Diana Gurtskaya spoke about her second child. Purposeful northern man by Diana Gurtskaya Purposeful northern man

The series “Nine Months,” for which Diana Gurtskaya recorded a melodic soundtrack, turned out to be somewhat prophetic for her. Now the singer is four months pregnant and really wants to have a girl.

The superstitious Diana hid her pregnancy until the last moment, until her rounded belly gave her away. As the singer herself admitted, she had an objective reason for this mystery - banal superstition. Realizing that she would soon become a mother, Diana decided not to tell anyone except her husband. She was terribly afraid that someone might involuntarily put the evil eye on her.

About Diana being in interesting position, her colleagues whispered immediately after Alsou’s wedding, where she was invited with her husband. During the celebration, the singer felt ill and turned for help to the ambulance doctors who were on duty near the banquet hall. After examining Diana, the doctors recommended that she not stay in a stuffy room for a long time and take walks in the fresh air as much as possible. Soon, after apologizing to the newlyweds and their guests, Diana and Peter got ready to go home. Since then, Diana has limited herself to attending noisy and crowded events.

Diana decided to entrust her secret to “Life” at the presentation of her new video for the popular TV series “Nine Months”. Throughout the evening, the singer involuntarily reached out to her already noticeably rounded tummy, affectionately stroked it and quietly hummed something. After her performance, Diana drank only mineral water. She flatly refused the light wine and spicy dishes offered to her.

As reported, the singer has not yet visited the ultrasound room. Therefore, neither Diana nor Peter yet know who will be born - a boy or a girl.

“There is nothing more desirable for a woman than to become a mother,” the expectant mother modestly admitted. “But still, I dream, probably like any woman, that I would be the first to have a daughter.”

Diana has not yet chosen a name for her future baby. He says that it is too early to think and make guesses if the sex of the child is unknown.

Peter glows so much with happiness that it seems he could light light bulbs.

“You can’t imagine how happy I am,” Peter shares his joy. “And I’m already mentally preparing myself to become a father...” “And I’m a mother,” Diana affectionately interrupts her husband.

In general, Diana and Peter have huge plans for the future. They want a big family.

I dream of having many children. We will replenish the planet’s population,” Peter laughs. - Diana is a wonderful wife, she will be just an amazing mother.

Peter, unlike Diana, does not care who the first-born is - a boy or a girl. Although…

Well, of course, I would like a son,” Peter thinks for a second.

While the couple have not decided on a maternity hospital for expectant mother. However, Diana has already decided on the doctor who will manage her pregnancy.

“God willing, it will be. I really want a daughter. It’s great when there are brothers and sisters, I know from myself and I always feel their support and help. Therefore, I really want our Kostya to also have such wealth,” admitted Diana Gurtskaya.


In the meantime, the popular singer is raising her son Konstantin. " The main thing in raising a child is to instill in him decency and respect for elders, love for his parents. I try to be extremely frank with Kostya, talk to him as equals and not baby talk. He is a boy, and a male core must be formed in him. Pyotr (Diana’s husband, Pyotr Kucherenko, professor at the Department of Constitutional Law at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia – Ed.) advocates for his son to quickly become independent and tries to send him to a pioneer camp. I resist, remembering my childhood spent in a boarding school, where, in principle, I was not in poverty. But I am convinced that a piece of black bread at home is much tastier than a festive dinner in a government house. I sent my son to a Georgian dance club because I am sure that a man who is somehow related to the Caucasus should be able to dance Lezginka. So is the language. My family and I are teaching it Georgian language", - quotes the singer "Interlocutor".

Diana has been married to her husband for 11 years. According to the artist, over all these years she has never regretted marrying him. "He is a very sensitive, attentive and intelligent man. He is also a romantic at heart and always does unexpected and beautiful things. Let's say, if I'm in a bad mood, he will silently put my favorite lilies or white roses on my lap. He never sticks himself out or makes loud statements. But I clearly know that if Peter promised something, he will certainly fulfill it,” Diana said.

Of course, spouses do not always live peacefully, and disputes arise between them. Diana herself does not hide this: "Well, what are we, sugar, or what? I am Georgian and a very emotional lady. Peter knows this, and he constantly has to take the first steps towards it. But despite this, patriarchy reigns in our home, where the husband will always have the last word.”

Diana Gurtskaya knows firsthand how to live in a world without colors. But with her creativity she enriched the musical world with millions of shades. And thanks to the activities of the singer’s charitable foundation, many blind children were able to feel truly happy.


Diana was born on July 2, 1978 in sunny Sukhumi. She was the youngest daughter in the Mingrelian family of Guda and Zaira Gurtskaya. The parents were already at a respectable age at that time; my father used to work in a mine, and my mother taught at school. The baby was surrounded with love and care not only by her parents, but also by her older children - brothers Dzhambul and Robert and sister Eliso.

For the first months, Zaira did not notice her daughter’s illness, but when the girl fell from the sofa, her face bleeding, her mother rushed to the hospital. The doctors' verdict was disappointing - congenital blindness. Ophthalmologists did not give a single chance that the child would be able to see. This was a big blow for the whole family, but the parents decided not to focus on their daughter’s illness and raised Diana the same way as their older children. “I grew up as an ordinary child – I ran around, fell, and played pranks. They never felt sorry for me, although everyone took care of me,” the singer recalled.

At the age of 7, Diana was sent to study at the Tbilisi boarding school for blind and visually impaired children, located five hundred kilometers from her home. The girl took a long time to get used to the new unfamiliar environment and was very homesick for her family. After classes, she would come into the room and open her suitcase with her things, just to smell her mother for a moment. Diana missed her the most. But when a schoolgirl came home and asked to extend the holidays an extra day, her parents were adamant: “You must get an education. Walk through life with your head held high!”

Diana Gurtskaya in the studio “Let them talk”

When the girl was overcome by melancholy, she began to sing. This was her favorite activity since early childhood- Even before she learned to speak well, Diana was already memorizing melodies and sounds of the surrounding world, and then trying to reproduce them. Mom noticed Creative skills daughter, so she supported her in her desire to also receive a musical education. At the age of 8, Diana began studying with a vocal teacher, and after a couple of months she wanted to learn to play the piano. But if in the boarding school the whole situation was adjusted to the characteristics of blind children, then in the music school it was much more difficult - the girl had to study on an equal basis with everyone else, relying only on her own memory and keen hearing: “I forgot almost everything when I came home, and I had to starting everything from scratch several times. But I couldn't live without music. And the more difficult, the more interesting!”

The efforts of the persistent schoolgirl bore fruit: already at the age of 10 she stood on the stage of the Tbilisi Philharmonic and sang a duet with Irma Sokhadze herself. This was the first resounding success of the young talent.


In 1995, 17-year-old Diana Gurtskaya applied to participate in the international pop song festival “Yalta - Moscow - Transit”. For the competition, the singer chose the composition “Tbiliso”. The soulful performance of the young Georgian did not leave even the masters indifferent Russian stage, among whom were Laima Vaikule, Mikhail Tanich, Igor Nikolaev, Alexander Malinin, Lolita and Igor Krutoy.

Diana Gurtskaya – “If the night is gone”, 1995

And although Gurtskaya did not take first place, the jury awarded the singer with an extraordinary voice a special prize. It was presented by singer and composer Igor Nikolaev. This moment became the point of Diana’s rise to the musical Olympus: Nikolaev offered cooperation to the talented performer, and she simply could not refuse.

Immediately after this competition, the entire Gurtskaya family moved to Moscow. Here youngest daughter Guda and Zaira decided to continue her musical education - she entered the pop department at the Gnessin School. 18-year-old Diana, inspired by success, decided that she could conquer another peak, and at the same time began to master stage skills at GITIS. But this was not enough for Diana - in 2003 she received a master's degree from the Faculty of Arts of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

In 1999, Gurtskaya performed Igor Nikolaev’s song “You Are Here” for the first time. The composition became an absolute hit, but the audience did not even suspect that for the singer herself it was a requiem song: “When this song was created, my mother was still alive. But even then she was diagnosed with cancer. She managed to see a little bit that my dream had come true. I am a singer". The composition instantly soared to the top of the charts, and Diana was invited to perform it at the “Song of the Year”. When Gurtskaya sang on the main stage of the country, Zaira was buried in Tbilisi: “It was a feeling that in this moment I addressed my mother with this song. I had the impression that the whole hall knew then my story, my tragedy.”

In 2000, the singer’s debut album “You Are Here” was released, it included songs written for her by Igor Nikolaev and Sergei Chelobanov. Gurtskaya continued to collaborate with these composers, and two years later a second album with their songs, “You Know, Mom,” was released. Tours began, duets with world famous singers, including Joseph Kobzon, Toto Cutugno, Al Bano, Demis Roussos.

First performance of Diana Gurtskaya and Toto Cutugno

A year later, Diana faced another blow of fate - the singer’s brother Dzhambul was brutally beaten on the streets of Moscow. The guy was hospitalized, but the capital’s doctors were unable to save his life. Family drama was reflected in the singer’s work, but many more achievements and victories awaited Diana. In December 2006, Gurtskaya was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Russia.” In 2008 she represented Georgia international competition Eurovision, and a year later she became the ambassador of Sochi 2014, as a person popularizing the ideas of the Olympic and Paralympic movement in Russia and the world.

Diana Gurtskaya at Eurovision 2008

In 2011, the famous singer became a participant in the show “Dancing with the Stars,” and Sergei Balashov became her partner on the floor.

In 2010, the singer realized another dream of hers - she held the “White Cane: Tolerance, Equality, Integration” festival. At the same time, a charitable foundation began its work, providing assistance to children with absenteeism or poor vision"At the call of the heart." And in 2013, Gurtskaya became a member of the Presidential Commission Russian Federation for disabled people.

Personal life of Diana Gurtskaya

Diana never devoted the press to her personal life until Pyotr Kucherenko appeared in her life. Irina Khakamada introduced the young people back in 2002. At first it was a business collaboration between a successful lawyer and an aspiring singer, but a year later they went out into the world as a couple in love.

When Peter decided to take a serious step and proposed his hand and heart to his beloved, Diana dodged the answer, wishing for “a star from the sky.” Kucherenko promised to fulfill this wish - and in 2004 new star, discovered by astronomers, received the name “Diana Gurtskaya”.

In the video “I’m Losing You,” Diana Gurtskaya showed her face without glasses

The charity foundation “At the Call of the Heart” is still functioning - Gurtskaya and Kucherenko continue to help children with vision problems.

“I’m an ordinary person,” a girl with an amazing and unusual destiny says about herself. Having seen practically nothing since childhood, Diana Gurtskaya managed to find happiness both in her creative and personal life. Her faithful companion, her husband, lawyer Pyotr Kucherenko, became her defender and support.

Strict mountain girl

Blind from birth, the girl always dreamed of love. She wanted her chosen one to be kind, decent, and, oddly enough, well-read. “If I come home from work, we sit down at the table, we have to talk about something.” Diana says about herself:

“I always understood that I was not the most enviable bride. I’m a blind woman, and if I get married and someone looks askance at our family, I simply won’t be able to stand it.”

Despite all the concerns, his personal life famous singer turned out quite well. Brought up in a strict but immensely loving family, before meeting Peter, Diana had no relationships with men. Despite this, she was popular with the opposite sex.

Once she even reciprocated, but it didn’t lead to a close relationship. The young man was afraid of the girl’s severity, purity and integrity, and ran away. The singer was very worried about this breakup, because it was her first love. She even decided that she would no longer trust men, would never marry, and would have nothing to do with them.

“This had to happen in my life,” she says now, “thanks to this experience, I now know what love is. Love is when there is peace in the soul.”

Purposeful northern man

Pyotr Kucherenko was born in a remote Taimyr village into a simple family. His mother worked as a teacher, and it was she who instilled in Peter a thirst for knowledge and an understanding of the importance of education. After graduating from school, the young man from one of the most remote corners of the country moved to Moscow and entered the Institute of Peoples' Friendship at the Faculty of Law.

He made a successful career, was an assistant to deputy Galina Starovoytova, and at the age of 34 already had a doctorate degree. Today Pyotr Kucherenko heads the apparatus of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Law, since 2015 – professor at RUDN University.

Peter and Diana met at one of the events. Gurtskaya recalls that at that moment she did not feel anything, although she has had special intuition since childhood. He seemed very serious to her, and she was terribly shy.

Once Peter came to a girl’s birthday party. During the celebration, the guests asked the birthday girl to sing. She sang a cappella Georgian song. It was this song that somehow excited Peter. After that day the calls started.

Peter behaved extremely correctly, did not violate traditional Mingrelian norms of behavior, and Diana began to communicate with him. She was impressed by the incident when Peter invited the girl to the cinema.

“Inviting a blind girl to the movies requires special courage,” recalls Diana. It was this attitude that the singer liked. He seemed to make it clear that she was an ordinary girl, that it was quite possible to “watch” a good film with her.

For a long time, Diana kept her distance, but gradually the man was able to win her over. Soon the man proposed to Diana.

He explained his choice like this: “ We don’t marry everyone we like, fall in love with, and hang out with.

I understood that 50% of a man’s success depends on the kind of woman next to him. I understood that next to Diana I could achieve something greater.”

Diana saw in Peter that same man - kind, decent and well-read.

In September, the newlyweds played a luxurious wedding, which was attended by many influential people and show business stars.

It is noteworthy that at the wedding the bride flatly refused to kiss to the sound of “Bitter”. This is not accepted in this area. “Well, there are men around, older people. This is not for prying eyes."

Interesting notes:

Long-awaited child

For two years after her wedding day, Diana could not get pregnant. When the long-awaited pregnancy arrived, the couple faced a new test.

Diana was worried that her disease would be passed on to the baby, and Peter was generally confused by the very fact of possible paternity.

He was stunned by the magnitude of the changes taking place in their lives. “Mountains of diapers, somewhere the curtains were taken to the dry cleaner, constant troubles, and so on without end.”

He explained that when God sends a child to a woman, her vessel of love is already full, and the man’s vessel is still empty. Everything happens when the child takes his first steps, the first “dad” says.

The couple had a son, Konstantin, the boy is absolutely healthy and makes his parents very happy. Today he is already 11 years old, he plays tennis, music and dancing. From an early age, the boy got used to the fact that his mother is blind, and helps her in everything. He never throws toys around; all passages in the house must be cleared.

Diana admits that she is sure that no matter what happens, she will always choose her family. “And Peter will also choose a family,” she says confidently.

Not everyone can decide to use their talent to achieve success, especially if you are not like everyone else. Diana Gurtskaya breaks the stereotype that if you have limited opportunities, then you are significantly inferior to others, healthy people. This singer was not only able to receive more than one education, learning to play the piano while being blind, but also won the hearts of millions of listeners in many countries of the post-Soviet space.

Perseverance, diligence and self-confidence helped Diana Gurtskaya achieve great success.

There is a simple pattern: if you are a celebrity, then you are in everyone’s hearing and sight, which means that everything is discussed, including height, weight, age. How old Diana Gurtskaya is is no secret, as are her parameters. The singer’s height is 1m 68 cm, weight – 62 kg. She will turn 40 in the summer of 2018.

Blindness does not prevent Diana Gurtskaya from taking care of herself, her weight and appearance. She is always slim, well-groomed and never goes out without makeup. Photos depicting Diana Gurtskaya are very popular. The photos of the singer in her youth and now are practically the same, and this is amazing.

Biography and personal life 👉 Diana Gurtskaya

The biography and personal life of Diana Gurtskaya is not just a short story about a blind girl who is constantly in need of care, it is something exciting and impressive.

The singer was born into a Georgian family on July 2, 1978. At the singer's big family: Diana Gurtskaya’s father is Guda Gurtskaya, a miner, mother is Zaira Gurtskaya, a school teacher, brother is Dzhambul Gurtskaya, brother is Robert Gurtskaya, sister is Eliso Gurtskaya.

The parents did not immediately find out that Diana was born blind; only after a small incident, when they went to the hospital, congenital blindness was discovered. Everyone was dumbfounded, but no one was going to change their attitude towards little Diana, but on the contrary, they did everything to make her feel the same as the other children. She was not pitied more than the others; she also received punishments for mischief.

At the age of seven, her parents decided to send Diana to study at a boarding school for blind children in the city of Tbilisi. At that moment, the girl was completely confused, because she had never parted with her parents before. She missed her family very much, but her mother always encouraged and insisted on Diana's education, which she would not be able to receive in hometown. Diana came home for the holidays, but this, of course, was not enough. Then, she found a hobby that could distract her a little from her longing for home. She began studying vocals with a teacher, and later, at the same time, studied at a music school. It was difficult, because there was no special music training for the blind. As the singer later admitted, music became her salvation.

It turned out, despite the lack of vision, the girl has excellent hearing and voice. Already at the age of 10, Diana Gurtskaya first appeared on the stage of the Philharmonic.

In 1995, Diana participated in an international song festival, the judges of which were famous and respected Russian performers such as Igor Krutoy, Lolita, Igor Nikolaev. The latter was so touched by her voice and song that he offered her cooperation, which Gurtskaya naturally accepted.

Thanks to this fateful meeting, Diana Gurtskaya began to gain popularity. Having moved to the capital, the girl entered the Gnessin School, and also studied stage acting at GITIS.

One of the first compositions that became popular was Igor Nikolaev’s song “You Are Here.” It turned out that while performing it, Gurtskaya experienced incredible pain of loss (the death of her mother).

Soon, the singer releases an album, and even later, she becomes famous, touring with famous world-class singers.

The singer did not like to talk about her personal life. It is known that lawyer Pyotr Kucherenko became her chosen one and husband.

Family and children 👉 Diana Gurtskaya

In addition to the repertoire, fans of the singer’s work were also interested in the family and children of Diana Gurtskaya.

The personal life of Diana Gurtskaya began to be discussed for the first time since it became known that Pyotr Kucherenko was courting the singer. At first, young people were tied up only business relationship, because Pyotr Kucherenko was already a successful lawyer at that time. But to win the girl’s heart, he had to work hard. As it turned out, Diana did not immediately agree to Peter’s marriage proposal.

In September 2005, Diana Gurtskaya and Pyotr Kucherenko got married. In 2007, they became the happy parents of their son Kostya.

Son 👉 of Diana Gurtskaya - Kostya

Diana Gurtskaya’s first and only son, Kostya, was born in 2007.

After the TV show “While Everyone is Home” with Timur Kizyakov, Gurtskaya’s son showed dissatisfaction with too much workload and lack of free time for banal children’s games. As it turned out, Kostya is engaged in dancing, music, tennis, and now, his parents decided to further improve his knowledge of the English language.

As for the future, Kostya initially dreamed of becoming a lawyer, like his father, but when he started playing tennis, he decided to become a professional tennis athlete.

Husband of 👉 Diana Gurtskaya - Pyotr Kucherenko

The singer met her future husband thanks to Irina Khakamada in 2002. Then Diana Gurtskaya used the services of successful lawyer Pyotr Kucherenko. A year later they appeared before the public as a couple.

It is known that Peter courted Diana for a long time. Well, when he proposed to her, she expected some unpredictable actions from her lover. As a result, Peter named one of the open stars after his beloved. It's very touching and romantic act, which the singer appreciated.

Today, Diana Gurtskaya’s first and only husband, Pyotr Kucherenko, is already 18 years old. The couple's son is very similar to his father.

Diana Gurtskaya 👉 photo without glasses with open eyes

Diana Gurtskaya always appears in public only in darkened glasses. This is understandable, because her eyes, especially when open, do not look very attractive. Let us remember that the singer has congenital blindness, so she has never seen those colors of life that are available to all sighted people.

Many onlookers are interested in what Diana Gurtskaya looks like without glasses. The photo without glasses with her eyes open is only from the family archive, when the singer was still a child. The rest of the photos on the network feature the singer only wearing glasses.

In 2014, Diana Gurtskaya starred in a video without glasses, but with her eyes closed or downcast.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Diana Gurtskaya

Is there an Instagram and Wikipedia for Diana Gurtskaya? Yes, she is on Instagram, but, apparently, she registered there recently, plus she posts photos that she took herself, in most cases they are unsuccessful and blurry. The singer’s account on the popular social network has 1,853 subscribers.

Gurtskaya’s husband recently posted photos of them together from a vacation in Bali online. Judging by the photo, they are happy.

Wikipedia also contains information about the Russian and Georgian singer Diana Gurtskaya. Here there is information about the singer’s repertoire and her awards.
