Script development in the senior group carnival. Maslenitsa in kindergarten methodological development (senior group) on the topic

Oksana Pererva
Scenario entertainment "Maslenitsa" in the senior group

Target: continue to acquaint children with folk holidays, create a cheerful mood, evoke an emotional response.



Brownie Kuzya

Children:1st and 2nd buffoon

Entertainment progress:

Buffoons run to the music.

1st: From all doors! From all gates!

Come soon! Hurry, people!

Open your ears! Listen to the buffoons!

2nd: In Rus' they celebrated for a long time

Holiday of seeing off winter.

His Shrovetide was called,

We will carry it out too!

Children enter to the music, approach the decorated hut.

Vedas: The children came running to visit,

But, apparently, we were not expected here.

The owner is nowhere to be seen.

Oh, how it hurt us!

We'll probably go home

We will sleep and sing there.

A brownie Kuzya runs in with a jug and a basket.

Kuzya: Wait, wait, wait,

And don't go home

My guests are dear!

Ah, how beautiful!

I was waiting for you, in a hurry:

Went to the market, tired.

Well, her, this job!

I ask to my house, who wants to!

Yes, tell me, children, to me,

What is the holiday in the yard?


Vedas: That's right, today we have gathered with you in order to celebrate the national holiday- Maslenitsa. This holiday has been around for many, many years. And they always celebrated it funny: sang songs, danced, played, danced. Let's meet you Shrove Tuesday so just like our great-grandparents did!

1st buffoon: Let's go!

Maslenitsa has come,

Brought fun!

2nd buffoon: A mountain of pancakes, a bunch of pies,

Eat, eat, don't give up!

Children lead a round dance Maslenitsa"

Vedas: Kuzya, but if we celebrate Maslenitsa so where are the pancakes?

Kuzya: So they haven't been baked yet.

Let's spread the dough,

Let's bake pancakes together.

You need to put a samovar

Let's get down to business together.

Vedas:Russian Maslenitsa has always been famous for pancakes, their quality and quantity. Do you guys know how pancakes are made? (children's answers) To make pancakes tasty, the dough must be kneaded with milk. Now we will have a competition.

Competition "Who will bring more milk for the test"

Kuzya takes a pan and starts adding ingredients according to the text.

Vedas: We start baking pancakes,

You listen and see!

Milk was poured into a saucepan

And they poured flour.

Sweetened, salted

Stirred divorced,

Now hurry up and bake!

Kuzya: While the holiday continues, our pancakes will be baked. (leaves)

Vedas:Guys, Maslenitsa is the time when people say goodbye to winter and welcome spring.

(Winter enters to the music)

Winter: Who is playing here?

Does Zimushka not invite you to play?

I am Winter-Spring sister,

Snow, cold master.

Did I play snowballs with you?


Winter: Did you ride on a sled?


Winter: Did you make a snow woman?


Winter: Did you forget anything?


Winter: And now for you my riddles,

Guess them guys. (Riddles about winter)

Winter: I twist, twist, and if I want,

Then I’ll ride everyone in the snow caterpillar.

(To the song "Like on thin ice" the game "Caterpillar" is held)

Vedas: Ah yes, Zimushka-winter!

The winter was great!

But it's time to say goodbye

Yes, make friends with Spring!

Winter: I will give way to spring,

But I love to play!

Vedas:One two three four five,

We start playing.

If we take the rope together,

Pull forward, back

And say three times "Eh"!

Laughter will probably win!

Attraction "Tug of war" for boys.

Vedas: Do you guys know what's in antiquity the girls could not only bake pancakes, but they could play with them. Let's see if our girls will not yield to them in dexterity and dexterity.

Attraction "Bring a pancake on your head" for girls.

Winter: Well! It's time for me to get ready,

Yes, go back north.

Don't be bored without me

Meet the red spring (Winter is leaving)

Vedas: Well, Winter is gone, and Spring is not yet visible, you should call her, call out (Children become in a circle, together they say a nickname)

Oh, you little bird,

You fly over the blue sea

Bring the spring keys

Close the winter, open the summer!

Vedas: Spring-spring, come,

Shine the sun on us.

On dark forests, on gray borochki.

On the river, on the field, on the blue sea.

On green vegetable garden and for all the people.

Spring enters to the music.

Vedas: Hello, spring-red!

Spring: Hello, good people!

Is everyone here singing and playing

And they meet me, Spring?

Children:Yes (Poems about spring at the choice of the teacher)

Spring: Well, we will not be bored,

Let's play in the stream.

Game "Brook"

Vedas: Kuzya, how are our pancakes?

Kuzya: Still baking.

Vedas:As long as our Shrovetide pancakes are baked let's sing a fun song about pancakes

Song "Pancakes"

After the song, the children become in a circle, the game "Dawn-Dawn" is held

Vedas: Well, we met the long-awaited spring, and now we need to spend our Maslenitsa so that next year she will come to visit us again.

Children turn to scarecrow Shrovetide with words:"Maslenitsa Farewell, come back to us in a year!

Vedas: And now the most long-awaited moment has come. Kuzya, bring pancakes with tea, with jam, and treat the kids. And after the treat, we will go with you to the street to burn the effigy Shrovetide. burning the doll Shrovetide is connected with the fact, which turns out to be Maslenitsa bore the name of the ancient pagan goddess of darkness and darkness, so people began to burn the effigy Shrovetide to grow a good harvest under the warm rays of the spring sun.

A tea party is held with a further continuation of the holiday on the street.

The event is held by three hosts in shifts: Winter, Maslenitsa and Spring. Maslenitsa helps children to cross the border between the winter and spring kingdoms, holds games and contests. To overcome the last obstacle, the children are looking for a key. The door is open - the goal has been achieved, the children are now visiting Spring.

Goal: Create a festive mood.

Decor. The room can be visually divided into two parts:

  1. Decorate one in the style of Spring: flowers, grass, bright clouds, the sun and so on.
  2. The second part is winter: snowflakes, clouds, Christmas trees, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Required attributes:

  • Hat, scarf, felt boots, mittens;
  • Air balloons;
  • Images of frosty patterns - silhouettes of animals;
  • Round pancakes made of cardboard.


  • Leading - Winter, Maslenitsa And Spring

Event progress

The guys are in the hall. The first host enters - Winter.

Winter: Good afternoon guys. I am the mistress of cold and snowstorms, the queen of snowflakes and northern winds, the real Winter. I came to see you off to the border of the seasons - to convey to Spring itself. Unless, of course, you want to go there. Maybe you want to stay with me?

Children: No!

Winter: We will go sledding, looking at snowflakes, playing snowballs. Stay, you won't regret it!

The children refuse.

Winter: Well. Then let's go on a long journey. You just need to dress warmly. After all, the border is guarded by a strong wind, a strong frost, so that nothing from that side gets to this one. An extra ray of sun will flash - the earth will warm up, the grass will stretch. And the air is cold - it will freeze. Do not wake nature ahead of time. Otherwise, she will die, freeze. And you can freeze too. So dress warmly.

Winter: Dress the children warmly, the frost will not get through mittens and felt boots, it will not freeze the hands. But it can freeze the nose and cheeks. What will you do then?

The children answer.

Winter: It is necessary to rub the frostbitten area. Let's practice.

To the cheerful dance music, he conducts the game “We are not afraid of frosts”. Children rub the part of the body that Winter points to. And don't forget to dance.

Winter: Now you can safely set off on your journey. And to make it more fun, I will tell you winter riddles. You listen carefully and guess.


  • All children really like the green beauty: on new year holiday there are gifts underneath. Fluffy and snowy, decorated with toys, lanterns shine on it, like stars, very bright (Yolka).
  • Long-eared, in a white fur coat, he hid from the fox under the spruce (Hare).
  • Sisters fall from the sky onto scarves and mittens (Snowflakes).
  • Coming New Year. Who will come to congratulate us (Santa Claus, Snow Maiden)?

Winter: Here we come to the border. Do you feel the air getting colder? Can you hear the wind howl?

He puts his hand to his ear, listens. Children repeat the movement.

He calls Maslenitsa together with the children - she comes out.

Maslenitsa: Hello mother. Good afternoon guys.

Winter: Good afternoon, Shrovetide. My children have already hosted themselves, they want to get to the warm sun, to the joyful singing of birds, to get to the green grass. Will you take them to my sister?

Maslenitsa: Of course, with joy. I'll show you everything. This is going to be an adventure!

Winter: Just don't delay them, and come back soon yourself.

Maslenitsa: Okay, mother.

Winter: Goodbye, children. See you soon (leaves).

Maslenitsa: Guys, frost and wind may not let you in just like that by Spring. We have to prove that we are not afraid of them. Will we prove it?

Children: Yes!

Maslenitsa: Still need to smile more often. Our radiant smile will warm the air, and this will only make it warmer. Can you smile? Show.

Children smile.

Maslenitsa: Well done, so we will quickly reach the kingdom of Spring. And in order not to freeze, let's play with magic balls filled with warm air.

Shrovetide holds games and competitions with balloons:

  • “Pass it to another” - the children pass the ball in a circle while the leader counts to 5. As soon as she says “5”, the child who had the ball runs around the circle and takes his place. Then the game continues.
  • "Don't drop" - there are several balls in the air. The task of the guys is to prevent the ball from falling to the floor.
  • "Strong nose" - several volunteers try to keep the ball on the nose.
  • "Sunset-dawn" - the children stand in a column. The first person is given a ball in his hands, which he passes along the top - this is “dawn”. IN reverse side the ball is passed from below - "sunset".

Maslenitsa: We warmed up a bit, now we can move on. Look, what a beauty - snow patterns on the windows (shows drawings). This Moroz Ivanovich tried. I wonder who he portrayed here?

Children determine whose silhouettes can be seen among the patterns on the window.

Maslenitsa: great artist Moroz Ivanovich. I was able to create such a masterpiece - I can’t take my eyes off it. But we need to go further. And ahead - the winds. They blow so hard that it's hard for us to walk. I'll have to crawl on all fours to be able to get to Aunt Spring's Realm.

Maslenitsa: Guys, here is the door through which you can go to the domain of Spring. But look - it's locked. How to open it? Break the lock (trying to break)? Does not work. You will either have to look for the key, or return. What do you think we will do?

Children: Look for the key.

Maslenitsa: You need light to find it. And it's dark here, because the winter sun does not shine brightly enough. We'll have to find helpers. Look, here they are - little suns! Pancakes! Let's collect them!

Holds a competition "Find a pancake". Children are looking for pancakes, which can be on the wall, under the chair and in other places. Whoever finds the most wins. Shrovetide collects pancakes, lays them out around the door, imperceptibly puts the key to the lock, which the children immediately find.

Maslenitsa: Found? Well done! Now you can open the door, and go to Spring.

Opens the door, the children take turns passing through it, returning to the chairs. The third host comes out - Spring.

Spring: Good afternoon guys. Hello Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa: Hi auntie. I brought you children - they were treated to Mother Winter, they wanted to visit you.

Spring: Well done, Shrovetide. You have a good heart - you help everyone, you refuse no one.

Maslenitsa: Am I sorry? Moreover, they promised to visit us again. Really guys?

The children agree.

Maslenitsa: Well, it's time for me to go. Mother, of course, was tired of waiting. She asked the kids to see them through quickly, and then return home. Probably a surprise is in store. Do you love surprises? And me too. So I ran so as not to be late. Goodbye (runs away).

Maslenitsa in kindergarten. Scenario

Maslenitsa. Scenario for children of senior and preparatory groups

Children come in and sit down.

1st leader.

All! All! All! All for the holiday!

Maslenitsa we meet, we see off winter,

We call spring!

Hurry! Hurry!

Hurry up to get the best seats!

If you don’t borrow it yourself, your neighbor will get it!

2nd leader.

Come all without hesitation!

No tickets needed

Present a good mood.

Come break the bones

Today Shrovetide invites you to visit.

Hurry up! Hurry up!

There is no more fun for our holiday!

We have been waiting for guests for a long time,

We can't start Shrovetide without you!

1st leader.

Are you comfortable, dear guests?

Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it?

Is there enough space for everyone?

2nd host. What season has just ended?

Children. Winter!

2nd leader.

And winter riddles

Can you guess guys?

1. Bel, but not sugar

No legs, but walking. (Snow)

2. Without arms, without legs,

And he knows how to draw. (Freezing)

3. Snow on the fields,

Ice on the rivers

Blizzard walks -

When does it happen? (in winter)

2nd leader. Well done! What do you like about winter?

The children answer.

2nd host. And what a fun holiday happens in winter?

Children. New Year!

2nd leader. What happens on New Year's Eve?

All. Children lead a round dance near the Christmas tree!

1st leader.

Come on, get in the circle,

Take hold of your hands!

Let's start a round dance

Let's have fun and sing!

Children lead a round dance to the melody of the song "A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest", music. L. Beckman, sl. R. Kudasheva.

2nd host. Well, we had fun, remembered New Year's fun, and now it's time to meet spring. It's already March in the yard.

Ay, ay, aukem,

Let's call spring.

Spring appears.


I am Spring-Red

I came to you for the holiday.

2nd leader.


What did you come for?


On a perch

On the furrow

On an oatmeal

On a wheat pie.

1st leader.

We've been waiting for Spring

Kudel was spun.

2nd leader.

Flying sandpiper

From across the sea

Brought a sandpiper

Nine castles.

Kulik, kulik,

Close the winter

Unlock spring -

Warm summer.

Let's welcome spring

Let's sing and dance!

The dance "The goat went through the forest" is performed. The game "Burn clear" is being played.

2nd leader.

Oh, everywhere you need to be in time -

And dance and sing a song!

Eat a basket of pies

Yes, with three boxes of pancakes.

Children sing the Russian folk song "Pancakes".

1st leader.

Hey grab and catch

Hurry up!

Baba Yaga appears, dressed as Shrovetide, and eats a gingerbread.

Baba Yaga. Hello, good people! Hello from hell! Pah you, from summer! Met him in the swamp! Pah you! In flight! When I hurried to you! It's time for me to do my duty! I'm Maslenichka.

1st leader. Wait, there's something wrong here. Hey Maslenitsa, do you have a passport?

Baba Yaga. Is it me? Yes! Wow, look!

Shows and reads.

Appointed by the long-awaited Maslenitsa for 2013. And there is a seal, and the signature is intricate at the bottom.

2nd host. And what's the signature?

Baba Yaga. Koschei the Deathless.

2nd leader. Leave, we can't accept you at Maslenitsa!

Baba Yaga. How so? I've been preparing all winter, malnourished, sleep deprived. I prepared such a menu for you, you will lick your fingers.

Is reading.

For the first soup santa

On cold water.

Grain after grain

Chasing with a club.

For the second pie -

Frog leg stuffing.

With onions, peppers

With a dog's heart.

On the third, it means sweet,

And to tell you the truth, it's so nasty:

Not like jelly, not like a cake,

Only I was sent to hell for him.

That's how! And I also have horns

Gusli, songs, jokes.

Tales of Baba Yaga

About Kikimora swamp

Yes, Shishiga migratory.

2nd host. And we will also play for you, but let's see if you are fit for Maslenitsa.

Noise orchestra. Baba Yaga falls.

2nd leader. Something not very good! Can you solve riddles?

Baba Yaga. This is me right now!

2nd leader.

Auntie is cool

White and gray

Shakes the cold in the bag:

Snowdrifts sweeps,

Carpets the earth. (Winter)

Baba Yaga answers incorrectly.

2nd host. No not like this!

Baba Yaga.

I warmed up, wait,

Ask a second question.

2nd leader.


red maiden,

Lets out the weed

Dew spreads.

Goes side -

With plow, harrow,

With spring water. (Spring)

Baba Yaga is wrong.

2nd host. And again, not the answer. Go away, False Carnival overwhelming.

Baba Yaga. What do you need?

All. Real!

Baba Yaga.

Everything, no questions

I'm leaving. Hey carriage!

They give her a broom. Rolls children and then flies away.

1st leader.

Hurry to us, Maslenitsa, hurry,

There is no more fun for our holiday!

Boys, come out, carry Shrovetide.

They bring Shrovetide.

2nd leader.

Let's celebrate Maslenitsa!

On our holiday, the iron law!

Gloomy, gloomy entry is prohibited.

Who knows how to have fun, he is not afraid of grief!

1st leader.

Nicholas, Nicholas

Stay at home, don't play!

Play balalaika.

Chastushkas are performed.

2nd leader.

Dear our guest,

Maslenitsa - Avdotya Izotievna!

A motley, new-fashioned shawl,

Eyebrows are black, pointed.

The skirt is colorful, the jacket is bright,

Come to us with pancakes and gifts.

Well, don't stand still, sleep

And wave your handkerchief.

Chastushkas are performed.

2nd leader.

Keep on having fun

Now stand in a big circle.

Dances "Lavata", "Wow, how hot."

2nd leader.

Shrovetide, Shrovetide,

Pancake Baker!

Came early

We met you well:

Cheese, ruddy pie,

Fatty butter, damn it!

Shrovetide, Shrovetide,

We praise you

We ride on the mountains

We eat pancakes!

1st leader.

We see off Shrovetide,

We meet spring!

And we treat pancakes in groups!

They take Shrovetide.

Julia Komarovskaya
Scenario of the holiday in the senior group "Wide Shrovetide"

Wide Maslenitsa


Acquaintance with the origins of the cultural traditions of the Russian people, introducing children to knowledge in the field of Russian folklore, rituals of antiquity

Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, socialization, reading fiction, music.


1. To acquaint children with the history of the emergence and traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa, to acquaint them with the symbols of the holiday (stuffed Maslenitsa, pancake):

with Shrovetide customs and rituals.

2. To develop the creative abilities of children, the desire of children to create folk images through games, songs, folklore.

3. Unite children in joint activities give them the opportunity to express themselves.

4. Develop lexicon children, improve dialogical and monologue speech

Preliminary work:

Conversation, teacher's story about Maslenitsa. Examination of illustrations with folk festivals. Memorizing nursery rhymes songs and jokes. Listening to Russian folk music, songs. Making a stuffed carnival; pancake baking.

Location: music hall

Holiday progress:

Entrance to the hall to the composition "Zimushka - Winter"

Leading:"Hello dear guests! Hello guys! Today is a wonderful holiday, today is Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa is the most beloved, fun folk holiday.

On Maslenitsa week, people say goodbye to winter and welcome spring.


Spring, Spring is red!

Come, Spring, to us with joy,

With great mercy

With grainy rye

With golden wheat

With curly oats

With grass-ant.

Leading: The symbol of this holiday is the sun, pancakes and a stuffed carnival.

And who knows why pancakes are baked on Maslenitsa?

Scene "How Pancake helped Spring"

Leading: Did you know that Maslenitsa is divided into 2 periods - this is a narrow Maslenitsa, the first, three days Pancake Week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - when everyone is doing household chores, and a wide Maslenitsa - Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, when festivities take place!

Maslenitsa lasts 7 days, and we will tell about each one now.


Morning. Monday. The "Meeting" is coming.

Bright sled slide down the hill.

A whole day of fun. Evening is coming.

Having rolled in plenty, they eat all the pancakes.

Leading: On Monday, everyone met Maslenitsa, called her, invited her to visit, to the yard. Let's invite Shrovetide to visit.


1. Come visit us

Maslenitsa on a wide yard:

ride on the mountains,

Roll in pancakes

Have fun with your heart.

2. We see off the winter, we meet Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa - wryneck

We'll meet you well.

Music sounds- included Baba Yaga, brings a scarecrow of Maslenitsa

Forgive me, and invite me to your holiday, I brought you a dear guest!

Leading: Well, Baba Yaga, stay, but no more shawls and do not be harmful!


1. Let's celebrate Maslenitsa

Yes, serve pancakes

We will praise Shrovetide

Yes, carry on sleds.

2. Our dear guest, Maslenitsa,

Avdotyushka Ivanovna!

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,

The scythe is long, triarshiny,

Scarlet ribbon, two-fifty,

A white scarf, new-fashioned,

Eyebrows are black, pointed,

Maslenitsa came to visit, to the wide courtyard!

The song "Ay yes Maslenitsa"

Leading: On Tuesday everyone frolicked and played.


"Flirty" careless - Tuesday's joy.

All walk, frolic came out as one!

Games and fun, and for them the reward:

Sweet and ruddy Pancake

Children go out and read Teasers:

1. Marina-basket,

jumped, jumped,

Fell into the swamp.

2. And you, Sasha - cockroach

Climb to the shed

They're tearing up a cat

They will give you a tail

3. And you, Natasha, an insect.

The mouth opened

She swallowed the fly.

4. And Vaska on the nose,

Cats ate sausage!

5. And you, Irishka, donut,

Went out into the street

She sat on a pebble

Ate a hundred radishes.

6. Igorek - pie,

He sat down in the stove - he burned out.

Baba Yaga: Yes, you know how to tease! What about playing?

Games:"Tug of war", "Who is faster on a broomstick"


Here Wednesday comes up - "Gourmet" is called

Each hostess conjures at the stove

Kulebyaki, syrniki - everything is given to him,

Pies and pancakes, all swords on the table!

Leading: Wednesday-Gourmet, everyone eats sweets

Baba Yaga: How, how, I prepared all winter, didn’t eat up, didn’t get enough sleep, I prepared such deliciousness for you! In, recipe (B. Ya. He takes out a recipe from his pocket)

For the first soup

On cold water

Grain after grain is chased with a club.

For the second pie

Frog leg stuffing.

With onions, with peppers, with a dog's heart.

On the third, it means sweet,

Yes, to tell the truth such nasty:

Not like jelly, not like a cake,

Only I was sent to hell because of him.

Leading: No, Baba Yaga, such a treat is not good for us!

Baba Yaga: What do you need?

Presenter: Pancakes.


1. As in Shrovetide

Pancakes flew from the oven

From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,

All blushes are hot!

2. Treat Shrovetide!

Give everyone pancakes

From the heat, from the heat - take it apart!

Don't forget to praise!

Round dance "Pancakes"

Baba Yaga: Bai, swing, swing, swing.

Look, pancakes and kalachi

From the heat, from the heat, from the oven!

(Baba Yaga brings out pancakes)

Oh, what are these girls? Yes, ruddy!


1. Girlfriends walked along the path,

There were quite a few:

Two Matryonas, three Matryoshkas,

And one mother.

2. Blow the pipes, beat the spoons!

Matryoshkas came to visit you

wooden spoons,

Ruddy nesting dolls

Dance "Matryoshka"

Leading: Thursday is considered the busiest day.


And on Thursday, the wild "Razgulyai" comes

Ice fortresses, snow fights.

Troikas with bells enter the fields

Guys are looking for girls, their betrothed

Baba Yaga conducts

Games:"Burn-burn-clear"; "Cheerful tambourine";

Leading: On Friday and Saturday, they arranged gatherings, sang songs and danced round dances.


1. Friday has come - "Evenings at Mother-in-Law".

Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!

Eat with caviar and salmon, it can be a little simpler,

We ate with sour cream, honey, butter.

2. Saturday is coming - "The sister-in-law's treats"

All relatives meet, lead a round dance

The holiday continues, the general fun

The people see off Zimushka gloriously.

Held game "Carousel"

Barely, barely, barely

The carousels spin.

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel.


Sunday is coming fast

All relieve the soul on Forgiveness Day

Straw scarecrow - Zimushka - is burned,

Having dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt.

Leading: On Sunday, they forgive all insults, forget quarrels, make peace and ask each other for forgiveness.

Baba Yaga: Sunday - say goodbye to Maslenitsa! They walk all day, sing songs, eat pancakes, and in the evening they make a fire and burn the effigy of Maslenitsa. Let's say goodbye to Shrovetide.


1. We rolled down the mountain

From dawn to dawn.

And today, Sunday

Our fun is over

Bye Bye

Our Carnival!

2. And we see off Maslenitsa

Important - we sigh heavily for it!

Oh, you are Shrovetide! Come back!

Show up in a year!

Round dance "Mashenka"

Leading: That's it, winter is leaving us. Let's say goodbye to her. We congratulate you on Maslenitsa and invite you all for tea.

Scene - "How Pancake helped Spring"

Do you want to know why pancakes are baked and eaten on Maslenitsa? Our scene will tell you about it!

Characters: Educator (host, Spring, Baba Yaga, Blinochek.

Spring enters the scene and cries.

That's all the guys, there will be no spring this year (sobs, leaves will not bloom on the trees, beautiful flowers will not appear (sobs, birds will not fly, animals will not wake up from hibernation (covers his face with his hands and cries)

Don't cry Spring! Better tell me what happened, why don't you come to us this year?

Baba Yaga stole the red sun! How will the snow melt now? How will the earth warm up now? If the sun is not returned to the sky in the coming days, then winter-winter will rule the earth forever, and the cold will remain forever (crying).

Baba Yaga comes out. She walks and fans herself with a fan, as if she is hot.

Baba Yaga:

Phew, how good!

Teacher (or leader):

Well, Baba Yaga! Where did you hide the sun? Come on give it back!

Baba Yaga:

What are they shouting about! I will not give you the sun, I need it more!

Can't be! Why YOU! Why do you need it?

Baba Yaga:

I decided to fly to rest in warm climes, but my stupa broke, so I thought that since I can’t fly to sunbathe in warm climes, let the warmth come to me by itself! Now I have a real summer in my hut! Oh, only the sea is not enough!

But what about the children?

Baba Yaga:

What about children? It’s normal for children to get out in the winter too: they ride on a snowy hill, on a sled. Skiing, skating. Yes, they play in the snow. Why is that bad?

Children need warmth and spring! After all, if there is no spring, there will be no summer! It's also impossible! Bring back the sun!

Baba Yaga:

What else did you want. I won't return! (stomps foot and walks away)

Spring begins to cry even more.

Blinochek runs out here.

Spring and the teacher (host) together: And who are you?


Hi all! I'm damn, Blinochek! I've come to help you!

But how can you help us?


Look at me!

I look like the sun!

The same round and ruddy,

Mixed in butter with sour cream!

I will replace the sun for a while,

I will shed light, warmth on the world!

And you will have spring, fun,

And the mood will be good!

Hooray! Pancake! You are my savior! It's good that you showed up! And now every time, with my arrival, let everyone bake pancakes and eat them and treat everyone! And let the holiday of seeing off winter and meeting spring be called Maslenitsa!

Pancake and Spring join hands and leave together.

Teacher (or leader):

So dear children and guests! Since then, everyone bakes and eats pancakes on Maslenitsa, because a pancake symbolizes the red sun!

Game "Carousel"

Ribbons are tied to the hoop. Children take the ribbon with one hand and go first in one direction, then in the other, changing hands. The hoop is held by an adult.

Tug of war game

Traditionally Russian fun, for which you only need a long rope, two teams and an absolute desire to pull everyone over.

The game "Who is faster on a broomstick"

Children are divided into two teams. Skittles are set in a chain. You need to run astride a broom with a snake and not knock down the skittles. The team that knocks them down the least wins.

Game "Burn-burn-clear"

Burn bright

To not go out

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing.

Children join hands, forming pairs. Pairs stand one behind the other "brook".

Ahead of the "brook", a few steps away, stands the leader with a handkerchief in his hands. At the end of the song, the children standing in the last pair open their arms and scatter along the "brook".

They run one by one to the leader, trying to grab a handkerchief. The first one who managed to do this remains with the handkerchief as the leader, and the other two (the former leader and who did not have time to grab the handkerchief) form a pair and become the first in the stream. The game continues with the next pair of children.

Game "Merry tambourine"

Children stand in a circle and pass each other a tambourine with the words:

"You roll a cheerful tambourine,

Quickly, quickly on the hands,

Who has a tambourine left

He will now dance to us"

Whoever has a tambourine is dancing a dance. After the dance, the game continues.

Elena Gavryl

Municipal Preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 1 "Poplar"


Republic of Crimea

Abstract of the lesson in the senior group


Gavryl Elena Alekseevna

Dzhankoy, 2015

Target: Generalization and consolidation of children's knowledge about Shrovetide.


Educational tasks:

Education of patriotism based on Russian traditions;

The formation of the beginnings of national self-consciousness in aunts.

To form in children an interest in the traditions of the celebration Shrovetide;

Revival of interest in ritual Russian and national holidays;

Learn to take care of folk traditions and customs.

Learning tasks:

Emotionally and expressively perform songs and round dances;

Organize interaction between children during games and competitions;

Development tasks:

Enrich the spiritual world;

Spend a holiday through emotional empathy and participation in action game, to introduce all participants to the tradition of holding national holiday Shrovetide;

Provide conditions for creating positive emotions in children and the implementation creativity in celebrations and entertainment.

Create a cheerful mood for all participants of the holiday.



sport equipment

scarecrow Shrovetide

wish tree

The course of the holiday

Vedas: Gather people!

Visit Maslenitsa is waiting

We invite those

Who loves fun and laughter

Games, fun and jokes are waiting for you

You won't be bored for even a minute!

Shrovetide wide open

Let's start the fun!

Hello honest guests!

Come on! Do not be shy!

Look at us! Smile!

Hello guys! Hello dear guests!

Today we will celebrate Maslenitsa!

Maslenitsa- one of the most ancient, favorite and cheerful folk holidays.

Maslenitsa precedes Lent and is celebrated 7 days before Easter.

Long since loved in Rus' Maslenitsa. At this time, they said goodbye to winter and glorified spring!

Each of the seven days carnival has its own name, which determines what they do on this day.

Monday - "Meeting". On the morning of this day they make a doll - Maslenitsa, dress her up, invite guests and Shrovetide to visit.

Come on, honest people,

In a buffoon round dance!

We play, we dance

Let's wave our hands

Let's stomp our feet

And then we clap our hands!

Day, the second is called "Let's play". In the morning, girls and fellows on a sleigh ride: guys are looking for brides, and girls are choosing grooms.

Disperse honest people

No dust track.

Good fellows go

Walk a little.

A game: "Take the girl"

So the third day has come - "People called gourmet". On this day, pancakes were baked, relatives and friends were invited to visit, they were treated to pancakes.

A game: "Bake pancakes"

But the fourth day has come - the day of fun, games and general fun. A common thing was valiant fun - fisticuffs.

Hey, our mischievous people,

Now you will see a glorious battle.

Traditionally ancient,

According to legend, the longest

We announce this time

Fistfight just for you!

Come out, good fellows,

They will measure themselves with Silushka,

Amuse the people!

A game: "Pull the Rope"

But the fifth day has come - "Mother-in-law evenings". On this day, mothers-in-law went to their sons-in-law for pancakes, treated them and taught their daughter to bake pancakes.

All day the mummers drove Shrovetide in the village. So we need to dress up the mummers.

A game: "The Mummers"

(Children are divided into two teams. Two young men are seated on chairs. Various funny clothes are placed nearby. They take turns dressing up "mummers".)

Reb: Light up my torch.

Fly away, winter is a torment.

Winds, blizzards and snowstorms,

Whirlwinds, storms, hurricanes,

Stop blowing that urine

Fly away into the night.

All: Spring - Red come!

Happiness, bring joy!

Reb: Farewell, Zimushka-winter!

You have lived in full

Now goodbye, goodbye

Come visit again!

Reb: Red sun,

Get out on the road!

Drive away the winter cold!

Farewell, Zimushka!

Hello spring - beauty!

Reb: Maslenitsa - wryneck,

We welcome you well:

cheese, oil painting, pancake

And ruddy pie!

Reb: And we carnival was expected,

Kissel with milk was not sipped.

Maslenitsa come!

We were all amused!

(everyone calls Maslenitsa)

(Enters Maslenitsa)

Last day of celebration Shrovetide -"Forgiveness Sunday".

This is the day when it is customary to ask for forgiveness from each other in order to meet great post with a pure heart and conscience.

Let us also ask forgiveness from each other for the offenses caused and meet spring with a pure soul and conscience so that all our dreams come true.

Related publications:

"Maslenitsa". Summary of entertainment based on Russian folklore in the senior group MBDOU D / S No. 93 "Smile" Educator: Kirillova G. T. The highest qualification category, Vladimir Presenter: Congratulations to all guests and children.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson using ICT on the topic: "Shrovetide" Purpose: to introduce children to folk traditions; develop creativity.

Abstract of the integrated lesson in the second junior group. Theme: "Shrovetide" Purpose: To create conditions for children to get acquainted with folk traditions.

Synopsis of the integrated GCD for familiarization with painting in the senior group. Acquaintance with the painting by Kutdinov "Pancake week" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 52" Solnechnaya Polyanka "of the city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic.

Synopsis of an open lesson in the senior group. Open lesson in the senior group "In the world of dangerous objects" Developer: A. A. Sterlikova, teacher of the first qualification category. Purpose: to develop in children the skills of conscious safety.

Shrovetide Purpose: Introducing children to Russian traditions through acquaintance with the Maslenitsa holiday. Tasks: 1. Introduce folk Russian.
