The main natural areas of mainland Australia. Natural areas of Australia - many deserts and few forests

Australia, along with Africa, is a continent with a clearly defined natural zoning. When moving from north to south, natural areas of Australia are gradually replaced. This is due to the change temperature regime, as well as with changes in the amount of precipitation.

The open woodlands and savannas of Australia correspond. On ferrallitic red soils, as well as on red-brown soils, not only grass grows, but also eucalyptus, acacia, bottle trees, as well as casuarinas - shrubs and trees with thread-like branches without leaves. Due to the fact that small branches of this plant fall off throughout the year, a conifer-like cover is formed under them, hence the similarity of this plant to coniferous trees.

In the east of the continent there are humid and variable-humid tropical forests, this is due to the conditions of uniform moisture. Eucalyptus trees, palm trees, ficus trees, etc. grow there. This climate zone is inhabited by wombats, kangaroos, and marsupial anteaters. Along the shores of numerous lakes lives a large number of birds.

The largest area, of course, is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. In this zone there are scrubs - these are thickets of dry bushes and low-growing thorny acacias. You can also find eucalyptus trees and small-leaved grasses in this area. Some desert areas that are covered with spinifex, an evergreen perennial tough grass, and shrubs are used as pastures. giant kangaroos, echidnas and a large number of reptiles.

In the south of the mainland there are subtropical forests, most of which are occupied by evergreen beech, eucalyptus, etc.

The most are deserts. This is where an amazing animal lives, Australian spiny lizard- Moloch. The second name for Moloch is “prickly devil.” Its peculiarity is that its entire body, from the nose to the tip of the tail, is covered with powerful spines. Despite its threatening appearance, the size of the lizard is quite small, it reaches 10-12 cm in length, and its weight does not exceed 100 grams.

The color of the body of the Australian spiny lizard can change depending on external conditions. This happens for camouflage, and the spikes to some extent serve the same purpose. If a predator manages to notice a lizard, it can swallow a large amount of air and swell up like a ball covered with large spines. This transformation often scares off predators, allowing the lizard to survive.

The flora and fauna of the Australian continent is unusual in nature. This is a consequence of the fact that the state for a long time was in an isolated state from the penetration and subsequent colonization of people. A lot of plants and animals are endemic (they cannot be found anywhere in the world). Mammals are rare here. To a greater extent, you can find species that are not found in other states. These include marsupials. In Australia they are represented by approximately one hundred and sixty species. Representatives of the plant world include eucalyptus trees (about six hundred species), the acacia family (about 500 species), and casuarinas. There are no cultivated plants of value to the rest of the world to be found here.

The continent is located in four climatic zones. It contains subequatorial, temperate, and other climatic zones. Temperature and precipitation affect climate change in natural areas. The terrain is flat. Most of the island is tropical. For this reason, deserts and semi-deserts have developed best. They occupy almost half of the entire state of Australia.

Australian natural areas

Savannas with open forests stretch across vast areas in the tropics and subequatorial zone. The continent is home to devastated, wet savannas. They extend in areas with red, brown, brown earth colors. From North to South, soils alternate with each other in subequatorial latitude, and in the tropics they change from east to west. Savannah consists of an area covered with bearded vulture grass, individual trees, groves of eucalyptus, bottle tree. In the depths of the island there are bushes that are small in height and armed with sharp thorns. They are called scrubs. They consist of acacias that are not susceptible to drought, eucalyptus, and casuarinas.

Kangaroos are very common animals in the savannah. They are red, gray, similar in appearance with a hare, wombats, wallabies. Birds, deprived of the ability to fly, are ubiquitous. These include the Australian bustard, cassowary, and emu. A parrot with feather colors similar to sea ​​waves, hatches chicks in the forest where eucalyptus grows. Often there are structures of termite colonies - termite mounds.

About sixty live on the mainland various types kangaroo. Distinctive feature is the absence of herbivorous ungulates. Kangaroos living here in huge numbers are a kind of replacement for them. The born baby of a female kangaroo is absolutely helpless and defenseless. For this reason, from the moment of his birth, he climbs into his mother’s pouch and she carries him to full development. The bursa is a fold located on the female's abdomen. Having climbed into it, the cub stays here for six to eight months. He receives nutrition from his mother's milk. An adult kangaroo can weigh about ninety kilograms and grow up to one and a half meters in height. The physique of kangaroos allows them to jump a distance of ten to twelve meters in length. The speed of movement across the terrain can reach up to fifty kilometers per hour. Images of the emu and kangaroo are on the coat of arms of Australia.

Desert and semi-desert zones are located in the center of the continent. The Australian state has an unofficial name - “desert continent”. On its territory are the Gibson, Sandy, and Victoria deserts. They are located in the West of the state. Open forests of casuarinas are located next to semi-desert river beds, which contain stone and sandstone. In desert areas, “cushions” of the spinifex grass have become widespread. Places devoid of vegetation and wildlife consist of stone, clay, and sandstone.

In the south of the continent in the subtropics, semi-deserts and deserts are located in the plain. It is called Nullarborn. Their formation occurred under the influence of a subtropical continental climate in brown and gray earth. In addition to cereals, here you can see plants represented by wormwood and solyanka, but vegetation of wood and shrubs is not represented.

Representatives of the fauna in desert and semi-desert soils have adapted to extreme conditions. Heat in the scorching sun, the lack of sufficient water for the life of the body can kill all living things. However, local representatives of the fauna, for their safety and in order to avoid exposure to sunlight, bury themselves as deep as possible in the ground. These techniques are used by the kangaroo rat, the marsupial jerboa, and the marsupial mole. Some individuals, such as the dingo dog and kangaroo, can move considerable distances to obtain food and drink. One of the most poisonous snakes on Earth, the Taipan, finds refuge in a rock crack.

The areas of variable-humid forests completed their formation in geographical zones (temperate, subtropical, tropics, subequatorial). On the continental area in the North-Eastern part there are subequatorial variable-humid forests. There are a lot of ferns, ficus, pandanus, and palm trees growing in this place.

The green forests of the tropics grow south of 20 south latitude. It has a very humid, tropical climate. Ficuses, palms, beeches, and silver trees are being replaced by Australian cedars and araucarias.

In the north of the island of Tasmania and in the southeast of the mainland they are replaced by humid and subtropical forests. Araucarias, agathis, podocarpus, beeches grow in mountains and forest soils. On the slopes of the Great Dividing Range they are replaced by eucalyptus woodlands. In the south of Tasmania there are temperate forests.

The coat of arms of Australia is the Eucalyptus plant. Its leaves have a bizarre rib-shaped shape. For this reason, Eucalyptus crowns are not able to cast a shadow around themselves. The development of its root system is impressive. So the roots of a tree are able to extract water from a depth of up to thirty meters. Because of these features, the tree is planted wherever there is waterlogged soil. It is used in the medical and woodworking industries as a medicine for diseases and a building material.

In the mainland southwest with a Mediterranean climate, hard-leaved woodlands and shrubs are widespread, and scrub trees grow in the center of Australia.

In the forest, animals are represented in great diversity. A very large number of marsupials live here, such as kangaroos, marsupial bear, marsupial marten. Among the birds you can find the lyrebird, cockatoo parrot, bird of paradise and many other forest inhabitants. Snakes and lizards are represented by the amethyst python and the giant monitor lizard. On rivers, as well as on other bodies of water, crocodiles wait for their prey.

Environmental problems in Australia

During the colonization of Australia, about forty percent of its natural forests were destroyed. Forests in the tropics have been greatly affected. The elimination of natural forest cover has led to soil degradation and deterioration of living conditions for animals and plants. Considerable damage Australian fauna brought by rabbits brought by Europeans. The final result of human economic and other activities on the flora and fauna of Australia was the destruction of eight hundred species of animals.

Today, global warming has a much stronger impact on the continent than in the past. Due to decreased rainfall, forest fires are increasing. The water level in the rivers has dropped noticeably. All this leads to desertification of fertile soils. To make the situation worse, about ninety million hectares of land are being affected by livestock grazing in the fertile continent.

One of the pressing problems today is the insufficient amount of water in Australia. Previously, this problem was solved by pumping water from deep wells. Nowadays, the water level in artesian wells has dropped significantly. All this leads to the fact that the continent was forced to introduce measures to conserve water use and preserve it in every possible way.

An option on the path to preserving nature in its natural state was that natural areas under protection. These lands occupy about 11% of the entire continent. The most widespread park is Kosciuszko. It is located in the Australian Alps. In the northern part of the state there is one of the largest parks in the world, Kakadu Park. In it, wetlands are taken under state protection. They serve as a place for rare birds to live. Here you can also visit the cave labyrinths, which have very ancient Aboriginal paintings on their walls inside. Numerous forests of eucalyptus plants and majestic mountain landscapes are found in the park called the Blue Mountains. The state also took under its protection the preservation of desert territories. The Victoria Desert and Simpson Desert parks were created in these places. A monolith of considerable size and sacred to the aborigines, called Ayers Rock, was taken under the protection of UNESCO. Underwater is the Barrier Reef, an incredible park of corals. In it, diving underwater, you can observe a large variety of corals. There are about five hundred species here.

A serious threat, in addition to the release of waste into waters near the coast and poachers destroying sea inhabitants, is the “crown of thorns” (starfish). She feeds on polyps and causes environment harm. Increased ocean water temperatures due to global warming are causing the death of corals.

In conclusion, I would like to note that Australia is a unique place in its nature and location. In it you can still find animals and plants that do not exist anywhere else in the world. However, climate change and human economic activity can cause enormous harm to this protected corner of the Earth. In order to prevent further deterioration of the environmental situation on the continent, the state took a measure to protect eleven percent of its territory.

1. Fill in the missing words in the sentences using the textbook text and cards.

The area of ​​Australia is 7.7 million km2.

Australia is the smallest continent.

It is located in the southern and eastern hemispheres.

The continent of Eurasia is located closest to it.

The coasts of Australia are washed by the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Its northern coast is the most rugged.

Australia is located in the subequatorial, tropical, and subtropical climate zones.

At the base of the continent lies the ancient Australian Plate.

Australia has the largest reserves coal, iron and aluminum ores, lead, titanium, uranium, gold.

3. Complete the sentence.

Travelers contributed to the exploration of the mainland: V. Janszon, A. Tasman, J. Cook.

5. Here are three climate diagrams (Fig. 11). What climate zones of Australia do they characterize?

1. subequatorial;

2. subtropical

7. Label the large landforms of the continent and rivers on the contour map of Australia. Apply minerals.

8. Contour map and label the currents off the coast of Australia.

9. Lay out the travel route on the contour map of Australia in such a way that it passes through: a) all natural areas of the continent; b) one of the national parks.

11. Australia is called the land down under - the earth is upside down. Why is she called that? Give examples of what is the other way around?

Australia is called “the land upside down” because it is the only continent (other than Antarctica) that occupies such a southern position. The earth is spherical, so it appears that Australia is in an “upside down” position. It's winter in Australia when it's summer here. In Australia, moving north gets warmer and moving south gets colder. Australians see the moon upside down.

12. What geographical objects of Australia are associated with your perception of the mainland, i.e. what do you think is her business card? Name five or six features of Australia.

The Great Barrier Reef, the city of Sydney itself and the Sydney Opera House, National Park Kakadu, Carlton Gardens Park, east coast rainforests, Melbourne.

13. What letter on the map (Fig. 12) indicates Cape York?

A); IN); WITH); D);

14. Choose the odd one out:

1) Gulf of Carpentaria;

2) Gulf of Guinea;

3) Great Australian Bight

2) Gulf of Guinea.

15. Screams are:

1) thickets of hard-leaved shrubs;

2) temporary drying up watercourses (rivers);

3) drainless salt lakes

2) temporary drying up watercourses (rivers).

1) Darling;

2) Murray;

3) Limpopo

17. What letter on the map (Fig. 13) indicates the island of Tasmania?

18. What letter on the map (Fig. 14) indicates the Great Dividing Range?

A); IN); WITH); D)

19. What letter on the map (Fig. 15) indicates the zone of savannas and woodlands?

A); IN); WITH); D)

20. Choose the correct statement:

1. Australia is the flattest continent on Earth.

2. Most of Australia's population lives in rural areas

4. Tasmania is rich in iron ore

3. In Australia, when moving north it becomes warmer, and when moving south it becomes colder.

21. Leading industry Agriculture Australia is:

1) camel breeding;

2) sheep breeding;

3) rabbit breeding

2) sheep breeding

22. Select the only false statement:

1. Australia is an isolated continent, remote from all continents except Eurasia and Antarctica.

2. The species composition of vegetation is poor.

4. The Great Barrier Reef stretches from north to south along the east coast.

3. The largest natural zone in area is humid equatorial and variable-humid forests.

24. Which statement is true?

A) Australia is poor in surface water.

B) In Australia, species of plants and animals that have become extinct on other continents have been preserved.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true)

3) both are correct;

4) both are incorrect

The exceptional originality and antiquity of the flora and fauna of Australia is explained by its long isolation. Most plant (75%) and animal (90%) species in Australia are endemic, meaning they are not found anywhere else in the world. Among the animals there are few mammals, but species extinct on other continents have survived, including marsupials (about 160 species). Typical representatives of the Australian flora are eucalyptus (600 species), acacia (490 species) and casuarina. The mainland has not given the world valuable cultivated plants.

Australia is located in four geographical zones - from subequatorial to temperate. The change in natural zones is due to changes in temperatures and precipitation patterns. The flat nature of the relief contributes to a well-defined terrain, disturbed only in the east. The main part of the continent lies in tropical latitudes, so tropical deserts and semi-deserts, occupying half the area of ​​the continent, are most developed.

The central parts of the continent in two geographical zones (tropical and subtropical) are occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. Australia is rightly called a continent of deserts (Great Sandy Desert, Great Victoria Desert, Gibson Desert, etc.). On the Western Australian Plateau, in a tropical continental climate, tropical deserts and semi-deserts dominate. In rocky and sandy river beds, light forests of casuarinas stretch. In the depressions of clayey semi-deserts there are thickets of quinoa and salt-tolerant species of acacias and eucalyptus trees. Deserts are characterized by “cushions” of the bushy grass spinifex. The soils of semi-deserts are gray soils; desert soils are primitive rocky, clayey or sandy.

In the south of the mainland in the subtropics, deserts and semi-deserts occupy the Nullarbor Plain (“treeless”) and the Murray-Darling Lowland. They are formed under subtropical continental climate conditions on brown semi-desert and gray-brown soils. Against the background of dry rare grasses there is wormwood and solyanka; there is no tree and shrub vegetation.

The most acute problem in Australia is the shortage. Previously, this problem was solved by pumping groundwater from numerous wells. But currently a decrease in water level in artesian basins has been recorded. Depletion of underground water reserves along with a decrease in river flow, it exacerbated water shortages in Australia, forcing the implementation of water conservation programs.

One of the ways to preserve nature is to create specially protected natural areas. They occupy 11% of the continent's area. One of the most visited is Kosciuszko Park in Australia. In the north there is one of the world's largest parks - Kakadu, where not only wetlands that serve as habitat for many endemic birds are protected, but also caves with Aboriginal rock art. The Blue Mountains Park protects stunning mountain landscapes with a variety of eucalyptus forests. The nature of deserts is also under protection (Great Victoria Desert and Simpson Desert parks). Object World Heritage UNESCO in Uluru-Katayuta Park recognizes the giant red sandstone monolith Ayers Rock as sacred to the Aboriginal people. Fairytale world corals are protected in the Great Barrier Reef Underwater Park.

The Great Barrier Reef has the greatest diversity of corals on the planet (up to 500 species). In addition to coastal pollution and poaching, the threat is posed by the polyp-eating crown-of-thorns starfish. Rising ocean temperatures due to global warming are causing coral bleaching and death.

The main feature of Australia's flora and fauna is the predominance of endemics. Australia is the most deserted continent. Global, exhaustion water resources, depletion of flora and fauna pose a threat to the nature of the continent. Specially protected natural areas occupy 11% of the continent's area.

Natural areas Australia.


1.Introduce students to the features of the natural area.

2. Show, using the example of a natural area, the relationship of natural components.

3.Develop skills in working with sources of geographical knowledge (atlases, maps)

4. Instill a love of nature.

Equipment: atlases, maps: physical Australia, natural zones map of plants and animals of the world.

During the classes.

1.Organizing moment:

One of Jules Verne’s heroes in the novel “The Children of Captain Grant” described this continent as follows: “...This region is the most curious on globe! Its appearance, plants, climate - all this surprised and will still surprise... The most bizarre, most illogical country that has ever existed!

There are traces of wingless birds in the thickets,

There cats get snakes for food,

Animals are born from eggs,

And there the dogs don't know how to bark,

The trees themselves climb out of the bark,

There rabbits are worse than a flood...

(G. Usova).

I would like to invite you to go on an absentee trip to Australia.

During which we will find out what is different organic world this continent from other continents, we will discover something new and interesting. - Nature has created a huge reserve in Australia, where many animals close to those that inhabited the Earth in ancient times have been preserved. The organic world of Australia is unique and original: 75% of plant species and 95% of animals in Australia are endemic. There are 162 species of marsupials in Australia. But monkeys and ungulates are not found, plants with juicy fruits, there is not a single domesticated plant or animal. Oviparous and milk-feeding organisms live in Australia and are not found anywhere else on Earth. Why?

I am sure that at the end of the lesson we will be able to solve this problem.

Topic Natural areas of Australia


Let's remember the definition of a natural area?

(The natural area is a large natural complex, which has common temperature and moisture conditions, soils, vegetation and fauna).

Well, we decided to travel...

Where does any journey begin?

From studying the address of the mainland where you want to go. Is not it? So tell me about geographical location Australia?

When we go on a trip, we need to know the weather forecast, for which we use the knowledge about the climate of the continent obtained in the previous lesson. You already know in which climate zones Australia is located (students name them) and can independently characterize each of these zones.

(Characteristics of climatic conditions).

Open atlases and try to determine which natural areas may be located in one or another climatic zone?

(in the course of their work, they identify cause-and-effect relationships between climate and the location of natural zones).

Then the teacher asks to open the atlases and compare maps: the climatic and natural zones of Australia.

As a result of the comparison, students come to the conclusion that the placement of natural zones is primarily influenced by precipitation. The boundaries of natural zones almost completely coincide with the boundaries of the average annual precipitation. This suggests that there is a close connection between climatic regions and natural areas.

At the request of the teacher, they list all the natural areas of Australia.

Draw the boundaries of natural areas on a contour map

Look at the pattern we see: the location of natural areas in Australia obeys the law of latitudinal zonation?

Which natural area occupies the largest area?

Check frontally.

The student, at the request of the teacher, summarizes: “Most of the continent is occupied by tropical deserts and savannas; within Australia, the change in natural zones obeys the law of latitudinal zonation.”

The journey around Australia begins. We will visit you in different natural areas of the mainland

We will record our observations in our notebooks,

which will serve as our logbooks.

So are you ready? Then let's go!

1. Let's start from the southeast of Australia, which is located in the hard-leaved zone evergreen forests and bushes.

There are atlases in front of you, open them and see what climate zone this zone is in, and what soils are common in it? (data is recorded in a table).

Teacher's story

So, we found out that the southeast of the continent has the most favorable climate and fairly fertile soils, which is why this area of ​​the continent is the most populated and developed. Eucalyptus forests predominate here, with evergreen beech found in the far south. But most of these forests were cleared with the arrival of Europeans and now grow there: fruit trees, oaks, poplars, cereals and other species. Many forests have been destroyed by fires, which often occur here during dry periods. Animals brought here: rabbits, foxes, rats pushed aside or exterminated local species of animals. In general, the flora and fauna of Australia have been greatly modified by humans, especially in the most populated areas. The forests of Australia are home to green parrots, whose numbers have also declined greatly since it became fashionable to have them in European homes. Apprentice eucalyptus

Watching a movie.

Filling out the table.

Rain a tropical forest Australia:

1. This forest is somewhat different from other forests. The trees are 40-50 meters high and grow so close to each other that their foliage forms a dense canopy, blocking access to the sun's rays. Therefore, the grass cover here is scanty, and instead of it there is a thick layer of rotting leaves, branches, and tree trunks on the ground.

2. Creeping plants twine around the branches and trunks of trees, powerful vines hang from them. The abundance of epiphytic, fern-like, orchids, and lichens is striking. The fallen trees seem to be shrouded coat. The humidity is very high.

3. They grow here Kauri pine, araucaria, red cedar, maple, Australian walnut, eucalyptus, casuarina. The most interesting tree here is the banyan tree. Its seeds are scattered by birds, and they, getting stuck in the branches, germinate and put down roots, which, intertwined, entangle their owner and choke, taking his place.

4. Koalas are also found here. The koala is a distant relative of the wombat, and even more distantly related to the kangaroo and opossum: all of them are marsupials. Koalas do not drink at all, so the name of this animal is translated as non-drinker of water. They feed exclusively on the foliage of certain types of eucalyptus trees. Their life is spent mostly in limbo; they are quite lazy and only occasionally come down to earth. The koala has thick, warm and very wearable fur, because of which a huge number of individuals were exterminated, and now they are under state protection.

Students fill out the table as the story progresses.

Teacher's story:

3. Imagine that we will travel through the next natural area of ​​savannas and woodlands by bus, and I will act as a guide and briefly talk about it. And at home you will look at it in more detail using the atlas. You can close your eyes, sit back and dream a little, relax while I tell you what we could see from the bus window.

Evergreen eucalyptus trees play the main role in open forests; in drier places, acacias and casuarinas are mixed in with them. The trees are located at a great distance from each other and therefore do not shade the thick green carpet of local grasses: “blue grass”, “Mitchell grass”, “kangaroo grass”, “Flinders grass”. General form The savannah changes greatly with the seasons. During the dry season, life here freezes, the soil dries out and cracks, the leaves become covered with dust, acquiring a deathly hue. And with the first rains, lush grass appears and bright flowers. The dense grass grows up to 1.5 meters and serves as nutritious food for animals. The main representative of the fauna of savannas and woodlands is kangaroo


4..And now, finally, we have reached the most sultry and lifeless zone of Australia - the desert and semi-desert zone. Fill out the table yourself, using the text and atlas.

3/4 of the continent's area is occupied by deserts. What is this connected with? (students associate this with the arid climate, find out how much precipitation falls within this zone). There are no deserts in the world like Australian ones. Sandy deserts formed as a result of the destruction of ancient ferruginous parent rock are especially unique. That's why they are red-brown in color. The slopes and tops of the sandy ridges are overgrown with clumps of spinifex - a holly grass; in some places there are thorny bushes of acacias, eucalyptus, and casuarinas. The surface of rocky deserts is covered with specific Australian species of quinoa and saltwort, alternating with dense, impenetrable thickets of bushes - scrubs . (for the more curious, the teacher writes the name of scrubs made from eucalyptus and acacia on the board). The vegetation of semi-deserts is somewhat richer: hard turf grasses, wormwood and solyanka, continuous thickets of shrubby acacias and eucalyptus. Animal world the desert is poor. They only meet there Poisonous snakes, frilled lizard, insects, various species live in semi-deserts kangaroo , the emu, a wild dog, the dingo, which has contributed significantly to the decline of the kangaroo population, as have humans.

6. Consolidation of knowledge acquired in the lesson.

Teacher: And now I suggest you listen to the text and find any mistakes in it.

Forests are located mainly on west Australia, they have many species monkeys , which feed on the leaves of numerous eucalyptus trees andbreadfruit trees. Parrots live in the forests of Australia. Savannahs occupy a very small area on the mainland.semi-deserts and deserts. Among the continuous thickets of bushes they slowly make their way koalas . Deserts don't seem so lifeless after all... like oases there you meet at every step.


1. Monkeys and ungulates live on the mainland of Australia.

2. Koalas only eat eucalyptus leaves.

3. Skreb – a forest consisting of tall trees.

4. Eucalyptus forests are light, as the leaves are turned edge-on to the sun.

5. Platypus and echidna are oviparous mammals.

6. The largest area in Australia is occupied by forests.

7. The Dingo dog benefits agriculture.

8. The kangaroo is depicted on the national flag of Australia.

9. There are many endemics in Australia.

10. Australia has long been separated from other continents, its organic world developed in isolation.

Teacher's Word:

As we conclude our journey, I would like to ask you to pay attention to how man has influenced and changed the nature of Australia. Firstly, the forest area is rapidly declining. Secondly, 75% of the continent's territory is now subject to desertification. Thirdly, some animal species have been completely exterminated, while others are on the verge of extinction. Vegetable world also suffered from economic activity and introduction of a person into wildlife this unique part of the world. And despite all this, only about 2% of the country's land fund is protected areas. Until now, the efforts of conservationists in this country are in constant conflict with the interests of monopolies, and Australian scientists have expressed fears that the nature of the continent could be sacrificed to them!



Natural area

Climate type

Climate Features


The soil

Animal world



Total precipitation

Permanently wet forests


Tropical humid continental and subtropical monsoon


Eucalyptus , palm trees, tree ferns, pandanus, flindersia, orchids, araucaria.

Red-yellow ferralite

koala, couscous, tree kangaroo, marsupials: wombat, pademelons, marsupial tiger cats and pygmy possums.

Savannas, woodlands and shrubs

Subequatorial continental and tropical continental

Eucalyptus woodlands, grasses, acacias, casaurines

Brown, red-brown and brown savannas

Marmot, echidna, kangaroo mice, giant kangaroo , wombat, marsupial mole, emu.

Deserts and semi-deserts


Tropical continental

Mitchell's grass, triodia, plectrahne, shuttlebeard

Desert sandy and rocky

Emu, frilled lizard, snakes, kangaroo, dingo dog

Hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs


Subtropical Mediterranean climate

Low-growing species of eucalyptus, thickets of thorny acacias, saltwort, saltpeter, quinoa


create a thematic quiz, crossword puzzle about the uniqueness of flora and fauna, or more serious tasks - tests, geographical dictation. Write down your choice.
