Ogonyok biography. Katya Ogonyok - biography, information, personal life

Fans of Russian chanson know and love this performer very much. Katya Ogonyok, whose biography is like a flash of a bright star, won hearts with her soulful performance, sincerity and touching image. What a pity that fate gave her too few years! How many more masterpieces could she have given to a grateful public if not for this fatal illness.

The birth of a singer

Katya Ogonyok, whose photo is in this article, was born on May 17, 1977. She was also known as Masha Sha, but the real name of the queen of Russian chanson is Penkhasova Kristina Evgenievna. Her family was creative: her father Evgeniy Semyonovich was a musician, for some time he worked with the famous ensemble “Gems”. The mother was a housewife, but before the birth of her daughter she danced in the famous Virsky studio. Singer Katya Ogonyok was born in an urban village, but then the family moved to Kislovodsk for permanent residence.

The beginning of a stellar career

Peers remember Katya as a lively girl, active and energetic. She studied at a regular school and at the same time studied music, ballet and choreography. These skills later came in handy on the big stage. In 1995, the talented girl was noticed by Vyacheslav Klimenkov, who invited her to his new project. Then a new sonorous pseudonym for the singer appeared. Katya Ogonyok, whose biography reminds a good fairy tale, in the same year she began performing on stage and won the Russian chanson competition. After all, her velvety, hoarse voice was ideal for this genre, and “pop” was not interesting to her.

Katya’s first album, which appeared in 1998, included compositions based on poems by Slava Klimenkov. Its name was “White Taiga”, and it enjoyed enormous popularity. A little later, she briefly collaborated with the Lesopoval group, as well as with M. Sheleg and V. Chernyakov. However, subsequent works did not bring her such triumph as her debut. For the whole creative life the singer has released a dozen solo albums and an endless number of collections.

Personal life

Katya Ogonyok, whose biography is beautiful and tragic at the same time, was not officially married. She had a common-law husband, Levan Koyava, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Valeria, in 2001. They lived in Moscow, alternating long tours with a quiet, peaceful life.

The tragic end of the singer's life

Anyone who listens to songs performed by Katya is sure that she died too early. However, a terrible illness tore her from life, leaving the album “You are in my heart” and many other plans unfinished. She left this world on October 24, 2007 in the intensive care unit of one of the capital’s clinics. Doctors would later name the cause of death - heart failure, but her strength was undermined by exhausting work without rest and normal living conditions. Without sparing herself, Katya Ogonyok, whose biography we discussed above, gave charity concerts, traveled to prisons, comforting the disadvantaged and those who had stumbled, and donated money to them.

She was only thirty when she left us. She went into another world, but not into oblivion. After all, her songs still excite the listener, incite optimism, and captivate with soulfulness. The star was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in Moscow. And to this day, her most devoted fans bring fresh flowers to her grave.

Myths about Katya Ogonyok appeared during her lifetime, fans discussed the fictional biography of the Russian chanson star, various rumors also circulated regarding the cause of the singer’s death, and in her photo many tried to discern traces of alcohol abuse. Last fall marked 10 years since Katya’s death, many myths have been debunked, but interest in her personal life does not fade.

Kristina Penkhasova (Bogdanova), known as Katya Ogonyok, was born on May 17, 1977 in the family of a musician from the Gems ensemble and a dancer. Kristina lived in her native village of Dzhubga (Krasnodar Territory) for 6 years, and her school years took place in Kislovodsk, where, in parallel with general education, the girl graduated from music and choreography school.

She inherited the talents of her mother and father, but since childhood she loved singing more than dancing.

At the age of 16, the girl set off to conquer the capital. Her family supported her, her parents sold their home in Kislovodsk and moved to Moscow.

Katya and Dyumin

The aspiring singer performed and recorded songs, first as Kristina Pozharskaya, then as Masha Sha. And Katya Ogonyok was born in 1998.

It is the word “born” that is most appropriate here, since it is not just a pseudonym, but an image, an independent personality with a biography that differs from the biography of Kristina Penkhasova.

The life of Christina herself was not easy; the fame of the queen of Russian chanson did not bring her much wealth. From a young age, the girl was the main breadwinner in the family. The parents took care of their granddaughter Lera, because the girl’s father did not take a particularly active part in her upbringing. But despite quite difficult life Christina, contrary to rumors, never spent time in prison.

Katya and poet Eduard Kuznetsov

The legend that Katya Ogonyok is a former prisoner was invented by her producer. This is exactly the kind of biography that suited the performer of criminal songs.

According to this legend, Katya went to prison as the culprit of an accident in which several people died, spent two and a half years in prison and was released under an amnesty. At the prison amateur club, she recorded several songs on a tape recorder, and her father took this recording to the Soyuz Production company. The hoarse voice of the young prisoner impressed the producers, and they visited her in prison, where Katya’s debut album “White Taiga” was recorded. And after her release, she continued her career as a singer in the chanson genre.

Katya Ogonyok and Sergey Kuprik

Although after the singer’s death the legend about her prison past was refuted by the producer, many still do not separate the real person, Kristina Pozharskaya, and the fictional character, Katya Ogonyok. Yes, the singer herself became accustomed to her stage image; the pseudonym Ogonyok reflected her nature in the best possible way.

Katya was a very bright person and at the same time had a hot temperament. It was in the image of Katya Ogonyok that she reached the heights of her creative career and became a popular favorite.

Music career

In 1995, Christina won the competition from Soyuz Production. The first notable project within the framework of work for this company was the album “Misha + Masha = SHA!”, recorded together with Mikhail Sheleg in 1998.

Katya in the studio of radio "Chanson"

A little later, a second album appeared, the songs of which were also distinguished by rough humor of a sexual nature. The girl performed under the provocative pseudonym Masha Sha for 3 years, then the promotion of another project began and a new pseudonym was needed.

Prison songs and criminal lyrics have always been popular in Russia, but it was a traditionally male genre. With Katya Ogonyok a new era of Russian chanson began, her songs about the fate of women prisoners, about worries and sorrows, simple joys sounded soulful.

Katya suffered from epilepsy since childhood

Rumors about her prison experience, which the singer herself did not deny, contributed to the growth of her popularity.

Katya Ogonyok's first 2 albums were recorded together with Vyacheslav Klimenkov, producer and co-performer. Since 2000, she has worked under the guidance of producer Vladimir Chernyakov. Over the years musical career the performer wrote:

  • 2 albums as Masha Sha;
  • 21 albums as Katya Ogonyok. The first, “White Taiga,” appeared in 1998, and the last, “In My Heart,” was released after the performer’s death, in 2008.

But fans who preferred to listen to her live. Katya's concert schedule was very busy, she never canceled performances, and was a very responsible person. Perhaps precisely because the singer devoted a lot of effort to her work, her personal life was not particularly successful.

Personal life

Almost nothing is known about Katya’s (Kristina) first husband except his last name (Bogdanov). They had been friends since school and got married when the guy returned from the army, and Christina herself was only 19.

Katya with her mother, daughter and common-law spouse

The marriage lasted 3 years, and then Katya Ogonyok met Levan Koyav, the next important event in her biography was the birth of her daughter Valeria.

The birth of a child did not force Levan to legalize his relationship with common-law wife. And after her death, when a memorial obelisk was erected at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in Balashikha, where Katya was buried, he did not even appear at the ceremony.

Katya Ogonyok with her daughter and Levan Koyava

According to Elena Bader, a close friend of the late Katya’s family, she was always a support for her loved ones, but she herself could not find a reliable male shoulder to lean on. Katya loved her daughter very much and tried to devote every free minute to her. But concerts and tours took up too much time, the singer did not stop performing almost until the birth, and only a few weeks after Lera’s birth she returned to the stage.

Valeria, who lost her mother at the age of 6, recorded the song “Veterok”, dedicated to her memory, at the age of 11. Recently the girl started solo career under the pseudonym Lera Ogonyok. In the photo, Lera looks very much like her mother in her youth. Latest news about an aspiring singer who is supported by Elena Bader and Lyudmila Sharonova: her song “Chamomile” was released in September 2017.

Katya's adult daughter. The girl looks strikingly like her mother

It’s interesting that Katya herself jokingly called her little daughter Lera Fitilek. Here are some more interesting facts from the singer’s life:

  • The first professional recording of songs was made by 14-year-old Christina with the assistance of her father. Alexander Kalyanov heard a chanson performed by a teenage girl, and it was he who recommended Christina’s parents to take up their daughter’s vocal career;
  • 16-year-old Christina’s debut on the stage was a performance in a duet with Zhenya Belousov;
  • one of Katya Ogonyok’s albums was included in the “Legends of Russian Chanson” series;
  • the popular performer never received excess income, but always provided financial support to those in need. In particular, she helped children from orphanages and prisoners;
  • Katya's favorite drink was always light dry wine, and rumors attributed her to alcohol and drug abuse; many called the cause of the singer’s death cirrhosis.

Death of Katya Ogonyok

On October 24, 2007, fans of Katya Ogonyok were shocked: this day was the last in the singer’s short biography. Everyone was interested in the reasons for the death of the 30-year-old queen of chanson; numerous comments from grieving listeners appeared under her photos and videos online.

Katya's family after her death

She died of cardiac arrest. Before this, she spent 6 days in intensive care, where she was admitted after an attack of epilepsy, which she had suffered since childhood.

Relatives explain Katya’s early death due to her busy work schedule and the fact that she took everything to heart and kept it to herself, never cried or complained.

At the grave of Katya Ogonyok there is a monument with a photo in full height appeared only 3 years after the funeral. Many fans gathered at its opening ceremony.

The monument at Katya’s grave was erected three years after her death

Kristina Penkhasova-Pozharskaya lived only 30 years. The life of her stage image, Katya Ogonyok, turned out to be even shorter, a person with a fictional biography who in 9 years managed to become a legend; fans are still discussing the circumstances of her life and the causes of death, remembering the singer, looking at her photo and listening to songs.

The biography of Katya Ogonyok and the cause of her death are of interest to fans of the performer. She is known for performing chanson. Many different events happened in her biography and personal life. The singer’s songs are still relevant today, and Katya is spoken of as a kind and bright person. Despite the fact that chanson is a genre performed predominantly by men, Katya was able to win the love of many connoisseurs.

Katya Ogonyok: biography

The performer's real name is Kristina Penkhasova. Born in an urban village in the Krasnodar region. Her parents had creative professions - her father was a musician, her mother danced professionally. At the age of 6, Kristina and her parents needed to move to another city - Kislovodsk.

There the girl went to study at a music school and also studied choreography. Christina's parents wanted the girl to follow in their footsteps and become an artist. WITH early childhood Katya was taught to listen to good compositions - her father chose songs only by artists known throughout the world.

From an early age, Katya knew jazz well, as well as classical compositions. When she was a teenager, she often took part in performances and performed compositions in local musical groups, revealing her talent. However, her academic performance was not good and neither was her behavior.

Katya Ogonyok’s professional biography includes many events; the cause of her death is of interest to fans of the chansonnier. The most likely cause, according to press reports, is liver and heart disease.


When Christina was 16 years old, she went to live in the capital. Her father was able to agree with A. Shaganov to record a song for Christina. Then she was able to perform her debut song with famous singer E. Belousov. The girl was shown on TV for the first time. After a successful performance, composer Morozov drew attention to Christina. He invited her to collaborate, and as a result, after a while, their debut album was released, which quickly gained popularity.

For some time the girl performed compositions in the style of pop music, but later she chose chanson as her main genre, which was closer to her due to her rebellious nature. Since the mid-nineties, she began collaborating with M. Sheleg. Her pseudonym is Masha Sha. The performers released two albums.

The performer became famous when she began collaborating with V. Klimenkov. He invited her to the White Taiga project. At the end of the 90s, the singer acquired a new pseudonym, under which she is still known - Katya Ogonyok. She had an invented criminal past.

The collection of songs “White Taiga” in two parts became relevant and was liked by the public. Katya became truly famous. Her performances delighted people, and her concerts drew full houses. The public loved Katya for her songs, which were close to almost everyone, for her hoarse voice. After some time, Katya managed to release several albums and go on numerous tours.

Personal life

In her youth, Katya was fond of martial arts, she liked women's boxing. She got married at 19 years old. Her husband was her childhood friend, whom she was expecting from the army. The young couple lived together for two years, after which they separated. After some time, the couple officially filed for divorce. After this event, there were no official marriages in Christina’s personal life.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Katya gave birth to a daughter from former boxer with whom she lived together. The girl was named Valeria. Subsequently, she followed in her mother’s footsteps and became a performer.

She was raised by the singer's mother and father. Last years In her personal life, the singer heavily abused alcohol together with her common-law husband. Perhaps the craving for alcohol caused the singer’s death.

The singer's criminal past

In the performer's biography you can find information about her criminal past. In some interviews she talked about prison. She did not speak very willingly on this topic, but said that she was convicted under Art. 211. According to her, there is nothing wrong with this.

There was one story that happened to her that was connected with a vehicle.

Katya was imprisoned for 2 years, after which she was released. This happened because she did not behave well, but because of her creativity. Subsequently, it turned out that the story of the place of imprisonment turned out to be a fiction that every chansonnier needs.

Cause of death

According to media reports, the cause of death was lung disease. There is another version that explains why famous singer died - epilepsy. The performer's producer said that Katya was treated as an inpatient for several days, after which she felt better. After some time, she passed away. The news of his death came as a surprise to fans of the chansonnier’s work.

One of the most likely causes of death was cirrhosis of the liver, which caused pulmonary edema and subsequent death. The woman's funeral took place at a cemetery in Moscow. Date of death – October 24, 2007.


The first discs with the singer's recordings were released under the pseudonym Masha Sha. The songs were of an erotic genre. Afterwards the pseudonym was changed, and the songs belonged to the genre of classical chanson. Under the name Katya Ogonyok, the first two albums “White Taiga” were released. Most of the compositions are songs about prison, loneliness, and sadness.

In the 90s, compositions were relevant and in demand. Since 2000, the singer has a new producer. Under his leadership, eight collections were published, which include Christina’s songs.

Katya Ogonyok (real name Kristina Evgenievna Penkhasova). Born on May 17, 1977 in the village. Dzhubga (Krasnodar Territory) - died on October 24, 2007 in Moscow. Russian singer, chanson performer.

Kristina Pozharskaya (Penkhasova) was born in the village of Dzhubga, Tuapse district, Krasnodar region. Then the family moved to live in Kislovodsk.

Mother - Tamara Ivanovna, a dancer - danced in Virsky's studio. Father - Evgeniy Semyonovich, musician, worked with the Gems ensemble.

Graduated from 9th grade high school, as well as music and choreographic schools in Kislovodsk. I did poorly at school. “The teachers must have crossed themselves when they handed me a document indicating the end of their torment,” she said.

“At school I talked mainly with boys and I can list variations on the theme of school dirty tricks endlessly. For example, in winter you break several hot radiators raw eggs, literally in a couple of hours it is impossible to be at school. Thus, a two-day vacation is guaranteed for everyone. Once I went into the teachers' room and burned the class magazine. They got away with even this, they must have not wanted to lose the school “artist”. I took a very active part in school amateur performances, sang and danced,” she recalled.

Her father was friends with the famous songwriter Alexander Shaganov, who came to visit him, and one day Christina’s dad persuaded his friend to write a song for his daughter. Then an album was recorded, where the singer sang songs in a smoke-free child’s voice. The album turned out to be of no use to anyone, but Christina’s work experience came in handy when she moved to Moscow.

At the age of 16 she moved to Moscow.

“It was Moscow that taught me to smoke and drink wine and made me an adult,” noted the artist.

She worked with Shaganov for several years and released an album. Then she sang pop music, but already at that time she began to take a closer look at Russian chanson.

She performed as part of the group “10 A”. For some time she worked in Mikhail Tanich’s group “Lesopoval”. However, relations with the team, despite the support of Tanich himself, did not work out.

In 1995, Soyuz Production began preparing a project in the genre of Russian chanson. A competition was announced among performers and Christina won the competition and began performing in the project. Since then, she has performed songs in this genre (initially under the pseudonym Masha Sha, then Katya Ogonyok). She toured a lot and released several albums.

Katya Ogonyok - Escort

First, discs with “hard” humor were released under the pseudonym Masha Sha: “Misha + Masha = Sha!!!” and “Masha-sha - Rubber Vanyusha”, in collaboration with, who in these albums took the pseudonym “Misha Sha”.

The songs from the albums “White Taiga I” and “White Taiga II”, created in collaboration with Vyacheslav Klimenkov, already belong to that genre, to that direction of Russian chanson, which will become the main one in the work of Katya Ogonyok for years to come. Many of them are prison, convict songs, but there are also songs about simple, human things - about love and separation, fidelity and sadness, the loneliness of a person before life. Two songs from these two albums were sung by V. Klimenkov: “The Bonfire” and “The Soul Is Sick.” The songs “Thief”, “Black, Black Sea” are performed by Vyacheslav Klimenkov and Katya Ogonyok together, the rest are performed by Katya Ogonyok.

Music from the song “Khakinsk” still plays (as background music) in every episode of the radio program for prisoners “Kalina Krasnaya,” broadcast weekly on Radio Russia.

In the “Legends of Russian Chanson” series, Katya Ogonyok’s disc (volume 5) was also released in 1999. There were no new songs in it, only those already released in the albums “White Taiga I” and “White Taiga II”, perhaps in slightly different arrangements. But the next album, “Calling from the Zone,” consisted entirely of musical premieres. Then again an album of remixes was released, then again new items in the album “Through the Years” (2000) with the song “Zhigan”, the hero of which, as Katya Ogonyok said in one of her interviews, became her favorite hero of her songs.

In 2000, producer Vladimir Chernyakov began working with Katya. 8 albums were recorded under his leadership.

Katya Ogonyok - Zhigan

In a number of early interviews, the singer claimed that she was allegedly serving a sentence in prison. In fact, a special “legend” was invented for Katya Ogonyok, designed to increase her popularity among listeners of “blatnyak” - in an interview she said that in her youth she was convicted under part two of Article 211 (hijacking an aircraft, water transport or railway rolling stock) , and allegedly served more than two years. She said that she received an amnesty “for good singing” - she sang in places of detention in local amateur performances.

“There I recorded some songs on a cassette recorder, mostly pop hits, and passed them on to my parents. My dad took this tape to Moscow, showed it to the producers from Soyuz Production. They became interested in me and came to the zone with a professional port studio, where, having received permission, we recorded the album “White Taiga” for two weeks. I performed songs by Slava Klimenkov, a Moscow author, written especially for me. There were four months left before release,” the singer said. But this, we repeat, is only a legend for the development of the stage image.

Subsequently, the singer stopped mentioning the “prison experience,” and producer V. Chernyakov finally refuted this legend after the singer’s death.

Everyone who knew Katya Ogonyok noted her modesty. Vladimir Okunev said: “Katya didn’t earn that much. She lived in Moscow in a rented apartment and supported her parents. Katya was a simple Russian woman (although she also had Jewish roots) and no one noticed any stardom behind her.”

When asked about her musical preferences, Katya answered: “I like to listen to Al Gerol, Steve Wonder, Ella Fitzgerald... I sang their compositions in my youth. And at the same time, I adore Lydia Ruslanova. In general, I love it on the stage strong people, bright personalities. The weak usually dissolve in this life. This means you have to be strong.”

Katya Ogonyok - I'm jealous of you

She was fond of martial arts, in particular women's boxing.

Katya Ogonyok died in Moscow on the morning of October 24, 2007 from pulmonary edema and acute heart failure, probably caused by cirrhosis of the liver (according to other reports, she suffered from epilepsy and was hospitalized after an attack).

“She was in the hospital for some time, and they already thought that everything was getting better, but, as you can see, they were mistaken. As far as I know, she had some illnesses for a long time, from which, unfortunately, she could not get out This year we celebrated her thirtieth birthday, and, of course, no one could have imagined how everything would turn out,” said the director of Chanson radio, Artur Vasin, at the time.

She was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery in Moscow.

In October 2010, a monument was erected at the singer’s grave, to raise funds for the installation of which Katya Ogonyok’s father organized a concert in Krasnogorsk near Moscow.

In June 2013, in the Mir concert hall, producer and official representative of the family, Elena Bader, organized a concert in memory of Katya Ogonyok, the funds from which went to support Katya Ogonyok’s family.

On May 17, 2016, a concert was held in memory of Katya Ogonyok in honor of her birthday, organized by Elena Bader and actress and singer Lyudmila Sharonova. At this concert, the premiere of the second song of Katya Ogonyok’s daughter, Lera Ogonyok, entitled “Wish,” took place.

Katya Ogonyok's height: 157 centimeters.

Personal life of Katya Ogonyok:

She was married and gave birth to a daughter, Valeria, in 2001.

“If we talk about first love, then I didn’t even have it as such. At least, I don’t remember that, like other girls, I cried into my pillow. All kinds of suffering had already come to me by the age of twenty, when I had first divorce from my husband, maybe, by the way, this was my first love, I was waiting for my husband to return from the army, although what kind of love is there at 19 years old, still a girl, it was just a habit. White dress, wedding - I wanted to try it. In general, I tried for 2 years, although we were officially married for 3 years. Then another person appeared, and my husband and I divorced,” said the artist.

She was in a civil marriage with former boxer Levan Koyava.

Daughter Lera, with the support of Elena Bader and the Soyuz Production company, recorded a song in the style of chanson, which she dedicated to the memory of her mother. The official representative of Katya Ogonyok’s family is now Elena Bader, who is also the director and producer of Lera Ogonyok.

Lera Ogonyok - Wind-breeze

Katya Ogonyok's parents - Tamara Ivanovna and Evgeniy Semenovich Penkhasov - are sure that their daughter was practically killed.

The discussion in the studio during the recording of the television program was heated, the dialogues reached the point of direct insults. By the end of the program, passions had heated up to such an extent that Katya’s mother Tamara Ivanovna had to call a doctor. It turned out that not only the death of Ogonyok raises many questions.

The singer’s fees mysteriously evaporated somewhere. In addition, Katya Ogonyok often worked for much less money than she was entitled to. “She was constantly deceived,” confirmed program guest Willy Tokarev. Could it have been different if the singer’s financial affairs were in charge of a person who had nothing to do with show business and had absolutely no understanding of concert activities? This led to the fact that there was nothing to bury the chanson star with. They collected, as they say, from the world, piece by piece. “Levon didn’t want to work, but he squeezed all the juice out of Katya,” Ogonyok’s mother exclaimed in her hearts.

Seeing the conditions in which the queen of chanson lived, many of those present were speechless. In common parlance, such an apartment is called a homeless apartment. Being a sought-after singer, Katya Ogonyok was unable not only to buy a home for herself, but even to renovate it. rented apartment. How is this possible? For all of the above, as well as for the death of Ogonyok, the singer’s parents blame her common-law husband Levon, from whom Katya gave birth to a daughter, Valeria. According to Tamara Ivanovna, Levon himself abused alcohol and did not restrain his wife. Levon constantly went on tour with Ogonyok and was not able to control Katya’s endless banquets, where the singer was invited with enviable regularity.

Katya Ogonyok - Victim of chanson. Let them talk

Even more shocking was another confession from the parents. Already when Katya was in intensive care, Levon asked the doctor treating her to get the singer back on her feet as soon as possible. In a couple of days, Katya had to go to concerts, for which Levon had already received an advance payment. Cynical, but true. On the eve of these concerts, Katya died.

The singer’s parents said that Ogonyok was treated by a doctor with whom the singer’s common-law husband had been friends for many years. At first there was a suspicion of liver cirrhosis, and then Katya was admitted to the cardiology department. When Tamara Ivanovna saw her late daughter, she was surprised by the terrible swelling of Katya’s face.

“It looks more like asphyxia than cardiac arrest,” Katya’s mother said with tears in her eyes. And Father Evgeniy Semenovich frantically repeated: “This bastard killed her. I'll definitely figure it out. They deprived us of our daughter." All Malakhov’s guests agreed that Katya was ruined by the concert race and an unhealthy lifestyle. Trying to somehow justify himself, Levon told Ogonyok’s colleagues: “Yes, each of you once brought her a glass.”

Throughout her creative career, Katya Ogonyok swam with the flow. By and large, no one really dealt with it. At first she tried to become a pop singer and performed under the pseudonym Kristina Pozharskaya, leaving her real name. At various stages, composers Alexander Shaganov, Alexander Morozov and others tried to help her. But it didn’t work out with pop music. But in the chanson, Katya Ogonyok sparkled - so much so that she managed to move her off the pedestal.

True, for some reason Ogonyok did not perform at decent venues, but mostly shone in front of prisoners. Katya was invited three times to the Kremlin Palace of Congresses for chanson concerts, but each time at the last moment her name was crossed out. Are two queens cramped in one concert or is it just a coincidence? Nevertheless, for some reason singer Lyubov Uspenskaya did not come to the filming of Malakhov’s program, although she was invited.

A little later, Katya even heard rumors that Lyuba harbored a grudge against her. Katya Ogonyok, of course, was a truth-teller and was not shy about saying whatever she thought. But she never said a single bad word to Uspenskaya. The queen of chanson died a beggar and a truly lonely person at heart, whose only joy was the stage and her daughter.

Discography of Katya Ogonyok:

1998 - “Misha + Masha = Sha!!!”
1998 - “Masha-sha - Rubber Vanyusha”
1998 - “White Taiga I”
1999 - “White Taiga II”
1999 - “Legends of Russian Chanson. Volume 5"
2000 - “Calling from the zone”
2000 - “Remixes”
2000 - “Through the Years”
2001 - “The Road Home”
2001 - “The Road of My Life”
2001 - “Road Romance”
2002 - “Commandment”
2003 - “Refugees”
2003 - “Debut album”
2004 - “Kiss”
2004 - “Tattoo girl”
2005 - “Katya”
2006 - “Bitter Honey”
2006 - “Happy Birthday, Koresh!”
2006 - “A for the Tramp”
2007 - “Eternal Sorrow”
2007 - “Applause and Flowers”
2008 - “In my heart”

Katya Ogonyok is one of the most famous women performing chanson. She was loved and still loved by a huge number of listeners, because this woman was not only a talented singer, but also simply a good and kind person, with whom you could have a heart-to-heart talk and discuss all your problems and successes.

Youth of Katya Ogonyok

Katya Ogonyok (her biography is short, but interesting and bright) was born on May 17, 1977 in the village of Dzhubga. Her real name is Penkhasova Kristina Evgenievna. The singer's mother was a dancer, and her father was a musician. The girl graduated from 9 classes, after which she began to study at music and choreographic schools in the city of Kislovodsk.

Christina's father was friends with a songwriter who was very famous and popular at that time. This is Alexander Shaganov. One day, Evgeny Semyonovich persuaded his friend to write a song for his talented daughter. Over time, little Christina already recorded an album. It should be noted that at that time the voice of the aspiring performer was still childish and not smoky. Unfortunately, this album was not needed by anyone, but Katya Ogonyok’s experience in this matter did not hinder her.

A bright personality, whose life was full of adventures, but ended very early, was Katya Ogonyok. The woman's biography is quite interesting. She tells how it began creative path singer, what events she had to endure, and why the life of the famous singer was cut short so early.

Moving to Moscow

At the age of 16, Katya Ogonyok moved to Moscow and began performing songs in the pop music genre. For a short time, the singer worked in a group called “Lesopoval”, but due to unsettled relations with the team, the lead singer was forced to leave the group.

In 1995, Katya Ogonyok took part in a project that announced a recruitment of chanson performers. The future singer won the competition, after which she began performing in the project. It was after participating in it that Katya began performing songs in this genre, touring a lot, and gained popularity and fame. At first, the singer chose the pseudonym Masha Sha, but later changed it to the well-known Katya Ogonyok.

The performer, whose voice is familiar to almost every fan of the genre, is Katya Ogonyok. The biography of a celebrity will help every fan of her work learn about how the singer lived her life, what events happened in her, how she came on stage and any other questions that interest him.

Masha Sha

When the singer sang under the pseudonym Masha Sha, her songs were distinguished by their emphasis on sexual themes. Almost all of her compositions contained erotic humor, but it is worth saying that in 1988 Katya decided to change her pseudonym and stopped performing such songs.

The fiery actress, whose songs touch every listener, is still the same Katya Ogonyok. Biography, photos, significant events, etc. have always been and are still of interest to fans of the young woman’s work. It must be said that she deserved such attention, because Katya Ogonyok was truly talented.

The singer's criminal past

Katya's popularity grew at breakneck speed, every year she became more and more popular and well-known not only among ordinary listeners and fans, but also among her colleagues. It is worth saying that in some of her interviews Katya Ogonyok spoke about “places of deprivation of liberty.” The chanson performer did not like to talk about these topics, but said that she was convicted under Article 211, part 1, but later she was convicted under article 3. Ogonyok says that there is absolutely nothing scary in this article. An unpleasant story happened in her life, which was connected with a car. Katya spent 2 years in prison, after which she was granted an amnesty. As the singer herself says: “This happened, most likely, not because good behavior, but because of good singing." However, as it turned out later, it was just a legend, which is so necessary for every performer of this genre.

Throughout her short life, Katya Ogonyok performed music in the chanson genre. The woman’s biography will help every fan of her work understand how the singer became so famous and popular, what events happened in her life.

Famous singer Katya Ogonyok: biography, death

It is worth saying that Katya’s life was quite bright, emotional, but, unfortunately, short-lived. The famous chanson performer died at the age of 30, on October 24, 2007. Her death became a tragedy not only for Katya’s family and friends, but also for lovers of the work of the cheerful and beloved singer.

Katya Ogonyok: biography, cause of death of the singer

The public's favorite died due to pulmonary edema, which was caused by heart failure. According to another version, the famous singer suffered from epilepsy since childhood and was hospitalized after another attack. The woman’s producer said that Katya spent 5 days in the hospital and was recovering. However, unfortunately, the disease turned out to be stronger than her.

The singer has a daughter, Valeria, who is already taking her first steps on stage. She, like her mother, also dreams of singing and has already recorded several compositions in the chanson style. Among them there is a song dedicated to my beloved mother...
