Bohemian beauty. Bohemian style

Bohemian style of clothing reflects practicality and elegance, combining notes of bourgeoisness and at the same time simplicity. Its history dates back to the 19th century from gypsies - lovers of travel and discovery. That is why the bohemian style of clothing is suitable for both everyday outings and appearances at a social evening.

Bohemian style of clothing is not just a fashion trend, but a state of mind. The term "bohemian" was first used in society after the appearance of the French collection "Scenes from the Life of Bohemia" in the early 19th century.

Features of bohemian style

Boho style is closely related to fashion trends popular in the late 70s. The basis of the bohemian style of clothing is in the field of knowledge and study of the surrounding world. Therefore, the Bohemians traveled all the time, exploring different corners of nature. But how to create a boho look? There are several rules.

  1. Bohemian culture is dominated by ethnic motifs of different peoples. Among them are Uzbek ikat prints, tartan checks, Aztec geometric patterns, and European baroque curls. African, Mongolian and Balinese motifs have been popular for the second season. In addition to ethnic prints, famous designers use color painting and kaleidoscopic patterns.
  2. Bohemian style is mainly represented by muted colors. The main shades are black, green, cream, brown and beige. They are combined with dark red, silver, purple and gold.
  3. Layering is a necessary attribute of bohemian style. To create a voluminous effect, you don’t need to combine most of your wardrobe in one look. To achieve layering, two or three layers are enough, which can be created with the help of voluminous bright accessories. After all, despite the fact that the bohemian style of clothing lives by the motto “excess in everything,” the outfit must be thought through to the smallest detail.
  4. Boho culture is also characterized by combinations of different textures and materials: light transparent fabrics are harmoniously combined with fur products, knitwear and thick tweed. The collections of Roberto Cavalli, Etro and Anna Shui in the bohemian style contain many knitted and pleated items.
  5. Accessories will complement the bohemian look. Pendants, pendants, bracelets, beads, hats and headbands are selected according to the ethnic motif of the outfit. The belt or belt can be narrow or, conversely, strikingly wide. The boho style is characterized by leather or suede shoes to match the dress or another shade. Sandals can be decorated with stones or beads.

How to dress in bohemian style?

Your look should include a blouse, jacket or skirt. The color of things can be different, the main thing is to achieve a combination bright colors. Add floral patterns to your outfit.

Not found in the wardrobe matching skirt? Then wear ripped jeans or just roll up the legs of your regular jeans. A good option for this style - skinny jeans.

Pay attention to your headdress. It could be a shabby cowboy or old felt hat, a women's bowler hat or a silk scarf.

Complete your look sunglasses, leather bracelets, large earrings and massive wooden bracelets.

Advantages and disadvantages of the bohemian look

1. Bohemian style of clothing thanks to fashionable combinations helps many women hide figure flaws. So, for example, you can combine a corset with full skirt, thereby emphasizing thin waist and hiding curvy hips. Or, conversely, show off your slender legs in leggings, disguising your small belly under a baggy tunic.

2. The second undeniable advantage of the boho style is brightness. But these are not flashy and defiant things. On the contrary, Bohemians prefer neutral shades, adding a bright accent - purple shoes, red lipstick or a blue coat.

3. It is impossible not to note the practicality of bohemian outfits. They perfectly combine simplicity and elegance of things. Light natural fabrics in loose-fitting clothes do not restrict movement and are practical in everyday life.

A little bit of history

The name boho style comes from the French word “Bohemiens”, which means “gypsies”. Bohemians inhabited the historical region in Central Europe - Bohemia, on the site of which the modern Czech Republic was formed. It is with the nomadic life of the gypsies that the life of artists, painters and poets is compared, because representatives of bohemians have always been bright creative people. For example, Jane Morris, who was a representative of the English bohemians of the mid-19th century, decided to completely abandon the corsets and crinolines that were popular at that time, preferring loose, flowing bohemian dresses.

Bohemians had unorthodox views on life. They suppressed in every possible way the desire to become rich, created gypsy neighborhoods and moved to live in them, and considered free, unencumbered relationships between a man and a woman possible. Many people compare bohemian clothing style to hippie culture. But this opinion is wrong. These styles have virtually nothing in common. In contrast to the style of “flower children,” bohemia looks more bourgeois. Her manner of dressing and lifestyle in society are much more refined.

Bohemian clothing style, also known as bohemian chic (boho chic) ​​is a style that emphasizes a person’s belonging to art or culture and demonstrates refined taste. Bohemian chic clothing often uses a variety of classic elements, especially from Victorian period clothing.

The bohemian style of clothing for a girl is characterized by a certain amount of negligence; preference is given to loose-fitting clothes and a mixture of styles (). To correctly arrange wardrobe items in this style, you need a good sense of taste and proportion. And you need to remember that women's bohemian style always looks beautiful and expensive!

Faded jeans can serve as the basis of your wardrobe, but it is imperative that they fit well on your figure. Combine them with various tops that have embroidery or ethnic prints.

Bohemian style dress

The highlight of a girl's wardrobe in bohemian chic style is a dress. It can be vintage, or with elements of ethnic style. The bohemian style dress can be any length, as long as it suits your body type.

Warm and bright colors(muted red, dark purple, golden or silver), which act as accents against the background of basic colors (classic black and white, chocolate, beige, soft green). You should not use more than 3-4 colors in one set, despite the bohemian style’s “love” for multicolor.

Accessories and hairstyles in bohemian style

Be sure to select accessories for your kits. Opt for massive, extraordinary jewelry made from natural materials.

Bohemian style hairstyles are the exact opposite of ideal and complex hairstyles. This style of hairstyle is characterized by a small amount of negligence; preference is given to braids. You can braid a few casual braids, leaving a few romantic strands unbraided, or put all the curls in a ponytail. But keep in mind that the apparent simplicity of such styling implies ideal hair condition, so pay special attention to daily care.

If you want to look impressive, use all kinds of hair accessories, such as ribbons and headbands. They can also be complemented with flowers and various woven headbands.

Hairstyles in a bohemian style are very democratic - you can easily repeat them, the main thing is to show more courage and creativity!

(boho chic) - a style of clothing that emphasizes the sophistication of a person, his attitude to the world of culture or art. Involves partial copying of various classic clothing elements, in particular those of the Victorian period.

The history of the bohemian style

The origins of the bohemian style lie outside the plane of fashion and relate rather to painting and literature., including the so-called “Pre-Raphaelites,” who rejected the borrowing of working methods from classics such as Raphael, and considered it necessary to create new styles and directions. This movement chose the art of the early Renaissance as its basis.

The word “bohemian” first appeared in William Thackeray’s “Vanity Fair.” As a result, this name was assigned to creative people, which suited the Pre-Raphaelites perfectly, who gladly began to call themselves bohemians. The leader of the movement, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, became a real bohemian king, and all members of the brotherhood took his opinion into account.

But the first attempts to create a specific style of clothing belonged not to him, but to Jane Morris, who was the first to stop wearing corsets and put on loose, flowing dresses. Back then it was a real achievement, almost a turning point in women's fashion. The muse of the literary critic and movement theorist Ruskin, Effie Gray, constantly wore flowers as one of the elements of decoration.

In 1881, a women's association, the Rational Dress Society, was founded in London, dealing with the classification of clothing styles. She was the one who noticed modern tendencies and for the first time marked the emergence of the bohemian style. In a sense, thanks to these women, corsets gave way to a more democratic bra that gave more freedom to change outfits.

Creators of bohemian style

The creators of the bohemian style include many, as well as ordinary people who sewed clothes that were revolutionary at that time. For example, Dorothy McNeil was inspired by the “gypsy” style, and therefore the look of a bohemian woman, in her opinion, should have included such elements as a tight yellow bodice self made and free. She considered long earrings to be her only possible accessory. Dorothy worked exclusively by hand - she considered such production to be the best and highest quality, reflecting a woman’s desire to experiment and create her own style.

And yet, long black hair was an obligatory detail. They soon turned into a short bob or bob hairstyle - this option appeared in France at the very beginning of the twentieth century, but only became really popular in the thirties, when it crossed the Atlantic and attracted the attention of great Hollywood actresses like Colleen Moore and Louise Brooks. In the twenties, another popular bohemian hairstyle was born, which in English is called “Eton crop” - “like a boy.” Short hair became the first protest against the stereotypical appearance of women in the late nineteenth century.

The bohemian style didn't stop there. Being, in fact, originally a protest style, it has absorbed such modern trends as unisex clothing, or masculine elements in women's outfits. For example, in the twenties, men's clothes became popular, slightly altered for wearing. better half humanity. In 1930, the public was able to see these on Marlene Dietrich, and in fact men's suit, was worn, for example, by fashion trendsetter Clarissa Spencer-Churchill, niece of Winston Churchill.

The modern look of bohemian fashion was born a little later: Many elements of the style were used by him, who created the “” collection after the Second World War. At that time, bohemian fashion included suits, most often in classic colors. Black, ironed trousers were considered especially relevant - practically the item of clothing that immediately made it possible to distinguish a representative of a bohemian from an ordinary city dweller on the street.

Surprisingly, if Europe came to bohemian fashion through a protest against classicism, the United States came to it through. There was little bohemianism in the original movement, simply because the atmosphere of free creativity was often combined with a reluctance to do anything. However, the hippies were looked at with surprise and delight, they gradually began to understand their situation and after some time unknowingly created a unique style.

The hippie ideology mixed with the Pre-Raphaelite ideology, which resulted in a detachment from modern authorities, attempts to find one’s own path in life and creativity, and, as a result, a special bohemian fashion, which at first became widespread exclusively among creators of various levels. This is how the beatnik movement was born. Their clothing style was adopted by musicians such as Jimi Hendrix, The Mamas & the Papas and even the great The Beatles.

In any case, every time the bohemian style became faithful companion a creative person who is not afraid to stand out, go against the grain, surprise and surprise himself. It is thanks to the bohemian style that shows are memorable for the presence of elegant ladies' trousers, a combination of male and female elements, an intelligent flirtation with eroticism and the severity of the female image.

How to create a bohemian style look?

Bohemian style is closely associated with fashion movements popular in the 1970s that exalt a person's intellect over all other values. Also, the style is based on the study and knowledge of the surrounding world. Therefore, representatives of this culture rarely stayed in one place and constantly traveled.

  • Because of this, bohemian style clothing implies practicality in items that would be difficult to get dirty or ruin. To dress in bohemian style, follow these guidelines:
  • Wear things that are vibrant in color. Let it be at least one item of your image - a skirt, trousers or. Clothes should contain many different colors, but different items of clothing do not necessarily have to match each other in color. Your suit should make you stand out from the crowd. Floral designs and designs are also welcome.
  • Pair colored clothing with ripped, distressed jeans and simple nude tops. Try to choose clothes that have already been used by someone, and not bought a few minutes ago. You can find such things in second-hand stores, as well as vintage stores. Your grandmother's chest is perfect for searching.
  • Add to your bohemian look as much as possible large quantity. These can be rings, necklaces, scarves, and brooches. Leather headbands and leather bracelets are especially popular. When choosing earrings and rings, look for distressed gold pieces that look antique or have an antique feel.
  • To complete your bohemian look, pair it with a pair of simple brown ones. They should be comfortable and fit well on the foot.

Brave, self-confident women are not afraid to stand out from the crowd, do not recognize boundaries and boundaries, and enjoy every moment of life. Therefore, they choose clothes in a special, unique style. The ability to look irresistible, attractive and at the same time be free from any prejudices is a rare quality. Independence, great taste, rich imagination, all this perfectly characterizes the bohemian style of clothing. And it’s worth mentioning right away that this is not just a fashion trend, but a mature, conscious way of life.

Boheme means “gypsy” in French.

Europeans first became acquainted with the term “bohemia” (translated from French as “gypsy”) in the 19th century. There are several versions of the appearance of this fashion trend. The most attractive is the legend that connects the bohemian style with the world of art. Wealthy Europeans disdained the free lifestyle of artists and actors. After all, their desire for independence, unsettled life and fun pastime did not fit into the framework of conventional ideas. Therefore, the rich bourgeois compared them to nomadic gypsies.

It is known that in 1881 a certain organization appeared - the Rational Dress Society, which was engaged in the classification of various fashion styles, it was she who added the style discussed in this review to her registry.

People of art rarely had sufficient funds to update their wardrobe in a timely manner. Often they had to make do with old things or combine clothes of different styles in one look. Slight carelessness, loose silhouettes and bright colors- important components of the bohemian style. Over time, it received new development thanks to the hippie movement. Freedom-loving young people introduced new elements into it; clothing became even more extravagant. Ethnic patterns, denim and suede items decorated with fringe and frills have come into fashion.

Features of bohemian style

This style is characterized by layering; usually, things of different silhouettes are combined in one look. For example, a loose tunic and short, tight shorts. Preference is given to fabrics of natural composition: cotton, linen, wool. Things made from materials of various textures look quite stylish: heavy velvet, delicate lace, leather, suede. The color range is rich, mostly natural shades: beige, brown, blue, indigo, green. Beads, fringe, and embroidery are actively used as decoration. A distinctive feature of this trend is the abundance of handmade accessories: bracelets, beads, earrings, headbands and headbands. In addition to characteristic features This includes intricate ethnic prints on fabrics.

Color spectrum

The abundance of colors rightfully reigns here; bright, rich tones are valued, as well as all shades that are in one way or another associated with nature. Let's say sunny yellow and orange are suitable, blue is sea, sky is blue, grassy is green. In addition, we must not forget about the shades of the rainbow, because it is also natural phenomenon. Brown colors, as well as gray and black, are also in demand, and most often they act as a background, that is, let’s say the outfit can be black, but richly complemented with various embroidered bright patterns.

Materials used

Most often, preference is given to natural fabrics such as linen, chintz, and cotton. But the following materials are also actively used:

  1. Velvet;
  2. Velveteen;
  3. Suede leather;
  4. Barège;
  5. Calico;
  6. Leather;
  7. Leatherette;
  8. Organza;
  9. Openwork;
  10. Boucle;
  11. Atlas;
  12. Aksamit;
  13. Guipure;
  14. Denim;
  15. Tweed.

Prints and patterns

The most diverse ethnic ornaments are chosen, among which plant motifs often appear, in particular gypsy floral notes. These can be large poppies, blooming red roses, peonies and daisies. Patchwork is often used, and from pieces of fabric with different motifs, for example, a peony can be depicted on one piece, and a rose on another. Also no less popular are Indian motifs - triangular figures, images of arrows, feathers. Zigzag colored lines, images of birds and simply abstract multi-colored patterns are very much appreciated.

You can combine bright colors of clothing, for example pink and bright blue, red and blue, yellow and green.

Stylish looks

Most The best way stand out from the crowd and declare your involvement in the world of art by dressing up in clothes in the bohemian style. Simple and comfortable items made from natural fabrics will help create an unforgettable and vibrant look, main secret: competent combination and sense of proportion. For everyday wear, you can choose practical, non-staining clothes, and for going out - an elegant ensemble. There are a lot of options, it’s worth taking a closer look at the basic things in the boho style.

Bohemian style clothes:

  • Floor length dress. For hot weather, you can choose a linen dress decorated with frills and lace. It is recommended to emphasize the waist with a thin belt. As an accessory, you can use a wide-brimmed hat or a headband. A knitted dress complemented with long beads will look quite original. For an evening out, a dress made of chiffon or silk, decorated with exquisite embroidery, is suitable. Shoes: sandals with woven straps.
  • Tunic. A loose straight blouse can be of different lengths. They look equally stylish short models and floor-length products with deep cutouts on the sides. Flared sleeves do not restrict freedom of movement, and the deep neckline emphasizes the beauty of the bust. They go perfectly with shorts, jeans, long skirts, and can be worn as a stand-alone outfit if desired. Recommended shoes are sandals.
  • Knitted cardigan. Models in this style are characterized by a loose silhouette. Often cardigans have a fringe trim made from the same yarn as the item itself. A wide leather belt is a great addition. Knitted cardigans can be combined with jeans and long dresses. Sometimes a poncho is used instead of a voluminous sweater. Shoes: boots, Wellingtons.
  • Long skirt. It can be colorful and flowing. Sandals and sandals will suit it.
  • Suede or leather vest. This item is worn over a turtleneck, blouse or top.
  • Top without straps. Most often, preference is given to tops with elastic bands above the chest and below the waist, while the top itself remains loose and is made of airy fabrics with a lining.
  • Flowy trousers. You can give preference to multi-colored products or take a closer look at the traditional black color.
  • Denim shorts. Usually the look is complemented by an elongated cardigan with or without sleeves; a top or T-shirt is worn under the cardigan.

Matching bags

Bucket bags, items complemented with fringe, as well as handbags with lace or embroidery are welcome. A bag complemented with beads and beads looks very beautiful; usually such embroidery represents some kind of image, say a sunrise. Ethnic motifs also look wonderful, so the bag can be multi-colored, complemented by different geometric patterns. Among the bag models, I would like to highlight the hobo, saddle, travel bag, basket, tote, and hippie.

Current shoes

Shoes should be as comfortable as possible, look casual, but at the same time attractive. Mostly shoes with flat soles or comfortable wedges are worn. Decor in the form of rivets, embroidery, fringe, tassels, straps, beads and seed beads is appreciated. Bright and colorful shoes will suit bold, active people, while a calmer color scheme will be relevant for conservatives. Most often, it is made from natural materials so that the legs “breathe” and do not get tired from long walking. Ballet flats, sandals, sandals with low square heels, boots, low shoes, boots without heels, wedges or low heels are worn. You can also take a closer look at loafers, moccasins and sleepers.

Ideal accessories

Multilayer beads and voluminous bracelets made of natural stones, as well as all kinds of pendants, in particular medallions and cameos. Feather earrings or tassel earrings are especially popular. By the way, we showed how to make such earrings, demonstrated how to make a bracelet with a brush, and a pendant in the form of a feather from leather. Beaded necklaces, massive finger rings, and ankle bracelets will also suit this look.

The look can also be complemented with a hat of absolutely any shape, complemented by flowers or embroidery. Wide belts, knitted belts with fringes, and chiffon scarves look very beautiful.


Make-up should appear natural, this applies daytime makeup. Therefore, cosmetics are chosen in a neutral palette - beige, soft pink. During the day, lip gloss of the most neutral palette is most often used. Well, evening makeup can demonstrate a riot of colors - dark shadows, bright eyeliner, smokey eye makeup, lips covered with scarlet lipstick.


Some distinctive feature styles are long hair, most often they are loose and complemented with a flower - a hairpin holding the strands in front. The hairstyle does not have to be perfect, deliberate negligence is appreciated and natural color hair. Hair can be pulled back into a ponytail or braided into a messy braid. A headband, a hoop, a hairpin or a stylishly tied scarf - all this will help complete the look.


The color of nail polish can match the riot of colors found in nature. That is, preference can be given yellow color, green, blue, blue, orange, red or earthy black. You can complete your idea using nail stickers with ethnic patterns, or you can draw the corresponding patterns yourself by hand or using a stencil.

Additional photos

Bohemian fashion of the 70s (video)

Bohemian style in clothes, shoes and other accessories that complement the image looks incredibly impressive; you want to admire this look endlessly. In addition, these things are incredibly comfortable and cozy. Overall, this is a great style for everyday wear. Friends, share the review with your friends by clicking on the buttons social networks, let them also learn more about this bright, memorable style direction.

I don’t know if this post falls under the ban on saying “this is not boho” - let the moderators judge. In general, everything is written in it very intelligently and efficiently. But it seems to me that this is only one way to interpret boho: an expensive imitation of poverty. Another interpretation is creativity and nonconformism. Everything that falls under this definition can be classified as boho, even if it doesn’t smell of poverty and Gypsy or Bohemian ethnicity. The third interpretation, judging by many posts in the community, is any ethnicity in general. In general, I counted a bunch of trends and styles within a style. What styles within a style do you highlight?

Original taken from natasha_laurel in Bohemian style.

It seems to me that in the Russian language the word “bohemia” has acquired a certain salon air and has become synonymous with “the cream of society.” Historically, the term “bohemian” meant a declassed, marginal element. It was anti-establishment, people leading an "alternative" lifestyle. They wandered, wandered, practiced open relationships and did not burden themselves with private property. Most often these were artistic people who proclaimed voluntary poverty and settled in cheap, “gypsy” neighborhoods. Bohémien was the name given to the gypsies who came from Czech Bohemia. So, bohemian is just a gypsy style.

Although gypsies were invited, for the sake of color, to sing and dance in salons and restaurants, this style in itself cannot be considered indoor, salon. Yes, please anchor this scene in your memory - the gypsies are singing in the mansion - we will need it later.

The salon vibe of “bohemianism” in Russia is partly a post-Soviet syndrome. When dissidents from renegades who lived in the USSR as gypsies suddenly turned into folk heroes and laureates Nobel Prizes, the term leaked into new life, mutated and significantly complicated the life of Russian fashionistas. In the rest of the world, some changes have also occurred and the bohemian style is - of course - not the way Joseph Brodsky dressed, but the way Rachelle Zo and Nicole Ricci dress. Zo and Ricci dressed up the usual California Casual like a Christmas tree and got a great bohemian style.

A hundred years have passed since poor artists settled in gypsy quarters and some things have changed. The gypsy style has ceased to be a signal of the absence of private property, but quite the opposite - it has become business card rich and famous. There is an explanation for this. Why measure yourself with diamonds, it’s boring and vulgar. But competing to see who managed to look poorer and simpler is a fun pastime.

However, if you dig a little deeper, the spatula will immediately hit the same anti-establishment. It is not surprising that bohemian came from California. Much like in Russia there is a confrontation between St. Petersburg and Moscow, in the states there is its own dynamic: East - West coast. (Boston, NY vs. Los Angeles, San Francisco). The West Coast has always been considered a haven for all sorts of rabble, outsiders, adventurers, dissident freedom-lovers and other shady types. As a result, clothing on the West Coast was not the most sophisticated.

When Michael Jackson said during his bitter legal battle that if he was convicted he would leave California, Jay Leno quickly responded on his show: “but where would he go? Dude, this is the end of the line, if you are too weird to fit in California, that"s it, there is nowhere else to go" (well, where will he go??? if you are too eccentric for California, then there is nowhere else to go.) Now, of course, this phrase has acquired a tragic connotation, but, in general, Leno very aptly conveyed the spirit of California with its mental gypsyism and love of freedom.

So, bohemian is a freedom-loving, gypsy style and what are its attributes? Here I found an art interpretation of the bohemian style in American Vogue, now we will analyze it.

Supposedly dirty hair and improvised methods of dealing with it are played out - cleverly tied scarves.

Dirty nails are played up. You are always on the street, it is not always possible to wash your face, and in general, your beauty does not lie in this, but in spontaneity, love of freedom and spontaneity.

A mass of mismatched bracelets distracts attention from such details as dirty hair and nails. The bracelets are made roughly, hastily. Please note that the third bracelet from the right is wrinkled. Which illustrates a physically busy life. There a horse stepped on it, then it hit an oar...

Beads made from the simplest materials, plastic, glass. I sell expensive jewelry at the station.

Printed skirt.... If all the previous attributes were quite authentic, then the skirt is just an echo of the gypsy style. From the way it is draped it is clear that it is very expensive fabric and a painstakingly executed design reminiscent of batik. In fact, the entire structure rests on this skirt.

With a roll call of flowers, she “drags” behind her a bracelet with stones (first on the right):

And the bracelet “drags” the whole image along with it, and at the same time it drags us into a pool, and we fly, thinking: “oh, how beautiful, now I’ll also string the bracelets and beads that I bought on the beach in Hurghada and I’ll be like this You're a beauty, you don't even have to cut your nails..."

And here we come to the most important thing. Bohemian style is a cousin of the ethnic style described in the last post. Just as the ethnic-folk style is a game of simplicity, the bohemian (gypsy) style is a game of poverty. Which automatically sets two conditions:

  • Firstly, this style is not for cold weather (the gypsies still chose where it was warmer; in winter the camp does not look very glamorous). Bohemian style looks beautiful with a lot of exposed skin. Keep in mind that we are looking for ideas that can be used as the basis for personal style - from fur coats to underpants. And not just ideas on how to dress for the beach. Therefore, if the climate in which you live allows a lot of bare skin only ten days a year, then most likely, the bohemian style and its individual attributes are a bad choice.
  • Secondly, to make the game of poverty look like a game and not like poverty, the bohemian style requires a lot of money. A few paragraphs ago, I asked you to mentally anchor the picture of gypsies singing in an expensive restaurant. Gypsy culture owes its luster to the master’s money. Also, not only you, but also those around you should have big money. Imitating poverty in an environment where the concept of a “living wage” circulates is not very attractive. Translated to today, this means that you should allow yourself a freedom-loving profession. For the people who pay you money, what should be important is not your commitment, responsibility, punctuality, but the flight of your imagination. In summary, bohemian style requires the appropriate climate, budget and environment. If you have all this, then it is quite possible to dress in gypsy style all year round.

But there is also gypsy romance. Eat. You can be exquisitely poor. Can. But then it is better to be no older than 25 years old (i.e., a student or young specialist), or to be a free artist.

If you are exquisitely poor for other reasons, then it is better to find a different style for yourself. Because the bohemian style will look unconvincing. Every time I see attempts at bohemian style on the streets, I remember the scene from the film “Tabor Goes to Heaven,” when Talenchin, in love with Rada, begs the gypsies to take him with them. But they don’t take him. And so he stands by the cart, in his coat of English cloth, his tie is tied ascot, as it should be, and everyone understands that he will shake on these carts and in two hours will run away shamefully to his estate. And he still gets angry, persuades, humiliates himself and looks so pathetic and disgusting, ugh.

On the other hand, I understand why this style is so dear to the Russian heart. Well, what Russian doesn’t like gypsy songs? It is also not good to completely deny the population the gypsy (bohemian) style. Therefore, if suddenly you feel that:

Songs will wake up everything that has fallen asleep in me,
Let everything overgrown with former times bloom with flowers!
Good people will forgive, and let the evil ones judge:
I, gypsies, will stay with you!

Then you have two options.

  • Option one: wait until summer and wander around hot Italy in bohemian style with a camera. But you don't need me for this. Every single summer, all the fashion sites that highlight trends, as if on cue, will tell you how good it is - bohemian style. Bohemian style emerges neatly from the catwalks in spring and summer. I think, fashion houses they pull it out when they don’t fit into the plan and there is no time to implement new ideas. But when you need to cut down the bohemian style under my appearance and choose those attributes that would suit exactly to you, this is where you might need me.
  • Option two. Less is more. I came across it when, on my own selfish business, I was rummaging through cashmere, and this article was already swarming in my head. and here... here it is, the bohemian style, stripped down to casual, discreet clothes, looks at me with its oily eyes.
  • The hair is pulled back into a supposedly messy hairstyle. Right here . In fact, quite a labor-intensive process
  • Gypsy earrings - heavy, dangling.
  • And now - padammmm - the highlight of the program, a cashmere sweater in oatmeal color. This color imitates bare skin. Cashmere itself is soft like leather. This also justifies heavy earrings, which, as a rule, require bare shoulders, a neckline and simple “summer” bracelets....
So brilliantly simple. So soft. So bohemian... . Use it!