Singer Batyrkhan. What happened to Batyrkhan Shukenov? Cause of death

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Biography, life story of Batyrkhan Shukenov

Shukenov Batyrkhan Kamalovich (creative pseudonym - Batyr) is a Kazakh and Russian musician, singer.


Batyrkhan was born in 1962 on May 18 (Taurus according to the horoscope) in the city of Kzyl-Orda. The musician was born into a gigantic family, in which the traditions of their ancestors were revered, and children were treated kindly, with warmth and great love. His father Kamal Shukenovich Shukenov was an economist. The family was large - Batyrkhan had two brothers (younger and older) and a younger sister.


Graduated from secondary school 233 named after. N. Ostrovsky. School time is a golden era in the life of every person. Already in those years, Batyr became interested in music. For him, a 12-year-old boy, it literally turned his head. The instrument that interested him was the guitar.

In 1979 he entered the Leningrad Government Institute of Culture. N.K. Krupskaya Batyr came to the cultural capital of the RSFSR with the intention of improving his professional excellence. The musician had a saxophone in his hands - one of several instruments that he had managed to master. Batyrkhan lived for two years in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, and recalled that time as the most significant in his formation and growth of skill.

1981 Almaty State Conservatory named after. Kurmangazy. Increased life span. Batyr: “Here the students were different. If now, when you come to the conservatory, you can understand empty classrooms, then during my student days this only happened at night. We came very early and left late.”. On one of these evenings, Batyrkhan met the famous jazz musician Georgy Metaksa in the Soviet Union. In a duet with the master, Batyr truly discovered the world of jazz. Joint performances with such famous musicians as Tahir Ibragimov and the group "Boomerang" were greeted by Almaty listeners with a full house.

Music for Batyr is his whole life

1982 Meeting Baygali Serkebaev, Bulat Syzdykov, Vladimir Miklosic. The musicians invited Batyrkhan to the already famous group "Arai".


In 1983, as part of the Arai group, Batyr was awarded the title of Laureate of the Seventh All-Union competition pop artists.


In 1985-1986, Batyr served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. He was a member of the twelfth orchestra of the headquarters of SAVO (Central Asian Military District).


1987 The newly created group " " was renamed to " ", and a little later - to " "

1989-1994. Work at the Song Theater. A time that no one can ever forget. Fans remembered and sang the famous and beloved “Julia” for many years.

After 13 years of working in the group, " " is the work of his own solo project. Batyr’s first solo album in Kazakh is “Otan Ana” (translated into Russian as “Native Land”). The presentation of the work took place in Almaty on October 26, 2002. The album includes 10 compositions and one bonus video for the song “Otan Ana” (video clip directed by Dean Makhamatdinov, Moscow).

In subsequent years (from 2007 to 2013), Shukenov released five more solo albums.

In 2013, Batyrkhan took first place in the “Live Sound” music and entertainment competition. Two years later, Shukenov appeared on television again – this time he shone in the parody show “One to One!”

Personal life

Batyrkhan’s first girlfriend (the name of this girl is not disclosed) gave him a son - the boy Maksut was born in 2002. After his parents broke up, Maksut stayed to live with his mother (they moved to America).

In late autumn 2008, Shukenov married the charming Aigerim, a beautiful and pretty girl whom he met in the northern capital of Russia. Aigerim was sixteen years younger than Batyr. According to the singer's relatives, this marriage quickly broke up.


On the last day of April 2015, Batyrkhan Shukenov was supposed to take part in the final of the show “One on One!”, but these plans were not destined to come true... On April 28, late in the evening, Batyr died of a heart attack in his own apartment. The singer’s body was transported to his native Kazakhstan for burial according to all local traditions.

Education: School 233 named after. N. Ostrovsky. School time is a golden time in the life of every person. Already in those years, Batyr became interested in music. For him, a 12-year-old boy, she literally “turned” his head. The first instrument that interested him was the guitar. 1979 Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after. N.K. Krupskaya Batyr came to the cultural capital of the RSFSR with the intention of improving his professional level and skills. The musician had a saxophone in his hands - one of several instruments that he had managed to master. Batyrkhan lived for two years in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, and remembers that time as the most significant in his formation and growth of skill.
1981 Almaty State Conservatory named after. Kurmangazy. A stressful period of life. Batyr: Then the students were different. If now, when you come to the conservatory, you can see empty classrooms, then during my student days, this only happened at night. We arrived very early and left late. On one of these evenings, Batyrkhan met the famous jazz musician Georgy Metaksa in the Soviet Union. In a duet with the master, Batyr truly discovered the world of jazz. Joint performances with such famous musicians as Tahir Ibragimov and the group "Boomerang" were greeted by Almaty listeners with a full house.
1982 Meeting Baygali Serkebaev, Bulat Syzdykov, Vladimir Miklosic. The musicians invited Batyrkhan to the then famous group "Arai".
In 1983, as part of the Arai group, Batyr was awarded the title of Laureate of the Seventh All-Union Competition of Variety Artists.
Service: 1985 - 1986 in the ranks of the Soviet Army. Twelfth Orchestra of the Headquarters of SAVO (Central Asian Military District).
1987 group "Almaty", later renamed into "Almaty-studio" and "A" Studio"
1989-1994 - work at the Alla Pugacheva Song Theater. A time that no one can ever forget. Fans still remember and sing the famous and beloved “Julia”. After 13 years of work in the group "A" Studio " - the creation of his own solo project. Batyr's first solo album in the Kazakh language - "Otan Ana" (translated into Russian - " Motherland"). The presentation of the work took place in Almaty on October 26, 2002. The collection includes 10 compositions and one video bonus for the song "Otan Ana" (video clip directed by Dean Makhamatdinov, Moscow).

Shukenov Batyrkhan Kamalovich is a famous musician, ex-soloist of the group “A-Studio”. He left us too early. His life had everything: wild popularity, years of oblivion, great love and friends among the stars of the first magnitude. Do you want to get detailed information about him and find out the cause of the musician’s death? Then you should read this article.

Batyrkhan Kamalovich Shukenov: biography, childhood and youth

He was born on May 18, 1962 in the Kazakh city of Kyzylorda. Our hero's parents had nothing to do with music. His mother and father received higher economic education. Batyrkhan - middle child in family. He has two brothers and a sister.

Batyr studied well at school. His favorite subjects were drawing and singing. From the age of 7, the boy attended a music club. His teachers predicted a bright future for him. And I must say that they were not mistaken. At the age of 12, our hero became interested in playing the guitar. Behind short term the boy mastered this instrument. At the same time, Batyr began to write his first songs about love and nature.


In 1979, Shukenov Batyrkhan Kamalovich graduated from high school. Then he went to Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). He managed to enter the Institute of Culture named after him the first time. Krupskaya. He also received a diploma from the State Conservatory in Alma-Ata.


In 1982, Batyr met V. Miklosic, B. Syzdykov and B. Serkebaev. Soon the guys created the group “Arai”. They performed with Roza Rymbaeva.

In 1987, the team changed its name to “A-Studio”. If previously Shukenov only played the saxophone, then in the new group he became a soloist. A couple of years later, Batyr presented his first hit to the audience - the song “Julia”. Alla Pugacheva herself was imbued with sympathy for the new Kazakh group. She invited the guys to take part in the filming of her “Christmas Meetings.” Musicians from Kazakhstan did not miss this opportunity.

In 2000, Batyr left the group and began developing a solo career. Thousands of people listened to his songs with pleasure.

Personal life

Shukenov Batyrkhan Kamalovich was never a ladies' man or a ladies' man. If he fell in love with some girl, he no longer noticed anyone around.

In the mid-1990s, the musician met the young beauty Katya Shelyakova. Batyr long and persistently courted the girl. And soon he proposed to her. However, the wedding had to be postponed indefinitely. The fact is that in 2000 the couple had a child. But he did not live even 40 days. The cause of the baby's death was an intrauterine infection. To come to his senses, the musician decided to leave the A-Studio group.

In 2002, Shukenov’s biography was replenished with a joyful event. Catherine gave him a son, who was named Maksut. Unfortunately, family happiness did not last long. The death of the first-born had a negative impact on the relationship between common-law spouses. Despite having a common child, Batyr never went with Katya to the registry office.

After some time, Shukenov began an affair with the oriental beauty Aigerim. In November 2008, the couple got married according to Kazakh customs. This marriage turned out to be short-lived. Batyr and Aigerim quickly lost interest in each other. They divorced quickly and without problems, because they had no children or joint property.

Batyrkhan Kamalovich Shukenov: cause of death

Our hero had many plans for his future life and work. But they will never come true. On April 28, 2015, Shukenov Batyrkhan Kamalovich left this world. His lifeless body was found in the singer’s Moscow apartment. Doctors who arrived at the scene confirmed Batyrkhan’s death. The cause of his death was a heart attack.

On April 29, a farewell ceremony for the ex-soloist of “A-Studio” was held in Moscow. Then the musician’s body was flown to his native Kazakhstan. On May 1, Batyrkhan Kamalovich Shuken found his last refuge at the local cemetery.

Death famous singer became a real blow for his Russian and Kazakh fans. They didn’t want to believe that Batyr would no longer go on stage and perform some touching composition. But such is his fate.


Batyrkhan Kamalovich Shukenov will remain for us a talented, cheerful and kind person. His songs will continue to live and delight listeners.

Batyrkhan Shukenov is a singer and composer from Kazakhstan. He gained fame in the 90s of the twentieth century, the founder of the "A" Studio group.

Shukenov Batyrkhan Kamalovich was born on May 18, 1962 in the city of Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan. Batyrkhan studied at high school No. 233 named after. Ostrovsky in hometown. Golden time for every person - school years. It was at school that Shukenov began to get involved in music, which by the age of 12 became the main activity in his life.

At first, Batyrkhan preferred the guitar. In 1979, the guy went to Leningrad to gain musical skills and entered the Leningrad state institute culture named after . During that period, the young man mastered several musical instruments, among which was the saxophone. Shukenov lived in Leningrad for about two years. In the future, the performer more than once recalled his studies in Leningrad, calling this period of his life “a vibrant process of his formation and development of musical skill.”

In 1981, Shukenov entered the Alma-Ata State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy Sagyrbaev. Batyrkhan considered this time difficult, since it required a lot of effort in many directions. According to the musician, students were different in those days. Shukenov noted that nowadays, when you come to the conservatory, you can find empty auditoriums, but then this did not happen. The guys studied from early morning until late at night.

One day Batyrkhan Shukenov had the opportunity to meet Georgy Metaksa, a well-known jazz musician in the Soviet Union at that time. Then Batyrkhan, performing in a duet with Metaxa, discovered the world of jazz.


In 1982, Batyrkhan Shukenov met Baygali Serkebaev, Bulat Syzdykov, Vladimir Mikloshich, who invited him to become a musician in the Arai group. Shukenov, who studied saxophone, became part of the singer’s accompanying group. It was not for nothing that Batyrkhan agreed to become a member of the new team, because it turned out that this was the right decision. As a result, while being part of the Arai group, in 1983 the performer was awarded the title of laureate of the Seventh All-Union Variety Artists Competition.

Batyrkhan Shukenov as part of the group "A" Studio

In 1985–1986, Batyrkhan Shukenov served in the Soviet army, where he played in the 12th orchestra of the headquarters of the Central Asian Military District.

In 1987, Batyrkhan and his friends decided that they were too crowded within the accompanying band. The musicians founded their own group called “Alma-Ata”. The vocalist was Shukenov, who a couple of years earlier had convinced his colleagues of his own vocal talent. With the release of the first album, “The Path Without Stops,” the name of the group changed to “Alma-Ata Studio.” After some time, the guys renamed the team “A” Studio, which gained popularity with the advent of the hit “Julia”. This song will be called the best composition in musical biography Shukenova.

At first, I liked the lyrics of the song, who was already working on the recording, but then I gave this composition to Batyrkhan Shukenov. The song performed by the group "A" Studio glorified the singer after his performances at the famous "Christmas meetings". Soon the group's concerts attracted crowds of fans. The lead singer of the group began to be recognized, and the name of Batyrkhan Shukenov sounded louder and louder.

Shukenov later admitted that he had completely exhausted himself as a member of “A” Studio. The performer wanted to start solo career by creating your own projects. After 13 years of working together, Batyrkhan left the group, since relations in the team could hardly be called friendly, the separation passed quietly and without scandal. According to rumors, Shukenov was disliked and tolerated in the group only because he was a protégé of the Diva herself, which allegedly provided “A” Studio with a free rise to the musical Olympus. Batyrkhan later said that the guys were more than once offended by the fact that he was the face of the group, and the other group members played a background role.

On October 26, 2002, Batyrkhan Shukenov presented his first solo album “Otan Ana”, which translated into Russian means “Motherland”. The album included 10 compositions, and a video clip for the song “Otan Ana” was also presented.

In mid-2007, the presentation of the DVD “Batyr Live” took place. The musician gave a concert at the Palace of the Republic. In the same year, Batyrkhan became an advisor to the President of Kazakhstan on culture.

By 2010, Shukenov’s fourth collection of songs, “Caution, dear girl!”, was released. The year turned out to be busy, and Batyrkhan managed to record another album called “Everything will pass,” and in 2013 the presentation of the disc “Soul” took place. In total, Shukenov released 6 albums.

Batyrkhan Shukenov’s songs are still played on radio stations, and the singer’s videos receive thousands of views on the Internet. In addition to the single “Julia,” which brought popularity to the performer, fans celebrate the compositions “Unloved,” “Rain,” “Help” and “Your Steps.” Shukenov as a frontman is gradually gaining individual popularity thanks to his natural charm, strong vocals and love for soul, which he conveyed in his songs.

In 2015, the 3rd season of the transformation show “One to One!” began on Russia 1 channel, where Batyrkhan Shukenov was unexpectedly invited. The musician was engrossed in his work on this project. Batyrkhan Shukenov's rivals in the show were prominent representatives of the Russian stage, and.

In the same year, one of Shukenov’s last songs, entitled “Spring Will Help Me,” was released. On April 17, 2015, during a live concert on Avtoradio, Batyrkhan Shukenov performed the famous Soviet song “Cranes.” Fans admired the sensuality and sincerity of the performance and demanded more performances and concerts, but this was not destined to come true.

Personal life

The personal life of Batyrkhan Shukenov was hidden behind seven seals. Little is known about Ekaterina Shelyakova, the musician’s common-law wife. Batyrkhan beautifully courted the girl he liked, and she reciprocated. Nevertheless family life the couple was not happy.

For a long time, the lovers could not become parents, and only a few years later Catherine became pregnant. After the birth of their son, happiness knew no bounds, but the first child of Batyrkhan and Catherine lived only 40 days. The cause of the baby's death was intrauterine infection.

This became a difficult challenge. According to many of the musician’s acquaintances, the death of his son is the main reason why the singer left the group “A” Studio in 2000.

Two years later, Batyrkhan and Ekaterina became parents again, and their son was named Maksut. Unfortunately, the death of the firstborn affected the relationship, and the couple separated. It is known that Catherine lived with her son in the USA, and Batyrkhan, despite the distance, constantly visited Maksut, maintaining a warm relationship with the woman.

In 2008, the musician married the young beauty Aigerim. The couple met in St. Petersburg. In Northern Palmyra, the girl was then studying in one of educational institutions. The wedding took place according to all Kazakh customs. Betashar, a Kazakh traditional ceremony, was held in Kyzylorda, the musician’s homeland, after which the newlyweds went to worship holy places in Turkestan.

Unfortunately, this marriage also turned out to be fragile. After some time, the spouses realized that they were different people, and general principles and the interests that previously connected the couple can no longer influence the situation.


In 2015, participation in the popular project “One to One!” became a new round of Batyrkhan’s popularity in Russian show business. At the height of the show, the audience was shocked by the tragic news - on the night of April 29, Batyrkhan Shukenov was in Moscow. It was soon announced that the founder of the "A" Studio group died of a heart attack. The famous performer was only 52 years old.

The musician's body was delivered to his homeland. Batyrkhan Shukenov was buried in Almaty. Tens of thousands of people came to see off their beloved musician on his last journey. Fans of Shukenov’s work saw him off with applause, singing the hit “Julia.”

In 2016, a concert in memory of Batyrkhan Shukenov “Soul” took place. In Moscow, in the Crocus City Hall concert hall, friends of the famous singer, musician and composer organized an event, which was attended by prominent representatives of show business in Russia and Kazakhstan.

The famous songs of “A” Studio, as well as Batyrkhan’s solo works, including in the Kazakh language, were performed on stage. The singer shared memories of his friend and colleague, saying that Batyr was more than a friend to him, because the Russian musician often called his brother.

“Batyr called my father dad, and I called him brother, respectively. He's even more than a friend. This is a sun man,” said Vladimir Presnyakov.

Vladimir's words were confirmed by his mother. The soloist of the Gems ensemble added that Batyr was the second son for her family.

“For our family, Batyr became the second son. I have a feeling that he is nearby. We love and remember him. It's light and a kind person"- said Elena Presnyakova.

People's Artist of Kazakhstan Roza Rymbaeva, who arrived in Moscow to honor the memory of Batyrkhan, noted the achievements of the singer, who left his indelible mark on the development of music in Kazakhstan and Russia. According to Roza Kuanyshevna, today young talented musicians and performers are obliged to strive for such heights.

“Batyrkhan is the height to which young talented musicians and performers should strive. I will never forget Batyr. I am pleased that he is remembered and such concerts are organized in his honor,” noted Roza Rymbaeva.


  • 2002 – “Otan ana”
  • 2006 – “Your Steps”
  • 2007 – “Batyr Live”
  • 2010 - “Careful, sweet girl!”
  • 2010 – “Everything will pass...”
  • 2013 – “Soul”

Former lead singer of the group “A’Studio” Batyrkhan Shukenov died at the age of 52. The cause of death of artist Batyrkhan Shukenov was heart attack. A message about the singer’s death appeared on the Instagram page of producer Alexander Semin.

Founded the A-Studio group of Batyrkhan Shukenov in 1988. In the early 2000s, the singer left the A-Studio group and decided to take up solo performances. His songs with the group “A’Studio” “Julia”, “Soldier of Love”, “Stop, Night!”, “White River” are remembered by many even now.

Alla Pugacheva saw in this guy real talent, who, thanks to her, was able to truly open up. After the song “Julia,” Alla Borisovna personally met Batyrkhan. He accepted her invitation and the group from Kazakhstan moved to Moscow.

After leaving the group, the singer released 6 discs with songs in Russian and Kazakh languages. In one of the interviews, he said: “I remained the same lyrical singer that they are used to seeing me. But the sound on my albums has become a little more fashionable, harsher.”

Batyrkhan Shukenov participated in the “One to One” show and toured extensively. His transformation into Liz Mitchell from Boney M in the show “One to One” caused a real sensation and moved everyone in the audience to tears.

It is worth noting that the singer abused alcohol after leaving the group, however, eight years ago he completely stopped drinking.

The doctors who came to call the artist tried to bring him to his senses, but they didn’t have time and Batyrkhan left us. It is still unknown where Batyrkhan Shukenov will be buried, this issue is now being resolved.

The singer’s brother Baurzhan said that recently Batyrkhan had not been feeling well and often complained about his health.

Biography of Batyrkhan Shukenov:

Kazakh and Russian pop singer and composer Batyrkhan Shukenov was born on May 18, 1962 in the city of Kzyl-Orda, Kazakh SSR. He did not follow in the footsteps of his family, in which his mother and father were economists.

From school he began attending a music club, then entered the Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after N.K. Krupskaya, and a few years later he transferred to the Alma-Ata Conservatory named after Kurmangazy Sagyrbaev.

During his studies, he participated in the Arai group as a saxophonist. The group became popular thanks to the performance of jazz compositions and in 1983 became a laureate of the All-Union Festival. In 1985, Batyrkhan showed his singing talent; in 1987 he organized the Alma-Ata group.

Their first hit “Julia” in 1989 became popular throughout the USSR. Pugacheva also heard this song and decides to personally meet the artist. Then the group moves to Moscow, where Alla Borisovna is personally involved in its promotion. After participating in Pugacheva’s “Christmas Meetings,” the whole country will seriously learn about the group.

Then hits like “White River”, “Stop, Night”, “Soldier of Love”, “These Warm Summer Days”, “Unloved” are released, the group tours the union and performs in Moscow. In the early 2000s, Batyrkhan left the group and performed solo concerts. In 2002, he recorded his first solo album “Otan Ana” (“Motherland”) in the Kazakh language.

In 2007, he became an advisor to the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on culture.

In 2008, Batyrkhan got married.

In 2010, Batyrkhan Shukenov released his fourth solo album, “Caution, dear girl!” and “Everything will pass...”.

In 2013, Batyrkhan released the album “Soul”, and in the same year he won the music show “Live Sound” on the TV channel “Russia 1”.

In 2015, he participated in the TV show “One to One” on the TV channel “Russia 1”, where he captivated the judges and viewers with his transformation into Liz Mitchell from Boney M.

On April 28, 2015, Batyrkhan Shukenov, according to preliminary information, dies in his own apartment in Moscow from a heart attack. According to his brother’s statement, Batyrkhan will be buried in his homeland, in Kazakhstan.
