Garlic on the windowsill is a gardener’s pride: secrets of growing a tasty and healthy spice at home. Vegetable garden on the windowsill

The plant seems to be unassuming, but it brings considerable benefits to humans. There is no place in cooking without garlic as a seasoning. In medicine, garlic is indispensable as a folk and, most importantly, effective remedy for many diseases. In gardening, it is an excellent tool for controlling garden pests and so on. We can continue endlessly, but everyone already knows what garlic is in all its forms.

Ask why these truisms were expressed? And besides, you can have garlic for personal use not only prepared in the fall. It is quite possible, and most importantly affordable, to eat young, fresh greens all year round. Moreover, not store-bought, but grown on your own windowsill. And for this you need no more than to know the basic points of how to plant garlic at home in a pot on the balcony or on the windowsill in the room. Let’s consider what these very moments are in order.

Step one - selection of seed

On initial stage growing garlic at home on the balcony is akin to gardening - choose planting material, from which a full-fledged plant will be grown. In this case, there are three options: seeds, cloves, sprouted cloves. The last option is not a joke, but separate species seed material for “express” cultivation of spices. If, when planting with ordinary cloves, the first shoots appear after two weeks, then the sprouted ones produce their first shoots within the first week. We will not consider seeds - this is a “long-term” procedure for the garden. From seeds, garlic on the window in the first year only grows and forms root system, and a full harvest is obtained only from the second year. Therefore, teeth are better.

Step two - preparing garlic, soil and containers

Before you grow large and juicy garlic at home on a windowsill, you need to clearly understand that a high-quality harvest is ensured only by high-quality source material. Therefore, teeth should be taken that are dense to the touch, clean (without mold or rotten spots), preferably zoned varieties.

As an advice!
Growing garlic yourself at home will be effective if time-tested varieties are used: Sochi-56, Yubileiny, Kharkov or Dungansky, Otradnensky.

By container. It is selected based on the capabilities or preferences of an individual person. Boxes, pots, any non-soaking containers - everything can be an excellent preparation for creating a small winter garden. The main thing here is not the form, but the size and material. The second indicator has already been mentioned, but the size, or rather the depth of the container, will be optimal at the level of 15-20 centimeters (in extreme cases, no less than 10 cm). There should be enough space in pots and boxes for the free arrangement of roots and the full development of the “fruit”.

Garlic behaves incorrectly on a windowsill in winter if the substrate is chosen incorrectly. A small amount of necessary minerals in the soil leads to a decrease in yield or to the death of the entire planting. Hence the conclusion: the soil must be tested and fertilized. Ideally, this could be specially prepared purchased land. Not ideally, but nevertheless, a mixture of garden soil, humus and peat (proportion 1:1:1) has a beneficial effect on the growth of garlic on the balcony. Peat, if there are problems with it, does not need to be added, but humus must be present.

We must not forget!
Garden soil for a homemade substrate must be subjected to high-temperature treatment. 30 minutes in the oven at maximum temperature will ensure absolute ridding of the soil from harmful insects and pathogenic bacteria.

Step three - planting garlic

Knowing how to plant garlic in a pot at home correctly means ensuring a good future harvest. The process of planting teeth itself is simple, but even a simple process can have its own nuances. In this case, the entire amount of planting material is distributed in a box or pot on the windowsill according to the principle: in a close-knit family it should be warm, but not cramped. That is, it is recommended to place the teeth at a distance of 4-5 centimeters from each other. And it won’t be crowded at such a distance, and the “sown areas” will be used to the maximum.

By the way.
As the most cost-effective option, you can consider growing garlic hydroponically. All you need is cups, water and the garlic itself. All other components and costs will be excluded.

Regarding planting depth, the question is somewhat ambiguous. Some “home agronomists” recommend deepening the teeth by both 2 and 10 centimeters. You can do it this way or that way. But growing garlic at home is not like growing it in the garden. Here time plays a major role - the harvest must be obtained in as soon as possible. Therefore, from a practical point of view, the optimal depth for planting garlic is considered to be a depth of about 4 centimeters. It turns out that there is enough soil on top, and it won’t take long to germinate. There are no other special recommendations, except that garlic on the windowsill in winter should be planted in soil that is well moistened, but not wet.

Step four - caring for garlic on the window

Watering- carried out as the soil in the pot or box dries. There is no need to add water every day. It is better to let the plant “get drunk” once every 2-3 days rather than torment it with meager daily handouts.

Top dressing- necessary in moderation and to the point. Green garlic on the window in urban conditions, when there are no natural fertilizers, is fed with store-bought ones. If you want to use ecological, natural fertilizers, the soil is fertilized with mullein or bird droppings.

Lighting– daytime or artificial for 8 hours. If garlic grows on a balcony or on a light windowsill, you don’t need to backlight it. If growing occurs in a shaded room, fluorescent lamps are installed.

Development adjustment- what does it mean? When the goal is to grow garlic on the balcony for greenery, you don’t have to do anything. But if you want the head of garlic itself to grow large, the greens should be trimmed regularly, especially the arrows.

Everything is simple and at the same time entertaining. Now those who didn’t know know how to grow garlic at home on a windowsill without the use of high technology. And what is especially valuable is that “experiments” in growing healthy greens can be carried out equally effectively both in the cold season, winter, and in the warm season, that is, in summer, spring, autumn. This is not a difficult task - let’s remember, as an option, hydroponics. The nice thing is that seasoning and vitamins are always at hand. Useful for the family budget - garlic is expensive on the market these days.

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The vast majority of modern gardeners practice planting garlic, but not everyone is satisfied with the quality and quantity of the harvests obtained. Studying agricultural techniques and successfully applying them in practice is guaranteed to help any vegetable grower achieve excellent results regarding the cultivation of this useful crop.

Some inexperienced summer residents may not realize that garlic can be produced in winter or spring. The timing and methods of growing these two varieties of plants have certain differences.

Winter garlic produces shoots and demonstrates high resistance to frost. It is planted in the autumn, overwinters in the ground, and over the next season it develops a central trunk, a full-fledged head with a small number (necessarily even) of aligned teeth.

A novice vegetable grower should know that spring garlic from bulbs practically does not produce shoots. The crop is planted in the spring; the storage period of the bulbs is quite long, but the yield indicators are inferior to the winter variety. The cloves can have different sizes and shapes. A lot of useful information in the article:

Features and rules for arranging a bed for planting garlic

A gardener deciding how to plant garlic must competently approach the issue of arranging beds for planting. The priority is to provide the plants with a well-lit area, in the perimeter of which moisture will not stagnate, and the groundwater table will be quite deep. This is explained by the fact that the accumulation of excess moisture in the ground can lead to deterioration of growth and the development of fungal diseases. Alternatively, you can give preference to the formation of high beds.

When deciding how to grow garlic bulbs, you need to keep in mind that not all plants that previously grew on the ridge will turn out to be good predecessors for this crop. In particular, it is advisable to refuse planting if onions, radishes, tomatoes, beets, eggplants or potatoes previously grew in the selected area of ​​the garden. But choosing a bed that previously contained green manure (alfalfa, oats, clover, mustard), strawberries, wild strawberries, zucchini, pumpkin, peas, cucumbers will certainly be a win-win option.

A summer resident interested in how to grow winter garlic in a greenhouse will need to start preparing the bed in the fall 10 to 14 days before the planned planting. This will ensure shrinkage of the soil and prevent excessive deepening of the teeth. Otherwise, the grown heads will be too small and will not be stored well.

The bed for spring planting is also prepared in the fall, so the applied fertilizers will have enough time to transform into a mass easily absorbed by plants. The soil is dug up to a depth equal to the bayonet of a shovel, then humus or compost is added in an amount of 5 - 8 kg / sq. m.

A vegetable grower faced with a problem: how to properly grow garlic in open ground, must pay attention to the quality of the land. The plant likes loose, light soil. According to experienced gardeners, its properties can be improved by adding sand, turf soil, peat, organic fertilizers. If it is impossible to use the required amount of organic matter, it is allowed to replace it with the selected mineral complex (30 - 40 g / sq.m.).

Pre-planting preparation of garlic

Having studied the information on the topic: how to grow Chinese or green garlic, you should then competently approach the choice of planting material. It is very important to decide on varieties and hybrids suitable for cultivation in a particular climatic region.

Having learned how to grow large garlic, you need to carry out pre-planting preparation of the cloves before placing them in open ground. For this purpose, you will need to perform a series preventive measures to provide protection from diseases, pests, and improve the quality of the crop.

When deciding how much garlic to grow, you need to pay attention to the need to change planting material every 3 years. Failure to comply with this recommendation may lead to culture degeneration.

Initially, you will need to select cloves for planting, rejecting those that show signs of disease, rot, or mold. Peeling garlic before planting is not recommended. It is enough to separate a couple of cloves in order to identify defects during their inspection.

Heads with detected damage will be unsuitable for landing. An inexperienced vegetable grower may try to separate them long before placing them in the soil (a month or more). This is not true. A similar procedure is performed immediately before disembarkation. At the end of the inspection, the largest bulbs should be selected. It is from them that large-sized garlic will be grown.

To disinfect garlic, experienced vegetable growers use various ways. One of the most effective methods It is considered that planting material is immersed in an ash solution. To do this, you will need wood ash (300 g), which must be boiled in water (2 l). Then the light part of the resulting decoction is separated. The teeth are kept in it for one hour.

It is also practiced to place garlic in a solution of potassium permanganate (1%) or copper sulfate (1%) for half an hour. The use of Fitosporin-M has proven itself well.

Gardeners have special requirements for the preparation of spring garlic. If planting material was stored with deviations from optimal mode(temperature + 5 ... + 8 ° C, humidity 30 - 50%), 30 days before the planned planting it must be taken out into the cold (- 3 ... +2 ° C). For example, pre-plant storage of garlic in the refrigerator is practiced. Thanks to this cooling, heads with greater weight will subsequently be grown.

Before planting (a day before), the garlic should have time to warm up to room temperature. Next, a disinfection procedure is carried out, after which the teeth will need to be exposed to a growth stimulator (Epin, Potassium Humate) for half a day by immersing them in a solution.

Features of planting garlic

The vegetable grower will need to properly plan the planting event. Looking through the recommendations on how to grow large heads of garlic from seeds, we can conclude that the time for this procedure may differ in different regions.

Spring planting

When planning spring planting, you need to focus on April and May. The main factor indicating the possibility of its implementation is warming the soil to a temperature above zero. Typically, such an event is carried out after the snow has melted, when the sun's rays have already warmed up the earth somewhat.

In the spring, the planted cloves are embedded in moistened soil to a shallow depth (2 - 3 cm), the interval between them is 9 - 10 cm, the recommended distance between the rows is in the range: 15 - 20 cm. After the shoots appear, it is allowed to mulch the beds using peat and other materials.

Autumn planting of garlic

As a rule, garlic is planted for the winter during the period: September - October, taking into account the regional affiliation of the cultivation zone. Gardeners living in the central or middle zone of our state carry out such an event in the last week of September or in the first days of October. Vegetable growers whose plots are located further south decide when to plant winter garlic; they try to carry out this procedure in mid-October.

If the planting time is calculated correctly, the cloves will have the opportunity to take root before frost without germination, which will ensure their quiet wintering and will guarantee a large harvest. This will also eliminate the question from the gardener: why does garlic turn yellow in the spring - what to do, since the cloves will not be subject to winter freezing.

The autumn planting scheme is similar to the spring one, however, the depth of embedment in the ground should be increased to 3 - 5 cm.

Burying the garlic cloves too shallowly can lead to their freezing if the winter turns out to be too cold or too little snow. A layer of sand or wood ash can be poured into the furrows formed in the soil.

Next, the soil will need to be leveled and mulched with a layer of rotted sawdust or peat (2-3 cm thick). It is advisable to avoid using straw because of the possibility of rodents overwintering in it. Garlic planted in the fall does not need watering. If snow has not yet fallen, but sharp frosts are observed, it is necessary to provide the ridges with shelter in the form of roofing felt, a thick film. After a snowfall, such protection is removed.

Rules for caring for garlic in the garden

When caring for garlic in the garden, you cannot ignore timely fertilizing. During the growing season, a maximum of three fertilizer applications are made.

As practice shows, the most effective feeding of garlic is done using organic matter. To do this, you can use a solution of mullein (1: 10) or bird droppings (1: 12). To repeat the procedure, you should use a solution of ash (200 g) in water (10 l). Applying an excessive amount of fertilizer can lead to a situation: garlic leaves turn yellow, various diseases culture.

Excessively abundant watering of plants is not recommended. It would be optimal to irrigate dry soil with water at the rate of 10 l/m2, followed by a week-long break. As it matures, the amount of water decreases to 6 - 8 l/sq.m. In anticipation of harvesting (14 days in advance), irrigation should be stopped.

Winter varieties are watered more abundantly. IN winter time putting snow on the ridges will pay off. After irrigation, the soil should be carefully loosened by 2 - 3 cm (if there is mulch, this procedure is not performed). In addition, the vegetable grower should carry out systematic weeding of the crop. In order to subsequently obtain a large number of large heads, it will be necessary to remove the arrows in a timely manner.

Harvesting and storage

Experienced vegetable growers know: when garlic is harvested, the possibility of performing such a procedure is judged by the leaves, which begin to wither.

In addition, you can draw conclusions about the maturity of garlic by observing the arrows left for control: from milky, twisted, they turn into vertically aligned ones, cracking in the area of ​​the bulb.

If there is a need to find out how to preserve garlic, you need to take into account that the roots of the dug up specimens are removed, as well as the stem at a distance of 12 cm from the head. Next, the crop is dried in the sun. After the top scales are completely dry, they are removed. The heads are tied into bunches, which are then placed in jars with the stumps facing down. In this form they will be perfectly stored for a long time.

Garlic leaves turn yellow

An inexperienced gardener may be concerned about the question: garlic is turning yellow - what to do to get rid of such a scourge? There may be several reasons for such drying. The most common cases are discussed below.

A vegetable grower who is faced with the problem of why garlic leaves turn yellow and roots die should not discount the plant being infected with fusarium. As practice shows, the use of the fungicide Quadris gives good results.

When studying the information: why winter garlic turns yellow, you should take into account that this can be caused by planting the crop at the dacha in soil with high acidity levels. To correct the situation, you will need to add lime to the ground (30 - 50 kg / 100 m2) before spring digging.

When deciding why garlic leaves turn yellow, you also cannot discount too little nitrogen in the soil. This substance can quickly be washed out of the soil. Its deficiency is compensated for by applying nitrogen fertilizers. The best time for such a procedure would be early spring.

Growing garlic at home in winter

Many vegetable growers are confident that garlic at home within winter months It's quite possible to grow. Prepared cloves should be planted in containers on the windowsill filled with soil. Next, the containers need to be placed in a place well lit by the sun. When deciding how to grow garlic at home, it is necessary to provide the plants with sufficient watering, avoiding dryness or excessive moisture in the soil. You can count on the appearance of sprouts in the apartment on the balcony after 20 - 30 days.

A healthy addition to the family diet

Proper execution of planting and agricultural techniques will be the key to obtaining large quantity large garlic heads. Home-grown delicious, healthy garlic, containing many valuable vitamins and microelements, will be an excellent addition to the family diet all year round. You can read the article:

Everyone is proud of their compact vegetable gardens summer cottage or even on the balcony in the apartment. In autumn winter period When a person lacks vitamins, we think of onion or parsley seedlings that have turned green, for example, on a windowsill. But garlic is considered especially popular among gardeners. This is not only an excellent seasoning for any homemade dishes, but also an excellent antiviral agent. This is the best medicine for colds. Therefore, if you decide to cultivate this plant at home, you need to understand in more detail how to grow garlic at home.

Planting material

What is growing garlic at home? In order to be ultimately satisfied with the results, it is recommended to strictly follow the recommendations from real experts. Garlic is an unpretentious crop, but you also need to know how to care for it. First of all, it is necessary to correctly select planting material.

As a rule, almost all winter plant varieties produce special arrows, on which bulbs then form over time. You will grow such a crop for too long, since this plant is a perennial, and during the first year after planting it in the ground it forms its root system. Therefore, it is not advisable to use this method if you want to get the first results quickly enough.

The best solution for you is to plant garlic cloves in the ground. Examine them carefully, select large ones. They can even be slightly dried - this will not affect the result. The main thing is that there is no damage to the teeth. At the same time, it is also undesirable to select yellow or too soft cloves for planting.

If you notice that small green shoots have appeared on some of your garlic cloves, be sure to plant them in open ground first.

Such planting material will emerge from the ground much faster.

Soil preparation

How to grow garlic at home? Some novice gardeners believe that they can simply collect soil from the garden into pots. However, in reality this is not best solution. The thing is that garden soil can most often be used exclusively as a base for a substrate. The reason is quite clear: the crop is mainly planted in small compact containers. Due to frequent watering (and you can’t do without it), all nutritional components will gradually be washed out of the soil. In addition, the structure itself feels compacted to the touch and does not conduct air well. Be sure to take care to include peat or sand in your culture substrate.

In order for the garlic to be large, it is necessary to consider the presence of fertilizing. It is best to add humus to the soil. It is noteworthy that garlic requires mandatory mineral supplements. Wood ash can serve as such.

How to prepare the soil for planting garlic cloves at home? It is necessary to disinfect the earth mixture. To do this, place it in a hot oven for about half an hour. If you decide to purchase a ready-made substrate in a specialized store, choose a universal mixture that also includes fertilizers.

Landing rules

How to ensure the process of planting garlic cloves in the ground, taking into account all the basic recommendations? First, mix the soil with sand. Fill the container with the mixture, leaving about 2 cm of space. Plant the garlic cloves (the pointed end should be at the top). When all the planting material is in the container, place it in a sunny place, for example, on a windowsill.

Be sure to ensure that the plants have constant access to light: garlic requires approximately 8 hours of sunlight per day. Another important point when planting garlic at home is the presence of a stand. The container must be placed on some kind of base, where excess water will drain. Knowing how to properly plant garlic cloves in the ground, you will get a high harvest and in winter you will be able to add the favorite spices and vitamins of domestic gardeners to your food.

Seedling care

Growing indoor garlic is not a very labor-intensive process. You just need to understand the theory in order to then create an algorithm of actions for yourself. In general, you won’t face anything difficult; even novice gardeners will be able to cope with this task. Moreover, if you have already grown onions on a windowsill, the experience gained will be useful to you in this process.

So, the first sprouts will appear 1-3 weeks after they are planted in the ground. Why such a big discrepancy in time? The thing is that the speed of garlic germination depends on several factors, for example, on the depth of planting of the cloves. As soon as the first garlic shoots appear, it’s time to get down to business more actively. The key task of every farmer is a full-fledged harvest. And this can be achieved without much effort.


How to care for garlic sprouts planted on the windowsill? First of all, it is recommended to ensure adequate watering of the soil. The main thing is to adhere to the principle of the golden mean: not to over-moisten the substrate, but it is also undesirable to wait until its top crust dries.

Water or spray the soil after about 2-3 days. However, if your room is stably maintained heat, the frequency of watering can be increased slightly.

Top dressing

In order to grow a full-fledged harvest of homemade garlic on your windowsill, it is not enough just to know how to plant cloves in the ground. It is necessary to be able to create all the conditions for the full development of the plant. For example, feeding garlic is of great importance. It mainly prefers organic matter, especially nitrogen. You can also feed the soil from time to time with mineral fertilizers.

Regarding the composition that will be most effective for garlic, it is difficult to determine one thing. In this situation, farmers use both store-bought mixtures and homemade fertilizers, for example, mullein or poultry manure. Interestingly, you can also experiment with the consistency of fertilizers. Garlic takes well both liquid nutrient mixtures and granular fertilizers or mineral sticks. It all depends on the cost of funds and your preferences.


It cannot be said that garlic is a heat-loving plant. It will be enough to maintain the room temperature at about 20 degrees. However, experts recommend not leaving containers with seedlings in the room, but placing them on a windowsill, balcony or loggia. The main thing is that the balcony in this case should be glazed, since drafts are undesirable for any plant.

Sometimes gardeners prefer to grow garlic in order to obtain not only a harvest, but also heads. However, it is not always possible to achieve this goal at home, and if it is possible, the heads for the most part turn out to be too large. That's why this method Growing garlic is impractical. Yes and temperature regime for this you need to provide an individual: -15-16 degrees. Therefore, experienced experts advise gardeners to abandon such an undertaking.

In general, the process of cultivating garlic at home is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to approach this wisely. Follow all the basic recommendations of experts, and the results will not take long to arrive, and you will be able to enjoy fresh garlic even in early spring.

Video “Secrets of garlic productivity”

From this video you will learn about the most interesting secrets for an excellent garlic harvest.


If you want to enjoy a 100% organic version of this product, learn how to grow it in your own garden.

Garlic is a member of the Allium family, which also includes onions and. This is a special type of seasoning that gives dishes a characteristic taste and aroma. And growing garlic at home won’t be difficult!

As you probably know, you can grow from a clove. Each clove will then become a head of garlic, containing from 5 to 10 new cloves. Garlic can be stored for quite a long time (several months). The main thing is to put it in a cool and dry place.

Do you want to learn grow garlic at home? So that you have no doubts, we will do short review its properties and we will share all the steps so that you can grow it at home and harvest it. Take note!

Why is garlic so beneficial?

Isn't it a great idea to grow spices at home? Then fresh herbs will always be at hand. At the same time, you will always be sure that it is grown in environmentally friendly conditions, without the use of pesticides. It's the same with garlic. It is easy to care for and has a great variety of uses.

Besides, garlic contains important nutrients, which contribute to improving the quality of the diet. As detailed in a publication in Nutrients magazine, this product contains:

  • Water (62-68%)
  • (26–30%)
  • Proteins (1.5–2.1%)
  • Amino acids (1.0–0.5%)
  • Organosulfonate compounds (1.1–3.5%)
  • Dietary fiber (1.5%)

The same study suggests that garlic has the potential to prevent metabolic disorders and dyslipidemia. In addition, its moderate consumption helps improve some functions of the gastrointestinal tract, providing a protective effect for the mucous membrane from the activity of Helicobacter pylori and the development of ulcers.

However, it is important to take into account how it is used, because when cooked (cooked) most of it useful properties may be lost. Therefore, if the goal is to take it for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to consume it raw, alone or in combination with lemon juice.

How to grow garlic at home?

Growing garlic at home is very easy. Just be patient and choose a variety. Then choose a suitable pot (it has very deep roots).

In order to grow garlic at home, you will need:

  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 pot (at least 20 cm deep)
  • Earth

Step-by-step instruction

  • Step 1: Select a head of garlic that you want to grow at home and divide it into cloves. Peel them no need.
  • Step 2: Now you need to choose a good deep pot. It is desirable that it be at least 20 centimeters deep, because, as we said earlier, Garlic roots go deep into the ground. The pot must have good drainage so that each time after watering, excess water can be easily drained out. Fill the pot with enough soil. You shouldn’t pour it all the way to the edge, just leave a little free space.
  • Step 3: bury the garlic cloves in the ground to a depth of about 10 centimeters so that they the sharp part was directed upward.
  • Step 4: if the pot is large, you can plant a few cloves of garlic in it. The most important thing is that they stay at a distance at least 8 centimeters from each other.
  • Step 5: place the pot in a bright place. Garlic sprouts will begin to emerge 16 to 32 weeks after planting, depending on weather conditions and variety.

Important information!

Best time To start growing garlic at home - relatively warm weather. Regions where the climate is too hot or rainy are not suitable for growing garlic. Actually, A cold climate is required from the beginning to the middle of cultivation, the ideal temperature of which is between 0°C and 15°C.

After the temperature can reach 25 ° C, the heads will reach their maturity. General recommendation- start planting in autumn or winter.

You should avoid watering too much: too much water can cause the roots to rot. In addition, the plant should be free of weeds and, if possible, fertilize it with a small amount of compost (at least once a month).

  • Chen K, Xie K, Liu Z, et al. Preventive Effects and Mechanisms of Garlic on Dyslipidemia and Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis. Nutrients. 2019;11(6):1225. Published 2019 May 29. doi:10.3390/nu11061225
  • Charron, C. S., Milner, J. A., & Novotny, J. A. (2015). Garlic. In Encyclopedia of Food and Health(pp. 184–190). Elsevier Inc.
  • Bayan, L., Koulivand, P. H., & Gorji, A. (2014). Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, 4 (1), 1–14.
  • Block, E. (1998). Garlic as a Functional Food: A Status Report. ACS Symposium Series, 702 , 125–143.
  • Mann, L. K. (1952). Anatomy of the garlic bulb and factors affecting bulb development. Hilgardia, 21 (8), 195–251.

Everyone is proud of their compact vegetable gardens on their summer cottage or even on the balcony of their apartment. In the autumn-winter period, when a person lacks vitamins, we think of onion or parsley seedlings that have turned green, for example, on a windowsill. But garlic is considered especially popular among gardeners. This is not only an excellent seasoning for any homemade dishes, but also an excellent antiviral agent. This is the best medicine for colds. Therefore, if you decide to cultivate this plant at home, you need to understand in more detail how to grow garlic at home.

Planting material

What is growing garlic at home? In order to be ultimately satisfied with the results, it is recommended to strictly follow the recommendations from real experts. Garlic is an unpretentious crop, but you also need to know how to care for it. First of all, it is necessary to correctly select planting material.

As a rule, almost all winter plant varieties produce special arrows, on which bulbs then form over time. You will grow such a crop for too long, since this plant is a perennial, and during the first year after planting it in the ground it forms its root system. Therefore, it is not advisable to use this method if you want to get the first results quickly enough.

The best solution for you is to plant garlic cloves in the ground. Examine them carefully, select large ones. They can even be slightly dried - this will not affect the result. The main thing is that there is no damage to the teeth. At the same time, it is also undesirable to select yellow or too soft cloves for planting.

If you notice that small green shoots have appeared on some of your garlic cloves, be sure to plant them in open ground first.

Such planting material will emerge from the ground much faster.

Soil preparation

How to grow garlic at home? Some novice gardeners believe that they can simply collect soil from the garden into pots. However, this is not really the best solution. The thing is that garden soil can most often be used exclusively as a base for a substrate. The reason is quite clear: the crop is mainly planted in small compact containers. Due to frequent watering (and you can’t do without it), all nutritional components will gradually be washed out of the soil. In addition, the structure itself feels compacted to the touch and does not conduct air well. Be sure to take care to include peat or sand in your culture substrate.

In order for the garlic to be large, it is necessary to consider the presence of fertilizing. It is best to add humus to the soil. It is noteworthy that garlic requires mandatory mineral supplements. Wood ash can serve as such.

How to prepare the soil for planting garlic cloves at home? It is necessary to disinfect the earth mixture. To do this, place it in a hot oven for about half an hour. If you decide to purchase a ready-made substrate in a specialized store, choose a universal mixture that also includes fertilizers.

Landing rules

How to ensure the process of planting garlic cloves in the ground, taking into account all the basic recommendations? First, mix the soil with sand. Fill the container with the mixture, leaving about 2 cm of space. Plant the garlic cloves (the pointed end should be at the top). When all the planting material is in the container, place it in a sunny place, for example, on a windowsill.

Be sure to ensure that the plants have constant access to light: garlic requires approximately 8 hours of sunlight per day. Another important point when planting garlic at home is the presence of a stand. The container must be placed on some kind of base, where excess water will drain. Knowing how to properly plant garlic cloves in the ground, you will get a high harvest and in winter you will be able to add the favorite spices and vitamins of domestic gardeners to your food.

Seedling care

Growing indoor garlic is not a very labor-intensive process. You just need to understand the theory in order to then create an algorithm of actions for yourself. In general, you won’t face anything difficult; even novice gardeners will be able to cope with this task. Moreover, if you have already grown onions on a windowsill, the experience gained will be useful to you in this process.

So, the first sprouts will appear 1-3 weeks after they are planted in the ground. Why such a big discrepancy in time? The thing is that the speed of garlic germination depends on several factors, for example, on the depth of planting of the cloves. As soon as the first garlic shoots appear, it’s time to get down to business more actively. The key task of every farmer is a full-fledged harvest. And this can be achieved without much effort.


How to care for garlic sprouts planted on the windowsill? First of all, it is recommended to ensure adequate watering of the soil. The main thing is to adhere to the principle of the golden mean: not to over-moisten the substrate, but it is also undesirable to wait until its top crust dries.

Water or spray the soil after about 2-3 days. However, if your room maintains a consistently high temperature, the frequency of watering can be increased slightly.

Top dressing

In order to grow a full-fledged harvest of homemade garlic on your windowsill, it is not enough just to know how to plant cloves in the ground. It is necessary to be able to create all the conditions for the full development of the plant. For example, feeding garlic is of great importance. It mainly prefers organic matter, especially nitrogen. You can also feed the soil from time to time with mineral fertilizers.

Regarding the composition that will be most effective for garlic, it is difficult to determine one thing. In this situation, farmers use both store-bought mixtures and homemade fertilizers, for example, mullein or poultry manure. Interestingly, you can also experiment with the consistency of fertilizers. Garlic takes well both liquid nutrient mixtures and granular fertilizers or mineral sticks. It all depends on the cost of funds and your preferences.


It cannot be said that garlic is a heat-loving plant. It will be enough to maintain the room temperature at about 20 degrees. However, experts recommend not leaving containers with seedlings in the room, but placing them on a windowsill, balcony or loggia. The main thing is that the balcony in this case should be glazed, since drafts are undesirable for any plant.

Sometimes gardeners prefer to grow garlic in order to obtain not only a harvest, but also heads. However, it is not always possible to achieve this goal at home, and if it is possible, the heads for the most part turn out to be too large. Therefore, this method of growing garlic is impractical. And for this you need to ensure an individual temperature regime: -15-16 degrees. Therefore, experienced experts advise gardeners to abandon such an undertaking.

In general, the process of cultivating garlic at home is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to approach this wisely. Follow all the basic recommendations of experts, and the results will not take long to arrive, and you will be able to enjoy fresh garlic even in early spring.

Video “Secrets of garlic productivity”

From this video you will learn about the most interesting secrets for an excellent garlic harvest.

How to grow garlic at home

Good afternoon friends!

In winter, many people grow green vegetables on their apartment windows or balconies: they drive out parsley, sprout onion. But garlic is rarely found on windowsills in winter. Although it is no more difficult to grow than green onions.

We'll talk about it today.

The benefits of young garlic have been known since ancient times. This greenery appeared in peasant gardens long before other vegetables and served as an excellent prevention of vitamin deficiency and scurvy. This spicy vegetable contains an incredible amount of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances.

Tender young garlic leaves do not yet have time to acquire a pungent odor, but they add a spring aroma to any salad. Spring garlic arrows are used not only as a seasoning, but also for preparing individual dishes. These shoots can be salted or pickled, and stored for future use. Fresh garlic herbs decorate the holiday table at any time of the year. The collected leaves are used to make sandwiches: finely chop and sprinkle on a piece of buttered black bread. Chopped garlic will decorate any salad and add flavor to the first or second dish. Both tasty and healthy!

Garlic is a perennial plant that is grown as an annual or biennial plant. In closed ground conditions - on a window or on a balcony, garlic is grown to produce aromatic and vitamin-rich greens. Already a month after planting, you can harvest young, soft green leaves of garlic. If the planting containers in which the garlic cloves are planted are installed in cool rooms where the temperature ranges from 0 to +15C, small heads sometimes grow. They, of course, do not grow as large as in the open air, and the number of cloves in them is smaller.

A flower pot or seedling box is suitable for planting. Drainage holes are required. You will need soil and some fertilizer.

Which varieties to choose?

Winter varieties are better suited for growing on a windowsill, but spring varieties can also be used. Heads of garlic whose cloves have sprouted in the refrigerator can be planted.

Where to place it?

Containers with planted garlic cloves should be installed in well-lit and poorly heated rooms. This could be a glazed veranda, balcony or loggia.

Which planting mixture should I choose?

The planting mixture should be fertile, well seasoned with complete mineral fertilizer. You can mix universal soil for seedlings with specialized fertilizer for onions or garlic. Garden soil mixed with sand, humus and crushed charcoal is also suitable.

How to plant?

To get garlic greens, plant garlic cloves. If you plant bulbs, a one-toothed one may grow. Sprouted cloves are buried 2-3 cm into the soil. It is better to plant winter varieties in the fall; sprouted cloves of spring garlic are “consigned to the ground” in the spring.

How often to water?

Garlic crops need high soil moisture, especially during clove germination and during green growth. But at the same time, stagnation of water should be avoided. Bottom line: water rarely, but abundantly.

Should the air around the plantings be humidified? There is no need to constantly spray garlic seedlings, but maintaining optimal air humidity is desirable.

What to feed?

Garlic loves to eat well. You can feed it with mineral sticks or flower fertilizer granules. A solution will also work liquid fertilizer. Foliar feeding is not used.

Is anything else needed?

Periodically loosen the soil in the container after watering. Diseases characteristic of garlic are rare when grown indoors. Pests do not damage. Garlic does not need to be planted separately; it grows well as a compactor among other plants.

To summarize: to carry out growing garlic at home You need to take a container for planting with drainage holes. Fill it with soil to the top. Plant the garlic cloves in the ground. Place the container on a drainage tray. Place all this on a well-lit window in a cool room. Water periodically. After waiting for the sprouts to grow to 15-20 cm, trim them with scissors. You can ensure a continuous process of collecting greens if the cloves are planted in several containers at different times. See you later, friends!

A small vegetable garden in a room or on a balcony brings benefits and joy, no matter what crop grows on it, but garlic - a special case even among other vegetables. This is not only an excellent seasoning for salads and hot dishes, but also a direct aid to our health. We remember it every year with the onset of cold weather, when we need to take care of preventing viruses and strengthening the immune system. Growing garlic at home in this case is not a whim, but a necessity.

Planting material

Most winter varieties tend to send out shoots on which aerial bulbs (bulbs) are formed, sometimes called seeds. This method of propagation is unacceptable for the home; you will have to wait too long for the harvest; garlic is a perennial plant; in the first year it develops a single-toothed bulb and a root system.

For a crop placed on a window or balcony, it is important quick result, so you need to plant the teeth. You should choose large, dense ones, you can take slightly dried ones. Severely wilted or yellowed ones are not suitable. Small, damaged, or showing signs of deterioration are not suitable. It’s good that if the cloves have begun to sprout, it will be faster to grow garlic on the windowsill.

Soil taken from the garden can be used for home growing only as a basis for the substrate. When watering in small-volume vessels, nutrients are washed out of it, and the structure becomes denser. Additions are necessary, most often peat and sand are taken.

Humus is necessary for fertility. The specificity of garlic is a high need for mineral supplements, which are provided by the inclusion of wood ash in the substrate. The soil from the street needs to be disinfected and calcined for half an hour in the oven. If the soil is purchased in a store, then it is best to take a universal one for seedlings and enrich it with a special fertilizer intended for onions and garlic.

Requirements for the container are a sufficient area for planting and a depth of at least 20 cm, with a small edge above the soil so that water does not spill when watering.

The shape of the vessel, the material from which it is made do not matter; it can be a wooden or plastic box, a ceramic pot, a glass container. The choice is determined only by the aesthetic preferences of the owner.

If you independently put together a wooden box exactly to the size of the window sill, the use of usable space will be the most rational. Do not forget about the holes in the bottom of the container and the drainage layer (expanded clay, pebbles, broken ceramics). The vessel is placed on a stand or tray to ensure free flow of irrigation water.

What distance should be maintained between the planting teeth? The plants need to be given a certain amount of space, and at the same time, space has to be saved, since the vegetable garden is still located on the windowsill or on the balcony. The optimal distance will be 4 - 5 cm. There is no consensus among gardeners regarding the planting depth; some plant at 2 - 3 cm, others deepen it as in open ground - at 10 cm. In both cases, good germination is achieved, but in the second - later, approximately in 15 days.

The bulb is divided into cloves and introduced into the soil. It should be slightly moist, not too wet and not too dry. Place each slice with the sharp end facing up. In order not to compact the soil under the future growing roots, do not press it, but lower it into the prepared hole, sprinkle it, and water it. If you plant and grow garlic in several stages with an interval of 5–10 days, then the harvest can be harvested continuously as it grows. You can plant the teeth in a pot with another indoor plant, it is believed to be useful for disinfection and pest control.

Forcing garlic greens can also be done in water, just as they do with onions. The slices need to be cleared of covering scales, placed tightly in shallow molds, filled with water to half and constantly maintained at this level. Without soil, greens can be obtained at least twice: first after 3 weeks, again after another 2. If the cloves are large, there is a third harvest, after about 10 days. After this they are replaced.

Garlic is undemanding to care; even a novice plant grower can grow it on a window or balcony; experience in growing green onions will come in handy here. Sprouts will appear after 1, 2 or 3 weeks, depending on conditions and planting depth.

They need to be provided with good lighting, if placed on a window, then in the south, but it is best to keep the plants on a glazed balcony, if you have one. If there is a lack of natural light, use a fluorescent lamp (a regular incandescent lamp is not suitable for illuminating plants), 8 hours of daylight will be enough.

To maintain the soil in a moderately moist state, water every 2-3 days; if the room is warm and the soil dries out quickly, then more often.

Top dressing

Garlic needs to be fertilized with organic matter, mainly nitrogen, as well as mineral supplements. You can use special store-bought formulations or add bird manure or mullein.


The temperature should be low, about 20 °C; from this point of view, it is also better to keep the garlic not in the room, but on a glazed balcony or loggia.

The arrows that appear, intended to form bulbs, should be removed immediately. Growing garlic at home to obtain heads is hardly advisable, especially since they are not always obtained at home and are not very large. But if such a goal is set, then the plantings must be kept at low temperature– 15 -16 °C.

The soil around the sprouts should be periodically loosened, then the bulb will be large and developed and will give a good green mass. Leaves that have reached 20 cm are ready for consumption, which is what they look like a month after planting, already quite large and not yet too strong in taste, tender and pleasant. They are cut with scissors and used as fresh as possible.

All varieties of garlic are divided into two groups. Winter crops are more suitable for winter growing indoors; they do not have a period of winter dormancy. Practitioners recommend Sochinsky-56, Kharkovsky, Otradnensky, proven by many years of experience, which give a good harvest of greenery indoors or on the balcony in winter. To obtain garlic feathers in summer time Spring or summer plant varieties are preferable.
