General characteristics of verbs. Previous Verb state subject process bathe

A category of words that designate an action or state of an object as a process.

The word "process" in this usage has a broad meaning; this word means labor activity, movement, activity of the sense organs, thinking, physical and mental state, change in state ( build, walk, hear, think, sleep, yearn, weaken and so on.). Maria cries and is sad(P.): the verbs crying and sad express a state related to the person as the subject of this state, as well as to time.

The morphological features of the verb are closely related to its semantics and are expressed in the forms of the person, mood, tense, aspect and voice.

The main syntactic role of the verb is the expression of the predicate (predicate).

Changing the verb by moods, and inside moods by tenses (only in the indicative mood), by persons (in the indicative and partially in the imperative mood) and by numbers, as well as by gender (in the singular past tense and subjunctive mood) is called conjugation in a wide sense. The forms formed during this change are called conjugated. In addition to conjugated forms, non-conjugated forms are also included in the system of verb forms: indefinite form, participle and participle.

Conjugated and non-conjugated forms are combined into single system verb forms, since they have a number of common features, namely: 1) common lexical meaning, 2) common aspect and voice formations; 3) generality of control and 4) general ability to be explained by an adverb.

Conjugated forms of the verb are used exclusively in the syntactic role of the predicate (predicate) and are called predicative. Non-conjugated forms of the verb - participle and gerund - can act as secondary members of the sentence (participle as a definition and gerund as a circumstance) and are called attributive forms.

Indefinite form (infinitive) is included in the system of verb forms, although it differs in a very peculiar structure. The semantically indefinite form is similar to the nominative case of a noun with the meaning of the action: catch - catch. The words catching and catching have the meaning of an action, but the noun catching means an action as an object, and the indefinite form catch means a process. The inextricable connection of the indefinite form with the verb is supported morphologically and syntactically: it has specific differences ( do - do), transitivity and intransitivity ( see - sit), reflexivity and irreversibility ( bathe - bathe) And pledge values(in the appropriate context). The syntactic use of the indefinite form in the modern literary language is very wide: it can act as the main and secondary members of the sentence.

The indefinite form is formed by affixes -ть or -ти. The latter appears in non-prefixed verbs only under stress: go, carry, carry, crawl, grow, shake. The prefix you- pulls the stress on itself: take out, take out etc. The affix -sti stands out in the infinitive of verbs with the stem of the present tense in t (metu - revenge), d (lead - lead), b (row - row). This affix was formed in the common Slavic era as a result of a phonetic change in the consonant groups tt> st, dt> st and the subsequent transition of the sound from the base to the infinitive affix -ti. A variant of this affix -st has some verbs with a fixed accent based on the past tense: sat down - sit down, laid - lay down, fell - fall, stole - steal etc. The use of an indefinite form for -st outside of these cases gives the speech a colloquial and even colloquial character: The whole house was ruled by one Parasha, she was entrusted with the news(P.). For verbs with a base on back palatine g, k, the indefinite form ends in -ch, representing the result of an ancient phonetic change in the consonant group kt and gt and the reduction of the vowel and, and then its disappearance (cf .: pek-ti - oven, lay-ti - lie down).

In modern Russian, the indefinite form occupies the same position in relation to other forms of the verb as it occupies Nominative case noun in relation to its other cases, i.e. it is the initial, original form of the verb.

36. general characteristics verb. Basics of verbs. Verb classes.

Verb- a category of words that denote an action or state of an object as a process. The word “process” in this usage has a broad meaning - this word means labor activity, movement, activity of the sense organs, thinking, physical and mental state, change in state ( build, walk, hear, think, sleep, yearn, weaken and so on.). Maria cries and is sad(P.): verbs crying And sad express a state related to a person as the subject of this state, as well as to time.

The morphological features of the verb are closely related to its semantics and are expressed in the forms of the person, mood, tense, aspect and voice. The main syntactic role of the verb is the expression of the predicate (predicate). In word formation, the prefix method predominates.

Basics of verbs. All verb forms, with the exception of the future complex and subjunctive mood, are formed by means of formative suffixes and endings attached to the stem. By education, verb forms are divided into two groups depending on the generative basis, which can act in two versions: as the basis of an indefinite form and as the basis of the present tense. The stem of the indefinite form is determined by eliminating affixes -ty(s):collecting-th. The basis of the present (or future simple) is distinguished from the form of the third person plural. h. present or future simple: write-ut,write-ut.

From the basis of the indefinite form, the following are formed: the past tense, the past participle (active and passive) and the perfect participle: hate, hated, hated, hated, hated.

Affix - well (th) in imperfective verbs, for example dry, get wet, homonymous with the affix - well (th) in perfective verbs with the meaning of instantaneous or one-time action, for example: step, blink. The first affix is ​​usually lost when forms are formed from the stem of an indefinite form ( dry - dry, dry), the second affix is ​​retained ( step, step, step).

From the basis of the present tense, forms of the present or future simple, imperative mood, present participle (active and passive) and imperfect participles are formed: namej-ut (calling), call, naming j-ing (naming), calling j-ing (called), calling j-a (naming).

Verb classes. The stems of the indefinite form and the present tense, as a rule, differ in affixes or sound composition: read-th - chitaj-ut (read), call-t - call-ut. The ratio of the stem of the indefinite form and the stem of the present tense determines the division of verbs into classes.

Classes of verbs characterized by the ratio of these stems, which is also characteristic of newly formed verbs, are called productive, for example, verbs like sit down - sit down(cf. to land, to land). The same verbs, on the model of which new verbs are not created, belong to non-productive classes, for example, verbs like prick - prick, pour - weed and etc.

There are five productive verb classes:

Grade 1 combines verbs with an indefinite stem in -a(t) and with the basis of the present tense on -aj: read - readj-ut(read).

2nd grade - verbs with an indefinite stem in -e(t) and with the basis of the present tense on -ej: pity-t - pityj-ut (sorry).

Grade 3 - verbs with an indefinite stem in -ova (-eva) (th) and with the basis of the present tense on -yj: advise - advicej-ut (advise), grief-be - griefj-ut (mourn).

4th grade - verbs with an indefinite stem in - well (th) and with the basis of the present (future simple) tense on -n-: jump - jump-ut.

Grade 5 - verbs with an indefinite stem in -i(t) and with the ending of the third person pl. h. present -at, -yat: mo-li-th - they say.

Unproductive classes usually combine not a large number of verbs. Their classification is hampered by the presence of small features in small groups of verbs, and sometimes in individual verbs (for example, eat, go). The number of unproductive classes is gradually reduced as they are exposed to the productive classes (for example, the form meow instead of meow, purr instead of purr, rinse instead of rinse, wave instead of waving by analogy with verbs of the 1st productive class). In print, one can find parallel use of both forms, although many of the new forms are still outside the codified literary language.

Sometimes the forms differ in shades of meaning: the train is moving (comes into motion) and the train is moving (is in motion).

A class is a group of verbs that have the same infinitive and present stems. Classes are divided into productive and unproductive (about 17 classes).

The verb is one of the largest parts of speech in modern Russian. No other has such a rich and complex system of grammatical forms.

A verb is a significant part of speech that combines words denoting an action or state of an object as a process. Morphologically, this meaning is expressed in the categories of person, tense, mood, aspect, and voice.

The Russian term "modes of action" is, according to A.V. Isachenko (7, p. 209), tracing paper from the German Aktionsart (Handlungsart). This term has been used for some time to designate a species and some other phenomena in the sphere of aspectuality. In 1908, the Swedish Slavic S. Agrell for the first time contrasted the verb form (Aspekt) and the mode of verbal action. “Under the term “view” (aspect), this scientist meant two main categories of the Slavic verb, perfect and imperfect action (Handlungsform). He used the term Aktionsart semantic features prefixed verbs (as well as some non-prefixed verbs and suffix formations), specifying exactly how an action is performed, marking the way this action is performed. (7, pp. 210-211). Further elaboration of the concept played an essential role for a clearer understanding of the strictly grammatical nature of the aspect category.

Without dwelling on the origin and development of the theory of "modes of action", N.S. Avilova (1, pp. 260-261) notes that in Russian linguistics, A.A. Potebnya, G.K. Ulyanov, F.F. Fortunatov, A.A. Chess. They associated the theory of the aspect of the verb with subtypes and degrees of action and included in it phenomena that in modern linguistics are called modes of verbal action. The modern doctrine of species has not followed this path.

The theory of “modes of action” is significantly developed in the works of V.V. Vinogradov, E.A. Zemskoy, L.A. Bykova. However, these linguists consider only derivational types of verbs and the possibilities of their aspectual correlations.

In Russian linguistics, the theory of modes of verbal action is most thoroughly developed in the works of Yu.S. Maslova. He draws a strict line between the notion of verbal aspect (aspect) and what he calls "modes of verbal action". Developing the doctrine of "modes of action", Yu.S. Maslov considers them in terms of the semantics of the verb and gives the following definition: “the mode of action should be understood as some general (often, but not necessarily expressed by word-formation means) features of the lexical meaning of certain verbs related to the course of the action of these verbs in time and manifested in general features of their functioning in the language, namely, along the line of word-formation activity, type and syntactic use ”(cited by A.V. Isachenko, pp. 215-216). He claims that “any verb, derivative or non-derivative, refers to one or another mode of action” (cited by N.S. Avilova, p. 261).

Having singled out the problem of modes of action from purely aspectual verbal problems, Yu.S. Maslov emphasized that consideration of "modes of action" should be carried out separately from species, although in close connection. The essence of modes of action lies on a different plane than species. “Modes of action do not represent grammatical categories, do not form clear paradigmatic oppositions of wide scope, remain within the framework of lexical differences between verbs” (cited after N.S. Avilova, p. 262).

Yu.S. Maslov believes that the concept of the mode of action as he presented it, “quite clearly crystallized in modern aspectology, widespread and very fruitful, does not need to be radically revised ... Further development of this concept could go along the line of its subdivision, that is, along the line identification of its individual varieties ”(cited by N.S. Avilova, p. 262). Clarification of the composition of the modes of action, remaining within the framework of the proposed by Yu.S. Maslov schemes, his student A.V. Bondarko (3), and later M.A. Shelyakin (19, 20).

“Another theory of “modes of action” develops the ideas of A.A. Shakhmatova, V.V. Vinogradova, V.N. Sidorova, P.S. Kuznetsov and other Russian grammarians. It reveals the formally expressed characteristics of the verbal action with the meaning of initiation, restrictiveness, repetition, that is, it develops what is outlined by Russian traditional grammar and goes back to A.A. Potebne, G. Ulyanov, F.F. Fortunatov's doctrine of the structural-semantic types of verbs expressing a modification of an action called a simple verb. (1, p. 263).

At present, the scientific development of the Russian verb is unthinkable without a clear and fundamental distinction between the concepts of the verb form and the methods of verbal action.

The aspect category is a system of rows of verb forms opposed to each other: a number of verb forms denoting a holistic action limited by a limit (perfective verbs), and a number of verb forms that do not have signs of a holistic action limited by a limit (imperfective verbs). The aspect category covers all verbs. Its categorical feature is limiting - non-limiting. The limitation of an action by a limit representing the action as a holistic fact, as opposed to representing the action as a process in its duration or repetition. Imperfective verbs do not have a sign of limited action by a limit, a sign of the integrity of the action. This is the categorical meaning of the imperfective form, hence the ability of imperfective verbs to express the action in the process of its flow, in particular, the action tending to reach the limit.

In perfective verbs, the reached limit is most often understood as a certain critical point, upon reaching which the action, having exhausted itself, stops. This is a kind of integrity of the action, when the action, which lasted and aspired to the limit, ends with its achievement. The limit in most cases is reached as a definite goal by the result of the action that remains after its achievement. The meaning of limiting the action by the limit is characteristic of all perfective verbs.

The verbs of the Russian language for the most part are opposed to each other in appearance: they form aspect pairs. An aspect pair is a pair of lexically identical verbs of the perfect and imperfect form, which differ from each other only in the grammatical semantics of the form: do - do. Combining verbs into aspect pairs is a systemic categorical feature of aspect.

Not all verbs have an aspect pair. With the problem of single aspect verbs - perfective and imperfective - are closely related "modes of action".

Thus, modes of action are closely intertwined with species problems.

The type and mode of action differ in terms of expression, but are close in terms of content. In terms of their semantic content, the type and mode of action are closely related to each other. Both the type and mode of action reflect some differences in the types of flow of the verbal action or the types of presentation of this flow by the speaker.

The modern doctrine of the modes of verbal action distinguishes limiting and non-limiting in this area, which, as noted above, characterize the species.

Correlation or inconsistency in appearance is determined by the semantic factor - the influence of the mode of verbal action on the appearance. If the meaning of the mode of action is combined with the meaning of both kinds, then the verb is correlative, that is, it has the form of both kinds or forms an aspect pair with a verb of the opposite kind. And if the meaning of the mode of action is not combined with the meaning of any kind, then the verb is non-correlative, that is, it has the form of one kind and does not form an aspect pair with a verb of the opposite kind.

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The study of the semantic and grammatical properties of the verb in primary school through non-traditional methods of work



Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of studying the verb in primary school

1.1 Verb as a part of speech in linguistic literature

1.2 Features of studying the verb in primary school

Chapter 2

2.1 Analysis of the study of the properties of verbs in different elementary school programs

2.2 Non-traditional methods of work on the study of the semantic and grammatical properties of verbs in elementary school

Chapter 3. Experimental work

3.1 Diagnostics of the level of knowledge of the properties of the verb in schoolchildren

3.2 Methodology for studying the semantic and grammatical properties of the verb in elementary school through non-traditional methods of work

3.3 Final diagnosis





In the light of modern requirements for the school, the modern Federal State Educational Standard, when the teacher is faced with the task of teaching each child to study independently, the question of the formation of the schoolchild's literate writing skills is of particular importance. The school should equip children with knowledge of the Russian language, teach them how to apply them in speech practice. At the same time, it is very important to teach the native language at a high theoretical level.

Taking into account the requirements of society, at the moment one of the important problems of the modern school is work on the grammar of the native language. Grammar is the most extensive section of the Russian language course. And the most significant: it is grammar that represents the language in action, in the patterns of its development.

The concept of "grammar" combines morphology, which studies the ways of expressing grammatical meanings through word forms, and syntax - the doctrine of the structure of speech, the connection of words in a phrase and sentence. In the course of morphology in elementary grades, parts of speech and their form change are studied. Three major topics: noun, adjective, verb - are presented concentrically in each of the elementary school classes. Verbs are second only to nouns in terms of the number of uses, and their paradigm can reach 200 forms. Therefore, the study of the verb is one of the difficult topics in elementary school.

The problem of teaching the verb in primary school was dealt with by R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, D.N. Bogoyavlensky, S.F. Zhuikov, A.V. Polyakova, T.G. Ramzaeva, N.S. Rozhdestvensky, O.V. Sosnovskaya and others.

The sequence of work on verbs, the connection between sections, the amount of program material, the methods and means of studying it in each class are determined by the tasks of studying this part of speech, its linguistic features and cognitive abilities of younger students.

Linguistic the features of the verb are quite complex, therefore, in the elementary grades, students get acquainted only with some categories characteristic of this part of speech. When selecting material, the degree of its need for a conscious solution of speech and orthographic tasks is taken into account. In the process of studying the topic “Verb”, younger students may make mistakes in the formation of tense forms of the verb, in determining conjugation, etc. Thus, in teaching the verb in the primary grades, there are a number of difficulties. All of the above predetermined the choice Topics our researchovaniI- "Studying the semantic and grammatical properties of verbs in elementary school through effective work methods."

Purpose of researchovaniya- consider the study of the semantic and grammatical properties of verbs in elementary school through non-traditional methods of work.

Oobject researchovaniya- the process of teaching younger students the Russian language.

Subject of researchovaniya- non-traditional methods of work on the study of the properties of the verb in elementary school.

Based on the purpose of the study, we determined tasks:

1. To study the psychological-pedagogical, linguistic and methodological literature on the research topic.

2. Consider the essence and concept of "verb" in linguistic literature.

3. Analyze various educational programs of elementary school on the topic "Verb".

4. Describe non-traditional methods of work on the study of the properties of verbs in elementary school.

5. Describe the experimental work on the study of the semantic and grammatical properties of the verb in elementary school through non-traditional methods of work.

Research hypothesis: the study of the semantic and grammatical properties of the verb in elementary school may be more effective through the use of non-traditional techniques in the work.

The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.

Chapter 1orhetic aspects of learning verbsola in primary school

1.1 Verbol as a part of speech in linguisticoth literature

In morphology, all words are divided into categories, which act under the general name of parts of speech.

Part of speech- these are structural-semantic, or lexical-grammatical, categories of words, delimited according to the meanings they express, according to their characteristic morphological features and grammatical categories, according to the types of form formation and word formation, according to their syntactic functions in the composition of sentences (7, p. 170 ).

When referring this or that word to a certain part of speech, the whole set of features characteristic of it as a unit of language is taken into account. So, to classify words as a verb, it is not enough that they only designate an action or state: it is necessary that they express this action or state in the forms of person and number, type and time, etc.

In numerous works on the morphology of the Russian language, there are differences in the description of the verb as a part of speech by various linguists.

The verb is one of the largest parts of speech in modern Russian (about a fifth of all words are verbs). No other part of speech has such a rich and complex system of grammatical forms.

Verbol- this is a significant part of speech that combines words denoting the action or state of an object as a process. Morphologically, this meaning is expressed in the categories of person, tense, mood, aspect, and voice. The first three categories are predicative, the other two refer to non-predicative categories of the verb (7, p. 241).

Verbol- this is the highest, most abstract, most constructive and progressive category of language (18, p.337)

The dictionary of linguistic terms gives the following definition: Glagol- this is a part of speech that expresses an action or state as a process and is characterized by such grammatical categories that indicate the relationship of what is being said to the moment of speech, reality, participants in the act of speech, as well as syntactic use in the function of the predicate and a special system of formative and word imaginative models (4, c .101).

Verbol- this is a part of speech that denotes an action and expresses it in the forms of appearance, pledge, inclination, time and person. When they say that the verb denotes an action, they mean not only mechanical movement ( Xokid, running), but also the state ( sleeping, happy), manifestation of a feature ( turns white), feature change ( turns yellow), relation to something ( respect, love) and so on.

The verb, like the noun, is a very important part of speech. It talks about actions and states, while the noun only “names” objects and phenomena. This important role of the verb is also emphasized by the Latin name verbum, which means WORD, or SPEECH, also emphasizing its importance in the language.

Verbol there is an independent conjugated part of speech, denoting an action or state in their relation to a person or an object and to time; the verb has grammatical categories of aspect, voice, mood, tense, person, number, and in the past tense, gender; in the past tense, the verb is usually a predicate, although in non-conjugated forms it is also used as other members of the sentence (18, p. 144).

N.S. Valgina gives the following definition:

Verbol- this is a category of words that designate an action or state of an object as a process.

The word "process" in this use has a broad meaning, this word means labor activity, movement, activity of the sense organs, thinking, physical and mental state, change in state ( pageoit, xoto breathe, to think, to sleep, etc.) (63, p.228).

M.F. Lukin calls vbolom a part of speech that expresses an action as a process and is characterized by the categories of time, type, mood, pledge, person, as well as syntactic use in the function of a predicate and a special system of form and word-formation models.

Some verbal forms are also characterized by the categories of gender, number, case, or by the invariability of their forms. (31, p. 127).

So, we see that all authors agree that a verb is a part of speech denoting an action or a state that has the categories of aspect, pledge, inclination, time, person, number, and in the plural gender. In a sentence, the verb, basically, acts as a predicate.

The general lexical meaning of the verb is action. The meaning of the action is understood in a broad sense, that is, it means not only the action performed by the object, but also what is done with the object or in what state it is. The processes of action expressed by verbs are heterogeneous in their meaning.

Verbs according to lexical meaning can be divided into two groups.

The first group is verbs that have the meaning of a specific action of an object, its work, physical condition, formation and change of a sign ( Xoto die, sit, sleep, turn yellow).

The second group is verbs denoting abstract actions. Such verbs have the meaning of a qualitatively abstract action or the internal state of a person ( suffer xochild).

However, it is difficult to draw a sharp line between these two groups of verbs - between a specific action and a physical or internal state, because the lexical feature of the verb lies precisely in the fact that the state is presented as an action that takes place in time. In addition, lexical differences between these groups are not confirmed by grammatical differences (31, p. 129).

The verb has its own morphological features, specifically inherent only to it, most of which are associated with its semantics:

1. The category of time is a word-changing grammatical category that expresses the relationship of an action (state) to the moment of speech, taken as a reference point ( read, read, will read).

The present tense indicates that the implementation of the action coincides with the moment of speech ( GoVoryu, go, carry). Only imperfective verbs have the present tense.

The past tense indicates that the performance of the action preceded the moment of speech ( read, said). Verbs in the past tense do not change by person, but change by gender and number.

The future tense indicates that the action will be carried out after the moment of speech ( I will say I will read), has two forms: simple (synthetic) and complex (analytical). A simple form is formed from the basis of the future tense of perfective verbs by adding personal endings to the basis ( bring-y, bring-you). A complex form is formed from imperfective verbs. It consists of personal forms of the auxiliary verb be and indefinite form of the main verb ( I will be a slaveotat, you will be a slaveothief)(6, p. 236).

2. The category of the type characterizes the process of the action in relation to its internal limit, result, duration, repetition, etc. ( decide-decide, do, do). Forms of an imperfect form are called actions that last, develop, are not limited in any way ( virginsochkadepartureostraightens). Forms of the perfect form are called limited actions ( virginsocheck outoRoled). At school, species are recognized with the help of questions thuodo?thuodo?(4, p. 219).

3. The category of inclination expresses the relation to reality established by the speaking person. An action can be thought of as a very real fact that took place in the past, is happening in the present, or one that will take place in the future. In this case, the verb is used in the indicative mood ( i goVoryu,oon toldi will be a slaveobaby, I'll hear).

The imperative mood expresses an impulse to action, an order, a request, etc. ( Bringbook! PoTueori-ka,thuoYou said; sit downPoplease here).

The subjunctive mood is used in cases where the action seems possible, desirable or necessary, but not yet carried out, when a request, wish or advice is expressed, but in a milder form than in the imperative mood ( IwouldcourtoVoflatteryPowalkedto the theatre; Pomocouldyou to her! ) (7, p. 257).

4. The category of pledge expresses different attitudes towards the subject and the object ( teach - learnoyat - stroyatsya).

The active voice means that the action is performed by the subject and is directly directed to the object ( I loveI'm magnificentoe natureowilting...)

The passive voice means that the person or object that is the subject of the sentence experiences the action produced by another person or object, which in the sentence act as an indirect object ( Snow, barely having timeomelt, toimmediatelyPocoveredToorkoth frost) .

The average return voice means that the action is performed by the subject and returns to the subject itself, focuses in the subject itself ( Levin took off his caftan,coveroappearedand noetcoboshaft svobodoo hands.) (6, p. 228).

4. The category of a person expresses the relation or non-relevance of the action to the participants in the speech act.

Forms of the 1st person singular indicate that the action refers to the speaker ( I to youwriting -chegosame bole?)

Forms of the 2nd person singular indicate that the action refers to the interlocutor ( APoyou thinkwe goVoriley with toboth progame...)

Forms of the 3rd person singular indicate that the action is performed by the one about whom (what) is said in the sentence ( INot to palm treesPodxoditcaravan) .

Forms of the 1st person plural indicate that the action is performed by several persons, including the speaker ( Dream foreveromu in silence SoindulgeWe, Pothese) .

Forms of the 2nd person plural express the action of two or more addressees ( Than you, gosti, torgleadAnd where nowyou are sailing?).

Forms of the 3rd person plural designate persons or objects about which it is said ( OneitheroWithobennolovein play xoRoour poems) (10, p. 139).

In addition to these categories, the verb has categories of number and gender, which serve as a means of agreement with the noun. The category of number is common to all verb forms ( the onlyoe numbero- wrote, plozhestvennoe numbero- wrote), category of gender - only separate (past tense, subjunctive, participle).

All verb forms are divided into two groups: conjugated (predicative) and non-conjugated (attributive). The conjugated forms include the forms of inclination, time, person, number and gender. They are used only as a predicate ( I knowu - goRod will; Iobodies would live and die in Paris,if it wasn'toSooth land - Mosqua).

Non-conjugated forms include the indefinite form (infinitive), participle and participle ( read, reading, reading). Non-conjugated forms either do not change (infinitive, gerund), or change by gender, number and case (participle). In a sentence, they are, as a rule, secondary members ( Lazysittingsleeping, lying downslaveomelts;It seems that thomajesticoatosank mound guards the steppe ) (6, c.225).

Infinitive- this is a dictionary form of the verb that does not have such morphological categories specific specifically for the verb as mood and time; the infinitive also does not have the grammatical features of person, number and gender. In the infinitive, only the categories of the aspect appear (the imperfect aspect is write; perfect look - write) and pledge (actual pledge - wash; passive voice - wash)(8, c.578).

The indefinite form has suffixes characterizing it: -t, -sti, -st, -ti, -ch (lie, lead, put, go, save)(5, p. 579).

Participle- this is a special verb form that names the sign of a person or object by their action or by the action that they experience on themselves from another person or object ( student, pobathing a book; book, pobathed studentom).

gerund- this is an invariable verbal form denoting an additional action and combining the features of a verb and an adverb (4, p. 240).

Thus, the verb is a special part of speech that denotes the action or state of an object, these meanings are expressed using the categories of aspect, voice, tense, person, mood, a number of verb forms have categories of gender and number, the verb performs in the sentence and, basically, the function of the predicate. Special non-conjugated forms of the verb are the infinitive, participle and participle, they act in the sentence, as a rule, in the role of minor members.

1.2 OWithobennolearning verbsola in primary school

The sequence of work on verbs, the connection between sections, the amount of program material, the methods and means of studying it in each class are determined by the tasks of studying this part of speech, its linguistic features and cognitive abilities of younger students. The main tasks are to form the initial concept of the verb as a part of speech, to develop the ability to consciously use the verb in oral and written statements, to increase the level of mental development of students, to develop the skill of spelling personal endings of the most common verbs heads of I and II conjugations. All tasks are solved in interconnection.

In elementary grades, students get acquainted with verbs as part of speech, which denotes the action of objects and answers questions thuodo? thuodo?; study the categories of time (present, past, future), numbers (singular, plural). Also in elementary school, children learn about the indefinite form of the verb, about conjugation of verbs, form the spelling skill of personal endings of verbs.

The linguistic features of the verb are quite complex, therefore, in the primary grades, students get acquainted only with some categories that are characteristic of this part of speech. When selecting material, the degree of its need for a conscious solution of speech and orthographic tasks is taken into account. So, already in grade II, elementary work is carried out on the form of the verb (without a term). Students observe the use of verbs in speech that answer questions thuodo? And thuodo?, learn to correctly put a question to a word. It is important to learn to distinguish between the form of a verb with the help of questions already in grade II, since without this it is impossible to study the change of verbs over time (according to the program, this is also carried out in grade II). Perfective verbs, as you know, have the forms of the present, past and future (compound) tense, imperfective verbs do not have a present tense. Inattention to the form of the verb is often the cause of errors in the formation of temporary forms.

View recognition is also necessary in order to determine the conjugation of the verb. Understanding the interaction of the form of the verb and its temporary forms, at least at the level of a partially conceptual, introduces an element of awareness when students change the verb over tenses and in the use of the verb.

When recognizing the time of the verb for younger students, the main indicator is the question that the verb answers. The method of posing the question does not exclude orientation to the semantic side of the tense form of the verb (indicates the time of the action in relation to the moment of speech). The teacher specifically draws the attention of students to the suffix - l as an indicator of the past tense of the verb.

It is necessary to develop in students the ability to correlate the temporal and initial forms of the verb: to teach "pass" from the initial form to one or another temporary form and, conversely, from the temporal to the initial. If students are not able to correctly name the initial form of the verb and recognize the conjugation of the verb from it, then, naturally, they cannot consciously write the unstressed personal ending of the verb in the present or future tense.

Work on the spelling skill of personal endings of verbs occupies a special place. This skill is condensed, and the Unified Complex of Knowledge and Skills is the Unified Complex: the ability to uninstall the verb, the time, the time, persons and numbers, the ability to move to the time to the boss (non -determined) and correctly call it, the ability to prevent the conjugation of the verb of the verb. Foorme, knowledge endings of verbs I and II of conjugation. When forming the spelling skill of personal endings of verbs, all these skills interact in a certain way. Mastering the sequence (algorithm) of actions by students is nothing more than establishing links between knowledge and applying them in practice when solving a spelling problem.

It should be emphasized that the task of developing speech is solved at all stages of work on the topic "Verb" in connection with the study of grammatical material and the formation of the spelling skill of personal endings of the verb.

The study of the topic "Verb" in elementary school is built in a certain system. The course system is characterized as a system that develops the cognitive abilities of students, forming their cognitive activity. Organization apparatus cognitive activity students also includes exercises that are different in their functions, instructional instructions: memos, reasoning patterns, samples of parsing words and sentences, tables containing educational material. In the process of studying the topic "Verb", favorable conditions are created for working on the morphemic composition of the word. This opportunity is used by the authors of textbooks. So, for example, verbs are often formed from the same part of speech with the help of prefixes (write - rewrite, swim - sail, walk - go out, etc.).

When studying the topic “Verb”, various exercises are used: cheating, dictations, writing from memory, presentations, compiling a story, sentences according to schemes. Separate forms of these exercises replace each other, stimulating various thought processes, activity and creativity of various degrees and forms. After studying each section, control questions are given.

Oral exercises are combined with written ones. For example, according to the system of T.G. Ramzaeva, there are significantly fewer examples of tasks in exercises for grade 3 than in grade 2; independence and cognitive activity of schoolchildren are increasing. Textbooks "Russian language" contain material for the initial acquaintance of schoolchildren in grades 3 and 4 with the specific function of the words of each studied part of speech in the speech communication of people (the role of nouns, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, numerals). In grade 4, in connection with the study of the topic "Verb", all the techniques (or learning skills) that took place earlier are used: all types of language analysis and synthesis, cheating, dictations different types, presentations and essays. The independence of the educational work of schoolchildren is significantly increased.

The development and improvement of forms of generalization, regulation of mental activity of students continues: a large number of tables and diagrams - tables of declensions, conjugations, sentence schemes, morphemic composition of words, and others.

The system of educational tasks as the main methodological means of organizing the activities of students, taking into account psychological features junior schoolchildren and contributing to maintaining a balance between logic and intuition, word and visual image, conscious and subconscious, conjecture and reasoning.

The effectiveness of training, as you know, is largely due to the formation of students' skills not only to set a learning task, but also to solve it rationally, to check the correctness of the implementation. The methodological apparatus of various textbooks in elementary school is subordinated to these goals. Most of the tasks are aimed at the analysis of linguistic material, comparison of facts, generalization. Various kinds of memos and reasoning patterns teach how to apply knowledge in solving practical problems: grammatical, spelling problems, in coherent speech.

Having studied the psychological-pedagogical and linguistic literature, we came to conclusions.

The verb in the modern morphological system of the Russian language is a significant part of speech with the meaning of an action or state, expressing these meanings using the categories of aspect, voice, tense, person, inclination, and performing in a sentence, basically, the function of a predicate.

Unlike other parts of speech, the verb denotes a whole procedural situation, the elements of which, in addition to action, are the subject, object and other participants. The semantic specificity of the verb explains the fact that it has the maximum set of syntactic features and has the largest number of syntactic links in the sentence.

The verb is the most complex and most capacious grammatical category of the Russian language, as it is the most constructive in comparison with other categories. The peculiarity of the verb is that it combines richness and variety of forms with richness and variety of meanings.

Chapter 2 Applicationnon-traditionalreceptionoin slaveoyou in the study of semantic and grammaticalosv voloin the beginningoth schoolole

2.1 Analysis of the study of St.osv voloin different placesograms of initialoth schoololy

The initial grammar course is associated with the content of the systematic course of the Russian language in secondary school and covers a wide range of knowledge, in the process of assimilation of which children develop mental skills - the ability to analyze, compare, group and generalize language material, find the main thing, develop a meaningful attitude use in speech basic units of the language.

There are several Russian language programs for elementary grades, each of which offers a variety of approaches to learning the verb. Let's consider the features of working on this part of speech in three main programs that are widely used in the practice of elementary school: "School 2100" R.N. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronina, Russian language program for elementary school L.V. Zankov and the Russian language program for elementary grades T.G. Ramzaeva.

In the program of T.G. Ramzaeva in the Russian language, the following provision is accepted as the initial one: in the language all its sides are interconnected. Taking into account this principle, the content of the lessons is determined, the sequence of the location of the lessons within the topic is outlined, as well as the structure of each lesson. That is, all lessons on the study of the topic "Verb" are built according to a single plan. Observation is used as the main teaching method (32, p.3).

The main tasks of studying the verb are the formation of the initial concept of the verb as a part of speech, the development of the ability to consciously use the verb in oral and written statements, the development of the skill of spelling personal endings of the most used verbs I and II conjugation. All tasks are solved in interconnection (5, p.277).

In grade 1, during the period of literacy, preparatory work is carried out to study the verb. Preparation consists in developing students' attention to the lexical meaning of the verb. There is, as it were, an accumulation of that specific material, on the basis of which it becomes possible to generalize with respect to the lexical-grammatical meaning typical of the verb: it denotes the action of an object. Exercises on verbs are not the end in itself of individual lessons, but are carried out in connection with reading the pages of the alphabet, making sentences from pictures, etc. The teacher specially creates conditions so that when making sentences, choosing words that are suitable in meaning wa, students have established a connection between , which means the word, and the question to which it answers. For example, during a walk, observing the behavior of birds, students complete sentences that are appropriate in meaning with the words: Birdsocanopy(thuodo?) fly away, pothrow pobottom edges(5, p. 278).

The most purposeful work on verbs begins according to the program of T.G. Ramzaeva in the third quarter of grade 2 in the process of studying the topic “Words that answer the question what to do?” The concept of a verb is introduced as a part of speech and preparations are made for its study.

Students solve a crossword puzzle and write down the words that answer the question thuodoes? (jumps tooyo, cooks, plays, goVorit, lies), their generalized meanings are clarified (denoting the actions of objects) (20, p. 130).

According to the School 2100 program, parts of speech become the main subject of study in grades 3 and 4, when there is already the necessary basic knowledge and skills for this, a certain language experience has been accumulated as a result of observing the functioning of words in speech. A "through" design of textbooks is used: in each, heroes travel who participate in the learning process. In the exercises for observations, the material is selected in such a way that it allows organizing the introduction of a new heuristic method (2, p. 75).

In the second grade, students are clearly convinced of what verbs mean, using the example of actions that they themselves perform. The teacher calls the student. On the leaflet that he receives, verbs are written. He must show them by actions ( Draw! Jump! Read!). The rest of the students observe, and then write down:

Vitya (thuodoes?) reading, jumping, drawing(10, p.148).

The program "School 2100" indicates as one of the leading skills formed in schoolchildren in the 2nd grade, the formulation of a question to the word. For this, the teacher uses verbs of different aspectual forms. Students are offered a task, for example: "Write by inserting questions in brackets." kid comko(?) cried. Blizzard evilobno(?) howls in pole. Grandmother (?) knits her granddaughteroWithoglasses.(7, p.54).

A game can be played: the teacher calls the verb and throws the ball to the student, who must say which question the word answers ( playing - thuodo? cmotrill - thuodid?).

Comparison of verbs and nouns allows not only to differentiate different parts of speech, but also to highlight the essential features of the verb. At the same time, the term and concept of the verb are not given. Words - the names of objects are compared with words - the names of the actions of objects, which allows you to establish a connection and interaction in the speech of nouns and verbs. For example, the task may be as follows: find words that indicate the action of objects. At the same time, students determine the actions of which objects they designate, from which words the question is asked (7. p. 54).

Next, the children get acquainted with the grammatical basis of the sentence. The teacher informs that each sentence has a main part, and invites them to find it on their own. Composing sentences from separate words, students are convinced that the words denoting the object and the action of the object form the grammatical basis, or the grammatical center (10, p. 151).

The program of L.V. Zankov implements the principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge in primary education. An important aspect of this principle is the assimilation of terms by children.

The textbooks adopted the presentation in the form of "re-layering" or alternation of relatively completed segments of topics. Teachers are not recommended to linger on one material for a long time, but move on to another in order to then continue working on the previous issue, linking it, if possible, with the newly studied one. That is, the program is built on a high level of difficulty. The main method of work in the classroom is the teacher's conversation with the children (4, p.6).

According to the system of L.V. Zankov, acquaintance with the verb begins from grade 1. Writing out words from sentences that indicate the action of objects and answer questions thuodoes? thuodid?..., Schoolchildren will learn that these words are called verbs. They find out why verbs are needed in speech (4, p. 113).

The content of the elementary school program on the topic "Verb": Signs, meaning and use in speech. Infinitive. Distinguishing verbs answering the questions what to do? and what to do? Changing verbs by tense. Changing verbs according to persons and numbers in the present and future tense (conjugation). Methods for determining I and II conjugation of verbs (practical mastery). Exception verbs. Changing past tense verbs by gender and number. Morphological analysis verbs. Reflexive verbs.

The number of hours allocated for the study of the topic "Verb":

Grade 1: "Parts of speech" - 3 hours;

Grade 2: "Verb" - 6 hours;

"Present and past tense of the verb" - -7 hours;

"Future tense of the verb" - 6 hours

Grade 4: “Change of verbs in the present and future tense by gender and person - 9 hours;

"Indefinite form of the verb" - 6 hours;

"Spelling of the particle NOT with verbs" - 3 hours;

"The first and second conjugation of verbs" - 12 hours;

"Spelling unstressed endings verbs" - 7 hours.

The formation of the concept of a verb begins in the first grade. Preparation for the study of the verb is to develop students' attention to lexical meaning words, and in particular the verb.

During the literacy period, children perform the following tasks:

Distinguishing between an object, a phenomenon and the words that call them.

The ratio of the name of the drawn object with the scheme of the word.

Classification and grouping of words according to lexical meaning.

Combining words into groups: significant words, words denoting objects, signs of an object, the action of an object; service words.

When working with a textbook, students' awareness of the role of verbs in our speech contributes to the exercise in comparing the text without verbs and with them. Familiarization with verbs (without a term) continues by observing their lexical meaning and the questions they answer. First graders will learn that among the words that we use in speech, there are words that answer the questions what does it do? what did you do? what will he do? What did you do?

All these knowledge and skills are formed in students in the process of activities related to the development of speech.

More extensive work on verbs begins in the second grade in the process of getting to know the words denoting the actions of objects and answering the questions what does it do? what did you do? what will he do? What did you do? Work on the verb as a part of speech is not limited to familiarization with the meaning of this category of words and the questions they answer, but it is also supposed to familiarize with some grammatical meanings this part of speech. Children get acquainted with the meaning of verbs and their use in speech, observe changes in verbs by gender and number, find the main members of the sentence: subject, predicate.

In the third grade, children distinguish between verbs that answer the questions "what to do?" and “what to do?”, learn to choose the right initial form verbs to these personal verbs or to verbs of the past tense, reinforce the skills acquired in the first and second grades.

In the fourth grade, the study of parts of speech continues, grammatical features of the verb, indefinite form, aspect of the verb, past tense of the verb, present and future tense, spelling of verbs in -tsya, person of the verb, spelling ь in the end of verbs of the 2nd person singular, verb conjugation, spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs. source common mistakes when determining the conjugation of a verb with an unstressed personal ending, the indefinite form of the verb is incorrectly selected. For example, the spelling of the ending of the verb you decide is checked with the indefinite form solve, and not solve. To prevent this error, usually in the primary grades they are taught to distinguish between verbs on the questions what to do? what to do? Thus, in essence, the distinction of verbs by aspect is introduced, but only by its formal feature, an essential feature is missed - the meaning of the aspect. It is important to note that the preparation for the perception of this material was carried out in the 3rd grade, when the children got acquainted with the indefinite form of the verb and the questions what to do? what to do? At the same time, they learned to correctly select the initial form of the verb to given personal verbs or to verbs of the past tense, focusing on the question.

Learning the parts of speech, students observe them within the sentence. They simultaneously comprehend the phenomenon of inflection and its difference from word formation, get acquainted with the syntactic connections of words in a sentence and learn to highlight phrases. Students also get acquainted with the grammatical connections of words (coordination and control), observe semantic and formal relationships.

The program of this course provides for a consistent, organically interconnected learning. The relationship of all sections is shown. There is a systematic enrichment of speech with new lexical and grammatical categories. The relationship of all sections is shown.

Each program offers its own approaches to the study of individual sections of the topic "Verb".

So according to the program of T.G. Ramzaeva, when getting acquainted with the tense of the verb, students observe the use of verbs in different tense forms in speech, compare the verbs of the present, past and future tenses. Before this, work is underway on the rule:

The verb changes by tense.

Verbs in crustobox of time answer questions thuodo? thuoare you doing? thuodoes? thuodo? thuoare you doing? thuodo?

Verbs in propast tense answer questions thuodid? thuodid? thuodid? thuodone?

Verbs in future tense answer questions thuowill do? thuowill do?hTowill they do? thuowillt do?(1, p. 208).

Pupils should learn to distinguish the past tense verb from the present tense verb. This is developed on the basis of the knowledge that the verbs of the past tense can be recognized by questions thuodid? thuodid? and suffix -l- What did you do? Hitalian; what did you do? Hitaly; what did they do? read(1, p. 211).

Schoolchildren observe the changes in the past tense verbs and find out that the past tense verbs in the singular change by gender:

Male gender - what did you do? - played

Feminine gender - what did you do? - played

Middle gender - what did you do? - playedo

The gender of the verb in the sentence depends on the gender of the noun with which it is connected in meaning ( Spring has come. Yearsocameo) (1, p. 218).

According to the "School 2100" program, acquaintance and change of verbs at times occurs in the course of solving a problem situation. The teacher offers to listen to an unusual story of the verb about himself and write down all the questions that will be spoken: thuodo? thuodid? thuowill do? Children come to the conclusion: verbs can denote an action that is happening now, happened in the past, or will only happen, i.e. verbs change by tense (11, p.144).

Then students identify a distinctive feature of past tense verbs - the suffix -l-, and find out that verbs in the past tense change by number, and in the singular by gender (11, p. 143).

According to the program of L.V. Zankov's essence of the tense form of the verb is revealed by students on the basis of comparison, when an action is performed and when it is reported, i.e. on the basis of comparing the time of the action in relation to the moment of speech. Proposals are being made about what is happening in nature at the present time, i.e. at the moment of speech, what was before, what will happen in the future. As a result, students will learn that the verb changes over time. The verb has three tenses: present, past, future. The present tense of the verb denotes an action that is taking place now, at the time when they say about it: is reading (Thursodoes?). The past tense of the verb denotes an action that took place earlier: read (thuodid?), etcoread (thuodid?) (44, p. 158). Then the students get acquainted with the future (complex) tense of the verb. It turns out that it denotes an action that will be performed after it is spoken about, and the verbs of the future (complex) tense answer questions thuowill do? thuowill do? (will write, will read) (4, p. 190).

It is proposed to start studying changes in past tense verbs by gender and number by analyzing sentences in which the same verb is used in all three genders. For example: Heado3d slaveotal without interruptionoev. factory slaveotala in three shifts. enterprise slaveotalo otlichno. Steel workers slaveotami fasto. These examples show that, depending on the gender and number of the essential, the endings of the verb change (6, p. 40).

In grade 3, the future (simple) tense of the verb is studied in detail. It turns out that the verbs in the future simple tense answer the questions what will he do? what will they do? (will bring, will bring), change in persons and numbers and have the same endings as verbs in the present tense (5, p. 39).

According to the program of T.G. Ramsay's acquaintance with the indefinite form of the verb occurs practically with the help of the rule: The verb in the indefinite form answers the question thuodo? or thuodo?

Students will learn that these verbs have neither tense nor number (1, p.212).

According to the School 2100 program, acquaintance with the indefinite form of the verb also occurs on the basis of observation and comparison of linguistic material. For example, students read an excerpt from the story of K. Paustovsky "The inhabitants of the old house" (8, p. 107). It uses verbs in the past tense and indefinite form. They establish how verbs in the indefinite form differ from other verbs. Based on the work done, students draw conclusions: for verbs that answer questions thuodo? no time, no number, no person can be determined. The teacher reports that these are verbs in an indefinite form. Then the children make sure that such verbs end in - th, -ty or - whose. Students perform exercises aimed at developing the ability to distinguish verbs in an indefinite form by question and suffix (11, p.148).

According to the program of L.V. Zankov's indefinite form is studied in grade 3. The concept of "infinitive" is given and the basis of verbs of an indefinite form is found, from which verbs of the past tense are formed with the help of a suffix -l-.

The main and most difficult, in our opinion, topics are "Conjugation" and "Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs." According to the programs of T.G. Ramzaeva and "School 2100" these topics are studied in the 4th grade, and according to the program of L.V. Zankova - in the 3rd grade.

According to the program of T.G. Ramzaeva, students observe the changes in verbs in the present and future tenses in terms of persons and numbers. A table of pronouns 1,2,3 of the person singular and plural is compiled. Children substitute verbs from the text for them, changing them in accordance with the pronouns. The teacher explains that when the faces change, the endings of the verbs change, so they are called personal.

The concept of "conjugation" is introduced on the basis of a comparison of two variants of verb endings. Schoolchildren will learn that learning the endings of verbs by persons and numbers is called conjugation. Get acquainted with the endings of verbs of I and II conjugations.

Next, the children observe how verbs are conjugated in the future tense, how their endings change. Schoolchildren study the spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs in the present and future tense, verbs in the past tense. For all these topics, tables of changing endings are compiled.

According to the program "School 2100" in the 4th grade, students get acquainted with the word change of verbs. They learn that changing verbs for persons and numbers is called conjugation, and learn to identify conjugations by personal verb endings.

Then the students consider the spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs.

According to the program of L.V. Zankov, students will learn that changing the endings of verbs in persons and numbers is called conjugation. Verbs have I and II conjugations. Schoolchildren learn to define conjugations of verbs in an indefinite form, highlighting suffixes. Then an algorithm for writing unstressed vowel endings of the verb is introduced:

1. Put the verb in the initial (indefinite form);

2. Determine the conjugation;

3. Check the conjugation for the third person in the plural;

4. Determine the end of this verb (4, p. 79).

The knowledge gained is practiced in numerous exercises, for example, the following tasks are offered:

1. Write, inserting the missing letters, indicate the conjugations of the verbs.

2. Change the verbs according to the model (looked - look, look).

3. Determine the conjugation of verbs, write down from in the 2nd person in the singular, make a sentence with them (4, p. 80).

Unlike others, according to the program of L.V. Zankov in grade 3 considers the connection of words in verb phrases. As a result of studying this topic, students get ideas about verbal control as one of the types of communication between words in a sentence and learn that the verb in the sentence requires a definite indirect case from the noun (without a preposition or with a preposition), such a connection is called control. Pupils are offered various tasks, for example:

1. Underline the verbs along with those nouns from which they require the genitive and accusative.

2. Compose and write down phrases with these verbs, indicating the case of nouns (5, p. 28).

Thus, in the process of studying the verb in primary school, students get acquainted with the verb as a part of speech, its role in a sentence, with a change in numbers, tenses, with conjugation of verbs, with an indefinite form, with reflexive verbs. We study the spelling rules of the particle NOT with verbs, combinations - to be And - tsya, unstressed personal endings of verbs of I and II conjugations. Different programs offer different approaches to the sequence of study, the distribution of material by class. In grade 1, preparation for the study of the verb in all programs takes place. According to the program “School 2100”, the period of preparation has been extended, the main topics are studied in grades 3 and 4. According to the program of L.V. Zankov, the material is distributed between grades 1 and 3. Schoolchildren study the type of connection of words in a sentence - management. This distinguishes the program of L.V. Zankov from others. The traditional program offers a gradual increase in the content of the studied material by class. Training is carried out on the basis of observation and analysis of linguistic material, generalization and formulation of rules.

Visualization as a means of mastering grammatical concepts. A system for studying grammatical concepts in Russian lessons using visualization. The results of the experiment to determine the level of study of grammatical concepts by younger students.

thesis, added 05/03/2015

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the methodology for studying mass as one of the quantities in mathematics lessons in elementary school. Diagnosis of the formation of students' knowledge. A system of tasks aimed at studying the mass and units of its measurement in elementary school.

term paper, added 12/17/2012

General issues methods of studying the vocabulary of the Russian language in elementary school. Ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students in the study of vocabulary. Methods of lexical work in elementary school. Enrichment of the vocabulary of younger students.

term paper, added 01/24/2007

Acquaintance with the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of obsolete words in elementary school. Consideration of the psychological and pedagogical features of lexical work with younger students. Study of the structure and semantic types of archaisms.

thesis, added 09/07/2017

The history of the study of the imperative. Grammatical category of mood. Study of the level of speech development of younger schoolchildren. Methods and techniques of propaedeutic work with the forms of the imperative mood of verbs in Russian language lessons in elementary school.

thesis, added 09/08/2017

The development of speech and thinking of younger students is one of the requirements and the most important goal of the main educational program elementary general education. Description of the key psychological and pedagogical features of the study of the proposal in elementary school.

thesis, added 03/23/2019

Diagnostic methods aimed at studying the upbringing of elementary school students. The use by the teacher in the process of teaching a set of methods for studying the personal qualities of the student. Socialization of the student's personality in the pedagogical process.

In morphology, all words are divided into categories, which act under the general name of parts of speech.

Part of speech- these are structural-semantic, or lexico-grammatical, categories of words, delimited according to the meanings they express, according to their morphological features and grammatical categories, according to the types of form formation and word formation, according to their syntactic functions in the composition of sentences (67, p. 170).

When assigning a word to a certain part of speech, the whole set of features characteristic of it as a unit of language is taken into account. So, to classify words as a verb, it is not enough that they only denote an action or state: it is necessary that they express this action or state in the forms of person and number, aspect and tense, etc.

In numerous works on the morphology of the Russian language, there are differences in the description of the verb as a part of speech by various linguists.

The verb is one of the largest parts of speech in modern Russian (about a fifth of all words are verbs). No other part of speech has such a rich and complex system of grammatical forms.

Verb- this is a significant part of speech that combines words denoting the action or state of an object as a process. Morphologically, this meaning is expressed in the categories of person, tense, mood, aspect, and voice. The first three categories are predicative, the other two are non-predicative categories of the verb (67, p. 241).

Verb- this is the highest, most abstract, most constructive and progressive category of language (18, p.337).

In dictionary linguistic terms the following definition is given: verb- this is a part of speech that expresses an action or state as a process and is characterized by such grammatical categories that indicate the relationship of what is being said to the moment of speech, reality, participants in the act of speech, as well as syntactic use in the function of the predicate and a special system of form-building and word-building models (4, c .101).

Verb- this is a part of speech denoting an action and expressing it in the forms of aspect, pledge, mood, time and person. When they say that a verb denotes an action, they mean not only mechanical movement ( walks, runs), but also the state ( sleeping, happy), manifestation of the feature ( turns white), feature change ( turns yellow), relation to something ( respect, love) and so on.

Unlike other parts of speech, the verb denotes a whole procedural situation, the elements of which, in addition to the action, are the subject, object and other participants. The semantic specificity of the verb explains the fact that the verb has the maximum set of syntactic features, that it has the largest number of syntactic links in the sentence. The verb is the organizing center of the sentence (64, p. 214).

Verb as a part of speech, it combines words that have a generalized meaning of the process and express it in certain morphological categories. Common to all verbs is that they represent an action, state, manifestation or change of a sign and other possible meanings of verbal stems as a process. The verb expresses the meaning of the process in terms of aspect, voice, person, mood, tense (65, p., 129).

Action and state can also be expressed by non-verbs ( running, bored, sick), but only the verb is able to express the action and state as a process occurring in time ( I'm running, I'll miss you, I'm sick). The verb denotes movement ( walk, swim), the state of man and nature ( to be sad, to be sad), labor processes ( drill, grind), thought processes ( think, meditate) etc. (65, p. 224).

Verb- one of the most important independent parts of speech, expressing a general categorical meaning - a procedural (that is, developing in time, dynamic) sign of an object (Both women waited, this time fully believing Razumikhin's generalization: and indeed he managed to drag Zosima (Dostoevsky) (58, p. 578).

The verb, like the noun, is a very important part of speech. He talks about actions and states, while the noun only "names" objects and phenomena. This important role of the verb is also emphasized by the Latin name verbum, which means WORD, or SPEECH, also emphasizing it. importance in language.

Verb there is an independent conjugated part of speech, denoting an action or state in their relation to a person or an object and to time; the verb has the grammatical categories of aspect, voice, mood, tense, person, number, and in the past tense, gender; in the past tense, the verb is usually a predicate, although in non-conjugated forms it is also used as other members of the sentence (18, p. 144).

N.S. Valgina gives the following definition:

Verb- this is a category of words that denote an action or state of an object as a process.

The word "process" in this usage has a broad meaning, this word means labor activity, movement, activity of the sense organs, thinking, physical and mental state, change in state ( build, walk, think, sleep, etc.) (63, p.228).

M.F. Lukin calls verb a part of speech that expresses an action as a process and is characterized by the categories of time, type, mood, voice, person, as well as syntactic use in the function of a predicate and a special system of form and word-building models.

Some verbal forms are also characterized by the categories of gender, number, case, or by the invariability of their forms. (31, p. 127).

So, we see that all authors agree that a verb is a part of speech denoting an action or a state that has the categories of aspect, voice, mood, tense, person, number, and in the plural gender. In a sentence, the verb basically acts as a predicate.

The general lexical meaning of the verb is action. The meaning of the action is understood in a broad sense, that is, it means not only the action performed by the object, but also what is done with the object or in what state it is. The processes of action expressed by verbs are heterogeneous in their meaning.

Verbs can be divided into two groups according to their lexical meaning.

The first group - verbs that have the meaning of a specific action of the subject, its work, physical state, formation and change of feature ( walk, sit, sleep, turn yellow).

The second group is verbs denoting abstract actions. Such verbs have the meaning of a qualitatively abstract action or internal state of a person ( suffer, walk).

However, it is difficult to draw a sharp line between these two groups of verbs - between a specific action and physical or internal state, because the lexical feature of the verb lies precisely in the fact that the state is represented as an action that takes place in time. Moreover, lexical differences between these groups are not supported by grammatical differences (31, p. 129).

The verb has its own morphological features, specifically inherent only to it, most of which are related to its semantics:

The present tense indicates that the performance of the action coincides with the moment of speech ( I say, you go, you carry). Only imperfective verbs have the present tense.

The past tense indicates that the action took place before the moment of speech ( read, said). Verbs in the past tense do not change by person, but by gender and number.

The future tense indicates that the action will be carried out after the moment of speech ( I will say I will read), has two forms: simple (synthetic) and complex (analytical). simple form is formed from the stem of the future tense of perfective verbs by adding personal endings to the stem ( bring-y, bring-you). The complex form is formed from imperfective verbs. It consists of personal auxiliary forms verb to be and the indefinite form of the main verb ( I will work, you will work)(66, p. 236).

  • 2. The category of the type characterizes the process of the action in its relation to the internal limit, result, duration, repetition, etc. ( decide-decide to do-do). Imperfect forms are actions that continue, develop, are not limited in any way ( girl recovers). Perfect forms are called limited actions ( girl recovered). At school, species are recognized using questions what to do? what to do?(64, p. 219).
  • 3. The category of inclination expresses the relation to reality established by the speaker. An action can be thought of as a very real fact that took place in the past, is happening in the present, or one that will take place in the future. In this case, the verb is used in the indicative mood ( I say, she told, I will work, I will hear).

The imperative mood expresses an impulse to action, an order, a request, etc. ( Bringbook! Repeatwhat you said; sit downplease here).

The subjunctive mood is used in cases where the action seems possible, desirable or necessary, but not yet carried out, when a request, wish or advice is expressed, but in a milder form than in the imperative mood ( Iwouldwith pleasurewentto the theatre; would helpyou to her!) (67, p. 257).

The active voice means that the action is performed by the subject and is directly directed to the object ( I loveI am the magnificent nature of wilting ...)

The passive voice means that the person or thing that is the subject of the sentence experiences the action of another person or thing that acts as an indirect object in the sentence ( Snow, barely having time to thaw, immediatelycoveredice crust).

The medium return voice means that the action is produced by the subject and returns to the subject itself, is concentrated in the subject itself ( Levin took off his caftan,girdedand tried the freedom of the hands.) (66, p. 228).

1st person singular forms indicate that the action is referring to the speaker ( I to youwriting- what more?)

Forms of the 2nd person singular indicate that the action refers to the interlocutor ( Ado you rememberwe talked about the game...)

Forms of the 3rd person singular indicate that the action is performed by the one about whom (what) is said in the sentence ( Here's to the palm treesfitscaravan).

1st person forms plural indicate that the action is performed by several persons, including the speaker ( Eternal dream in silence Soindulgewe are poets).

The 2nd person plural forms express the action of two or more addressees ( Than you, guests, bargainleadAnd where nowyou are sailing?).

The 3rd person plural forms denote the persons or things being referred to ( They are especiallylovegood poetry in the play) (60, p. 139).

In addition to these categories, the verb has the categories of number and gender, which serve as a means of agreement with the noun. The category of number is common to all verb forms ( singular-wrote, plural-wrote), the category of gender - only separate (past tense, subjunctive mood, participle).

All verb forms are divided into two groups: conjugated (predicative) and non-conjugated (attributive). Conjugated forms include mood, tense, person, number, and gender. They are used only as a predicate ( I know-the city will I would like to live and die in Paris if there were no such land-Moscow).

Non-conjugated forms include the indefinite form (infinitive), participle and participle ( read, reading, reading). Non-conjugated forms either do not change (infinitive, gerund), or change by gender, number and case (participle). In a sentence, they are, as a rule, secondary members ( Lazysittingsleeping, lying downworks; It seems to be majesticpoised the mound guards the steppe) (66, p.225).

Infinitive- this is a dictionary form of the verb that does not have such morphological categories specific to the verb as mood and tense; the infinitive also does not have the grammatical features of person, number, and gender. The lack of characterization (definiteness) in these categories is the basis for calling the infinitive an indefinite form of the verb. In the infinitive, categories of the form only appear (imperfect form - write; perfect view - write) and pledge (actual pledge - wash; passive voice - wash)(58, c.578).

The indefinite form has suffixes characterizing it: -t, -sti, -st, -ti, -ch (lie, lead, put, go, save)(65, p. 579).

Participle- this is a special verb form that names the sign of a person or object according to their action or according to the action that they experience on themselves from another person or object ( a student buying a book; student-purchased book).

The participle combines the grammatical features of a verb and an adjective. The participle is formed from the verb, retains the control inherent in the verb, it has forms of tense, aspect, voice ( buy a book who bought a book). Therefore, the participle is included in the system of verb forms (67, p. 264).

gerund is an invariable verb form denoting an additional action and combining the features of a verb and an adverb (64, c.240).

The participle is included in the system of verb forms because it has the grammatical categories of aspect and voice, and in the sentence it retains the verb control ( take a book-taking a book; come to the table-coming up to the table) 65, p. 184).

In elementary grades, students get acquainted with verbs as a part of speech, which denotes the action of objects and answers questions. what to do? what to do?; study the categories of time (present, past, future), numbers (singular, plural). Also in elementary school, children learn about the indefinite form of the verb, about the conjugation of verbs, form the spelling skill of personal endings of verbs.

Thus, the verb is a special part of speech that denotes an action or state of an object, these meanings are expressed using the categories of aspect, voice, tense, person, mood, a number of verb forms have categories of gender and number, the verb performs in a sentence, mainly the function of the predicate. Special non-conjugated forms of the verb are the infinitive, participle and participle, they act in the sentence, as a rule, in the role of minor members.
