The hamster lives. Wild hamsters - description, lifestyle, nutrition

Djungarian hamsters They belong to the family of dwarf hamsters, belonging to the genus Hairy-footed. This species has distinctive features, their appearance is quite memorable. The rodents have a short tail, very furry legs and a dark stripe on their back.

The fur of the animal is speckled with white, this is due to the fact that the Djungarians are wildlife live in steppe areas. They take refuge from predators by hiding in the snow and camouflaging themselves. This species has been well studied; there are many observations about the life of hamsters in their natural habitat.

In the wild, representatives of this species live in steppe and semi-desert zones.

Dzungarian habitats:

  • Western Siberia;
  • Central and Central Asia;
  • Northeast Kazakhstan.

These hamsters were also seen in Altai, their place of life was at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level.

In nature, rodents inhabit semi-desert areas with rocky patches, wormwood and cinquefoil steppes without the presence of shrubs. Hamsters are found in semi-fixed sands and gravelly steppes. Very rarely they can be found on cultivated land.

What conditions do hamsters live in in the wild? The animal forms burrows, and they build a branched tunnel with special nesting compartments for the food they find.

Living conditions in nature

The length of the hole can be a meter deep. The instinct to dig holes has also been preserved among domestic animals; they love to move their paws through the litter, thus imitating digging.

Hamsters adapt well to winter conditions. By the autumn, they gain weight and become overgrown with fat.

It not only protects them from cold climates, but also serves as nutrition during difficult days. If the winter is harsh, then the dzhungarikas become overgrown with fat in the neck and front part of the body.

To avoid being noticed by predators in winter, hamsters change color to White color.

After snowy days and with an increase in temperature, the animal’s fur coat turns into the usual coloring for existence in the wild in the summer.

There is no hibernation period in the life of dzhungariks. They are active both in winter and summer.

These are nocturnal animals; they prefer to carry out food gathering activities at dusk. In addition, in the dark it is easier for them to become invisible to most predators.

Eating in a natural environment

Hamsters in the wild store food in their burrows, and they carry food in their developed cheek pouches.

What constitutes the basis of the diet of dzhungariks in natural conditions?

  1. Seeds.
  2. Green plants.

This set is considered the main part of a hamster's food supply. But dungarians feed not only on plant food; rodents also feed on some insects. These are mainly caterpillars and larvae - the main source of protein for hamsters.

In winter, Djungarian hamsters will not survive without reserves, so the approach of winter is characterized by active seed procurement.

Reproduction of Djungarian hamsters in nature

IN winter period rodent activity is reduced, the seasonal time for reproduction begins in females in March and lasts until the onset of cold weather.

Per season female Djungarian hamster bears offspring three or four times. One female can have from six to twelve cubs. The period of maturation in the offspring is rapid. After ten days, little Djungarians gain sight, and twenty days after birth they become independent.

The average lifespan in the wild for Djungarian hamsters is one and a half years; at home they live longer. Many of the habits of domestic pets are similar to the behavior of their counterparts in the wild. For example, night activity or nest building.

Wild hamster in natural environment does not live as long as its domestic counterpart. This is due to more severe living conditions, which daily force these small animals to struggle with a number of negative external factors. They have many enemies: foxes, ferrets, kites, weasels. And this is not the entire list. And farmers have a negative attitude towards them, since with their raids in search of food they cause significant damage to agricultural land.


Hamsters are mammals from the order Rodents and the Hamster family. There are about 19 species of wild hamsters, differing in appearance and size. The smallest representative has a body length that does not exceed 5 cm, and the largest - 35 cm.

The body is dense, the head is small, with a sharp muzzle and mustache. They have 16 teeth that do not stop growing throughout their lives. Therefore, they mercilessly grind them off on various hard objects.

Young animals have soft and silky fur, but with age it begins to coarse. Color may vary:

  • sandy;
  • creamy;
  • brown;
  • golden;
  • gray;
  • white.

Black hamsters are rare.

A characteristic feature of all species is the presence of capacious cheek pouches in which the animals hide food.

In wild hamsters, females look much more respectable than males. These rodents are excellent swimmers and divers.

Wild hamsters have a fairly extensive habitat, covering Central and Eastern Europe, including Russia, as well as Syria, South Korea, Iran, China and Mongolia, Siberia. Mostly animals live in steppes, forests, and deserts. Some species rise high into the mountains, up to 2.5 thousand meters above sea level. Rodents love to nest near human settlements.

The most common types of hamsters are shown in the table.

Name Description and habitat Photos of species representatives
Steppe or ordinaryThe most aggressive representative, capable of attacking even larger animals and humans. They often attack their brothers during the mating season in order to eliminate their rival. Lead nightlife, and during the day they hide in underground passages at a depth of up to 1.5 meters. In their lair they are able to collect quite substantial reserves of food, about 90 kg. This is quite understandable, since for the winter they settle in a hole without leaving. This hamster zealously protects his personal possessions from any encroachment from the outside. Females and males settle separately
ForestDespite this name, these hamsters live not only in forests, but also in deserts and prairies. Often found near human habitation, in gardens and vegetable gardens. They do not have a single way of life: they live in pairs and alone, they sleep and are awake at different times. When near humans, hamsters prefer to sleep during the day and at night steal brush and build nests for themselves. They are usually located on trees. They do not hibernate during the winter, but can become numb.
FieldFound in Canada, Ecuador and Colombia. Mainly live in thickets tropical forests, beware of farmland. Sometimes found in swampy areas and prairies. They have an unusual multi-colored color. The tail is covered with small scales below and fluffy above. The body is from 5 to 20 cm long, depending on age
DzungarianThe most studied species, which is most often subjected to domestication. Habitat: Central and Central Asia, Western Siberia, Kazakhstan. They were spotted in Altai. They prefer steppe and semi-desert areas. They are small in size: body length is about 10 cm. They are active at dusk and at night. They dig intricate labyrinthine holes with several entrances. They don’t sleep in winter, sometimes they jump outside to get food.
Syrian (golden)It has a dense build, with a body length of up to 15 cm, a tail of 1.5-2 cm. It can be golden or light cream in color with a whitish belly. The weight of an adult reaches 130 grams. They live about 4 years. They live in Siberia and Turkey. Due to its limited range, the population is included in the Red Book

Lifestyle and nutrition

A characteristic feature of all hamsters is their solitary existence. Females and males live separately and only unite at the time of mating. Each has its own territory, which they jealously protect from the invasion of their own kind. Rodents dig holes for themselves in the form of long and intricate labyrinths underground, sometimes with a total length of up to three meters, and equip several spacious compartments there. They store food in them. This is how they prepare for non-stop living during the winter.

All hamsters are very thrifty and in the fall they fill their storage rooms with a fairly impressive amount of food (up to 90 kg). In Korea and China, poor people conduct a special search for hamster holes in order to collect grain for food.

The diet of hamsters includes both plant and animal foods., depends on the habitat. If there are grain fields nearby, then they will eat mainly grain.

Hamsters do not disdain insects and dead animals. If hamster settlements are located near summer cottages, then the menu is dominated by vegetables and other crops grown in gardens. Only they are not suitable as a winter reserve, so hamsters have to periodically raid barns in search of grain. In a particularly hungry year, there are cases of rodent attacks on chickens.

Hamsters eat:

  • berries;
  • young shoots of trees;
  • foliage and plant roots;
  • fruits;
  • seeds and grains;
  • wheat, corn;
  • potato tubers, carrots, cabbage, beets;
  • legumes;
  • insects: locusts, grasshoppers, moths, ants, caterpillars, earthworms.

The animals usually go out for prey at night. Their taste preferences may vary depending on the species and place of residence. Thus, dormouse hamsters love to eat avocados and bananas, and mouse-like hamsters love pistachios.

Membranaceae periodically feed on seafood:

  • crayfish;
  • shellfish;
  • crabs;
  • fish.

Many species, such as the common hamster, hibernate for about five cold months. Only when very hungry do they wake up to refresh themselves and fall asleep again. As a result of their metabolism slowing down during this period, they are able to easily survive the harsh winter. Others continue to lead an active lifestyle and periodically go to the surface for food. Awakening usually occurs in February, when the ground thaws.

Getting out doesn't happen right away. For about a month, the underground inhabitants still sit in their burrows, eating up the remaining supplies. Only after a month do they open the passages. Immediately after hibernation, hamsters begin to collect preserved seeds and grains in the fields, then the turn of young shoots comes. The animals are not averse to tasting meat if weakened or wounded animals are encountered along the way.

They themselves do not hunt, with the exception of steppe hamsters. These are the most aggressive members of the family, and sometimes they even attack rabbits.

The lifespan of rodents is determined not only by living conditions, but also by belonging to a particular species. On average, the period varies from 2 to 7 years. In the wild, most die prematurely, as they become prey to large predators and birds: foxes, gray herons, kites, badgers, owls. There are frequent cases of their young being eaten by rooks and crows.

Common hamster- a very good animal. In the past, it was quite widespread in the territory from Belgium to northern Russia.
Basic data:
Length: 20-27 cm, tail - 5-7 cm.
Weight: 220-450 g.

Puberty: females become sexually mature at 2.5-3 months.
Mating season: from April to October.
Pregnancy 16 days.
Number of cubs: 4-20.
Lactation: 3 weeks.

Habits: loner; digs good and complex holes with numerous chambers.
Food: grains, vegetables, leaves, insects, invertebrates.
Life expectancy: up to 4 years.

There are many known species belonging to the Hamster family. Common hamster- the only representative of its kind.

The common hamster, unlike its close relative the Central Asian hamster, which is often kept as a pet, lives freely. The common hamster has very short limbs, so it seems that the animal moves by crawling.
The hamster feeds mainly on plant foods - grasses, clover, alfalfa, peas and lentils, grains, flowers, seeds and tubers. It does not disdain insects and other invertebrates, and can often even bite a mouse. The hamster's diet also includes lizards, chicks and frogs. This rodent is active mainly at night. If a lot of hamsters appear in any area, then as a result of a lack of food, some of the animals move to new territories and establish new settlements there.
When migrating, hamsters are not even stopped large rivers- animals overcome them by swimming. As autumn approaches, hamsters diligently fill their pantries with various supplies. They stock up on grain, potatoes, carrots, corn and other products. The hamster carries food in its cheek pouches. Having filled his cheek pouches with grain or other products, he walks, supporting them with his front paws. In the pantry, he uses his paws to scrape food out of his cheek pouches.
Common hamster- a very cute little animal. This animal is noted to be quite large in size (the hamster reaches the size of a large rat). Despite the hamster's particular predilection for dry, sandy soils (in steppe and forest-steppe areas), where it easily digs underground burrows, the hamster is also found in meadows and agricultural areas. These rodents also live in mountainous areas up to an altitude of 500 m above sea level. The hamster behaves like a good owner. At different times of the year, the hamster digs different holes. In older burrows, located closer to the surface, there is a storage room and nests. Hamsters' winter burrows are deep underground. They have storerooms and bedrooms in which the animals spend the winter.
Hamsters line the chambers in their burrows with fresh grass. The owner regularly changes the bedding. In winter, the hamster hibernates.
Hamster mating season starts in April and continues until October. Often during this time the female bears two or even three offspring. Around April, male hamsters appear in the females' burrows. This is where the animals mate. Immediately after mating, the male leaves the female. Females bring quite numerous offspring. 16 days after mating, from 4 to even 20 cubs are born in the nesting chamber (usually 10 children are born). Newborns weigh about 4-6 grams. However, after a week, children gradually begin to eat solid foods, such as grass. The cubs' eyes open at the age of two weeks. Around this time they become covered with thick fur.
Despite the fact that the cubs spend very little time with their mother, they develop very quickly. If the babies are in danger, the female immediately takes them to a safe place. She pushes the cubs into the cheek pouches. Female hamsters become sexually mature at the age of 2.5-3 months. Therefore, often young females already have their own children from the first litter to the end of summer.
In most of its range, the hamster is considered a serious pest. Agriculture, since, in addition to roots, grass and clover, he collects grain, peas, corn, as well as seeds and fruits of other cultivated plants. The hamster makes supplies for the winter from potato tubers, grain and sugar beets.
In those areas where the hamster greatly harms agricultural fields, they resort to its destruction. Common hamsters are hunted for their fur. They do this with specially trained dogs.


When a hamster fills its cheek pouches completely with food, they hang down to the animal's shoulders.
The common hamster is a skilled swimmer. It is believed that air-filled cheek pouches help him when swimming.
The common hamster belongs to the Hamster family. This genus, in turn, is part of the order Rodents.
The hamster belongs to one of the most studied species. First scientific works descriptions of this species were made back in 1774.
The total mass of a hamster's reserves reaches 10-20 kg. However, there is information about the grain barn of this rodent, the weight of which was 60 and even 90 kg. In addition to grain, pantries may contain roots, pea pods and corn.

Coat: yellow or reddish brown with black undercoat. There is a black and white pattern on the body.
Cheek pouches: in them, ordinary hamsters carry grain, corn and carrots into the room, making supplies for the winter.

Common hamster found in steppe and forest-steppe regions of southern Europe, Western Siberia, Northern Kazakhstan and east to the Yenisei. In some places the animal also reaches the northern regions.
Despite the fact that in many areas the hamster is exterminated as a pest, due to its extreme fertility, the species is not in danger of extinction.

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In previous topics, we told you about the breeds of domestic hamsters and what living conditions they require. Surely many of you are interested in knowing how a wild hamster lives, what it looks like, and what it eats. We will talk about this today.

Description of the hamster

The wild dwarf animal belongs to the order of rodents. This mammal is small to medium in size with a dense build. It has four legs with sharp claws. The head is round in shape with large ears, button-black eyes and long antennae. The muzzle of a wild hamster has an elongated shape.

If we talk about what a wild hamster looks like, then in appearance we can say that it is very similar to a rat or mouse, especially if it is gray or black in color. The red or golden wild hamster, a photo of which can be easily found on the Internet, has some similarities with a squirrel.

Sizes and colors

Depending on the age of the animal, the length of the tail can vary from 0.5 cm to 25 cm. The tail can be either fluffy or completely naked.

As for the weight and length of the body, it all depends on the age of the rodent. Dwarf hamsters weigh little - up to 10 g, but the size of large individuals in adulthood reaches 650-700 g of weight. Body length varies from 5 cm to 30 cm. Such dimensions help the wild animal easily hide from predators.

A wild animal, like a domestic animal, has sixteen teeth, and all of them constantly grow throughout life. Therefore, wild species of the Hamyakov family constantly wear them down. The hamka uses any hard objects, such as wood, as a grinding material.

The fur of young rodents is smooth and fluffy, while that of adults is hard and bristly. The color of wild animals can be very diverse. In the wild, you can find white, brown, gray, brown-gray and golden fuzzies. The black hamster is especially decorative, but such species are rarely found in nature. The color of the fur on the tail, abdomen and legs of wild rodents may differ from the main color of the body. These parts of the body are black, red, and rarely white.

All hamsters, including wild ones, have cheek pouches. It is in them that the rodent accumulates food for further consumption. Despite small sizes, bags are capacious storage for products.

Another feature of small rodents is the ability to swim and dive. This ability is best developed in webbed hamsters, which have webs between their toes.


We can safely say that these species of rodents live throughout to the globe. They can be found in South and Central America, Southeast Europe, Asia Minor and South Asia, Russia, Romania, and Kazakhstan.

The natural habitat in nature is steppe, forest-steppe, semi-desert, arid fields, gardens, mountain meadows.


A distinctive feature of wild rodents is that they live alone. The exception is the mating period, when the female and male spend time together. In rare cases, you can find rodents living in pairs or in groups.

Wild animals live both on the ground and underground. It all depends on the physiological characteristics and needs of the wild rodent. Some rodents dig out entire labyrinths underground, arranging in them their homes, nests for nursing their young, and food storage. Other individuals are born and establish their lives purely on the surface of the earth.

Golden hamsters prefer life in trees. Their house, made of dry grass, twigs and bird feathers, can be located at a height of 5-6 meters from the ground.

Webbed rodents love life in reed beds and close to water. Given its high ability to swim and dive, such an animal can quickly hide under water for the purpose of self-preservation.

Wild hamsters lead an active lifestyle:

  • some subspecies are in good shape 24 hours a day;
  • other subspecies sleep during the day and begin to become active at night.

Rodents living in southern countries They are active throughout the year. During the onset of winter, wild hamsters living in the north hibernate and wake up only to eat.


These mammals can be called omnivorous wild animals. They eat everything that comes their way. The food consists of products of plant origin. An animal that lives in its natural environment, just like a domestic animal, prefers to eat:

  • any grain mixture, seeds, soybeans, peas, beans, lentils, rice, buckwheat;
  • young shoots, roots and leaves of plants and trees;
  • among herbs, the hamster prefers dandelion, clover, plantain, nettle, etc.;
  • from vegetables - potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage;
  • fruits;
  • wild fluffies feed and small insects in order to compensate for protein deficiency (locusts, ants, moths, grasshoppers, caterpillars and earthworms).

Food preferences may vary. For example, dormouse hamsters eat bananas, avocados and figs. But scorpion rodents feed on real scorpions. Although such food is not the basis of their diet. Mouse-like rodents simply adore pistachios, and webbed hamsters feed on mollusks, crustaceans and crabs. Fish fuzzes love to eat fish.

How does it reproduce

Puberty in wild rodents begins quite early. Already at the age of 1-1.5 months, females are ready for fertilization. The gestation period for wild hamsters is 3-4 weeks. One female can bear up to 10 litters in a year. With each litter, from 5 to 15 hamsters are born, depending. They can be red, golden, black, and rarely spotted. The color scheme of the cubs depends on the color of their parents.

Tiny cubs are born with their eyes closed, and only in the second week of life do the eyes begin to open. For the first three weeks, their mother feeds them milk, then they begin to eat everything that adults eat in nature.

Wild hamsters are quite dangerous animals. Hamsters, like other pets, not only live in cages, but are also found throughout the wild. All of them belong to the order Rodents.

Funny thick-cheeked animals belong to the subfamily Hamsters. They were discovered by researchers in different regions of the earth. Hamsters inhabit countries of Europe, Asia. Found everywhere in Siberia, Iran, Syria. They live in both Americas and Africa.

Starting from the 18th - 19th centuries, many zoologists began to show interest in these animals. They not only described different kinds characteristic of each of the territories, but also studied in detail their way of life.

Today there are 7 genera of these animals, which include about 20 species.

Hamsters are most common in dry climates steppe and forest-steppe zones. They also exist in deserts, semi-deserts, and penetrate forests. Some species live quite high, up to 3.5 thousand m above sea level. Very often they choose places near agricultural fields and gardens.

These animals are adapted to live in the rather harsh and cold climate of Siberia, Far East, northern China, and in the arid and hot conditions of the deserts and semi-deserts of southern Africa.

Long, deep burrows allow these animals to survive both extreme cold and unbearable heat.


The color is varied, but brown and yellow are more common. All hamsters have a fairly dense body, ranging from 5 to 30 cm in length. The head is proportional to the body, the ears are small, round, covered with sparse hair, the eyes are medium-sized, protruding, shiny.

All species of these animals have tails, only in some their length is no more than 5-7 mm, while in others it exceeds 7-8 cm. The body is covered with hair, its color and length depend on the species of the rodent.

In some species, sexual dimorphism is well expressed and females are somewhat larger than representatives of the opposite sex.

Hamsters have muscle cavities on the sides of their heads. which open from the inside of the cheeks. These are called cheek or buccal pouches.

These bags are designed for temporary storage or transportation of feed.


Pantry. Despite the ability to swim well, Hamsters lead a terrestrial lifestyle. They live alone, building rather deep burrows. The male and female spend very little time together during the mating period.

Rodents are adapted to stockpile food, which help to survive the cold season and adverse weather conditions. IN winter time hamsters fall into torpor or short-term hibernation. Full-fledged long-term hibernation is not typical for them.

Hamsters sleep during the daytime. Their period of activity begins at dusk and continues into the night hours. This lifestyle helps rodents avoid attacks from land predators and birds of prey.

Rodents feed mainly on plant foods. However, they do not hesitate to eat both insects and carrion. Large species are capable of hunting small animals.


Hamsters are cautious and even cowardly. The behavior of rodents is subject to the instinct of self-preservation. These rodents are characterized by the habits of loners. They do not create groups within the population. All hamsters exhibit territorial behavior and defend their homes from their relatives. Hamsters never live in families.

Males form short-term communities near the female’s home during the courtship period. At this time, they demonstrate contented behavior, which is aimed at suppressing the partner’s aggressiveness and keeping her from running away.

The secret of special glands with which the male marks the territory makes the female more tolerant of courtship.


Family on a walk. Puberty occurs at one and a half to two months. After the female has accepted the courtship of her partner, the couple retires to a hole. They spend about 20 - 24 hours together. After 17 - 20 days, blind and completely naked cubs are born.

Usually there are 5-8 of them in a litter. Although one hamster can be born, or 18. Hamsters grow quickly. After seven days, the body is covered with fluff, which is replaced by fur on days 10-11, and on day 14 their eyes open and they begin to actively move.

During the warm season, one female under natural conditions can give birth to 2-3 litters. There are cases of winter reproduction.

Features of various types

Popular pet hamsters have relatives in the wild.

Djungarian hamsters

Djungarian hamsters. Where live? Distribution area:

  • Western Siberia;
  • Khakassia;
  • Northern Kazakhstan.

Body dimensions from 8 to 10 cm, tail length 15 - 18 ml. The coat color is brown, gray in different shades. The further you go to the east, the smaller and lighter these animals are.

A dark brown or black stripe runs along the ridge. Lives in burrows with two to three winter chambers. It feeds on plant foods, insects and their larvae. Accumulates a significant amount of subcutaneous fat by the beginning of winter. Breeds from April to October. Can produce up to 5 litters per year.

Belongs to the genus of hairy hamsters.

rat hamster

So named because long tail. It makes him look like a rat. Lives in the territory:

  • Primorsky Krai;
  • in China;
  • In Korea.

The coat color is brown, with a dark awn. The tail is covered with sparse hairs and very often has a white tip. There is also a white spot on the animal’s chest. Prefers to settle along river banks and floodplain meadows.

Feed movements are typical during the ripening period of seeds and grain crops, such as oats, soybeans, sunflowers, and corn. In addition to permanent burrows, it may also have temporary ones. In winter, it hides in a hole and closes the entrance with an earthen plug. The amount of winter reserves can exceed 20 kg.

Common hamster

A rodent with a body length of up to 30 cm and a tail of up to 3-5 cm. The tail is thick and covered with hair. The color is bright, three-color. Light spots are separated by areas of dark fur. Found in the wild: Rodent's home.

  • in European countries;
  • in the European part of Russia;
  • in the Urals;
  • in Siberia;
  • in the foothills of the Caucasus;
  • in Altai.

Settles near people's homes, agricultural land, penetrates into the forest zone. It digs deep burrows with many exits.

Syrian hamster

Belongs to the genus of medium-sized hamsters. IN natural nature lives in Syria and Turkey. Body length 12 - 14 cm, tail length 15 mm.

The coat color is golden or red-brown, the belly is lighter. It feeds not only on seeds and grains, but also readily eats ants and larvae wasps and flies. They live in burrows, and when the temperature drops to -4, they fall into torpor.

Syrian, Djungarian and some other types of hamsters are popular indoors.

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Facts from the life of hamsters

Cheek pouches help hamsters overcome water obstacles. Filled with air, they increase the buoyancy of the animal.

During lean years, Chinese peasants try to find hamster storehouses and get up to 10 - 20 kg of grain from them.

Wild hamsters are carriers of dangerous infectious and viral diseases such as rabies and plague.

An amazing animal lives in Africa - the shaggy hamster. From a zoological point of view, the rodent is closer to mice, and in appearance, especially in times of danger, it resembles a porcupine. Can live in trees. It has a special gland with poisonous contents, which it shoots at attacking enemies. Despite the name, it has little in common with common hamsters.

Based wild species received many ornamental breeds and varieties. Most of them are successfully bred in captivity. Nice appearance, ease of maintenance has made these rodents popular pets.

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