The largest zoo in Russia. The largest zoos in Russia Bird Park "Sparrows"

More than 20 residents of the tropics have joined the Tropical Rain Forest exposition at the Primorsky Aquarium in Vladivostok. After quarantine and adaptation, visitors will be shown bizarre tree frogs, Denesi paddle-legged, nods, poison dart frogs and newcomers - green gastrofolis, according to the website...

The research vessel Akademik Oparin has returned to Vladivostok from its 56th voyage. During the expedition, scientists obtained samples of the fauna of the western part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Kuril Islands. “Expedition on a research vessel is a unique opportunity...

In autumn, many zoos hold promotions for the reception of vegetables and fruits from the population. For example, recently the Ivanovo Zoo announced a similar one. “Dear friends, the Ivanovo Zoo will gratefully accept: raspberry branches, oak leaves (fall), ...

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened the Children's Zoo after reconstruction, according to the website of the Information Center of the Moscow Government. It is noted that the area of ​​the children's zoo after the reconstruction has doubled. “The Children's Zoo has a second birth. He became different...

In zoos, animals get very bored if no one takes care of enrichment items. environment. Meerkats of the Chelyabinsk Zoo are very lucky in this regard! "Many thanks to the private kindergarten Hummingbirds, thanks to which the dreams of our meerkats...

In Rostov-on-Don, the creation of a continuous ecological park along Temernik has begun. It is planned to improve the park territory in the area of ​​the Rostov zoo with a length of 17 km within five years. As reported on the official portal of the City Duma and the Administration of the city of Rostov-on-Don, the creation ...

A young pair of striped mongooses Verta and Monya at the Yekaterinburg Zoo gave birth to 4 charming babies! They were a month old, and they were finally shown to everyone. “In nature, striped mongooses live in large friendly families, the number of animals in ...

The opening of the new building of the Irkutsk Zoo Gallery with the name "Irkutsk Zoo" is scheduled for August 29. It will house 150 species of animals, total strength about a thousand individuals. Some of the animals have already been moved from their former location - the memorial complex...

A real handsome man, a 9-year-old orangutan named Caesar, came from the Kaliningrad Zoo to the Rostov-on-Don Zoo. Caesar was born at the Moscow Zoo in 2010. In the summer of 2016, together with his mother Nona, he moved to the Kaliningrad Zoo. When...

The seal season 2019 at the Kaliningrad Zoo is closed, the staff said. How it was? First, on August 13, employees of the Kaliningrad Zoo released two rescued Baltic seals into the sea. Permission to return animals to their natural habitat the day before...

A binturong has arrived at the Center for the Reproduction of Rare Animal Species of the Moscow Zoo from the Czech Zoo Ostrava. This predator is often called a cat bear because of its characteristic appearance. The zoo has been waiting for this animal for a very long time to expand its collection. This...

Welcome to safari! No, we do not invite you to Africa, but we invite you to come to Crimea. In the city of Belogorsk large area about 50 African lions settled comfortably. Visitors can observe their free life in the Crimean foothills from special observation bridges suspended at a height of 2-3 meters. There are even stalls with animal food. Predators prefer pieces of frozen meat (about 100 rubles). Lion cubs and tiger cubs live in a separate enclosure, they are allowed to take pictures with them (about 500 rubles). In addition, there is a small ordinary zoo in Taigan.
Ticket- OK. 900 rub.

Novosibirsk Zoo

This summer, the largest zoo in our country has an anniversary. He turns 70 years old. Especially waiting for the holiday favorites of the public - a family of polar bears. As a gift, they have already been promised an improved aviary and snow cannon. To the delight of visitors, a dolphinarium and a penguinarium have recently opened in the zoo, and new inhabitants have appeared here - brown bear cubs, a cute kangaroo cub and two baby chimpanzees. Be sure to visit the beautiful ligress Zita. The color of the half-breed is leonine, but tiger stripes are visible on the back.
Ticket- OK. 300 rub.

Moscow Zoo

He is over 150 years old. At first there were 290 animals here, and now there are 6000! The most famous inhabitants are the giraffe Samson Leningradov, the white tigress Kali, the baby gorilla Ama, who lost her arm, and the alligator Saturn. This crocodile lived in the Berlin Zoo, but after the war, in 1946, he moved to Moscow. This year, the list of "forced emigrants" at the zoo was replenished with rare reptiles that were confiscated from smugglers. Among them are several colorful chameleons (pictured).
Ticket- OK. 500 rub.

Limpopo Zoo

The private zoo in Nizhny Novgorod is not very big, but visiting it causes an unprecedented delight for children. Most of all, visitors who are accustomed to concrete animal enclosures like the area where the animals roam freely on the lawns. Here you can easily hand-feed llamas or bison. On the territory there are even vending machines with food, more like popcorn. Zookeepers love this delicacy.
Ticket- OK. 400 rub.

Zoo in Izhevsk

The menagerie in the capital of Udmurtia cannot boast of the size and number of animals. But for several years it has been in the top five in the country. Looking here, you can make a trip to the "White North", " Far East”, “Our taiga”, “Udmurt village” and “Country of monkeys”. Local hit - performance of walruses and fur seals(included in ticket price).
Ticket- OK. 250 rub.

Sparrow Bird Park

Such a variety of birds, as in the Kaluga region, can not be seen in every zoo. There are more than 2000 lodgers here. There are 70 species of parrots alone! There are also exotic toucans, birds of prey and ornamental chickens. An ostrich farm, an exotarium, and a butterfly pavilion nestled nearby.
Ticket- OK. 250 rub.

7 Yaroslavl Zoo

The first landscape zoo in Russia, despite its youth (not even 10 years old), has already firmly established itself in the list of the best in our country. Of course, there are not as many animals here as in large zoos (just over 450 species). But the animals do not huddle in cramped cages, but live in conditions close to natural. A training center "Ark" has been opened on the territory, where children are told about animals and shown feeding parrots, monkeys, iguanas.
Ticket- OK. 250 rub.

For those who travel around Russia, we offer an overview of the best zoos in the country, which are the pride of citizens and a must-see on popular tourist routes.

1. Moscow Zoo

The capital zoo is one of the oldest in Europe and the oldest in Russia, it was created in the 19th century. His pets always had high-ranking patrons. For example, among the first inhabitants of the zoo were an Indian elephant donated by Alexander II, and a zebra granted by the Egyptian king, and today one of the most famous old-timers of the park is considered to be Saturn, a trophy Mississippian crocodile who lived in the Berlin Zoo before the war and has already managed to mark 100- th anniversary.
There is a lot to see in the zoo. About 8,000 animals of more than 1,000 species are kept here, one of the largest of which is an elephant, and one of the smallest is a putorak, a five-centimeter shrew that can only be seen at night in the desert, and even then with luck.
Of the features of the zoo, it is worth noting the chic apartments polar bear with a snow generator, demonstration feeding of animals, the schedule of which can be seen on the website, as well as spacious glass enclosures that allow you to watch animals almost eye to eye.

2. Novosibirsk Zoo

The location of the Novosibirsk zoo favorably distinguishes it - it is located in a pine forest, and fenced areas of the forest serve as enclosures for animals (of which more than 750 species live here). It is considered one of the most titled in Russia: according to TripAdvisor, it is included in the top 25 best zoos in the world and takes an honorable ninth place among European colleagues, and in 2008 it became a finalist in the Seven Wonders of Russia competition.
In professional circles, the zoo is also known for its successful breeding of offspring of rare animal species. It is not clear why, but in the Siberian conditions, the “fertility index” is simply going through the roof. In the zoo enclosures, cubs of the river otter, Asian wild grouse, Kamchatka bighorn sheep and other living creatures that are not disposed to breed in captivity are regularly born. And the birth of a liger - a hybrid of an African lion and a Bengal tigress - has become an international sensation.
However, the development of the zoo is not limited to this. The nearest plans include the opening of an indoor dolphinarium with a pool for swimming with sea artists, as well as a penguinarium and a new pavilion for primates.

3. State Zoological Park of Udmurtia in Izhevsk

The zoological park in Izhevsk is quite small - about 18 hectares. However, this does not prevent him from being one of the best zoos in the country and taking pride of place in the ratings of European menageries.
Looking here, you can make a trip to the "White North" with walruses and bears, "Far East", "Our Taiga", "Udmurt Village" and even the "Land of Monkeys". The performances of walruses and fur seals (included in the ticket price) are especially popular among zoo guests. Animals here are not just fed and cared for - they are loved. So, in order to talk mandrills, employees had to master German because the monkeys brought from Germany refused to listen to requests in Russian. And when one of the tigresses did not have enough milk, the employees, having shown ingenuity, enlisted the help of a goat and fed the tiger cub.
By the way, the symbol of the Izhevsk Zoo is the wolf, which personifies loyalty and devotion. A statue of a wolf greets visitors at the entrance to the zoo, and the inhabitants of the city even have a tradition of making a wish by placing their hand on the paw of a bronze Akela.

4. Yaroslavl Zoo

Yaroslavl Zoo is one of the youngest in Russia, the first landscape-type zoo in the CIS countries. Here they do not try to increase the collection as much as possible, but first of all they work on creating the most comfortable conditions for the life of animals. The zoo owes such an advanced philosophy, first of all, to its vast territory - more than 120 hectares. In the spacious enclosures, the animals roam on their own and breed well, each year showing new cubs to visitors.
In the reservoirs of the landscape zoo, along with sharp-nosed seals, ducks and pelicans, there are fish that can be caught. For a fee, of course. Also on the territory is the training center "Ark", which demonstrates the feeding of parrots, primates, turtles and iguanas.

5. Limpopo Zoo in Nizhny Novgorod

The history of Limpopo began with one good deed. More than a decade ago, current zoo director Vladimir Gerasichkin rescued an owl that had been attacked by a flock of crows. The bird suffered greatly in the fight, and life in its natural environment became impossible for it. An aviary was built for the bird, and this laid the foundation for the first private zoo in Russia. Time has passed, the zoo has grown and today it is considered one of the main attractions Nizhny Novgorod, becoming home to almost 1000 birds and animals. The symbol of the zoo is, as you might guess, an owl - it is she who is depicted on the entrance ticket.
Despite private investment, Limpopo is the winner of several awards and ranks among the best zoos in Europe. The collection is regularly replenished not only through the purchase of animals, but also through their donations. So, one day a brown bear cub was found under the cash desk of the zoo. The growling find was fed and sheltered, and today the bear Lyalya is everyone's favorite. Lynxes and tigers, bison and ostriches were donated to the zoo.
Today the zoo consists of two parts: the first part is inhabited by large animals such as tiger, buffalo, bison and deer, the second area (newer) will be especially interesting for small children who can frolic in the petting zoo, feeding rabbits, goats and sheep from their hands.

6. Park of flora and fauna "Roev Ruchey" in Krasnoyarsk

Near the Stolby nature reserve in Krasnoyarsk, a stream flows, where gold was previously mined. Over time, the precious vein dried up, and in memory of the rich past, the zoo was named - one of the largest in Russia. By the number of species, the Krasnoyarsk Zoo is among the top five in Europe. Today it has about 7,000 pets and more than 600 plant species. Of particular pride is the penguinarium (so far the only one in Siberia), an aquaterrarium guarded by a shark, a whole army of artiodactyls from sultry Africa and a dinosaur park built in 2014.

7. Kaliningrad Zoo

Every zoo has a symbol. In Novosibirsk it Snow Leopard, in Izhevsk - a wolf, and in Kaliningrad - a hippopotamus named Hans, who miraculously survived the storming of Koenigsberg. This real character steadfastly endured all the hardships of the war, was seriously wounded, but still survived and now flaunts on tickets, becoming a symbol of the revival of the zoo, which is considered one of the most beautiful in Russia.
The westernmost zoo in Russia boasts not only rare animals, but also relic plants, one of which is the ginkgo tree (according to rumors, it is the same age as toothy dinosaurs). Despite its venerable age, the zoo is gradually being updated. So, quite recently a tropical house appeared here, the inhabitants of which were loud monkeys, lizards and snakes. In total, today the zoo has about 2,500 animals of more than 300 species.

8. Safari Park in Gelendzhik

Safari park is a new format for our country, but very popular in the world. For people, this is an opportunity to see wild nature without censorship: to watch how a mother tigress brings up naughty cubs, and cubs play tag in conditions that are as close to natural as possible. For animals, the safari park is a rehabilitation center, a home that accepts former circus performers, abandoned pets and other animals in need of care. This unusual zoo is located in the mountains and consists of two areas connected by a cable car. Today, 17 bears, ten lions, ten tigers and many other interesting animals and birds live here. In addition, the park is famous for its picturesque views of Novorossiysk and the Greater Caucasus Range.

9. Primorsky safari park in Vladivostok

You can also see wild animals without a grate in front of your eyes in the Primorsky safari park. Here, as in a real safari, travelers are accompanied by guides who not only tell visitors about animals, but also sometimes allow them to feed roe deer from their hands or take pictures of a herd of wild boars running past. People watch predatory animals from bridges without disturbing resting tigers and red wolves.
In total, there are two excursions in the zoo: a visit to the park of tigers and the park of ungulates, as well as the park of predatory animals and birds.

10. Rostov Zoo

The Rostov Zoo is over 80 years old, and it is rightfully considered one of the largest in Russia. On its territory (an area of ​​almost 90 hectares) rare animals (400 species in total) live and relict trees grow, for example, a 150-year-old oak, considered the oldest in the Rostov region. And it is here that you can see a rare species of white lion, the existence of which for many years was considered a figment of the imagination of peoples. South Africa. Zoo employees are involved in many programs for the conservation of rare animals. So, in 1935, the Rostov Zoo became the main supplier of emu chicks to all zoos in the country. And today the zoo is recognized as the leader in breeding white-tailed eagles not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

Zoos are a special place for family holidays. Tourists also like to visit them, especially if there is an opportunity to admire rare species of animals kept in decent conditions. Travelers want to know which is the largest zoo in Russia they can visit and what kinds of animals they can see.

Now zoos have become included in the list of attractions. Menageries arouse the constant interest of children and adults. After all, some species of animals can only be seen here. When traveling around the country, look into zoos - this will bring pleasant emotions and broaden your horizons.

The largest zoo in Russia and one of the largest in Europe is the Rostov-on-Don Zoo, which turned 90 in June 2017. On an area of ​​100 hectares in the city there is a park in which centennial oaks and other rare plants. 400 species of animals (5000 individuals) also live here.

Rostov Zoo cooperates with international organizations involved in the conservation of rare and endangered species. In comfortable conditions, 33 species of animals are kept here, placed in the International Red Book and in the regional lists of endangered and rare species. Representatives of the fauna of the five continents of the planet are permanent residents of the zoo. Only here you can see some representatives of the animal world, rare for the zoos of the planet, as well as admire the disappearing in wild nature types of animals.

Having looked into the Rostov Zoo, get acquainted with the permanent inhabitants of the menageries - wolves, bears, deer, wild boars, lions, tigers, giraffes, hippos, monkeys. In addition to them, you will meet amazing Asian elephants, which the zoo recently acquired. Now it is the owner of the largest collection of land giants - in addition to Asian elephants, the collection includes the Rothschild giraffe and the pygmy hippopotamus.

An amazing white lion also lives here, although it was believed that this was an invention of African tribes. White lions are not a fantasy, as you can see by visiting the Rostov Zoo.

On the birthday of the menagerie, the white bear Kometa moved into the new enclosure. Two years ago, a two-year-old bear cub came to Rostov from the zoo in the Czech city of Brno. A pool with water at a temperature of 11 degrees and an ice generator was built for her.

The pride of the zoological park is the aquarium, which is inhabited by freshwater inhabitants of the rivers of the Don region and representatives of other fish species living all over the world, up to freshwater South American stingrays. The terrarium exhibits two species of crocodiles, as well as reptiles and amphibians from Russia and other countries.

Serious attention in the zoo is given to birds. There is a large collection of cranes and birds of prey. Conditions have been created for the reproduction of the white-tailed eagle, which does not breed anywhere else in captivity. Also get chicks of bald vultures, steppe eagles, crowned and Japanese cranes. Recently, pink flamingos have regularly delighted with broods of chicks.

The arboretum is organically combined with playgrounds for animals. Picturesque flower beds and lawns delight visitors and create coolness. Under the open sky there are expositions with Przewalski's horses, llamas, deer, camels, mountain goats, yaks, emus, African ostriches, cranes and kangaroos.

A unique atmosphere of coolness and comfort is created by natural and artificial reservoirs. Take a ride with your children in a horse-drawn carriage along the alleys of hundred-year-old oaks, refresh yourself with ice cream in the numerous kiosks. Rostovites and guests of the southern capital arrange family picnics on the lawns between the trees. The playground invites kids to play and frolic.

The Moscow Zoological Park is the oldest in Russia and one of the oldest in Europe. Founded in the 19th century, in 1864. The initiator of the creation of the menagerie was the professor of the Moscow state university A. P. Bogdanov. A zoo was founded under the auspices of the Imperial Society for the Acclimatization of Plants and Animals. The institution existed at the expense of proceeds from the entrance fee and donations from the imperial family.

The inhabitants have always boasted famous and high-ranking patrons. So, the Indian elephant was presented to the park by Alexander II. He received it from the Emir of Bukhara. Also transported from Belovezhskaya Pushcha were 3 bison and 4 roe deer. The zebra was presented by the Egyptian king. Thanks to Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich, Alexander II's henchman in the Caucasus, many representatives of the Caucasian fauna appeared in the zoo.

In 1919 the zoo was nationalized and the area doubled. The menagerie continued to function even during the war. Reconstruction is constantly underway, conditions for animals are improving and amenities for visitors are being created. The Moscow Zoo is carrying out scientific research, scientific and educational work, and environmental protection activities are being carried out. For 2012, the zoo's collection includes 8,000 individuals of 1,127 species. This figure is not constant, as the institution exchanges animals with other similar institutions, participates in international programs to increase the number of livestock and preserve rare species.

The territory of the zoo is spread over the Presnensky Ponds. The largest reservoir has been preserved since the time when the zoo was just opening. A contingent of waterfowl of the menagerie nests in the water area. Birds live here all year round by heating the water with generators. This is where the offspring are bred. To protect rare species from birds of prey employees catch newborn babies together with their parents and send them to special enclosures.

There are 42 expositions in the zoo. Most interesting:

  • Elephant.
  • Tropical cats (cheetahs, jaguars and tigers).
  • House of primates (monkey)
  • Giraffe Samson.
  • Polar world (polar bears and polar owls).
  • Dolphinarium (Black Sea dolphins, polar whales, sea lions, walruses).

The Novosibirsk zoo is one of the largest in Russia and is included in the TOP-25 of the best zoos in the world. In 2008, he became one of the finalists of the Seven Wonders of Russia competition and took eighth place in the European ranking. It is located on the territory of 63 hectares in a pine forest. Vast fenced areas of the forest became animal enclosures.

The zoo is working to conserve rare species. Surprisingly, in Siberian conditions, animals breed that are not inclined to do this in captivity. They regularly get offspring from the Kamchatka snow leopard, Asian wild grouse, river otter. The world sensation was the birth of a liger - a cross between an African lion and a tigress from Bengal. The management plans to open a penguinarium, a dolphinarium and a new room for primates.

roev creek

Near the reserve "Stolby" in Krasnoyarsk there is a zoo "Roev Ruchey". Previously, gold was washed in this place. Then the vein dried up, and now here is a protected area. The menagerie is in the TOP-5 of the best zoos in Europe. 500 species of rare plants grow here and 7,000 animals live.

You will be met by the only penguinarium in Siberia. A predatory shark lives in an aquarium. Meet tigers and lions, as well as marvel at the population of artiodactyls. live in a terrarium amazing views snake.

Dinosaurs at the Zoo "Roev Creek"

Recently opened a dinosaur park, which immediately fell in love with both adults and children. Guests from all over Russia come to see this miracle.

The symbol of the Kaliningrad Zoo was the charming hippopotamus Hans, who came to them during the assault on Koenigsberg during the war, he was wounded, but he survived. This animal was incredibly friendly and fell in love with the visitors of the menagerie. The image of Hans is printed on the entrance tickets to the menagerie.

By the number of inhabitants, this is not the largest zoo. In addition to the 2,500 representatives of fauna living here, rare plants grow here, for example, ginkgo biloba, a contemporary of the toothy dinosaurs.

The menagerie is constantly updated and improved. Recently, rare lizards, monkeys and other amazing animals have moved here. There are more and more inhabitants, and visitors come here more and more often.

This is not just a zoo where animals are kept in enclosures. Here they live in freedom. The tour is accompanied by a guide who will tell you about the representatives of a particular species, habits and passions. It is even allowed to feed some animals - raccoons, for example. These fluffy creatures won the hearts of visitors with their funny habits. You can also hand feed the roe deer and even stroke it.

Found here and dangerous predators- lions and tigers. You will definitely see 2-3 types of wolves. You can watch the life of animals from special bridges. Go on two excursions - the park of artiodactyls, as well as the park with birds and predators. It is surprising that you have to observe the life of animals almost in their natural habitat. After such walks you will have a whole album of interesting photographs.

The work of zoos is extremely important for the conservation of populations of rare species of animals, for scientific and educational work. Keeping animals is quite expensive. Zoos have always received assistance from the state, patrons and philanthropists. Our institutions lag behind those in Europe. Apparently, due to the high cost of heating in winter time. But it is worth hoping that this work will continue, as our large zoos are serviced by highly qualified specialists who love their job.

Russia is a country occupying a vast territory. This determines the diversity of fauna representatives. Therefore, it is not surprising that reserves have been opened in many cities of the country.

Zoos in Russia are places organized not only to show animals to visitors. Very often held within the walls of parks scientific work. They are engaged in the study of animals in order to preserve and reproduce them. A visit to the zoo is a great pastime for the whole family. Children watching animals in Russian zoos in conditions close to their habitat learn to love and understand nature.

Overview of the best zoos

The first zoos appeared many centuries ago. In those days, animals often died due to improper conditions of detention. These were real prisons for hundreds of representatives of the world of fauna. Today, visiting a zoo is an exciting journey. What are the zoos in Russia, which animals are kept there?

The number and types of our smaller brothers kept depend on the type of institution being described. These can be aquariums, dolphinariums, safari parks, petting zoos. Below are the places that, judging by the reviews, found the most response from visitors.

petting zoos

In Russia, petting zoos have recently become increasingly popular. A feature of this type of institution is the opportunity not only to observe, but also to contact with animals. These are not the largest zoos in Russia, but visiting them will undoubtedly bring a lot of positive emotions. Children especially liked tactile communication with animals.

The opening of petting zoos in Russia causes a lot of criticism from animal advocates. This is quite understandable. In addition to the fact that the animals are kept in captivity, they also have to endure constant anxiety from visitors. To protect our smaller brothers in such zoos, several rules must be observed.

The owners of establishments are obliged to provide animals with a special place and time for rest. And parents, before going to the zoo, should explain to their children how to treat the inhabitants of such places.

Safari Park

A visit to the safari park gives you the opportunity to see animals in their natural habitat. Such parks occupy enough large area and excursions are organized for guests. Initially, the safari was called hunting for wild animals in African countries. Today, in safari parks, you can arrange a photo hunt for animals. In terms of animal welfare, this type of demonstration clearly wins. Animals are in their natural environment, their movements are not limited by the walls of the enclosure.

One of the best safari-type zoos in Russia is the Taigan park, located near Simferopol, the Gelendzhik safari park, the Kudykina Gora park in the Lipetsk region.

Through the park "Taigan", covering an area of ​​about thirty hectares, you can go on observation bridges suspended directly above the heads of predators.

The cable car in Gelendzhik, which stretches for a distance of more than one and a half thousand kilometers, will allow not only to see wild animals living in the park, but also to enjoy beautiful views of mountain landscapes. The park "Kudykina Gora" occupies a vast territory - 500 hectares. On this square, free-grazing representatives of the fauna lead their lives.

Novosibirsk Zoo

The Novosibirsk Zoo is one of the largest zoos in Russia. It was founded in 1947 and is located on an area of ​​more than sixty hectares. In addition, it takes pride of place in many ratings of zoos, the most popular among visitors. In 2008 it was a finalist in the Seven Wonders of Russia competition, in 2015 it was ranked eighteenth among the best zoos in the world, and also ranked ninth in the list of the best such institutions in Europe.

As many visitors to the park say, it is not possible to get around it in one day. More than 10,000 inhabitants have found their homes in this area. In total, the Novosibirsk Zoo has 770 species of animals, 350 of which are endangered and rare species. International studbooks are maintained for 110 species. The zoo takes an active part in activities for the conservation of endangered species.

The special pride and symbol of the zoo is the snow leopard. Representatives of this species live within the walls of the park for about fifty years. During this time, thanks to the efforts of the institution's employees, thirty-eight leopard cubs were raised.

Zoo of Udmurtia

This place is also famous for its collection of plants, which has almost five hundred species and varieties. "Roev Ruchey" is constantly developing, replenishing its collection. Following this, the need to increase the territory increases. In the future, it is planned to expand the park to fifty-four hectares.

Moscow Zoo

The Moscow Zoo is the oldest zoo in Russia. It has been in existence for over one hundred and fifty years. During its long history, it has experienced difficult times. In the eighties of the last century, the buildings were badly dilapidated due to lack of funding. Mass reconstruction began in the nineties at the initiative of Moscow Mayor Luzhkov.

The zoo is located in the center of the capital and occupies twenty-one hectares of area. Its peculiarity is the presence of a zoo nursery located one hundred kilometers from the city. They are involved in the reproduction of rare animals and the development of optimal ways to keep them. The activities of the nursery are aimed at preserving endangered species of fauna.

The zoo is home to more than five thousand animals, which you can get acquainted with by visiting one of the fifty expositions. According to visitors' opinions, the Children's Zoo is of particular interest to children, in which animals are presented - the heroes of fascinating fairy tales.

Yaroslavl Zoo

Among Russian zoos in terms of area, the largest is One of the most extensive zoological gardens in Russia, opened relatively recently - in 2008. At that time, it occupied fourteen hectares, and its inhabitants were four hundred and fifty animals. To date, the territory of the zoo has increased significantly and is 123 hectares. The number of animals has also increased, now there are about one thousand seven hundred.

A feature of the Yaroslavl Zoo is its arrangement. This is the first landscape-type park in Russia and CIS countries. The main goal of the management of this institution calls familiarizing visitors with nature. This is facilitated by the open contact corner in the walls of the park.

The zoo does not seek to maximize the collection of animals, considering the primary task - to provide the most comfortable conditions for their maintenance, close to their natural habitat.
