Sea buckthorn mask for wrinkles. Sea buckthorn face masks: the best recipes for wrinkles

Universal and effective mask Sea buckthorn for the face can be found in any beauty’s collection of recipes. This berry was held in high esteem by our distant ancestors. Sea buckthorn is a treasure trove useful substances and valuable fats. Pancake week is not only a valuable food product. It has long been used by beauties to prepare recipes for face and body care.

Why is sea buckthorn so beneficial?

Homemade face masks with sea buckthorn oil are the secret thanks to which our great-grandmothers managed to maintain youth and beauty for many years. The berry, rich in biologically active compounds, will help solve skin problems various types. Amber oil will moisturize and smooth dry dermis with a tendency to peeling, and fill normal skin with vitamins and minerals. Sea buckthorn also helps solve the problem of increased sebum secretion.

The unique properties of sea buckthorn oil are due to the presence of a number of valuable substances:

  1. Ascorbic acid prevents aging, protects against the effects of free radicals, accelerates cell regeneration, normalizes metabolism, increases local immunity, and strengthens the vascular wall.
  2. Retinol deeply moisturizes, fights acne, soothes, controls the formation of sebum, enhances metabolism, promotes the formation of collagen and elastin, and reduces hyperpigmentation.
  3. Vitamin PP moisturizes, cleanses pores, improves blood flow, fights inflammation, promotes recovery, increases elasticity, eliminates swelling, and protects against solar radiation.
  4. Thiamine helps eliminate signs of skin aging, fights dermatological diseases(eczema, psoriasis, neurogenic diseases).
  5. Riboflavin provides full breathing to the cells of the epidermis, which improves complexion, evens out the relief, and eliminates inflammation.
  6. Folic acid protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation and fights acne and its consequences.
  7. Betta-carotene works as a shield against free radicals and photoaging, eliminates dryness, promotes regeneration, and softens the skin.
  8. Tocoferrol fights wrinkles and prevents their appearance, protects the dermis from negativity environment, evens out skin texture and improves regeneration.
  9. Phylloquinones fight increased pigmentation, whiten the skin, eliminate swelling and inflammation.
  10. Phospholipids help restore the barrier properties of the epidermis and regulate the formation of sebum.
  11. About 15 microelements (Fe, Mg, Mn, B, S, Al, Si, Ti) contribute to complete metabolism. They are part of enzymes and participate in important physiological processes.

Sea buckthorn is a valuable ingredient for homemade masks. She endows the composition magical properties. Sea buckthorn is an affordable product; it can be frozen for future use to replenish the lack of vitamins in winter.

What can you combine with to make masks?

Sea buckthorn is an ingredient that goes well with other ingredients. You can simply crush fresh or thawed berries into a paste and then apply it to your face. This simple mask will nourish the skin and smooth out wrinkles.

If berries are not available, you can prepare a mask at home from sea buckthorn oil. This product is concentrated and is added drop by drop. As a base, you need to take an ingredient selected according to your skin type. For dry dermis, this can be sour cream, cream or nourishing cream. For oily skin, you can mix sea buckthorn oil with cottage cheese, egg, lemon juice, oatmeal or buckwheat flour.

Important: when choosing sea buckthorn oil, make sure that it is the same highest quality. The best cold-pressed product contains at least 180 mg/% carotenoid substances. The oil has a bright orange color and a uniform thick consistency. The aroma is pronounced, bitter. The oil itself should not be bitter. The presence of bitterness indicates irreversible oxidation of fats and spoilage of the product.

Benefits and harms

Sea buckthorn oil added to face masks helps eliminate various cosmetic defects:

  • improves blood supply to cells;
  • smoothes the relief, reduces the number and severity of wrinkles;
  • heals wounds, abrasions, burns and other damage to the epidermis;
  • slows down oxidation processes leading to aging;
  • saturates cells with moisture and nutritional components;
  • lightens age spots;
  • solves acne problems.

A sea buckthorn face mask, the benefits and harms of which must be considered together, is very popular. Warnings regarding possible allergies or hypersensitivity reactions should not be ignored.

Attention! Before applying the mask to your entire face, you need to do a small test. Apply a drop of the composition to your wrist or elbow and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. If you experience redness, peeling, or itching, it is better to avoid using the mask on your face.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Like any substance of natural origin, sea buckthorn contains many organic compounds. They have specific biological activity. Therefore, this natural product has some contraindications:

  • the presence of a hypersensitivity reaction to sea buckthorn or oil;
  • open wounds on the surface of the epidermis;
  • the presence of large area edema on the face.

If there is even one contraindication, it is better to refuse to use sea buckthorn oil as part of a face mask.

Important! Pregnant and lactating women should use sea buckthorn oil with extreme caution. They usually use multivitamin preparations, and the use of a natural concentrate may cause an undesirable reaction associated with hypervitaminosis of some vitamins. Besides hormonal background in pregnant and lactating women it is unstable, which can cause allergies.

The best recipes for face masks using sea buckthorn

A face mask with sea buckthorn oil is an affordable and versatile solution for a variety of skin care needs. There are many recipes for skin compositions with the addition of amber berries. Each of them is designed to solve a specific problem and contains additional ingredients:

  1. A nourishing face mask made from sea buckthorn berries with pronounced signs of wilting is prepared from 100 g of amber fruits mashed with a fork, 25 g of wheat sprouts and 25 ml of Provençal oil. The ingredients are mixed together until smooth, applied to the face, and left for no more than 20 minutes.
  2. Mix 100 g of chopped berries (about 100 g) with 50 ml linseed oil good quality and 50 g of crushed Hercules flakes. Homogenize, apply to décolleté and face for 20 minutes and then rinse.
  3. Face mask with sea buckthorn oil for wrinkles: mix ¼ cup of berries with dry mint and sage leaves, stir and brew. Separate the infusion from the sediment. Add the white of one egg, whipped into foam, to the pulp, apply to the prepared (steamed) face. The composition is kept for 15 minutes and then removed with a spatula. After removing the mask, it is recommended to wash your face with the saved infusion. This recipe is well suited for normal, combination and oily skin types.
  4. A face mask with sea buckthorn for acne contains 0.25 cups of amber fruits mixed with 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers. The mixture is brewed and infused. As it cools, the composition is supplemented with an adequate amount of honey and whipped egg white chicken egg. The composition can be supplemented with grated carrots. This composition is well suited for oily dermis. It moisturizes, refreshes and fights inflammation.
  5. If the juice of amber berries (1/4 cup) is mixed with 1 tablespoon of heavy cream, we get a product for nourishing skin with severe dryness. Cream can be replaced with milk, enriching the mixture with sea buckthorn oil.
  6. Normal skin can be pampered with a mixture of a tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese and sea buckthorn berry puree, 1 egg. The mixture is kept on the skin for 15 minutes, washed off, and then wiped with mint infusion.
  7. A mixture of 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn berries with an equal amount of natural yogurt will help to effectively cleanse oily skin, make it matte and velvety. It is recommended to apply the composition to the skin, massage for several minutes and then rinse off.

Sea buckthorn face masks at home are distinguished by the availability of ingredients and effectiveness. To prepare them, it is better to take frozen berries. They have a thinner shell and produce more juice.

For more mask recipes, watch the video

Review of women's reviews

A face mask with sea buckthorn is a remedy rich in vitamins and microelements to give the skin youth and a healthy glow. Women have long used the properties of amber berries for facial care. Sea buckthorn juice or oil squeezed from the fruit was used to treat injured skin, noting a speedy recovery. Dryness and flaking, inflammation and itching - all these ailments can be easily corrected with the help of sea buckthorn.

You can find a sea buckthorn tree with branches abundantly strewn with orange berries near ponds and river floodplains. The healing properties were widely used in ancient times; sea buckthorn for the face was the first remedy for treating various inflammations. Today, natural cosmetics will help give freshness and youth, erasing age-related changes.

Benefits of sea buckthorn for skin

  1. Refreshes, tones;
  2. Strengthens thin capillaries;
  3. Whitens;
  4. Fights age-related changes;
  5. Restores healthy color;
  6. Treats acne and comedones.

The berry is useful due to its rich composition:

  • vitamins A, C, group B, H, E;
  • minerals;
  • flavonoids;
  • phospholipids;
  • sterols;
  • organic acids.

In cosmetology it is widely used for dry, age-related, problematic, as well as normal skin. Excellent effect on oily dermis with acne and acne. Contraindications: individual intolerance, wounds, burns, recent peelings and hardware procedures.

Ways to use sea buckthorn

You can use berries, leaves, and oil in home recipes. Cream with sea buckthorn has an excellent rejuvenating effect; it is enough to enrich the store-bought product with berry extract. For acne and oily dermis, it is useful to prepare sea buckthorn ice, it soothes and heals. For this you will need a concentrated decoction of the leaves, carry out the procedure in the evening, two/three times a week.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands There are substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Rules for the use and preparation of sea buckthorn masks

To achieve the desired result, you should use sea buckthorn for facial skin, following simple recommendations:

  1. Before preparing the mask, the berries need to be prepared, kept in the freezer for two to three days, then removed and scalded with boiling water, this will avoid staining the skin and reactions in the form of irritation and redness to the vitamin composition;
  2. You can use fresh berries, as well as extract, the main thing is to test for allergies;
  3. Before applying, steam your face with a compress or steam;
  4. Keep for no more than twenty minutes;
  5. Repeat spa treatments in courses of ten sessions, you can also use them twice a week.

Homemade recipes for sea buckthorn face masks

Sea buckthorn is used in cosmetics to care for problem and aging skin. The rich composition helps to cleanse and tone, saturate cells with vitality. important elements. The berry is useful for freshness and youth; it copes excellently with the manifestations of flabbiness, swelling and loss of tone.

Anti-wrinkle mask

The healing oil will provide maximum nutrition, hydration, and is effective for softening and toning the skin. By creating natural cosmetics at home, you can easily smooth out wrinkles and return a healthy matte color. It is also worth using the recipes to prevent the first signs of age.


  • 1 teaspoon sea buckthorn oil;
  • Art. spoon of cottage cheese;
  • protein.

Beat the egg whites intensively, gradually adding nutritious oil, then add the cottage cheese, grated on a sieve. Spread the finished mixture onto the surfaces in a dense layer, applying from bottom to top, and place a damp towel on top. Enjoy the effect for about twenty minutes, then remove the remains. Repeat in courses of ten/twelve sessions.

Anti-acne mask

For deep cleansing of the skin, as well as reducing the secretion of glands, it is useful to use a berry recipe. An effective remedy against acne, as well as comedones, helps restore the healthy structure of the dermis. Thanks to the action of the mask, inflamed areas calm down, and purulent formations disappear faster.


  • Art. spoon of sea buckthorn berries;
  • a teaspoon of buckwheat flour;
  • 2 drops of grapefruit essential oil.

Make puree from sea buckthorn berries by grinding in a blender and straining to remove solid particles. Then add flour and drops of ether. Distribute the product onto the areas steamed with a compress, paying special attention to problem areas. Complete after ten/twelve minutes, repeat spa treatment once a week.

Rejuvenating mask

At the first signs of sagging and loss of elasticity, you should use an effective anti-wrinkle recipe. Thanks to the removal of dead cells, oxygen respiration improves and renewal processes occur faster. The rejuvenation effect is noticeable after the first procedure.


  • 10 gr. sea ​​buckthorn berries;
  • 5 gr. pumpkin seeds;
  • 3 pcs. dried apricots.

Prepare a homogeneous mousse from sea buckthorn by grinding it through a sieve, pass the dried apricots through a meat grinder, and grind the seeds in a coffee grinder. Combine all ingredients, stir the mixture thoroughly, and cleanse your face first. thermal water and spread in a generous layer. The mask lasts for about twenty minutes, after which you can finish as usual. Use after 30 years in courses of seven/ten sessions.

Lifting mask

For aging skin with a network of fine and deep wrinkles, it is recommended to use vitamin cocktails. Thanks to the lifting effect, it is easy to correct the oval shape and restore skin elasticity. Sea buckthorn recipes also allow you to accelerate blood flow and improve the condition of capillaries.


  • Art. spoon of sea buckthorn berries;
  • a teaspoon of starch;
  • 2 teaspoons sour cream.

Mix berry puree with corn starch, add chilled sour cream. Spread the mask with a spatula using slightly upward movements. Enjoy the action for twelve/fifteen minutes, after which you can finish. Apply at least seven procedures at intervals every other day.

Whitening mask

You can improve color, relieve puffiness and refresh yourself with your own hands thanks to natural cosmetics. The vitamin product allows you to restore intracellular processes and ensure uniform distribution of melanin in tissues.


  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sea buckthorn juice;
  • activated carbon tablet;
  • teaspoon of clay.

Crush the coal in a mortar, add clay, mix well with the berry juice. Apply the finished product in a circular motion, avoiding contact with the eyelids and mouth area. Complete facial treatment after eight/ten minutes, apply up to three times a month.

Nourishing mask

A homemade mask with sea buckthorn provides softening and nutrition to the skin. Thanks to its unique composition, it is easy to rejuvenate, improve cellular respiration, and restore synthesis processes. The result is fresh, renewed skin with an even, healthy color.


  • a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil;
  • 2 drops of lemon ether.

Crush the boiled potatoes into a puree, add oil and lemon drops. Apply the plastic mass in an even layer and press firmly onto the surface. Enjoy the action for fifteen/twenty minutes, then remove the remains. Apply the procedure once a week.

Video recipe: Sea buckthorn masks for aging, problematic and dry skin

For aging skin

It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, stimulates collagen synthesis processes, smoothes out static wrinkles. You can also use the nourishing composition for the skin around the eyes to relieve puffiness and moisturize the thin, sensitive dermis. Natural cosmetics will ensure a fresh and youthful face, reducing the manifestations of age-related changes.


  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sea buckthorn berries;
  • banana;
  • Art. spoon of peach oil.

Pass the berries through a sieve, stir the resulting mass with banana puree and seed oil. Spread the cosmetic mixture in a thick layer, covering the entire face without exception. Keep for about fifteen minutes, complete treatment as usual. Repeat the procedure five/six times a month.

For oily skin

An antiseptic and anti-inflammatory product for oily skin helps get rid of sebaceous shine and clogged ducts. The cleansing procedure allows you to restore an even color, calm redness and inflammation. Sea buckthorn is effective for treating acne and acne, accelerates the healing process.


  • 3 tbsp. spoons of decoction of sea buckthorn leaves;
  • a teaspoon of bodyaga;
  • a teaspoon of oatmeal.

Grind the flakes together with algae into powder, pour in the concentrated broth. Distribute the mixture onto the skin after cleansing and leave for about twenty minutes. Wash off as usual, use the mask twice a week.

Video recipe: Homemade sea buckthorn facial masks

113 07/31/2019 8 min.

Sea buckthorn in the mask actively nourishes and moisturizes the dermis, but most importantly, it stimulates the growth and regeneration of the skin. The biological activity of sea buckthorn oil is very high: it improves blood circulation, restores skin turgor, disinfects, relieves inflammation and swelling. However, it is precisely the high activity that is the main contraindication: sea buckthorn oil should absolutely not be used for sensitive skin, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the substance can cause an allergic reaction.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn

The powerful effect of a sea buckthorn mask is explained by the unique composition of the berry:

  • ascorbic, linoleic and fruit acids remove the keratinized top layer and make the skin smoother and cleaner;
  • Vitamin C also has a wound-healing effect. The mask promotes the healing of microcracks and fresh scars;
  • Berry juice contains vitamin K - it perfectly relieves swelling and stimulates lymphatic drainage;
  • carotene and tocopherol - moisturize the skin and prevent moisture loss. In addition, tocopherol stimulates skin renewal;
  • flavonoids – protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • serotonin - thanks to it, the mask restores normal capillary blood circulation and returns a radiant complexion;
  • sterols suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, help get rid of acne and blackheads;
  • In addition, vitamins disinfect the skin and suppress inflammation.

Sea buckthorn contains almost all the essential water- and fat-soluble vitamins.

Both berries and sea buckthorn oil have an equally powerful effect.

Benefits for facial skin

Sea buckthorn masks are extremely beneficial for the face. Thanks to their rich composition, they solve almost all skin problems:

  1. General health improvement - sea buckthorn tones the dermis, restoring turgor, suppresses the active production of sebum, moisturizes and whitens. This combination ensures the return of healthy skin: smooth, clean and elastic.
  2. Improving blood flow - stimulation of blood circulation and nutrition improves the structure of the dermis and returns a healthy color to the face.
  3. Healing – sea buckthorn oil is used in medicine due to its exceptional wound healing properties. Scratches and cracks literally disappear after using the mask.
  4. This is an excellent remedy for acne, since sea buckthorn simultaneously relieves inflammation and removes sebaceous plugs;
  5. Moisturizing – berry juice saturates the epidermis with moisture, and the oil prevents its loss.
  6. Anti-aging – the tonic effect of the oil is so great that it allows you to remove small epidermal wrinkles and make the skin visually younger by increasing elasticity.
  7. Lightening – fruit acids and vitamin C get rid of age spots and freckles.

Sea buckthorn is a unique plant that has a variety of beneficial features for skin, hair and the whole body.

The effectiveness of the mask is determined not only by the composition, but also by the degree of absorption. The components of sea buckthorn juice and oil easily pass through the skin barrier.

Indications for use

Sea buckthorn facial mask is used in many cases:

  • For oily skin, the composition eliminates oily shine, comedones and blackheads. In addition, sea buckthorn oil prevents inflammation of acne;
  • In normal conditions, a sea buckthorn mask is used as a nourishing mask. Such a wealth of vitamins and microelements guarantees the healing and rejuvenation of the dermis;
  • When dry, the moisturizing effect of the mask becomes important. In addition, the oil protects the skin from moisture loss;
  • for aging skin, the mask will help restore turgor, smooth out fine wrinkles and nourish with moisture, restoring the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • for irritated and inflamed wounds, the wound-healing and regenerating effect of sea buckthorn literally works wonders.

It is important to determine your facial skin type, at least in order to select additional components in the mask according to your skin type.

You should not use this active ingredient before 25 years of age. Such a high concentration of vitamins and esters affects hormonal levels.

Ways to use sea buckthorn

There are several ways to use the berries of the plant:

  • fresh berries have the strongest effect, but also cause an allergic reaction most often. Prolonged exposure to fresh juice causes irritation - a natural effect of influencing skin receptors for the purpose of stimulation. Therefore, if fresh berries are added to the mask, then keep the composition on the face for no more than 10 minutes;
  • frozen - retain all the beneficial properties of fresh ones, but act less harshly and are less likely to cause allergies. Sea buckthorn fruits are kept in the freezer for 2–3 days, before the procedure they are scalded with boiling water and ground;
  • oil – obtained by cold pressing. Real undiluted oil has a bright orange color, thick consistency, and an oily, bitterish odor. The oil can be used either independently or as part of a homemade mask;
  • Sea buckthorn ice is a frozen decoction of high concentration leaves. Particularly effective for oily skin and acne, as it heals and soothes the skin.

You can buy sea buckthorn oil or prepare it yourself, it all depends on your desire and capabilities.

Sea buckthorn oil contains a record amount of carotenoids. If you keep the mask on for more than 15 minutes, your face quickly acquires a characteristic yellow tint. Berries do not have this effect.

Recipes for the best homemade masks

At home, masks are prepared with both berries and oil. It is very important to follow the recipe when preparing the composition: sea buckthorn juice and oil are extremely active components. In addition, you should not combine the fruits of the plant with the juices of red vegetables and fruits, as this significantly increases the risk of skin staining.


Aging skin needs to be nourished and wrinkles smoothed out. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil with whipped egg white, and then with 1 tablespoon of grated fat cottage cheese. The mixture is laid in a thick layer, covered with a damp towel on top to create an increased temperature. Leave the mask on for up to 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

In addition to the fact that the composition smoothes out epidermal wrinkles, it gives the face a healthy color and matte finish.

Anti acne

1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn juice and the same portion of oil are mixed with the yolk and applied to the skin with rashes. The mixture is kept for no more than 20 minutes; after washing, it is recommended to wipe your face with chamomile infusion.

This mask relieves skin irritation and redness very well. The combination of juice and oil has an antiseptic effect and prevents acne from becoming inflamed and festering.


The following mask provides an excellent lifting effect. 40 g frozen berries - do not use fresh ones, scald and grind in a blender. Then mix the puree with 20 g of white clay, and lastly add the whipped egg white. The mixture is applied in a thin layer and held for 20 minutes or until the mask dries. Remove carefully using warm water.

The rejuvenating procedure is recommended to be repeated every week for 2 months.


Another lifting option is a composition with starch. Its effect is much stronger and faster, so this mask should not be used before the age of 35 or until well-defined facial wrinkles appear. 1 tablespoon of frozen sea buckthorn is scalded and ground, then 1 teaspoon of starch and 1 teaspoon of sour cream are added.

The mixture is applied in a thick layer. It's better to use a spatula. Keep the mask on for no more than 10–15 minutes and repeat every other day for 2 weeks. The composition not only eliminates wrinkles, but also tightens the skin and improves blood flow.


It is better to use berry juice to whiten your face. 2 tablespoons of it are mixed with 1 crushed tablet of activated carbon and 1 teaspoon of clay. Fruit acids and ascorbic acid effectively remove age spots and lighten freckles.

It is prohibited to use a whitening mask more than 2-3 times a month.


Sea buckthorn oil perfectly nourishes the skin on its own. However, greater results can be achieved if 1 teaspoon of oil is mixed with 1 boiled potato, mashed, and 2 drops of lemon ether. The mass is applied to the face for 20 minutes. The frequency of procedures is 1 time per week.

For aging skin

For mature skin It is recommended to use fresh berries as they are more effective as a simulant. For the mask, 2-3 tablespoons of berries are crushed to get as much juice as possible, and then mixed with a tablespoon of honey. The composition is applied to the face for 10–15 minutes, no more. The procedure is performed 1–2 times a week and the skin’s response is carefully monitored: there should be no irritation or inflammation.

Honey and sea buckthorn are strong potential allergens.

For oily skin

Care in such cases includes cleansing, disinfecting the skin and returning a healthy color. A mask made from bodyagi and sea buckthorn will help with this. Bodyagu and crushed cereals– 1 teaspoon more expensive, mixed. A very concentrated decoction of sea buckthorn leaves is prepared. The mixture is poured with 3 tablespoons of hot broth and left for up to 20 minutes.

The composition is kept for 20 minutes and washed off with cool water. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

With jojoba oil

An effective rejuvenating and nourishing oil mask is prepared like this. Frozen berries are scalded and mashed into puree. Grind sprouted wheat. Then 6 tablespoons of puree are combined with 1 tablespoon of sprouts and 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil are added. The resulting slurry is distributed in an even layer and left for 20 minutes.


This option provides a very fast anti-aging effect due to the high concentration of vitamins. The composition activates capillary blood circulation, which immediately returns a fresh, healthy color to the face and, in addition, improves the nutrition of the dermis.

2 tablespoons of berries - fresh or frozen, mashed and mixed with 1 banana. Then add a tablespoon of peach oil. The mixture is applied to the entire face, including the area around the eyes and mouth, and left for 15 minutes.

After the mask, the skin does not need moisturizing or nourishing cream and acquires a wonderful silky shine.

With sunflower oil

The most affordable and fastest mask option. Mix berry puree and unrefined sunflower oil in equal proportions. Purified store-bought is not suitable, as it does not include a number of necessary substances. It is recommended to warm the oil before mixing.

Keep the mask on for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water. The recipe is recommended for dry and normal skin.

Rules for the use and preparation of masks

  • Fresh berries are used within 24 hours and should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Before cooking, frozen ones should be scalded with boiling water and wait a few minutes until the sea buckthorn has steamed.
  • The facial skin is cleansed before the procedure. It is recommended to steam the skin with a steam bath or heat compress.
  • The composition should be warm. If necessary, the mixture is heated in a water bath to +35 C.
  • Any mask lasts no more than 20 minutes, sometimes less. This is due to the high concentration of carotenoids in the juice and oil. Otherwise, the skin will become stained.
  • The procedures are repeated twice a week, the average course is 10 procedures.

Application results

Sea buckthorn mask helps get rid of many skin imperfections:

  • increased tone is the most obvious result that sea buckthorn oil provides. It restores elasticity and freshness to the skin, restores normal blood circulation and eliminates swelling;
  • The high concentration of vitamins in sea buckthorn guarantees rejuvenation. They irritate skin receptors responsible for cell growth. As a result, the mask activates update processes;
  • intensive hydration and protection against moisture loss is the usual “duty” of the oil;
  • During the procedure, the skin is saturated not only with moisture, but also with vitamins and microelements. Sea buckthorn provides excellent skin nutrition;
  • The fruits of the plant are excellent natural antiseptics. A sea buckthorn mask relieves pimples and acne.

Results from using a sea buckthorn face mask.


The berry contains many biologically active compounds. As a result this effective remedy has many limitations for care:

  • in case of individual intolerance to any component of sea buckthorn juice or oil, the use of the mask is excluded;
  • the oil has wound-healing properties, but the composition cannot be applied to an open wound surface;
  • for severe swelling around the eyes, a sea buckthorn mask is also prohibited;
  • It is not recommended to use sea buckthorn compositions for diseases of the thyroid gland.

Before using berry juice or oil, a skin test must be performed. Not only the composition itself matters, but also the concentration.



  1. In cosmetology, both the fruits of the plant and the leaves are used. Juice and oil are obtained from the berries, and decoctions are prepared from the leaves.
  2. Sea buckthorn juice and oil contain many vitamins in high concentration. This composition provides an exceptionally strong tonic and rejuvenating effect on the skin.
  3. Sea buckthorn contains a large number of carotenoids. A mask containing juice or oil should not be left on for longer than 15–20 minutes, so as not to turn the skin a characteristic yellow color.
  4. For homemade cosmetics, berries are used both fresh and frozen. The latter stains the skin to a lesser extent.
  5. It is not recommended to use the oil and juice of the plant earlier than 25–30 years. The exception is oily problem skin: oil perfectly disinfects it and relieves inflammation.

Today, there is already such a variety on the cosmetics market that your eyes are lost and you don’t know what to choose, and the price is very high. And when you choose, you don’t know whether this remedy is effective or whether its composition is harmful. Over time, the skin will get used to the mask, but still everything can end very badly and you will continue to spend a lot of money to cure yourself because of the problems that a poor-quality mask caused you.

Therefore, recently most girls are switching to facilities traditional medicine: They make masks, scrubs, creams from natural substances.

Among folk remedies, of which there are a very large number, one of the first places is shared by sea ​​​​buckthorn. Thanks to its fruits, sea buckthorn is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. Sea buckthorn berries are used for both internal and external use - they make very high-quality masks.

Sea buckthorn has the most beneficial effect on the skin and human body, in the fight against wrinkles and skin aging. Masks are very widespread due to the availability of sea buckthorn and its beneficial properties.

Beneficial properties of sea buckthorn masks

Masks based on sea buckthorn have very specific medicinal and cosmetic properties that exist thanks to the unique chemical composition this plant and its fruits.

  1. Sea buckthorn contains carotene, which in turn moisturizes the skin and rejuvenates it.
  2. It also contains vitamin E, which stimulates skin cell renewal and reverses skin aging processes.
  3. Sea buckthorn masks effectively affect the skin of the face and remove pimples, blackheads and other problems of this type.
  4. Accelerates fat metabolism at the cellular level.
  5. Strengthens blood circulation, and also renews and accelerates general circulation skin.
  6. Removes bad pigments from the face, thereby rejuvenating the skin.
  7. Sea buckthorn improves metabolic processes in the subcutaneous tissue, removes the reporting and the skin tightens and becomes toned.
  8. Sea buckthorn contains a large amount of vitamin C, which in turn produces collagen, due to which the skin tightens and becomes elastic.

Thanks to these properties, the skin of the face becomes quite beautiful and snow-white, as well as elastic and effectively smoothes out wrinkles right before the eyes.

Indications and contraindications for the use of sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn helps solve many facial skin problems:

  • prevents the appearance of wrinkles;
  • copes with acne;
  • removes pimples, blackheads, etc.;
  • tightens the skin and improves tone;
  • makes the skin elastic.

In fact, the list of indications is very large, but we have highlighted only the most popular and demanding ones that any girl can struggle with.

But like many remedies, sea buckthorn has a number of contraindications, which prohibit its use for cosmetic purposes:

  • allergic predisposition to sea buckthorn itself;
  • many open wounds on the skin;
  • large swelling around the eyes;
  • some problems that are clarified in consultation with a dermatologist.

Despite such contraindications, sea buckthorn is recommended for daily use by almost all people. Of course, it is advisable to consult a doctor, and only after that begin cosmetic treatment. This is especially true for those people who do not know whether they have allergic reaction on the product or not.

Recipes for sea buckthorn masks

Before making a mask from sea buckthorn, It is recommended to freeze it and then use it in masks. This is necessary so that you can easily remove the skin from the berries. And when the skin goes through the freezing procedure, then it can be removed very easily. In fact, you can skip all these recommendations and simply grind the product, for example, in a blender (but before that, be sure to make sure that it does not cause an allergy in your body. Also remember that sea buckthorn juice is quickly and widely absorbed into the skin, while significantly changes its color to bright yellow, which lasts a very long time, so when you apply the mask, keep in mind that the next day you will have a yellow face.But if you crush fresh berries, then place them on your wrist for a while and no side effects you won’t notice and nothing bad will happen, and there will be no itching, redness, etc. then you can safely apply it to your face.

1) This mask is very easy to prepare and also has an effective effect on the human body. The mask contains:

  • sea ​​buckthorn berries;
  • sour cream or you can use cream;
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk.

Preparing a sea buckthorn mask

All that is required is to mix sea buckthorn (one tablespoon of mashed berries) and the same amount of any other ingredient. If the mixture turns out to be very thick, you can dilute it with milk (but only the milk should be fresh and preferably homemade).

Apply your mixture to previously prepared, cleansed facial skin in a thick layer. Keep the mask on your face for no longer than 15 minutes, and then simply rinse with cool water.

2) If the skin on your face is dry, you can moisturize it with the following mask: which includes the following elements:

  • sea ​​buckthorn juice;
  • chicken egg yolk.

It is also easy to prepare, separate the yolk from the white, squeeze the sea buckthorn juice from the crushed berries. Then mix everything thoroughly and thoroughly lubricate your previously cleansed face. After 15 minutes you can wash your face. In addition, sea buckthorn juice can be used even more than twice a week if you make a special facial toner out of it.

Sea buckthorn is a perennial frost-resistant shrub with sour small orange fruits. You can find this plant in many European countries, in the Caucasus, Siberia and Central Asia. Sea buckthorn is used not only for culinary purposes - thanks to its rich complex of vitamins B, E, K, C, carotenoids, organic and fatty acids, flavonoids, tannins and important for human body microelements, it has found wide application in medicine and cosmetology.

Sea buckthorn berries and bark are used in the treatment of cancer, intoxications, blood diseases and of cardio-vascular system. Sea buckthorn oil is also healing, having bactericidal, regenerating, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

In cosmetology, a face mask with sea buckthorn, rich in antioxidants, perfectly moisturizes and refreshes the skin, smooths out wrinkles and removes age spots. To prepare the product yourself at home, use fresh, frozen berries or oil from them, sold in pharmacies or special departments of supermarkets.

8 secrets for properly preparing sea buckthorn masks

In order for the mask to bring maximum benefit to the skin of the face, it is necessary to properly prepare and apply it, taking into account the individual characteristics of all components. If you decide to try it for yourself healing properties sea ​​buckthorn, follow the following recommendations.

In order not to doubt the quality and naturalness of sea buckthorn oil, you can independently prepare an effective component for homemade masks. Take fresh berries, pass through a juicer, separate the juice, and place the pulp in a glass container and pour vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio. Leave the product in a dark place for 7 days. A week later, repeat the procedure: prepare a fresh batch of cake and fill it with strained oil infusion. After 4 days, squeeze out and strain the solution again, pour into a clean glass container and store covered.

In order for a face mask made from sea buckthorn oil to be more effective and not stain the skin, other components must be added to it, which often include eggs, honey and dairy products.


Sea buckthorn-based masks, rich in vitamins, fatty and fruit acids, moisturize epidermal cells and stimulate their regeneration, normalize metabolic processes and activate collagen production. As a result of regular use of the product, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the face becomes fresher and more toned. For oily skin, it is advisable to use frozen fruits as the base of the mask, while sea buckthorn oil is better for dry, aging skin.

Berry recipe

An effective anti-aging mask is made from sea buckthorn berries and white cosmetic clay (kaolin). This natural material, which looks like a grayish powder with small particles, is rich in zinc, silica and other beneficial elements that are indispensable for oily skin. Kaolin gently cleanses pores, eliminates inflammation, and in tandem with healing sea buckthorn gives a pronounced lifting effect. You can buy white clay at a pharmacy or supermarket that has a section with cosmetic products.

You will need:

  • 40 grams of frozen sea buckthorn berries;
  • 1 egg white;
  • 20 grams of white clay.


  1. Pour the kaolin into a glass or ceramic bowl.
  2. Scald frozen sea buckthorn with boiling water, drain the water and grind the berries in a blender.
  3. Add the resulting puree to the white clay powder and stir thoroughly.
  4. Add egg whites to the mixture, mix the mask again and apply to the skin.

Repeat the procedure at intervals of 7 days for two months, and soon the reflection in the mirror will delight you with a healthy, rejuvenated appearance.

Mask based on sea buckthorn oil

A home remedy that includes sea buckthorn oil and sour cream can give your face moisture and nutrition by enriching dry, aging skin with vitamins.

You will need:

  • 5 ml liquid honey;
  • 5 ml sea buckthorn oil;
  • 20 grams of sour cream with 20% fat content.


  1. Mix honey with sea buckthorn oil, and then heat the products in a water bath to about 35 degrees.
  2. Add room temperature sour cream to the mixture.
  3. Mix the ingredients until smooth and apply a thick layer to your face.

After treatment, be sure to lubricate your skin with moisturizer.

Recipe for the skin around the eyes

A homemade cream made from sea buckthorn and cocoa butter will help remove fine wrinkles in the eyelid area. This natural product, high in oleic acid and vitamin A, is extracted from the kernels of the chocolate tree. Cocoa butter softens the skin, maintains its tone and is ideal for caring for the delicate skin around the eyes.

The substance belongs to solid oils that have a melting point above 28 degrees, and outwardly looks like a hard briquette with a brittle texture. When purchasing cocoa butter at a pharmacy or supermarket, pay attention to its color. A high-quality product should have a yellowish, creamy or light brown tint and must smell like chocolate.

Another component of the mask that you will have to go to the pharmacy for is vitamin E, also called “tocopherol”. This product has two release forms: capsules with a volume of 100 to 400 mg or bottles with an oil solution. To care for the skin around the eyes, it will be more effective to use capsules with a tocopherol content of up to 50%.

You will need:

  • 20 grams of cocoa butter;
  • 5 ml tocopherol;
  • 5 ml sea buckthorn oil.


  1. Place a piece of cocoa butter in a glass bowl and melt it in a water bath.
  2. Pour vitamin E and sea buckthorn oil into the container.
  3. Stir the ingredients thoroughly and then remove the container with the mixture from the heat.
  4. Cool the mixture and store it in the refrigerator in a small glass jar.

In the cold, the cream has a solid consistency, but when applied to the face it will instantly melt. To care for the skin around the eyelids, use the product every day, morning and evening, scooping it out of the container using a small spatula or spoon.

Cleanser and anti-inflammatory

Antiseptic and antimicrobial properties make it possible to successfully use sea buckthorn as part of homemade masks for acne and inflammation.

You will need:

  • 1 egg;
  • 5 ml sea buckthorn oil;
  • a slice of fresh lemon.


  1. Remove the egg from the refrigerator, leave it at room temperature for about an hour, and then carefully separate the white from the yolk.
  2. Place the egg white in a small cup and whisk thoroughly.
  3. Add sea buckthorn oil and lemon juice (about 5 ml) to the whipped mass.
  4. Mix the ingredients and apply to cleansed skin, paying special attention to problem areas.

As a result of the procedure, the pores are well cleaned, inflammation goes away, and the face becomes cleaner and fresher. Usually the result is noticeable after the first use.

Women's opinions

Reviews from women who have already tried this wonderful remedy will help you understand how effective a homemade face mask with sea buckthorn oil is. Here's what they write:

  • Arina (29 years old, Chita): “To combat wrinkles, I add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to my face cream, this significantly increases its effect.”
  • Anna (37 years old, Bryansk): “I use sea buckthorn oil for acne. The skin is perfectly cleansed and the pores are narrowed, there is only one drawback - the face looks yellowish after such a mask.”
  • Natalya (43 years old, Tambov): “I add grated sea buckthorn to nourishing masks, and lubricate my lips with oil from it. winter months- as a result, no dryness or cracks. Excellent product."

As you can see, reviews claim that berries and sea buckthorn oil for the face helps get rid of wrinkles, cleanse the skin and give it a healthier look. The main thing is to be sure to mix the product with other components and not use it more than once a week. Or buy a mask in Yves Rocher.
