Your personal (personal) image, image formation. What is a personal image and how is it formed

We will continue to deal with the letters of the image.

The first letters (D or S) determine whether you are a hard or soft type.

Hard types (D, dominant, because they look dangerous) have hard facial features, so everything hard suits them: hard figures, hard styles, hard fabrics, hard boundaries in communication.

Soft types (C, submissive, because they look safe) have soft features, so everything soft suits them: soft contours of figures, soft styles, soft tissues, soft boundaries in communication.

If the hard type chooses soft fabrics and styles for clothing or hair with soft contours, this type looks ugly. Something in him is not right, some kind of weakness, dependence. This is due to the dissonance of facial features, according to which others associate a person with the archetype (D) and his presentation, that is, the image.

Dissonance in this case does not create a hook, it causes a feeling that a person does not accept himself, does not love or does not see. His vision of himself is at odds with the objective image, as if a person is hiding in someone else's image.

So women with hard features, laying blond soft curls around their cheeks, look ugly. They see themselves as much more tender than they are, they don't like their hard features, they hide them, they give up on themselves. It makes them pathetic.

The same goes for soft facial expressions on a hard face. This is especially evident in men. If a pronounced D-type man tries to smile softly and raise his eyebrows, he looks stupid and his face does not look beautiful, even if he has the right features.

C-types do not suit the image of D, it makes them rustic, although they want to embody the elegance and rigor that the D-image gives to real D-types. They see beautiful D-types, they like them, they pull their image on themselves, but someone else's, inappropriate image sits badly.

This is especially noticeable when we see, for example, a pronounced SMS with a beard (a real beard, not a small beard) or SZD in strict thick-rimmed glasses.

Very often we cannot understand what is wrong in a person, because there is too much of everything mixed in him. His facial expressions are C, so we don’t see features D, it seems to us that he has children’s eyes and a child’s smile, and in the middle there is a big nose. And it seems to us that D-things do not suit him, but we do not understand why. Or his figure and facial expression are rigid, so we cannot catch the C trait, it seems to us that we have a D-type, which does not suit the D-image. Or we do not see the first letter at all, but we see a mixture. There are mixed types, but before you classify yourself as a mixed type, decide whether your image is really so good and harmonious in order to assert yourself as a beautiful mixed type. If the image does not suit you, perhaps what seems to be a mixture of type is a burdomes in the image, and for beauty, you better head towards one of the letters, the one whose features are most difficult to change.

The easiest way is to change the hairstyle and clothes, and the behavior, facial expressions and figure are more difficult, but also possible. Individual facial features often magically change when a person changes their hairstyle, the shape of their eyebrows and learns a different facial expression, and most importantly, when a different image begins to look out of their eyes.

Working on the inner image is the most important part of the image, but it is a big mistake to start from the “inner self” from the very beginning. This is the part that you can and should work on, which can and should be changed, in any case, improved. The "inner self" must be built and this self can be expressed in very different ways. You can not perceive the internal image as something static, given once and for all by nature. From nature, you are given the proportions of the face and some of the proportions of the body. From this we must build on, looking for a harmonious style.

I have seen many times how people, talking about the first letters, say: "He is so soft, and it suits him, so he is C" or "Her rigid boundaries look organic." This is completely optional. If a person has D-behavior and D-clothing, he may appear D, although his features are much closer to S. But he will be ugly D, he will be weak D, he will not receive charisma in this image, although he may look nothing. C-type can look good in D-image if he has taste and sense of style. Only people with bad taste have a disgusting image, everyone else has a normal one. But if you want to not just look good, but strive for an ideal image, it is important for you to see your type outside the rest of the image, to see the blank itself, the constitution, the original potential. And work with this potential.

If you have decided on the letters, you can change everything else in their direction.

Please note that the first letter in the image determines the very form and design: figures, hairstyles, clothes and behavior. The last letter shows the content and details. Color, genre, message, accents - all this is the last letter.

The last letter is parent and child. The parent letter (M, maternal type, and O, paternal type) brings warmth into the image, the child letter (D, child type, C, son type) brings coldness into the image.

Parent types are warmer shades, child types are cold. When combining two letters, we can almost accurately determine which color will go to the type. For parents - dark warm shades, for children - dark cold shades, for parents - light warm shades, for children - light cold shades.

DMOs sometimes look silly in white suits, and SMS in dark brown, JM may not go light blue, and SZD look so-so in dark red. Although it all depends on the shades and combinations.

Many people think that in determining the color type, one should start from the natural color of hair, skin and eyes. To some extent, yes, but the color of the eyes varies significantly from the color of clothing and hair color, as well as from mood, not to mention cosmetics. Hair color is easier to change than the shape of the nose and chin (although the chin can be visually changed, especially for men with a beard). Focusing on the choice of colors is better on facial features, and everything else is just taken into account. Separate color inconsistencies can give interesting color accents if the overall image and color are in harmony and if the accents are justified.

Why is it so unpleasant to look at "rejuvenating women" (rejuvenating with the help of physical education and healthy lifestyle life is very pleasant, but for young people with the help of clothes and other tricks of the image - no)? These are women of an obvious maternal type who want to pass themselves off as young girls. It seems to everyone that they, like stowaways, want to ride (on a man's neck) like a hare, when they are supposed to be able to and have something themselves, to share something.

Strenuously young men look almost as pitiful. Some details in the image, saying that an adult man leads an active lifestyle and has not lost his creativity, please us, but the uncle's attempt to impersonate a carefree and irresponsible youngster is annoying. Silly jokes that cause inscriptions on T-shirts, chewing gum in the mouth, extravagant cut or coloring of trousers - all this can strain the image of CMO and especially DMO. He looks like a clown, he is not credible. He's in his 40s or 50s and still imagines himself as a teenager.

The parent letter imposes responsibility. This is a giving letter, warm, patronizing, and we want to see that a person likes this role, that he has something to give and he loves to give. But the obvious childish type, who is trying to look too solid and patronizing, causes us bewilderment. He looks comical: so young and so presumptuous. For now, he needs to learn from adults, acquire something, save, take, without embarrassment, and not imagine himself in an important parental role.

Therefore, SZD or SMS with a strict facial expression look so dull, and wearing strict clothes, they seem boring. There is little spontaneity in them: they have nothing to give yet, and they refuse to take because of extra ambitions ("I'm already big", "I'm already so smart", "I can do everything myself"). And where is the charm of youth: inquisitiveness and readiness to absorb new experience?

Yes, boredom is more forgiven for child types than excess playfulness for adult types, because the former do not take what they could take, and the latter do not give what they should give. The second is worse. The second is annoying. But the first one does not cause sympathy.

Not only the age determines the last letter (parent or child), although the age mostly. There is a considerable category of people who have a parental letter from a young age, and there are people who keep their children's for quite a long time. This happens when a person’s constitution is slender or, on the contrary, massive (both the body and facial features), but this should not be confused with being overweight. If you want to have a perfect image, you need to get rid of excess weight. But early baldness in C-men puts them in the category of a parent letter (with DMS, bald people are easier). The SZD has the same large breasts, such a girl does not look like a teenage girl, even having young facial features (again, it is easier with the SZD). As you can see, C mature earlier, D mature later. That is, VMIs and Children's Railways at the age of 40 sometimes happen, but SMS and SZD do not.

But having learned that it is possible to be a Children's Railway at the age of forty, one should not automatically classify oneself as one of them. You need to look in the mirror, how much you look like a young girl, are you, for example, slim enough for this. And even if you're a 40-year-old JJ, you can't afford to wear short shorts to a public party if you don't want to look like a freak. You are still approaching the border of the JM, and only the youngest and most tender JD, similar to the SJD, can wear the clothes of young girls (the pronounced D hinders others). That is, a child's letter turns into a parent letter not at one moment, but gradually. You are still SZD, but already approaching SZHM and this should be taken into account in your image, you are still DMS, but you are not 20 years old, but 40, so reduce the challenge in appearance, if not to the level of DMO, but closer to it.

In behavior, the last letter is expressed as a decrease in requests for attention and guardianship. Emotional JD looks organic, but too emotional JM is stupid, and even SZHM is so-so. The closer to the parent letter, the less verbose you should become, the more attentive to others (without adjustments from below, this does not go to parent types, even C), your arguments should be more weighty. You should ask less, make excuses less, prove something less. Surprisingly, what is charm for a child letter is a failure for a parent letter. Internal fulfillment is expected from you, you seem wise and experienced, so any of your too emotional outburst is disappointing. But the child type does not, because no wisdom is expected from them.

Therefore, it is difficult for women to accept their parental letter, because they do not know any other scenario for sexual intercourse with men, except for “daughter and daddy” (a relic of patriarchy + their own infantilism). It seems to them that if they look strong and experienced, there will be no sexual charm in them at all, they will move into the friend zone (fighting girlfriend) or worse than the service zone (mother), but this is because most women have an underdeveloped Animus. The animus is a man's inner view of his femininity, which evaluates whether a woman is attractive enough.

The animus of most women is inscribed in the scenario "Masha and the Bear" or "Girl and Wolf", this is the dominant animal principle. As long as your Animus is a brutish animal, you perceive your sexuality as something that men can eat and prey on. Because of this, the only image that seems sexy to most women is SZD, and if a woman does not fit the parameters (constitution or age), she begins to reshape herself with plastic surgeons (it turns out badly). All four types of image try to look like SZD, and only real SZD look good in this image, but they often go on strike and try to look like D, because the "wolf" and "bear" seem dangerous and they want to defend themselves.

You need to develop your Animus, make him kinder, smarter and more humane, and learn to see different types female sexuality, especially subjective. I'll tell you how, but if someone has thoughts, try to formulate. Don't project your Animus' flaws onto real men. It's like some text messages are sure that women only love DMO, although any woman knows how attractive SMS can be if they are spontaneous enough, if they are not stiff and smiling. Exactly the same with JM and SZHM. Men love adult women, but they don't like dull women, which adult women often turn into when they can't look like SZD, as they are used to. Beauty has thousands of forms, and not just one image that many try to pull on themselves.

As usual in such topics, I suggest looking for pictures that illustrate successful images (by the first and last letter) and unsuccessful ones. You can also take your own photos, especially good ones. Pay attention to the colors, for example, their correspondence to the letters. The texture of the fabric (the combination of hardness and softness with warmth and cold) is also interesting to discuss. With the message and role-playing content, it’s a little more difficult, but maybe someone will succeed too. How are parent and child letters expressed?

In advertising, the first reference to the image dates back to 1963 and is associated with the name of David Ogilvie. In conditions of saturation of the market with goods and a clearly defined problem of sales, he substantiated the "theory of image". The main idea of ​​the theory was that for successful implementation it is necessary not only to inform about the specific qualities of the product, but also to supply it with attractive target audience status. A well-designed image contributes to the recognition of the product and serves as an argument in favor of its purchase. ogilvy advertising image

The formation of the image begins with identifying the audience's ideas about the object, determining the preferences, expectations and requirements of the audience for the object claiming a positive image. When all the necessary information is collected, you can proceed to the design and development of an image formation strategy. Further, acting according to the planned strategy, the constructed model is translated into real messages (visual, verbal, event, etc.). The constructed image, of course, requires control, measuring the reaction to its consumer, so that, if necessary, something can be corrected. A properly constructed image is the most effective method work with mass consciousness, reflects key positions, is able to cause automatic reactions in the consumer.

IN modern conditions advertising producers have accumulated considerable experience in the field of creating a positive image. The image with the idea of ​​the uniqueness of the product, the ability to satisfy one or another need, get rid of problems, and give birth to dreams is quite popular.

The formation of the image of the organization in the minds of the target group is carried out in the process of communication, within which information of an image nature is broadcast (verbal, visual, audiovisual image messages). The main topics of the messages are the name of the organization, its mission and motto, corporate slogan (slogan), logo, permanent communicator (face of the company), corporate hero (for example, the Marlboro cowboy (Marlboro) corporate anthem, corporate legend, etc.

The set of messages forms the symbol of the organization. Broadcast image messages inform target groups and public opinion in general about the essence of the organization, how the organization interprets its role and purpose, in what ways it implements them, what are its values ​​and norms of activity, what the organization offers and guarantees to the consumer. Image messages help identify this organization and distinguish it from others.

Especially widespread in advertising practice is the type of image that exploits the human desire for social self-identification. Such an image turns a thing in the mind of the consumer into a sign of belonging to a certain social group and thereby pushes to make a purchase to confirm their own social status. The image formed by advertising, as a rule, has only a superficial connection with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bproduction and the specific purpose of the item. His positivity is more often based on secondary signs. With their variability, they provide advertisers with more opportunities to create a symbolically loaded product identification and, as a result, give it the effect of additional psychological value in the eyes of consumers.

Within the framework of image theory, it is emphasized that the properties and characteristics of the product, which are reported in advertising, do not have to be real. An image, a symbol should give rise to associations that allow the consumer to solve a certain psychological problem through the acquisition of a product or to classify himself as a member of a certain group. For example, it is believed that an expensive watch emphasizes the success of its owner, a beautiful car makes a person more significant, etc. Of course, in this case we are not talking about reality, but a myth constructed in the head of the consumer. But in practice, this theory works well.

Types and classification of the image


Man lives both in the symbolic and in the real world. There are a number of situations where we react specifically to the image, and not to reality:

This is the image-reputation that we rely on when contacting a bank or an airline. An ordinary client is not able to rely on an annual report or audit, so he forms an independent image of the desired object under the influence of the media.

This is the image of a politician. Since the voter does not have personal contacts with him, he must respond to his symbolic representation in the form of an image. In the case of voting on party lists, the voter can also rely solely on the image representation of the party and its leaders.

This is the image of the product. If there are many objectively identical brands, for example, washing powders, beer or cigarettes, the buyer begins to react to the symbolic differences between them, previously implanted in the image of this product by specialists.

This is the image of the company, which arises as part of the intangible assets of the company when it is sold to another person. At the same time, a significant part of the amount is paid precisely for its symbolic dimension.

The image in a concentrated form defines the essence of a person or organization. Based on the image, we can build our relationship with this person. A simple truth follows from this: the more accurately we choose and build our image, the more effective communication will be.

Since a person lives not only in the real world, but also in the symbolic world, we can consider the image as a unit of this particular symbolic world. We actively operate with symbolic processes, in some cases without even realizing it. For example, speaking of the university as a temple of science, we are making a metaphorical transfer of one symbolic construction in the form of the word "temple" to a completely different object. Many problems of the modern world are problems that can be solved on this purely communicative level. They do not require serious material investments for their solution.

Types of images

The image has always been present, but in our time its importance is increasing dramatically. This can be explained by the fact that the image is a natural product of processing large amounts of information. Since we are unable to store all this volume, we begin to use labels that refer to the situations behind them. Successfully selected labels are fixed. In any situation, we have such labels-images.

The image is a response to the requirements of the context put forward by a specific historical period.

Image is a symbolic characteristic, where there is a form and content. We must know external signs, which refer us to the content characteristics of this image.

Communication, never be limited to controlling one thing. Only an integrated approach can help in creating the right image.

The image exists because we ourselves react positively to it. It's just cultivating the right reactions. And in general, its positive aspect is that both parties generate types of behavior in which they themselves are interested.

The image is the most effective presentation of the message, which is able to bypass the various filters available in each person. This is where the idea of ​​the image arises as the public or external "I" of a person, which quite often can differ from his inner "I". From the whole set of our characteristics, we must select those that will undoubtedly be positively evaluated by others.

English researcher Eleri Sampson speaks of personal image as a combination of a number of external and internal factors that determine self-image, perceived image and required image. This typology reflects a view of the image from different positions: from the side of one's "I" and from the side of other people, from the side of realities and from the side of desires.

Self-image stems from past experience and reflects the current state of self-esteem. If you want to be respected, you must first learn to respect yourself.

Perceived image is how others see us. Naturally, this point of view may differ from the previous one. We often do not know (this is especially true for politicians) how they really treat us, how they really respond.

Required for the images of professions requires certain and heavy characteristics. In some cases this spores are chewed by the type of clothing.

As you can see, the image is a complex concept. Therefore, it can be analyzed from different perspectives. Let us dwell on three possible approaches to the functional image, in which its different types of image are distinguished, based on different functioning; contextual, in which these types are found in different contexts; comparative, in which similar images are compared.

The functional approach has several options: mirror, current, desired, corporate, and multiple. Let's consider them in more detail.

Mirror. This image is characteristic of our idea of ​​ourselves. Its minus is the minimum consideration of opinion from the outside. At the same time he time he can determine the characteristics of leaders and organizations alike.

Current. This version of the image is typical for a side view. It is in this area that PR finds its application, since lack of awareness, misunderstanding and prejudice form the image of a politician or organization no less than real actions. The most important task here is to obtain not so much a favorable as a correct, adequate type of image.

Desired. This type of image reflects what we are striving for. It is especially important for the created structures. Nobody knows anything about them yet, therefore it is the desired image that can act as the only possible one.

Corporate. This is the image of the organization as a whole, and not of some individual units or the results of its work. Here and the reputation of the organization, and its success, and the degree of stability. This type of image is especially important for financial structures. This area should be of interest to those who work in the field of PR.

Multiple. This version of the image is formed in the presence of a number of independent structures instead of a single corporation.

The image should be of a holistic, consistent nature, its individual features should not contradict one another. The systemic nature of the image is beneficial for the image maker, since it allows one input feature to evoke accompanying characteristics in the mass consciousness. At the same time, it is not necessary to set the task of winning universal love, as often happens.

The third possible cut of the image is comparative. In this case, we compare the image characteristics of, for example, two political contenders, two companies, two products. Such a clearer classification is necessary in order to have specific goals, to achieve which a PR campaign can be directed.

Let's add to our list of possible images the closed image that is characteristic of many Soviet and post-Soviet leaders. It is probably interesting in that each of the consumers can enter into it those features that he himself considers the most convincing. This image, like a "black hole", is ready to accept everything. And the less information the audience has, the more serious and significant the figure of such a politician begins to look.

It is also possible to introduce the concept of a mythological image, by which we mean the leader's presentation of certain myths that have formed in a given society.

The image is a reflection of the requirements of mass consciousness. As the most effective type of message in this type of communication, it is able to pass through the filters of distrust and inattention that are characteristic of the mass consciousness. The conservative nature of the mass consciousness makes it possible to rely on models that have already been tested by mankind. The image operates in conditions that are not very favorable for its dissemination. For this reason, it must be built in such a way that it is possible to achieve an unambiguous reaction to it from the audience. We can conclude that the image is a rather complex phenomenon in which completely dissimilar factors are intertwined. And all of them must be taken into account, since the perception of a person also goes through many channels, and each of them needs to be done with its own specific work. We also believe that the main thing for creating an image is its communicative component. Image is a tool of communication with mass consciousness. That is why he, as it were, exaggeratedly represents the image of a politician, giving clues to the mass consciousness, directing him to those points that are most significant to him.

The choice of the type or type of image determines the strategy and content of the activity for its creation. For this purpose, image typologies were created. They were developed on the basis of general and special grounds according to the criteria of similarity and difference. Let's consider these basic foundations and the image typologies corresponding to them.

image information emotion functional

Many wildly understood the topic of D and C characters.

Do you really think that character depends on the shape of the nose? That people with a small nose are naturally weaker or more passive? That women who are more feminine in facial features are softer in character than masculine ones, and is this innate in them?

If you are visited by such thoughts, your head is so-so. If you are convinced of this, you have serious problems with thinking. Or you are a fascist.

A nose is just a nose. A big nose is sometimes a feature of an entire nation. The character does not depend on the nose, and if I see something like “I have a big nose and a dominant character since childhood” in the comments on posts about the image, I will ban you. With your dominant character. Since childhood. If you live not in your pink dreams, but in the real world, then you know very well that all the "dominants" who try to "dominate" someone, who does not ask for them, immediately receive a cumpol. Therefore, forget about your "character from childhood" and see yourself decently, like everyone else. True, usually those who talk about their dominance are quiet creatures in life. Sometimes sullen and vicious, but quiet and downtrodden.

I am not too lazy to repeat what a D-type is, a C-type, and how character is related to appearance.

Initially not connected at all or connected randomly. In people with an unpumped image, it remains unconnected until the end of their lives. But some people, working on the image, specifically connect, sometimes intuitively, but on purpose. For the sake of a holistic harmonious image. To please everyone. Pumped image = everyone likes a person at first sight. It gives the impression of being handsome. Even beautiful. And definitely charming. This word "enchantment" means a holistic, open, strong flow of energy. Energy does not come from a person, but from his image in the observer's field. This is a stream of impressions due to the fact that the image coincides with the archetype in all the nuances of appearance and behavior. As the key matches the shape of the keyhole and the door opens. Behind the door is a stream of light. This is what archetype matching looks like.

4 Aristotelian elements - these are the primary archetypes. There are many more archetypes, but these are primary. They arose on the basis of the simplest human feelings: the perception of hard-soft, hot-cold, but only visual, a priori. This is how a person has two halves of the body, almost symmetrical, which is why our perception of the world is dichtomous, so these archetypes define two dimensions out of four possible. There may be more archetypes, they may have more dimensions, a complex structure, but in each complex archetype there is still this base of two properties. D or C - hard or soft - the first letter, parental or childish, in other words, giving or taking - hot or cold - the last letter.

How is character reflected in a person's innate traits?

No way!

Do you understand this word? Doesn't reflect at all. So if you have some kind of character since childhood, then this is a random set of genes refracted through upbringing, but most likely your fantasies about yourself. So, for example, you can call infantilism your natural softness and tact or your cowardice or your apathy or some other rubbish you can call good word. And that's what they usually do. And you can call your rudeness and bad manners, the habit of climbing into other people's boundaries, dominance. Although main feature D - clear, rigid, consistent observance of boundaries. Even C can afford to get into other people's boundaries, only softly, gently and insinuatingly, but D cannot, if this is a real D-character.

D-character and C-character in terms of image are formed by a person on purpose. On purpose, on purpose, you know? As the role of the actor is assigned, so is the image style. This is a manner of behavior that, when matched with the external image, creates a sense of harmony in people. Initially, a person with the appearance of D may have a completely different demeanor, and then his image will fall apart in the perception of others, they will always wait for something else from him, then they will not expect anything at all and therefore will shun him. There will be dissonance between the perception of others and the goals of the person. To remove dissonance, knowledge of types is also needed.

The type begins with a constitution. Not out of character! It is not necessary to report that you have been dominant since childhood. Most likely you are just a boor and used to get everyone with your whims. That's the whole "dominance". If you are really a leader, then this is not connected with D, but with the strength of your personality and pumped skills as an organizer. It generally does not depend on type. If you are a true leader, but have always led like D, and your appearance is C, changing your leadership style to a softer one will only help you become an even more successful and strong leader, increase your authority, as people will begin to perceive you organically. Your leadership will not be reduced, but strengthened. There are as many S-leaders as D, no less and no more, because leadership qualities do not depend on the type of appearance at all. No way! They depend on others. But the types of image only depend on appearance.

I will give a simple example.

If you are a woman, imagine that in front of you is a man of very large stature, powerful physique, with a rough face. Can you analyze expectations? From communication, sex? Do you understand the difference between these expectations of yours when communicating with an intelligent, thin-looking person? Just let's talk about good expectations. Do not say that you expect stupidity and aggression from the first, and cowardice and whining from the second. If you expect this from strangers, you are already starting to feel depressed. We are talking about positive expectations. They will still be different for these two people. And the preferences of women who love brutals and women who love subtle intellectuals will be very different. Both will be disappointed when they do not find what they were looking for, or find the exact opposite.

Therefore, a man who looks like 100% D, tough, brutal, should not act like 100% S-type. He will confuse women (and men) and from here a feeling of his weaknesses, his vices will appear. But it's also not worth it for a 100% C-type to behave like a D. He will be no less annoying. Communicating with the C-type, people automatically slightly open the boundaries, and if he does not do the same in response, but behaves emphatically harshly, he is perceived as if he is looking down, contemptuously and importantly. Therefore, C-type boys and men are always accused of being puffed up turkeys if they do not know how to open up. The same goes for S-women. A S-woman needs to learn softness and openness in order to be beautiful.

But in life it doesn't happen that a person looks like a 100% D-type, but behaves like a 100% C-type. Usually, a person without an image has everything mixed up in his appearance. His features are D, for example, the look of C, the hairstyle is also C (for some reason they always try to compensate for curls of the D-nose), the clothes are combined, everything is chaotic, and he behaves neither this nor that. There is no single line in the behavior. As it turns out situationally, so it behaves. "How it will turn out" is usually groping, focusing partly on the interlocutor's expectations, partly on one's own fantasies about oneself. In general, chaotic.

Such a disparate image, instead of a holistic, uniform flow, creates a mess of fragmentary, multidirectional associations, and a person cannot be calibrated. Because of this, he is sometimes not understood as he is, sometimes not perceived as he is. Relatives adapt to him, begin to love and see his personality behind the outer shell, but strangers always perceive him worse than he really is. And a person with a pumped-up image is quite the opposite. He immediately seems very attractive, everyone immediately likes him, quickly captivates, especially those whom he wants, whom he draws attention to.

Then they can consider him, and if he is a dummy, they will be disappointed. But at first they will be very fascinated. So one pumped image is not enough for happiness. There are 12 resources, not 1. But those who have a completely clogged image meet constant fences on their way, it is difficult for them to get to know each other, it is difficult to establish connections. They can be interesting personalities, but only those who have known them for a long time know about it, and new ones keep their distance from them. Do you understand how an image works? This is a pass to new connections.

Any person can behave like a D, or like a C, it does not depend on natural data. Habits, yes. Therefore, for some people, especially hardened ones, it is really difficult to rebuild. But it's worth it. Even small steps towards a character that matches your external type already give a lot of points to your charm.

I’ll tell you about a couple of character traits D and C.

The main thing for D is to never ask anyone for anything. Don't push anyone's boundaries.

This does not mean that C can beg, whine, climb. Of course not. An adult must be independent. But for C - it's not so critical. He may ask sometimes. Smiling softly, in a gentle voice. It won't be disgusting, it will be ok. It's because of its softness. But the D-type is impossible. He's tough. And if you climb, then like an elephant in a china shop. Therefore, it is better for him to never climb anywhere. Due to a different design of the emotional body (etheric, as the occultists said about it).

The D-type should have a firm voice and a firm look. Firm jaw, concise gestures and phrases. The same clothes. It suits him. Therefore, if the D-type suddenly starts to ask, he will either turn into an unhappy dog, or his requests will sound like commands.

But do not confuse the D-type with a person who has D facial features, but there is no type yet, scattered. This is all possible, in any case, he looks so-so, not very. But if a person began to work on his D-type, bringing it to a holistic image, he must definitely change his behavior.

It is important for him to clearly outline his boundaries and become independent within the boundaries. If a person has rigidly outlined the boundaries, but he himself constantly wants something from everyone, demands or expects, then he turns into a robber and they begin to consider him a boor.

Very often people write, they say it’s impossible to be D, they don’t give anything. So D can't ask for anything. It's taboo. You have to offer the person something that he wants to give you. And you can't just ask. Don't whine.

In the same way, the rigidity of the D boundaries manifests itself in response to requests. You should not succumb to pressure, even if it is pressure of pity. You should only give what you decide. If your boundaries are rigid, but you are constantly pushed through, you look like a weakling who is constantly broken. Like chips flying from you.

And the C-type, when inferior, does not look like a weakling (not an external C-type, but already a complete image of C), because its borders are soft. He can give in, meet halfway, respond, even change his mind, and his image will not lose from this, it will even win. It goes without saying that he must also be independent and must defend his territory, but he can yield in small things, it suits him, on the contrary, obvious rigidity does not go. And the D-type is the opposite. Rigidity in wording goes, but softness does not. "Goes" means perceived by others with sympathy, with approval.

Categorical statements D go, but C does not, but pay attention. D must stay within its boundaries. That is, when he was asked clearly, he can give an assessment, and if he was not asked, then no, no. They came to his house with a question, he can answer categorically, but he himself will never trample on anyone (well, conditionally "home", meaning the territory of communication). With not so. Since his borders are soft and even slightly diffuse, he does not so clearly divide where his home is and where he is not. He can speak out even when he was not asked, but gently. And when asked, also gently. Because of this, the C-type gives the impression of a pleasant, indifferent, not indifferent, good-natured person. He never criticizes, his criticism sounds like a cautious opinion. And the D-type is perceived as a straightforward, tough, but honest person. But look, if D starts to violate the boundaries, he will be perceived not as an honest person, but as a boor. If C begins to speak out harshly, even on his own territory, he will also be considered a boor, because for type C the borders are open for everyone, and softness is expected from him.

That is, D and C is about the state of the borders. Not about weakness-strength, activity-passivity. Stop raving! It's all the same for types. Strength and activity depend on the specific personality.

See how an image maker (not a stylist, but a psychologist working with an image) builds an image for a person.

He looks at the constitution, at the foundation. In the case of 4C (4 elements), typologies are facial features (1 - nose, 2 - chin and face shape, 3 - eyebrows, mouth, eyes, 4 - hair) and secondly the figure (the figure is easier to change, although height is a thing immutable and must also be taken into account).

After assessing the constitution, the IM (image maker) brings the appearance to the standard (change of clothes, hairstyles) and at the same time helps to understand and master a new role for a person.

He must learn to behave in a new way, to become different. This will help him look more beautiful. Nothing useful from the personality will be lost, everything useful is not in the outer layer, but deeper. These are skills, abilities, good habits, moral principles, they are not affected by a change in image. Image affects only the form of manifestation of qualities. Useful qualities will remain useful when changing the form of manifestation.

A man with a big nose, who is used to hiding it behind long curls and raising his eyebrows like a house to seem cute, that is, always pretending to be a C-type, decides to integrate the D-image. He chooses a haircut, clothes and begins to look much more brutal than he looked before, but also more beautiful. However, women's expectations are also changing. Previously, women were somehow lost and did not know how to look at the nose, at the eyebrows with a house, at curls, at gestures, and perceived a man as ugly and not entirely clear, but ordinary. Now they see a handsome brutal man in front of them, and his eyebrows start to break out of the image like a house, and his manner of lisping and flickering irritates. Such an unfinished D can be more often pestered where there is only a photo, on dating sites, for example. But at the same time, it will be more often rejected in real life. He deceives expectations, and before there were almost no specific expectations due to the chaos of his features. If this man changes his look and manner of communication, begins to behave more restrained, clearly, speak more specifically, formulate tougher, magnetism may appear in him. And this magnetism will develop with the development of integrity. The flow will gain strength and concentration. Quintessence, as Aristotle called it. Energy.

Let's now look at the reverse example. A man with a small nose, puffy lips, a delicate oval of the face, wanting to appear brutal, wore a serious look on his face and a stiff beard, a short army haircut, conservative clothes, and looked like a gloomy peasant boy with a potato nose. In general, C-types in D-type clothes almost always look like they came from the hinterland of the 80s. As soon as the C-type is dressed normally, he, on the contrary, begins to look very advanced. Such a man needs to grow his hair (not to his shoulders, of course, just a little elongated, necessarily decorated, better by a master), or shave off the rest, you can insert an earring into his ear, shave off his beard or make a small, elegant, unusual shape, dress up in bright, light shirts, fashionable styles, in jeans, you can frayed, colored shoes instead of black, and it will become beautiful. Nothing rustic and rustic will remain in it. If he still learns to smile brightly, look gently (a firm look will look oppressive), often joke kindly (you can’t be harsh!) And look open, then women will start pestering him right on the street. (Beautiful S types are much more often pestered than beautiful D types) In general, with a properly arranged image, it is strangers or unfamiliar people who begin to admire.

Remember women.

SMS does not mean gigolo! And DMS does not mean!

The fact that women willingly put real SMS around their necks does not mean that normal SMS will get there. A woman will agree, yes, because he is so charming and sweet, awakens maternal instincts in her, but SMS himself, if he wants to live and not rot, should not do this. Yes, and a responsible woman, no matter how much she wants to pamper SMS, must respect his personality and remember his independence.

The same applies to DMS. Women love to patronize them, they love them very much, they are ready to indulge, but this does not mean that any VHI will take it. Type does not mean ugly. Normal person considers the rule of balance and exchange sacred. He takes only what he can answer (both materially and morally). At least he wants to answer, and there, as it turns out, anything can happen.

DMOs and SMOs are not daddies looking for someone to start supporting and patronizing. Forget it, fools.

Even if the DMO is like that, these are his personal problems and he will pay for it. When his wife, whom he put on his neck, due to infantilism and idleness, begins to decompose and decompose children, he will regret that he fed her too much with his guardianship, did not allow her to develop her supports. No, a normal DMO won't seriously take care of an adult woman, but it can be expected of him. There is no need to go on about, if it's not about some little things.

This also applies to SMO. Warmth, understanding, care can be expected from him. But the QS must also observe the rule of balance and exchange. In general, more material and physical support is expected from paternal types than from sons (and more emotions, fun, high are expected from sons, they do not forgive them boredom), but this only affects the fact that parental types are more forgiven for one thing, sons for another, but it’s better to live in such a way that you don’t have to forgive anything at all, everything was fine. Normal - this is according to universal rules.

When a woman writes "I want to find a DMO for myself in order to finally find a strong male shoulder" - she is just a fool. DMOs are not stronger than other types. They take on more, it can be sometimes, but then they tear themselves faster. (Those who consider DMS to be more sexual are also wrong, this is complete nonsense. Sexuality does not depend on the type. The form of presentation of sexuality - maybe)

When a man writes "I love only SZHM, they take such great care" - he is a fool. Caring does not depend on the type, it depends on the woman’s love for you and on how much she knows how to take care, what she can or cannot do in life and at home, and whether she wants to do it for you.

Image has nothing to do with nurturing one's complexes. It is necessary to get rid of the complexes, and not to look for an image or a partner with whom it would be convenient to stay with your complexes. You won't find.

Image- this is a combination of a number of variables, with the form prevailing over the content, a variant of self-feeding, focusing on best qualities, which increases self-esteem and credibility among potential consumers.

Image- the key to success in the correctness of the concept of development of public relations. Image exists in the minds of the buyer and consumer as an interconnected marketing information flow that programs a figurative and emotional reaction. Work on creating an image is carried out purposefully and various means for each of the channels of perception:

  • visual,
  • verbal
  • eventful;
  • contextual.

Visual measurement forms an external image: compliance with the norms of business and official clothing, accessories, hairstyle, demeanor, facial expressions, gestures.

In the verbal dimension- culture of communication: speech, public speaking, reports, interviews, articles, business correspondence the ability to talk on the phone.

Event dimension- this is the normative and ethical side of an act, behavior, activity in general, i.e. we are talking about the reputation of a person: the dynamics of image formation is determined by the reputation of the subject.

Context dimension are considered as joining the images of other people (relatives, friends, environment), which also affects the reputation of a person and the image as a whole. Therefore, in the work on the formation of a personal image, the issue of reputation requires special attention.

Image technology involves the active use of two directions:

  1. Descriptive (or informational), representing the image (leader, company);
  2. Evaluative, existing as a stimulating assessment and emotions caused by information of varying intensity, carrying a certain emotional and psychological reaction.
The assessment of the image occurs when using experience, value orientations, generally accepted norms, principles. Evaluation and image have conditional conceptual differences and an inextricable link. Due to objective conditions, the image can be positive, negative, and fuzzy. The purpose of the structure is to create a positive image that increases competitiveness, attracts the attention of society, accelerates the process of acceptance and increases the number of supporters, which makes it possible to activate financial, informational, human and material resources.

The concept of image formation involves the following stages of development for a successful movement:

  • planning;
  • organization;
  • control.

Image structure includes 5 components:

  1. Subject image: society's perceptions of unique characteristics:
  • main benefits (benefits provided by the successful completion of this program);
  • additional benefits that provide distinctive features (slogan, design, advertising, quality, etc.).
  • Consumer image: ideas about the lifestyle, social status, about the personal (psychological) characteristics of the population.
  • The internal image of the structure: employees' perceptions of their organization, leader. The determinancy of the internal image in the culture and socio-psychological climate of the organization, requires special treatment to these aspects.
  • Leader image and the immediate environment: includes ideas about abilities, attitudes, value orientations, psychological characteristics, appearance.
  • The image of the structure representing it: a collective, generalized image of the organization, revealing the most character traits leader:
    • professional competence;
    • culture and communication skills;
    • socio-demographic and physical data: age; floor; the level of education; the presence or absence of physical defects;
    • visual image;