Super products for pregnant women. What can pregnant women eat

Reading 8 min. Views 7.7k. Published on 01/24/2019

From the moment when a woman finds out about pregnancy, her every action is reflected in the future of the baby. This applies to both the physical health of the child and the psychological one.

The first half of pregnancy demonstrates every second that you and your baby are one. Your overall health depends on many factors, including your diet. Therefore, it is necessary to include useful products for pregnant women in it in a timely manner.

During pregnancy, you need to eat not for two, but correctly, so as not to harm the unborn baby. The development of the fetus, its well-being depends on your diet. You should not underestimate vitamins and microelements - they are involved in the structure of the child's body and keep the mother healthy.

Maternal nutrition and fetal development

For each period of pregnancy, as well as during its planning, special diets have been developed that support the body of the expectant mother and have the most positive effect on the fetus.

Each of their stages is characterized by certain needs for specific products containing certain vitamins. But the signals of the body cannot be ignored - if you really want something, eat it. But in moderation. Especially when it comes to not the most useful products.

Diet when planning pregnancy

When planning pregnancy, you should pay attention to nutrition a couple of months before conception - to both future parents. It is important to get the necessary vitamins and minerals through food, so they are better absorbed by the body.

Features of the diet for this period: a balance in the content of protein and basic macronutrients, since they are the main building material for a new organism. The menu of the expectant mother should be dominated by lean meat (all varieties except pork and duck), cottage cheese, hard cheese, eggs.

Magnesium, iodine, folic acid, magnesium, manganese are very important for conception, vitamins A, B, C, E. When the micronutrient deficiency is eliminated, the number two task for a woman is to put her weight in order: obese - lose weight, too graceful - gain a little. You can not resort to unbalanced unhealthy diets! To lose weight and get better - only competently and only under the guidance of an endocrinologist and a nutritionist.

Diet during pregnancy up to the 20th week

In the first half of pregnancy, the main organs are formed in the embryo. It is in a state of transition from embryo to fetus. From that moment on, he will hone every system, organ and all functions.

The fetus begins to grow and gain weight. At this time, as a future mother, you need to “grab” the connection with the baby and create ideal conditions for the development of the baby.

In the first 12 weeks, the foundation is laid for the main organs of the unborn child, just during this period, the embryo actively takes everything it needs from the mother's body.

By the way, taking care of the number of necessary useful substances you need to monitor your weight - in the first trimester it should not change significantly.

The main products in the first and early second trimester:

  • liver;
  • fish;
  • poultry meat;
  • beet;
  • dried fruits;
  • apples;
  • blueberry.

Diet of a pregnant woman at 21-40 weeks

The main task of the baby is the formation of functions for independent living. Well, further weight gain. And he is actively moving - he also needs strength for this.

The task of the mother is to provide herself and the child with the necessary source of energy, to consume a sufficient amount useful products.

The daily calorie requirement for both of them during this period is 2700-3000 kcal.

It is better for a woman to eat in the second half of pregnancy in small portions, so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract. Include non-heavy animal fats (butter, natural sour cream) and complex carbohydrates (cereal side dishes, bread, vegetables and fruits) in the diet.

WITHproduct list, useful for pregnant women

From the entire extensive list of products that benefit expectant mothers, we have selected those that can be safely consumed throughout pregnancy. They do not get better, they serve as a source of energy and they are simply delicious.

And culinary pleasure for a pregnant woman is one of the most important sources of joy.


Source of Omega-3, many vitamins, phosphorus, iodine, cobalt, 17% protein. It's curious that chemical composition changes during different periods of fetal maturity. In dried form, it stores an amino acid, as well as proteins, provitamin A.

Walnuts strengthen the immune system and liver, fill the body with energy very well, strengthen muscles and relieve fatigue. You can eat them just for a snack, or add them to yogurt and salads.


Nutritious, contains vitamins A, E, B and many fatty acids. These components saturate and give timely development to the important organs of the fetus. For example, brain cells, vision cells, nervous system.

Also avocado is rich folic acid, it is just necessary for a pregnant woman to prevent malformations in the embryo.

Of the trace elements, avocado contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium. These substances protect future mother from anemia and problems with blood vessels. Avocados will also benefit those who suffer from gastrointestinal problems.

When consumed in moderation, avocados will only bring benefits. It is used in salads, for sandwiches.

brown rice

Brown or brown rice is much healthier than white. This is due to the fact that it is not cleaned of the scales that cover the grain; most of the microelements are “hidden” in it.

Brown rice is rich in fiber, which improves the functioning of the digestive tract, stimulates intestinal motility. Metabolic processes are normalized, and during the digestion of rice, mucus is formed, which envelops the machines of the digestive organs. This has an anti-inflammatory effect.

If we compare white and brown rice, then unpolished brown will be in the first place. Three times more folic acid, vitamin E. Brown rice contains more magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It is also indispensable on a gluten-free diet.

It is not contraindicated for pregnant women, on the contrary, it improves the functioning of the nervous system and helps with insomnia. The use of brown rice has a positive effect on the health of the skin and hair, this issue often worries young ladies in position.

Calorie content per 100 grams of product - 300 kcal.


Quinoa is a grain that can be boiled in soups or used as a side dish. Rich in vitamins vegetable fats, trace elements and coarse fibers.

It contains the amino acid lysine, thanks to which calcium is better absorbed. Promotes the formation of bones in the baby. Like rice, it is gluten-free.

In the first and second trimester, quinoa dishes can be eaten 3-4 times, with this amount you get a full complex of vitamins and protein.

Starting from the third trimester, you should not get carried away with foods rich in fiber, as the baby in the womb has already grown so much that it can squeeze the intestines. An excess of fiber in this case is undesirable - you may experience pain and bloating.


"Eating one apple a day, you will forget about the doctors" - a very popular opinion. Yes, this fruit has many health benefits.

Apples contain pectin, fiber, and the bones of 4 apples are equal to the daily norm of iodine. And they will help you feel better during toxicosis.

Fruit acid strengthens blood vessels, and manganese, phosphorus, potassium and iron are the foundation of a healthy body.

I am glad that there are many varieties that can overwinter, and we will replenish the lack of nutrients in this cold period. Healthy foods for pregnant women do not need to be consumed in large quantities . That's why maximum amount apples - 4 small fruits.

You need to eat them before the main meal, since most fruits quickly pass through the stomach and stop only in the intestines, and then the fermentation process begins and the fruits lose their beneficial qualities.


A product created on the basis of milk, it contains a large number of calcium, protein, trace elements and vitamin groups to promote health.

Its benefits are increased for pregnant women due to the content of probiotics that inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. These substances tend to improve the intestinal microflora, especially during the course of antibiotics.

Zinc, the amount of which in yogurt is not last place has a positive effect on the skin.

Yogurt normalizes the digestive tract: helps with constipation, normalizes bowel function.

In order not to harm yourself and your baby, do not forget about daily norms. When buying, pay attention to the expiration date of the product. The benefits for the body from yogurt are really very large, but only from fresh and natural.

If you don't trust store-bought yogurts, you can make your own! Note that this is not about home. You need to buy yogurt starter from the pharmacy. In such yogurt, you can add only natural berries and fruits.

As for the store-bought sweet yogurt, half of the beneficial properties are lost due to the huge amount of sugar and chemical additives, which are called natural fruits on the packaging. The amount of fresh berries / fruits per pack of such yogurt is 3%.

The expectant mother is important not only for the positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract or other organs. The number of calories you eat also matters. Having a bite of sweet yogurt, you will not feel full, after about half an hour a new wave of hunger will wash over you.

Zero fat (0%) yogurt has 51 kcal, 1.5% yogurt has 57 kcal, 2% has 60. Homemade, made from quality milk, - 59 kcal / 100g.


Nutrition during pregnancy is an important aspect of the health of both mother and baby. We have provided a small list of healthy foods for pregnant women.

It can be continued for a hundred positions, describing the effect on the body of each cereal, food of plant and animal origin. But the most useful products are these.

Remember, in order to feel comfortable, you should not push on one product, make your diet varied.

Write comments, what would you add to our list, what products, in your opinion, are mandatory during pregnancy? Share links to our articles on social networks.

A woman begins to feed a child not after childbirth, but even at the stage of pregnancy. If earlier it was possible to afford a lot of everything superfluous or in excessive quantities, then during pregnancy, the diet should be reviewed. Now a woman must evaluate not only taste qualities food and caloric content of dishes, and first of all, be sure that this food is good for her and the child. ELLE has compiled a list of essential products for expectant mothers.

The question of what can and cannot be eaten by a pregnant woman arises just a couple of minutes after the happy news that you will be a mother. From now on, everything you do will invariably be accompanied by thoughts about whether it is good for the baby. The starting point is a revision of the diet. Doctors do not recommend a sharp rejection of the usual menu, but foods rich in vitamins and minerals, of course, should prevail in it. Healthy food for pregnant women is not much different from a standard balanced diet containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Eggs, fish, lean meats, pasteurized dairy products, vegetables and fruits are what pregnant women can eat in moderation without fear of gaining excess weight. But each food group has its own limitations, which will not affect the development of the child, but may cause discomfort to the mother. In most cases, this is an individual reaction of the body, which did not occur before pregnancy and, most likely, will not be repeated after the birth of the child.

Animal proteins play an important role in the development of the fetus and must be in the daily menu of a pregnant woman. On the day you need to eat at least 200 g of lean meat, preferably boiled. The choice is varied - beef, pork, lamb, skinless poultry meat. Red meat is high in cholesterol and unhealthy fats, so it's best to keep it to a minimum. For breakfast, it is recommended to eat 2 eggs: boiled or fried.

Fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout, herring contain omega-3 fatty acids, protein and phosphorus, which are necessary for the development of the baby's brain.

In second place in terms of efficiency are carbohydrates, which are necessary for the formation of the organs and muscles of the unborn child. It is better for a pregnant woman to give preference to "long" carbohydrates - pasta, rice, bread, potatoes. Sweets and muffins saturate the body, but quickly cause a feeling of hunger, moreover, lead to the appearance of excess weight.

Fats are necessary for better absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K. The safest and most healthy fats add to food from oils. Use them as salad dressings by combining the benefits of vegetables and oils. Most Helpful vegetable oils- rapeseed, linseed, corn, sunflower.

To form the bones and teeth of the unborn child, as well as maintain her own hair, skin and nails, a pregnant woman needs to increase the proportion of foods high in calcium. The daily intake of calcium during pregnancy increases to 1200 mg. The source of calcium is dairy products. Pregnant on early dates be sure to eat cottage cheese, yogurt, hard cheeses.

Folic acid is responsible for cell growth and cell regeneration. It is prescribed from the first trimester and often during lactation. In addition to tablets, folic acid can be obtained from green herbs and vegetables. High folic acid content in spinach, leafy greens, kale, turnips, avocados, broccoli. Beans and legumes are high in folic acid but can cause flatulence. A small bowl of any kind of lentils is equivalent to a full daily requirement of folic acid.

For a snack, you can choose nuts and seeds. Raw and sprouted seeds of pumpkin, sesame, sunflower or flax, almonds, peanuts also enrich the body of the expectant mother with folic acid.

Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium, it is always present in vitamin prenatal complexes. It can be obtained in small amounts from food in fatty fish, eggs, or dairy products. Vitamin D is produced by the skin in response to sunlight, which is why it is so important to take a walk in the fresh air every day.

Food for pregnant women must include iron. Iron deficiency in the mother's body leads to anemia. A safe source of iron is whole beef, liver.

In the breakfast menu, you need to include cereals from whole grain cereals, buckwheat, millet and unpolished rice are especially useful, since these cereals are as complete as possible in composition.

Apples will provide invaluable help to the body. These fruits contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract, increase the secretion of gastric juice, and help fight nausea. Apples contain a lot of iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, which contribute to the proper development of the fetus.

Seasonal berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries) contain minerals and vitamins necessary for the development of the fetus. They are recommended to use daily to increase the immunity of the child.

1. Lamb Lamb is a source of iron, which directly affects the amount of oxygen in the mother's blood and in the blood of the baby. Lamb contains a lot of iron The fact is that iron is part of hemoglobin, thanks to which red blood cells bind oxygen molecules and deliver them to all cells of the body. Iron deficiency leads to anemia and oxygen starvation. Iron deficiency leads to anemia During pregnancy, a woman should consume 6.7 times more iron. During pregnancy, eat foods rich in iron. 300-400 g of lamb contains a daily dose of iron. 2. Sesame seeds Sesame seeds are a source of calcium. Calcium is essential for the formation bone tissue child. Thanks to calcium, the baby will have strong bones, healthy teeth and properly formed auditory ossicles. The auditory ossicles (anvil, stirrup and malleus) are located in the middle ear. Calcium deficiency can lead to improper formation of the auditory ossicles, as a result of which the child is born deaf or hard of hearing. At 130 g sesame seeds contains a daily dose of calcium. 3. Flaxseed oil Flaxseed oil is a source of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the formation of the child's nervous system. Flaxseed Oil - A Source of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids form myelin, the sheath that covers each nerve fiber. The shell isolates the fibers from each other, promotes the conduction of nerve impulses through them, so a person purposefully performs any actions. At 4 g linseed oil(1 teaspoon) contains a daily dose of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. 4. Cottage cheese ... Of course, dairy products are also proteins, but expectant mother and her baby needs calcium, and cottage cheese, as you know, is a source of calcium. Calcium is the basis for the formation of bone tissue, and its deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman leads to two negative consequences: failure to form normal bone tissue in the fetus and to osteoporosis (leaching of calcium from the bones) of the woman herself. In addition, it should be remembered that in our body there are tiny bones in the middle ear, which are responsible for transmitting sound signals to the receptors in the brain. If the mother in the first three months of pregnancy feels a calcium deficiency, then the child may be born deaf. And, of course, calcium is important for a woman, because during pregnancy, many women with a lack of calcium in the body begin to crumble their teeth. 5. Broccoli. What is rich in this product? It is rich in vitamin B9 (folic acid). Folic acid is necessary especially in the early stages of fetal development (the formation of nervous tissue, the central nervous system), plus, without folic acid, the formation of red blood cells and oxygen transfer is impossible. It turns out that there are 2 goals that can be achieved by introducing broccoli into the diet: the laying of nervous tissue and the nutrition of the fetus. In addition, it is a source of fiber, as pregnant women often tend to become constipated. 6. Legumes. Peas, beans, lentils are rich in zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, etc. Zinc deficiency during childbearing leads to defects in its development. As a rule, this contributes premature birth and provokes a lack of weight of the newborn, developmental delay. It is also worth eating walnuts, figs, cereals, eggs, fish, white meat. Do not forget about greens and natural juices.!!!

Nutrition of a pregnant woman should be complete. In the first months of the term, it is problematic to eat whatever you like, due to toxicosis, but gradually the appetite improves, it is more and more difficult for a woman to resist overeating and all sorts of tasty "harmful things".

The diet of the future mother should consist of healthy foods, it is best to cook them for a couple, in the oven, stew or boil, but it is better to refrain from smoked meats and fried foods and not allow yourself to consume it daily. You need to eat little during pregnancy, but often: a hearty dinner after a day of hunger strike or constant dry snacks is not the most healthy food for an expectant mother. Focus on fresh fruits and raw vegetables, because heat treatment destroys most of the nutrients.

So, we bring to your attention the TOP 10 most useful products for pregnant women.

1. Broccoli. This annual plant of the cabbage family is known for its useful properties for a very long time. There are several varieties of broccoli with green or purple buds. This vegetable is very useful: first of all, it contains 1.5 times more vitamin C than an orange. Also, broccoli is a source of beta-carotene, magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, vitamins U, PP, K, E. Broccoli is low in calories, prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Broccoli also contains amino acids, fiber, which improves digestion, chlorophyll, which has a positive effect on blood composition. This vegetable also contains folic acid, which is necessary for the development of the fetus.

Eggs. It is the source of many nutrients, including folic acid, selenium, choline, biotin, easily digestible proteins and amino acids. Eggs contain vitamin A, E, D, B12, B3, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium. Pregnant women are not recommended to eat raw eggs, heat treatment is very important. Another thing - quail eggs, they are no less useful and have a balanced composition. The use of eggs - the prevention of vision problems, they contribute to the removal of cholesterol and fats from the body, have a high energy value. More than 2 eggs per day is not recommended.

3. Dairy products. In particular, yogurt, cottage cheese and kefir are sources of useful trace elements, vitamins, calcium, vitamin D. It is better to choose calcined or fat-free cottage cheese, it additionally contains protein. Sour-milk drinks enriched with artificial microflora, low-fat fermented baked milk, kefir and yogurt are useful. Do not forget about hard cheese - it is a powerful source of calcium and fluorine.

4. Fish of moderate fat content. Fish contains proteins, amino acids, it is easily digested. Also in moderately fatty varieties sea ​​fish there is iodine, fluorine, zinc, copper and other minerals. Unlike meat, fish boiled and baked in foil is good for everyone, but it is better not to consume fish broths for women who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with high acidity.

5. Seafood. For a future mother, seafood is a source of microelements and complete proteins, their content is even higher than in many types of meat. Women who suffer from diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract should not abuse seafood. In general, crabs, shrimps, mussels, squids, scallops, sea ​​kale are of great benefit to both the mother and her unborn child. They contain hematopoietic substances, they contribute to the normalization of metabolism.

6. Mushrooms. Oddly enough, it is mushrooms that are considered very useful for pregnant women, because they contain proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, and glycogen. It is not for nothing that mushrooms are called “forest meat”, because their composition is very similar to animal products, while they are much easier to digest. Mushrooms contain vitamins A, C, B1, B2, E, PP, phosphorus, potassium, nicotinic acid, zinc.

7. Rabbit meat. Without meat, the diet of a pregnant woman will be incomplete, so let it be tasty and dietary rabbit meat. This is white meat, which contains less fat and a lot of protein. In terms of mineral and vitamin composition, it surpasses all analogues: it contains vitamins of group B, C, fluorine, iron, cobalt, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, nicotinic acid, sodium salts. At the same time, rabbit meat is a low-calorie product, from which almost 97% of the protein is absorbed.

8. Cereals and grain products. Brown rice, wholemeal bread, oatmeal, wheat germ are very healthy foods. They help to mitigate toxicosis, enrich the body with vitamins, proteins, complex carbohydrates. They also contain a lot of vegetable fiber, they help improve digestion, normalize liver function. Many cereals contain calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, B vitamins and more.

9. Oil. Butter, olive, sunflower, corn oil is useful. Butter it is enough for pregnant women to consume up to 30 g per day, choose unrefined vegetable - these are healthy fatty acids, vitamins E, A, P. Refractory fats like pork or mutton should not be consumed by expectant mothers, give preference to cream (up to 30 g per day) or sour cream (up to 80 g per day).

10. Legumes. Beans, lentils, peas are used both in the form of cereals and whole. Before cooking, they need to be soaked for several hours in cold water. Leguminous plants help to remove excess cholesterol from the body, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, they contain proteins, fiber, calcium, zinc, iron and other minerals. Legumes are useful for heart disease, circulatory system, are involved in the processes of hematopoiesis.

Treat the choice of diet carefully and responsibly, because your health and the health of the unborn baby depend on the quality of the food you eat. We wish you an easy pregnancy and childbirth!

We bring to your attention 20 super useful products for pregnant women. We advise you to use products taking into account individual tolerance to each of them.

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Dried apricots are a source of iron for humans. A small handful of dried apricots provides approximately 10% of the body's daily need for iron. Dried apricots also contain potassium, calcium, magnesium and folic acid. It is involved in the normalization of bowel function.

Dried apricots are great for small snacks, can help you out on the road.

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The closer the time of birth, the more energy your body requires. Carbohydrates are an irreplaceable source of energy. But, you need to take the right carbohydrates, such as pasta, lightly processed cereals, Rye bread and etc.

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Choose cereals fortified with vitamins and folic acid. A cup of cereal with milk in the morning will energize you for the whole day.

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Bananas contribute well to the normalization of fluid balance in the body. They are rich in potassium and contain tryptophan, which helps ensure good sleep.

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Dairy products are the best source of calcium, which is very beneficial for fetal bone development. Eat dairy products 3 times a day, but pay attention to their fat content.

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A great substitute for milk if you don't like milk. Low-fat yogurt contains as much calcium as its fatter counterparts. Yogurt is a fantastic source of vital nutrients.

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7. Tofu (bean curd)

Very suitable for non-meat eaters. Tofu is an excellent source of protein and is also rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin K, which are essential for blood clotting, especially after birth.
