equal to Him."

Walam Yakun Lahu Kufuwan ‘Aadun

وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ

Surah Al-Ikhlas audio

Recited by Sheikh Mishari Rashid Al-Afasi

The Importance of Surah Al-Ikhlas

In a hadith cited by Muslim and other muhaddis from Abu Hurairah, it is said that the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Reading the Surah Al-Ikhlas is comparable to reading a third of the Qur'an.”

In another transmission (riwaya) it is said that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Whoever sincerely and sincerely reads Surah Al-Ikhlas, the Almighty will protect him from the fiery hell of Hell.”

Every night before going to bed, the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, blew on his palms and then read the last three surahs of the Holy Quran - Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falak and An-Nas. After that, he rubbed the whole body with his palms three times, starting with the head and face. As stipulated in one of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, a person who said and did all of the above will be protected from evil until morning. It is also useful to read the ayat “Al-Kursi” (Sahih al-Bukhari) before going to bed.

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Surah Al-Ikhlas

On this page you can listen online sura al-Ikhlas, read it in Arabic, transcription and translation of meanings, as well as download in mp3 format.

Read Surah Ikhlas in Arabic

Transcription of Surah al-Ikhlas (text in Russian)

2. Allahu s-samad.

3. Lam yalid wa lam yulad

1. Say: “He is Allah, the One,

2. Allah is Self-sufficient.

Download sura al-Ikhlas or listen online mp3

Watch online video reading in Arabic, and translation of the meanings of Surah al Ikhlas

Interpretation of the meanings (tafsir) of Surah Al-Ikhlas

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful!

This Surah was sent down in Mecca. It consists of 4 verses. Prophet - may Allah bless and greet him! they asked about his Lord. And in this sura he is ordered to answer that He is the Possessor of all perfect qualities, He is the One and only. He is constantly turned to for help in need. He doesn't need anyone. There is none like Him and none like Him. He did not beget and was not begotten, and among His creations there is no equal or like Him.

112:1. Say, O Muhammad, to those who, mockingly, told you to describe your Lord to them: “He is Allah, the One and Only. And He has no partners.

112:2. Allah, to whom alone one turns in need and to satisfy requests.

112:3-4. He has no children, He was not born, and there is no equal or like Him.

Prayers. Al Fatiha. Al Ihlyas. Al Falyak. An-Nas

“Al-hamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-‘aalamieen.

Iyayaka na'budu wa iyayakya nasta'iin.

Syraatol-lyaziyna an’alaihim, gairil-magdubi ‘alaihim va lad-doolliin.

Sura 112. al-Ihlyas

Kul huwal-laahu ahad.

Lam yalid wa lam yulad.

Wa lam yakul-lyahu kufuvan ahad.

Sura 113. al-Falyak

Kul a'uuzu bi rabbil-falyak.

Min sharri maa halyak.

Wa min sharri gaasikyn izee wakab.

Wa min sharri nnaffaasaati fil-‘ukad.

Wa min sharri haasidin izee hasad.

Sura 114. an-Nas

Kul a'uuzu bi rabbin-naas.

Allusions to yuvasvisu fii suduurin-naas.

Al Fatiha. Sura 112-114.. Discussions

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Sura Al Ikhlas (Arabic and Russian text, meaning, virtues)

Sura al Ikhlas text in Russian letters

1. Kul hu Allahu ahad.

2. Allahu s-samad.

3. Lam yalid wa lam yulad

4. Walam yakullahu kufuan ahad.

The semantic translation of Surah al-Ikhlas (Sincerity)

2. Allah is Self-sufficient.

3. He did not beget and was not born,

4. and there is no one equal to Him.

Benefits of Reading Surah Al Ikhlas

The merits of reading Surah Al-Ikhlas cannot be counted. In a reliable hadeeth from Abu ad-Darda", the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) asks those around him: "Is not each of you able to read a third of the Qur'an in a night?" They asked in response: “How is that, O Messenger of Allah?” He told them: "Read Surah al-Ikhlas! It is equal to one third of the Qur'an."

In a hadeeth from Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, it is said that a certain person said to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him): “I love this sura [Al-Ikhlas] very much: 112. الرَّحِيمِِ قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ .1 اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ.2 لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ .3وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُواً أَحَدٌ.4 Смысл: "Скажи: "Он - Аллах - един…"" (Коран, 112:1 - 4). The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said to him in response: "Your love for her will lead you to Paradise."

In a hadith from Ubay ibn Ka "ba, may Allah be pleased with him, it is said that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Whoever reads Surah Al-Ikhlas once, he will receive from Allah Almighty as much reward as He gives to everyone who believes in Him, in His angels, holy books and messengers. A person who reads this sura will receive a reward equal to that given to a hundred who fell on His path (shaheeds)." So it is said in the book "At-Tafsir al-kabir."

In a hadith cited by Muslim and other muhaddis from Abu Hurayrah, it is said that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Reading the Surah Al-Ikhlas is comparable to reading a third of the Qur'an.” This hadith is given in the book "Al-Lubab" and so it is said in the composition "Al-Itkan" from the words of a group of companions of the Prophet. In another transmission (riwaya) it is said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever sincerely and sincerely reads Surah Al-Ikhlas, the Almighty will protect him from the fiery hell of Hell.”

Ahmad [ibn Hanbal] and Abu Dawud cited a hadith from Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, where it is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If anyone reads Surah Al-Ikhlas, then it will be counted to him as recitation of a third of the Quran.

In a hadith cited by Muslim with a revision from Mu "az ibn Jabal and Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with them, and mentioned by the author of the book "Khazinat al-asrar", it is said that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Who reads Surah Al-Ikhlas eleven times, for that Almighty Allah will build a house in Paradise". may Allah be pleased with them, which says that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “To the one who reads the Surah Al-Ikhlas eleven times, Allah Almighty will build a palace in Paradise, to the one who reads it twenty times - two palace, and whoever reads it thirty times - three palaces. “Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, exclaimed: “O Messenger of Allah, I swear by the Almighty, then we will multiply our palaces in Paradise.” The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said in response: “The mercy of Allah Almighty is vast all this!" This is mentioned in At-Tafsir al-Hanafi and in Mishkat al-Masabih.

It is reported that "Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, said:" If someone reads the surah "Al-Ikhlas" eleven times after the completion of the morning prayer (salat al-fajr), then on that day he will not commit a single sin , despite all the efforts of the shaitan". This is how it is mentioned in the composition "Rukh al-bayan" .

In a hadith cited by at-Tabarani from Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, it is said that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever reads the surah Al-Ikhlas twelve times, he will read the entire Qur'an four times and if he is still pious, then in that day he will become the best of all people on earth. This is how it is written in the work “Al-Itkan”.

152 of the book of Al-Khazina, the author writes: “Ibn Nasr cited a hadith from Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, who reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever reads Surah Al-Ikhlas fifty times” Allah Almighty will forgive his sins for fifty years.

In a hadith cited by at-Tabarani from Jabir ibn "Abdallah, may Allah be pleased with him, it is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:" If a believer reads Surah Al-Ikhlas fifty times every day, then on the Day of Resurrection, a voice from above will be heard over his grave: "Arise, O praiser of Allah, enter Paradise!"

Al-Bayhaqi and Ibn "Adi cited a hadith from Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, which says that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:" If a person reads Surah Al-Ikhlas a hundred times, then Allah Almighty will forgive him the sins of fifty years, provided that he does not commit sins of four types: the sin of bloodshed, the sin of acquisitiveness and hoarding, the sin of debauchery and the sin of drinking alcohol.

At-Tabarani and ad-Daylemi have a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him): “Whoever reads Surah Al-Ikhlas a hundred times during prayer (salat) or at another time, he will be saved by Allah from the fire of Hell.”

In a hadith cited by at-Tirmidhi from Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, it is said that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “To everyone who reads Surah Al-Ikhlas two hundred times, Allah Almighty will consider this as a fulfillment 1,500 good deeds and will erase the sins of fifty years from his book, provided that he has no debt to people.

If someone reads Surah Al-Ikhlas a hundred times, lying in bed before going to bed on the right side, then on the Day of Judgment, the Almighty will say to him: "O My slave! Enter Paradise on the right side!" This is how it is mentioned in Al-Itkan.

Al-Bayhaqi cited a hadith from Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, who said that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever reads Surah Al-Ikhlas two hundred times, the Almighty will forgive the sins of two hundred years.” Also, al-Bayhaqi and Ibn "Adi cited a hadith from Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, which says that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Whoever reads Surah Al-Ikhlas two hundred times daily, then it will be reckoned by Allah as the fulfillment of one thousand five hundred good deeds, provided that there is no debt on him.

In Al-Fawa'id al-Khariji, there is a hadith from Hudhayfa, may Allah be pleased with him, which says that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever reads Surah Al-Ikhlas a thousand times, he will redeem his soul with Allah Almighty". This is mentioned in "Al-Jami" as-saghir".

On page 153 of the book “Khazinat al-asrar” there is also a hadith: “Vaqi told”: Israel told him: Ibrahim told him: “Abdallah al-A” la told him: Ibn Jubair told him: Ibn “Abbas, yes Allah will be pleased with them that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Days and nights I felt anxiety for my community (ummah) of believers in One Allah, fearing that the punishment of Hell would befall it, until the angel Jibril appeared to me , peace be upon him, with the sura "Al-Ikhlas". Then I was convinced that Allah, after sending down this sura, would not punish my community (ummah), for this sura is directly related to Him. If anyone is constant in reading this sura, then with the heavens will descend upon him, and his soul will find peace and tranquility. And then Almighty Allah will mercifully look at him, forgive him his sins and will not punish him. After that, whatever this slave asks for, the Almighty Lord will grant him this and bring him under the shadow of His protection and care. From the day of reading this sura and until the Day of Resurrection, the one who reads it will get in abundance all the blessings of this and that light that Almighty Allah grants to His awliya "and to all who submit to Him. The Almighty will give him countless blessings from the earthly inheritance, prolong his life and facilitate the burden of worries "Allah will deliver him from death pangs and suffering, deliver him from punishment in the grave. This person will not know fear, from which all the servants of God will fall into a stupor. And when the bodies are put together [on the Day of Resurrection], a horse of pure pearls will be brought to him. He will sit on it and go until he appears on it before Allah Almighty. And then the Almighty will look at him mercifully and reward him with Paradise, where he can choose for himself the place he wants. Blessed is he who reads Surah Al-Ikhlas" Indeed, whoever reads it, Allah will entrust angels who will protect him from the front and back, will ask for forgiveness for him and write good deeds in his book until the very day of his death. According to the letters of the Surah Al-Ikhlas that he read, date palms one fars long, each of which will have thousands of stems, and on each stem there will be dates in a number comparable to the number of grains of sand in the Alij desert. Every date on those palm trees the size of a mountain top, sparkling with lightning, the brilliance of which illuminates the branches that reach from earth to heaven. These palm trees are of red gold, their dates are pure pearls, and their ornaments and robes are of different colors.

The Almighty will send thousands of angels to the one who reads Surah Al-Ikhlas, who will build cities and palaces for him and grow various trees around them, exhaling aroma and bending from fruits. Wherever he treads, the earth will rejoice in him. He will die having been forgiven of his sins. When he appears before Almighty Allah, He will say to him: "Rejoice! Let your eyes rejoice in everything that is given to you from My bounties!" The angels will marvel at his closeness to God and the honor given to him. Allah orders the Preserved Tablet (al-Lauh al-Mahfuz) to announce the reward granted to him for reading Surah Al-Ikhlas. She will read to him and all the inhabitants of heaven, amazed at her size, will exclaim: "Pure is our Lord from all that does not befit Him! Is there such a reward in Paradise?" The Almighty will answer them: "I will prepare all this for My servant!" Try to always read this surah, for reading it will help you avoid hellfire! If someone reads this sura once, then seventy thousand angels will testify that he will be rewarded with Paradise. He will be rewarded for the labors of seven hundred thousand angels. Allah Almighty, knowing better about his needs, will say: "Find out what My servant needs, and give him what he wants!"

Everyone who constantly reads Surah Al-Ikhlas will be referred by the Almighty to the number of those who are successful, who rise to worship and observe fasting. When the Day of Resurrection comes, the angels will exclaim: "O Lord! This man loves Your qualities!" The Almighty will say: "All of you must accompany him to Paradise!" And then all of them will lead him to Paradise as they lead the bride to the groom's house. When he enters Paradise, the angels, seeing all his palaces there and realizing how great the degree of rewards prepared for him, will exclaim: “O our Lord! Why is he higher in degree before You than those who were next to him and read the whole Qur'an? Allah Almighty will say in response: “I sent My messengers to the people with My books and explained to them what honor I will give to those who believe in Me, and what punishment I will inflict on those who did not believe in Me! I will reward everyone according to his deeds, except for those who read Surah Al-Ikhlas! After all, they loved to read it day and night, and therefore I preferred to raise them higher in degree in front of the rest of the inhabitants of Paradise. When the one who loved reading this surah dies, Allah will ask: "Who else is able to fully bestow My servant, except Me? I own the full reward for him!" The Almighty will say: "My slave! Enter Paradise! I am pleased with you!" As soon as he steps there, he will utter the words of the Almighty :) ولclughterا ال#ughter لail.Ru feature صail.Ru صicles صimes صimes صail.Ruule (الى (فorkى (فorkىlebated heavenly land. We will settle (settle) in Paradise, wherever we wish. "Benefits are the reward of those who do good deeds" (Quran, 39:74).

Blessed is he who loves to read Surah Al-Ikhlas! If someone reads it three times every day, then the Almighty will turn to him with the words: "My slave! You succeeded and loved what I desired! Here is Paradise, enter it to see all that I have prepared for you from His bounties and mercy for reading Surah Al-Ikhlas: قل هو الله احد Meaning: "Say: He is Allah - One!" He will enter Paradise and see a thousand servants ruling millions of cities, between which are palaces and gardens. Be diligent in reading the Surah Al-Ikhlas, for all those who believe in Allah, who read this Surah three to five times every day, will enjoy His great pleasure with them. They will be from among those about whom Allah Almighty says: اللّهَ وَالرَّسُولَ فَأُوْلَـئِكَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمَ اللّهُ عَلَيْهِم مِّنَ النَّبِيِّينَ وَالصِّدِّيقِينَ وَالشُّهَدَاء وَالصَّالِحِينَ وَحَسُنَ أُولَـئِكَ رَفِيقاً .69 (69 سورة النساء) Смысл: "А кто повинуется Аллаху и посланнику, то они - вместе с теми из пророков, праведников, исповедников, благочестивых, кому Аллах rendered milos th. And how beautiful is their community!" (Sura An-Nisa ayat 69). Whoever reads Surah Al-Ikhlas twenty times will be granted from above a reward equal to the reward of seven hundred thousand believers who shed blood in the path of Allah. The blessing will descend on himself, his family , property and yard.

Whoever recites Surah Al-Ikhlas thirty times, thirty thousand palaces will be built in Paradise. Anyone who reads it forty times will be next to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) on the Day of Judgment. Whoever reads it fifty times, Allah will forgive his sins for fifty years. Whoever reads it a hundred times, the Almighty will count it as worship to Him for a hundred years. Reading this sura two hundred times is counted as the release of one hundred slaves. Whoever reads it four hundred times will get the reward of four hundred martyrs. For reading this sura five hundred times, Allah will forgive the sins of the reader himself, those who live with him in the same house and his future children. “Know that the best of both worlds lies in reading it. Only the happy ones will be constant in reading the Surah Al-Ikhlas, and the unfortunate [those who have gone astray] will not be able to read it.” This is what Tafsir al-Hanafi says.

The hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), cited by ad-Daylemi, says: “To the one who performs the morning prayer together with others, and then, sitting in the mihrab, reads the surah Al-Ikhlas a hundred times, all of his sins that are not directly related to people, and for which you will have to answer only to Allah Almighty. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever reads Surah Al-Ikhlas a thousand times, he will receive the good news that he will enter Paradise.” So Abu told about this "Ubaida, may Allah be pleased with him! They say that if someone is honored with reading this surah in a dream, then he will be rewarded with consolidation in Monotheism (tawhid), a small family, will become able to remember Allah a lot and his prayers will be heard.

The scholar al-Hafiz Abu Muhammad ibn al-Hasan as-Samarkandi, may Allah be pleased with him, when considering the merits of Surah Al-Ikhlas, cited a hadith from Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, which says that the Messenger of Allah (peace be and blessing upon him) said: “If anyone reads Surah Al-Ikhlas once, he will be overshadowed by the grace of the Almighty. Whoever reads it twice, then he and his whole family will be under the shadow of grace. If someone reads it three times, then he himself, his family and his neighbors will receive grace from above. Whoever reads it twelve times, Allah will grant twelve palaces in Paradise. Whoever reads it twenty times, he [on the Day of Judgment] will walk with the prophets like this. (And the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) at the same time closed his index and middle fingers). Whoever reads it a hundred times, the Almighty will forgive all his sins of twenty-five years, except for the sin of bloodshed and the sin of non-repayment of debt. Whoever reads it two hundred times, the sins of fifty years will be forgiven. Anyone who reads this surah four hundred times will get a reward equal to the reward of four hundred martyrs who shed blood and whose horses were wounded in battle. Whoever reads Surah Al-Ikhlas a thousand times, he will not die without seeing his place in Paradise, or until he is shown it.

The book of Hazinat al-asrar mentions a hadith quoted by Ibn al-Najjar with an adaptation from "Ali ibn Abu Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, which says that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Whoever wants to go on a trip, let he will take hold of the jambs of the door of his house and read the surah Al-Ikhlas eleven times. And then he will be protected until he returns home.

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Almighty Allah in the Holy Quran gave people a promise that he would accept their prayers. And therefore, we always need to turn to Him with dua in all cases of life, both in joy and in sorrow. Most of all, people need the help of Allah Almighty when various diseases and ailments befall them. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in illness.

Dua for gaining wealth As we know, dua (prayer) is a weapon of a Muslim in various life situations. And if you want to increase your livelihood, the believer turns to the Giver, Almighty Allah, calling on Him to grant funds. Dua has the power to change fate, and Allah will grant us more if we make dua often. Allah loves those who call upon him, “About everything, c.

Ushr, ushur from Arabic has the meaning of a tenth. This is a kind of tax or fee in the amount of 1/10. The need to pay ushra is enshrined in the Koran, the Sunnah and the unanimous decision of Islamic theologians (ijma). This type of zakat is paid from agricultural products (from the harvest). Zakat on the harvest of crops and orchards grown by rain or river water, hay, and also.

Transcription of Sura al Fatiha into Russian Bismil-lyayahi rrahmaani rrahiim. Al-hamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-‘aalamieen. Ar-rahmaani rrahim. Yaumid-diin yawyaliki. Iyayakya na'budu wa iyayakya nasta'iin. Ikhdina ssyraatal-mustakyim. Syraatol-lyaziina an’amta ‘alaihim, gairil-magduub.

Ritual purity is one of the prerequisites for prayer. Without ablution, prayer is considered invalid. Every Muslim and Muslim woman should have information about these obligatory elements of ablution. There are two types - full and small ablution. Full ablution (ghusl) Full ablution is otherwise called ghusl. This is the pouring process.

You pray and ask God to grant you something or take something harmful away from you. However, no matter how diligently you cry out to the Supreme Creator, your prayers remain unanswered and you do not realize what is the reason for this. Why doesn't Allah answer my prayer? The Almighty hears and sees everything, knows about all our desires. He said, “If.

The development of Islam in the country, the construction of mosques and their demolition, the preparation, as well as the appointment of clergy, are under the control of the state. Society in Turkmenistan is historically passive, and that narrow layer that could influence political life was trampled down during the time of Saparmurat Niyazov. Even in the most religious areas of Turkmenistan there are no Islamic politi.

Bringing to the toilet a phone that contains files with the Koran, books on Sharia sciences or other valuable scriptures is not prohibited if they are not open in the phone and displayed on its display (screen). If an azan or dhikr is connected instead of a call, then to prevent them from playing during an incoming call, turn off the phone or leave it outside. If you forgot to turn it off and

The main Islamic prayer "Al-Fatiha" (Opening).

My clients are of different faiths. It doesn't matter to me - God is one. Everyone understands God in the way that is given to his soul and according to his kind, so that a person can merge with the Faith as much as possible and achieve unity with God. In this message, I give the text of the main prayer of Islam, which is recognized as healing, along with other prayers of other faiths (see the book Healing by Prayers).

The main Islamic prayer "Al-Fatiha" (Opening).

In the name of the Most High Good and Merciful. Praise be to the Almighty, the Holy Creator and Master of the Worlds, the Good and Merciful, to the one who will judge on his appointed day. We worship and serve you, and only from you we ask for help, guide us on the path of those who have known your good deeds, and not those who deserve your anger and not those who have fallen into error.
(This prayer opens the fields for the exit of negative structures, cleanses and strengthens the human field).

Healing from diseases.

It is known that the Qur'an is a cure for diseases and the surah al-Fatiha heals that which is beyond the power of other means. In the collection of Imam al-Bukhari (may Allah have mercy on him) at number 2276, and in the collection of Imam Muslim- (may Allah have mercy on him) at number 2201, it is transmitted from Abu Said al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him): “One day a group of companions (may Allah be pleased with them) were on their way on behalf of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The night caught them on the territory of one of the Arab tribes, and the travelers asked for shelter from the owners, but were refused. At this time, the head of the tribe was stung by a scorpion. Members of this tribe tried to heal him on their own, but in vain. Some of them offered to turn to strangers for help. The Bedouins came to the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) and said: “O wayfarers, our leader has been stung by a scorpion and we have no antidote, do you have something for the sting?” The Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) replied: “We have an antidote, but we will not help you until you accept us. They agreed to receive the travelers (may Allah be pleased with them). After one of the companions read, the leader of the tribe came to his senses in front of everyone and began to walk. As a sign of gratitude, the leader ordered to give the companions (may Allah be pleased with them) a flock of sheep. Taking the reward, some of them said: "We must divide the herd between us." And the one who read Surah al-Fatiha said to them: “Do not do this until we come to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and tell him what happened. Let's hear what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has to say." When they returned to Medina and told the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about everything. He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked the one who read the Surah al-Fatiha: “How did you know that you can heal with it?” Then, smiling, he said: “You did everything right, make me a share too! »

New article: Islam prayer al-fatiha on the site site - in all details and details from the many sources that we managed to find.

The main prayer of Muslims.

The first sura (chapter) of the Qur'an

All-Merciful and Merciful!

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds;

We kneel before You only

And only to You for help we cry:

"Guide us to a straight path,

and those who wander in unbelief."

Translation by Iman Porokhova (

Transcription of Arabic in Kazakh

Aguzu billaћi minєsh-shєytanir-razhim

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!

El-khemdu lil-llєєћi robil yaalamiin.

Ar-rohmєєnir-rohiim. Meliks yaumid-diin.

Iyєєkє nabudu ya iyakє nastain.

Syrootal-lєziina єn'amtє 'aleiћim.

Goyril-Maduubi aleiћim uєd-doolliin!

Conveyed by Elder Hapas

Transcription of Arabic in Russian

Aguzu billahi minash-shaitanir-rajim

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!

Al-hamdu lil-llyahi robil yaalamiin.

Ar-rohmaanir-rohiim. Maaliki yaumid-din.

Iyaaka nabbudu wa iyaka nasta'in.

Sirootal-lasiina an'amta aleihim.

Goyril-Magduubi galeihim wa lad-doolliin!

Conveyed by Elder Hapas

Listen to audio

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Last Modified: May 12, 2004

Sura Al Fatiha (The Opening Book)

Transcription of Surah Al Fatiha

Translation of Surah Al Fatiha by Iman Powder

1. Bismil-lyayahi rrahmaani rrahim.

In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful and Merciful!

2. Al-hamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-‘aalamimin.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds;

3. Ar-rahmaani rrahiim.

All-Merciful and Merciful He alone,

4. Yaumid-diin yayaliks.

Judgment Day alone He is the Lord.

5. Iyayakya na'budu wa iyayakya nasta'iin.

Only before You do we kneel, and only to You do we cry for help:

6. Ikhdina ssyraatal-mustakim.

“Guide us to a straight path,

7. Syraatol-lyaziyna an’amta ‘alaihim,

What have you chosen for those who are gifted with your mercy,

Save us from the path of those who anger you

And those who wander in unbelief.”

Translation of Surah Al Fatiha into Russian

1. I begin with the Name of Allah - the One Almighty Creator. He is the Merciful, the Bestower of blessings for all in this World, and the Merciful only for the believers in Ahirat.

2. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, for everything that He gave to His servants (Angels, people, genies). All glory is to Allah, the Creator and Lord of the worlds.

3. He is Ar-Rahman (Merciful to all in this World) and He is Ar-Rahim (Merciful only to believers in the Other World).

4. Allah and h - One Lord of the Day of Judgment, the Day of calculation and Retribution. And no one but Him has power over anything on This Day. Allah a h rules over everything.

5. To You alone we make the highest degree of worship and cry out to You for help.

6. Keep us on the Path of Truth (on the Path of Islam), goodness and happiness.

7. Lead us along the Path of Your pious servants, to whom You have granted to believe in You and to whom You have shown Your Mercy, directing them along the straight Path (the path of Islam), along the path of those whom You have blessed (along the Path of the Prophets and Angels). But not along the path of those whom You punished and who strayed from the Path of Truth and goodness, deviating from faith in You, not showing obedience to You.

Surah Al Fatiha in Arabic

Listen to Surah Al Fatiha

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Video: Sura Al Fatiha is read by Sheikh Mishari Rashid al-Afasi, Russian translation by E. Kuliyev

Al Fatiha is the first sura of the Holy Quran. This page contains the translation of the sura in Russian, and its transcription. The opportunity to download an mp3 file or listen to it on-line is provided. A variant of reading Al Fatiha in Arabic, the text of the Russian translation is given. In Islam, there are suras - chapters of the Holy Quran, and prayers (dua) - requests with which people turn to Allah Almighty. Al Fatiha is the first (opening) sura of the Qur'an. Its text consists of seven verses (elementary semantic parts). You can listen to the surah on this page. Audio and video - materials located here will be useful to people who are interested in reading, words, text of the sura.

"Al-Fatiha" / "Opening the Quran"

Al Fatiha(Arabic - Opening) - the first sura in order of location in the Holy Quran and the first sura sent down in full. "Al-Fatiha" was sent down in Mecca and consists of seven verses. This surah speaks of the totality of ideas and the importance of the Holy Quran, which affirms monotheism, is good news for believers, warns of the punishment of unbelievers and sinners, points out the need to worship Allah, on the path to happiness in the present and future life and talks about those who obeyed Allah and found bliss, and about those who disobeyed Him and were at a loss, and therefore this sura is called the "Mother of the Book." Surah Al-Fatiha is required to be read in every rak'ah of prayer.

The text of Surah Al-Fatiha

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

Bismi Al-Lahi Ar-Raĥmāni Ar-Raĥmi

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds,

Al-Ĥamdu Lillahi Rabbi Al-`alamīna

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

Lord of the Day of Retribution!

Maliki Yawmi Ad-Dini

مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ

You alone we worship and You alone we pray for help.

‘Īyāka Na`budu Wa ‘Īyāka Nasta`īnu

إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ

Lead us to the straight path

Ahdinā Aş-Şirāţa Al-Mustaqīma

اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ

the way of those whom You have favored, not those on whom anger has fallen, and not those who have gone astray.

Şirāţa Al-Ladhīna ‘An`amta `Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghđūbi `Alayhim Wa Lā Ađ-Đāllīna

صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ

Surah Al-Fatiha video

Sheikh Abu Aws reads

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Surah Al-Fatiha audio

Recited by Sheikh Mishari Rashid Al-Afasi

The Importance of Surah Al-Fatiha

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “The one who did not read the sura that opens the Scripture did not perform prayer” (hadith was narrated by al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, at-Tirmizi, an-Nasai and Ibn Maja)

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The Holy Quran on the site is quoted according to the Translation of Meanings by E. Kuliev (2013) Quran online

Sura 1 "al-Fatiha" (Opening)

(translation of the meanings of 1 sura of the Holy Quran and comments)

In the name of Allah [in the name of God, the Creator of all things, the One and Only for everyone and everything], whose mercy is eternal and limitless.

“True praise belongs only to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, whose mercy is eternal and limitless, the Lord of the Day of Judgment. We worship You and ask You for help [support, God's blessing in our affairs]. Guide us to the right path. The path of those to whom it was bestowed [from among the prophets and messengers, the righteous and martyrs, as well as all those who were so honored - to follow the right path]. Not those with whom You were angry, and not those who fell from him. Amin.

The Prophet Muhammad said: “Allah [God, the Lord] did not send down either in the Torah or in the Gospel the similarity [in significance, content, capacity] of the Surah al-Fatiha, consisting of seven sentences and divided between the Almighty and the person reading it, and the servant of God receives what he asks, desires him.

This surah is the quintessence Holy Scripture, this is a highly ethical prayer-du‘a, directed to a world where there are no concepts of time and space, a world, the correct appeal to which can turn into indescribable forms of happiness in the mundane and eternal.

Reading this surah-prayer in the original language (and only the Almighty truly knows why Arabic was chosen by Him as the language of the final Scripture), the believer enters into a dialogue with God. Yes, the Lord participates in dialogue with man, but His speech is in the world of supersensible reality. This is evidenced by the following words of the Almighty, transmitted by the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “I [the Lord God] divided the prayer [theologians believe that the word “prayer” means the reading of the al-Fatiha surah in any of the prayers] between Me and the praying person into two parts. My servant will receive what he asks. When he says: “Al-hamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-‘alamin” (“True praise belongs only to Allah, the Lord of the worlds”), then I will say: “My servant thanks Me”; when he says: “Ar-rahmani rrahim” (“Whose Mercy is boundless and eternal”), then I will say: “My servant praises Me”; when he says: “Myaliki yavmiddin” (“Lord of the Day of Judgment”), then I will say: “My servant glorifies Me”; when he says: “Iyakya na'budu va iyakya nasta'in” (“We worship You and ask You for help”), I will say: “This is between Me and those who turn to Me. To him I [will give] whatever he asks”; when he says: “Ihdina ssyratol-mustakym, syratol-lyaziyna an'amta 'alaihim, gairil-magdubi 'alaihim va lyaddollin” (“Guide us to the right path. The path of those to whom it was bestowed. Not those with whom You were angry, and not those who came down from it”), then I will say: “This is for My servant. And to him - what he asks.

I agree that everyone has their own understanding of the correctness of the path, which largely depends on upbringing, the level and quality of education, the environment in which a person grew up. Considerable influence is exerted by national traditions, culture, language, political or economic situation in the country where the individual grew up and lives. At the same time, one should not forget that each person is a "closed system that has no analogues" and differs from another "system" in physical, moral, mental and intellectual parameters.

Here it is appropriate to pay attention to the fact that God's prophets and messengers carried ideals and values ​​that found a place in the minds of people, and in such a way that everyone could not only hear, but understand and feel them. The Almighty gave his prophets something that took into account the natural unity of people: no matter how different they may be, they have much in common. The edifications of the messengers of the Creator were accessible and intelligible to the representatives different cultures and peoples. Their Divine approach blurred the boundaries between the minds and hearts of people. But the main thing they tirelessly called for was faith in God, the One and Only Creator.

Why are individual religions, despite their globality and large number of followers, primarily associated with a certain type of clothing, facial features, and customs? In the most generalized form, the answer to this question lies in the pattern of human thinking. Having got used to something, people for a long time wean or will never be able to wean from it.

A significant contribution to the formation of certain associations, stereotypes, clichés was made by travelers and researchers who were not always guided by the postulates of morality, honor, and objectivity. Visiting new lands, they described the peoples who inhabited them. In these descriptions, attention was also paid to religion. Not everyone could sufficiently understand what was happening on different continents: that, for example, people's clothes corresponded to local climatic conditions, and behavior or mentality are determined by the economic or other situation. In other words, those phenomena in which religion was blamed without sufficient grounds were explained by folk, tribal characteristics, which often did not correlate with the religion professed by these peoples and tribes. The relationship of these phenomena to religion itself was indirect, and it usually appeared as a result of local theological interpretation.

What helps a person to find the right, right path, solution?

The Almighty Creator gave man five "navigation" systems for determining, reconciling the course of life:

  1. Instinct and Intuition.
  2. Five sense organs: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
  3. Reason, understanding, ability to understand. A person lives in a community with other people and therefore cannot be limited only by feelings, instincts or intuition. Reason helps him to streamline everything, to protect himself from mistakes and blunders.
  4. Religion.

The mind can miscalculate, the will can weaken, intuition can remain silent or lead aside, but the postulates given to people through the prophets from God are protected from influences from inside and outside. If the truth of the saying is proved, then it remains only to understand it correctly and in a timely manner, it is appropriate to apply it in the context of the foundations of religion and its spirit, the spirit of faith and righteousness.

  1. The divine blessing that Muslims ask for every day: "Guide us to the right path."

God's adjustment of the life path is extremely important for any person, therefore Muslims pray to the Almighty for this daily and many times: “We worship You and ask You for help. Guide us to the right path."

Related questions

What worlds are mentioned at the end of the 2nd verse of Surah al-Fatiha? One Arab philologist, non-Muslim by religion, in a conversation with me said: “Since for Muslims there is only this world and the afterlife, that is, two worlds, then in the 2nd verse there should be a dual number, which is in the Arabic language, i.e., it turns out an error in the Qur'an. I know that there can be no mistakes in the Koran, but I am not strong in Arabic either, and therefore I could not object in any way. Could you provide clarification on this?

The word "worlds" (from the phrase "Lord of the worlds") means at least the world of angels, the world of jinn and the world of people. There is also also animal world, vegetable world, space world, etc.

As for the classification you mentioned, you should know that there is a worldly life (dunya), afterlife (after the death of each of us - barzakh) and one that will come after the End of the World, Resurrection and Judgment Day (áhira). Each of these stages of the path is fundamentally different from the previous one.

When performing prayer-namaz with the imam after reading the surah al-Fatiha, should the word “amin” be pronounced softly or loudly?

According to Muslim commentators, the word "amin" means "O Allah, answer my prayer", as well as "so be it."

When the first, fourth and fifth obligatory prayers (fard) are collectively performed, when the imam completes the reading of the al-Fatiha surah, according to the Hanafi madhhab, “amin” is pronounced to himself, and according to the Shafiite - aloud.

By the grace of the Almighty, the tafsir of sura 1 of the Holy Quran has come to an end.

I note that the suras in the Qur'an are not arranged in the order they were sent down. Chapters or individual verses (lines, sentences) were sent down to the final messenger of God gradually over a period of almost twenty-four years. The sequence of the chapters of Scripture was determined by the Creator Himself and by His will was transferred to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) through the angel Jabrail (Gabriel), who has always been a kind of God's messenger to the prophets and messengers of Allah.

The word "God" different languages sounds different, but that's not the point. From the point of view of Islam, the main thing is the uniqueness of the Creator, unlimited time and space, transcendence, incomparability with anything worldly.

In Arabic, the word "God" sounds like "Allah" and consists of two parts - the definite article "al" and the word "ilakh" (god, deity), which literally translates as "a certain God." Speaking in Arabic "Allah", any Muslim means the One and Only Creator. There are 99 names of the Almighty, each of which reveals individual qualities and characteristics of the Lord. These names-characteristics are mentioned in the Qur'an and in the statements of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

The word "Lord" (rabbun) implies the power, domination, upbringing and care of the Creator about His creations.

The word "worlds" means the whole diversity of life: the world of people, plants, animals; the world of molecules and atoms; the worlds of genies and angels, etc. That is, He is the Lord and Master of everything and everything.

Many meanings can be found in the fact that a person pronounces the given and the following verbs precisely in plural even if praying alone. One of these meanings is as follows: “O Supreme, it is extremely inconvenient for me to address You only on my own behalf. Let me appeal on behalf of many millions of believers, being one of them, albeit far from the first in the nobility of my deeds and deeds, but still praying for Your help and blessings and relying on Your mercy, forgiveness, if only because I pray to You together with those who are much closer to You and more loved by You. Accept my prayer in a series of numerous prayers and requests, because we all turn to You and ask You for help.

Bless and show us the path of Truth, which is the middle, true, combining heavenly laws and worldly, the path that will make us and our children happy in the worldly and in the eternal.

There are several suggestions as to who is meant by these words. But the following is closest to the letter and spirit of the Law: those who deserve God's wrath are those who had the opportunity to join the treasures of Holy Scripture, to spiritual postulates and values, were able to understand them and, perhaps, even began to put them into practice, but subsequently for various reasons (laziness, sluggishness, disorganization, catering to personal whims or weaknesses of character, lack of will) or under some pretext (whether lack of time, waiting for the moment when he decides to devote himself to this seriously, or maybe with the proviso that he still too young or too old for that) go astray, turn off a well-lit avenue, thinking that through dark and winding lanes they can overcome life's path more easily and more productively. See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. At-tafsir al-munir [Illuminating tafsir]. In 17 volumes. Damascus: al-Fikr, 2003. T. 1. S. 60.

“Those who have gone astray” are, first of all, those who have not reached the preaching of God’s prophets and messengers or have reached it in a distorted form (for example, as a result of people introducing amendments to prophetic narratives at some historical stages to please the political elite or some circumstances , even if with "good" intentions, here one must also take into account numerous translations from one language to another, the absence of a single original, the language of which has long gone out of everyday use, etc.). Having a mind, they still did not comprehend God's instructions or acquired them "by inheritance" in a distorted form. This category of people got lost in the many nooks and crannies of the ups and downs of life, did not find a path that would lead them out of the darkness of unbelief. They did not understand who is Moses, Jesus, Muhammad. See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. At-tafsir al-munir. T. 1. S. 60.

The word "amin" is translated as "O Almighty, accept our prayers."

Hadith from Ubayy ibn Kya'b; St. X. At-Tirmizi. See, for example: At-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-Tirmidhi [Code of Hadith of Imam at-Tirmidhi]. Riyadh: al-Afkyar al-dawliya, 1999, p. 497, hadith no. 3125, "sahih".

Hadith from Abu Hurairah; St. X. Imam Muslim. See: Al-Kurtubi A. Talkhys sahih al-imam Muslim [Abridged set of hadiths of Imam Muslim]. In 2 volumes. Cairo: as-Salam, 1993. V. 1. S. 176 (section "Prayer" (kitab as-sala), hadith No. 17); Ibn Kasir I. Tafsir al-kur'an al-'azim [Commentaries on the Great Quran]. In 4 volumes. Beirut: al-Khair, 1993. T. 1. S. 12, 13.

Autobahn - a motorway that excludes overtaking (driving into the oncoming lane) and is additionally equipped for high-speed traffic.

Smelly - fetid. And in this case - people without a permanent place of residence, descending into the subway to warm up or relax on soft seats.

Pierre Boiste (1765-1824) noted: “To fight with (hardened) public opinion is to fight windmills."

instinct [lat. motivation] - 1) the innate ability of animal organisms to perform expedient actions on a direct, unaccountable impulse; 2) unconscious irresistible attraction to something, feeling; 3) inner flair. See: Large Dictionary Russian language. St. Petersburg: Norint, 2000. S. 394.

intuition [lat. look intently] - 1) an unconscious unconscious feeling that prompts the correct behavior, understanding of something; flair; 2) philosophy. the ability to comprehend the truth in a direct way without substantiation by evidence. See: Ibid. S. 396.

Touch is one of the external senses of man and animal: the ability to perceive touch, pressure, stretching. Navigate in space with your sense of touch. See: Ibid. S. 736.

Mind - 1) cognitive activity human ability to think; mind, intellect; reason. enter the mind(become smarter, more reasonable, grow up over the years); 2) the ability to reason sensibly, to find the right solution in any situation; reason (as opposed to emotions). Light Mind. call to reason. See: Ibid. S. 1082.

In the first decades of the formation of Islam, Muslim scholars built whole system, consisting of several scientific directions and dedicated precisely to verifying the authenticity of the relationship of certain words to the statements of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him), not to mention the Holy Quran, which during the life of God's messenger was memorized and constantly checked.

Jinn are intelligent beings invisible to humans, created by God along with humans and angels. The last Divine Scripture for the jinn since the time of the Prophet Muhammad is the Holy Quran. They are born, they die and will be resurrected for Judgment before God for their deeds. There are believers and non-believers among them. The latter are the helpers of Satan.

For details, see my book The Path to Faith and Excellence.

A quarter of the population of our planet profess Islam, according to which true believers must perform namaz at least 5 times a day. Home Muslims connects man and Allah. Through it, a person is reunited with the Prophet, strengthened in faith and asks for forgiveness for earthly sins.

Before proceeding to prayer, a person must perform a ritual of ablution and appear absolutely clean before Allah. To do this, women spend instindzha, and men do istibru, that is, washing the genitals from impurities. Distinguish between full and incomplete ablution. If cleansing occurs immediately after leaving the toilet, this is a small ablution. If a woman has critical days or has recently had a birth, a complete rite of purification should be performed. The same goes for men who have been in a relationship with a woman. Next, you need to do the following:

Each reading of the prayer is performed at a strictly set time. Mullah announces this from the mosque. If it is not possible to hear the mullah, you can find out the exact time on the Internet. For this, they are currently developing special programs. In other cases, you should pray:

  • in the morning, but not at sunrise - irtenge. This prayer symbolizes the birth, childhood and youth of the believer;
  • at noon - oil. Maturity and experience;
  • after dinner, in the late afternoon - ikende. This prayer says that earthly life is short, you must always be ready to meet with Allah;
  • at sunset - ahsham. Symbolizes the departure from earthly life;
  • at twilight time - I eat. The last prayer is a reminder that everything will eventually turn to dust.

most strong prayer it is considered that which is committed directly in the mosque, but you can also pray at home with the Koran in your hand. Remember to keep holy book needed above other items.

Namaz is a very complex ritual, which is accompanied by bows, turns and hand movements. In order to pray correctly, to know all the subtleties of this ritual, you need to get used to it from childhood. If a person has only recently converted to Islam, he needs to ask the elders to teach him all the nuances of this sacred act. It is advisable to initially pronounce the words and carry out successive actions under the guidance of the imam.

In each prayer, the main prayer Al-Fatiha (opening the book) is pronounced. It is located in the very first sura of the Qur'an and consists of 7 verses. If translated into Russian, it will begin like this: “In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful and Merciful!”.

For the first time, these prayer words were spoken by Muhammad 1,350 years ago, and since then it has been considered that this sura is the most useful, deep and comprehensive. Reading it, a person understands that God is one. This prayer is a praise of the Merciful and a request for guidance on the true path. It is also a warning against committing sins. Allah always punishes those who lead an unrighteous life.

Also here you can learn the stories of those people who did not obey, did not believe in the Lord and paid for it. Therefore, Allah calls to pray to him and ask for help, since every person needs support from above. If you say the prayer words of Al-Fatih daily, then you can find happiness and harmony in the world.

There are many cases when opening people. One Muslim suddenly had an epileptic seizure. Then the people who were nearby read the main prayer, and the person recovered. Another story tells how one crazy violent Muslim was kept on a chain. When the sacred words of the sura were read to him for 3 days in a row, the patient regained his mind. The prophet says that there is a special medicine in these words.

If you get sick or cannot solve some problems, the main prayer of Muslims will always help. Any believer should definitely know this sura and read it daily in the mosque or in solitude.
