Lunar calendar for planting June. Safe protection of plants from diseases and pests in July and August

Professional gardeners and gardeners have noticed that the Moon significantly affects the quality and quantity of the harvest. Thanks to this knowledge, the gardener’s lunar calendar was compiled.

June 1st: Aries is an infertile sign. Astrologers advise against sowing and planting. It is better to pay attention to treating plants from all kinds of pests or to loosen the soil. Also, this day will not have the best effect on the transplant. indoor plants, for which there is a special care calendar.

June 2 and 3: The Moon will move into the Zodiac Sign Taurus, which has a very beneficial effect on the development of all vegetable crops, herbs and fruit and berry plants. The harvest will be rich. You can soak the seeds on these lunar days.

June 4 and 5: under the influence of the constellation Gemini, plants such as melons, strawberries and wild strawberries, peas, beans and bindweed develop best. It is recommended not to influence the roots of plants: they are extremely vulnerable during this period.

June 6 and 7: The Moon will move into the constellation Cancer, the influence of which is extremely favorable for sowing and planting annual plants, as well as abundant watering and loosening the soil. This period is especially positive for planting low-growing plants.

June 8, 9 and 10: Leo's influence will increase. On this day, it is best to give yourself a rest and not disturb the plants. Crops planted during this period will not produce rich fruits.

June 11 and 12: The Virgo sign is infertile. It is suitable for planting annual plants and flowers, suitable for strawberries. These days it is advisable to focus on pruning and picking plants.

June 13, 14 and 15: under the influence of Libra, flowers develop well, especially roses. Potatoes, grains and crops planted during this period will produce a good harvest. legumes. Suitable for pinching and crown formation.

June 16 and 17: The Moon will move into the constellation Scorpio. Nightshades planted on this day will give a very tasty and rich harvest, and the fruits will be stored for a long time. Root crops and pumpkin crops also develop well thanks to its influence.

June 18, 19 and 20: These days it is best to plant not for harvest, but for seeds. When the Moon is in the constellation Sagittarius, the harvest is not very rich, but ornamental plants grow up especially beautiful. You can also independently determine how productive this period will be, knowing how the phases of the moon influence plant development.

June 21 and 22: a fairly favorable period for planting, since the harvest always turns out to be worthy. The moon will move into the constellation Capricorn, so spend time on the earth: fertilize the soil and start hilling the beds.

June 23 and 24: These days the barren sign will rule - Aquarius. But when sowing during its influence, extremely interesting specimens can be produced. Pinching and pinching will have a positive effect.

June 25 and 26: Pisces is a very productive sign, thanks to which the harvest is sure to be very abundant. It is best to plant pumpkin and nightshade plants during this period; any vegetable crops develop well.

June 27, 28 and 29: The Moon will once again be in the barren constellation Aries. Refrain from picking and pinching. Planting on these days is not recommended by astrologers.

30 June: If you plant plants during the influence of Taurus, they will definitely give a good harvest. It's a good day to plant root vegetables.

To be confident in your actions and know what surprises this day will bring, look at. Have a rich harvest, and don't forget to press the buttons and

28.05.2016 06:14

The gardener's lunar calendar reflects the most successful days for caring for plants, and...

At the beginning of summer, gardeners and gardeners reap the first fruits.

On the other hand, June has arrived and there is no end to work. Gardening chores are increasing exponentially.

The sowing of vegetables and flower crops is nearing completion, so be sure to look at the gardener’s lunar calendar for June 2016 and find out the favorable planting days so as not to waste time.

Lunar calendar for June 2016 for gardeners and vegetable gardeners

The 1st day of June corresponds to the 26th lunar day. The night luminary is located in the unproductive constellation Aries and continues to decline. Now just enjoy and admire your work. Dream, plan, study the new products of breeders and put them into practice.

June 2 and 3 (27th and 28th lunar days). The waning Moon moves into one of the highly productive signs - Taurus. All earthworks will go well - replanting, transshipment, sowing. But due to the waning Moon, it will take a long time for plants to take root in a new place. Gardeners are advised to avoid pruning and crown shaping.

June 4 and 5 (27, 28, 29, 30 and 1st lunar days). The Moon wanes in Gemini and then enters the New Moon. This is one of the unfavorable moments for all garden work. Cultures freeze and become very susceptible to any influence.

But the fight against weeds and pests will be successful, but you must act carefully near the roots of cultivated plants so as not to injure them.

June 6, 7 (2nd and 3rd lunar day). In the planting calendar for June 2016, the gardener and gardener has a good period for any agricultural work, because the Moon is not only growing, but has also moved into fertile Cancer. Planting, mineral fertilizing, grafting, and tillage will be successful.

June 8, 9, 10 (4, 5, and 6th lunar day). The Moon grows in infertile Leo, which makes an exception for the garden. And while vegetable growers are taking a break, gardeners are busy in full - planting seedlings, grafting or re-grafting, fertilizing bushes and trees. It is only contraindicated to engage in pruning.

June 11 and 12 (7th and 8th lunar day). The waxing Moon passes into the infertile Virgo. A good period for caring for and planting flower crops. Flowers planted today will delight you with beautiful flowers.

They also continue to cultivate the garden. It’s time for gardeners to start replanting crops planted in the signs of Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer. On the 12th, the Moon enters the ¼ phase, which is called "harvest time" as the juices rise, filling the fruit. They become juicier and more healthy.

June 13, 14 and 15 (9, 10, 11th lunar day). The moon is increasing in the constellation Libra. Luck will be on the side of gardeners and flower growers. We continue to plant the garden and flower beds. On the 14th and 15th, gardeners join them, planting crops that bear fruit in the above-ground part. It is not recommended to prune bushes and trees; this will have a bad effect on their health.

June 16 and 17 (12th and 13th day of the lunar calendar). The Moon continues to grow in the sign of Scorpio. Another fertile sign. All your work will be completed successfully. Root system is actively developing, becoming powerful and stable.

good time for harvesting, but not for winter. Fruits, berries, and vegetables are filled with nutritious juice. Indeed, during the growing phase, the sap moves from the roots to the stems. Therefore, do not rush to trim trees, wait for a more favorable moment.

June 18 and 19 (14th and 15th lunar day). The Moon is growing in Sagittarius, which is a less fertile sign. If you want to collect your own seeds, sow crops for these purposes now. The seeds will please you high quality. The 19th day before the full moon is considered negative for agricultural work; direct all your energy to fighting wild grass or harvesting any crops.

June 20 (16th lunar day). The Moon remains in Sagittarius, but in full phase. It is good to start harvesting, since by this time the fruits have absorbed most of the nutrients.

June 21 and 22 (17th and 18th lunar day). After the Full Moon, the Moon begins to wane while in Capricorn. If on the 21st gardeners and gardeners take a break from active work, then on the 22nd they plant what they did not have time to plant, and also remove excess plants - thin out, harvest, plant capricious and whimsical crops.

June 23 and 24 (19th and 20th lunar day).The Moon continues to wan in barren Aquarius. If you not breeder, it is better not to sow anything today, since only various mutations will succeed. In the gardener's lunar calendar for June 2016, favorable days for cutting branches.

June 25 and 26 (20th and 21st days of the lunar calendar). The night star is decreasing in the constellation Pisces. Juices move from top to bottom. Therefore, they only care for the above-ground parts, trying not to touch the roots.

The time has come to harvest the root crops. They will keep well. They continue to care for the grown “pets” - loosening, fertilizing, do not forget to reduce watering. Gardeners continue pruning fruit crops.

June 27 or 22nd day lunar calendar . ¾ of the Moon moves into Aries. Since the sign itself is infertile, one cannot expect a harvest from the planted plants. Caring for crops will be successful - removing strawberry tendrils, thinning, cleaning the garden, preparing for future use (making jam, compotes).

June 28 and 29 (23rd and 24th lunar day). The moon is located in the same place, but continues to decrease. Time for active gardening work - pruning, root feeding. They continue to replenish supplies for the winter, digging up bulbs and tubers for storage.

June 30 (25th lunar day). The Moon is waning in productive Taurus. A period of passive activity and contemplation. Spray the plants against harmful insects, there are more and more of them every day. Pay attention to the fruits; if they begin to fall off, then perhaps the codling moth is to blame. Remove fallen fruits immediately, without leaving them overnight. Place bird-repellent nets and garlands to preserve the cherry harvest.

Lunar sowing calendar for June 2016 for gardeners and gardeners

In June, the sowing of most crops ends. On the street, seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers are taking their places, their planting will be successful - 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 17, 25.

The most favorable days for sowing any crops are the 6th, 7th, 16th, 17th.

Greens and lettuce, peas can also be planted 16–20; root vegetables and potatoes - 22, 25, pumpkin - 25th.

1, 4, 5, 21, 23, 24 and 27 are extremely unfavorable days for sowing.

In June, dawn meets dawn.

In June, raspberries, viburnum, and rose hips begin to bloom. In the second half of the month, strawberries ripen (photo). Near fruit trees and the soil in the beds is carefully loosened, simultaneously destroying weeds. Vegetables and fruit trees are constantly watered; during watering, you can apply fertilizer, and tomatoes are planted. After flowering, it is advisable to treat fruit trees against pests.
In the middle of the month, potatoes are hilled. Under climbing plants install supports. Entrances of carrots and cucumbers should be thinned out. It is not recommended to loosen cucumber beds, since the roots of these vegetables are located close to the surface.
Flowers in June need to be watered, weeded and loosened, and the soil around them needs to be fed. It is better to water flower beds early in the morning, since during the day watering in the sun can spoil the leaves.

Folk signs about the weather in June:
June will show what December will be like, and December will show June.
Sultry June - spit on boletus mushrooms.
June is summer for the heat, and sun for winter.

Based on one interesting folk sign Together with you, we will try to compile one, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the 2016 gardening season.

Thematic table - a selection from the main, universal gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

Gardening work, plant care activities

from 01 June 2016 00:00 (Wed)
to 02 June 2016 05:46 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Aries

Plowing and loosening the soil, controlling pests and plant diseases. These days you can weed and mulch the plantings. The best time for watering, root and foliar feeding of vegetable crops. Fertilizing of fruit trees, shrubs, as well as strawberries and vegetables. Collection of early greens and its processing. Carrying out formative, sanitary pruning and removal of thickening shoots. Growing tomatoes.
We still have a blog "", login only from the lunar calendar
from 02 June 2016 05:46 (Thu)
to 04 June 2016 03:55 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Watering and application organic fertilizers for root vegetables (carrots, beets, radishes, etc.) and potatoes. The beds with root crops are loosened and mulched with humus. Planting kohlrabi seedlings for summer consumption. It is possible to re-sow radishes and turnips for winter storage. Thinning carrot and beet crops. Growing tomatoes. A favorable period for pest control. A favorable period for laying compost heaps. Dividing irises, daffodils and planting them. Cuttings and rooting of perennial flower crops.

Tomatoes come from Peru, where the climate is very hot and dry. How to provide native conditions for tomatoes in our climate? For example, I grow them in open ground, and the summers are cool and it rains very often. At the same time, I want the bush to bear fruit until the fall and produce fruit, as they write on the bag of seeds - 10 kg per bush. In order to provide this southerner with comfortable conditions and, accordingly, a large harvest for himself, you need to be able to correctly form the bush.

Quite often, gardeners want to get the plants they like without special expenses. The first thing that comes to mind in such cases is cuttings. What if you are a beginner or a “lazy” gardener? Or come to country cottage area only on weekends, and only every other time, and still want to relax there? Then the idea with cuttings may not succeed. Why not give nature the opportunity to do almost all the work for us - propagate our favorite plants by layering?

My strawberry beds have been around for ten years. Naturally, I update the bushes. Previously, when May and June were dry, I took two buckets of delicious berries and another half a bucket of berries covered with gray rot from my “plantation.” If the beginning of summer was rainy, then I got two buckets of gray rot and only half a bucket of ripe strawberries. It's a shame to share the harvest with some rot! I started an attack on this bullshit. So, step by step - why my strawberries never get gray rot.

Sponge cakes with dates are incredibly tasty, slightly crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, and the sweet date in these baked goods becomes like chocolate. This simple dessert for tea is very easy to prepare in 30 minutes (along with baking), the only important thing is to plan everything correctly, so follow my recommendations. To work, you will need silicone, metal or paper muffin tins, since the dough for these biscuits is fluid, and without a mold it spreads.

In the middle zone, July has traditionally always been the hottest month of the year, but recently this is not always the case. Sometimes May is hotter than July, and sometimes even September. But many plants traditionally open their flowers in July. And even if the weather is not the warmest, July is the most colorful and colorful month in the garden. In mid-summer, almost all annual flowers traditionally bloom, including those sown in open ground.

For the vast majority of my friends, the idea of ​​“not digging” sounds completely outlandish. But to be honest, my husband (also of the old agrotechnical variety) looks with pain at the undug beds. Although everything grows and bears fruit beautifully on them. Therefore, in the spring, I allow him to dig up something, so as not to radically change his worldview. We are gradually learning: sudden changes in habits are not for everyone. I will share my experience of farming “without a shovel”.

Cucumber salad with onions and garlic is an excellent addition to a complex side dish or an independent vegetable appetizer for the holiday table, which is very easy to prepare for the winter in large quantities. The recipe is designed for liter jar, it’s so convenient to prepare and store vegetables in a small kitchen in a city apartment. This sweet and sour pickled cucumber salad is stored at room temperature away from heating appliances in a dark and dry place.

Alyssum is one of the easiest cushion garden plants to grow. And definitely one of the most fragrant. The charming cloud of honey over the lace of alyssums can be enjoyed not only in parks and gardens. After all, even those who do not have their own garden can grow alyssums at home - and not only on balconies. Although slightly changing its character, alyssum nevertheless remains a non-capricious and quite hardy plant. But you still have to take care of it carefully.

Noodle casserole with sausages and green beans is a great idea for breakfast or dinner. The dish turns out to be satisfying and will give you energy in the morning or replenish lost calories in the evening. The ingredients are simple, and so is the cooking process. Pasta casseroles can be savory - with vegetables, meat, sausages or sausage, and sweet - with dried fruits, cream and various spices. Sweet casseroles are served for dessert. This dish can be prepared from any pasta.

You can prepare an endless number of not only tasty, but also nutritious dishes with mushrooms; mushrooms are dried and preserved for the winter. It is not surprising that closer to autumn, amateurs and professionals of “silent hunting” en masse go out to pick mushrooms in the nearest (and not so close) forest. At the same time, the number of poisonings caused by these forest products is sharply increasing. We’ll tell you in this article how to protect yourself from trouble when going into the forest to pick mushrooms, and how to avoid becoming a victim of low-quality mushrooms.

As a child, I was delighted with the fairy tale where main character deftly escaped pursuit. He stuck branches from a bush into the ground, and behind his back a thick, impenetrable green Forest. I have been experimenting with twigs since I was four years old. So, summer cuttings are a great opportunity to get a young seedling of the desired variety. The procedure is simple, quick, and almost always even beginners succeed. Unsuccessful cuttings are associated with obvious neglect of its basic principles.

Strawberry jam with pectin is quick and easy to prepare. Apple pectin (pectin powder) is produced on an industrial scale from apple pomace. Pectin is added to many common products - in the filling of sweets, ketchup, marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade. At home, pectin is used to make jam or jam as a thickener. Adding pectin powder can significantly reduce cooking time, which means preserving more vitamins.

Country life is cloudless and beautiful only in the eyes of an inexperienced city dweller. Any gardener will confirm that there is an eternal battle here, we only dream of peace. Not a flood - so drought, not cold - so heat. Before you have time to deal with the next sore, it’s time to fight pests. And their darkness! But we still need to look for such an unpleasant comrade as a slug. A small, slippery insect, feeding on young leaves and fruits, causes great harm.

No matter how modest the dacha or garden plot may be, there is always a place for cucumbers. Experienced housewives will definitely take the time to wrap up a few jars of their cucumbers for the winter. Moreover, with minimal care and adherence to agricultural technology, you can grow an excellent harvest. In this case, only organic fertilizers can be used as fertilizing. What they are, how to prepare them at home and use them correctly, you will learn from this article.

Pelargonium "Pinto Scarlet Star F1" is distinguished by early and abundant flowering, has large flowers with a gradient color from coral color at the edges to white in the center, which look very beautiful against the background of emerald-colored leaves. Pelargonium pleases the eye for a very long time: plant growers note that flowering continues until the coldest weather. Tall (up to 40 cm) bushes are suitable for planting in flower beds, flowerpots and balcony boxes.

The beginning of summer is a period of active growth of plants that need constant care. Therefore, in June, gardeners need to monitor timely watering, fertilizing plants, treating against pests and diseases, killing weeds, adding organic fertilizers, and loosening the soil. This is a good time to apply nitrogen fertilizers and use weed infusions; flower perennials will require fertilizing with ash.

In hot weather, do not forget about additional watering of sea buckthorn, raspberries, currants, strawberries and other plants. Inspect gooseberry and currant bushes for the presence of sawfly larvae; damaged berries must be removed. At the beginning of the month, it is recommended to plant heat-loving plants: beans, pumpkins, beets, squash, zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers for open ground. Additionally, you can plant greens and radishes.

It is necessary to pluck out the arrows of onions and garlic. Keep an eye on the potatoes, remove the Colorado potato beetle larvae and hill up the seedlings. Plantings need to be thinned out and planted in the beds. At the end of the month, tomatoes are treated with Sritosrtorosis.

In Aries 01.06 – 02.06 (5:46) decreasing

These days, it is better to spend time caring for plants and soil; it is recommended to loosen dry soil, thin out and weed seedlings, treat diseases and pests, sanitary pruning, and remove growth from trees. You should not plant or sow plants; there is a risk of developing a weak root system.

In Taurus 02.06 (5:46) – 04.06 (6:01) decreasing

A good period for planting seedlings in open ground, sowing greens, carrots, turnips and radishes for winter storage. These days, it is worth propagating plants by layering or pinning them to the ground; fertilizing with organic fertilizers and watering is recommended. You should not plant plants from seeds, they will not be of the best quality.

In Gemini 04.06 (06:01) – 06.06 (6:41). New moon 05.06 (5:59)

The optimal time for caring for plants and soil, you can weed and thin out seedlings, carry out treatment against diseases and pests, sanitary pruning, remove shoots from bushes and trees and mustaches from strawberries. These days are good for planting tomatoes and pinching cucumber plants. On June 5, it is better not to disturb the plants.

In Cancer 06.06 (6:41) – 08.06 (9:47) growing

These days should be devoted to sowing greens, carrots, turnips and radishes for winter storage. You can also propagate shrubs and herbaceous perennials using cuttings and layering. A good time to sow and mow the lawn. When sowing perennial plants, their winter hardiness will be reduced.

In Leo 08.06 (9:47) – 10.06 (16:45) growing

The optimal period for caring for plants and soil: loosen the soil, weed and thin out seedlings, treat plants against diseases and pests. During these days, it is recommended to carry out sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs and remove growth. This is a good time to remove tendrils and strawberries, pinch out cucumber plants and tomato plants, and also to start a new lawn. These days, plants and soil need rest.

In Virgo 10.06 (16:45) – 13.06 (3:33) growing

The period when it is better to take cuttings ornamental shrubs and herbaceous perennials, rooting strawberry tendrils, pinching cucumber plants and pinching tomatoes. Sowing vegetable crops is not recommended.

In Libra 13.05 (3:33) – 15.06 (16:18) growing

Excellent days for sowing radishes, turnips, green, ornamental herbaceous perennials and vegetable crops. It is recommended to plant flower and vegetable seedlings, plant container plants, and cutting ornamental shrubs and herbaceous perennials. It is worth taking root of strawberry tendrils and feeding plants using mineral fertilizers. These days, watering should be moderate.

In Scorpio 15.06 (16:18) – 18.06 (4:34) growing

A good time to sow radishes, turnips, green, ornamental herbaceous perennials and vegetables. It is recommended to root strawberry tendrils, mow and sow the lawn for rapid grass growth, fertilize with mineral fertilizers, and water. These days, you should not plant, prune or replant plants with bare roots; there is a risk of infection.

In Sagittarius 18.06 (4:34) – 20.06 (14:55). Full moon 20.06 (14:02)

The period that is best devoted to caring for plants and soil: loosen the soil, thin out and weed seedlings, treat plantings against diseases and pests, provide sanitary pruning, remove shoots from bushes and trees, and strawberries. We recommend pinching cucumber plants and pinching tomatoes. On the day of the new moon, June 20, it is better not to disturb the plants.

In Capricorn 20.06 (14:55) – 22.06 (23:08) decreasing

A good time to sow vegetable perennial seedlings: lovage, onions, sorrel and rhubarb. It is also recommended to plant radishes, turnips and carrots for winter storage. These days, to obtain seedlings, strawberry tendrils are rooted. Feed the plants using organic fertilizers. Soil moisture during this period should be higher than normal - do not skimp on water when watering.

In Aquarius 22.06 (23:08) – 25.06 (5:30) decreasing

These days it is better to spend time caring for plants and soil. Weeding and thinning of plantings, loosening the soil, treating plants against diseases and pests, sanitary pruning, removing growth from bushes and trees, and strawberry shoots are recommended. A good period for pinching cucumber plants and pinching tomatoes.

It's time to dig up the decorative bulbs. When planting flower perennials and vegetable crops for seedlings, germination rates may be low, but surviving plants will produce a good harvest. At this time, it is better to refrain from feeding and watering the plants.

In Pisces 25.06 (5:30) – 27.06 (10:08) decreasing

The optimal time for sowing green plants, pruning spring-flowering ornamental shrubs, fertilizing and watering plants using organic fertilizers. This is not the best period for planting perennial plants; their winter hardiness will be reduced.

In Aries 27.06 (10:08) – 29.06 (13:03) decreasing

These days are best for caring for plants and soil. Treat trees and shrubs against diseases and pests, do weeding and thinning of plantings, and loosen the soil. A good time for sanitary pruning, removing tendrils from strawberries and undergrowth from bushes and trees, pinching tomatoes and pinching cucumber plants. It is recommended to dig up decorative bulbous plants. You should not sow plants; there is a risk of developing a weak root system.

In Taurus 29.06 (13:03) – 30.06 decreasing

At the end of the month, it is recommended to sow vegetable, green and ornamental herbaceous perennials for seedlings, planting container shrubs and trees. A good time for planting, replanting, dividing vegetables and flowers, including irises after flowering and strawberries. You should not plant plants from seeds, they will be of poor quality.
